tradescantia fluminensis varieties

This tradescantia variety grows flowers that grow directly from the base while most people enjoy planting it for its tricolor and green leaves. This tradescantia variety is for tradescantia collectors that prefer bigger leaves. Its hardy (but, again, potentially invasive) when grown as a perennial in Zones 9b-12a. The good news is, you can always start a new plant with propagation. This variety must be placed in a location where it can receive sufficient lighting. It is a must-have on every plant shelf, because of its beautiful . Native to Brazil, Tradescantia chrysophylla grows as a terrestrial or an epiphyte plant in shaded forests. Leggy and awkward. As long as you keep the super poisonous plants away from your home, there should be nothing to worry about You can tend to one kind or you can grow your own collection. The most common Tradescantia varieties include: Tradescantia zebrina aka inchplant Tradescantia fluminensis aka small-leaf spiderwort Tradescantia albiflora Nanouk Tradescantia sillamontana Tradescantia spathacea Tradescantia pallida aka purple heart Tradescantia blossfeldiana Tradescantia chrysophylla Tradescantia virginiana Some plants work well together, and others just don't. We are taking a deep dive into these "good neighbor" plants, what works well together, and . long, tightly clasp the creeping or trailing stems of the Wandering Trad. The most famous ones are the Tricolor, Nanouk, White Velvet, Baby Bunny Bellies, Silvery Inch Plant, Cobweb Spiderwort, etc. General information. And if youre looking for more houseplant inspiration, check out these articles next: Ask the Experts, LLC. I know this reply Is a bit late, but I figured Id still try Tradescantia spathacea has distinctive lance-shaped foliage with a dark to metallic green top and purple undersides. If youre a plant and then forget about it kind of person. If youre considering this for an addition to your cottage garden, it will grow outdoors as a perennial in Zones 8a-12a. Im a huge fan of my Tradescantia (I think I have a bossfeldiana)! Theyre often labeled as easy! and low light! plants but cmon. The native range of this species is SE. Your email address will not be published. The compact-sized leaves make up for their seemingly regular color, unlike other varieties that have narrow and long leaves. With regular inspection, you can notice the pests themselves or signs of damage: the leaf plates fade and deform, spots appear on them, the growth of shoots slows down. Because they are prolific (sometimes, aggressive) growers, you can pot the spiderwort in hanging containers. Nanouk is available for purchase in four-inch pots from Hirts Gardens, via Walmart. 2021 Plants Spark Joy - Your daily dose of all things plants. This is a technique that enhances the speedy growth of your Zebrina plant. After 3-4 years, it is better to replace Tradescantia. Uncredited photos: Shutterstock. They are also known by other names, such as oyster plants, cradle lilies, spider lilies, and cradle lilies. It does have branched erect stems of bluejacket or it can be tinged purple and bear-like leaves. Many people know Tradescantia blossfeldiana as Bubblegum or Lilac.. I dont know the answer, it was more a rhetorical question. If you want a full blast of colors in your home, choosing several options out of the 15 options listed would not be a bad idea. Common Name: Tradescantia Nanouk, Fantasy Venice Plant Type: Perennial, trailing vine Mature Size: 3-6 inches high, 12-24 inches long (trailing) Sun Exposure: Bright, indirect light Soil Type: Well-draining potting mix, optional vermiculite or peat moss Soil pH: 5.0-6.5 Toxicity: Toxic to cats and dogs Getty Images Plant Care In warm climates alternatives should be considered as it is quite aggressive. Dreams blossom in time. The ancestors of indoor tradescantia are tropical plants, so spraying with a spray bottle and bathing in the shower are beneficial in spring and summer. Help will be effective if signs of damage are noticed immediately and adequate measures are taken. They boast bluish-green, lance-shaped leaves with parallel venation. Spiderwort plants or tradescantias are very easy to care for. If you have one or more Tradescantia varieties, follow the care requirements below to get better yields. Propagating Tradescantia: How to Root Spiderwort Cuttings, Browse all of our houseplant growing guides. Seriously affected areas include Australia, New Zealand, and the southeastern United States. We link to vendors to help you find relevant products. Plant them in all-purpose, well-draining soil in a hanging basket. The leaves are greyish-green and covered with silvery-white hairs and purple-colored undersides. That doesnt mean you cant enjoy it indoors though, no matter where you live. Vegetatively reproduces from adventitious roots on branching stems and fragmentation. Keep the plants constantly moist by watering them weekly in the summer. Ensure the soil does not completely dry out before watering it as this can affect the foliage color and vigor of the plant. form a strategic partnership called N.C. Nanouk has foliage with bright pink undersides, and its flowers are white with a pink blush at the tips of the petals. It is also applicable to their lighting conditions. Cover the top with a transparent bag or a cut plastic bottle. Your email address will not be published. An irregular watering cycle can damage the leaves. Do you know there are hundreds of wildflowers native to your region or exotic species that can be, Do you know the Jade plant leaves start softening and wilting within a fortnight, only to drop or, The Best Tradescantia Varieties for Green Thumbs. It is better to transplant or pinch such a bush with gloves. The leaves are ovate and clasp the stem at the base. This plant is often grown as an ornamental plant and it also works as a trailing border around rocks and enclosed gardens. Tradescantia fluminensis 'Maiden's Blush' (v). Ensure that your pot has drainage holes at the bottom. They are great options for beginners and experienced houseplant growers since they are affordable, easy to propagate, and are low-maintenance plants. Even in propagation, this tradescantia grows easily as cuttings. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Plants Craze participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Tradescantia fluminensis. Tradescantia albiflora is regarded as the long name for a white giant inch plant with large blue-green leaves striped and it happens to be very easy to care for. Tradescantia is a creeping, succulent, multi-branching perennial herb that can form a dense ground cover and root freely at nodes. Any kind of Tradescantia can be grown without too many problems. Sign up for our newsletter for even more leaves and paws in your inbox. Tradescantia fluminensis enjoys moist soil to thrive best. Tradescantia are pretty resilient, but I sometimes find spider mites partying on the leaves like its spring break. It is a native of Mexico, South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. No votes so far! Width: 0 ft. 9 in. Some of its cultivars are red hill, Lilac, Bubblegum, Pink Furry, and variegata Aurea. They have some similarities in care requirements and the way they look, but they also have a couple of different needs. Regularly mist the leaves of this plant to improve the humidity level of your environment; if not, humidifiers can come in handy. Variegated culture with green leaves covered with white and pink longitudinal stripes. From the soft leaves of Baby Bunny Bellies and White Velvet to the cradled flowers of Moses in a basket, the Tradescantia genus certainly gives us an intriguing selection of houseplants to choose from. They can be grown outside in USDA zones 9 to 11. You can find these plants on Amazon. Tradescantia Sillamontana is known as white velvet wandering Jew or cobweb spiderwort. 23 Colorful Houseplants to Warm Up Your Home This Winter, How to Grow and Care for a Grape Ivy Houseplant, What To Do About Woody Stems on Your Christmas Cactus. . It offers you a lot of cultivars like Pale Puma, Purple Heart, and Pink Stripes to choose from. Good luck with your happy plants! The leaves are also reported to be edible, it is believed that they can be eaten fresh or cooked. Delicate shades of petals (from white to lilac) are enlivened by bright yellow anthers on long stamens. Elliptical leaves are green above with a red tint;the lower part is purple. The best of the Tradescantia plant is gotten when they are grown as bushy plants. However, the trailing stems can grow up to 18 inches. In addition, the leaves can be used as medicine in some cultures. Your email address will not be published. Stems are ascending, decumbent or trailing, rooting at nodes. You can occasionally pinch the flowers if you want the plant to focus its energy on the foliage. How to Propagate Tradescantia. What kind of toxic are we talking? There are plenty of houseplants that share this need to have consistently moist soil but with proper drainage. Many online sites sellthis variety of Tradescantia. Now, let us dwell deep into this matter and look at the stunning Tradescantia varieties. This is not at all the all-encompassing list, but its a good intro list. The CalFlora . They like humidity and if your location, like mine, isnt a very humid place try putting the plant on a tray filled with pebbles and water in it. The plant has oval, dark-green leaves with pointed tips that are shiny, smooth and slightly fleshy about 1.25-2.5 inches (32-64 mm) long. Also, dont forget that these are trailers! Ensure your Tradescantia plant receives at least 4 hours of sunlight daily. The progenitor of many varieties, brought to Europe from the southeast of North America. Yes, its super easy to propagate just take a chunk off about 4 long with a few leaves and place in water they will grow roots in no time. Proper lighting, adequate watering, organic soil, the subtle application of liquid-based fertilizer, and warm environments are the basic needs of the Tradescantia Tricolor. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. This plant tends to get bushy in a short while especially if they are pruned regularly. You can stick a film on the glass or close it with a sheet of paper. Tradescantia varieties and Types with photos and names, Tradescantia Anderson (Tradescantia x andersoniana), White-flowered Tradescantia (Tradescantia albiflora), Blossfeld Tradescantia (Tradescantia blossfeldiana), Virginia Tradescantia (Tradescantia virginiana), Zebra tradescantia (Tradescantia zebrina), The Complete Care Guide To Sansevieria Cleopatra (2021), Hoya Kerrii plant: Care, Propagation, Problems (Guide), Zamioculcas Zamiifolia (dollar tree): Care, Propagation, Problems, 13 Fast Growing Climbing Plants For Fences For 2023, Complete Orchid Leaves Care: Get Healthy Rules and Tips 2023, Vietnam Orchids: Varieties, Care, Planting Bulb (Best Guide), 21 Best Low Maintenance Plants For Bedroom (Buyer Guide). Use a recommended insecticide to combat pest infestation in severe cases. If the location of your home does not allow access to sufficient sunlight, make use of artificial light from bulbs and lamps. Sometimes they are called spiderworts . Documentation State Type Symbol; 1988. Although this plant is not as colorful as other varieties, the fuzzy foliage and trailing stem easily captivate onlookers. You can buy this variety on Amazon. It is also called Moses-in-the-cradle. Hunt reclassified the plant in the Tradescantia genus in 1975, giving its name Tradescantia pallida. If you want to add rich and elegant colors to your indoor garden, the burgundy species has purple and green stripes that can show different colors depending on lighting and its stages of growth. Regularly look for pest infestations from Aphids, Spider mites, and Mealybugs. How-to guides, decorations, and inspiration. . They love a good hanging basket and look really pretty. Georgia: Distribution: TRFL: 2000. I have the nanouk and Ive started to notice the base shrivels up and its starting to look like its rotting. The stems are fleshy and hairless and Where it can be grown outdoors it will root at each node and become invasive. If you enjoy plants with soft textures like lambs ear (Stachys byzantine), I bet youll be delighted by the velvety leaves of Baby Bunny Bellies.. Be the first to rate this post. The liquid from the pallet should be poured out. As an animal-lover and plant hoarder, I created Leaf & Paw to provide information, inspiration, and thoughts about my two favorite things. Do us the honor of sharing your propagation journey after choosing the variety that suits your fancy. There are many different varieties, including Tradescantia fulminensis, Tradescantia zebrina, and Tradescantia albiflora. He currently resides in Lalitpur. It has interesting variegated foliage striped green, white, and gray leaves with purple undersides. Observing the plant every day, you can see the following negative changes: The reasons are most often errors in care: insufficient light, lack of nutrients and moisture, improper pruning. If you want one of these, you can order it here. The Tradescantia Nanouk is also known as the Fantasy Venice and it is a tender evergreen you cant help but love for its bright beautiful colors. Learn how your comment data is processed. This tradescantia fluminensis or spiderwort plant showcases a pretty color of lavender. However, due to its speedy growth, many people consider it a weed species in the garden. This plant can grow up to the size of 12 inches tall and can go up to 16 to 20 inches wide. The Nanouk under bright, indirect light will show pink, white, and green stripe patterns. 15+ Types of Wildflowers (With Names & Pictures), 5+ Reasons Behind Jade Plant Dropping Leaves. Tradescantia is a herbaceous perennial wildflower with beautiful flowers and equally enthralling foliage. They boast elongated purple leaves and produce sterile three-petalled flowers in either white, pink, or purple. Originally only had 2 stalks and now its got about 10, and yields plenty of cuttings for propagation! This plant can grow up to 2 ft. in height and width. its also reported that the leaves are edible and can be eaten fresh or cooked. Baby Bunny Bellies 'Baby Bunny Bellies' is a cultivated variety of T. chrysophylla, a species native to south and southeastern Brazil. They are also available in a dazzling array of unique cultivars. It may be common in suburbs from winter hardy places to USDA zones 8-12. Due to its endurance and resistance, the perennial retains its decorative qualities both when grown at home and in the open field. Ohio spiderworts can grow as tall as 2-3 feet but they are mainly loved and grown for their attractive foliage. Rarely flowers as a houseplant. If the tradescantia hibernates in the room, you need to increase the daylight hours with the help of backlighting. With the shape of its leaves and the deep shades of purple, this houseplant serves looks. Variegated species are not fed with organic matter. This plant has flowers that bloom throughout the season. Dilute the standard houseplant fertilizer to half its strength and feed the plant once every month during spring and summer. . The soil should be pre-calcined in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Many people often refer to the tradescantia fluminensis species as the flowering inch plant. © 2023 Leaf and Paw. Tradescantia ( / trdsknti / [4]) is a genus of 85 species [5] of herbaceous perennial wildflowers in the family Commelinaceae, native to the Americas from southern Canada to northern Argentina, including the West Indies. The branches, as well as the lower part of the foliage, are purple in color. Not all of the tradescantia species are easy to grow, some demand just a bit of attention and tears. It may grow up to 6 or 18 inches with a spread of 2 feet with proper care and avoid too much exposure to the sun as it may burn the leaves. The tradescantia zebrina is one of the most common kinds cultivated as houseplants. The sought-after houseplant has pink, white, green variegation. All Tradescantia are part of the family Commelinaceae. Its unique foliage will compel you to buy it. Now heres a caveat if youre the long-term committed type. The pattern on the adjacent right or adjacent left leaves is repeated, and the patterns of the right and left leaves are always different. T. fluminensis plants are widely available via the internet and mail order companies, and its popularity as an ornamental houseplant means that the likelihood of further introductions is very high. It can definitely be a number of things, and leaves are the first to suffer if there are issues. Green Ghost is an inch plant variety that has dark green foliage imprinted with a spectral silver outline on each leaf, and purple undersides. Also, one of my favorites is the Tradescantia pallida Purple Heart which pumps out these tiny pink flowers that I adore. Lilac is a cultivar of the species T. fluminensis, also sometimes called T. albiflora. If you want a full blast of colors in your home, choosing several options out of the 15 options listed would not be a bad idea. The mini-greenhouse must be regularly ventilated, otherwise the soil will become moldy. Frost and cold temperatures will hurt your plants, so be ready to protect them indoors. The Burgundy cultivar of T. zebrina has leaves that are a deep burgundy hue with silvery green outlines on the top sides, and purple-colored undersides. Here's the lineup: 9 of the Most Beautiful Types of Spiderwort Baby Bunny Bellies Burgundy Green Ghost Green Glow Lilac Moses in the Cradle Nanouk Tricolor White Velvet 1. There are really too many names. A morning sun is a great option for this plant. You can get cuttings by cutting a long vine into pieces. Broken brick or expanded clay is suitable for drainage. When properly tended to, they can grow up to 9 inches in height and 24 inches in width. Environmental shock is a condition where the plant is affected by a change in temperature. Maintain a warm temperature of 60 to 80F and humidity higher than normal household humidity. This plant is easily recognizable for its foliage color which has hues of pink. It tends to be a vigorous grower in both water and soil, making it a fun plant to grow. Vascular - Exotic. They can be grown as indoor or outdoor houseplants. They thrive in temperatures between 65F-75F. To this day, these are some of my favorite and easiest plants to grow and thrive in my home. Snipping off young tendrils encourages faster growth for a bushier plant. Interesting Fact: Tradescantia sillamontana won a prestigious award of garden merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. Since this plant is a trailing houseplant, you should look out forcreative waysto display them around your home. In its native range, it thrives from Mexico to Colombia. Some of these links may be affiliate in nature, meaning we earn small commissions if items are purchased. I have a bunch of the purple heart variety and man, they love it outside in the summer. The login page will open in a new tab. In colder climates, it makes a good houseplant and its spreading form makes it attractive in a hanging basket though it will rarely flower. What I like about this variety is that it can be grown outdoors in areas that are neither too hot nor cold. If it does have a pest infestation, you can shower it with fresh water and spray it with neem oil. The multicolored plant has a combination of green and purple and makes a good option for ground covers since it is a trailing plant. When I first began plant collecting, I would always see this small purple trailing plant, which was called by a million different names, in every garden center. While the damaged leaves may never recover, good hydration after a period of neglect will still ensure new growth. Moreover, Tradescantia zebrina produces white to lavender flowers with boat-shaped three petals and prominent yellow anthers. Tradescantia zebrina Tradescantia flumeninsis "Albovittata" (Tradescantia albiflora "Albovittata") Tradescantia pallida "Purple Heart" Generally, there are about 75 Tradescantia Varieties worldwide. On to the ASPCA toxicity website I went, and found a myriad of different information. The furry protection allows this variety to be grown on the south side of the house. How to Water Calla Lilies, .slick-slider#wpsp-83657 {margin-left: 0px; }.slick-slider#wpsp-83657 .wp-show-posts-inner {margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em; }#wpsp-83657.wpsp-card .wp-show-posts-single {margin-bottom: 2em; }.slick-slider#wpsp-83657 .wp-show-posts-single {margin-bottom: 0px; }#wpsp-83657 .wp-show-posts-inner {background-color: #ffffff; }#wpsp-83657.wp-show-posts .wp-show-posts-entry-title {font-size: .9em; }.wp-show-posts-columns#wpsp-83657 {margin-left: -2em; }.wp-show-posts-columns#wpsp-83657 .wp-show-posts-inner {margin: 0 0 2em 2em; } Ensure the pot chosen is well drilled to allow proper drainage of water. After a number of Google searches, vet conversations, and triple checking sources, its a resounding yes. We're here to keep you informed in all things related to plants. When Lilac is in flower, its tiny blooms are just as advertised, with a soft pinkish purple hue. Is there a way to propagate this type or plant more? You would tone down the beauty of this plant if you use drab or regular containers. N.C. In ideal conditions (bright light, proper watering) it gives off gorgeous red-burgundy leaves. They boast unique glossy leaves that are green and have cream, lilac, or pink variegations. Hard to find expensive philodendron plants, 5 Best Plant Subscription Boxes for Delivery, 30+ Different Types of Indoor Palm Trees to Grow, 30+ Pine Tree Identification: Different Types of Pine Trees, Growing Licorice Planting Guide and Its Uses, Do plants feel pain? COPYRIGHT 2023 ASK THE EXPERTS LLC. Right. Tradescantia zebrina Small three-petal flowers in green cups are collected in inflorescences. Once your Tradescantia plant is delivered, do not be quick to apply fertilizers to boost their growth. Whole Plant Traits: Plant Type: Ground Cover Herbaceous Perennial Some Interesting Facts to Know, Best Houseplants and Flowers that Match Your Zodiac Sign, Jardin Majorelle Marrakech The Beautiful Garden that Inspired This Color Blue, Small Space, Big Harvest: Top Vegetables for Small Gardens, Top 20 Medicinal Plants to Grow in Your Garden, 30 Types of Philodendron Varieties to Grow Indoors. Enthralling foliage 10, and Tradescantia albiflora Lilac, or purple white to flowers! Temperature of 60 to 80F and humidity higher than normal household humidity to... Is a native of Mexico, South America, and green leaves covered with white and pink stripes. A long vine into pieces and lamps in temperature for a bushier plant,... To boost their growth snipping off young tendrils encourages faster growth for a plant! The Experts, LLC a long vine into pieces since this plant hardy places to USDA Zones 9 to.! 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