ALMAPLEX 1275 GREASE BY LUBRICATION ENGINEERS, ABRASIVE BUFFING WHEEL MC13 SCOTCH BRITE 180 GRIT, OKUMA 16000084 GOLD ANODIZED CAST CONTROL CAP KIT & SHIM KIT, 6.2:1 HIGH SPEED GEAR SET CONVERSION FOR ALL OKUMA 55, 552, 553, & 603 SIZE TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR CONTOURA CR-303CS & 453CS TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA CLASSIC PRO CL-552 & 552W REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET FOR OKUMA ROX 20DX & 30DX BY DRAGMASTERS, OKUMA DLX & LX CAST CONTROL CAP KIT FOR LEFT HAND RETRIEVE DLX & LX SERIES TROLLING REELS 16000023, 16000035, 16000039, & 16000050, OKUMA 16000187 CAST CONTROL CAP KIT FOR ALC MAG SURF ALC-20CS TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 16000169 COMPLETE DRAG KNOB ASSEMBLY FOR METALOID M-5II, M-5NII, M-5NS, & M-5S LEVER DRAG TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 16000098 CAST CONTROL CAP FOR CATALINA CT-205Da CLARION & CLR-204D TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR MAG SYSTEM MS-25CS, 25LS, 30CS, 30LS, 45CS, & 45LS TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR MAGNETICS MG-30CS, 30LS, 45CS, & 45LS TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 46000023 REVERSE THREAD CAST CONTROL KIT FOR CONVECTOR CV-20DLX LEFT HAND RETRIEVE MODEL REELS, OKUMA 16000052 GOLD ANAODIZED CAST CONTROL CAP & SHIM KIT FOR SD-30LX LEFT HAND RETRIEVE TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 16000153 CAST CONTROL CAP KIT FOR CORTEZ CZ-5CS TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 16000191 CAST CONTROL CAP KIT FOR CORTEZ CZ-5CSa TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 16000162 CAST CONTROL CAP KIT FOR CORTEZ CZ-55W TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA COLD WATER CW-553LS HIGH SPEED TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 16000101 COMPLETE CAST CONTROL CAP KIT FOR CUSTOM BLACK SLX-20a, 30a, SOLTERRA SLR / SLX 20, 30, & 50 SERIES LEVER DRAG REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA BLT-30D & MAGDA AIR MAA-30D SERIES TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR CORTEZ CZ-55W & 55Wa TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 16000087 COMPLETE CAST CONTROL CAP KIT FOR SOLTERRA SLR-10LX, 15LX, SLX-10LX, & 15LX LEVER DRAG TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR CLARION CLR-303L, 304D, 453L, 453LS, & 454D SERIES TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET FOR OKUMA MAGDA & MAGDA PRO SERIES TROLLING REELS BY DRAGMASTERS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA CONVECTOR CV-15 THRU 20 SERIES TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA CONTOURA CR-203CS STAR DRAG TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA CLARION CLR-203L & 204D LINE COUNTER TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA CATALINA CT-205Da LINE COUNTER TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA COLD WATER CW-153D, 153DLX, 153DLXm, 203D, 203D-LE, 203DLX, 203DLX-LE, & 203DLXm TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA AVENGER AV-300L TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA CONVECTOR CV-55 SERIES TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR CONVECTOR CV-30 & 45 SERIES TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET FOR OKUMA CATALINA CT-25, 30, & 45 SERIES TROLLING REELS BY DRAGMASTERS, OKUMA 16000054 & 16000055 GOLD ANODIZED CAST CONTROL CAP KIT & SHIM KIT FOR DIEZEL DZ-55, MAGNETIX MG-15CS, 15LS, 20CS, 20LS, 30CS, 30LS, 45CS, 45LS, STAR DRAG SD-55, 55L, & S55W TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 16000147 COLD WATER REVERSE THREAD CAST CONTROL CAP & SHIM KIT FOR DLX SERIES LEFT HAND RETRIEVE TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 16000146 CAST CONTROL KIT FOR COLD WATER CW-153D, 203D, 303D, 303DS, 453D, 453DS, SCHEELS OUTFITTERS SX-153D, & 303D TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 16000108 CAST CONTROL CAP & WASHER KIT FOR CLASSIC PRO CLX-200L, 200La, XP-202L, 202La, & XPD-20D TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA CLASSIC PRO XP & XPD SERIES TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 16000099 & 16000140 TROLLING SPOOL CONTROL (TSC) CAST CONTROL CAP FOR CATALINA CT-305Da, 455Da, CLARION CLR-304D, & 454D TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA COLD WATER CW-303D, 303DLX, 303DS, 453D, & 453DS TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 16000086 COMPLETE CAST CONTROL CAP KIT FOR SOLTERRA SLR-10CS, 10L, 15CS, 15L, SLX-10CS, 10L, 15CS, & 15L LEVER DRAG TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 16000095 CAST CONTROL CAP KIT FOR CORTEZ CZ-10CS TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 16000106, 16000142, & 16000151 CAST CONTROL CAP KIT FOR CEDROS CSD-10, 10S, 12S, & 15S TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 25003321 & 25003322 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR AVEON AE-15 & 20 SPINNING REELS, OKUMA CLASSIC PRO CAST CONTROL CAP & WASHER KIT 16000094 FOR CLASSIC PRO DLX & LX SERIES TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA CONTOURA CR-553 & 603 TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA SEA DEMON SDO-30C, 30L, 45L, STAR DRAG SD-20D, 20L, 30C, 30D, 30L, 30LX, 45C, 45D, & 45L TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA DIEZEL DZ-20D, 20L, 30D, 30L, 45C, & 45L TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA CONVECTOR CV-20DLX, 30DLX, & 30LX SERIES TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR CATALINA CT-15C, 15D, 15L, 20C, 20D, & 20L TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA AURORA CLASSIC & CLASSIC PRO TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA FOR SEARAY SR-20L, 30L, & 45L TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR CONVECTOR CN-30CS STAR DRAG REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA CN 15 THRU 45 SERIES TROLLING REELS, OKUMA CAST CONTROL CAP & WASHER KIT 16000093 FOR CLASSIC PRO CLX, XP, XPD, XT SERIES, & MAGDA PRO XPD SERIES XPD-30D TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR CATALINA CT-305Da & 455Da TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA CLASSIC PRO XT (CLX) SERIES TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR CLARION CLR-553L & 553LS SERIES TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA STAR DRAG SD-55, 55L, & 55W SERIES TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR DIEZEL DZ-55 TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA CATALINA CT-55 SERIES REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET BY DRAGMASTERS FOR OKUMA CN-55 SERIES TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 16000027 CAST CONTROL CAP FOR BTL-907, TITUS, TITUS GOLD, & TITUS SILVER SERIES LEVER DRAG TROLLING REELS, CARBON FIBER DRAG WASHER SET FOR OKUMA STRATAMASTER SM-15D, 15Da, 20D, 30D, & 45D LINE COUNTER REELS BY DRAGMASTERS, OKUMA 16000038 CAST CONTROL CAP KIT FOR AURORA, CLASSIC PRO, BLUE CONVECTOR CN, MAGDA, ROX, SCHEELS, SEARAY 15, 20, 30, 45, 150, 200, 202, 300, 302, 450, & 452 SERIES RIGHT HAND RETRIEVE TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 47150009 LINE GUIDE PAWL FOR HAKAI HDT100-A, HDT100H-A, HDT100X-A, HDT101-A, HDT101H-A, HDT101X-A, HDTS100X-A, & HDTS101X-A LOW PROFILE BAITCAST REELS, OKUMA 47150007 LINE GUIDE PAWL FOR CONVECTOR CV-354D & 354DLX LOW PROFILE BAITCAST REELS, OKUMA 17150008 &17150009 LINE GUIDE PAWL FOR AKENA, CEDROS, CHROMER, FINA, HALOGEN, INDURON, INSTINCT, ISIS, METALOID, NITRYX, SAN & JUAN 400 SERIES ROUND BAITCAST REELS, OKUMA 17150010 LINE GUIDE PAWL FOR BIG LAKE TROLLING BLT-30D, BLT-30DX & MAGDA AIR MAA-30D REELS, OKUMA 5K041802 & 5K0418020 LEVEL WIND PIN FOR CAYENNE CY-200W, HELIOS HS-262V, SERRANO SR-200, & SR-200W LOW PROFILE BAITCAST REELS, OKUMA 6K256501, 6K256502, 6K256504, 6K256506, & 6K2565012 LEVEL WIND PIN FOR ALUMINA, CALERA, CEDROS, CERROS, CEYMAR, CITRIX, COLD WATER, CYBIRD, HELIOS, KOMODO, KRIOS, METALIX, SAFINA PRO, STRATUS, TORMENTA LOW PROFILE BAITCAST REELS, OKUMA 16000040 & 16000042 GOLD ANODIZED CAST CONTROL CAP KIT FOR AVENGER, STAR DRAG, STRATAMASTER 20, 30, 45, & 300 SERIES TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 47150002 & 47150003 LINE GUIDE PAWL ALUMINA, AVENGER, AVEON, CAYENNE, NEMESIS, STRATUS, TYCIR, VIRAGE, V SYSTEM 100 & 200 SERIES ROUND BAITCAST REELS, OKUMA 16000053 & 16000083 CAST CONTROL CAP KIT FOR CATALINA, CLARION, COLD WATER, CONTOURA, CONVECTOR, & MAG SYSTEM 15 THRU 55 SERIES TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 17150003, 17150004, 17150008, & 17150009 LINE GUIDE PAWL FOR 15, 20, 25, 30, & 45 SERIES STAR DRAG TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 17150001 LINE GUIDE PAWL FOR CLARION CLR-553L 553LS, COLD WATER CW-553LS, CONVECTOR CN / CV-55L, 55LS, STAR DRAG SD-55L, SOLTERRA SLR / SLX-20L, 20Lb, 50L, TITUS T-20L, & 50L LEVEL WIND TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 15000468 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR MAGDA PRO MA-15DT-T & 15DXT-T LINE COUNTER TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 25006769 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR AVENGER ABF-6000 & 8000 BAITFEEDER REELS, OKUMA 25006767 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR AVENGER ABF-4000 BAITFEEDER REELS, OKUMA 25006984 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR AVENGER ABF-3000 BAITFEEDER REELS, OKUMA 25006918 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR AVENGER ABF-500 & 1000 BAITFEEDER REELS, OKUMA 25006620 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR AVENGER AV-8000 & 10000 SPINNING REELS, OKUMA 15000105 SILVER TWIN HANDLE FOR AURORA CLASSIC CL-20L CLASSIC PRO CL-200C, 200L, 202, 202C, 202L, 300, 300C, 300L, 300LX, 302C, 302L, 302LX, MAGDA PRO MA-15D, 15DX, 20D, 20DX, & 20DLX TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 15000121, 15000134, 15000157, & 15000159 HANDLE ASSEMBLY AURORA CLASSIC, CLASSIC PRO, MAGDA PRO, ROX, SEARAY 30, 45 ,300, 450, 55, & 552 SIZE REELS, OKUMA 240015089 SPOOL ASSEMBLY FOR CEYMAR C-40 SPINNING REELS, OKUMA 25003518 & 25003519 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR AVENGER ABF-30, AV-20, & 30 SPINNING REELS, OKUMA 15000466 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR CLASSIC PRO XP XP-202La, XPD-20Da, 20DLXa, NEW MAGDA PRO MA-20DXT & 20DLXT TROLLING REELS, OKUMA 25006722 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR EPIXOR EPXT-55 & 55M SPINNING REELS, OKUMA 25003549 & 25003551 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR AVENGER AV-65, 80, ABF-65, & 90 SPINNING REELS, OKUMA 25006646 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR AVENGER AV-4000 SPINNING REELS, OKUMA 25006610 & 25006737 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR AVENGER 500a, AV-1000, 1000a, 2500, 3000, & OPTI 3000 SPINNING REELS, OKUMA 25006553 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR CEYMAR CBF-55 BAITFEEDER REELS, OKUMA 25006460 & 25006970 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR EPIXOR XT EPXT-30, 30M, 30S, & 3000 SPINNING REELS, OKUMA 25006542 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR EPIXOR XT EPXT-20 & 20M SPINNING REELS, OKUMA 25006487 & 25006971 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR EPIXOR XT EPXT-40, 40M, 40S, & 50 SPINNING REELS, OKUMA 25006383 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR HELIOS HSX-20 SPINNING REELS, OKUMA 25006028 & 25006426 HANDLE ASSEMBLY FOR CEYMAR C-65, 65WH, & CEYMAR BAITFEEDER CBF-65 REELS. To be eligible for discounts, please enable JavaScript for your browser. . Okuma Azores 7ft Mh Boat Rod _ . $108.84 $ 108. 1 Okuma Part # 11140022 Clamp Assembly Complete Fits Titus Gold 15-30 and More.. 1 Okuma Part# 25005191 Handle Assembly Fits Trio-55s, 1 Okuma Part# 16000053 Cast Control Kit Fits Most Cv's, 1 Okuma Part# 16000083 Cast Control Cap Fits Many Convectors, 1 Okuma Part # 26000210 Drag Knob Fits Rz-20 and Rz-30. At this time you can order by phone, E-mail or click on photos below for more info and to order. Also if you want to find out how much that reel is worth, stop by and I can give you an estimate. Failure to do so can result in the incorrect parts being shipped. Want to know more? Learn more Seller information 2 X Okuma Carbonite 55XP BF baitrunner Carp Reels + Line & Spare Spools RP 70 Amazon's Choice for Okuma Reels. Shop today! from $374.99. OKUMA. $124.99 Choose Options Okuma Convector Linecounter Reel CV 45D Prespooled With 30# Copper, 20# Solar Green Backing, 50 Feet 20# Leader CHOOSE YOUR COPPER LENGTH Choose Options No products in the cart. OKUMA REEL PARTS ORDERING SYSTEM. Seller collects sales tax/VAT for items dispatched to the following states: County . Sales tax for an item #225518388678. We also take great pride in taking care of our customers. Due to the high volume of demand for parts we will be limiting quantities. Rapala has been the world's favorite fishing lure since 1936. Sales Tax for an item #334816613541. Okuma Epixor XT High Speed Spinning Reels. HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: All shipping rates will be increasing by 10% Current Rates New Rates $9.99 $10.99 $14.99 $16.49 $19.99 $21.99 $24.99 Shipping Cost includes but are not limited to Shipping charge, Packaging materials, Transportation to shipping facility, and handling fees. R - R. Fishing Reels. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for OKUMA REEL PART Halogen HG 50 - (3) Smooth Drag Carbontex Drag Washers #SDO5 at the best online prices at eBay! At Okuma Fishing Tackle we deliver more than just fishing gear. Have you lost,damaged or just need a second spool for your favorite reel, no problem. Penn. Okuma Fishing Reel Parts & Repair, Okuma Saltwater Surf Fishing Reels, Okuma Drags; Additional site navigation. Available in 6- and 8-inch chuck sizes, this top-performing machine features a compact design with plenty of room for up to 18.5 of Z-axis travel. With an emphasis on preventive maintenance to keep your machine tool running, our CARE Kits help ensure your Okuma machine tool's mechanical, electrical, lubrication, airflow, and coolant systems will continue to operate in like-new condition. Shipping cost adjustments will go into effect on all orders placed after May 8, 2022. Condition: New. Reel Grips Pro Series. There is a good chance we have a new or nice used spool in stock to get you fishing again. $20.49 New. Asking $225-. - DFD: Precision Dual Force Drag system 1. Deep Sea. Okuma Cold Water Linecounter Trolling Reel. This website uses JavaScript to apply discounts. Since 1986, in the Sporting Goods Industry, OKUMA FISHING has been offering our customers high quality parts production service. The biggest issue we have is part numbers; we have a number of schematics for many old reels but, not all. Home / Accessories / Reel Care, Covers, Maintenance & Components / Reel Parts & Components . To have your Okuma reel serviced / repaired click on the PDF icon to download the attached form, print, complete and return it with your reel to the address supplied on the form. We stock Smooth Drag washers, they can stop anything. For any questions, please contact our customer support teamby submitting a ticket. The reels are available in both right and left hand retrieve to serve all anglers. Seller collects sales tax for items shipped to the following states: . Full Service Cost Spinning Reel - $33 (Incl. Updated: 01/13/2023 Dear Valued Customer, Unfortunately, due to increases in shipping and materials across all carriers, we are having to increase our own shipping rates. Okuma Azaki Spin Reel. About eBay; Announcements; Community; Safety Centre; Okuma Reel Parts5 (pdf) Download. Has always been . . Improve. OKUMA FISHING is Taiwan parts manufacturer and supplier since 1986. Sales Tax for an item #364219101208. $26.99 20 Colors. Find a and reel in England on Gumtree, the #1 site for Stuff for Sale classifieds ads in the UK. Please follow this link to order parts for your Okuma reels: Old part #: 11707009-06001, Lot (Foot) #, if applicable: , KEY# 707, FITS: SM-20D,CL-200L-BL,MA-15DX,MA-20DX,CV-20D,MA-20DX,MA-20DX,MA-20DX,CV-20D,MA-20DX,MA-20DX-CL,CV-15D,CT-15D,CT-20D. We deliver the motivation to hit the water, the energy to maintain focus and the excitement that injects every cast with high expectations. R 599.90. $159.99, from Cavalla 2-Speed Lever Drag Reels. OKUMA REEL SURF ROCKAWAY 4+1BB 8000 BAITFEEDER NEW RRP: $219.99 OKUMA REEL SURF BIG BOMBER 3+1BB ALUM LONG CAST SPOOL RRP: $219.99 OKUMA REEL BAITCASTER SERRANO 6+1BB RATIO 7.2:1 RRP: $209.99 Okuma NZ Instagram. Windella, NSW 5d. Seller collects sales tax for items shipped to the following states: . We buy reel parts, used or unwanted reels,and antique reels. Okuma Helios SX spinning reels are constructed of C-40X carbon and the TORSION CONTROL ARMOR design make the reel extremely rigid and lighter, also reduce twist and torque and keep the internal parts in perfect alignment for freshwater and inshore saltwater fishing. R. Deep Sea. 1 Okuma Part# 26003730 Drag Knob Fits CAYMUS & CEYMAR C-25 C-30 C-35 C-40 1 OKUMA PART# 25002863 Handle Assembly Fits Coronado CD-30 1 Okuma Part # 25003506 Handle Assembly Fits AL-20 and AL-30, 1 Okuma Part # 25009838 Handle Fits Avenger Av-40a and Av-40b, 1 Okuma Part # 25009839 Handle Fits Avenger Av-55a, Car & Truck Safety & Security Accessories, Okuma Spinning Fishing Reel Parts & Repair. Today, Rapala lures, knives, tools and accessories are trusted by fishermen in over 140 countries worldwide. GST) from $334.99. Shimano Triton 100-G Level Wind Fishing Reel for Parts or Repair Stk# MLT38. Preview Connect Plan on a single machine with just a quick download from the Okuma App Store. Please make sure handle orderedis correct for your reel. Should you require service for your Okuma rod or reel, we have a nationwide network of Authorized Repair Centers, or our full-service warranty centers to help take care of you. Electrical; . If youre looking to get Grandpa's reel, or that garage sale find fixed up, we can help. Find great deals on Penn spinning reel parts Fishing Gear, including discounts on the . The reel is spooled with 20lb fireline, and comes with an Exceler baitcast rod. $150.99, from FREE delivery Apr 19 - 20 . Sales tax for an item #354716199485. Okuma Elite Schematics. OLympic Reel Parts5 (pdf) Download. The added torsion control armor design make the . GST) Baitcast Reel - $44 (Incl. Our zero obsolescence policy means that we provide parts for every Okuma machine tool weve ever madeand we can often get a part delivered to you within a day or sooner. 1 product ratings - 1 Okuma Part# 11140023 or 11140022 Clamp Kit Fits Titus Gold 30II TG-30II 1 product ratings - 1 Okuma Part# 17120037 Worm Shaft Fits Cw-30d 2 product ratings - Upgrade Cyprinus Emperor Centre Pin Reel's to Hybrid ceramic Bearings abec7. Seller collects sales tax for items shipped to the following states: State . Wisconsins Leader In Fishing Reel Repair and Parts Now is the time to get your tipups in for service before first ice. Fill out the form below to let us know the type of information you'd like to receive. Older Shimano Parts; St. Croix Parts; STH Parts; Trophy Parts; Zebco Parts . Copyright 2019 Okuma Fishing Tackle. We will process and ship orders as we continue to follow CDC guidelines to promote a sanitary workplace for our warehouse staff. Okuma feeder solid tips are workable for all Okuma feeder rods, like ceymar feeder/custom feeder/LS-6K/8K feeder rods. About eBay; Announcements; Community; Security . Daiwa Fishing Reel Parts & Repair, Okuma Fishing Reel Parts & Repair, Zebco Fishing Reel Parts & Repair, Spinning Fishing Reel Parts & Repair; Additional site navigation. OKUMA FISHING TACKLE CO., LTD. - OKUMA FISHING TACKLE is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of high quality fishing tackle. Sales tax for an item #354716199485. Join our Newsletter Get the latest on Okuma Products, reviews & news straight to your inbox . This complete Okuma Cast Control Cap Kit uses only . With both advanced technology and 31 years experience, OKUMA FISHING always make sure to meet each customer's demand. Okuma . Please make sure spool orderedis correct for your reel. Okuma Salt Striker SS-30B Cabelas.pdf (154.43 Kb) Okuma Salt Striker SS-40B Cabelas.pdf (152.09 Kb) Okuma Salt Striker SS-50B Cabelas.pdf (145.34 Kb) Okuma Salt Striker SS-65B Cabelas.pdf (152.07 Kb) About eBay; Announcements; Submitting a Warranty/Repair Claims Ticket. Okuma Manuals CNC Programming, Operating & Maintenance Manuals Okuma E-Series Okuma Maintenance Okuma Operating Okuma OSP 5000 Okuma OSP 5020 Okuma OSP 7000 Okuma OSP E100 Okuma OSP P200 Okuma OSP P300 Okuma OSP U100 Okuma Parts Book Okuma Programming Advertisement $519.99, from Copyright 2019 Okuma Fishing Tackle. About eBay; Announcements; The Okuma Fishing USA parts website is now open! Sales tax for an item #364220346345. Okuma Wave Power Rod & Azaki Reel ComboOkuma have combined the Wave Power spin rod range with the Azaki reel to create spin combos that offer not only great value, but highly capable outfits that will suit both bait and lure fishing.Suited to anglers looking for a good value combination that allows them to get more We offer Boca Bearings to make your reels smoother and faster than stock. If The Add Is Still Up It Is Still Available. Old part #: 11717003-06, Lot (Foot) #, if applicable: , KEY# 715, FITS: Old part #: 11600014-03001B, Lot (Foot) #, if applicable: 3348, KEY# 600, FITS: Old part #: 11707008-11, Lot (Foot) #, if applicable: , KEY# 707, FITS: Old part #: 022x4.9x0.3-3, Lot (Foot) #, if applicable: , KEY# 920-7, FITS: XP-302L,V-100A,IDx-250a,IDx-250LXa,IDx-250LXa,IDx-250LXa,SM-20D,V-100A,SM-30D,DZ-30D,CV-55L, NS-200LX, NS-200LX,CV-45L,I-400,MA-45DX, Old part #: 11802005-0170, Lot (Foot) #, if applicable: , KEY# 802, FITS: Old part #: 11715003-06001, Lot (Foot) #, if applicable: 3152, KEY# 715, FITS: SM-30D,CL-300L,CV30L,CL-300L, Old part #: 11715003-06001C, Lot (Foot) #, if applicable: 3151, KEY# 715, FITS: SM-20D,CV-45D,CL-200L-BL,SD-30LX,MA-15DX,CV-45D,CV-20D,CV-45D,CV-45D,MA-20DLX,CV-20DLX,CV-20D,CV-30DLX,SD-30LX,MA-20DLX,MA-30DLX,MA-30DLX. Okuma Fishing Reel Parts & Repair, Okuma Fishing Rod & Reel Combos, PRO Fishing Reels, Saltwater Fishing Spinning Fishing Reel Reels; Additional site navigation. $9.95 + $17.05 shipping. from $389.99. Watch Okumas webcasts to expand your knowledge on a variety of manufacturing-related topics through the lens of Okumas machine tools and technologies. R 449.90 - R 659.90. Okuma continues to take precautionary measures to protect the health and well-being of its employees, customers, and partners. RAW II. Do to the time it takes to process an order there is aminimum of $5.00on all parts orders. Unfortunately, due to increases in shipping and materials across all carriers, we are having to increase our own shipping rates. Sales tax for an item #364220346345. V SYSTEM. When ordering parts please have your part numbers available when possible to insure accuracy. Great reel in really good condition. Available in 6- and 8-inch chuck sizes, this top-performing machine features a compact design with plenty of room for up to 18.5 of Z-axis travel. Okuma Epixor Schematics. Okuma Endurance Schematics. As the premier CNC machine tool provider in the world, our entire existence is based on helping you gain a competitive advantage, no matter which continent your manufacturing business calls home. Okuma Fishing Reel Parts & Repair, Okuma Fishing Reel Handles, Okuma Baitcast Reel Left . Member of the Old Reel Collectors Association. Baitcast Reels. Type a description for this product here AV-40b-CL,AV-30a,RAW II-40,EF-20b,Trio-20,ABF-40 ,ABF-50,Si-10a,Si-20a,iT-20 ,iT-30,Trio-55,AV-20a,IA-30,AV-40a,EF-55b,AV-15a-CL,ABF-50-CL ,AV-55a,EF-30b,EF-40b,iT-10 Old part #: 11105006-01, Lot (Foot) #, if applicable: , KEY# 105-1, FITS: 208 - 45910 Rowat Ave. Chilliwack, BC, V2P0L2 Canada, Tuesday - Friday: 9 - 5 PST Thursdays open late until 8 Saturdays:- 9 - 1 PST for pick-up/delivery & walk-in repairs only. MidwayUSA. 1 OKUMA PART# 25002863 Handle Assembly Fits Coronado CD-30 . 0 item(s). Switch to Standard View Submit a Ticket. With the proven power features and the patented interior design, AZORES is much more durable, strong and smoother than the competition. R - R. Baitcaster Reel. Sales Tax for an item #285238234387. We look forward to sharing our content with you. The Okuma Helios SX Spinning Reel is constructed of C-40X carbon. Shop with Afterpay on eligible items. GST) Overhead Reel - $55 (Incl. Special parts orders for parts we do not stock will require a 50% nonrefundable deposit. This rod is also in as new condition and is one . $334.99, from Olympic Parts. Our acceptance of this reality leads to a crucial . RONCHEN Mixed Pack Fishing Spinning Reel Handle, All-Metal, with The Grip EVA for Spinning Reels Replacement Grip Parts,2 Pack, Large ,X-Large, Silver, YB2022 4.0 out of 5 stars 9 $11.99 $ 11 . Can choose anyone for your feeder rods, or as the spare parts. Our Electrical Exchange and Mechanical Exchange Divisions will replace your part as soon as humanly possible so that your operation doesnt skip a beat. (10) 10 product ratings - Okuma MA-45DXT Magda Pro XT Line Counter Fishing Reel Right Hand 4.0:1 2BB If you're looking to get Grandpa's reel, or that garage sale find . Our acceptance of this reality leads to a crucial Okuma philosophy, one where were committed to getting you the part you need as soon as humanly possible. With Okumas Connect Plan, gain visibility of your plant floor that will help you optimize machine operations and discover actionable insights for increased profitability. $579.99, from Cabelas Salt Striker, made by Okuma. Free shipping for many products! OKUMA 16000101 COMPLETE CAST CONTROL CAP KIT FOR CUSTOM BLACK SLX-20a, 30a, SOLTERRA SLR / SLX 20, 30, & 50 SERIES LEVER DRAG REELS$10.59 $5.29. So if possible, please have part numbers ready when calling for parts. If you are a retailer, repair center, or a warranty center, please contact your Okuma . 1 Okuma Part # 25005662 Handle Assembly Fits Trio Bf-65-80. Fishing lure since 1936 site for Stuff for Sale classifieds ads in the design and of. And left hand retrieve to serve all anglers fixed up, we are having to increase our own shipping.. 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