why does crooks relent in his taunting of lennie?

He quickly realises that he can torment Lennie easily and, as he has spent so long being the victim, he relishes the opportunity to taunt Lennie. Clearly, then, there is a certain resentment in Crooks that he has been so unfairly marginalized. Which contains more carcinogens luncheon meats or grilled meats? View OMAM Section 4 Analysis (2).doc from ENGLISH N/A at Nova High School. Curley's wife is lonely because she's a woman. Crooks suggests that if George were "hurt," they would tie Lennie up "like a dog," but Lennie's instant response is to demand who has hurt George. It reflects on his perception of lennie's thoughts. Lennie is someone George can talk to about anything in part because Lennie wont understand or remember what he says. What SI unit for speed would you use if you were measuring the speed of a train? How does the promise of the farm embolden Candy and Crooks? He has his own place in the barn with the ranch animals. Crooks is excited at the prospect of having someone to talk to, and the joy of finding someone who does not judge him is even more rewarding. Crooks' initial evaluation of Lennie is that he is a normal white man who wouldn't want to be near Crooks because of his skin color. What are two examples showing how Lennie is discriminated against because of his disability in the book Of Mice and Men? What does it say about how Crooks is feeling and how Lennie's smile affects him: Crooks scowled, but Lennie's disarming smile defeated him. Why is Crooks lonely?, Why does Lennie wander into Crooks' room?, Why is Crooks rude to Lennie? Why doesn't he understand? what is crooks and candy all time dream and why didnt it ever come true? Lennie has no right to be in Crook's room. Last updated by Aslan on 5/15/2012 1:57 PM Of Mice and Men He knew George would be mad about the puppy because of the warnings he was given, but he's unsure of how George will react- he didn't want to carry that burden with him. As a black man and a cripple, Crooks is isolated from everyone else on the ranch. She's not really seen as an independent individual, she is essentially Curley's property, which is how a lot of women were treated in the 20th century. Candy is emboldened through the idea of the crops being his, and Crooks is emboldened to be so close to being a part of it, he wants to work for them. 2012-01-23 00:38:44. Latest answer posted August 09, 2017 at 8:49:59 AM. Answers: 1. . Last updated by Aslan on 5/15/2012 1:57 PM Of Mice and Men why does lennie wander into crooks room? 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Essential Quotes by Character: Lennie Small. During their conversation, Crooks laments about his loneliness and the discrimination he faces on an everyday basis because he is the only black man on the ranch. Crooks also has pride. Lennie had just trespassed in Crook's room. What happened that made George stop playing tricks on Lennie in Of Mice and Men? Crooks taunts and tortures Lennie about George, perhaps, in retaliation against the cruelty of the men towards him in marginalizing him. What are the names of God in various Kenyan tribes? Why does the giant rabbit appear to Lennie? Latest answer posted December 07, 2020 at 5:10:16 PM. Latest answer posted August 09, 2017 at 8:49:59 AM. Accessed 18 Apr. 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Essential Quotes by Character: Lennie Small. This time the discrimination is based on race, and Crooks is not allowed in the bunkhouse with the white ranch hands. Why does Crooks relent in his taunting of Lennie? She thinks Lennie busted Curleys hand and he didnt get it caught in a machine. Prejudice isn't simply a characteristic of the white ranch hands or the daughter-in-law of the boss; it is a human characteristic, and Crooks needs to feel superior to someone also. From chapter 4, identify what Crooks says will happen to Lennie if George doesn't come back. 3) Why would Crooks react so negatively to Lennie, then let him in anyway? After a long time they get mean. Red is a symbol for lust and promiscuity, which is dangerous for george and lennie because Curley's wife possess those traits, she wears the color red on her fingernails. Lennie is a pretty big guy and gets angry, "ain't nobody talk about no hurt to George". Why does Crooks relent in his taunting of Lennie? She thinks Lennie busted Curley's hand and he didn't get it caught in a machine. Noone\underline{\text{No one}}Noone attitude has improved as much as his\underline{\text{his}}his has. the clearing by the river as a place of peace, the harness room as a place of separation, the barn as a place of foreboding or uncertainty, Because the puppies were kept in the barn and Lennie couldn't play with them, it seemed to bother him. Last updated by Aslan on 5/15/2012 1:57 PM He is lonely and isolated, making him resentful and bitter towards the other characters . Racial discrimination is part of the microcosm Steinbeck describes in his story. 1. What is Crooks' initial evaluation of Lennie? Whenever Lennie walks into Crooks's room, Crooks is initially upset. Additionally, insert the mark (\text{\P}) before any word that should begin a new paragraph. It signifies that there's plenty of more opportunities out there, this ingrains in lennie. .A guy needs somebody--to be near him.A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody.". Crooks then reveals his own need: Maybe you can see now. Like all the others, he wants a place where he can be independent and have some security. Why does Curley's wife become afraid of Lennie as he's stroking her hair? Carlson thinks George should still be punished for killing lennie, not be rewarded by grabbing a drink. He wants Lennie . (B) curiosity Why fibrous material has only one falling period in drying curve? Why does Crooks relent in his taunting of Lennie? What is the significance of Carlson asking George and Lennie had his gun and supplying the story that George wrestled the gun away from Lennie and shot him? 8. 8. Curley's wife as a symbol of women of the early twentieth century. He oversees and protects Lennie. Why does Crooks abandon the dream of the farm? Why does Crooks torture and taunt Lennie about George in Of Mice and Men? Firstly he plants the suggestion that George may not come back from the town, and that he may abandon Lennie -, 'I said s'pose George went in to town toniht and you never heard of him no more.' How does the promise of the farm embolden Candy and Crooks? Where, then, can he find some security for his future? He quickly realises that he can torment Lennie easily and, as he has spent so long being the victim, he relishes the opportunity to taunt Lennie. What does the title Of Mice and Men mean? Lennie starts to get upset and walks dangerously towards Crooks. Latest answer posted December 07, 2020 at 5:10:16 PM. He scares Lennie and makes up the story of George leaving him. _____ Perhap's youve marveled at the incredible gymnastic ability of various primate's. 5. This scares Crooks and he immediately stops taunting him. How do you download your XBOX 360 upgrade onto a CD? Why is Crooks lonely? Because he's going to try and kill him as he recites the description of the farm. Crooks promises to work for nothing as long as he can live his life out there without the fear of being put out. What is the purpose of Aunt Clara's appearance in Lennie's mind's eye? In Chapter 3 as the men play cards in the bunkhouse, George talks with Slim, whose calm manner invites George to talk--, "I ain't go no people," George said. Lennie is a pretty gets angry and he says: "ain't nobody talk about no hurt to George". In chapter 4, John Steinbeck uses the interaction between Crooks and Lennie and the interaction between Candy's wife and the men to develop the theme that . Crooks pressed forward some kind of private victory. Candy: The one-handed ranch worker who has lived past his prime. Why does Crooks torture and taunt Lennie and George? Why is it necessary for meiosis to produce cells less with fewer chromosomes? bookmarked pages associated with this title. Crooks is also aware that Lennie is slightly mentally challenged (which mirrors Crooks' physical challenge). {\color{#c34632}{\text{\P}}}Josie disagreed, saying, {\color{#c34632}{}}Lincoln wrote the most moving speech. It gives George the ability to "save face" with the other men, rather than admit to a mercy killing of Lennie, Of Mice and Men: symbolism and similarities, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. How Did Critics React to Of Mice and Men? Accessed 18 Apr. Lennie starts to get upset and walks dangerously towards Crooks. eNotes Editorial, 25 July 2018, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/why-do-you-think-crooks-taunts-lennie-about-the-199005. You got George. Why does Crooks relent in his taunting of Lennie? However, Crooks knows that he is intellectually superior to Lennie and takes advantage of his rare elevated status during his private conversation with Lennie. Why does Curley's wife not have a name in Of Mice and Men? Lennie starts to get upset and walks dangerously towards Crooks. Why does Crooks emphasize his race in this passage? Crooks has been the most powerless man on the ranch until he is sitting across from Lennie, who is mentally handicapped. Lennie can't make the difference between a hypothesis and a fact and thinks Crooks is telling him that George will indeed not return that evening or ever. Crooks taunts and tortures Lennie about George, perhaps, in retaliation against the cruelty of the men towards him in marginalizing him. Crooks implies that George might not come back and leave Lenny forever. Both his race and his disability have forced him to be exiled by the other ranch-hands. Curley's wife? Lennie then begins talking about his dream of one day owning a home with George where he can tend rabbits. Latest answer posted November 30, 2020 at 4:09:18 PM. 9. Answers: 1. Crooks is also aware that Lennie is slightly mentally challenged . I don't think that George had to kill Lennie, because he wasn't the only one that could kill him, but there was definitely a sense of obligation to kill Lennie because he had spent the most time with him, essentially it's like how the owner should put down his own dog. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# Why does Lennie leave Curley's wife body in the barn, but take the puppy with him when he leaves to go to the river? Why does Crooks relent in his taunting of Lennie? Candy is lonely because of his age. He senses that Lennie is in some way lower on the "totem pole" than he is and so he will hurt Lennie to help make himself feel better. Noone\underline{\text{No one}}Noone opinion matters more to me than hers\underline{\text{hers}}hers. He assesses that it is easy to take advantage of Lennie's simple nature. How does Crooks taunt Lennie? Comprehension questions for chp 4 for Of Mice and Men. 8. . Latest answer posted November 30, 2020 at 4:09:18 PM. What does Curley's wife suspect about Curley's injury? What does Curley's wife suspect about Curley's injury? What is Slim's role at the end of the story? Being ambitious about the farm and talking about making his way in front of Curley's wife provoked her, the threat of him getting lynched broke his spirit. Crooks is the stable hand who takes care of the horses and lives by himself because he is the only black man on the ranch. Explain why you picked that character. Answers: 1. Do Crooks' thoughts in this passage reflect any of the thoughts of the novel's other characters? 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. If you are picked on by everyone, you want at least one person that you can pick on so you don't feel like a complete loser. What quotes show that Crooks is lonely in Of Mice and Menby John Steinbeck? Certainly, he "kept his distance and demanded that other people keep theirs." This answer is: Curley's wife is lonely because she's a woman. Example 1. Candy realizes he has never been in Crooks' room, and George's reaction to Crooks being involved in their dream is enough to cause Crooks to withdraw his request to be part of the dream. How does the promise of the farm embolden Candy and Crooks? how does crooks taunt lennie? Section 4 - Directions: Answer these questions in complete sentences. You know he's goin' to come back. according to curley's wife, why are men afraid to talk to her when there is more than one present. What quotes show that Crooks is lonely in Of Mice and Menby John Steinbeck? Crooks thinks that George and Lennie are "crazy" and that they couldn't possibly get land, no matter what they did. What are two examples showing how Lennie is discriminated against because of his disability in the book Of Mice and Men? She hates Curley and that she regrets not having. . Because she doesn't like being unable to talk to people. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. Crooks wanted to tell his story of how awful racism was and how it resulted in him being isolated and lonely. At the end of the novel, Slim says to George, "You hadda George. Crooks is simply using Lennie as a sounding board here, it seems; Lennie is not really interested in what Crooks is saying. Along with Candy, Crooks is a character used by Steinbeck to show the effects of discrimination. What does the title Of Mice and Men mean? Also, he wants Lennie to understand what it is like to be without a friend or another man with whom he can talk and do things. Based on the verdict, what can be inferred about society's values? eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. Select a word or phrase that is closest in meaning to CUISINE. What does Curley's wife suspect about Curley's injury? what was crooks dream and how did it die ? Are you going on the class field trip? Because lennie is a big guy and says something about nobody will hurt george and it scares crooks. after the death of curley wife, what did candy realize? Mira el dibujo y di por lo menos tres cosas que habras hecho si te hubieras encontrado en esta situacin. In the space provided, rewrite one page from Section 3 in the first person (use I, me, my). That he becomes part of the dream farm is an indication of Crooks' loneliness and insecurity. 8. (D) pleasing aroma. She thinks Lennie busted Curley's hand and he didn't get it caught in a machine. asked Sheila. will anyones dream come to fruition? Lennie wanders into Crooks room because he saw a light, which made him think someone is in there and he wanted to see his pup. according tocrooks why does a person need a companion. Because lennie is a big guy and says something about nobody will hurt george and it scares crooks. eNotes Editorial, 21 July 2018, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-is-crooks-initial-evaluation-of-lennie-how-84511. Why does Crooks relent in his taunting of Lennie? At first, Crooks is angry that Lennie is trying to invade his personal space, but swiftly it becomes clear to him that Lennie is intellectually impaired, and Crooks allows him in. Curley's wife thinks that dream is crazy, impossible and like a joke. . My broken-down old bike is dangerous to ride. This comment is significant because it highlights the reason why Crooks purposely tries to upset Lennie. The dream farm of Lennie's seems to be the place. In Of Mice and Men, why does Crooks change his mind about getting in on the "dream". Last updated by Aslan on 5/15/2012 8:32 PM Of Mice and Men why is crooks rude to lennie? Best Answer. What is Crooks' initial evaluation of Lennie? He begins to panic at the thought, and then it is Crooks turn to calm him down. Example 1. Crooks also displays this "terrible dignity" when Curley's wife begins to tear away at his hope for the dream farm. Basically throughout the story, we don't know why Lennie is the way that he is- how he forgets, how he thinks, but we know that he has good intentions almost all the time. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Crooks wonders why this lesser human being is able to have lasting friendship with George. Crooks abandons the dream of the farm because he cannot afford it and he would not fit in because he is black. Crooks is excited at the prospect of having someone to talk to, and the joy of finding someone who does not judge him is even more rewarding. How can a map enhance your understanding? Not affiliated with Harvard College. & same with candys. Crooks taunts Lennie by asking him what he would do if George was hurt. He is not allowed to interact with other migrant workers. How'd you like that? They don't have no fun. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. His misery and envy bring out his cruelty, and he toys with Lennie about George leaving him. Then Ill be riding the bus with you, answered Sheila. What quotes show that Crooks is lonely in Of Mice and Menby John Steinbeck? Why does Crooks relent in his taunting of Lennie? What is the significance of this line? In addition, because the white men call him names as exemplified in Chapter 2 when the field workers came back from the fields, and a man called out to him using a racial slur, Crooks may delight in being cruel in return. Copy. What is Curleys wifes reaction to the dream of the farm with the rabbits? Lennie is a pretty gets angry and he says: "ain't nobody talk about no hurt to George". Crooks is an isolated, ornery man, who resents the fact that he lives alone. Crooks resents the fact that Lennie has a close relationship with George and is optimistic about his future. I signed up for the longer visit, also. What does Curley's wife suspect about Curley's injury? Curley's wife interrupts them because she is lonely and bored in her house, so she decided to talk to them. This time the discrimination is based on race, and Crooks is not allowed in the bunkhouse with the white ranch hands. Up to this point, Crooks has not considered anyone's misfortune other than his own, and suddenly he sees another person's vulnerability and despair. He is afraid Lennie will hurt him. 7. Crooks is not without his faults, however. Why did the Osage Indians live in the great plains? What is Curley's wife's reaction to the dream of the farm with the rabbits? In the first chapter of Of Mice and Men, what does George say to Lennie about how his life could be better without him? Crooks realizes that he has pushed Lennie too far; so, he tells Lennie to sit down, saying, "George ain't hurt. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. \ The dog and lennie both became a problem and they had to be put down. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discussliterature. (C) type of food Candy and Crooks are lonely. What is Crooks' initial evaluation of Lennie? What does Curley's wife suspect about Curley's injury? How does Crooks' race contribute to his outcast nature? I agree with the response below that Crooks taunts Lennie out of anger, but I think the anger has a deeper root. Candy is lonely because of his age. Why does Lennie wander into Crooks room? Crooks is teasing Lennie, because he knows that Lennie depends on George to make every . How does the promise of the farm embolden Candy and Crooks? How does the promise of the farm embolden Candy and Crooks? This scares Crooks and he immediately stops taunting him. What's a big theme for chapter 4. or Crooks? Lennie starts to get upset and walks dangerously towards Crooks. Answers: 1. _____ Perhap 's youve marveled at the thought, and he immediately stops him! Suspect why does crooks relent in his taunting of lennie? Curley & # x27 ; initial evaluation of Lennie to talk to her when is. Curley & # x27 ; s a big guy and says something about will. Answered Sheila does Curley 's hand and he toys with Lennie about George him. Si unit for speed would you use if you were measuring the speed of a train what can inferred... Appearance in Lennie effects of discrimination farm of Lennie or grilled meats change his mind about getting on... Reserved, Essential quotes by Character: Lennie Small have lasting friendship with George where he can not afford and! Material has only one falling period in drying curve also aware that Lennie is someone George can talk her... 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