This forum is moderated by volunteer moderators who will react only to members' feedback on posts. For exemption from Employment Act requirements on overtime, rest day and public holiday pay. Overview and key facts about the Work Permit, including who it is for, validity and pass map. In adopting the revised salary criteria, MOM will take a staggered approach to moderate the impact on businesses. The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) will be raising it to S$3,900 per month, in line with improving wages of fresh graduates of local autonomous universities. The last time the MoM increased the qualifying salaries criteria for foreign employees was in May 2020, whereby applicants for EPs had to earn S$3,900 (US$2,867) - up from S$3,600 (US$2,646) previously. What to do if you feel victimised at work. My worry is the reduced in quarantine period because past data shows if someone tio the virus, it will incubate inside this pax for 3 weeks b4 flare up. SINGAPORE: Work permit holders in certain sectors whose permits are expiring this year will be allowed to renew their permits for up to two years even if they do not meet renewal criteria, said the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) on Friday (Aug 13). It will cover 20% of the new hires monthly salary for half a year, capped at S$6,000 in total. This must be done before you can get their Work Permits issued or renewed. In our second article of the Indonesia Omnibus Law series, we review the new implementing Government Regulation No. This takes into account the skillsets such an applicant will be expected to have, ensuring a level playing field for experienced local mid-career professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs). Employment Pass) and their dependants, Work Permit and S Pass holders employed in construction, marine shipyard or process sectors, Work Permit and S Pass holders staying in dormitories. If they need more time for card registration, you can request to extend their notification letter expiry dates and card registration due dates using the relevant link below for: In the meantime, they can remain in Singapore if their notification letters or card replacement letters are valid. The Legalized RPTKA for these jobs is valid for up to 2 years and may be extended subject to the relevant immigration rules. 8/2021 is an implementing regulation of Government Regulation 34 of 2021 on the Employment of Foreign Workers dated February 2, 2021 (GR 34/2021) which specifies in greater detail the mechanism and requirements that must be fulfilled to employ foreign workers. Pass holders can make an appointmentwith our Employment Pass Services Centre or Hall C of MOM Services Centrefor card registration. an RPTKA for a Special Economy Area (in Indonesian. Get a short Work Permit extension How to get your worker's Work Permit extended for a short period. The government hopes this initiative will reduce local firms dependency on low-cost foreign workers. On 3 March 2020, Minister for Manpower Josephine Teo announced a series of measures aimed at giving employees fair chances to progress at work and to provide businesses more support. The salary criteria for older and more experienced EP candidates will be raised in tandem. A woman drugs kingpin who enjoyed a life of luxury with Louis Vuitton handbags and lavish foreign holidays by running a cocaine-dealing operation has been jailed for seven-and-a-half years . The steps to apply for an RPTKA are as follows: For an application for a Legalized RPTKA, an employer shall submit at least: There are four types of RPTKAs, namely: (i) an RPTKA for Temporary Jobs; (ii) an RPTKA for Jobs Lasting More than 6 Months; (iii) an RPTKA for non-DKPTKA Jobs; and (iv) an RPTKA for Work at Special Economic Regions (Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus or a KEK). Commercial filmmaking that is approved by relevant authorities; Audit, production quality control or inspections on Indonesian branches for a duration of more than 1 (one) month; Jobs related to installation of machinery, electricity, after sale service or products in the exploration/development stage of the business; One-off jobs or jobs that have a duration of less than 6 months. More support for employers hiring mid-career and senior employees Increased salary support for workers aged 40 and above RPTKA for Non-DKPTKA Jobs may be further divided into Non-DKPTKA jobs in: (i) social, religious, and educational institutions, or (ii) government institutions or foreign country/international organization representatives. The highlights of MOM Reg. 10 of 2018 . New rules on hiring foreign employees The government, from May 1, 2020, has increased the minimum qualifying salary from S$3,600 (US$2,500) to S$3,900 (US$2,700) for new applicants of the Employment Pass (EP). For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Employers who have pre-selected a foreign candidate and fail to consider qualified local applicants will have their EP application rejected and will be banned from hiring or renewing the passes of foreign workers. 10,839. In addition to appointing an Indonesian employee as a counterpart (in Indonesian, Tenaga Kerja Pendamping) and conducting training sessions for such counterpart, GR 34 requires an employer to return the foreign workers to his/her home country when his/her employment agreement expires. Pleasecontact us atasia@dezshira.comor visit our website How to get your worker's Work Permit extended for a short period. This type of RPTKA legalization is valid for 2 (two) years and may be extended. Once an application for the legalized RPTKA is submitted, it will be evaluated by the Directorate General of Manpower Placement Development and Work Opportunity Expansion. GR 34 restricts an employer from hiring a foreign worker for multiple positions at the same company. Further, the Government will provide a new incentive for employers who hire workers aged 40 and above, through any Place-and-Train or Train-and-Place programme. 8/2021 are as follows. 8/2021 is an implementing regulation of Government Regulation 34 of 2021 on the Employment of Foreign Workers dated February 2, 2021 (" GR 34/2021 "). It will cover 20% of the new hires monthly salary for half a year, capped at S$6,000 in total. The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) announced on Jul. The foregoing material is the property of AKSET and may not be used by any other party without prior written consent. How to replace a lost, damaged or stolen card. Wage offsets to employers that hire senior Singaporean workers aged 55 and above. This takes into account the skillsets such an applicant will be expected to have, and therefore ensuring a level playing field for experienced local mid-career professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs). You are using a version of browser which will not be supported after 27 May 2018. Investors should seek the advice of qualified HR consultants to better understand how these changes can affect their business operations. For example, an EP applicant in his early 40s will need to earn around double the new minimum qualifying salary of S$3,900. This also includes the directors and shareholders of a company. The local qualifying salary, the minimum salary a local employee must earn to count towards a businesses quota for hiring foreign workers will be increased from S$1,300 (US$917) to S$1,400 (US$988). For current EP holders seeking renewal, the revised salary criteria will apply from May 1, 2021. Sir Iain, who has been . The revised salary criteria will apply: Salary threshold to qualify for exemption from Fair Consideration Framework job advertising requirement raised to S$20,000 per month. 34 of 2021 regarding the Utilization of Foreign Workers (February 2, 2021) (\"GR 34/2021), the Minister of Manpower (\"MOMMOM Reg. To continue to transact with MOM securely, please follow, Advisory on step down of COVID-19 measures, Updated advisory on COVID-19 vaccination at the workplace, Advisory to employers - Updated onboarding requirements for migrant workers in the Construction, Marine shipyard and Process sectors, Advisory on supporting the well-being of migrant workers, Advisory to employers - Picking up your workers promptly at the point of entry, Advisory to employers - Updated on-arrival and onboarding requirements for migrant workers in the Construction, Marine shipyard and Process sectors from 31 March 2022, 2359 hours, Advisory to migrant domestic worker employers to encourage your MDW to take her booster vaccination, Tripartite advisory on ensuring sustainability of the landscape sector in view of COVID-19, Tripartite advisory on ensuring sustainability of the cleaning sector in view of COVID-19, Advisory to migrant domestic worker employers to assist your MDW to perform Antigen Rapid Test when the need arises, Advisory to migrant domestic worker employers on retrieval of Vaccination HealthCert for MDWs, Advisory to employers Downloading of Vaccination HealthCert via Notarise, Advisory on COVID-19 vaccination in employment settings, Advisory to migrant domestic worker employers to encourage your MDW to have her vaccination against COVID-19, Educational resources on COVID-19 vaccination for work pass holders, Additional measures for newly arrived foreign workers, Workplace Safe Management Measures to stay put for now, On-arrival tests for newly arrived foreign workers from construction, marine and process sectors, Additional testing regime for newly arrived foreign workers staying in dormitories to ensure safety of foreign workers, Advisory - Work pass holders required to update MOM on new residential address or mobile number within five days of any change, Close to 200,000 self-employed persons benefitted from Self-Employed Person Income Relief Scheme, Measures to contain the COVID-19 outbreak in migrant worker dormitories, Four more work passes revoked for breaching Stay-Home Notice requirements, International Advisory Panel recommends WSH in a post-COVID world, Tripartite advisory on mental well-being at workplaces, Launch of tripartite advisory on mental well-being at workplaces, ACE Group teams up with over 1,000 volunteers to celebrate Deepavali with migrant workers, One-time vaccination exercise for employers to protect their migrant workers from flu, Update on rostered routine testing policy for migrant workers recovered from COVID-19, New taskforce to enhance mental health care support for migrant workers, Eligible migrant workers will be able to visit Recreation Centres on rest days from 31 Oct 2020, Pilot of Antigen Rapid Tests for quicker detection of COVID-19 infection among migrant workers, New infection prevention and control programme to strengthen safe living measures in dormitories, Joint MOM-BCA-EDB press release on enabling targeted quarantining through contact-tracing devices for more than 450,000 migrant workers, Work pass privileges of two employers suspended for breaching rostered routine testing requirements, Night clinics at regional medical centres for migrant workers, Making rostered routine testing more convenient for employers and migrant workers, 342 residents in Space@Tuas dormitory block to serve quarantine in Government quarantine facility after new COVID-19 case detected, A more targeted approach for dormitory quarantine, Pilot of additional routine COVID tests to detect asymptomatic cases early, RRT compliance crucial for early detection to safeguard health of migrant workers, Dormitory operators and employers to work out contractual arrangements on dormitory rentals fairly and reasonably, Vast majority of workers have been scheduled for RRT, 16,000 workers have yet to be scheduled for routine testing, Final reminder to employers to ensure workers undergo routine testing by 5 September, Advisory to employers on providing upkeep and maintenance of foreign workers living in dormitories, Joint MOM-MOH-BCA statement on COVID-19 cluster at Sungei Tengah Lodge dormitory, New MOM division to support migrant workers and dormitory operations, Employers required to ensure workers undergo routine testing by 5 September, All remaining standalone quarantine facilities in dormitories cleared of COVID-19, Employers to ensure workers go through rostered routine testing, Tripartite advisory on ensuring sustainability of the strata management and facility management sectors in view of COVID-19, Measures for dormitory residents to enjoy safe rest days, All dormitories declared cleared of COVID-19, Multi-layered approach to ensure safe restart of work, 127 more dormitories declared cleared of COVID-19, All incoming travellers, including returning residents, Long-Term Pass Holders, work pass holders and their dependants, serving their Stay-Home Notice outside of dedicated facilities to don electronic monitoring device, Foreign worker levy waiver and rebates extended for construction, marine shipyard and process sectors, 95 more dormitories declared cleared of COVID-19, 69 more dormitories declared cleared of COVID-19, 193 more dormitories declared cleared of COVID-19, Worker movements at S11 Dormitory on 5 July 2020, 384 more dormitories declared cleared of COVID-19, 78 more dormitories declared cleared of COVID-19, Foreign worker levy rebates extended for construction, marine shipyard and process sectors, 140 work passes revoked for breach of Circuit Breaker Measures, Stay-Home Notices or Quarantine Orders, Majority of employers reasonable and fair when implementing cost-saving measures, 31 more dormitories declared cleared of COVID-19, Indicative forecast for clearance of migrant worker dormitories, Safe Rest Days for dormitory residents in Phase 2, 42 more dormitories declared cleared of COVID-19, Workers in dormitories returning to work and updates on AccessCode, Tripartite advisory on ensuring safe operations of lifts and escalators, and sustainability of the industry in view of COVID-19, MOMs statement on death of migrant worker due to COVID-19, Joint MND-MOM media release on new dormitories with improved standards for migrant workers, 40,000 migrant workers cleared of COVID-19 infections, Preparing for Safe Working, Safe Living and Safe Rest Days, Over $360 million paid out under first tranche of Self-Employed Person Income Relief Scheme payouts, More than $50 million to be paid out under Enhanced Work-Life Grant (COVID-19), New resources to provide better care for migrant workers, Support for local jobseekers through SGUnited Jobs and Skills Package, Tripartite advisory on ensuring sustainability of the waste management sector in view of COVID-19, Celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri with our migrant workers, Leveraging medical technologies to monitor health of foreign workers more effectively, Update on MOMs enforcement efforts on Circuit Breaker measures for workplaces and Stay-Home Notice requirements, Greater observance of safe distancing measures in foreign worker housing, Tripartite partners to release advisories on ensuring sustainability of outsourced sectors affected by COVID-19, Tripartite advisory on ensuring sustainability of the security sector in view of COVID-19, Comprehensive approach to take care of the well-being of foreign workers living in dormitories, Extension of Stay-Home Notices for Work Permit and S Pass holders in construction sector, May Day Tripartite Message 2020 by Minister for Manpower Mrs Josephine Teo, NTUC President Ms Mary Liew, NTUC Secretary-General Mr Ng Chee Meng and SNEF President Dr Robert Yap, Coordinated donations to support our migrant workers more effectively, Welcoming the month of Ramadan with our migrant workers, Local dormitory operators pledge further support for Muslim migrant workers during Ramadan, $100 million set aside to provide graduates with traineeship opportunities amid a pandemic-hit job market, Inter-agency advisory on supporting mental well-being of workers under COVID-19 work arrangements, MOMs statement on death of foreign worker, Further measures to help companies during extended Circuit Breaker, Over 62,000 employers to benefit from $675 million in foreign worker levy rebates, Precautionary Stay-Home Notices for Work Permit and S Pass holders in construction sector, Inter-Agency Taskforce coordinating NGOs efforts to support the well-being of foreign workers, Resident volunteers step up to help with daily tasks at dormitories, Key actions to manage transmisison of COVID-19 in all dormitories, MOM intensifies inspections of Factory-Converted Dormitories and workers breaching Circuit Breaker measures, Work pass revoked and fines issued for breaching Circuit Breaker measures, Food distribution, cleanliness and hygiene standards at Sungei Tengah Lodge and Tampines Dormitory stabilised within 48 hours, Advisory Foreign domestic workers must stay home on rest day, Enhanced cleanliness and sanitation measures at dormitories gazetted as isolation areas, Further improvements in distribution process and quality of food for dormitories gazetted as isolation areas, Update on conditions at three dormitories gazetted as isolation areas, Inter-Agency Taskforce to support foreign workers and dormitory operators during circuit breaker period, About 100,000 expected to automatically benefit from Enhanced Self-Employed Person Income Relief Scheme, Efforts to ensure well-being of foreign workers at S11 Dormitory @ Punggol and Westlite Toh Guan, Advisory on salary and leave arrangements during Circuit Breaker, Additional measures to minimise further spread of COVID-19 within foreign worker dormitories, Adjustments to work pass services arising from the additional safe distancing measures, Additional safe distancing measures for the workplace, Expansion of temporary scheme to help businesses manage manpower needs, About 88,000 to automatically benefit from Self-Employed Person Income Relief Scheme, Measures to prevent congregations of foreign workers and foreign domestic workers, Employers advised to plan for more sustainable housing options for their workers usually housed in Malaysia, MOM entry approval and Stay-Home Notice requirements for work pass holders from Malaysia, Further measures to help companies cope with COVID-19 situation, MOM mounts enforcement operation to ensure workplaces comply with safe distancing measures, 89 work passes revoked for breach of entry approval and Stay-Home Notice requirements, Companies encouraged to impose Leave of Absence for employees returning between 14 And 20 March 2020, Temporary housing support for employers affected by Malaysia's Movement Control Order, MOM entry approval and Stay-Home Notices now covers all new and existing work pass holders, Accommodating workers affected by lockdown in Malaysia, MOM entry approval and Stay-Home Notices extended to ASEAN countries, Japan, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, Entry approval and Stay-Home Notice requirements for all new and returning foreign domestic workers, MOM entry approval and Stay-Home Notices extended to Italy, France, Spain and Germany, Tripartite partners update advisory on managing excess manpower and responsible retrenchment in view of COVID-19, Tripartite Advisory on Managing Excess Manpower and Responsible Retrenchment, MOM entry approval and Stay-Home Notices extended to more countries, Entry approval requirement for employers with work pass holders with travel history to Daegu city and Cheongdo county, Temporary scheme to help manufacturing and services sectors manage manpower needs, More workers and employers taken to task for breaching Leave of Absence requirements, Majority of employers compliant with entry approval requirements for work pass holders, Leave of Absence Support Programme extended to those serving Stay-Home Notice, Mandatory Stay-Home Notice for work pass holders with travel history to mainland China, Supporting healthcare workers whose leave and holiday plans have been cancelled, Two work passes revoked for re-entry into Singapore without prior approval, Leave of Absence Support Programme (LOASP), Actions taken by the Ministry of Manpower following confirmed COVID-19 case of Work Permit holder, MOM issues updated advisory on enhanced precautionary measures for dormitories, Work passes cancelled and employers work pass privileges revoked for breaching Leave of Absence requirements, New requirements for employers who have work pass holders with travel history to mainland China entering or returning to Singapore, Joint statement by Ministry of National Development, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Manpower on persons placed on Home Quarantined Orders and Leave of Absence, Update on additional measures by the Ministry of Manpower to minimise the risk of community spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019, Additional measures by Ministry of Manpower to contain spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019, Advisory Work pass holders required to update MOM on new residential address or mobile number within five days of any change, Updated Advisory for employees and employers travelling to and from mainland China and known affected countries, Published Advisory for employees and employers travelling to and from mainland China and known affected countries, Advisory to dormitory operators - Cessation of Rostered Routine Testing for unvaccinated dormitory workers from 29 March 2022, Advisory to employers - Cessation of Rostered Routine Testing for unvaccinated dormitory workers from 29 March 2022, Advisory on updated Safe Management Measures in dormitories and recreation centres, Advisory to dormitory operators - AccessCode changes from 17 March 2022, Advisory to employers - AccessCode changes from 17 March 2022, Advisory to dormitory operators - Updates to COVID-19 recovery protocol for migrant workers in dormitories from 27 January 2022, Advisory to employers - Updates to COVID-19 recovery protocol for migrant workers in dormitories from 27 January 2022, Advisory to dormitory operators - Managing Omicron variant cases in dormitories, Advisory to employers - Managing Omicron variant cases in dormitories, Advisory to employers on facilitating Recreation Centre and community visits for your Special Pass holders, Advisory to dormitory operators on facilitating Recreation Centre and community visits for your Special Pass holders, Advisory to employers - Ingestion of overseas vaccination records for migrant workers, Advisory to employers - Reminder to adhere to your COVID-19 vaccination appointment, Advisory to employers - Updated vaccination policies and ingestion of overseas vaccination records for migrant workers, Advisory to employers - Transiting into the new primary healthcare system for migrant workers, Advisory to employers on facilitating Recreation Centre visits for your Special Pass holders and unvaccinated workers, Advisory to dormitory operators on facilitating Recreation Centre visits for your Special Pass holders and unvaccinated residents, Advisory to dormitory operators - Streamlining Safe Management Measures in dormitories and recreation centres, Advisory to employers - Streamlining Safe Management Measures in dormitories and recreation centres, Advisory to dormitory operators - Cessation of Rostered Routine Testing for fully vaccinated workers residing in dormitories and workers in construction, marine and process sectors, Advisory to employers - Cessation of Rostered Routine Testing for fully vaccinated workers residing in dormitories and workers in construction, marine and process sectors, Advisory to dormitory operators Management of dormitory recovery facility, Advisory to dormitory operators - Updated vaccination policies and ingestion of overseas vaccination records for migrant workers, Advisory to employers - Revised onboarding requirements for fully vaccinated and recently recovered migrant workers in the Construction, Marine and Process sectors from 23 January 2022, 2359 hours, Requirements for Safe Management Measures at the workplace, Advisory to dormitory operators - Deferment of AccessCode changes to January 2022, Advisory to employers - Deferment of AccessCode changes to January 2022, Advisory to dormitory operators - Deferment of RRT exemption for fully vaccinated COVID-19 recovered workers, Advisory to employers - Deferment of RRT exemption for fully vaccinated COVID-19 recovered workers, Advisory to dormitory operators - Updated testing regime for fully vaccinated COVID-19 recovered workers, Advisory to employers - Updated testing regime for fully vaccinated COVID-19 recovered workers, Advisory to dormitory operators - Further expansion of community and recreation centre visits, and revising of measures for dormitory residents, Advisory to employers - Further expansion of community and recreation centre visits, and revising of measures for workers residing in dormitories, Advisory to migrant domestic worker employment agencies on resources to teach MDWs how to conduct Antigen Rapid Test, Advisory to dormitory operators Update on the check-in and check-out restrictions for dormitories with suspected COVID-19 infection, Advisory to employers Update on the check-in and check-out restrictions for dormitories with suspected COVID-19 infection, Advisory to employers Implementation of new Rostered Routine Testing (RRT) regime, Advisory to dormitory operators and employers Updates on healthcare protocol for migrant workers in dormitories, Advisory to dormitory operators Updates to public health measures for migrant workers living in dormitories, Advisory to employers Updates to public health measures for migrant workers living in dormitories, Advisory to MDW employers on tightening community measures to stabilise situation, Advisory to dormitory operators Updated guidelines for in-dormitory activities for workers residing in dormitories, Advisory to employers Updated guidelines for in-dormitory activities for workers residing in dormitories, Advisory to dormitory operators Easing of movement restrictions for your dormitory residents, Advisory to employers Easing of movement restrictions for your workers residing in dormitories, Advisory to employers Reminder for your migrant workers to return their BluePass tokens, Advisory to dormitory operators Updated Safe Management Measures for your dormitory residents, Advisory to employers Updated Safe Management Measures for your migrant workers staying in dormitories, Advisory to dormitory operators Cease admission and decanting of migrant workers when COVID-19 infection is detected in your dormitory, Advisory to employers Cease admission and decanting of migrant workers when COVID-19 infection is detected in the dormitory, Advisory to dormitory operators Updated measures in line with the return to Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) for your dormitory residents, Advisory to employers Updated measures in line with the return to Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) for your migrant workers living in dormitories, Advisory to employers Resumption of visits to Recreation Centres from 25 June 2021, Advisory to dormitory operators Resumption of visits to Recreation Centres from 25 June 2021, Advisory to dormitory operators Update on control measures on your migrant workers residing in dormitories under Phase 3 (Heightened Alert), Advisory to employers Update on control measures on your migrant workers residing in dormitories under Phase 3 (Heightened Alert), Advisory to dormitory operators on the additional measures in line with Phase 2 (Heightened Alert), Advisory to employers on the additional measures in line with Phase 2 (Heightened Alert), Advisory on continued medical support for migrant workers, Advisory to employers on medical support for migrant workers after clearance of dormitories, Advisory to dormitory operators on medical support for migrant workers after clearance of dormitories, Addendum Advisory for employers and dormitory operators to submit essential errands form for migrant workers to carry out essential errands, Advisory for employers to submit essential errands form for migrant workers to carry out essential errands, Advisory for dormitory operators to submit essential errands form for migrant workers to carry out essential errands, Advisory for employers on TraceTogether SMS notification for persons tested positive for COVID-19, Advisory for dormitory operators on TraceTogether SMS notification for persons tested positive for COVID-19, Status of cleared dormitories and dormitories due to be cleared, Advisory to employers on Safe Living measures for foreign worker dormitories, Advisory for dormitory operators on implementation of Safe Living measures in foreign worker dormitories, New requirements for Safe Management Measures at the workplace, Advisory on Safe Management Measures for workers on employer-provided transportation, Advisory Labour supply companies should pass on the benefits from the Jobs Support Scheme to your clients, Advisory to employers on the setting up of medical facilities and implementing measures to ensure a safe living environment, Advisory to dormitory operators on the setting up of medical facilities and implementing measures to ensure a safe living environment, Advisory to workers on safe distancing measures at hotels, Advisory Employers in Essential Services companies must seek approval before moving foreign employees to alternative residences, Advisory Foreign workers must remain in their place of residence during Circuit Breaker period, Advisory for employers of workers in dormitories gazetted as isolation areas, Advisory on salary payment to foreign workers residing in dormitories, Advisory for employers and employees travelling to and from affected areas in response to increase in cases of COVID-19, General advisory for workplace measures in response to DORSCON Orange situation in Singapore, General advisory for workplaces and frontline workers in response to confirmed cases of local transmission of COVID-19 in Singapore, Advisory for employers on employees non-essential travel in response to updated travel advisory (COVID-19), Advisory on safe distancing measures at the workplace, Advisory to foreign domestic workers (FDWs), employers and employment agencies on COVID-19 precautionary measures. 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