#182 Hohopi Head east and down the stairs to find a broken vault door. #218 Parchidna As with all monster taming games, the starter is a very difficult and important choice. Head north one last time via the northeast exit and you will come to the entrance to the Tomb of Omicron. #002 Cubdy #170 Lumbi #228 Grimmon #203 Starckal #011 Spikarm #318 Voltaic Youll be in another undersea corridor with a bench and a palm tree in a pot. #117 Sectoc #228 Grimmon Speak to the NPC inside to start the fight. #274 Grath #199 Woozy #349 Behilda #201 Magnipub, Cave 2 #177 Outgrov What makes it even harder for Nexomon: Extinction, in particular, is the sheer amount of options, with nine total starters you can pick from.The game gives you an option for each of the types in the game, unlike other games of the genre such as Pokemon, so you have a wide array of options. #044 Larkito #323 Deyama #069 Bulbrit #138 Scooptor #157 Rustu, Cave North #321 Horget #149 Glontern, Northeast in the cave Head inside to claim the vault. #329 Lumefur You would be helping us continue releasing quality guidesas well receive a small commissionbut youll also get a great deal on the worlds leading VPN! #031 Flizard, Way to the city 2 #166 Malevodo #213 Mallark Thank you for choosing PlatGet as your source for a Nexomon Locations Guide. Either return to the Citadel Bridge and go west or return to Haunted Woods: Center and go north. The world is on the brink of extinction as mighty Tyrant Nexomon fight for dominion over humans and monsters. Continue on via the south exit to reach an old village that has been destroyed by dragons.#NexomonRarityDetail001CloddyIn Grass002CubdyIn Grass003LukumaIn Grass044LarkitoIn Grass045MoskaIn Grass046SakkaIn Grass067BaloompaIn Grass068BlimpapaIn Grass304CryzzardIn Grass305BlizzarmIn Grass306BlizzaurIn Grass309ForeerIn Grass313FlotterIn Grass314DratterIn Grass315FurrygonIn Grass326DichalaIn Grass, Return north to South of Lydias Village and then head west via the west exit to another pink grass area with a small house at the top.#NexomonRarityDetail016HeliwurmIn Grass153StalkeeIn Grass301DrareIn Grass310OrenIn Grass316VoltIn Grass322DeyamIn Grass326DichalaIn Grass, Continue south from Southwest of Lydias Village into an area with a bridge that you need the Air ability to cross.#NexomonRarityDetail016HeliwurmIn Grass067BaloompaIn Grass153StalkeeIn Grass298BasilIn Grass307BriarIn Grass310OrenIn Grass322DeyamIn Grass326DichalaIn Grass, Head west to find yourself at a crossroads of bridges. From the Immortal Citadel Fast Travel Point, go West one screen to the graveyard and then North one screen. #164 Guazharm #160 Dracly just trying to finish up the game here and can't find several nexomon. #257 Moonette #055 Taipluff #184 Ribombo #316 Volt Gym Leader Ed 56.4K subscribers Subscribe 2.7K 138K views. #144 Kromicide #136 Fandiose #142 Tundrox #081 Ploriol #117 Sectoc #045 Moska #114 Eqo #134 Roclas #084 Shardrine #175 Potpot #268 Muu, cave North Return to the Desert Outpost and then head south. #005 Sulphlo, Northwest with 2 bridges #103 Hoglet #008 Glimoory, Cave F1-B #007 Bloopish #195 Quarmor #020 Zasp #123 Puggard #135 Fanling Continue even further south into an area with a cave entrance in the southeast.#NexomonRarityDetail028GriffIn Grass029GriffgarIn Grass030LionessIn Grass096ScalderIn Grass235HydripIn Grass236HydroseIn Grass250CoralIn Grass251GrebalIn Grass325DinjaIn Grass326DichalaIn Grass327NamansiIn Grass, Enter the aforementioned Cave Entrance and explore the rooms there for the following Nexomon:#NexomonRarityDetail025SkerdiAnywhere026AferaidAnywhere035FaucefantAnywhere036DraniphantAnywhere080VarawirlAnywhere172StreamoleAnywhere191SingletteAnywhere268MuuAnywhere269CarcarosAnywhere275MermellaAnywhere343GekokoAnywhere344KamelevoAnywhere, Leave the cave and then continue on via the west exit, which takes you into another area with a large frozen body of water.#NexomonRarityDetail028GriffIn Grass029GriffgarIn Grass030LionessIn Grass091MadamusaIn Grass092BrumtlerIn Grass138ScooptorIn Grass139ExcravatorIn Grass183MojompuIn Grass235HydripIn Grass236HydroseIn Grass250CoralIn Grass251GrebalIn Grass327NamansiIn Grass, Proceed even further south into another long linear route with grass patches containing the following Nexomon:#NexomonRarityDetail090MedlassIn Grass092BrumtlerIn Grass182HohopiIn Grass220FrogickIn Grass235HydripIn Grass236HydroseIn Grass250CoralIn Grass251GrebalIn Grass326DichalaIn Grass. #078 Deebuz #159 Leechy #080 Varawirl #238 Florauge #351 Noocidal Go inside and explore every room to find various Nexomon amid the frosted grass within.#NexomonRarityDetail007BloopishIn Grass035FaucefantIn Grass086SounseIn Grass111HinazuruIn Grass138ScooptorIn Grass151BlublubIn Grass168GoateezeIn Grass170GoatlancheIn Grass222TeslingIn Grass250CoralIn Grass331NokiIn Grass. #084 Shardrine #267 Glunch VAULT #3 #029 Griffgar, Further south of Frozen Tundra #014 Gemock Free shipping for many products! #016 Heliwurm Head straight north to get to the vault. In the basement of Logans house at the far east of Cadium. Alternatively, fast travel here. #238 Florauga #015 Gemaxar #134 Roclas #253 Siki #314 Dratter #343 Gekoko #336 Raksuma #326 Dichala Explore each room to find the following Nexomon: Return to the Outlands: South area and then leave via the southeast exit.#NexomonRarityDetail075RubbyIn Grass076RunkIn Grass102PorkletIn Grass103HogletIn Grass104BarboracoIn Grass107SeedkoIn Grass114EqoIn Grass115SoniqoIn Grass196CrooIn Grass197CadetoIn Grass335MarasumaIn Grass, Start from the Immortal Citadel Fast Travel location and then leave the town via the South Exit to enter an area with a bridge leading to the Haunted Woods.#NexomonRarityDetail022BranipusIn Grass025SkerdiIn Grass099RappubIn Grass165VodoIn Grass175PotpotIn Grass268MuuIn Grass328LumeIn Grass, Enter the Haunted Woods via the exit at the southern end of the bridge. #233 Imbuzi #184 Ribombo #109 Pont #347 Masqat, South of Outlands #265 Yummo #338 Fortoise Vault 1: Outlands (Tribute of Mind) Warp to the Outlands, then head south. Theres a patch of grass in the southeast corner containing#NexomonRarityDetail010SpikusIn Grass122PoyalIn Grass123PuggardIn Grass124BrauncerIn Grass130SnushIn Grass220FrogickIn Grass221CranoadIn Grass, Return to the Orphanage and then head south into the next area.#NexomonRarityDetail001CloddyIn Grass032StingerIn Grass038ShromporoIn Grass122PoyalIn Grass135FanlingIn Grass145CalfterIn Grass187CruffIn Grass190SinglettiIn Grass199WoozyIn Grass325DinjaIn Grass. #189 Domigator, Cave Press Ctrl+F (Cmd+F on Mac) to search for the Nexomon you need if you are here looking for a specific Nexomon. #081 Ploriol #326 Dichala #347 Masqat You now have everything you need to go after the legendary drakes. #082 Bomriol #082 Bomriol Vault #2 Go east and then down the ladder to enter a cave. Once youre inside, go north and use your wind power to get across the gap. #075 Rubby, After the bridge Return to Lydias Village, where the Drake Isles Fast Travel point is. Return south to Underground Entrance: West and then head further south to reach an area which connects to Ignitia via its south exit. #012 Thornox #042 Treclay #343 Gekoko, Cave 3 #132 Swamplow #095 Monkapow Nexomon Extinction - Nexomon Locations - Nexomon Extinction Guide Nexomon Extinction - Nexomon Locations Orphanage (Pinewoods) Hero's Legacy / Starting Cave #145 Calfter #001 Cloddy #325 Dinja #135 Fanling #075 Rubby #207 Skungute #032 Stinger #199 Woozy Pinewoods West #145 Calfter #187 Cruff #325 Dinja #135 Fanling #075 Rubby #038 Shromporo #138 Scooptor #375 Darine can be found in far west of Palmaya. #119 Orologikus, Vadoss Domain From there, go south to an area containing these Nexomon:#NexomonRarityDetail010SpikusIn Grass081PloriolIn Grass071ViroxIn Grass117SectocIn Grass120FolicurseIn Grass181FoxdraIn Grass207SkunquteIn Grass225MimiIn Grass227RiphaIn Grass237AugaIn Grass349BehildaIn Grass, Return to the Immortal Citadels Graveyard and then leave via the west exit to find a giant cauldron. #185 Bombargrof #146 Calplex #103 Hoglet #076 Runk #173 Streamog There are Nexomon in the grass patches to the south of here, and it will act as a point of reference.#NexomonRarityDetail016HeliwurmIn Grass067BaloompaIn Grass153StalkeeIn Grass301DrareIn Grass322DeyamIn Grass325DinjaIn Grass. #268 Muu #114 Eqo In Logans research lab in the DLC location. #147 Bullogan #047 Chibbit, Building east #150 Lamparos #022 Branipus #177 Outgrov #182 Hohopi #097 Scailla #340 Mearn #006 Moltano #028 Griff #270 Immortis, Cave east #143 Prankrow, Tomb of Omnicron further west Where the heck is this Nexomon? #082 Bomriol #056 Fistuff, Northwest of Lateria #275 Mermella, Cave South #319 Wadgon #311 Orgot #036 Draniphant #033 Moonstring, Cursed Cave #019 Zumble #227 Ripha #037 Tuskant #075 Rubby #127 Jeloon, Tomb of Omnicron Southwest #131 Shloom, Further north in the cave #032 Stinger 208 ratings Nexomon Extinction - Wild Encounters, vaults and post-game Nexomon By missiloon I'll list in this guide where I saw which wild Nexomon and I'll list the vaults. #223 Teslad #339 Fortank #197 Cadeto The grass in this area contains the following:#NexomonRarityDetail016HeliwurmIn Grass017HelipaIn Grass127JeloonIn Grass135FanlingIn Grass136FandioseIn Grass310OrenIn Grass311OrgotIn Grass312OregoonIn Grass316VoltIn Grass317VolnamicIn Grass318VoltaicIn Grass338TreclayIn Grass. #038 Shromporo #276 Sirnymfa #122 Poyal, Cave West #128 Jeliflo #117 Sectoc, Northeast of Citadel There are grass patches all around the perimeter of the area, check them all for the following Nexomon:#NexomonRarityDetail001CloddyIn Grass002CubdyIn Grass003LukumaIn Grass044LarkitoIn Grass045MoskaIn Grass046SakkaIn Grass067BaloompaIn Grass068BlimpapaIn Grass304CryzzardIn Grass305BlizzarmIn Grass306BlizzaurIn Grass307BriarIn Grass313FlotterIn Grass314DratterIn Grass315FurrygonIn Grass340MearnIn Grass, From the Bridge Crossroads, head across the west bridge, where youll find the following Nexomon:#NexomonRarityDetail016HeliwurmIn Grass067BaloompaIn Grass298BasilIn Grass307BriarIn Grass316VoltIn Grass319WadgonIn Grass326DichalaIn Grass, From the Bridge Crossroads, head south and you will enter a small settlement. #154 Mantoo #130 Snush #266 Yomnom, You can find #353 Dracon Northwest of Ignitia, You can find #374 Luxa in Zettas Mansion in Cadium, You can find #371 Nara West of the Hidden Village, You can find #355 Boscage Southeast of the hidden village, map with big mushrooms, you can move over the mushrooms on the right, You can find #359 Mystogen west of Immortal Citadel, You can find #360 Krainnul West of immortal Citadel, You can find #370 Arqua In the middle of Palmaya, You can find #358 Volt Southeast of Palmaya, You can find #356 Graloon West of Lateria, You can find #354 Glamond Northwest of the Frozen Tundra Base warpstone, You can find #372 Grunda in the cave Southeast of Desert Outpost, You can find #352 Wyverne in the ruined city southeast of Outlands. #131 Shloom Thanks for this guide. #300 Tarragon Delivery time is estimated using our proprietary method which is based on the buyer's proximity to the item location, the shipping service selected, the seller's . 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