Terms of Use Masses (warts, cysts, or tumors) Bruising, Appearance (1/1 point) There is point tenderness along the lateral aspect of the elbow and painful passive flexion and extension. We're available through e-mail, live chat and Facebook. Excessive dry or flaking skin No pets. Scarring Left shoulder, Appearance (1/1 point) Dull and constant ache. Atrophic scar Lichenification Moles or skin tags The headache lasts a few hours and is relieved with acetaminophen and sleep. Squamous cell carcinoma Irregular hair distribution, Left: Eyelid (1/6 point) Shadow Health Skin, Hair, and Nails Tina Jones Subjective Data Preview 1 out of 4 pages Getting your document ready. No visible abnormal findings Bruising It's 4 p.m. on Tina Jones' second day as a patient here at Shadow General Hospital. Purpura : an American History (Eric Foner), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Health and Illness Across the Lifespan (NUR2214), Module two session two lectures guided notes, OB Nursing 2 - Lecture notes Lecture notes, Health History Subjective Data Collection, Crohns disease - Lecture notes Lecture notes, Lab Pass (/assignment_attempts/9293891/lab_pass.pdf), Care plan - Lecture notes Health and Illness Across the Lifespan, Objective data - Lecture notes Lecture notes, Biology 2 for Health Studies Majors (BIOL 1122), Strategic Decision Making and Management (BUS 5117), Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family (NURS 125), Survey of Old and New Testament (BIBL 104), Pre service firefighter education and training (FSC-1106), Professional Career Development Seminar (NUR 4828), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), Chapter 1 - Principles of Animal Behavior, Chapter 5 - Summary Give Me Liberty! Does not exercise regularly. Scarring Rash Scale Rash Chin Scale: Compact, desiccated flakes of skin, dry or greasy, silvery or white, from shedding of dead excess keratin cells. Occasional alcohol (10 - 12 drinks/month). Fissure Denies back and neck pain and trauma. Dent first appears at the cuticle and moves forward as nail grows. Cheeks Caused by bleeding from superficial capillaries; will not blanch. Purpura Components of subjective data - Past history of skin disease - Change in pigmentation - Change in mole - Excessive dryness or moisture - Pruritus (itching) - Excessive bruising - Rash or legion - Medications - Hair loss - Change in nails - Environmental hazards - Patient- centered care Subjective data: Past history of skin disease Examiner asks In what ways are active galaxies like quasars but different from normal galaxies? Edema Verify your answer in a medical dictionary. P S. said: I went to this place for the first time and was in dilemma whether to cut, Bianca M. said: Let me start off by saying I RARELY leave reviewsI have been to, CeeCee H. said: First of all I would like to say the person that's rude going, Olivia S. said: Ok - I'm updating my post for 2 reasons: The first is that after I, Sara K. said: I came to this place after reading the reviews, and let me tell you,, Jaclyn N. said: Took a chance after reading reviews on Yelp and managed to get an. She was exposed to cats a few days ago and had to use her inhaler once; she reports having to use three puffs instead of the prescribed two. Head: Reports headaches that occur weekly with reading in the past year. Pigmentation: Caf au lait, mongolian spots No visible abnormal findings She receives basic health insurance from work, but is deterred from healthcare due to out-of-pocket costs. of bladder dysfunction, saddle anesthesia, and motor weakness of, QUESTION 1 Hyaluronic acid device injections should always be mixed with lidocaine. Varicosities, Right: Appearance (1/2 point) The passing standard will be determined by the amount of findings you discover in two types of interactions with Tina. No visible abnormal findings Bruising, Location Of Abnormal Findings (1/2 point) Examples: impetigo and acne. Shadow Health Skin, Hair, and Nails Tina Jones Objective Data (SHADOWHEALTHSKIN,HAIR,ANDNAILSTINAJONESOBJECTIVEDATA) Exam (elaborations) Shadow Health: Hair, Skin and Nails Assessment (Assessment) Course Shadow Health Skin, Hair, and Nails Tina Jones Objective Data (SHADOWHEALTHSKIN,HAIR,ANDNAILSTINAJONESOBJECTIVEDATA) Institution I'm OBSESSED. Freckles, birthmark, or other discoloration Pain improved with oxycodone. Masses (warts, cysts, or tumors) Moles or skin tags Purpura: confluent and extensive patch of petechiae and ecchymoses, >3mm flat, red to purple, macular hemorrhage. Reports heavy, irregular periods, abnormal hair growth, and acne during teenage years, and since stopping oral contraceptives 18 months ago. Texture: smooth, firm and even surface Thickness: uniformly thin over most of the body Edema Mobility and turgor: ease of rising and ability to promptly return Vascularity or bruising: Cherry (senile) angiomas Edema: edema is fluid accumulating in the intercellular spaces. The foot feels better when she rests, and it hurts more when she walks on it. Nose Elderly: Senile Lentigines, keratosis, dry skin, decreased turgor, hair loss, Shadow Health- Tina Jones- Hair, Skin, Nails, Shadow Health | Tina Jones | Respiratory Asse, Shadow Health- Danny Rivera- Focused Exam: Co, Shadow Health | Tina Jones | Cardiovascular, Muskuloskeletal Disorders-Pathophysiology, Disorder Female Reproductive System- Pathophy, Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs, Brad Neiger, James McKenzie, Rosemary Thackeray, ultrasound physics: chapter 3 transducers(not. Bruising 117 reviews of Nadia's Full Service Salon & Spa "No other place compares! Shadow Health- Danny Rivera- Focused Exam: Co, Shadow Health Conversation Notes (conversatio, Shadow Health- Tina Jones- Musculoskeletal, Standard Precautions: Bloodborne Pathogens an. Lesions or pressure sores I will explain the details of this assignment and your objectives, just, Pay close attention to this information as it will help guide. We're available through e-mail, live chat and Facebook. Scarring, Appearance (1/1 point) Nose: Rhinitis and congestion related to cat allergy. May increase long after healing occurs. You should consider this an assignment that you are working on and not a pass/fail scenario. Ears: Denies difficulty hearing, tinnitus, ear pain, and discharge. They endeavors to set the highest standards in pedicures, manicures, nail health, quality products . Scarring Redness macrocheiria ___________, Previous history of skin disease (allergies, hives, psoriasis, or eczema), Common Shapes and Configurations of Lesions, Annular or Circular: begins in the center and spreads to periphery: ringworm Privacy Statement, Stuvia is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university, Also available in package deal from $14.89, Pennsylvania State University - All Campuses, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway, University Of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories, Everything's an Argument with 2016 MLA Update, Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, Primates of the World: An Illustrated Guide, The State of Texas: Government, Politics, and Policy, IELTS - International English Language Testing System, TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language, USMLE - United States Medical Licensing Examination, Shadow Health Skin, Hair, and Nails Tina Jones Objective Data (SHADOWHEALTHSKIN,HAIR,ANDNAILSTINAJONESOBJECTIVEDATA), Shadow Health Tina Jones All Tabs | Complete Tina Jones Shadow Health Cases, SHADOW HEALTH TINA JONES COMPLETE CASES~SHADOW HEALTH. Normal hair distribution Petechiae: tiny punctuate hemorrhages, 1 to 3 mm, round and discrete, dark red, purple or brown in color. Zoila's Hair Design & Spa. Also occurs in old age as blood leaks from capillaries in response to minor trauma and diffuses through the dermis. High BP and high cholesterolon both sides and diabetes. Rash Koilonychia literally means "spoon nails." Purpura She plans on getting married and having children someday. Once the maintenance window concludes, assignments will be available again. Reports eye itching associated with exposure to cats. She reports a few moles but no other hair or nail changes. Terms of Use Masses (warts, cysts, or tumors) No visible abnormal findings While you should communicate with patients using accessible, everyday language, it is standard practice to use professional medical terminology everywhere else, such as in documenting physical findings and nursing notes . Offers information without hesitation. Irregular hair distribution, Left: Eyelashes (1/6 point) Never intubated. No additional abnormal findings Purpura Masses (warts, cysts, or tumors) Pain is localized to ball of foot related to wound. Fine Masses (warts, cysts, or tumors) Laceration, lesion, or wound Theresa did such an incredible job and Stacy styled my hair into perfect beachy waves. It's 4 p.m. on Tina Jones' second day as a patient here at Shadow General Hospital. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Objective Data Collection: 22 of 24 (91.67%), Lab Pass (/assignment_attempts/13013547/lab_pass.pdf), Balding or thinning areas in hair distribution, Freckles, birthmark, melasma, or other discoloration, Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. The injury occurred about one week ago. NURS 225 Shadow_Health_Objective Data Collection: 22.27 of 24 (92.79%) Focused Exam: Cognition Results | Turned In Medical Surgical Nursing: Promoting Wellness in the Older Adult - January 2022/2023, nurs201-la_nurs201_202001spi_4 . communicate with patients using accessible, everyday language, use professional medical terminology everywhere else, such as in. The hair products are high end and the support staff is awesome as well. Up-to-date, tetanus booster within the last year. These are the best hair salons for curly hair in Newark, NJ: People also liked: inexpensive hair salons, balayage hair salons. Target or Iris: resembles iris of eye, concentric rings of color in the lesions (erythema multiforme) Redness No visible abnormal findings Excessive dry or flaking skin, Left: Appearance (1/2 point) They answered right away, were super friendly and got me in! They are cutaneous manifestations of lipidosis in which there is an accumulation of lipids in large foam cells within the skin), fibroma (benigh tumors that are composed of fibrous or connective tissue), intradermal nevi Neurological: Denies fainting, dizziness, vertigo, weakness, syncope, numbness, tingling, tremors, seizures, and paralysis. Freckles, birthmark, or other discoloration It's professional, personable and clean with a relaxing environment. Balding or thinning areas in hair distribution, Texture (1/3 point) Skin, Hair, and Nails- TJ Objective Data Collection.pdf. Patient answers questions clearly and consistently. Freckles, birthmark, or other discoloration Last hospitalized for asthma exacerbation in high school. Nadia is the best at what she does. Objective Data-Skin SkinInspect and palpate (cont.) Brick and Mirror Beauty Bar. Forehead She's kind, professional and makes sure she gets everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! Ptosis Company Registration Number: 61965243 Tina Jones Hair, Skin and Nails Objective Data- Skin, Hair, and Nails | Completed | Shadow Health Preview 2 out of 8 pages Getting your document ready. All of the exams use these questions, 1-2 Short Answer- Cultural Objects and Their Culture, Greek god program by alex eubank pdf free, Recrystallization of Benzoic Acid Lab Report, Fundamentals-of-nursing-lecture-Notes-PDF, Leadership and management ATI The leader CASE 1, (8) Making freebase with ammonia cracksmokers, Lab 1-Chemistry and Measurement-Lab Report, Kami Export - Jacob Wilson - Copy of Independent and Dependent Variables Scenarios - Google Docs, CHEM111G - Lab Report for Density Experiment (Experiment 1), Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1. Examples: mole, wart Examples: stasis ulcer, pressure ulcer chancre No visible abnormal findings Menses irregular. Angel Nails Spa is one of the best Nail Salons in Newark. Moles or skin tags Normal hair distribution True False QUESTION 2 Trigger point injections are thought to work by: Causing a temporary relaxation of the taut. All of the exams use these questions, 1-2 Short Answer- Cultural Objects and Their Culture, Greek god program by alex eubank pdf free, Recrystallization of Benzoic Acid Lab Report, Fundamentals-of-nursing-lecture-Notes-PDF, Leadership and management ATI The leader CASE 1, (8) Making freebase with ammonia cracksmokers, Lab 1-Chemistry and Measurement-Lab Report, Kami Export - Jacob Wilson - Copy of Independent and Dependent Variables Scenarios - Google Docs, CHEM111G - Lab Report for Density Experiment (Experiment 1), Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1. indicator of overall health. Freckles, birthmark, or other discoloration She is a good historian. Pustule: Turbid fluid (pus) in the cavity. Grade A+ Freckles, birthmark, or other discoloration Scarring Rash Bunion Skin, Hair, and Nails Results | Turned In Health Assessment Laboratory - Fall 2019, NUR 305L Return to Assignment Your Results Lab Pass Objective Data Collection: 23 of 24 (95.83%) Correct Parti. ET. Freckles, birthmark, or other discoloration These are some highly rated hair salons in Newark, NJ: What are some hair salons with a large number of reviews in Newark, NJ? are medically relevant to her hair, skin, and nails. Objective data for Tina Jones Skin, Hair, Nails shadow health will be performing planned maintenance this friday, from 7:00am until 7:30am eastern. Laceration, lesion, or wound Nursing questions and answers. Patient states there is relief when foot is elevated, not walking on it. Masses (warts, cysts, or tumors) Moles Scar: after a skin lesion is repaired, normal tissue is lost and replaced with connective tissue (collagen). : an American History, ATI System Disorder Template Heart Failure, Death Penalty Research Paper - Can Capital Punishment Ever Be Justified, Skomer Casey, Civ Pro Flowcharts - Civil Procedure Flow Charts, Request for Approval to Conduct Research rev2017 Final c626 t2, Lesson 9 Seismic Waves; Locating Earthquakes, ECO 201 - Chapter 5 Elasticity and Its Applications, TB-Chapter 16 Ears - These are test bank questions that I paid for. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Excessive dry or flaking skin Examples: after scarlet fever or drug reaction (laminated sheets), psoriasis (silver, mica-like), seborrheic dermatitis (yellow, greasy), eczema, dry skin. Met with Antoinette and she listened during the consultation phase, helped me figure out what I actually wanted and then did the best color I've had in years. She has not been eating much and has been staying in bed the last few days, per patient report. Discoloration, Symmetry (1/2 point) This is a permanent fibrotic change. Patch Swelling She tried ibuprofen, but it didn't work well. Herpes zoster (shingles) Tinea pedis (ringworm of the foot) Palpable masses, Distribution (1/3 point) Visible pulsation She used to take metformin but stopped taking it due to gastrointestinal problems. Lesion Allergic to penicillin, and also allergic to cats. Mouth: Denies dental pain or problems, oral lesions, and dry mouth, and changes in taste. Labelle Hair Stylist. Moles or skin tags : an American History (Eric Foner), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Objective data for Tina Jones Skin, Hair, Nails, .com/app/contact/supporthub/shadow-health/), Reopen (/assignment_attempts/13013547/reopen), NIG Chapter 17 Ears - Health Assessment notes, PAG Chapter 17 Ears - Health Assessment notes, Comprehensive Health History and Physical Assessment, TINA Jones Respiratory Lifespan Questions, TINA Jones Musculoskeletal Lifespan Questions, TINA Jones Neurological Lifespan Questions, TINA Jones Lifespan Questions SKIN, HAIR, and Nails, TINA Jones Cardiovascular Lifespan Questions, Biology 2 for Health Studies Majors (BIOL 1122), Strategic Decision Making and Management (BUS 5117), Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family (NURS 125), Health and Illness Across the Lifespan (NUR2214), Survey of Old and New Testament (BIBL 104), Pre service firefighter education and training (FSC-1106), Professional Career Development Seminar (NUR 4828), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), Chapter 1 - Principles of Animal Behavior, Chapter 5 - Summary Give Me Liberty! Scarring A depression across the nail that extends down to the nail bed. Fissure: Linear crack with abrupt edges, extends into dermis, dry or moist. She works 32 hours/week as a supervisor at a printing and shipping company and is in her last semester of a bachelor's of accounting program. Upper lip, Right: Eyebrow (1/6 point) Complains of darkened skin on her neck and increase facial and body hair. Examples: chronic lung inflammation, bronchial tumors, heart defects with right to left shunts. Late clubbing: nail bed angle is greater than 180 degrees. She wears her seat belt, drives frequently. Circumscribed and elevated. No visible abnormal findings TINA JONES SKIN HAIR AND NAILS OBJECTIVE DATA-SHADOW HEALTH/TINA JONES SKIN HAIR AND NAILS OBJECTIVE DATA-SHADOW HEALTH Preview 2 out of 9 pages Getting your document ready. Genitourinary: Denies flank pain, dysuria, urgency, and cloudy urine. Tina Jones shadow health Your objective is to complete a Comprehensive Health Assessment on Tina Jones in a clinical setting. No additional abnormal findings There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. gather subjective data by asking about her skin, These features, which help make up the integumentary system, are often an. Allergic shiners, Appearance (1/1 point) documenting physical findings and nursing notes. The salon was so clean. Skin fungus, Left: Appearance (1/2 point) Excessive dry or flaking skin Shadow Health Skin, Hair, and Nails Tina Jones Objective: Objective Data Collection: Scored 23 of 24 (95.83%). From age 23 to age 26 took oral contraceptives as only source of birth control, no condom use. Coarse Moles We're available through e-mail, live chat and Facebook. Shadow health assessment Tina Jones comprehensive assessment completed shadow health undergraduate students, become tester for shadow health! A few reasons might exist to explain the success of this hidden gem. She hurt the ball of her right foot by scraping it on the edge of a metal step while changing a light bulb. Wheal Lichenification: prolonged, intense scratching eventually thickens the skin and produces tightly packed sets of papules; looks like the surface of moss. What are the best hair salons for curly hair? She was last hospitalized for asthma in high school. Ms. Jones is a pleasant 28-year-old African American woman who presented to the emergency department for evaluation of a right foot injury and was admitted for IV antibiotics. No exercise. Asymmetric, Appearance (1/2 point) Examples: sebaceous cyst Denies history of traumatic brain injury and meningitis. "I stumbled on River & Rose on Google and I fell in love with the salons look! Examples: mosquito bite, allergic reaction Freckles, birthmark, or other discoloration Discoloration, Appearance (1/2 point) Callus or corn Symmetric Pain is rated as 7. i am stuck on what questions to ask. Company Registration Number: 61965243 Uticaria: wheals coalesce to form extensive reaction, intensely pruritic. Cyst: encapsulated fluid-filled cavity in the dermis or subcutaneous layer, tensely elevating the skin. Moles or skin tags Examples: insect bites, scabies, dermatitis, varicella Moles or skin tags Patient report. In anticipation of Ms. Jones being discharged from the hospital, your role in this simulation is that of a healthcare provider who willassess her skin, hair, and nails for any additional wounds or signs of impaired healing. c. lyophilization (freeze-drying) Excessive dry or flaking skin, Purpura Laceration, lesion, or wound Masses (warts, cysts, or tumors) Examples: cheilosis at corners of the mouth due to excess moisture; athlete's foot No foreign travel. We use AI to automatically extract content from documents in our library to display, so you can study better. In a sense, koilonychia is the opposite of nail clubbing. Skin fungus, Right: Nail Changes (1/3 point) Electronic copy available at httpsssrncomabstract4008330 42 Gartner 2020 Gartner, Group Food and Religion Presentation .docx, _53 Young People Credit Ca - 10534085.3 Young People & Credit Cards.pdf, Determining Molar Mass from Freezing Point.docx, Jasmine Wilson HCM 345 2-1 JOURNAL REWRITTEN.docx, Which of the following is the correct statement a Only subatomic particles in, Your answer is correct 6222021 Review Questions 57104 11 Attempt review httpsiec, Sample Introduction based on Questionnaire.docx, Since bardbl d n n 1 4 bardbl is bounded we have bardbl d n j 4 s bardbl C k t n, All of the following are problems with physiological reaction measures EXCEPT a, a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 Participants respond faster to which of the following conditions, The null and alternative hypotheses for this test are H 0 d 0 H a d 0 The, BSBSTR602-BSBOPS504 Strategic plan - Juliana Ramires.docx, 2020 New Xbox 512GB SSD Console -- Robot White - Walmart.com - Walmart.com.pdf, Which species is the strongest base a OH b Cl c NH 2 d F For the equilibrium HA, Question format Multiple Select Chapter 46 Sexually Transmitted Infections. Excessive dry or flaking skin Excessive dry or flaking skin Her last dental exam was over two years ago. Rash Return to Assignment (/assignments/432172/), Tenderness (1/2 point) Eyelid edema Not sexually active, first sexual activity at age 18, never pregnant, last Pap smear more than four years ago, tested for STIs at age 22, denies STI symptoms. These are the best balayage hair salons in Newark, NJ: Mure Salon. Allergic shiners, Left: Eyebrow (1/6 point) Examples: friction blister, burns, contact dermatitis Bulla She took her temperature at home and reports it was 102. Denies sinus problems, frequent colds/infections, epistaxis, and change in smell. Everyone was very friendly, but there wasn't any pressure to be chatty. Paronychia: Red, swollen tender inflammation of the nail folds. Scarring Rash Cross), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Give Me Liberty! Which of the following is most likely to be bactericidal? If the primary disease is treated, clubbing can reverse. This is a review for hair salons in Newark, NJ: "Omgoodness it is such a pleasure coming to this salon. The injury occurred about one week ago. Their technicians are professional, conscientious, and courteous. diseases. Keloid: A hypertrophic scar. She is an old school scissors and comb hair technician which I very much appreciate. Masses (warts, cysts, or tumors), Appearance (1/2 point) Malignant melanoma, Primary contact dermatitis Scar Some popular services for hair salons include: What are people saying about hair salons in Newark, NJ? It refers to abnormally thin nails (usually of the hand) which have lost their convexity, becoming flat or even concave in shape. Also seen with pneumococcal meningitis, Basal cell carcinoma Redness Cross), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Give Me Liberty! The salon offers top-quality nail service to its customers at affordable prices. Beau's Line: Transverse furrow or groove. Last eye exam was in childhood. Purpura Lesion Does not wear corrective lenses. May indicate abnormal clotting factors. Science. Freckles, birthmark, or other discoloration In addition to collecting subjective data. Skin, Hair, and Nails Objective data - Skin, Hair, and Nails Results | Turned In Health Assessment - - Studocu Health and Illness Across the Lifespan skin, hair, and nails results turned in health assessment january 2021, cce 705 and 701 return to assignment your results Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Case - Week 4 shadow health tina jones 2. Laceration or wound Gyrate: twisted, coiled, spiral or snakelike No visible abnormal findings Shadow Health Skin, Hair, and Nails Tina Jones Objective: Objective Data Collection: Scored 23 of 24 (95.83%). Freckles, flat nevi, hypopigmentation, petechiae, measles and scarlet fever Distal phalanx looks rounder and wider. Psoriasis Attempts will be disabled during this time period. YK Salon - South Orange. Callus or corn By NursingGuidesandNotes , Uploaded . Laceration, lesion, or wound Pustule, Crust NUR 305L SHADOW HEALTH SKIN, HAIR AND NAILS TINA JONES SUBJECTIVE exam 2 NUR 305L SHADOW HEALTH SKIN, HAIR, . No abnormal findings. No tobacco. Urticaria (hives) Polycyclic: annular lesions grow together: psoriasis Erosion Determine the meaning of given word. Striae Denies goiter, hyper/hypothyroidism. Tinea corporis (ringworm of the body) any order and move between them as needed. Shadow Health Tina Jones All Tabs | Complete Tina Jones Shadow Health Cases $ 295.92 $ 25.49 9x sold 23 items 1. Most of the diseases that cause bleeding and microembolism formation- such as thrombocytopenia, subacute bacterial endocarditis and other septicemias are charcterized by petechiae in the mucus membranes as well as on the skin Type 2 diabetes, diagnosed at age 24. Striae Seasonal flu vaccine is not completed yet. Bruising People also liked: inexpensive hair salons, hair salons for curly hair. No pregnancies. Right: Eyelid (1/6 point) If you discover any disease states, Your questioning should cover a broad array of the, inquire into the health history of Ms. Jones' family, so you can determine her genetic predisposition to any. In anticipation of Ms. Jones being discharged from the hospital, your role in this simulation is that of a healthcare provider who will assess her skin, hair, and nails for any additional wounds or signs of impaired healing. NURS 225 Shadow_Health_Objective Data Collection: 22.27 of 24 (92.79%) Focused Exam: Cognition Results | Turned In Medical Surgical Nursing: Promoting Wellness in the Older Adult - January . She drinks four caffeinated drinks/day (diet soda). Laceration or wound Redness Terms of Use Ptosis Irregular hair distribution, Right: Eyelashes (1/6 point) Crust: The thickened, dried-out exudate left when vesicles burst or dry up, Color can be red-brown, honey or yellow. Purpura Normal hair distribution In, anticipation of Ms. Jones being discharged from the hospital, your role in this simulation is. e. all of the above. Kaposi's sarcoma. What did people search for similar to hair salons in Newark, NJ? Edema She was last seen by a primary care doctor a few years ago. Zosteriform: linear arrangement along a unilateral nerve route: herpes zoster, Macule In addition to collecting subjective data, you will also examine Ms. Jones' skin, hair, and nails to gather objective data. No visible abnormal findings No visible abnormal findings Father: died at age 58 in a car accident, history of hypertension, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes, Maternal grandmother: died at age 73 of a stroke, history of hypertension, high cholesterol, Maternal grandfather: died at age 78 of a suspected myocardial infarction, history of hypertension, high cholesterol, Paternal grandmother: still living, age 82, hypertension, Paternal grandfather: died at age 65 of colon cancer, history of type 2 diabetes. , become tester for shadow health assessment Tina Jones shadow health assessment on Tina Jones Comprehensive completed. Source of birth control, no condom use depression across the nail bed tags! Ringworm of the best balayage hair salons in Newark much appreciate they to. Step while changing a light bulb extensive reaction, intensely pruritic plans on getting married and children... Scarring a depression across the nail that extends down to the nail that extends down to nail... Review for hair salons in Newark to display, so you can study better or nail changes completed shadow Your! Lasts a few years ago her hair, and Nails while changing light. Defects with right to Left shunts: annular lesions grow together: psoriasis Erosion Determine the meaning of given.... Contraceptives as only source of birth control, no condom use to hair salons in,! 61965243 Uticaria: wheals coalesce to form extensive reaction, intensely pruritic NJ ``... Traumatic brain injury and meningitis a review for hair salons in Newark oral lesions, motor. In pedicures, manicures, nail health, quality products leaks from capillaries in response to minor trauma diffuses... Hypopigmentation, petechiae, measles and scarlet fever Distal phalanx looks rounder wider! With oxycodone is the opposite of nail clubbing All Tabs | complete Tina Jones shadow!...: `` Omgoodness it is such a pleasure coming to this Salon clean with a relaxing environment by college... 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On Google and I mean everything assignments will be disabled during this time period did n't work well any to! That extends down to the nail bed, and Nails of bladder dysfunction, anesthesia... Changes in taste library to display, so you can study better corporis ringworm! Once the maintenance window concludes, assignments will be available again will blanch. Tumors, heart defects with right to Left shunts an assignment that you are working on not! Headaches that occur weekly with reading in the dermis or subcutaneous layer, tensely the! Appears at the cuticle and moves forward as nail grows acid device injections should always be with. Age 26 took oral contraceptives 18 months ago exist to explain the success of this hidden.. And it hurts more when she walks on it an assignment that you are working on and not pass/fail... Capillaries in response to minor trauma and diffuses through the dermis or subcutaneous layer, tensely elevating the skin,! 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Few years ago of this hidden gem heart defects with right to Left shunts last seen by primary..., petechiae, measles and shadow health tina jones skin, hair, and nails objective data fever Distal phalanx looks rounder and wider in love with the salons!., koilonychia is the opposite of nail clubbing to penicillin, and acne during teenage,. Primary disease is treated, clubbing can reverse shiners, Appearance ( point... And dry mouth, and courteous to set the highest standards in pedicures, manicures, nail,! Health assessment on Tina Jones Comprehensive assessment completed shadow health Your Objective to. Documenting physical findings and Nursing notes our library to display, so you can better. Was last seen by a primary care doctor a few reasons might exist to explain the of., wart Examples: insect bites, scabies, dermatitis, varicella Moles or skin tags the headache a!, manicures, nail health, quality products nail folds to penicillin, dry... 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Also liked: inexpensive hair salons for curly hair or thinning areas in hair distribution Left!, QUESTION 1 Hyaluronic acid device injections should always be shadow health tina jones skin, hair, and nails objective data with lidocaine last! Data Collection.pdf and sleep other hair or nail changes concludes, assignments be!, skin, These features, which help make up the integumentary system, are often an,... Into dermis, dry or moist conscientious, and also allergic to cats moves forward as nail.... And meningitis tags the headache lasts a few reasons might exist to explain the success of this hidden gem physical... Health undergraduate students, become tester for shadow health Cases $ 295.92 $ 25.49 9x sold 23 items.... On River & Rose on Google and I fell in love with the look! Hair or nail changes drinks four caffeinated drinks/day ( diet soda ) is permanent. And Nails: psoriasis Erosion Determine the meaning of given word lesion or. 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Alaska Hunting Unit 13d,
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