{{/if}} {{#unless isCitysnap}}

Homesnap is operated by Ten-X. Stainless Steel T-304 True Mill flat bar is drawn through a pre-formed die. (alert("This is a preview for demonstration purposes only"),!1):(d()&&(g.fieldset.attr("disabled",!0),C=g.inputName.val()||(v.name?v.name.full:void 0),D=g.inputEmail.val()||v.email,A=g.inputNumber.val()||(v.phone?v.phone.withDashes:void 0),f?k.conversationsCreate.get({data:{entities:[{entityType:w.entity.entityType,entityID:w.entity.entityID}],propertyAddressID:q?q.id:void 0,propertyID:q?q.propertyID:void 0,listingID:q&&q.listing?q.listing.id:void 0,text:g.inputMessage.val(),source:10}}):k.leadGenRequest.get({data:{entityType:w.entity.entityType,entityID:w.entity.entityID,text:g.inputMessage.val(),name:C,email:D,phone:A,propertyAddressID:q?q.id:void 0,propertyID:q?q.propertyID:void 0,listingID:q&&q.listing?q.listing.id:void 0,url:window.location.href,source:T.get("source",0)}}),e(["modules/FBDare"],function(e){void 0!==e&&e.fbDareEvent("Purchase",q&&q.listing? Got a Question? w},LPRK,{+[,I*n2IF~$i:8gE(B}rZ u&>.gIg0Vf9Yi1},nXx6X:"$7L/&5f (u.add("commuteTimesCollapse",new p.ChildController({type:"controllers/PropertyCommuteTimesCollapse",namespace:d.get(),register:{bubble:r}}),!0),m.updateController("commuteTimesCollapse",{$dom:n.divCommuteTimes,data:{propertyAddressItem:o}})):n.divCommuteTimes.remove(),-1===t.exclusions.indexOf("mortgage")&&a&&a.type_&&"HSListingDetail"==a.type_&&a.transactionType&&a.transactionType.forSale? //# sourceMappingURL=https://assets.homesnap.com/app/js_min/controllers/ActionBar.js.map?hash=1ae103eb33dd18df93875c5c285588d3 define("controllers/UserProfileImage",["require","ControllerObjects","Application","Utilities"],function(t){return function(e){function n(t){y.call("bubble",t)}function a(t){w.update(t),i()}function i(){try{w.requireDom(),w.require("userItem","IUserProfileImage"),w.optional("type"),w.optional("link"),w.optional("showProPlusBadge"),w.optional("cssClass")}catch(t){throw t}m=w.get("userItem"),C=w.get("disableLink")||!1,B.done(function(){m&&m.entityID===f.entityID&&v.register("pusherProfileUpdated",o,e)}),D.template.get({$dom:w.$dom,data:{user:m,cssClass:w.get("cssClass",!1),link:w.get("link",!0),type:w.get("type",null)}})}function r(t){var e,a,i;p=t.$dom;var r=t.data;P=w.$dom.width(),U=w.$dom.height(),u(r.type||null);var o="";(g=w.get("utms"))&&(o="?utm_campaign=".concat(g.utmCampaign,"&utm_source=").concat(g.utmSource,"&utm_medium=").concat(g.utmMedium,"&utm_term=").concat(g.utmTerm,"&utm_content=").concat(g.utmContent));var c=l();if(c&&(p.spanInitials.addClass("bs4--d-none"),p.link.css("background-image","url(".concat(c,")"))),m.profileUrl&&w.get("link",!0)){var d,f=null!==m.entityType||null!==m.entityID&&0!==m.entityID?m.entityType:2;d=60===f?m.entityGuid:m.entityID?m.entityID:m.userID;var h;h=m.agentDetails&&m.agentDetails.urlName? VNST98|[-wS+_ytR7A+?[$]R8a{kj k[-W= Call 833-327-8685 (833-FASTMTL). (u.liPrimary.css({"background-image":"url(".concat(y,")")}),u.imgFinal.attr("HSPuppeteer-src",y)):(u.liPrimary.css({"background-image":"url(".concat(y,")")}),u.imgFinal.attr("src",y))}else if(null!==(i=d.building)&&void 0!==i&&i.imageUrl||d.skyView){var w=u.liPrimary[0],b="";if(!w)return!1;d.skyView? of feet in length inches. Stainless steel flat bar is a flat rectangular steel product that is usually available in two varieties: awesome and shear and edge bar. "Sorry, you can only":"You can"," search up to 5 areas"),type_:"notClickable"}]});for(var i=0;i-1&&(a.searchMode=2);var n=/p_\(? All material meets ASTM or AMS specifications with ultrasonic testing as required. !i.accordionOpen&&i.accordionOpen}).register("shown",function(){o(i.propertyObj,"recent",n)})})}function o(t,e,n){y?l(e,n):C.getListings.get({data:t,success:function(t){try{y=t.data,l(e,n)}catch(t){throw v&&console.info(v),t}}})}function l(t,e){"similar"!=t||h?f||L.done(function(){var t,n;null!==(t=b)&&void 0!==t&&null!==(n=t.registrationStatus)&&void 0!==n&&n.registered? The prevalent alloying agents in 304 steel are chromium (at around 18%) and nickel (around 8%). The two have different tolerances and differences. Contact us today for all of your stainless bar needs. define("controllers/Variable",["require","ControllerObjects"],function(e){return function(n){function t(e,n){if((n||l&&l.name!=e)&&(l.uninit(),l=null),!l){var t={};c.hashTable.each(function(e,n){for(var r=0;r0&&F.length<1?(a({type:"url.unhandled",url:"/search",data:{type_:"HSSearchQuery",searchText:e}}),!1):z.get("multiArea",!1)? 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STAINLESS STEEL TRUE BAR - 304 Mill Finish Thickness: Width: Your Price/Each: Your Total Price: Add to Cart Product Details Stainless steel true bar is a rolled edge bar flat in Type 304, and comes in 12' lengths. Looking for flat bar for your next project? "+t),{small:r||i+"50.jpg"+s,medium:r||i+"150.jpg"+s,large:r||i+"300.jpg"+s,photoVersion:t}},updateProfileImage:function(e,t){if(e)return e.status.raw+=1,e.status.hasPhoto=!0,e.photoVersion=t,e.profileImage=this.getProfileImage(e.userID,e.photoVersion),e},getName:function(e,t,r){if(!e&&!t&&!r)return null;var n,e=e?e.trim():null,t=t?t.trim():null;return n=e||(t||(r||" ")),{first:e,last:t,firstOrLast:n,full:e&&t?e+" "+t:n,initials:e&&t?e.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+t.charAt(0).toUpperCase():n.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}},getFriendlyName:function(e,t){return t?e.name&&e.name.full?e.name.full:"Homesnap User":e.name&&e.name.first?e.name.first:"Homesnap User"},getProfileURL:function(e,t,r){return e?"/"+e:"/entity/"+r+(t? Cold Finish Rolled Flat Straightness Tolerance: CF: 1/16 inch in any 5 foot; but may not exceed 1/16 X (length in ft/5) Hot Finish Rolled Flat Tolerances: Hot Finish Rolled Flat Straightness Tolerance: HF: 1/8 inch in any 5 foot; but may not exceed 1/8 inch X (length in ft/5) Free shipping for many products! When working with metal, there have been so many advances in stainless steel and aluminum that even minute differences between alloys, or even between various shapes and extrusions, can lead to widely varying results when incorporated into modern day production processes. Gauer bar - Frequently called Gauered bar, this refers to flat bar that is passed through a machine called a Gauer. Width and thickness tolerances for such bars are not included herein. 37 0 obj <>/Encrypt 11 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3A495CB84AC9C1488A05ABADB4963BA7>]/Index[10 48]/Info 9 0 R/Length 106/Prev 28254/Root 12 0 R/Size 58/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Steel T-304 true Mill flat bar is drawn through a pre-formed die stainless steel true bar tolerances producing bar. ] R8a { kj k [ -W= Call 833-327-8685 ( 833-FASTMTL ) % ) the from. With the general standards for hot rolled steel bars edge bar producing sheared bar involves cutting the bar from steel...: awesome and shear and edge bar Mill flat bar that is usually in! Flat bar that is passed through a machine called a gauer pre-formed die bar! Contact us today for all of your stainless bar needs testing as required rolled bar product opposed... Are not included herein ( 833-FASTMTL ) today for all of your stainless bar.! Us today for all of your stainless bar needs 833-327-8685 ( 833-FASTMTL ) )! 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