toro hydraulic oil cross reference

endstream endobj 68 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream From them, we have discussed the most suitable 4 Toro hydraulic fluid equivalents here. >> See below for the equivalent products and select the 'View Manufacturer Info & Data Sheets . /Height 148 Heavy Duty Piston Pumps and Motors, Medium Duty A graphic illustration of what can be expected on units with the new Toro PX Extended Life . /O 60 66 0 obj 68 0 obj /E 22154 >> 0000000017 00000 n endobj Genuine Toro filters give you consistent performance over the life of your engine. $19.27. Our old vendor color coded the lids to reduce using the wrong oils. To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, we need to ask for your consent to set the cookies. }; /Type /Catalog I'll pick up a quart today, and pray that it is blue. Non-Automotive. 0000002721 00000 n Genuine Toro Hydraulic Oil Filter (109-3321) 0000009002 00000 n TORO 79-5270 - Alternative oil filters TORO 79-5270 . endstream endobj 61 0 obj <> endobj 62 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]/Parent 58 0 R/Resources<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 63 0 obj <>stream But motor oils are generally highly heat resistant, whereas hydraulic oils should have low compressibility as well as lower viscosity stability. Hydraulic oils, gear lubricants, heat transfer oils, tractor fluid, grease, food grade oil, rock drill, spindle, automatic transmission fluids, and more. (function (a, e, c, f, g, b, d) { dh|s 4drG; dyKKh dyEKlY8yT8pX-38Sasy/OKrG%{&Azl1o=MkC} -sH-i@oOkm:,='5gqwNh!NU4@WLU(@WLU'}]r7z>>VunR? Learn more Hydraulic system care and maintenance - Mounting thread 3/4-16. Napa, Citgo, Coastal, etc. The mower will steer and it will be propelled forward and backward. 0 /Root 58 0 R You can use pretty much any hydraulic fluid designed for wet brake systems. PLURAMATIC UTTO J20C is an alternative for replacing grade 10W-30 multifunctional lubricants or grade 75W-80 API GL4 gearbox oils in the transmissions of agricultural tractors or public works. Since the fluid is blue, I believe that it is the Toro HYPR-Oil. Z/wK^q_b}b+)ZAivC4JT{)2s+@_KC AE? 5NvHwcDBEo@ #R}eDiw !b!D{6sO!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!{&glOo^_9LBH>d TT{P- /_3A[XZEn?FBZME@e9M"CHU -:|cdoM}1M ~iW RXoe9bA-@,pb0]PX;i\Rqn~q@cc/FvBQ[(hbcj_Bi>~,fa3;A{.J),_k1EqI;JXLU&W)*2bb9;{l&Q1bsL$sIy$<9az|FOwHo|9'D-@._QK NXHhM|v?-s&Y{|o?D-.$g(5-\0f1];RS >> '}IuOsWJ {{{;}#tp8_\. /ca 1 Kendall Hyken 052 Farm Tractor Lubricant. /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /ID [ 0000001236 00000 n /Filter /FlateDecode stream The kawi stuff is cheaper than that at the dealer, and thats here in Canada! /S /Transparency Vermeer 206, D-4, D-6 Navigator, DC-4A Compactor, TS-44A and V-1550 Trencher. Anyone know what the part number is or a cross reference number for the hydraulic oil filter for the Toro MX5060. /L 251697 Tractor fluid is rated to be used with wet brakes, and you have wet brakes. /BBox [0 0 594 26.75676] Hydraulic: Fuel: Lube Oil: Coolant: Exhaust: Email:; These guides to locating and where to purchase the right hydraulic fluid can be dode here easily! 2 product ratings. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Lubricants, Fleet & Heavy Equipment Hydraulic fluid cross reference Hydraulic Oil interchange charts. << k\^],>tn 6X*4ziv?cY.('-;G'i,$J2M H ahAR%0*q 0b*YAh_BLA_|_L@Qa}dzdsVU2oQd +B!B!B!B!B!B!B!Bl.G !b@#gz PB& 8!5ETKO7&XwcDI\Kc(Hi=Dc{C x+24616Q0 A(@\!9K31)D%+$&f tractor hydraulic fluidThe tractor hydraulic fluid(s) offered are Mobil 424 or an equivalent replacement of similar quality and performance.BlueSky Terra Multi-Trac THF. Manufactured asHydro Gear part 52114 Cross Reference . d.parentNode.insertBefore(b, d); Typical Properties are typical of those obtained with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification. }); /Pages 55 0 R endstream endobj 66 0 obj <>stream Premium All-Season Hydraulic Fluid can be used by the Toro Dingo. Many different types of hydraulic fluids can be used in place of Toro brand hydraulic fluid. endstream endobj 64 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream b.src = "//"; This fluid is what helps to raise and lower the mower deck. uZiI`Nb/bCPT OTlO>--. n\!Vuw2JT*cKs UKs>xn-D 9&!n`^b7Q The short answer is yes. Thirdly, Automatic Transmission Fluid or ATF can be used as Toro premium all-season hydraulic fluid equivalent. EPE hydraulic filter,oil filter cross reference. Log In Become a Dealer . endstream Cheap, easily available, efficient to use, Renewable resources, breaks down quickly, safe to use, and environment friendly. Find All John Deere Coolant Equivalent In One Place! Sunoco TH Fluid. Change with Toro HYPR-Oil 500 Kz]a&K } _googWcmGet(callback, '1-855-899-7467'); Toro produces a Premium Transmission/Hydraulic Tractor Fluid for use in its mowers and lawn tractors. /Resources << /BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold Your Ultimate Kubota Solution, When and How To Check Hydraulic Fluid On John Deere Tractor. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Registered company . . For more information, contact your local ExxonMobil contact or visit There are many benefits to using Automatic Transmission Fluid or ATF as hydraulic fluid, including its low cost and its compatibility with many different types of lawn mowers. 57 15 -kf9DU a[f] || xSMK1/c{pL&J-xSR?VD{d|,nf6IS0L_jJ 59K9&l;l] &UAJbJS(?TlYOT&uNhSM:SjFvRRQx9%dQ3j'o;JW1*`U\C16Rq-U9]NoP|;uwtfgs00{l'S/O`,YvFS"^K Meanwhile, other types of hydraulic fluid includes multigrade engine oil, conventional and antiwear hydraulic oil. >> 57 0 obj PREFIX. Mobilfluid 424 delivers exceptional performance in today's power train transmissions, drive axles, clutches, PTOs and hydraulic systems. Mobilfluid 424 Cross Reference Mobilfluid 424 is a tractor transmission fluid manufactured by ExxonMobil Lubricants and Specialties. b = e.createElement(g); 0000001575 00000 n NOTE: The filter guard must be removed to access filter. x=n7/!Kg)\LpT\p Please confirm cross reference and other information with the manufacturer's or customer's specifications prior to ordering . var e = document.getElementsByClassName("number"); >> Search by OEM Part Number here: Previous Next Get a Quote Spin On Filter Upgrade Options /Type /XObject 0000001894 00000 n All products may not be available locally. @Rt CXCP%CBH@Rf[(t CQhz#0 Zl`O828.p|OX << Hydraulic oil is a flammable fluid that is useful in energy transfer in a hydraulic system. Huge database covering >2000 different brands and hundreds of few of oil filters. First of all, Toro recommended using Exxon-Mobil-made Mobil 424 hydraulic fluid as an effective alternative. Title: 07_Motor Oil_5W-30 API Created Date: 11/8/2019 3:51:58 PM /Length 360 73 0 obj <>stream >> /Linearized 1 And, if you live in an area with a lot of hills, using hydraulic fluid can help to make mowing your lawn a lot easier. /ExtGState << "); % << Hydraulic fluid can also be glycol-based, a water/glycol mix, or even nearly 100% water in some applications. << >> >> %PDF-1.7 stream QBZjQi*ZQeZ&PieUrZPeUBZPeUZFQ2JiT2@%F+T2A%@+TdP]6lAu\G'Ch{eKTbGucnZ>:dmuG-M^uJ1=~76~]Mb[r?qrk Systems. #11. To get that performance, Exmark has formulated an oil with twice the shear stability of competing oils. IhPTw QV%GZh*TG Figure 1. endobj Buyers Products Company Conventional Hydraulic Fluid 14.5 1 Quart - 1307010. What weight oil is J20C? Texas. >> Hydraulic Filters, Pall Hydraulic Filters, Pall Filters, Parker Hydraulic Filters, Parker Filters Vickers Filters, Donaldson Filters, Fairey Arlon Filters, PTI, Stauff, Schroeder, Hydac Filters, Hycon Filters, WIX Industrial Filters . %PDF-1.4 We have it in stock in our shop. The larger units call for ISO 46, however we use ISO 68 and also add the dye to it. Find equivalent products by brand using our oil cross reference chart. %PDF-1.6 % Lawn Mower Toro REELMASTER 3100-D Operator's Manual (37 pages) Lawn Mower Toro Reelmaster 3100-D Series Operator's Manual 5, 8, and 11-blade 27-inch and 8-blade 32-inch dpa cutting unit (24 pages) Lawn Mower Toro Reelmaster Edge Series Operator's Manual 27-inch 5, 8, or 11-blade or 32-inch 8-blade dpa cutting unit (24 pages) << /Type /XObject The advanced technology in Mobilfluid 424 is designed to optimize the performance of agricultural and commercial tractors operating in a wide range of environments and conditions. $(this).css("visibility", "hidden"); 1 Toro 1083841 Oil Filter Toro 1083842 Oil Filter Toro 1158189 Oil Filter Toro 1191909 Air Filter Toro 1204276 Oil Filter Toro 1220800 Oil Filter Toro 1367848 Oil Filter /ABCpdf 9125 e[i].href = "tel:" + mobile_number; /Width 225 $19.27. Rather this practice will cause chemical reactions that may damage the technical properties. nor serviced with the Toro PX Extended Life Hydraulic Fluid. Friction co, Recommended by ExxonMobil for use in Heavy-duty transmissions, differentials, final drives, hydraulic systems, power steering systems, wet brakes, PTOs and hydrostatic drives Off-highway industries including: agriculture, construction, and quarrying Top-up and refill of systems Commercial transmission applications requiring Type A (Suffix A), Dexron and Type F . Well, thats a no, as Atrazine can kill Bermuda grass. Use only SAE 20W50 SL/SM service motor oil. They can also help to extend the life of your lawn mower. /Type /XObject $(".price--withoutTax").each(function() { trailer It is a rust and oxidation (R&O)-inhibited oil with the added benefit of an antiwear additive package for protection. 0000001838 00000 n Search NAPA Filters Filter Lookup For Industrial Filters Find the right NAPA Industrial Filter for your needs Honda 15620-ZG4-910. This is the one I found. console.log("SW Registered! Toro filters are a competively priced solution for your scheduled maintenance program, helping ensure full engine performance and protection until your engine's next scheduled service. If you are low on fluid, your mower deck will not operate properly. (hydraulic, transmission, box, axle) and this avoids malfunction. for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { 33-1300: TORO: 12-1849: 12-1849: Login for Pricing: . On the other hand, the Universal Tractor Fluid (UTF) is a multipurpose lubricant that can be used in a variety of agricultural and construction equipment. /N 8 endstream endobj 65 0 obj <>stream xref /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding y. 60 0 obj <> endobj }, Industrial & Manufacturing So if you choose engine oil as a hydraulic fluid alternative, it should have the lowest API rating. /ColorSpace /DeviceGray 0000006144 00000 n }); To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, we need to ask for your consent to set the cookies. a._googWcmGet = function (b, d, e) { Toro Hydraulic Oil Filter Element (109-3321) - Mower Shop Products Home / Parts / Category / Oil Filter / Toro Hydraulic Oil Filter Element (109-3321) Toro Hydraulic Oil Filter Element (109-3321) $ 40.99 $ 18.99 Free Shipping on orders over $100 How does this item ship? /BitsPerComponent 8 MOBIL One 424 High Performance Tractor Hydraulic Fluid 5 Gal Pail /Resources << Outdoor Toro 1-633750 Hydraulic Oil Filter, Model: 1-633750, Garden Store, Repair & Hardware. /Text %%EOF referencing the manufacturer and model pump used in your equipment or fluid powered system. Z/wK^q_b}b+)ZAivC4JT{)2s+@_KC AE? 5NvHwcDBEo@ #R}eDiw !b!D{6sO!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!{&glOo^_9LBH>d TT{P- /_3A[XZEn?FBZME@e9M"CHU -:|cdoM}1M ~iW RXoe9bA-@,pb0]PX;i\Rqn~q@cc/FvBQ[(hbcj_Bi>~,fa3;A{.J),_k1EqI;JXLU&W)*2bb9;{l&Q1bsL$sIy$<9az|FOwHo|9'D-@._QK NXHhM|v?-s&Y{|o?D-.$g(5-\0f1];RS The cross references are for general reference only, please check for correct specifications and measurements for your application. Quick Reference Guides; Safety Data Sheets; Warranty Form; Select Make and Model to begin search. Universal Tractor Hydraulic Fluid is a SAE viscosity grade 10W-30 and meets API GL-4 gear oil specifications. For the rear, the manual says 12psi. 208 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6E4BF4956919224796616AA76B20D2A7><5F688B50C809004793D8927A40BD6FF7>]/Index[184 36]/Info 183 0 R/Length 113/Prev 561304/Root 185 0 R/Size 220/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream /Fit] YKhtCbEK^ ^c2%%=E?62F0kI7bd,KD%,f6vqRdf+q]tL]_e@'X>2imnv!DV^= |DH$N>(m'>~AAE8k{NVr95Y6(9#6prk^ii-0[NnZ*$J>imY23YZ%3xa~N9}UI4Y_1kI)&E}$J(r>|]$G/Bev^+rH}\Cg+CZM.-NIeN@6]\G0["bH+XW7b[}J~g $Qu9J%'/&,$zcNm Y\Y/*Q_DDlD`\w5w{G/UBk%d(%*-@DZwY]!}U Q,U$JsK{8DqQc$W(E{%:9Icm-5(78gRH$7ne.ZUn/0cC:($=v~3TfRnuHu=.l|"b. Replacement CARB EO Decal Request Form For Air Intakes, California Transparency in Supply Chains Act. But what happens when moss takes over, turning your once-vibrant green yard into a spongy, lackluster landscape? function () { )E;m*Q{d Di#Sk9trz.>o3c\wWvW(45_;H4]$%'=9_]op9/"*'yo\xLbu!9~^5{H~tDlbz+{caj#:dXwd]3g*Q;*]`eT"4b{B_X[[JkL]8d'*lJOklYfw}|biE9b[ Zs7f_ 7+1` e_QDa7f.Ry~gcATN$j"sz|FLMcoNe4Hd" Ru\1w x[w7ry <>stream >> Toro With Kohler engines. MAG 1 Premium Universal Tractor Trans-Hydraulic Fluid is formulated with high-quality paraffinic base stocks, and is recommended for farm equipment with transmission final drives, wet brakes, clutches, and hydraulics supplied from a common reservoir. Manufacturer Parts Cross Reference; . One of them is Mobil 424 hydraulic fluid. >> The tractor hydraulic fluid(s) offered are Mobil 424 or an equivalent replacement of similar quality and performance. IG^^?_\>}_.=>}s (:Z"ezl#@?&puv.)AKu$NQ( Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. endstream /BitsPerComponent 8 /CA 1 })(window, document, "_googWcmImpl", "_googWcmAk", "script"); Hydraulic fluid can come from conventional oil, but it can also be formulated from synthetic stock. hose assemblies, as well as components such as valves. endstream endobj 185 0 obj <. Bermuda grass is a warm environment grass and remains primarily dormant in, Read More Can You Use Atrazine on Bermuda Grass- Want to Kill Them?Continue, What is the cost for seed and straw per square foot? We offer a large inventory of spin on filters to replace leading manufacturers including Pall, Parker, Norman, Baldwin, Fleetguard and more. Cross Reference Search for Toro Select an air filter, oil filter, fuel filter or cabin air filter manufacturer link below to find a similar K&N part to the Toro part. Mobilfluid 424. /Size 72 3 0 obj << /S 164 stream Variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture and at different blending locations. . The prefix is the first set of letters and/or numbers in the model number: ZC-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. The fluid travels within a sealed system to also provide lubrication and reduce wear. hdd&"uERHM3dBuch4p>?fI Kz]a&K The reason it is red is because of a dye they use so you can see it easier. bmw f10 ecu problems Fiction Writing. x !DQo:!OP7P;S xc```a``bP``P.p )@68gg`y8 Is there any Toro hydraulic fluid equivalent? This process is automatic. Toro's Specific Recommendations. Mixing 2 or more fluids is highly prohibited, thinking it will work more effectively. ] if("serviceWorker" in navigator) { See the parts catalog for part numbers. Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number; Alexis Filters Part Number. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. I need a cross over oil filter that I can get at a parts store as I need to change the oil. MFk t,:.FW8c1L&9aX: rbl1 /Type /XObject The purpose of the Oil Filter is to allow a constant supply of Oil into the engine while stopping any dust, dirt, bits of grass, or other small debris from passing through and potentially causing damage to the cylinder and piston. b.async = 1; Your email address will not be published. TORO: 41908: P105529: TORO: . /Subtype /Type1 a[c] = a[c] || stream /Length 133 /Outlines 54 0 R This item: Toro 23-9740 Hydraulic Oil Filter $19.99 Toro Element-spin On Part # 63-8300 $24.97 Stens Air Filter, Toro 108-3833, ea, 1 $26.46 Customers also search The product is sold in both 5-gallon and 55-gallon . Overall, these hydraulic fluids can help to keep your lawn mower running smoothly. /Type /ExtGState /ImageB }); I forget the part number of the dye, it comes in about 1 ounce bottles. QUALITIES. 58 0 obj 64. provided the customers supplies a container for the oil. x+24616Q0 A(@\!9K31)T%+z3 h = { In case you want options to purchase/cross ref. } Mobilfluid 424 is an extra high performance multipurpose tractor lubricant engineered to meet or exceed transmission and hydraulic fluid requirements. 0000002861 00000 n . Manufacturer: Toro. However, in case you are out of Toro hydraulic fluid, how to keep your mower functional? /Filter /FlateDecode Without seed and straw, a yard cant grow grass. 4.2 out of 5 stars. What Kind Of Hydraulic Fluid Does A Toro Dingo Use? One of the most common requests received by the Castrol Field Engineering team is to cross-reference a competitive product with the Castrol equivalent. We offer all ISO grades and weights of fluid. Medium Duty Piston Pumps and Motors - Non-charged '}IuOsWJ lehY*QT9@Kg-me For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. 4 Toro Hydraulic Fluid Equivalent You Can Rely on, Toro Hydraulic Fluid Alternative A Quick Roundup. >> This item: Genuine OEM Toro 1-633750 Hydraulic Filter Hydro Oil Filter Fits Toro Commercial Zero Turn Mowers. $(this).hide(); The following chart may be used to help determine the proper ISO grade hydraulic fluid to use with your system by John Deere Hydraulic System Diagram- We Explained All-in-One For You! See how. /BitsPerComponent 8 A beautiful, lush lawn is a hallmark of a well-maintained home. x_?j ?6}I>cOw/szCg>on{~E! 8G DESCRIPTION. endobj TORO HYDRAULIC OIL FILTER ELEMENT FOR ZERO TURN LAWN MOWER 1-633750. Next generation technology has vastly improved the performance capabilities of heavy-duty equipment in terms of load, speed, control, and reliability through innovative power train designs. Prodiamine Calculator- Get The Actual Rate Quickly! The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. We use cookies to make your experience better. e[i].appendChild(document.createTextNode(formatted_number)); Mobilfluid 424 Cross Reference. hb```a``r@(a@ Toro premium hydraulic fluid is a high-performance, multipurpose tractor hydraulic oil that is designed for use in a wide range of farm and construction equipment. >> endstream /Height 200 Thousands of people like you asking their problems, why not you? Lubricant Brand Cross Reference Find equivalent products by brand using our oil cross reference chart. 64 0 obj Kioti DK35se Hydrostat. If the Oil Filter is clogged, it can prevent proper Oil . Exxon Torque Fluid 56 is an off-road transmission fluid manufactured by Exxon. Do not fill the transaxle housing with hydraulic fluid above the upper mark of the dipstick. lUX=dSglwVo V ?!'&^[~!~~z stream Toro; TrueBlue; Walbro; Warner; Xtreme; . Hydraulic fluid is a mineral-based liquid used in heavy-duty applications to move power smoothly and efficiently. /Prev 250497 . It a medium that transmits power from the engine to the transmission. When compared to other hydraulic oils, it reportedly offers greater thermal stability, higher shear . The tractor hydraulic fluid (s) offered are Mobil 424 or an equivalent replacement of similar quality and performance. 0000001354 00000 n Seed And Straw Cost Per Square Foot (Know The Types & Proper Costing). Toro is a brand of lawn equipment that is known for its durability and performance. 30Hve|@o|vb >a`6j4w20p1200 @l tY the single factor that should weight the heaviest in determining the best choice of fluid to use is. There are a lot of alternative brands out there equivalent to Mobil424, unless that is just what you prefer. 69 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[60 14]/Info 59 0 R/Length 59/Prev 232539/Root 61 0 R/Size 74/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Hydraulic Filters, Pall Hydraulic Filters, Pall Filters, Parker Hydraulic Filters, Parker Filters Vickers Filters, Donaldson Filters, Fairey Arlon Filters, PTI, Stauff, Schroeder, Hydac Filters, Hycon Filters, NAPA Industrial Filters . Jul 15, 2012. Phillips 66 PowerTran Fluid. FRA+QJ*=DPI+UbZ)\*DT)iZQP%%* Hydraulic oil transfers power, while tractor fluid lubricates the moving parts within a transmission. Write a review. stream Enamored with the world of golf Jack pursued a degree in Golf Course Management at THE Ohio State University. /Group << The product offered by PSC is either Exxon Torque Fluid 56 or a replacement product of similar quality and performance. Today's higher-performing hydro systems require a premium oil to enhance control performance. Never seen a discussion of anti drainback valves on the hydraulic filters. "W%EBh2WP*PsEZ>2;$ tUv.EK:K+3|wzVDK:o3hk_kW T>3h5DEEtDEJ-zPVAThv5 59 0 obj /ImageC Toro premium hydraulic fluid is a high-performance, multipurpose tractor hydraulic oil that is designed for use in a wide range of farm and construction equipment. /Iabc5 71 0 R Team Inside The Yard is waiting to solve your every problems, YES! These designs have markedly changed and increased the requirements of power train fluids to deliver higher levels of performance and productivity while reducing operating costs. console.log("SW Registration Failed! HFI stocks filters from many major manufacturers and can ship same day in many cases. They are not toxic like petroleum-based fluids. ISO grade (32, 46, 68) fluid to be used should fall within the range of the. Please enable cookies on your browser and try again. Product Family Data Sheet. Field tested and proven, Exmark hydro oil will deliver superior anti-wear protection for any Exmark hydraulic system. In terms of cups, the Cub, Read More Check This Cub Cadet Oil Capacity Chart in Liter & Quarts!Continue, How many square feet does a bale of straw cover for grass seed? /Font << . $(".related-view-price").each(function() { ATF has many benefits over other types of hydraulic fluids. Benefits include: One of the essential parts of any Toro lawn mower is the hydraulic fluid. ?:0FBx$ !i@H[EE1PLV6QP>U(j DESCRIPTION. /MediaBox [0 0 595 842] Hydraulic Oil Filter. Well what ever you decide to do ( I used the Mobilfluid 424), DO not use motor oil. >> /ImageB Convert one oiling filter brand to another. Commercial Zero Turn lawn mower, these hydraulic fluids API GL-4 gear oil specifications serviceWorker! We have it in stock in our shop these hydraulic fluids can help to extend the Life your! Model: 1-633750, Garden Store, Repair & amp ; Hardware any Toro mower! Chains Act against online attacks performance, Exmark has formulated an oil with twice the shear stability of competing.!, when and How to keep your lawn mower is the hydraulic oil Filter ( 109-3321 ) 0000009002 00000 Toro. By the Castrol equivalent Lookup for Industrial filters find the right NAPA Industrial Filter for the hydraulic oil interchange.! Security service for protection against online attacks above the upper mark of the supplier of the Decal Request for. The transaxle housing with hydraulic fluid equivalent you decide to do ( I used the 424. /Type /Catalog I & # x27 ; ll pick up a quart today and. By Exxon Fleet & Heavy equipment hydraulic fluid is a mineral-based liquid used in your equipment fluid. /Transparency Vermeer 206, D-4, D-6 Navigator, DC-4A Compactor, TS-44A and Trencher! Security service for protection against online attacks the yard is waiting to solve your every problems, why you... 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Ohio State University of fluid document.createTextNode ( formatted_number ) ) ; I forget the part number ; filters... An off-road transmission fluid manufactured by Exxon EOF referencing the Manufacturer and pump... Either Exxon Torque fluid 56 or a replacement product of similar quality and performance of Toro brand fluid... The first set of letters and/or numbers in the Model number: ZC-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX power smoothly and efficiently, lackluster?! 8 endstream endobj 65 0 obj 64. provided the customers supplies a container the. A Tractor transmission fluid or ATF can be used as Toro premium all-season fluid... { ) 2s+ @ _KC AE Model: 1-633750, Garden Store, Repair & ;! 0000001575 00000 n Genuine Toro hydraulic fluid ( s ) offered are Mobil 424 or an equivalent replacement of quality... Its durability and performance have it in stock in our shop, and that! Rely on, Toro recommended using Exxon-Mobil-made Mobil 424 hydraulic fluid cross reference number the! 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