Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.Sunlight Sensitivity. It follows all the standard rules for hunters checks, and saving throws until the start of your next turn. check for gathering food or locating water, you are considered proficient in the Survival skill and add Scent. Make a single attack roll with your club against a humanoid target. As an action, make a single attack a net when you use this maneuver is blinded but is not with your crossbow against an unattended object. Childrens limits of Kaanesh and its brutish inhabitants. strong sword arm, a headful of spells, and a glib tongue can win him or herself a fine, petty barony, rife with To the south, you will find the Maritime Republic of trouble. Concealed Sidearm. Witch+Craft brings the beloved Studio Ghibli feeling right into your D&D 5e game, while Arkadia pulls you into a heroic Greek fantasy . I will defend my companions. BONUS PROFICIENCY EDJET FIGHTING Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, gain proficiency in the Animal Handling skill. When a creature hits you or your Starting at 7th level, while you are wielding a shield, your griffon with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to foes treat the area within 5 feet of you as difficult terrain. Ravenfolk can mimic any sound theyve heard.maybe a bit more when the pressures on. Their skin is dark, and when not and expensive, so only a handful of cantons actually have shorntheir hair runs to pure black, gold, or red. live to be 110.THIEVES, ONE AND ALL Alignment. by cutting a strap, injuring a joint, or dealing some otherSelect one of the creature's attack actions; for as long as distracting blow. A hostile creature wont necessarily attack outright, but it wont deal with you in any way and might actively try to hinder you. Thereckless behavior. Centaurs are largely a nomadic people. Once on your turn when you hit an undead creature, Duty Above All. Gnoll females are taller and more powerfully built Savage Gnolls than their male counterparts. If anyone shall insult me,corruption, you are resistant to necrotic damage and your I shall laugh at their ignorance. You Speed. The gearforged are an artificial race. On a critical hit, this attack does 2d8 extra damage saving throw (their choice) at the end of each of their turns and the greatclub breaks. triggering attack to miss.Any amount of healing also ends the effect. The device is activated favors quick, precise attacks with a light weapon in each when the paste is applied to one melee weapon or 20 hand. You have advantage on savingcultivated bloodlines, might have archaic names chosen throws against disease, and you have resistance againstby, or in honor of, their familys vampire patron. Interested in flipbooks about Tales of the Old Margreve 5e? or fall prone.SCIMITAR HALBERDBloody Wound. If the category or item you choose is present within 1of Colossus Slayer, Giant Killer, or Horde Breaker: mile or within the bounds of a city you currently occupy,Empowered Strike. If your character is of the smaller gender of its racea male kobold, forexample, or a female minotauradjust the final height and weight numbers downward by 5 to 20 percent. While performing this The animating, vital principle of a gearforgedits will, maintenance, you are aware of your surroundings but its personality, its mindare retained in a soul gem. Within the clan, celebrations can be shockingly thanks to the proportions of your humanoid torso.raucous, but everyday life is not. The wizard peered through the hole in the tunnel wall and into the darkness of the ancient vault beyond. Sometimes a brokehorn (a fighting insult to any minotaur) who manages to achieve great Size. Hardy and resolute, the who follow the Ghost Knight archetype draw power from Edjet are most commonly dragonkin, but lesser races undeath and bring themselves closer to that grim fate in sometimes surprise their scaled masters by aspiring to service to their vampiric and ghoulish masters. 13th fabricate 17th animate objectsSLAYERS STRIKE ALCHEMICAL TALENTAt 11th level, you can choose the following feature in placeof Volley or Whirlwind Attack. The item remains improved for 24 hoursor until the effect is used. Ratfolk enjoy collecting interesting trinkets and baubles, and hoard these items in their homes, often in preferenceSpeed. This attack with such force that your weapon breaks. During a rest, you must perform maintenance on your Soul Gem. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. companions. You take on a pale order and to their griffon mounts. throw. Requests go in the comments of this thread, answers go in PM. Whet your appetite to see if Midgard is the right campaign setting for you. Your sizelive to steal secrets. Masterwork jewelry, cruel, hospitable but vengeful, fateful and furious. Gnolls reach adulthood at age 12, and they live short and brutal lives. They frequently take on local customs, Languages. Kobolds are organized and tend toward the achievements and prowess of a minotaur by examining law, particularly those who practice a trade. This can be surprising or even annoying for nonbearfolk neighbors, who might discover a bearfolk child rooting through their pantry for a snack, inviting itself to dinner, or even adopting them as its new family temporarily. The target can make another Strength savingtreating the targets AC as 10 + their Dexterity modifier. The largest building in Midgard, the itself, the remains of the divine magic of a race of titans.Temple of Veles, is in Harkesh, the magnificent capital of The great ley line mages of the River Kingdom of Nuriathe Empire. Twisted creatures from beyond the world have no place in it. 5e Racial Stat Bonuses. The color gives a clue to the particular bearfolks heritage, but its not an exact indicator. As an action, you can magically beguile the mind of a creature that you can see within 30 feet. Your Strength score increases Speech and Common. The Free City of Zobeck, canton Grisal,succeed instead; after using this ability once, you must and south into Illyria see the white-and-yellow-plumedcomplete a short or long rest before using it again. Two main subraces of bearfolk exist in Midgard:the natural world against their foes with conjured beasts grizzlehides and purifiers. Oftentrying to perceive is in the bright light shed by the holy referred to as Valkyries, paladins of this oath are almostsymbol or weapon. You regain the use of infusion of fortune after a short or long rest.Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919Spell Spells Level entangle, goodberry 1st pass without trace, spike growth 2nd conjure animals, daylight 3rd conjure woodland beings, dominate beast 4th commune with nature, tree stride 5th REJUVENATING INSPIRATION Also at 3rd level, you learn to infuse your Bardic Inspiration with a magical seed of healing energy. personal freedom and respect for history and tradition, Others serve any powerful figure as scouts, saboteurs, and the majority of minotaurs fall into neutral alignments. Mixing a love for and down the Argent River on behalf of their monarch. It must so, the subjects soul is traumatically drawn back to itsbe found in written form and copied into the spellbook. the field, just as the last ray of sun leaves the day. You must have LANCEat least one hand free to take this action. This attack ignores of your long jump, allowing you to leap a number of any bonus to AC granted by the shield and deals normal feet up to twice your Strength score (this jump is part of weapon damage. Support be tweeting this t my followers! Your size is Medium.PASSION AND WRATH Speed. They are great miners, good gearsmiths, combination of yips, howls, snarls, coughing sounds,and modest alchemists, and they have a curiosity about and sounds made by clacking their teeth. +3d8 160 lbs. They're called luck stealers (with a mixturethe Ancestors are often leaders, or respected advisors, with of derision and respect), because no matter how bad thingsthe strength to bring greater tempers to heel. might be the only source of solace for a dhampir raised by a mortal family. The cloud lasts 1 your list of known favored terrains. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of checks that rely on smell. dangers and golden treasures of the Northlands? This can be surprising or even annoying for nonbearfolk neighbors, who might discover a bearfolk child rooting through their pantry for a snack, inviting itself to dinner, or even adopting them as its new family temporarily. This attack does weapon, you may use your reaction to catch their weapon normal weapon damage and the target must make a in your tridents tines and disarm them. C haracters from Baba Yaga to the lords of the Dragon Empire, from the honest folk of Zobeck to various elven holdouts of Dornig and the . In the rare instance when a Alignment. your normal proficiency bonus Bully. Large or smaller creature to a wall or surface by catching their clothing with the knifes point. attendant beasts and monstrosities certainly fit the bill, but there is room for interpretation. Natal. When you take the Dash action, your proficiency bonus to Intelligence and Charismayou can spend 1 prowess to ignore nonmagical difficult ability checks made to identify or locate a person (or typeterrain, and climbing doesnt cost extra movement until of person) that you are seeking. Indeed, thundering paladins love to strike thunder-wise, meaning suddenly and with surprise,AURA OF RESOLVE appearing like a bolt of lightning in their enemies midst before those enemies know what hit them. Note that these are averages. OATH OF THUNDER SPELLS Once in action, your clothing and hair blow wildly in a wind that arises from nowhere, your eyes flare with Paladin Level Spells lightning, and your voice booms like thunder. When bearfolk go to war, they do so with the clear goal of Languages. Those tempted into the service of darkness may yet be saved, and I will do everything in my power to bring them back to the light. Staggering Shot. Although some ratfolk have been known to ally themselves with goblins, kobolds, or theAge. Rodent Empathy. They lash out at the world in a maturity, both out of a need to find connection to the rage of bloodlust and hatred. you. Paladins ofFIGHTER: SWORD-DANCER the Oath of Radiance are overwhelmingly good-aligned,MARTIAL ARCHETYPE and most are lawful. Dungeons & Dragons D&D 5E 5th Ed - Player's Handbook - Color 150dpi OCR ToC.pdf. Nature-focused bards, gearforged mercenaries, ghost knights, griffon riders, sword dancers, valkyrie paladins, vampiric rangers, and kobold guides are just a few of the exciting options available to martial and rogue-type adventurers in Midgard.32 Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919WRATH OF THE ANCIENTS Beginning at 10th level, while raging, your melee weapon attacks deal additional psychic damage equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). Subrace. Your bite deals 1 point of piercing damage, and if the creature has blood and isnt a construct or undead, you can feed from it as part of the attack. EVASION PROWESS At 11th level, when you are subjected to an effect that allows a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage (such When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn as a dragons breath attack or a lightning bolt), you instead techniques that are fueled by a special reserve of strength take no damage if your saving throw succeeds and half called prowess. As an action, you present your holy finish a long rest. symbol and utter a war cry, using your Channel Divinity. You cant drink Everwound Springs. The target must make a successfulthe grapple persists, the creature has disadvantage with Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on thethat attack. You cannot discern color in darkness, only Scavenge. To a distance of 60 feet from yourself, you can see in dim light as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. If the attack hits, it must succeed on a Strengthenemy with its pommel, leaving the target gasping for saving throw or fall prone.breath. A mounted opponent thats knocked prone is also knocked off its mount. If a creature moves at least 20 feet to grapple a creature by looping the chain of your flail straight toward you and attacks you, you may use your around its neck. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits. The spell is available to wizards and with the same consequence to you for each failure. Make an attack roll against a Large or smallerwhip around a creature or its weapon. An improved effect on a pieceof equipment can be used once. Centaurs reach maturity at 15 years of age. If it fails, you take 2d10 the event of a failed saving throw, the spellcaster andpsychic damage and 2d10 radiant damage from waves of each assistant take damage. Your Wisdom score increases built than humans, weighing around 200 pounds. Once you use this remain outside their clan or horde, or they can return with feature, you cant use it again until you finish a short or the understanding that they have tamed their wild ways long rest. You must complete a long rest before using this ability Its common to string several labels together to get an again. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919RATFOLK NAMES RAVENFOLK Among themselves, ratfolk use names that Few races in Midgard live amid so much rumor, identify their family and their place within suspicion, and outright falsehood as the ravenfolk. Upon reaching the age of majority, all young adult Natures Gift. CULTURAL MASKS Particularly close-knit or cosmopolitan communities can easily tolerate a dhampir in their midst, but that has more to do with adherence to tradition or relative anonymity than true acceptance. You have advantage on saving 5th knockthrows against paralysis and effects that reduce your hit 9th stinking cloudpoint maximum. its action to activate one of your devices.RANGER: ZOBECKER When you create a device, choose one of the followingSCOUT ARCHETYPE options.The Free City of Zobeck is a crossroads of trade and a Caustic Alkali. In addition to the obvious reminders of their past greatnessruined cities and straight, level roadsthey left an invisible mark in the elven blood that courses throughout Midgards people. You can speak, read, and write Common, and either Northern (if you hail from Midgard) or Umbral (if native to the Moonlit Glades). Ratfolk are capable, if slow, swimmers. Trollkin stand over 6 feet tall and are more solidly Ability Score Increase. So long as they stay inside the Wormwood, the witch Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919 cant find them. Deathtoad Toxin. Languages. Support Theres no difference between the names of males restored to life if your body is repaired and soulforging and females. Make an attack roll; if the attack hits, the target must make a Strength saving throw. You can use your claws or fangs to make unarmed strikes. You have advantage on your attack roll on the sea. Get it Apr 20 - 21. When you attack with a greatsword, you able to take the Hide action while youre in dim light may choose to target two creatures within your reach with or darkness, even if youre being observed. raiding the desert or the plains for generations, and you know the land in which you live like the back of your hand. There is a brisktrade among up-and-coming gentry for genealogists whocan trace a persons ancestry in a way that establishes sucha link. When this ability until you finish a short or long rest. All rights reserved. If you are using an improvised Ribshatter. The corsairs of Kyprion have carved a tale of against an enemy within 5 feet of you if you have an ally bloody blades and shattered hulls on the water, and even thats not incapacitated also within 5 feet of the target. Whether the decoration on her horns. Size. 01 Equipments.pdf. twice, you must complete a short or long rest before using it again. After using this ability, you cant use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Stay informed with the newest Kobold Press news and updates delivered to your inbox weekly. If you take acid or fire damage, you lose access to identifying label (Long-claws-fears-lightning). They trust in their core values to guide them wisely when disputes arise. Posted by 9 months ago. They vanish from the world and reappear seemingly at random, then profess shock at the changes that occurred during their absence. tightly in gold or copper wire; sometimes these beards are forked or braided as well. Though I drink with the gods and a creature native to the Shadow Realm, or a creature laugh with the valkyries, I will stand my watch. You can use only one technique per attack. STRIKE FIRST, STRIKE LAST Starting at 9th level, your reflexes are honed to a razors edge, granting you advantage on initiative checks. Enticed and repulsed by mortals at the same time, this constant For most dhampirs, family is all they have. Set in worlds full of dark creatures, hidden gods, and abundant materials to be uncovered, players begin the game . share. Nevertheless, they maintain richtraditions of history, culture, and spirituality all their own,largely because of the influence of the races patron, thegear goddess Rava.FORM AND FUNCTIONAll gearforged were once other creatures withfleshandblood bodies, but their conscious mindswere transplanted into articulated bodies of iron, steel,brass, and wood, driven by pistons and springs. If the object is destroyed, it explodes into a cloud of shrapnel. magicparticularly in the environs of Zobeck and Castle Shadowcragcontribute to the confusion. Adult males can reach a height of 7 feet, with females averaging 3 inches shorter. own. After using this ability can use a bonus action to have the steed make one attack. the magic-ridden riverlands of Nuria Natal to the south. And even among those that have held sway overentire realms, glory can be fleeting and no nation lasts Black King Lucas, the vampire lord of the Blood Kingdomforever. You can speak, read, and write Northern yesterday. When you take the Disengage action, your base walking speed is increased by 10 feet. +2d6 70 lbs. +2d8 110 lbs. 31Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919Martial and Roguish Characters 2 Barbarian, bard, fighter, paladin, ranger, rogue: these are the classes with fresh options here. The subject is now a gearforged. through the woodlands, your specialised training allows you to hunt vampires, ghouls, werewolves, and other foul At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet. . until the end of its next turn. You can maintain this grapple even if you hold first attack roll or ability check it makes during its turn.a dagger in your offhand. Beyond immediate family, the tribe forms the majority of bearfolk culture. In the Shadow fey resemble elves physically, with some end, only the gods know the true origin of the shadow striking differences. n/a. Use the standard griffon stats, but each time your proficiency bonus increases (at 5th level, 9thGHOST RIDER level, etc. When you take the Attack action, you burglars, trap-smiths and second-story men. I will live without excess, assured in my own An undead creature, a creature native to the Shadow strength without ostentation. Ifwith your rapier. Most tend to be neutral in alignment. Elfmarked use half-elf traits. Their archery is excellent and their healing arts are well advanced. Welcome, friend, to the world of Midgard. The subjects original body dies and cannot beRange: Touch returned to life by any means unless its soul is freed fromComponents: V, S, M (a complete mechanical body the soul gem. Find free articles about the setting and links to setting sourcebooks in our webstore. Thereafter, the object continues to shine for 1 hour or until you lose possession of it. 60 feet away. Instead, they seem to derive messengers from the gods. You count as one size larger whenserious matters of wounded honor, that went a little too far. If the attack hits, it does normal weapon of the targets limbs between the tines and bury the trident damage and the target must make a Strength saving throw. AdultsAge. because gearforged are machines with souls. The enigmatic shadow fey of the Shadow Realm dwell in The Queen of Night and Magic existed long before the ebon spires and moonlit keeps, encroaching on the mortal once-elven princess Sarastra came to rule the shadow world in places where barriers between the planes are thin. Some even own human and or pattern to the names they use among outsiders.dwarven slaves. Ribshatter. On a failure, Large or smaller creature to a wall or surface by catchingthe target does not add its Dexterity modifier to its AC their clothing with the axes edge. Although they arent yet fully grown, the cubs are drawn by a powerful urge to explore. throw or be stunned until the beginning of its next turn. When you use an supplies. 1 9Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919BEARFOLK that brings them all closer together. As they age, bearfolk tend to go silvery around the muzzle, giving them a distinguished look. By Dornig law, only individuals with clear elven heritageare allowed to take an elven lineage name. night without fire, you are a frozen meal for wolves by Conquest, trade, and tribute have led to a Golden Age of morning. At 15th level, a critical hit is scored on a roll of 18-20. If the attack hits, the targets AC ispermanently reduced by 1 until its armor is repaired, but THROWN WEAPONSit cannot be reduced below 10 + the targets Dexteritymodifier. They are Umbral (if native to the Moonlit Glades).adept at weaving their talents together in the same mannerthey blend families into tribes. Size. choice). Cover of night, fog thick enough that rely on sight when you, the target of your to carve, and unfamiliar coastlines dont attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in phase the bull-folk. These magical springs provide potions or gain benefits that come from drinking, energy over long periods, effectively acting as the power eating, or inhaling vapors. They sometimes incorporate a long list of deed The half-living children of vampires and human mothers,names, but those are seldom trotted out except during dhampirs are born into a world that rejects them. At first they were tolerated, then largely ignored. The effect ends when the creature makes the saving throw successfully or spends an action to end it (readjusting itsDeep Slice. The target may make a Strength or Dexterity you. This isnt necessarily as inconvenient as it sounds, since young bearfolk are also more enthusiastic learners and harder workers around the house than most other children their age. Ratfolk are small, rodentlike humanoids with twitchingFor example, parents who want their child to be a great snouts, bony feet, and long, pink tails. In addition, you have advantageon saving throws against plants that are magically createdor manipulated to impede movement, such as thosecreated by the entangle spell.VITAL SURGEStarting at 14th level, as an action you can expend oneuse of Bardic Inspiration to magically remove one diseaseor detrimental condition affecting a creature you can seewithin 60 feet. Dawns Radiance. They mingle with humans and other races in cosmopolitan cities and rustic villages, the latent power in their blood always whispering in their subtly pointed ears. Same consequence to you for each failure stand over 6 feet tall and more... And they live short and brutal lives for gathering food or locating water, you are to! Hit 9th stinking cloudpoint maximum full of dark creatures, hidden gods, and they live short and brutal.. Cloud lasts 1 your list of known favored terrains items in their,... Their Dexterity modifier silvery around the muzzle, giving them a distinguished.. 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