. . . . . Iuchiban has come back so many times that people areno longer convinced he can be truly defeated. . . . 200 Where Undeath Lurks . . . . . . Due to their hunting of vermin, cats sometimes doing so with bows and spears. . . . . . . . . . His motive was not loyalty to his imprisoned MODERN TIMESmaster, but betrayal. The lesson of the Hidden Guardians is that defenders must make themselves immovable, stopping all who might threatenNEW ALTERNATE PATH: KOLAT MASTER the Hidden Temple. Supposedly, fox AIR 1 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 1 spirits have green eyes, and many superstitious hunters will try to see the eyes of a fox before they will shoot at it. . If left untreated over c Huge the long term, the illness may eventually result in per- manent physical damage or death, at the discretion of the GM. . Yajinden had recently learned a dark secret tonear-immortality swapping his spirit from body to body. . . Some samurai are unable to bear the pres- The Kolatsure. . . Economic ming hidden within their minds. . Assyrian armies marched beyond their own borders to expand their empire, seeking booty to finance their plans for still more conquest and power. Enemies of the Empire features an array of challenges for players, and opportunities for gamemasters and players alike to add new flavor and new dangers to their travels in the Emerald Empire. . Even worse, Jama was of Imperial blood, a terrible the Imperial Line for his acts.blight on the name of Hantei. . Iuchiban haslast time. The Lotus philosophy llment of their ideals will require them to control the spirit is that an assassin must be free of human contacts with the world as well as the mortal realm. . . . . . . While their solitary be- duced Traits return at the end of 24 hours if the victim havior may make them seem less dangerous than lions, tigers survives. This is the work of the Dream Sect,with espionage, magic, blackmail, and mental conditioning, which specializes in the strange and unnatural task of creat- ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREis maintained and studied by the Cloud Sect. .277 Oni Lords and Spawn . CURSE OF THE KANSEN WARD OF DIVINE PEACE c Ring/Mastery: Air 2 (Maho) c Range: 50 c Ring/Mastery: Air 1 (Maho, Wards) c Area of Effect: One target creature c Range: Touch c Duration: 8 hours c Area of Effect: 50 radius c Raises: Range (+10 per Raise), Duration (+1 hour per c Duration: 8 hours c Raises: Area of Effect (+10 radius per Raise) Raise) This curse subtly attracts hostile kansen to harass the target. . . .164 Heroes of the People . . 73 Nezumi Schools . . . sei was and remains the only religious text the Kolat re-The Kolat spect, although they twist Shinseis words to justify their Centuries of Plottingdarkest ideals. . And then we shall see what true divinity is. Having settled on their beliefs and justications, Tora and his fellows began the laborious work of building the Kolat SHINJO YOKATSU, CHAMPION OF THE UNICORN, into an Empire-spanning conspiracy. Even after his naldefeat, his immortal black heart burned to a crisp and his soulsent nally screaming to Jigoku, the nightmare may not beover. . Indeed, it would not be inac- ter-century, the edgling Kolat devised their own philosophy,curate to describe the Kolat as a secret philosophical cult, one which they called the Rule of Man. They saw that Shinseiwhich clings to its bizarre principles with the same determina- taught all things to be impermanent, changing as the Celestialtion as Bloodspeakers and other religious blasphemers. . . Finally, the Phoenix Bloodspeakers. . The Dragon Clan, controlled by its immor- Unicorn was more than compensated for by the ascension of The Kolattal Kami Togashi, defeated every effort to place agents of mortals to the positions of rulers over the Celestial Heavensthe conspiracy within its ranks. . 87 Kolat of the Empire. . . . oxen, snakes, stags, and wolves, as well as occasional tigers from the north. . The true Kolat found this death of Akodo Jinoku?) These fears may hold a certain element of truth. Kolat actors and assassins of theThe Kolat Lotus sect are often trained to eliminate a specic target and AIR 4 EARTH 3 FIRE 4 WATER 2 VOID 3 replace him or her. . . The typical Lotus assas- the same ruthlessness as an external one, and when someone sination will be carried out by an agent who pretends to be betrays the Kolat the punishment extends not only to that in- someone close to the target, murders him, and then fakes his dividual but also to his family and friends. . But it was Yajindens very talents some form of blood magic in the dawn of the Empire, and his which were his undoing. . . Once activated, sleepers lose all sense of selfcontrol over his agents without compromising his identity and behave only as previously commanded during their in-even if an outsider learns the spell. . . .135 the Finned Maw . . . cults maho spells and rituals. (The opponent must still make his Raises intheir position by rising through the ranks of the conspiracy, order to hit you, but no longer gains any benet from them. This is the Shinomen Mori, the greatest forest in more practical than that.the world. My father laid eyes upon the ruins himself, Hikaru said, Ito nodded eagerly, stopping in mid-nod to settle the falcon a hint of defensiveness in his voice. . . The power of the Onis Eye makes it pitifully easy name each generation so as to remain in the mortal world for the Kolat to discover dark secrets about its targets once until he could face his brother Fu Leng once more at the Sec- they draw its ire. . . . . . . . . . . . Do not do this. The matic, while a Phoenix might become more arrogant and ob- caster writes the ward in the blood he spill to cast the spell, sessed with magical power. L5R RPG 4th Edition represent organizations that You gain a bonus of +2k2 to the total of your rst For them the Empire is a sin it has been strong for far too long. With its greater An opponent who has attack rolls, damage rolls, andemphasis on narrative storytelling than on absolute mechani- wounds that are in keeping with the characters abili-cal equilibrium, this can be a difcult proposition with Leg- ties can completely outmatch them by simple dint ofend of the Five Rings. . The Burning Sands were once a lush and fertile realm before the Heavens wrath reduced it to dry dunes, After the fall of the Hidden Temple, the Jade Sect largely bleached rocks, and embattled oases. 40 A Naga Campaign. . discredited and isolated. Indeed, for much a legitimate chance at turning the tables and ultimately tri- of its history the Kolat routinely used the Scorpion as scape- umphing against the conspiracy. He nally died when the Scorpion Clan stormed the Hidden Indeed, the danger posed by the Heavens is not unique to Temple. ers who resided in the Senpet lands. . . . History 4, Lore: Maho 10, Lore: Shadowlands 3, Meditation. .152 The Fall of the Kitsu . Crab Clan lands The chilly mountains and forests of the Phoenix Clan areinclude plains, forests, and swamplands, as well as the Wall incredibly dense with life despite the long winter season andAbove the Ocean and Twilight Mountains and a consider- abundant snowfall. . . . . . Over-use is the opposite problem,constantly giving the player char-acter special missionsto the point that he isplaying a separate cam-paign from the rest of thecharacters, who generallywont get nearly as fulllinga play experience. FIVE RINGS RPG, 4TH EDITION: ENEMIES PRODUCTION MANAGER: SENIOR BRAND MANAGER: OF THE. 207 Undead Spirits . Two agents reporting to differentMasters may be separately tasked to interfere with thesame group of samurai without ever knowing abouteach other. He gains +3k3 on all rolls to resist mental or social inuence from anyone other than Iuchiban, but suf- fers a 3k0 penalty to all Social Skill rolls made to inuence others. . . Whether it be foreign goods from the Burning Sands delivered by Roc Sect messengers, or high grade Kaiu steel from Yasuki contacts, Kolat merchants know where to get what the samurai of Rokugan want. Chris Doranus, Randy Elliott, Jason Engle, Anthony Francisco. .69 Nezumi Characters and NPCs . . . . . . . . . When casting a c Raises: Range (20 per Raise), Area of Effect (suppliesMaho spell, you may reduce the amount of Taint you gain by1 point for every 2 additional Wounds you take when casting for 1 additional person per Raise)the spell. . . . Special Abilities: ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE c Fear 2 c Fleet 2 (while swimming) c Charge: If an elephant is in the Full Attack Stance and c Tenacious Jaws: Crocodiles who bite someone may moves at least ten feet, it can attack with its tusks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action. Fortunes! the boy whispered. The most select of these were allowed to Hantei Jama was the younger brother of the Hantei Em- join him in the active study of maho and would eventuallyperor who reigned at the turn of the sixth century. How exactly he learnedWe thought you were going to be Emperor, they replied. Kolat agents were routinely tested for The death of a thousand-year-old Kami will certainly let the Shadow corruption, and the Jade Sect was tasked with de- PCs know they cant depend on canonical history to save the stroying Shadowspawn as well as the forces of Jigoku. . . . . You are considered to be Status 10 to any character who is a member of the Kolat conspiracy and who belongs to yourNEW ADVANTAGE: Sect, and Status 9 to any character who is a Kolat but not ofSPY NETWORK [SOCIAL] (8 POINTS) your Sect. .246 Arugai no Oni, Soultwister Magic . . The symbol must beA ritual spell rst used by the notorious Doji Nashiko, this spell inscribed into a at surface (wall, oor, etc) when it is cast.is also employed by many other maho-tsukai, and has found The moment anyone who is not a loyal member of the Blood-its way into the repertoire of several Bloodspeaker Cult cells. . . . agents from the various sects worked together to accomplishThis was something of a turning point for the Kolat. It was a key and leaderless, and the remaining Masters had to devote allblow against the Darkness, but it exposed the existence of the their efforts to ensuring something survived for the future.Kolat to the Empire as a whole. . . The GM has the nal say on what you learn, but it will The ancient order of the Hidden Guard, named mockingly af-always be something useful to your current endeavors. Early in the second cen- Conspiracy tury, Kolat agents in the Crab lands learned of a mysterious object uncovered by Crab miners in the Twilight Mountains. . The horrors of the Shadowlands, including oni, goblins, the undead, and many unnatural beings that defy classification. (Manipulation) 7, Defense 5, Etiquette 6, Forgery 4, Heavy Weapons 2, Intimidation (Control) 7, Kenjutsu 3, Knives 5, Lore: Kolat 7, Lore: Sake Breweries 5, Meditation 2, Sincer- ity (Deceit) 6 Advantages: c Allies (many) c Blackmail (many) c Crafty c Perceived Honor (4 points) c Social Position (Yasuki Family Daimyo) c Wealthy Disadvantages: c Dark Secret (Kolat) c Obligation (Kolat), New Mechanics c Required Rings/Traits: Two mental Traits at 5 or The Kolat higherThe following sections offer new mechanical options for rep- 49resenting Kolat characters in your campaign. . 70 Step 1: Pick Your Tribe . . . Their interference alty collapsed once again, and he departed the cult to followdisrupted his ritual, and instead of stealing Iuchibans power Daigotsu and his newly formed Spider Clan. 78 Casting Name Magic Spells . . The majorityof them simply focused on their nor-mal lives, hoping that someday theconspiracy might revive and contactthem once again. . At the end of the eleventh century, Yajinden set out to locate THE BLOODSPEAKER CULT INIuchibans Tomb. . . If an army is needed the Kolat Resources and Methods will try to maneuver the forces of one of the clans into do- ing the work instead. they are not physically imposing, badgers are known for their sharp claws and vicious bites. . . By Ramsay MacMullen. Heescaped their punishment and continued to roam the earth,rallying what remained of his masters cult. . . . .153 Tsuno as Adversaries . . . ward causes its victims blood to become sluggish and cold. As you like, then. He turned to Ito.That is the sad effect of their duty, which they perform val- Be careful to unhood the falcon only when we have gameiantly, he added, seeing Hikarus face darken. . 19 The Early Champions . . . . First he freed his spirit enough to entergineering projects in Rokugani history. THE ENEMY OF EUROPE Francis Parker Yockey 1981 Liberty Bell Publications Translated by THOMAS FRANCIS from the German translation of Yockey's lost original. 39 Naga Tactics. . . 37 Greensnake . . . . . Wound ranks This is usually done subtly while the victim is surrounded by School/Rank: Lotus Assassin 3 (Insight Rank 5) others, maximizing terror while minimizing any chance of detection. The mask instantly fuses with the flesh of the corpse and the c Social Position (younger son of the Emperor) kansen within the mask animates the body, creating a zombie. His horse moment to it when he could do so without forsaking his duties nickered anxiously, but he clucked his tongue and patted as a magistrate in the Imperial City. The GM can employ alomaniac has created his own Kolat, imitating the the Kolat in a variety of ways, from single mysterious en- rumors about the true organization and embarking on counters (why did that magistrate seem so uninterested in the plots and schemes of his own. As the new MasterENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE Coin, Jinn-Kuen has been vastly more successful than his pre- decessors, and has rapidly become one of the most powerful members of the Ten Masters. . .198 Chapter 13: The Undead. . .132 The Darkness and the Scorpion . To some of the Kolat leadership, these costs were accept-able, because the end of the War Against the Darkness el-evated two mortals, Hitomi and Yakamo, to the position ofMoon and Sun. . . . . . EMPIRE David Lepore T odd Rowland John Zinser Brian Bates. . . . . . .246 Immortal Engine of Destruction . . . Using the note-passing method can result inan entertaining and tense situation in which neither theKolat PCs nor the rest of the party are really sure what isgoing on. The pacis-tic Asahina devised what they thought was an appropriatepunishment, wiping his memories and leaving him as a child-like gardener in the Imperial Capitol. . . . . From demonic hordes from the Shadowlands, to internal threats and conspiracies, the life of the samurai is anything but peaceful. 49 A Nezumis View of Time . This ter the Seppun Shugenja who safeguard the Emperor, is taskedAdvantage cannot be used in environments where it would with protecting the Kolats headquarters, the Hidden Temple.be impossible to make contact with your spy network (e.g. . . . Otosan Uchi, site of the rst Hanteis home, was a vast, That being said, the activities of the Coin Sect remain vitalsprawling, and chaotic city, easily inltrated by new indi- to the Kolat and more than one Master Coin has pointed outviduals. .163 Dutiful Retainer . 10 Fierce But Often Forgotten Enemies of Rome Read Later Print Rome, this very name conjures up images of an ancient empire so vast that experts from different ages have been spellbound by the unprecedented magnanimity of its reaches. . . . . *. . Inspired by his example, the Empires samurai rallied Suru was a slavishly loyal follower of Iuchiban, butand defeated the undead horde, while Takasho slipped into the unlike Yajinden he showed little initial aptitude for theBloodspeakers lair and captured Iuchiban himself. For example, the Kolats Although the Kolat may appear to be an all-powerful and inuence can be used to ruin the career or reputation of a unstoppable organization, history clearly shows this not to be troublesome magistrate, or to bankrupt a merchant who is the case. . . This C Stheoretically ensures only the nest members of the Kolat canENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE HRYSANTHEMUM ECT rise to the position of Master, although in practice it does not The Chrysanthemum Sect was the name given to those who always work out that way. . . One of the most successful Bloodspeaker cult cells his own body, and shuddered with the effort of holding the was in the lands of the Unicorn: the so-called Demons Breath Bloodspeakers powerful soul. . . . . AIR 2 EARTH 2 FIRE 2 WATER 2 Initiative: 4k4 Attack: Bite 4k3 (Complex)REFLEXES 3 STAMINA 4 AGILITY 3 STRENGTH 4 Damage: 4k2 Armor TN: 30 Reduction: 3Initiative: 4k3 Attack: Tentacles 5k4 (Simple), Wounds: 12: +10; 24: Dead Beak 4k4 (Complex)Damage: 4k4 (arms), Armor TN: 20 Skills: Hunting 32k2 (beak)Reduction: 5 (squid Wounds: 16: +6; 32: +12; Special Abilities:only) 48: Dead c Blood Frenzy: Sharks become enraged by the presenceSkills: Jiujutsu 5, Stealth (Hiding, Ambush) 5 of blood in the water, which they can smell up to a half mile away. Kolat recruiters of Kolat Master. Enemies of the Empire. . None among those was as unique as the man known only as Daigotsu, born to the Hantei bloodline. . . . However, the 4th Edition Design Team having supernatural capacities. The tionalize and justify his behavior. . 7, Iuchibans Early Plots . by a cat, there is a 1 in 10 chance that the character c Huge. . .152 The Ningyo . . . . If mankind was ruled by gods fallentains who had previously ruled over the land which became from the Heavens, it would be those gods or their descendentsRokugan. . . . Some of the surviving Bloodspeakers would emulate Yajinden andIn the year 1165, Iuchiban escaped from his Tomb for the second seek refuge in the Spider Clan, while others went completelyand last time. . . . . . Islam And The Ottoman Empire In Wes Pdf and numerous books collections from fictions to scientific research in any way. . . This makes it difcult for them to focus c Duration: 1 day their attention or resist appeals from others. . Tigers also sometimes cross the mountainsstags. . .152 Sample Ningyo . .262 Muduro no Oni, Rank 4 Ronin Paths. It is considered to be c Swift 3 (when ying) Swift 4 (instead of Swift 2) when gliding. . sage of human supremacy and metaphysical perfection. velop close and well-maintained ties even when separated by While the Bloodspeakers had been defeated again, many of great distances and protected them from the in-ghting and them survived the battle and ed, hiding across the Empire. . The caster must succeed in a Contested Willpower roll against the MASTERY LEVEL 5 victim, and if the victim wins, the caster is hurled back into his current body. . . . How could they justify resistanceagainst beings who were literally divine? . If the optional Honor Roll rule is in effect, the victim of this spell also suffers a penalty of -1k0 to Honor Rolls. to advance its cause. . An Ogre mercenary's life is one of wandering battles, frequently featuring fights against terrible odds, but with massive feasts in the offing, if they survive. . . They fulll their mission at any cost, forgetting their deeds afterward. . . After the Imperial Citys relocation to Toshi Ranbo, the situa-tion changed. . . . . . . . First Paperback Printing November 1981 Reprinted with corrections November 1985 Republished August 2003 ISBN -942094-00-2 Copyright 1981 by Thomas Francis All rights reserved. Smaller breeds ofmonkey are sometimes kept as pets by nobles these types ofmonkeys will have Strength and Agility of 2. . . They are common game for falcon- Rokugani hunt them. . . . . The new the Kolats goals.Emperor, the former Akodo Toturi, was a mortal man, nota scion of the Hantei line. . . . . . This allows Master Cloud to maintain tight and direct other signals. How- matter of time. .265 the Corrupted Mountain . . . . He was consumed with the belief that he deserved better removed his own heart from his chest, sealing it in a hid-and there must be some way for him to gain what was right- den box. . . Regardless, allis normally only eaten by eta, although peasants and even forms of tiger are dangerous and they have little fear of men.samurai have sometimes eaten it when they had no otherchoice. . . With Enemies of the Empire, c ATTACK & DAMAGE ROLLS The hallmark of any com-we have tried to go a little bit farther, and introduce not only bat is the attack and damage combination. . Player characters as enemies can lead ably for the best who knows what destruction might have to exciting games, but an overzealous player can quickly resulted from mortals compelling the very highest Fortunes? Because the Kolat has away from them but his eventual exposure and elimina- agents all through Rokugani society, from the highest levels tion convinced the Empire that the Kolat had never been to the lowest not to mention sleeper agents the GM can anything more than a trivial group of plotters. . Of course, this small army of high- ly trained ronin, called the Hidden Guard in mockery of the ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRESILK SECT Seppun family, existed for many centuries before it took on the name of Steel Sect, and its responsibilities were no dif-The Kolat know that knowledge is power. . . . . . . . . although samurai often assume the two are connected and those who respect the Naga will try to avoid killing snakes AIR 1 EARTH 2 FIRE 1 WATER 3 unless necessary. . . . . . Common animals in their territory they maintain vast herds on their rolling grasslands. . . .152 The Naga and Pearl Magic . . . The Kolat does not wage open warfare with its enemies it lacks the resources to do so. . . It is not uncommon for proud hunters to gions of the Empire, crossing the Great Wall of the Northdecorate their kabuto with the horns of their kills, and ronin Mountains from the steppes. . . . . . . . While fal- The ying squirrel is the largest Rokugani squirrel. . . Despite his imprisonment, Iuchiban could ters. . Or the name Iuchiban? The Jama Suru personality does seem to have some glimmeringSkills: Battle 5, Courtier 2, Defense 4, Etiquette 3, Intimida- of recognition of its past existences, and it seems at least re-tion (Control) 4, Kenjutsu (Katana) 5, Knives 3, Lore: Battle motely possible that Jama Suru might appear in a time when3, Lore: Heraldry 2, Lore: Maho 7, Lore: Shadowlands 3, Iuchiban himself is not active. His loyalty, however, was unquestionable, and eventually Iuchiban came up with a This conict would be known later as the Battle of Stolen solution he bound a kansen into Surus body and soul.Graves, and it brought about a major social change in Roku- The corrupt spirit enabled Suru to easily master the pow-gan. . What is not known cannot be betrayed, after all, strict loyalty and discipline. . . At its most powerful, the Empire cast a shadow across the known Iuchiban and his followers were in hiding rial bodyguards and the Iga daimyos family. . . . . . Is it not impressive,Ito? he asked. . Since its inception, the Emerald Empire of Rokugan has faced challenges after challenges. They are stealthy predators, Wounds: 18: +10; 36: Dead lurking in trees, streams, or marshes until their prey comes Skills: Hunting 4 close enough to seize and constrict. . Up until the War Against the Darkness, no one in than once in the Empires history, and GMs can use them Rokugan really believes there is such a thing as the Kolat, to challenge PCs without forcing them to take on the im- and PCs who try to prove otherwise will soon nd themselves mense power of the true Kolat. . . . To some, the word means nothing. This spell works on all Wound damage, even from spells like Jade Strike that nor- mally could not hurt the target. Unfortunately for Iuchiban but thankfully for the Em- pire his new body-leaping power made him overcondent. . . . .132, The Obsidian Hand . Likewise, the Roc can deliver the powers and secrets a mindless pawn of the Darkness. Even at the peak of its power, during the period between the return of The Kolat are the masters of Rokugani conspiracy, but the Unicorn Clan and the Second Day of Thunder, the con- this does not mean they are the only conspirators in spiracys real numbers were small and the Masters knew they the Empire. Kitaro forced a smile. With a fresh army of new recruits at his back, Iuchiban con-tinued to spread his power heedlessly, making little effort to con-ceal his actions. . . Jama andnear the Imperial Crypts, just weeks away from unleashing Suru, covered in mud and hidden from sight, survivedan army of undead reanimated from the Crypts themselves. . . . . .239Shadow Mechanics . . However, be certain to account for other factorsunique. . . This has kept them for the most part unnoticed sometimes a monster or animal, literally forming itself by magistrates and organizations hunting their fellow cultists from the dark red fluid. . . . 240 Shadow Ranks. . . They are recruited from skilled ronin who have already joinedwandering the desert, exploring the Shadowlands or the Shi- the Kolat conspiracy and shown their loyalty and dedica-nomen Mori, etc). .131 The Goju . . After the purging of the Unicorn,single samurais dishonorable grandfather can be the catalyst the Steel Sect also included the newly formed Ox Clan, whosefor the downfall of an entire family. Within the agents of the Kolat is a small army of merchants who provide the conspiracy with the money it needs to continue its plans. Salvage was drawn by Carlos . He devoted every possible 5 regarded the vast expanse of forest before him. In this case, the GM should speakearlier eras, the branch of the conspiracy that corresponds in private with the player for the potential sleeper, makingto the later Sects) and establish one or more NPC contacts sure the player is ready and willing to undertake such a chal-who deliver orders to the character and collect his reports. I came to hunt, andthat thought of you in such dangerous surroundings without by the Fortunes that is what I am going to do. . . The GM should exercise in-telligent judgment in considering its effects. Strange Creatures of Rokugan - a L5R 5th Edition Monster Manual. . It was in the wake of this terrible act that he took theand rebellion. .192 Spirits of Jigoku . . . The kansen bound into the mask taught him terrible create, Yajinden would be his chief lieutenant, elevated new secrets, and Fushiki known within the cult as the Face of above all others by the power of his superb talents. . . . Welcome to Enemies of the Empire, the rst sourcebook for probably a benecial thing, as allowing freshly-made Introductionthe Legend of the Five Rings Role-playing Game, 4th Edition! . .114 The Age of Man . . . Initiative: 4k3 Attack: Smash 5k4 (Simple)ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE or Bite 4k4 (Complex) Damage: 5k2 (smash) or Armor TN: 20 3k3 (bite) NEW MECHANICS Reduction: 4 Wounds: 10: +5; 20: +10; 30: +15; 40: Dead While most members of the samurai caste have very little to Skills: Athletics (Climbing) 3 do with animals outside of horseback riding, there are notable Special Abilities: 10 exceptions. Kept as pets by nobles these types ofmonkeys will have Strength and Agility of 2. for iuchiban but thankfully the... Could not hurt the target these types ofmonkeys will have Strength and Agility 2.. None among those was as unique as the man known only as,! To roam the earth, rallying what remained of his masters CULT open warfare its... 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