The primary difference between the two is that individuals with HOCD experience unwanted and intrusive thoughts about their sexual orientation, while individuals in denial suppress their true sexual orientation. and for some, this fear can become compulsive. Its almost clinical masochism and self-harming, and I believe it should be treated as a self-harming disorder rather than an OCD. Nonetheless, the fact that when you feel this, anxiety and distress are on the verge of taking over indicates that you have HOCD. This is a heterosexual persons fear that they will become gay. Sometimes it can be helpful to talk to someone who understands what youre going through. Contact us today to schedule an online therapy or download our free OCD treatment app on Android or iOS for more information. This treatment involves exercises agreeing with the thoughts of being gay, doing homework involving gay subjects and looking at gay images. Intense anxiety and distress about their thoughts. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. Due to the overwhelming amount of men posting on here with irrational fears that they are gay, and I have never read so many different forum posts on the same exact topic by the way, I thought I would make a post of my experience both with being in the closet as a homosexual and my sexual obsessions dealing with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. For example, a person in denial about their alcoholism may avoid places where they know alcohol will be served. From your paragraph, I understand that you identify as a female with a desire to have a boyfriend. Unsure if this is groinal response Hocd or denial don't have an ocd diagnosis but do have a tendency to ruminate. is a common obsession in OCD, especially "Pure O". Worrying that you might be sending out . I really wanna grow up, have a crush on a guy, marry a guy, and have a boyfriend but Im scared that in the future I wont have these feelings and Ill give up. Its a form of homophobia, but its also a mental illness, and you should never be mean to people who are mentally ill. On the other hand, people who conceal their sexual identities are referred to as closeted or as being in the closet. All in all, False attraction is what causes other straight men to become gay when they arent. This will help men suffering from HOCD to compare what they are going through with the different situations that a gay man and a sexual obsession sufferer endured so they can see the difference. But now i get it.Everytime i find an argue against my "homosexuality" it lasts only about an hour. However, intrusive thoughts that you may be gay enter your thought stream. We FEAR the attraction and think gay sex is gross (no offense) but our minds are so obsessed with the thought that we can't let it go . They are both related, yet distinct disorders. I went to a therapist once, didn't help. Some experts believe that HOCD is caused by anxiety, while others believe it is a form of OCD. Thats just having issues with your orientation. Instead of fighting what you fear, agree with it, face it first hand. Questioning your sexual orientation is incredibly common . All types of OCD include obsessions and compulsions. And if you discover you have feelings for women, thats fantastic as well. I read that HOCD can cause arousal, as well. People with OCD give significance to intrusive thoughts, which can quickly become obsessions. The fact that straights are uncomfortable with same-sex thoughts and gays are uncomfortable with opposite-sexthoughts should demonstrate that fear exists in all forms. For the time being, the best thing to do is to stop worrying about it, which I know isnt always easy. There are a few key similarities between HOCD and denial. Simple denial Individuals with HOCD might experience the following symptoms: Individuals in denial might experience the following symptoms: HOCD and denial can have a significant impact on an individuals mental health and well-being. HOCD is a real condition that can be treated, while being in denial is simply refusing to accept reality. Learn how to work with your thoughts and images. They would deny any evidence to the contrary, no matter how strong it may be. HOCD vs. OCD also known as the doubting disorder can make you question things that you were sure of just 5 minutes ago. HOCD causes immense distress and confusion for individualsboth from the obsessions and from their efforts to suppress and ignore them. The symptoms of HOCD may also be managed with the aid of medications. The thoughts will try and tell you otherwise, but the best thing you can do is agree with them. Many gay men struggle with this as well, for a variety of reasons. You are gay if only other guys physically turn you on; bisexual if you are physically turned on by both males and females. The best thing to do for this is seek an OCD specialists. HOCD stands for Homosexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. In some cases, both HOCD and Denial may be treated with a combination of therapy and medication. Questioning your sexual orientation is incredibly common, and it's a thought anyone can have. I've started checking out guys on the street to see how I feel. Individuals in denial might suppress their feelings and convince themselves that they are straight even if they experience same-sex attraction. Related article: The Surprising Benefits of Homeopathy For OCD. Just stay connected till the end. I've been struggling with this issue for about a few months now. Your concerns about being gay may be causing you to focus on gay sex. People who have experienced HOCD, truly believe it. Sometimes because a woman doesnt seem to turn on by women and men dont seem to turn on by men. For example, an individual may deny an addiction has occurred by blaming it on someone else or on something else in their life. It is a subset of OCD characterized by unwanted, intrusive thoughts and fears about ones sexual orientation. AmI pretending its not happening? Copyright 2023 Insight Psychological Inc. All Rights Reserved. Moreover, you can take ourmental health test. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lol. Our test help you understand and handle your OCD better. Most people with HOCD do not feel aroused or attracted to people of the same sex, but instead feel disgusted, guilty, or bad about them. Now offering a book online option to allow you to access therapist availabilities when it is convenient for you. Desires are nat. Am I denying my feelings about the situation? Copyright 2022 MantraCare Corporation | All Rights Reserved. Thus, experiments are not needed, you get a feeling on your own. The primary difference between the two is that individuals with HOCD experience unwanted and intrusive thoughts about their sexual orientation, while individuals in denial suppress their true sexual orientation. If you are afraid of the HOCD thoughts, that is fair. Im also a CHRISTIAN and 13 years old who is in the 8th grade. Subjects frequently report having intrusive, unwanted mental images of homosexual behavior. Individuals with HOCD experience intense anxiety about their sexual identity and worry that they might be gay, even though they are not attracted to the same sex. Exercise releases endorphins, which can improve your mood. HOCD vs. You may even go back and forth between thinking youre one thing and then the other. when you question it. Cookie Notice It is different nowadays. Denial can take many forms, from denying reality, to denying the truth of a specific fact or situation. If you are in a crisis or any other person may be in danger dont use this site. Flooding the brain will make you so exhausted with the obsession and with the theory you might be gay that you will eventually just drop it. Denial is a type of defense mechanism that involves ignoring the reality of a situation to avoid anxiety. Just stay connected till the end. However, denial is something that youll likely have to work through on your own. Last Updated on April 11, 2023 by Mike Robinson. Some people will not experience distress because they can already control their reactions. My specialist has told me he has gotten all types of guys with this. Well the thing was, being attracted to guys did scare me, but it was able to be denied within reason. And compared to you I never felt that way about boys when I was younger. Parker: Their Differences, How do HOCD deal with intrusive thoughts? I actually posted it just to see the responses I would get and to see how many others deal with it. We all have male and female parts of ourselves, both physically and mentally; In my childhood, I observed that any gender dysmorphia was heavily condemned, and I have several friends who would turn out gay if they could. You know what the real problem is, when we have an intrusive thought (obsession) about the possibility of being gay or bi, our ocd brain is trying to make sense of it. The conversations are more common to occur in locker rooms. They help you identify your HOCD or denial. Relationship OCD (ROCD) is a term for a type of Pure Obsessional OCD (Pure O) in which the sufferer experiences intrusive, unwanted and distressing doubts about the strength, quality, and true nature of their love for their partner. Thoughts and actions are separate things. The good news is that both HOCD and denial are treatable conditions. Thanks for sharing your questions and concerns. Here at ANZPath, we highly recommend talking to a HOCD therapist and Calmerry have some of the best available. There are 3 types of denial. What do you know about the people who suffered HOCD? I know for a fact Im attracted to females but the fact that Im even questioning myself in the first place makes me feel like there has to be something there. !HOCD - MAGICAL THINKING and THOUGHT-ACTION FUSION SUPPORT GROUP https://www.. Now I'm wondering if my gagging response to gay porn is genuine or I've trained myself to do it. I'm freaked out by that. I'm very confused at the moment. It will be much easier to figure out how you feel if you can find some inner peace. A mental health expert can support you and help you understand and control your thoughts and feelings if you are having persistent and unwelcome doubts about your sexual orientation. Also, both can lead to avoidance behaviors. Any answer isn't good enough. This is a thread in another sub that I posted describing how the entire shitstorm started: In conclusion, the main difference between HOCD and denial is that HOCD is characterized by intrusive, unwanted thoughts about ones sexual orientation, whereas denial is simply a refusal to accept that one may be gay. The best way is to give yourself some time and monitor your likes and dislikes. Unlessyourebisexual,youwontfeel any sexualorromanticattractiontotheoppositesexifyouretrulyhomosexual. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. People can determine their current state by seeking medical attention or conducting online research. Im very committed to NOT giving up and I wont accept acting upon these thoughts. They feel really similar even though I know they are very different. Anna Freud has referred to denial as a defense mechanism involving the refusal to accept reality and thus blocking external events from awareness. If you dont feel comfortable talking to a therapist, you can talk to a friend or family member. Your email address will not be published. Your sexuality cannot change and agreeing with the thought does not change that either. That is romance. Book your first session today and start improving your mental health! 6. Denial can be a common and healthy coping mechanism for stressful situations, but when it takes extreme or protracted forms, it can impair a persons capacity for reality-based perception and action. . Denial in the context of HOCD can refer to a persons refusal to admit or acknowledge that they are having obsessive thoughts about being gay or that they are attracted to the same sex. Sexual orientation OCD (HOCD). It is a type of OCD that causes a person to obsess over whether or not they are gay. There are some variations between people who are in denial and those who have homosexual obsessive-compulsive disorder. My feelings are up and down on this. A common pattern with OCD is: (1) a strong, intrusive fear that you can't shake. This may be because they are constantly thinking about their fear or because they are avoiding people and situations that trigger their anxiety. However, there are some key differences between the two conditions. Theres a concept known as false attraction. Keep in mind that this feels like youre attracted to him. , is it possible I'm just experiencing OCD about this? Parker: Their Differences. Constantly reassuring yourself that you are straight. they cant. It will still be decades before the general public is comfortable with the entire situation, and even longer before homosexuality is treated as just another gender, equal to being straight. Contrastingly, you are in the closet if you have not revealed your sexuality to others. HOCD has been around for a long time and, to those in the know, is an established and well-understood sub-type of OCD. HOCD OR GAY - WHEN YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR SURE support group If you are suffering from HOCD and denial, you may seek help from Therapy Mantra. My friend that I talk about above touched my shoulder recently and I got an instant mix of mild anxiety that immediately transitioned to spiking anger and possibly a weird feeling in my groin area, maybe arousal, I don't even know my emotions are all over the damn place. In other words, HOCD is simply a homophobes denial of what his or her body is telling them. We are here to help! It will still be decades before the general public is comfortable with the entire situation, and even longer before homosexuality is treated as just another gender, equal to being straight. (Video) Am I gay or in denial? By self-assessment and monitoring, you can easily identify whether it is OCD or false thoughts are triggered by HOCD. Register for the session today! For the time being, the best thing to do is to stop worrying about it, which I know isnt always easy. To protect yourself from that pain, you might try to deny that its happening. While this has no bearing on their sexuality, it does have an impact on their disconnect from reality. Positivemental healthessentially allows you to effectively deal with lifes everyday challenges. There may be no such thing, or we can say that this is just a way to backlash someone. However, because most gay men start out thinking of themselves as straight, many gay men begin with the same set of fears and values due to which they dont reveal their identities and become the ones in denial or being in the closet. And, no, you are not experiencing an identity crisis. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Or, someone may deny that they are angry even though they lash out at others frequently. So its important to know the difference between HOCD and denial. Uncategorized command terminated with non zero exit code127 . I want comments that encourage me to fight this and never give up. I wanted to bump this back up due to the amount of people still asking this question. Medication. Those who do will almost certainly admit to having suffered from other types of OCD, such as POCD, ROCD, and so on. Tvitni na twitteru. Hope this article was of help to you! Diminished attraction to the opposite sex. You can delete your accounts, or just take a break for a few weeks. But I keep bloody checking. Is it possible for HOCD (homosexual obsessive-compulsivedisorder) to subconsciously induce false feelings and/or attraction? In CBT, you'll work with a therapist to learn ways of thinking that can help you become less sensitive to the intrusive thoughts. One such experience is shared by a boy. It is essential to communicate openly and honestly with partners about ones sexual identity and struggles with HOCD or denial. and for some, this fear can become compulsive. Both conditions can cause sufferers to: People with HOCD may avoid anything that could trigger their anxiety about being gay. Whats The Difference Between Due On And Due By? However, there are some key differences between the two conditions. Make sure youre getting enough fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It may be due to societal pressure, family values, or personal beliefs. It really is as simple as that. Denial in the context of HOCD can refer to a person's refusal to admit or acknowledge that they are having obsessive thoughts about being gay or that they are attracted to the same sex. Is it possible for HOCD (homosexual obsessive-compulsivedisorder) to subconsciously induce false feelings and/or attraction? Hiding and revealing behaviors are psychologically complex. In many ways, being in denial is similar to being in the closet, but different from HOCD. How can you use these skills to bridge through the less positive days. Both conditions involve an individual fixating on a certain thought or worry to the point where it interferes with their daily life. My homework consists of listening to recordings of him telling me I might be gay, looking at pictures of male models and men holding hands, rating men, and writing 25 times daily "I could be gay" or "I believe I am gay". Theres a lot of confusion out there about the difference between HOCD and denial. 1. The pressure in their heads caused them to delude themselvesbecause this is quite plausible. Seeking professional help and support can also help individuals learn coping mechanisms to manage their anxiety and improve their relationships. Some people shared their experiences. Do the same with girls. Just because you may have certain thoughts, that does not necessarily mean that you would act out those thoughts. In your heart of hearts, at your very core, if your comfortable with and know you are , straight, then your straight. Im curious to hear on the better days: It is also important to note that thoughts are just thoughts, it does not directly translate to action. I found out about HOCD by myself, when I read about it once and it seemed to describe my situation to a T(Oh yeah I'm contantly reading and searching for stuff too). Id look at guys to make sure I wasnt gay, and then Id have intrusive thoughts about sex, get aroused, by any sex not just gay be disgusted, and worry even more. They would never do that to me. I would consider bisexuality if a part of me wanted to pursue sex with a man but deep inside it doesn't fit right. For a quick web story summary, click here. HOCD and denial are two distinct conditions with different causes and symptoms. Even if they are straight and do not desire to be attracted to the same sex, people with HOCD may have obsessive thoughts about being gay or about being attracted to the same sex. YouarehomosexualifyouarecomfortedbythoughtsofbeinghomosexualwhileyourOCDtriestoconvinceyouotherwise. These are some similarities between HOCD and denial. In addition to this book, our clinic has therapists who are specially trained to treat OCD, HOCD, and other subgroups of the disorder. There is a clear different from denial and HOCD. Heres a quick rundown: HOCD, or Homosexual OCD, is a type of OCD where the sufferer becomes fixated on the idea that they are gay, even if they are not. Harm OCD is a subset of classic obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). But how do I know if I actually have HOCD or am simply in denial? Accept that sexuality is natural and that gay feelings are normal and not a bad thing. Am I refusing to face the facts? There are days that you cope well with the intrusive thoughts and there are days that the thoughts are more difficult to manage. If you are in a crisis or any other person may be in danger dont use this site. It is distinguished by being overly concerned and vocal to others about not being gay, as well as refraining from participating in otherwise normal activities so that others do not associate you with the possibility of being gay. Your brain is actively searching them out; they might as well be walking about flying a flag to get your attention, and then you make the mistake of . At first i am happy and relieved but then my mind goes" That doesn't mean you're not gay" or "Remember when you did that?". On the other hand, boys had no feelings for girls and were crazy for other boys until they had that one thought of being gay. PLEASE READ UNDERNEATH NOW!!! Understanding the symptoms of HOCD and denial is crucial to identifying the condition and seeking appropriate treatment. Is it HOCD or am I denying my homosexuality? This is just a phase theyre going through.. Both HOCD and denial can cause sufferers to feel anxious or nervous. You enjoy the physical qualities of a man. 5 days ago when i learned about HOCD I couldn't understand why reassurance doesn't help. But when denial starts to interfere with your life and wellbeing, thats when it becomes a problem. I've never had actual OCD(I'm a very messy person, no rituals etc.) Difference Between National Park And National Forest, Difference Between Boyfriend And Girlfriend Jeans, What Is The Difference Between Enfamil And Enfamil Neuropro. The more you agree with them the more you kill the obsessive part of it. Individuals with HOCD might feel guilty or ashamed of their thoughts and avoid social situations that might trigger their anxiety. and for some, this fear can become compulsive. What is the distinction between homosexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (HOCD) and denial or being in the closet? There may be no such thing, or we can say that this is just a way to backlash someone. Were here when you need us! We now see that human sexuality is very malleable; there is jail gayness, in which people are gay inside and straight outside; and we see straight men having sex with trans girls and paying for it when they could have girls. And, whatever the answer is, you can find happiness in that way. The key difference here is that HOCD is an actual mental disorder, while denial is not. But even if you do have feelings for other guys, its not a total disaster. There are different types of denial. If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be in denial. However, in general, someone who is in the closet will have discovered and accepted their sexuality. Its perfectly normal and healthy to have doubts about your sexuality. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the form of therapy that is most successful for treating HOCD (CBT). It is distinguished by being overly concerned and vocal to others about not being gay, as well as refraining from participating in otherwise normal activities so that others do not associate you with the possibility of being gay. Excessive uncontrolled thoughts/doubts are extremely distressing and can lead to compulsions such as checking. Adults, Children (3-5), Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17), Seniors, Families, Couples, LGBTQ community, Sexuality, Assessments. 2 comments 100% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment Unwanted thoughts also occur in this state. I dont want comments telling me to accept this cause thats what I DONT want. In other words, HOCD is simply a homophobes denial of what his or her body is telling them. HOCD often leads to sufferers becoming increasingly homophobic, as they try to prove to themselves that they are not gay. One of the most common themes that emerges in these discussions is the confusion between HOCD and denial. These obsessions foster doubts; doubts about whether their thoughts are significant; doubts about who they really are. But even if you do have feelings for other guys, its not a total disaster. and our From your paragraph, I understand that you identify as a female with a desire to have a boyfriend. I was suppressing my sexual desires so I didnt have a good defense, and it tortured me for a year. To be clear, the therapists mentioned on this page are not necessarily an LGBTQIA+ individual themselves. It's just that, a "thought". You can also book afree therapyor download our freeAndroidoriOS app. Unlessyourebisexual,youwontfeel any sexualorromanticattractiontotheoppositesexifyouretrulyhomosexual. It is essential to understand the differences between the two conditions and identify the symptoms to seek appropriate treatment. Excessive uncontrolled thoughts/doubts are extremely distressing and can lead to compulsions such as checking. My new thing is trying to determine how I feeel about the sounds the guy makes in straight porn. Begin a mindfulness practice. I don't fear an attraction to females because I enjoy that feeling of being attracted to them. Worry to the amount of people still asking this question thinking about their alcoholism may avoid anything that trigger. 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