The credibility of this has been questioned along with the credibility of virtually everything he said about Judaism during his offensive spectacle. That said, Moline notes that the video isnt likely to affect her standing in the White House, noting that it wasnt so long ago that she was commanding satanic pregnancies to miscarry and preaching about demons. A. Then in 2014, White sued Johnson for copyright infringement in federal court to try again to excise the video from the Internet. In honor of the Jewish holiday Sukkot, which starts tonight, the Israel Allies Foundation, a Christian group, released a list of Israels Top 50 Christian Allies. Number one on the list was televangelist Paula White, President Trumps personal spiritual adviser and adviser to the White House on faith and opportunity initiatives. MSRP: $20.00. I do believe that he needs to step down. Back for Fall 2023: Beit Midrash Fellowship -- a substantial commitment to Torah, Tefillah, and Hesed for adults ages 21-30. In a video he released on the Internet after the controversy broke, Messer unapologetically offered a rambling hour-long explanation and justification for his Torah travesty. Some people still wonder if there really is a missionary problem. Long is currently embroiled in scandal after being accused of alleged sexual misconduct with five young men. You can schedule new contributions at any time and can modify or cancel those contributions at any time prior to the date they are scheduled. In 2018, after a two-day bench trial in a Florida federal court, where Johnson represented herself, a judge awarded Johnson $12,500 for mental anguish and another $1,200 in economic damages against White for her bogus copyright infringement action. He took pride in ownership of the Citrus Tower, and it showed, as he reeled off some of the highlights of nearly three decades of ownership. Q. After the outcry over Longs ceremony, Johnson posted the video of White in the Torah scroll on her YouTube channel. But she has rarely, if ever, reached out to Jewish leaders. It's good to know that Judaism offers answers to all the challenging questions raised by today's evangelical Christian. The description of the building of the Mishkan in the book of Shemot heavily emphasizes the spirit of . Wow , this is a great app. Simchat Torah Beit Midrash has earned a 59% for the Accountability & Finance beacon. Gafney continued, "It's really interesting why he's the one. In order to verify the authenticity of the account request, we will ensure that all of your data matches our current records (e.g., address, phone number, and email address). Low 57F. Yes. A Torah scroll is really one of the most highly valued, highly protected objects in Jewish religious practice, says Russ Resnik, rabbinic counsel to the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations. The "rabbi" in front of the name confused her as well, and Gafney said she did not know how Messer could have received it. And even though there's zero cushion to miss the mark, we won't be all that in your face about our fundraising again until June. Learn More. Please check your inbox in order to proceed. Follow. share. Join thousands of others to get the FREEDOM POST newsletter for free, sent twice a week from The Christian Post. Security Online giving is more secure than giving with a check in that an electronic gift cant be lost or stolen. I graduated from Clermont High School. He added that his mother, Bonnie Homan Ray, was the Clermont Cooper Library librarian for many years. Need the ability to download nonprofit data and more advanced search options? I originally bought the Citrus Tower as a commercial real estate investment in 1995, proudly owning it for 28 years, said Greg Homan, who has gone on to purchase a number of commercial properties. For Messer, a non-Jew and leader of Simchat Torah Beit Midrash, a "Hebrew-Christian" congregation and school based in Colorado, this was not his first wrapping of a besieged Church leader in a Torah scroll. The second aspect of security relates to account creation. We offer our educational materials, programs and counseling FREE of charge, but we can only do so with generous support from kind people like you. Back for Fall 2023: Beit Midrash Fellowship -- a substantial commitment to Torah, Tefillah, and Hesed for adults ages 21-30. Saturday Shabbat: 7:00 AM MST & 10:30 AM MST, 19697 E Smoky Hill Rd "I think it's important because Messer performed the same ritual on Paula White," the Bible scholar told CP. The Day of Atonement Ralph Messer and one of STBM's favorite guest speakersan attorney from Dallas, Texasdialogue through a memorable study . Shabbat and Holidays keyboard_arrow_right; Simchat Torah and Shmini Atzeret ; To dedicate this lesson keyboard_arrow_right Simchat Torah - V'zot Habracha 1448 visibility Rabbi Berel Wein 5771 bookmark . When the Messianic movement routinely perverts and distorts Jewish traditions, as their insistence that the three matzot at the Passover Seder symbolize Christianitys Trinity, how can they in all good conscience distinguish themselves from Messer? Simchat Torah Beit Midrash (STBM) offers just that: joy in study. On the face of it, its mishandling a sacred object. -. Dr. Wil Gafney, an Associate Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at The Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, told The Christian Post recently. Escape from Nazi Germany: Against All Odds, a Treasure SurvivesOn Kristallnacht, the family hid in their apartment with all the lights out and the windows shut.. Read More; Healing Body, Mind and SoulThe Torah instituted effective modes of rehabilitation long before correctional reforms were. A. promote and encourage healthy family life More efficient than ever before, with optimized function, this system combines cutting edge technology and provides the customer with faster response and quality: Just. Shes a big fan of Passover describing it as one of the most supernatural, miraculous seasonsand took the opportunity this week to do some extra special personal fundraising for Paula White Ministries around the most sacred day of the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Simchat Torah means Joy of Gods Teaching and Instruction. Beit Midrash means House of Learning.. At least 2 products are needed to make a valid comparison. Butshe doesnt seem especially concerned about her standing with Jewish people (except perhaps Trumps daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner, both Orthodox Jews). Rabbi Werber on the obligation to see our own freedom in the Exodus story, and to run toward joy. I have being In the Torah from 2016 ..with my Rabbi.. We can accomplish anything together so be the person to help us surpass even more during thisyear. He can do what he wants. ", In a recent video addressthat was Messer's response to criticism concering the Long "coronation" ceremony, he apologized to the Jewish community and "repented.". I only give this as example -- Bishop T.D. The only investors who wont let independent, investigative journalism down are the people who actually care about its futureyou. Please help us keep your information safe by protecting your login information. There are singing and dancing and, for the children, sweets. This information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties, other than to process your scheduled contributions. It organizes a range of spiritual events, such as prayers and Bible studies. Since this is a manual process, we will perform these steps approximately once a week, but if you would like to speed up this process, you can send an email to, When you create your account, you will determine your own login id and password. Yet what seems to confuse many is that the Christian minister uses the title "rabbi," a title critics claim he might not have officially earned. In terms of megachurches, I don't know that he is particularly that well known, that he has the name recognition. Q. Filmed in 2008, the topic of discussion is Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement. Donate $75.00 or more to get a free Yom. Greg Homan wanted to pass his Citrus Tower property to a community-minded nonprofit organization. $10.00. The mission of Jews for Judaism is to strengthen and preserve Jewish identity through education and counseling that counteracts deceptive cults and missionaries and promotes critical thinking. Several years ago he was joined by his son Scott to help run and lease his holdings. Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone by making a one-time donation today. See the metrics below for more information. The video also illustrates the scope of acceptance and impact that Messianic Jews are having within the broader Evangelical Christian world. Pastoral Emergency: 917-513-0413 Tech Support: 646-450-3556 Unrolling it and wrapping it around an individual just seems crazy and disrespectful. Please help us keep your information safe by protecting your login information. Public speaking, internet, television, radio, digital media, DVDs, CDs, and literature, all play a part in the Simchat Torah Beit Midrash outreach effort. This included referring to the Torahs cover as a foreskin and asserting that the Jewish kings were wrapped in Torah scrolls. On top of all that was age. This is a one-time process when you initially create your account. I am very confident that its successful value to the community will go on for many more years!, However, dont expect Homan to step away from involvement with the community. Your gifts and support mean so much to us. This new addition to Simchat Torah Beit Midrash has been pushed to extremes, ensuring that each part is worthy of the name. JEWS FOR JUDAISM (Canada) had posted a videoof a notorious missionary, Messianic Rabbi Ralph Messer, who wraps mega-church leader Rev. While the Citrus Tower is under new ownership, that of Simchat Torah Beit Midrash, its previous owner said he is delighted and thrilled to see the Citrus Tower properties passed on to the community minded organization. Messer is able to move the congregation because "they believe that they are seeing an authentic ancient ritual and their pastor is being blessed in this profound way, with this sacred item that has link to the Scriptures. Decrease Quantity of STBM Product Catalog, Increase Quantity of STBM Product Catalog, Learn a Little Hebrew Activity Book: Level 1. That could be a very powerful thing," Gafney said. Help us get you more of the nonprofit information you need, including: An email has been sent to the address you provided. There are two aspects of security related to the system. If Simchat Torah Beit Midrash has impacted your life, help us in our mission to teach others the fundamental and moral principles for living a successful life by contributing what you can today! You can also change your password at any time. Public speaking, internet, television, radio, digital media, DVDs, CDs, and literature all play a part in STBM's outreach effort. This information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties, other than to process your scheduled contributions. You will start to learn everything about Hebrew! TorahTV App. We're a nonprofit (so it's tax-deductible), and reader support makes up about two-thirds of our budget. You can give online from your bank account via an ACH transaction. Data safety. THe building of the mishkan - with the contributions of the entire people; the building of the mikdash - Royal construction. Recently, Long was also accused of taking part in a Ponzi scheme involving members of his congregation. Learn more Torah Time is a new podcast that helps busy families make quality time for learning the parashah together. Learn More Noting that if he ever sold the Citrus Tower, he had always hoped it would be passed on to a community-minded nonprofit organization. As the founder of Simchat Torah Beit Midrash, Rabbi Messer is pioneering a work to bring the "Good News" of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) in the Torah to the ends of the earth. After that, you can view your history at any time. Join us in on Zoom for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy. You have permission to edit this article. 130 West 30th Street New York NY 10001-0154. So hes not surprised that shed participate in something as offensive as her encounter with the Torah scroll. Inexpensive, too! This video, which shows just the very tip of the missionary iceberg, clarifies the vital importance of the counter-missionary work of Jews for Judaism. Donate $75.00 or more to get a free Yom. The second aspect of security relates to account creation. What types of bank accounts can I give from? Choose Options. Their system allows us to provide access to your contribution records and allows you to make donations online. Paula White Cain and Paula White Ministries stands with Israel and the Jewish people for peace and prosperity in the Holy Land. His ministry is a blend of Christianity and Messianic Judaism that seems to confuse both Christians and Messianic Jews. Summarized by Mordechai Sambol. Already have a GuideStar Account? Eddie Long's Wife Changes Mind Again on Divorce. In addition, online gifts are a more cost-efficient way for STBM to process donations. God bless Israel! he wrote. Because the bottom line: Corporations and powerful people with deep pockets will never sustain the type of journalism Mother Jones exists to do. The event listed here is hosted by a third party. There are two aspects of security related to the system. Welcome to Simchat Torah Beit Midrash! Build relationships with key people who manage and lead nonprofit organizations with GuideStar Pro. Simchat Torah Beit Midrash Oct 2002 - Dec 2004 2 years 3 months. However, he did not cease to defend his way of conducting the ritual addressing very specifically multiple critical remarks made by rabbis across the nation. Ancient Jewish and Christian admirers of Plato struggled to reconcile the philosophers concept of creation with Genesis 1. Simchat Torah Beit Midrash. Nearly a month after a video showing Rabbi Ralph Messer, who leads the Simchat Torah Beit Midrash congregation in the Denver metropolitan area, "crowning" Atlanta megachurch leader Bishop Eddie Long went viral and earned both men a storm of criticism, Messer's ministry is . Simchat Torah means "Joy of God's Teaching and Instruction.". Subscribe today and get a full year of Mother Jones for just $14.95. Read More; Do You Have What to Smile About?Watching my tiny baby receive high doses of oxygen just . Divrei Torah. Methinks the missionaries doth protest too much! Listen on Apple Podcasts. Since assuming an official government job as the White House adviser on faith and opportunity in 2019, White is supposed to handle outreach to faith communities of all sorts, not just evangelical Christians like her. Yehudah Ilan, who converted to Judaism after a long involvement in the Messianic movement astutely observed that Messers wrapping of a Christian in a Torah scroll is actually an act that most aptly embodies the very modus operandi of Messianic Judaism the wrapping of Christianity in the cloak of Torah. For recurring gifts, you have the option of giving weekly, twice a month, every two weeks or once a month. Included in the decision to sell, according to Homan, was that the local and state governments were becoming more difficult to deal with; as well as real estate taxes had been raised to the point it made it difficult and nearly impossible to profitably run their Citrus Tower property as a business. Translated from Hebrew as "The Joy of God's Teaching and Instruction/House of Study" - Simchat Torah Beit Midrash (STBM) is a House of Joy, Worship, and Study. "There isn't even a minority Messianic Jewish community that would claim him," Gafney pointed out. They provide all of the security for the system. STBM will never call you to ask for your login information. Bishop Long as well expressed regret and apologies for the incident. Eddie Long in. A verification email has been sent to you. "He is pastor of a stand-alone church that employs Hebrew as part of the original story of Christianity. We noticed you have an ad blocker on. Rabbi Jack Moline, president of the Interfaith Alliance, a religious freedom advocacy group,says hes tried at least five times to secure a meeting with someone from Whites office and failed. For more information or to order via phone, please contact our team at 1-866-867-2488. Simchat Torah Beit Midrash. Love for Clermont, God, leads to Citrus Tower sale, 300 South Tamiami Trail, Venice, FL 34285,Venice,FL, Adventures and Day Trips: Cassadaga Psychic Capital of the World. Rabbi Messer is a teacher of the Hebrew Roots, or Hebraic Roots, of the Christian faith. It is intimidating to be confronted with a barrage of Biblical quotations from a missionary intent on converting you. Q. James 2:20 reminds us that Faith without works is dead let me pray for you, send me your Day of Atonement prayer request so I can lift your name up to The Lord-, Paula White-Cain (@Paula_White) September 28, 2020. Can I change my personal information or the amount or the frequency of my gift once I have set it up? Additionally, the Login module handles passwords using what is known in technical terms as salted hash. The statement also indirectly refers to the ambiguous position the Colorado minister is taking, on the border of Christianity and Messianic Judaism. Once the contribution has been processed, however, it cannot be canceled. As if the embattled minister was looking for a way to reaffirm his position without having to step down, she explained. In a video he released on the Internet after the controversy broke, Messer unapologetically offered a rambling hour-long explanation . If you need help or cannot remember the email address you used, you can contact us at I. Valley Beit Midrash (VBM), based in Phoenix, AZ, hosts Jewish learning events on a wide range of topics and perspectives. David P. Gusbee, professor of Christian ethics at Mercer University observed that, one problem with Messianic Judaism, in which leaders attempt to fuse Jewish and Christian traditions and symbols, is that it can easily stray into profound insensitivity. So we urgently need this specific ask, what you're reading right now, to start bringing in more donations than it ever has. Find an upcoming event hosted by Jewish organizations across the world, or explore our on-demand section to view recordings of past events. Tanakh. Learn more about our upcoming classes in your area by calling toll-free, 1-866-867-2488.The ICTS Program is a multi-level, multi-media curriculum facilitating college-style courses in classrooms locally, and available exclusively online.This ICTS program uses the STBM Companion Workbook and award-winning Companion Textbook whose stunning full-color design appeals to every type of student, including those who learn best by seeing and listening called audio/visual learners.The Courses are specifically designed in graduated learning tracks. For a one-time contribution, you can designate that the contribution should be made immediately or, for both one-time and recurring contributions, you can schedule the contributions to come out of your bank account on the date(s) specified by you. Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach. Despite her efforts to bury the video of this unusual ceremony, White seems to enjoy appropriating Jewish rituals. He also specified that the ministry is not to be confused with a Messianic Jewish one. arrow_forward. See a teaching inside the catalog that's not on our web store? A. Click here to resend it.). Q. Your gifts and support mean so much to us. For more information, see our Security Policies section. Omissions? We work to motivate people to reach their potential so that they will find themselves and their businesses operating at new, extraordinary levels actively reach out to people in order to teach, encourage, and strengthen them to be leaders and to have moral character and . A. Simchat Torah Beit Midrash RELATED PRODUCTS Quickview RRM Classic DVD Subscription $80.00. Once youve created an account, you will able to contribute immediately. When Messianic Jews give their ascent to every single doctrine of Evangelical Christianity, can they honestly claim that their leaders are legitimate rabbis? It was a clever stunt, wrapping her in the word of God, but the sacredness of that scroll would never permit any faithful Jew to use it in the way [Messner] did, he says. If there is any question, we will contact you via email before creating the link. Experience Israel 2021-2022 Wall Calendar. If there is any question, we will contact you via email before creating the link. 2002-2023 My Jewish Learning. When you first create a new account in the system, you will be able to donate immediately, but you will not have access to any previous contribution information. But Messer does not seem to have that much authority. All Rights Reserved. Item Successfully added to comparison list. We cannot thank you enough for doing your part in holding up the hands of STBM! Helping STBM Online contributions require less processing from our administrative staff since the information is logged and deposited automatically. Rambam indicates that the higher sanctity of the beit midrash is manifest in additional ways. Homan had an ongoing relationship with Rabbi Messer and Simchat Torah Beit Midrash, as he had sold what used to be a former bank building to Messer and Simchat Torah Beit Midrash. Winds NE at 10 to 15 mph.. Clear to partly cloudy. Long himself is currently embroiled in scandal after being accused of sexual misconduct by five young men. Since this is a manual process, we will perform these steps approximately once a week, but if you would like to speed up this process, you can send an email Community Culture. Simchat Torah Beit Midrash s resource center publishes Hebraic materials and Bible courses and curriculum. Valley Beit Midrash (VBM), based in Phoenix, AZ, hosts Jewish learning events on a wide range of topics and perspectives. Messer also did not renounce his decision to support Long, "a man of God," whom the media have "slaughtered" through recent years. This common Spanish chickpea-based stew dates back to the 15th century. Thus, at 67, Homan decided the time was right to slow down. Can you pitch in a few bucks to help fund Mother Jones' investigative journalism? In laymens terms, this means it would take 50 computers (running constantly) continuously presenting password combinations four years to discover the password. First, Fellowship One provides data security using the latest security technology. Conferences & Special Events: STBM will hold events around the Biblical . He refers to himself as a rabbi and is a proponent of Messianic Judaism, a religious movement of Jews who believe Jesus was the Messiah. online? A religious woman, Johnson had been recording Whites TV show for years and posting snippets from it on her website, with complaints that White was twisting scripture to get people to donate to her ministry. I can't say how he was ordained or if he was ordained at all. At STBM Kelowna, we facilitate a Torah-based International Discipleship Program designed to teach students the Hebraic Roots of the Faith taught by our mentor, Ralph Messer, founder and President of Simchat Torah Beit Midrash in Denver, Colorado.This program called ICTS or International Centre for Torah Studies, is a five level course offering beginners and mature students of the Torah . Connecting Jews to the spiritual depth, wisdom, beauty and truth of Judaism! Every parameter passed in the hyperlinks is fully encrypted. This amazing collection of work has. Rising Song Institute - Jewish Music Residency, Devash: Hadars Weekly Parashah Magazine for Children & Families, JJGI Fellowship for Rabbis and Senior Educators, Explore the full Yeshivat Hadar experience in. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Every year, on the weekend of Nov 4th (Rabin's . The site will allow you to view the complete history of your contributions, given either online or otherwise. Will I still receive regular contribution statements from STBM? Like. Yes. Learn all about the significance of this Jewish High Holy Day in Simchat Torah Beit Midrash's Yom Kippur Study Guide. Q. Simchat Torah means Joy of Gods Teaching and Instruction. Beit Midrash means House of Study. Simchat Torah Beit Midrash (STBM) offers just that: joy in study. You can use a debit check card from Visa or MasterCard, but true debit cards are not accepted through the Fellowship One system due to the sensitivity of securely requesting a Personal Identification Number (PIN). A. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Simchat Torah Beit Midrash of Parker, CO. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. Simchat Torah Beit Midrash (STBM) offers just that: joy in study. $75.00 - $100.00. Members of Simchat Torah are Christians who believe in the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith, he said. Sign up for the free Mother Jones Daily newsletter and follow the news that matters. Every time you purchase from us, you support the development of all our STBM . and who do the programs serve? Sunny. Can I review my donation history online? Does it matter which Internet browser I use? Return to homepage. Can you pitch in a few bucks to help fund Mother Jones' investigative journalism? Numerous leaders and organizations were quick to try and distance themselves from Messer, claiming that he wasnt a legitimate rabbi and that he perverted and misrepresented Jewish symbols and Jewish tradition. For additional information on how STBM keeps your information and contributions secure, scroll to the Security Policies section. Its not the Homan way., Our family has always been proud to represent Clermont. Q. $10.00. Every parameter passed in the hyperlinks is fully encrypted. The man wrapping White in the scroll is Ralph Messer, a Christian preacherwho founded the Simchat Torah Beit Midrash and the International Center for Torah Studies in Centennial, Colorado. We just wrapped up a shorter-than-normal, urgent-as-ever fundraising drive and we came up about $45,000 short of our $300,000 goal. Corrections? View All. The Jewish Response To Missionaries Who Target Jews - Uniting the Jewish community in a common cause. A. Learning at Yeshivat Hadar. We believe in a culture that displays purpose within every part of a product's function. If the date of your contribution falls on a weekend or a holiday, the transaction will be initiated on the next banking day. The controversial ritual performed by Messer on Long (and, previously, on Paula Whiteof Without Walls International Church and New Destiny Christian Center) does not exist in the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Rev. SIMCHAT TORAH BEIT MIDRASH. Call us to order today. Upon receiving the news, White blasted out an emailand fundraising appealpromoting her top spot on the list and including the note from the foundations president. See a teaching inside the catalog that's not on our web store? Rev. The following statement is from their security documentation: [the system] utilizes the most current encryption technology to maintain the security of your data. Who can I talk to? (Don't see an email in your inbox? This system is used by churches throughout the country and has been fully tested by them. For any questions, concerns or comments about the online giving system, please contact us The developer provided this information and may update it over time. Throughout the world, Simchat Torah Beit Midrash's learning centers provide classes from ICTS - the International Center for Torah Studies - which teach people authentic business principles . In Hilkhot Talmud Torah (4:9), when underscoring the reverence that is due the beit midrash, Rambam emphasizes that "the sanctity of a beit midrash is more stringent than that of batei kneisiyot."Indeed, his placement of the laws of Torah study in Sefer Ha-madda, the first volume of Mishneh Torah . Copyright 2021 Jews for Judaism Canada | All Rights Reserved | Powered by HaShem! Approximately 150 . 12 of 12 Items. High 81F. "We find the misuse of the Torah scroll to be an egregious offense," the statement reads. If it is your nonprofit, add a problem overview. A. For Deaf Jews Counter Missionary Seminar, Isaiah 53 Defusing The Missionary Nuclear Bomb, For Summer Mini-lectures With Rabbi Michael Skobac, Spring Lecture Series Jewish Wisdom For Living, The Fight For Israels Democracy Israels Judicial Reform Caroline Glick. According to the church's website, "Rabbi Messer actively teaches the Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith." Before that can happen, we must manually link your previous information to the account you created. Apr. Classification ( NTEE ) Jewish (Religion-Related, Spiritual Development) Nonprofit Tax Code Designation: 501 (c) (3) Defined as: Organizations for any of the following purposes: religious, educational, charitable, scientific, literary, testing for . Before that can happen, we must manually link your previous information to the account you created. Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. Celebrating 27 years of life-changing teaching, Ralph Messer and Simchat Torah Beit Midrash (STBM) present: The Bronze Collection, a sampling of some of the most requested teachings in the history of STBM. Sign in. Search 2022 Florida Spring Events with STBM: Hotel Information, 2022 Florida Vacation Conference for Kids, 2022 Spring Conference with STBM Live Stream. As one Messianic leader lamented, Judaism is not a toy box for Christians to rifle through. Of creation with Genesis 1 scheme involving members of his congregation in 2014, sued... And more advanced search options converting you over Longs ceremony, Johnson posted the video of this unusual,! Ago he was ordained or if he was joined by his son Scott to help run and lease his.! Its futureyou the world, or explore our on-demand section to view the complete history of your contribution on. Can they honestly claim that their leaders are legitimate rabbis ever, reached out to Jewish leaders Longs,... 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