For male Aussies, they stand tall anywhere from 20 to 23 inches. There might be a fundamental medical condition that is contributing to diminished development. Even with a diet and ample exercise, the weight doesnt seem to budge. I have two German Shepherd dogs, one of which is called Biscuit because his coat is very light with brown patches. These dogs originated from Europe and flourished in California, where they were bred as herding dogs and used in American rodeos. Breeds of men typically weigh 30 to 50 pounds, while breeds of women typically weigh 20 to 40 pounds. Another way to know how big your puppy will get is to check the paws. At three months, the weight of a male Australian Shepherd is about 20 and 25 pounds, at six months, it is around 40 and 46 pounds, and at one year, it is between 50 and 65 pounds. These puppies will be able to sense taste and touch from birth but their eyes will still be closed and their sense of hearing will not be fully developed. At the age of 8 weeks, the puppy is fed with one and a half cups thrice a day. Around the age of 4 months, a puppy begins to resemble a dog rather than a puppy. An Aussie needs plenty of exercise and an easy walk in your neighborhood wont be enough for him. However, there are chances of them growing a little bigger. This typically means they are about 15-20 pounds. Size. This is still an optimal time for training. Height-wise, Aussies stand between 18 and 23 inches tall while American Shepherds are between 13 and 18 inches tall. Another degenerative disease that affects the hips is Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease. It mostly affects growing puppies and causes lameness, limping, and swelling. Your Australian Shepherd should have stopped filling out by the time they are about two and a half years old. The vet will check if your dog has health problems that make them gain weight and will suggest the best methods to help them lose weight. The size of the parents will give a good indication of the size the offspring is likely to be. On average, the weight of an Australian Shepherd is around 40 and 69 pounds with a height of between 18 and 23 inches. You might have to make frequent visits to the doctor and get your Aussie checked. Following an Australian Shepherd growth chart is one great method of knowing that your dog is on-track for his growth while still giving you a good idea about how big your dog will be when he is an adult. 1 - 6 years. Aussies are predisposed to hip and elbow dysplasia which can cause the joints to develop abnormally and can eventually lead to arthritis in older dogs. Your Aussie will grow more or less like other dogs, but the significant difference will be their herding instincts. However, you should be cautious about overexercising your dog when he is still young. Get. The puppy is totally dependent on the mother and cannot control his body temperature, so he needs his mothers body heat to survive. The puppy will start to stand, wag its tail, and bark. The average Aussie litter is about 6-7 pups, but a female can give birth to up to 9 pups in one litter. weight: 40 to 65 pounds; life span: 12 to 15 years; breed size: medium (26-60 lbs.) At about four months old, a puppy starts to look more like a dog and less like a puppy. Miniature Australian Shepherd makes loyal friends and excels in obedience training as they are loyal to their owners. Their Double Coat Is Water Resistant. A Toy Australian Shepherd's weight also varies depending on the breeder's desired weight for the dog. Another way to estimate if theyve stopped growing is to take a look at your puppys paws. How Many Puppies Do Australian Shepherds Have? Known as a loveable and gorgeous ranch dog, the Australian Shepherd (Aussie Shepherd) is the perfect companion for farm lovers, cowboys, and active pet owners. The growth of any dog is probably the first concern that comes to our minds when we decide to buy or adopt one. How much bigger will my Australian Shepherd get? If this isnt addressed, he might have serious skeletal problems in adulthood. Growth plates are the soft areas at the ends of the long bones. Created by All Rights Reserved. Their height will be between 20 and 23 inches. Lifestyle, exercise, and diet are three of the most important things that can help your Australian shepherd lose weight. Australian Shepherds are highly intelligent and active medium-sized dogs with natural herding instincts and muscular and agile builds. Australian Shepherds need about 16 months to reach their full adult weight and around a year to reach their adult height. Australian Shepherds take longer to reach their full adult weight than many breeds. How Long Are Australian Shepherds Pregnant? The female is an inch shorter than the male is one inch taller than the female. Your dog is gradually growing bigger and maturing. . Yes, Australian Shepherds that put on too much weight too quickly will put a lot of strain on their joints and this could lead to health problems later in life. The average weight of the Miniature Australian Shepherd is between 17 and 30 lbs. For example, the typical liter size of a pregnant Aussie is 6 to 9 . Female Aussies are slightly lighter, and weigh from 40 to 55 pounds. Continue reading to learn how you can help your Australian Shepherd maintain a healthy weight, when they should be spayed or neutered, and many more. Female Australian Shepherds are smaller and weigh anything from 31 to 44 pounds with a height of 18 to 21 inches. During the routine check-ups, your vet will check for common diseases and conditions, especially those that apply specifically to Aussies. At six to eight months it should be 1 to 3 cups. The most common form of pet insurance is accident/illness plans, which cover injuries and most pet illnesses, such as cataracts or epilepsy. Its not always easy to tell if a dog is pregnant, especially in the early stages when there arent any physical changes. By comparing personalized coverage and pricing differences we can save you a ton of money, up to 83% in some instances! Australian shepherds reach their full height by 10-12 months of age and their full weight by 1.5-3 years of age. On the other hand, a male Mini Australian Shepherd is slightly larger with a weight of between 30 and 50 pounds and a height of between 14 and 28 inches. Australian shepherd weight chart (Female Puppies) Adult Female Australian Shepherds normally weigh between 64 to 65 pounds, and the following are the growth stages of a female shepherd puppy. Females are smaller, standing 18 to 22 inches (46 to 56 cm) tall and males measure 19 to 23 inches (48 to 58 cm). Let's analyze your pet's breed, age, and location to find the right coverage and the best savings. These procedures are done to help reduce aggressive behavior and marking in dogs as well as prevent pregnancy and breeding. It is not meant to be used to diagnose, treat, or predict any health conditions of any dog.Never ignore what a veterinarian tells you to do or delay in seeking it. Miniature Aussies will be at their adult height at 10 months while Standard varieties will take 16 months to reach their adult size and then continue to fill out until they are about two and a half years old. She had sort of plateaued between 8 and 12 weeks, but seems to be growing again. The ideal BCS is a 5. This is also the right time to try and start house training your dog. This is also the time for a puppys first vaccinations during this month. Routine vet visits will enable you to prevent and pick up any diseases before they become a potentially bigger problem. When a puppy reaches 3 months, its time to socialize it properly. She might even be more than 20 lbs, if the "double weight at 16" thing happens to her. It is the stage in which the puppy grows gradually and becomes bigger. That is, 40.1 lbs to 50.5 lbs for females and 45 lbs to 60.8 lbs for males. Liter size can also affect the size of these dogs. You will know for sure shes pregnant when her nipples increase in size and appear slightly swollen. You have to take proper care and make sure that it is safe. A male dog weighs roughly 25 pounds at three months. United Kennel Club: standard: Fdration Cynologique Internationale: standard: Dog (domestic dog) The Australian Shepherd is a breed of herding dog from the United States. Being a medium-sized dog, the average height of an Aussie dog is between 20 and 23 inches. What are the Factors that Impact the Australian Shepherds Growth? Australian Shepherds are high-energy dogs that need plenty of exercise in order to stay healthy. Keeping them fit will ensure that diseases related to weight gain will be avoided. On average, an Australian Shepherd pup will need about 1 cups of high-quality food per day, spread over three meals until six months of age. This calculator allows the user to adjust the rate of aging during the first two years of the dogs life. Like us, our dogs are living longer lives, which creates an even greater need for regular veterinary care so that your dog can have the best quality of life. It usually lasts between 7-12 months. How Often Should I Bathe My Australian Shepherd? Are you wondering how big your Australian Shepherd will get? This will be the stage when the eyesight of the puppy is fully developed. You need to measure from the ground to the withers, the uppermost point on his shoulder blades. Your Australian Shepherd puppies are usually almost or fully weaned by this stage and are ready for adoption if ever that's the case. Cancer is the most common cause of death. These dogs will love to run, participate in dog agility challenges, play dog sports like frisbee, and swim. Feeding Guide. There are other varieties of Australian Shepherds including the Mini and they vary in size. It is also pertinent to mention that Australian Shepherds come in two different sizes miniature and standard. Compare Australian Shepherd health insurance options today. When fully grown, your female Australian will be between 40-55 pounds and 18-21 inches. Neutering is the surgical removal of the dogs testicles while spaying is the surgical removal of the dogs uterus and ovaries. However, the exact numbers depend on what you refer to as a "toy" Aussie and a mini Aussie. There are many accounts online of Aussie owners who have noticed that their dogs gain extra weight after having been spayed or neutered. My wife and I moved from the UK to Ohio where we now live with our two daughters. At birth, an Australian Shepherd puppy feeds on the mothers milk. They were originally bred to be used as working dogs. Both sizes of this breed grow a great deal in their first year, with most of them arriving at their full grown-up size when they reach sixteen months old although they may still take some more months to fill out. What Is the Life Expectancy of the Australian Shepherd? In the following section, well show you whether your puppy is growing appropriately for its age. If you have concerns about your dogs BCS, talk to your vet for guidance. Also, dont let your 7-month-old dog go up and down stairs. To predict the adult size of your Australian Shepherd, the first thing that you need to do is look at the parents. A mini australian shepherd weight chart by age is a great way to track the growth of your puppy. Unfortunately, we never know when the worst could happen to our beloved pet. How Big Are Mini Australian Shepherds? Pro Tip: Download this new puppy checklist detailing how to set up a vaccination schedule, wellness plan, microchips, things to have on hand for your puppy, and more. There is a genetic mutation that causes Australian Shepherds to suffer side effects from many drugs that are commonly used to treat health issues in dogs, including parasites and diarrhea. The weight of an adult male Australian Shepherd is 50 to 65 pounds and that of a female, forty to fifty-five pounds. Australian Shepherds are active dogs that need plenty of exercise to stay healthy. Since they are not too large, you should be able to easily weigh them at home. This food can be split between two meals. The chart presents the percentage of the population that . Its unlikely that gaining or losing a few pounds or kilograms will significantly change your pets life. Yorkie Mixes: 40 Different Yorkshire Terrier Crossbreeds, Blue Heeler Mixes: 21 Different Australian Cattle Dog Crossbreeds, Great Dane Mixes: 35 Different Great Dane Crossbreeds, Beagle Mixes: 45 Different Beagle Crossbreeds, Greyhound Mixes: 28 Different Greyhound Crossbreeds, The Most Aggressive Dog Breeds You Must Be Ready For, Your guide to the powerful Kunming Wolfdog. Beagle Price: Is It Expensive to Own This Popular Breed? When fully grown, the average Australian Shepherd dog will weigh between 40 and 65 pounds and reach 18 to 23 inches tall (paw pads to shoulders), according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). 2023 Pawlicy Advisor Inc, All Rights Reserved. Remember the Australian shepherd weight chart is an estimate. Other genetic diseases, like elbow dysplasia and cancer, may require surgery to treat, while some genetic disorders, like epilepsy, may need lifelong medication to treat. Buying a dog from a breeder with these health certificates can save you a lot of money in the long run as just treating cataract surgery for example could set you back between $2,700 and $4,000. Standard Australian Shepherds stand between 18 and 23 inches (45.7 and 58 cm) tall from the paws to the shoulders and weigh between 40 and 60 pounds (18 and 27 kg). Many of these are genetic issues that puppies can be screened for when they are born. Australian Shepherd Puppy Growth and Weight Chart (Female) When Does an Australian Shepherd Stop Growing? affecting their growth. The name of the breed is technically a . Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates Thanks for your support! Male Australian Shepherd Puppy Growth Chart (lb & kg). Puppies are at the peak of their puppyhood at eight weeks and are ready to leave the breeder and join their new family. There are a few things that you can use to help you get a good idea, though no method is perfect. If you cant feel the ribs, then the puppy is overweight. 3 Little-Known Facts About the Toy Australian Shepherd. My name is Peter and I am a dog lover. After that the dog keeps on gaining 3 or 4 pounds per month and that slows down to 1 pound per month when the dog reaches 10 months. If you purchased your Australian Shepherd from a breeder, then he or she will be able to tell you more about your dogs parents, grandparents, and previous litters. The socket wears down with time causing pain, lameness, and general discomfort. Black Toy Australian Shepherds Black-colored Toy Aussies can come in four variations, each with different markings. . Also, it will begin to interact with its littermates more. They Are Among the Smartest Dogs in the World. Looking at your puppy, you might be wondering exactly how big do Australian Shepherds get. Their body frame is sturdy, with a low center of gravity. Dont wait for something terrible to happen. Left: 1 year 3 months Right: 6 months. In other words, if his body mass looks equally distributed along his body, he is probably overweight. Your dogs waist should also be defined enough to see from above. The below Australian Shepherd growth chart will help you keep track of your dog. . Join 2,438,795+ insured dogs and cats across the US. Created January 15, 1977: Revised June 01, 2013. As a puppy, your Australian Shepherd needs to be fed a balanced and complete diet that is specifically designed for the puppy stage. Male Australian Shepherds generally weigh from 55 to 70 pounds and can grow up to 32 inches. Long hikes or runs can also put too much pressure on the soft cartilage growth plates and negatively affect your dogs growth. The American Shepherd was originally known as the mini Australian Shepherd because they look like a miniature Aussie. Aussie Shepherds can have nine puppies in one litter but most litters consist of six to seven puppies. This will last for anywhere between 4 to 6 months. Age 3 Months 6 Months 12 Months ; Male Australian Shepherd: 21-26 lbs. These working dogs are highly energetic, but are prone to certain health conditions, such as cataracts and cancer. You will find that many breeders are in favor of premium dry food for Australian Shepherd puppies and adult dogs. The 2017 ASHGI Australian Shepherd Longevity Survey reports that almost a third of these dogs die of old age. The secret lies in the quality of dog food you give your dog the better the quality, the better your dog will thrive. Can an Australian Shepherd Be an Emotional Support Dog? The vet will examine him and recommend the appropriate dog food for him as well as medication if necessary. 2. 3 When Do Australian Shepherds Stop Growing? After a short narrow strip, the body should widen again towards the back. The vet can take x-rays of the dogs long bones to determine if the growth plates have closed and have become a stable part of the bone. What are Some of the Best Therapy Dog Breeds? A Miniature American Shepherd may grow to be 13 to 18 inches tall at the shoulder. Also, keep your dogs meal schedule in check to make sure they do not overfeed or underfeed. Australian shepherds are intelligent, loyal, energetic dogs that love spending quality time exploring with their owners. Both male and female Aussies should appear well-balanced and slightly longer than tall. Proper training and socialization at this stage are very important. The breed standard says that these dogs should have floppy ears but some Aussie Shepherds will have ears that stand up. Panosteitis is temporary and primarily affects the front legs and the long bones in the legs. American Shepherd vs Australian Shepherd Size, Australian Shepherd Body Condition Score (BCS), How To Properly Weigh And Measure An Australian Shepherd, Factors That Affect Australian Shepherd Puppy Growth, How To Identify An Overweight Australian Shepherd. Australian Shepherds are sometimes confused with American Shepherds but these are two different dog breeds. It is usually the time when your Aussie reaches 8-10 years. Australian Shepherds are known to come in two sizes, standard, and miniature. Calculators. The average body length is 28 36 inches (71 91 cm). It is advised to keep checking on your dog by taking note of their weight gain and doing physical body checks. Tracking the growth of your dog using the Australian Shepherd growth chart will ensure that they remain healthy throughout their life stages. To this day, Australian Shepherds remain ideal working dogs and they perform tasks ranging from herding to working as therapy dogs and service dogs. It is important to note that not every puppy is the same and their weight can fluctuate as they grow. Pet insurance gives you peace of mind knowing that your pet is covered should the worst happen. One way we can help them live a healthier, longer life is by taking them to regular veterinary appointments. He will have his adult coat and newfound independence. The average weight of adult German Shepherds by gender as mentioned in the first paragraph: Males: 66 - 88 pounds (30 - 40 kg) Females: 48 - 70 pounds (22 - 32 kg) German Shepherd Weight Charts A puppy will enter the second chewing phase at seven to nine months, and if it hasnt been spayed or neutered, it will begin to experience the initial stages of sexual activity. This hard-working breed loves having a job to do, and they excel as service dogs, therapy dogs, and, of course, as farmhands. If you can lift your Australian Shepherd, you can use a home weigh-in method, using three simple steps : Step on to the scales and weigh yourself. They are dependent on their mother for food and warmth. There can be a variety of diseases that can affect the Aussie at this stage. Their weights are not categorized by sex, since it is generally the same. This figure can vary depending on the health of your dog, the treats that you buy, and whether you groom your dog at home. If you have purchased a purebred pup, you will have a good idea of the size your pup is likely to grow to as you can judge by the mothers size. DEALS. You can measure the height of your Australian Shepherd at home. Cataracts can cause a dog to go completely blind, but they can often be treated via surgery performed by a veterinary ophthalmologist. The largest influence on the size of your Australian Shepherd is genetics, with the size of the parents playing a large role. Males will weigh around 39 pounds (18 kg) while females will weigh 27 pounds (12 kg). A female dog can reach her adult weight by 14 months, according to the chart. The Australian Shepherd breed actually has roots in Europe, and then the breed was perfected in California as a top herding dog and regular rodeo circuit helper. australian shepherd growth chart pounds. By nine to eleven months it increases from 2 to 4 cups. Your dog may reach his final height at a year, but continue to gain weight for a few more months. Female Aussies are typically lighter and smaller dogs than their male counterparts. Male vs Female Mini Australian Shepherd Size Chart Finally, you can project their final weight using the Australian Shepherd weight chart. Aussies require a job, and if they are not trained and stimulated, they will be dissatisfied. This is not true for all dogs, however. per week while larger breeds will gain around 2 lb 5 oz. As a medium to large-sized dog breed, Australian Shepherds can take a little longer to reach their full size than smaller dogs. Dogs who were social as puppies may begin to avoid contact with strangers as they grow older. Male Aussies weigh between 50 and 69 pounds with a height range of between 20 and 23 inches. If you suspect that your Australian Shepherd is not the right weight, its best to take him to the vet. You'd often notice that female canines are much smaller, and it goes for all breeds. Her lifelong passion for helping animals currently has her earning her doctorate of veterinary medicine at Cornell University and helping Pawlicy Advisor educate pet parents. Puppy growth chart by: Anonymous This might not be exactly what you are looking for, but could be a good place to start. 7 years and above. At three months old, your pup is ready to be socialized with other dogs and humans. During the second week, the puppys eyes will start to open, but his eyesight will not be fully developed. They should have already reached their adult height at about one year old. If in doubt, ask your veterinarian for advice. Estimate the adult weight of your puppy in 5 simple steps using our free puppy weight chart! As a precautionary step, make sure that you keep to the recommended schedule of examinations and vaccinations. Age (months) Min Weight (pounds) Max Weight (pounds) 3: 6: 12: 6: 13: 26: 9 : 20: 39: 12: 26: 50: Australian Shepherd Lab Mix Temperament. A mixture of proper diet and exercise usually helps overweight dogs to drop pounds quickly. Veterinary treatment and procedures can easily cost thousands of dollars. As such, Aussie Shepherds weigh 50 to 65 lbs. However, the damage mutation does cannot be reversed. There are also DNA tests available that might give you a clue as to what to expect. Please note that proper training and socialization at this stage are crucial. Therefore, to ensure that they are at a healthy weight it is important to give your dog a healthy and balanced diet. Another common condition is Idiopathic epilepsy which causes seizures in dogs. On the other hand, females weigh between 40 and 55 pounds with a height of between 18 and 21 inches. Set up a safety net for your dogs long-term health by using Pawlicy Advisor to compare the best Australian Shepherd pet insurance plans side-by-side today! This website provides general information about shepherd dog breeds. Both extremes are incredibly unhealthy. Despite the name, the Australian Shepherd does not originate in Australia. By analyzing thousands of data points, we created the real-life Australian Shepherd weight distribution chart. Australian Shepherd Genetics and Common Health Problems. This will help in preventing cases of your dog being overweight or underweight. She licks her puppies bottoms clean after a bowel movement. These figures include food, a dog license, veterinary costs, medical costs, training, grooming costs, treats, a microchip, and other essential supplies. This is because they, in truth, look just like mini Aussies. Depending on its age, size, and activity level, an adult Australian Shepherd, will need about 2 cups of food per day, spread over two meals. Purina recommends that a dog in this weight range should get 2/3 to 2 cups of food per day when they're between one and three months old. Pick up your dog and step back on the scales. From history, we can see that Aussies have always been very active and are at their best when they are herding livestock or doing some other work. The parents will give you a forecast of your own dogs size. This stage of puppy growth is known as the transitional stage. Australian Shepherds have an average weight of 40 to 50lb (18 to 23kg) for males and 30 to 40lb (14 to 20kg) for females. Female Australian Shepherd Puppy Growth Chart (lb & kg). Dogs should have food that has been specifically formulated for active breeds while they should also be fed puppy formula when they are still under one year old. Beyond using the Australian Shepherd growth chart, you can first look at the dogs parents, if they are known. Regular visits to the vet will ensure that you catch these conditions at an early stage and provide treatment where possible. ARTICLES. Your dog needs a high-quality diet to stay healthy. We, of course, want our furry family members to lead the longest life possible. You might notice some change in behavior due to the developed sexual behavior. Overview: A Few Fun Facts About the Australian Shepherd. 39-50 lbs. Per the American Kennel Club Official Australian Shepherd Standards, an adult male Australian Shepherd should weigh between 50 and 65 pounds. Male Aussies stand at a height of around 20 to 23 inches, weigh between 50 and 69 pounds, and have a length of between 31 and 36 inches. The growth rate of this breed will begin to slow at around ten months old when they reach sexual maturity, and it is at this age that female Aussie Shepherds will go on heat for the first time. How big should a 6-month-old Australian Shepherd be? When the puppy reaches 5 months it can go on short walks with you, but dont let him overdo it. Most Australian Shepherds will need 16 months to reach their full adult size, although many will already be at their adult height around a year old. The Australian Shepherd has 4 officially recognized coat colors with several variations within each color. This process is important to ensure that your dog does not conceive or impregnate unwanted puppies and is important for their overall health. Their health is essential, therefore, sourcing from a reputable breeder will guarantee that the puppy does not come with underlying health issues. They will have your puppys parents adult size, along with their previous litter numbers, and should be able to give you a more precise estimate of your pups adult size. Your veterinarian or else an experienced Shepherd breeder can tell you if your dog is the right weight for their age and height. 3. completely weaned by the end of the 6th week. American Kennel Club Official Australian Shepherd Standards. She joined K9 Web as the Content Head and now leads our editorial team, guiding them in creating informative articles about canines. If your Australian Shepherd puppy is younger than a year old, they likely have substantial growing left to do. In the first year, your dog will cost you around $2,700 and after that the cost will be a bit less adding up to around $1,500 per year. 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