Beginning in January of the year they turn8, children may begin attending Primary activities. They could also include celebrations of culture, holidays, or local or general Church history. The General Handbook will continue to be, in Elder Perkins words, a living, breathing digital document for the global faith. Temple and Family History Work in the Ward and Stake, 31. Ensure adequate adult supervision at all times (see 20.7.1). Primary teachers and nursery leaders teach from Come, Follow MeFor Primary (ages 311) and Behold Your Little Ones (nursery). Specialized Stakes, Wards, and Branches, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They can also be other members the Primary presidency recommends and the bishopric calls. Parents are encouraged to help. All of these materials are available in the Gospel Library app and at The new program includes activities for families, children and young men and women. For example, chapter 14 (Single Members) features counsel from President M. Russell Ballards April 2021 general conference message, Hope in Christ. The content of the chapter is organized according to the work of salvation and exaltation emphasizing that single Church members are essential to that work. Chapter 35 (Care and Use of Meetinghouses) has information about the roles of Area Seventies, Church facilities managers and stake and ward technology specialists. Monday nights are reserved for family activities (see 20.5.3). These presidency members make parents aware of resources in the Gospel Library that can help. Private, public, or Church property is damaged during a Church activity. All supplies and activities, including optional day camps, are paid for by the ward budget. Leaders keep parents informed of activities for children and youth. As individuals, families, and Church groups, members are encouraged to participate in activities that contribute to their health and fitness. During Primary, a young child must be taken to the restroom by a parent or legal guardian. Safety Policies and Guidelines for Activities, 22. A Great Resource for 2018 LDS Primary Theme Materials from The Red Headed Hostess 2017 Primary Theme Printables: Choose the Right The Best Printables for 2017. You may order unit materials beginning June28, 2019. Members should not be asked to pay for youth conferences (see 20.6). At that time, nine chapters were new or updated. These leaders then recommend activities to the stake presidency. A member of the bishopric conducts. Activities 20.1 Purposes Church activities bring Church members and others together as "fellowcitizens with the saints" ( Ephesians 2:19 ). For additional guidelines, see 20.5.6. At the beginning of each year, the bishop, one of his counselors, or members of the Primary presidency may visit the home or Primary class of each child who will turn8 during the year. These members are called to teach and minister to specific age-groups of children. Youth may be called as committee members. The bishop and his counselors regularly attend Primary. Leaders adjust the time as needed. Stake presidents may address questions to the Area Presidency. Area sports tournaments are not approved. Leaders and teachers should encourage parents to take their children to the restroom before Primary. Activities that require unusual expense or travel (see 20.7.7). Sunday. Supervising committee members in planning stake activities. The bishopric must approve the use of any other music in Primary. Primary activities are held at times other than Sundays or Monday evenings. Members should not usually pay to participate in activities. Any exceptions to these instructions must be approved by the Area Presidency. For information about planning stake and multistake activities, see 20.3. The General Handbook is the result of unifying Handbook 1 (for stake presidents and bishops) and Handbook 2 (for all leaders) into one volume. The New Mormon Primary manuals were not designed with real children in mind This weekend, Mormons around the world will start using the church's new curriculum. Help children prepare for baptism and confirmation. See the summary of the changes below. Feel, recognize, and act on the influence of the Holy Ghost. Temple visits are organized on the ward or stake level within the assigned temple district. Sharing the Gospel and Strengthening New and Returning Members, 24. Sharing the Gospel and Strengthening New and Returning Members, 24. If a stake single adult committee is organized, committee members begin the process of planning activities for single adults. All activities should be opened and, when appropriate, closed with prayer. Primary activity leaders minister to children as they plan service and activities beginning in January of the year children turn8 (see New items for 2020 are noted. Sunday Primary Meetings. The First Presidency is not shy about making edits, Elder Perkins said. The Primary president may assign another presidency member to help parents with temple and priesthood preparation for their children. These activities should be separate from the Sunday meeting schedule. Each youth should have his or her own bed or sleeping bag. 1908 - Grades implemented in Primary organization (grades 1-5) If possible, equipment and supplies the ward needs for annual youth camps are purchased with ward budget funds. You may also like: From Adam and Eve to nontraditional families: 6 takeaways from the February handbook update Content published on July 31, 2020, features significant revisions to five chapters. 2020 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. Entertainment for which the stake or ward pays performers for their services. The Area Presidency may assign stake presidents or Area Seventies to lead committees that plan and carry out multistake or area activities. Supporting Individuals and Families in the Work of Salvation and Exaltation 3. They introduce children and their parents to the Children and Youth program. See 38.8.18 for other guidelines concerning speakers. Singing time helps children feel Heavenly Fathers love and learn about His plan of happiness. 1895 - Primary begins dividing into grades, first with the Salt Lake City Eleventh Ward 2. God's Plan and Your Role in the Work of Salvation and Exaltation 2. To download all photos or videos related to this article, select the links at the bottom of each section. Young Single Adult Wards and Branches in a Geographic Stake. Leaders and teachers should be careful when acting out sacred events in Primary. Leaders ensure that activities do not jeopardize the Churchs tax-exempt status. Youth may be asked to contribute a fee to attend For the Strength of Youth (FSY) conferences. They can be held more or less frequently. Participants in Church sports activities do not need to be Church members. 38.8.42. Youth should not teach in Primary, including as substitutes. Also, the chapter notes that elders quorum and Relief Society presidents are now responsible for supporting young single adults in their congregations. When Church groups travel in private passenger vehicles, each vehicle must be in safe operating condition. Providing for Temporal Needs and Building Self-Reliance, 23. The church released significant updates to five more chapters of " General Handbook: Serving in The Church of . Male and female participants and leaders should have separate sleeping accommodations. The presentation of team or individual awards or trophies is discouraged. Leadership and Councils in the Church of Jesus Christ Church Organization 5. At church, Primary leaders and teachers support parents through lessons, music, and activities. Jesus Christ taught, Behold your little ones and feed my lambs (3Nephi 17:23; John 21:15). Deleted the following sections (former section numbers are shown): Added the following sections (new section numbers are shown): Revised the following section and title (new section number is shown): Because of these additions and deletions, most section numbers in 38.8 have changed. They also ensure their safety and well-being. They invite children to share at church what they are learning at home. If the nursery leaders are not husband and wife, they should be the same gender. Nor should youth groups and others travel to or from camps or youth conferences on Sunday. Nursery leaders love, teach, and minister to the children. Leaders identify the needs of those they serve and consider whether such activities would help meet those needs. Friday was the fourth time an update was released this year. Speakers should be Church members who teach by the Spirit. Primary Nursery Class (Ages 18 Months-2 Years) Behold Your Little Ones: Nursery Manual (37108) Singing Time and All Primary Classes (Ages 3-11) NEW Come, Follow MeFor Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 (15157) Sunday School Adult and Youth Sunday School NEW Come, Follow MeFor Sunday School: Book of Mormon 2020 (15156) Elders Quorum and Relief Society Stake, Multistake, and Area Activities, 20.5. The bishopric and Primary presidency should remember the positive influence of worthy men serving in Primary. As needed, additional leadersincluding stake Relief Society, Young Men, and Young Women presidentscould be invited to attend. The children present what they have learned at home and at church during the year. Leaders and teachers must complete the training at During singing time, teachers participate with their classes. Then contact the Area Presidency. General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1. The bishopric obtains the stake presidencys approval of plans for a ward youth conference. Missionary Recommendations and Service, 25. Nursery leaders ensure the safety and well-being of the children. If the Savior is portrayed, it must be with reverence and dignity. Children may not complete Primary before January of the year they turn12. These resources provide service and activity ideas. If the ward or stake budget does not have enough funds for the activities listed below, leaders may ask participants to pay for part or all of them: One annual extended Aaronic Priesthood camp or similar activity. Index of New and Revised Sections and Chapters of the General Handbook, published on December 15, 2021 (rewritten chapters and rewritten or new sections are in bold), Chapter 18: Performing Priesthood Ordinances and Blessings, Chapter 25: Temple and Family History Work in the Ward and Stake, Chapter 27: Temple Ordinances for the Living, Chapter 28: Temple Ordinances for the Deceased, Chapter 31: Interviews and Other Meetings with Members, Chapter 32: Repentance and Church Membership Councils, Chapter 35: Care and Use of Meetinghouses, Chapter 37: Specialized Stakes, Wards, and Branches, Section 38.2: Policies for Ordinances and Blessings. The new handbook supersedes Handbook 1 (for stake presidents and bishops) and Handbook 2 (for all leaders). [God] has actually helped us word by word, line upon line and precept upon precept, here a little, there a little. It includes four rewritten chapters and seven other chapters with added or revised sections. Primary music leaders teach gospel principles, but they do so primarily through music. Those ways include structuring the content around the core doctrinal concepts of Gods work of salvation and exaltation; creating content that is adaptable to congregations of all sizes; explaining the scriptural why of the way things are done; using ministerial language; simplifying the text; reducing word count by 20 to 25%; and providing guidance on many policy issues, including medical marijuana, vaccinations and prejudice. The new General Handbook replaces Handbook 1: Stake Presidents and Bishop s and Handbook 2: Administering the Church with a single volume. God invites all to come unto Christ and assist in His work by: Primary helps children, families, leaders, and teachers accomplish this work. Approval from the bishop and stake president is required. Primary activity leaders plan service and activities that help accomplish the work of salvation and exaltation. The stake president or bishop may authorize the use of Church buildings on Monday evening. Versions in other languages will follow in coming months. During singing time, children learn as they actively engage in singing. Any expenses must be approved in advance by the bishopric or stake presidency. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints published updates today, July 31, 2020, to 15 chapters of its General Handbook. When men are assigned to teach children, at least two responsible adults should be present at all times. Such decisions should be made before the start of a season. He also has responsibility for the work of the stake Primary presidency. Leadership and Councils in the Church of Jesus Christ, 15. His responsibilities can include: Maintaining a calendar of stake activities. These activities also nurture creativity, confidence, and cooperation. The music leader can help with music for nursery when invited. In a year that youth are assigned to attend an FSY conference, stakes and wards should not hold youth conferences. They make plans, act on their plans, and reflect on what they learn. 20. Free printables to help! He serves on the stake youth leadership committee (see 29.3.10). This section has been renamed and revised. An exception may also be made when New Years Eve is on a Monday (see 20.5.4). The following resources may be used: Instructions for Singing Time and the Childrens Sacrament Meeting Program, Primary Music Collections on, Primary Singing TimeMusic Can Teach Doctrine ( This chapter has been renamed and revised. Priesthood Principles 4. In some circumstances, an 11-year-old may not be ready to leave Primary. New and updated chapters were released in eight installments over 22 months: The first release in February 2020 included nine reworked chapters that reflected the church's recent emphasis on ministering and home-centered gospel living and teaching. A person who was participating in a Church activity is missing. A man and a woman should not travel alone together for Church activities, meetings, or assignments unless they are married to each other or are both single. However, sacrament meetings are not to be heldand the sacrament is not to be administeredoutside of meetinghouses in the ward or stake. Chapter 34 (Finances and Audits) removed references to unit checking and savings bank accounts because they are no longer used. Ward activities can be planned in any of the following ways, based on local needs: The ward council could oversee the planning. It is intended to foster revelation, so leaders and members can receive direction for their own personal circumstances," Elder Perkins said. All who work with children and youth must complete the children and youth protection training. They should be balanced among four areas of personal growth: spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual. Such relationships help nourish testimonies in the hearts of children. Repentance and Church Membership Councils, 36. Organized ward or stake visits to temples outside the assigned temple district are not encouraged. Primary leaders and teachers support parents in this responsibility as follows: Ensure that Primary lessons, singing time, and service and activities help children follow the example of the Savior. If the cost would keep a youth from participating, the bishop may use ward budget funds to pay all or part of this fee. I can say to members with full confidence that the handbook, as written, reflects the desires and the input and direction from the people we sustain as prophets, seers and revelators.. Adult leaders are invited to attend as much of the conference as possible. In some cases, the stake president or bishop may have questions about safety issues or claims against the Church. Version: 8/22 PD60010241 000 Other relevant information about the activity. Temple Recommends for Newly Baptized Members, 26.5.1. Instructions for members are in They are fun and engaging. Ward or stake budget funds should be used to pay for all activitieswith the possible exceptions listed in 20.6.2. Version: 3/19. For information about the responsibilities of the stake Primary presidency and secretary, see 6.7.1,, and 6.7.3. Such visits require the approval of the stake presidency. Men may serve as teachers, nursery leaders, music leaders and pianists, and Primary activity leaders. The Church identifies editions of the Bible that align well with the Lords doctrine in the Book of Mormon and modern revelation, the section says. Prepare for, make, and keep sacred covenants. Stake Relief Society, Young Women, Primary, and Sunday School Presidencies. Examples include youth conferences, FSY conferences, or temple visits that require traveling long distances. These include: Activities that have a high risk of injury or illness (see 20.7.6). The bishopric considers her recommendations and extends the callings. Before planning an activity, leaders consider the spiritual and temporal needs of members. . The two adults could be two men, a husband and wife, or two members of the same family. If the leader indicates that treatment beyond first aid is expected, the bishop will be notified and will receive enrollment information. Some Church recreational activities can be planned so family members can participate together. If an accident or injury occurs on Church property or during a Church activity, leaders observe the following guidelines, as applicable: Render first aid. 25.1. Stake youth conferences are planned and carried out by the stake youth leadership committee (see 29.3.10). Church overnight activities for combined groups of young men and young women must be approved by the bishop and stake president. The ward council assigns one of its members to be in regular contact with the activities committee. Do not make commitments on behalf of the Church. Primary teachers and nursery leaders stay with the children throughout Primary, including singing time and transitions. If a ward or stake plans a New Years Eve activity, and if New Years Eve falls on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, leaders should observe the following guidelines. Make sure the Primary presidency is aware of: Children coming into nursery and children moving from nursery to the Sunbeam class. She helps the ward council know the name and home circumstances of each child in order to enhance ministering to children and families. By planning effectively and following safety precautions, leaders can minimize the risk of accidents. Teachers and nursery leaders attend quarterly teacher council meetings (see 13.4). The meeting may be held during Primary on Sunday, at another time on Sunday, or at a different time. Leaders fill out an Event and Activity Plan form for activities that involve long-distance travel. The bishop, parents, and child counsel together about the timing. In many parts of the world, health and accident insurance coverage is available through employers or government programs. General Handbook Specifies New Responsibilities for Primary Counselors by LDS365 | Jan 26, 2022 Among the recent updates to the General Handbook are some specific responsibilities for counselors in Primary presidencies to help them focus on helping parents prepare their children to enter and progress on the covenant path. The Primary presidency helps parents prepare children to enter and progress along the covenant path. Leaders should be sensitive to children who lack family support for gospel living. Budget for Aaronic Priesthood quorums is based on the number of young men in the ward. The following guidelines may be adapted to local circumstances: Primary activities are held two times a month when possible. Primary activities, including day camps, do not include overnight stays. Stake Leadership 7. If a unit has few children, the meeting may be held under the direction of the stake presidency. Nursery lasts the entire time scheduled for Primary. When adults teach children in Church settings, at least two responsible adults should be present. Leaders fill out an Event and Activity Plan form for all overnight activities. The stake presidency calls an adult woman to serve as stake Primary president. The bishop and his counselors respond promptly to recommendations from the Primary presidency for those to be called to serve in Primary. . A member of the stake presidency or an assigned high councilor may call members to serve on the stake activities committee. The bishopric works with the presidency to maintain continuity in teachers and music leaders. The conference as possible not to be Church members who teach by the Spirit include: activities that involve travel! 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