This is awesome! You make one attack roll, with all the beams hitting the target on a success and all of them failing to hit on a failure. Starting at 6th level, your grimoire is capable of drawing in and negating harmful magical effects. On a failed save, you goad the creature into causing a paradox. Your pact with this individual is a binding contract that promises you great wealth and prosperity. You are immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. Karsite[7] For reasons he did not fully understand, something in the world beyond Shade Enclave spoke to Karsus as his home never had. Youre able to tap into a portion of your patrons wealth. Your battlefist now deals 1d10 damage, is magic, and you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make using it. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. A score of 18 is the highest that a person usually reaches. At the end of the ritual, roll on the Sacrificial Boon table for the rituals effect. Starting at 14th level when you drop a creature to 0 hit points, every enemy creature who can see you must make a Wisdom saving throw. In Forgotten Realms lore, this made him the most powerful spellcaster who ever lived. When doing so, your eyes glow and you must place your hand or hands on the head of the opponent, and if successful their eyes and mouth will glow as well as they are told directly the will of the Titan. This influx of energy can be manipulated into spells or used to power magitech enhancements similarly installed into your body. As an action, choose a creature within 30 feet that you can see to make a Wisdom saving throw. [11], In 345DR, Arthindol the Terraseer appeared before Karsus and warned him that the goddess of magic Mystryl was soon to face her greatest challenge, and that this would forever affect the Netherese's perception of magic. You are unaffected by all effects of this weather, as are up to one ally per point in your charisma modifier. RELATED: 15 Best Wizard Spells In D&D 5e, Ranked. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. You can cast speak with animals and speak with plants at will, without expending a spell slot. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all uses after a long rest. Like, let's compare 3.5 Tiamat with 5e Tiamat. In addition, once on each of your turns, you can add a d4 whenever you fail an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, but only if you are the wearer. Adventurers can have scores as high as 20, and monsters and divine beings can have scores as high as 30. If you lose the talisman, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your spiritual guide. D&D is full of very powerful wizard NPCs. At 6th level you gain the ability to open your mouth and produce a Will O Wisp, as the creature. If this spell effects multiple creatures, the effect is ended for all creatures affected. Starting at 10th level, your patron's dreadful stare suffuses all the spells that you cast. Starting at 6th level, you can use your Charisma modifier instead of the normal modifier for Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks, and you can add your Charisma modifier to all skill checks involving picking locks, escaping ropes or manacles, or other similar feats of escape artistry. Rounds of this ability only return after a long rest. Your patron undoubtedly hails from a cosmology entirely different to your own, where the inner workings of arcanum and the lore of the gods bear little resemblance to the existence you inhabit. Your beams all converge into a powerful gravitational force, shooting in a straight line 5-feet across and up to the range of the spell long. You can ask your patron to tell you something specific about future events. At 10th level, your skin (and possibly your hair) toughens and takes on an unearthly hue (porcelain white, jet black, emerald green, etc. However, as his education progressed, Karsus was sent out into the world to observe Istani military actions. You gain the benefits of any special senses possessed by the creature, though you are blinded and deafened to your own surroundings. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. The Wisp returns after a Short rest if it is killed. If a creature does not have resistance against any damage the spell deals, it now has vulnerability to it. Goliath 5e Traits. You choose whether your equipment falls to the ground in your space, merges into your new form, or is worn by it. It is always prepared and does not count against your number of spells known. Karsus was the mortal incarnation of a deity who holds sway over death. Beginning at 10th level, your patrons unnerving self-assurance begins to rub off on you. Its wizards are more regulated and regimented. If you do so, you also take this fire damage. The grimoire cannot be destroyed and if it is misplaced or stolen you can perform a 1 hour ritual to return it to you. This uses your spell save DC. When another creature wears your talisman, you can use an action to cast the warding bond spell without expending a spell slot or material components. Fizban often casts his spells in unconventional ways or casts the wrong spell. Your goal, as a Player Character, is to succeed, and hopefully look as impressive as possible while doing it. Occasionally, one of the voices in your head becomes clearer and will impart knowledge you may not have known yet. Arcanist (Mentalist) 41 At 6th level, your future self prepares you for unexpected attacks. Your equipment doesn't change size or shape to match the new form, and any equipment that the new form can't wear must either fall to the ground or merge with it. Starting at 10th level, your patrons aura resonates through you and aids you and your allies. Additionally, you can also glide on the wind when you fall, floating 2 feet horizontally for each foot downward you fall. At 10th level, you can roll a d6. Title(s) On a hit, the beam temporarily halts one random magical effect or item the target is using until the end of its next turn. This version of yourself shares your stats and has the same equipment as you do, but it can't use this feature and it doesn't have any magic items you have. The Spiritual Guide lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The die becomes a d6 at 6th level, and a d8 at 14th level. You've attracted the attention of something unseen and unknown, a being whose power defies imagination but is invisible to the naked eye. When using this ability, you can choose to end it partially and appear for a few seconds, or to stop it for several rounds and reappear. Krampus stands 14 feet tall and weighs 1,000 pounds. The primary caster takes on the full power, features, abilities and spells of that god, in effect replacing the chosen god by becoming the god yourself. At 1st level, you can ask your patron to aid you in small tasks. Karsus is the only mage to have ever successfully created a 12th lv spell and cast said spell. You learn a cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. The DM allows you to choose from an extended list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. As a bonus action, you grow long, sharp claws that last for 1 minute. The parasite remains within their body for one minute, or until they succeed the saving throw three times. You can use this ability twice, and regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. While most wizards spend decades studying before they can cast spells, Karsus's startlingly profound insight let him understand any spell and even invent new spells on a whim. Now he offers his patronage to lesser reality-shapers in the hopes that one of them will discover the means of his escape. Karsus, the Momentary God was, at a time, one of the greatest of the Netherese mages, perhaps even the greatest. For a number of rounds within this storm equal to your Charisma modifier, none of which must be contiguous, you can invoke the presence of the sky titan. The effect also ends for the creature if you use your action to do anything else, or if you move more than 60 feet away from it. Lord Karsus was the Netherese creator and caster of the Karsus's avatar spell that triggered the Fall of Netheril. Ability Score Increase: A +2 to STR and +1 to CON is perfect for a select few builds and synergizes very well, but will offer nothing to most classes. Once you use this ability, you must take a short or long rest before you can do so again. Karsus granted the summoner a boost in magical ability, though he also imparted some of the arrogance he was renowned for. Starting at 1st level, your hit point maximum increases by 1 and increases by an additional 1 whenever you gain a level in this class. I've even considered giving him a simulacrum to fight off interlopers while the real Karsus casts a spell. within the research are there stats/a sheet for him? [3] He was able to cast his first spell at the age of two, and by the age of twenty-two had become the youngest arcanist to ever create his own floating city. You may affect creatures normally immune to the Frightened condition, however they have advantage on saves against being frightened. You had originally owed your patron a debt, though your actions now go beyond simple repayment. You've made a pact with a strange creature that even the gods barely understand, the creator of all reality. You gain the following benefits, when you choose this patron: Beginning at 6th level, your body can shift into the form of a cat. Adjective(s) While some claim a rational, scientific understanding of its inner workings, others claim a transcendent connection to The Machine that it is a powerful being, a construct of immense design that embodies itself through those who carry the Heart. Studios' The Seasons Have Teeth #1, REVIEW: IDW Publishing's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Usagi Yojimbo: WhereWhen #1, D&D Party Finds a Beautiful Way to Honor a Player That Passed Away. Once per turn when you roll for damage, you can add your wisdom modifier to the total. Sparks of Life remain for 1 minute or until they heal a creature, after which they vanish. Ideal Feat: Spell Sniper, Crossbow Expert Party Role: Damage The is the "occult" version of the Warlock for those players that are looking to connect with a darker power from beyond the grave. A few quick explanations: Firstly, Karsus is an eccentric genius who has understood even the most powerful magic innately from his youth. Starting at 6th level, You gain a fly speed of 40 feet, as well as proficiency in stealth checks. On a roll of 4 or higher, the attack instead misses you, regardless of its roll. Mordenkainen Is One Of Oerth's Greatest Wizards, Undarl Dragonrider Is The Most Powerful Of A Unique Sect, Azalin Rex Is Incredibly Powerful, But Cannot Grow, Laeral Silverhand Is One Of Mystra's Most Powerful Daughters, Sammaster Is A Chosen Of Mystra Turned To Evil, Emperor Duulket Ariakas Combines Magic With Many Other Powers, Niv-Mizzet Has Some Of The Multiverse's Most Powerful Magic, Karsus Is The Highest & Lowest Of Wizards, D&D: 10 Characters To Inspire Your Next Wizard, The Best Wizard Subclasses In Dungeons & Dragons, Ranked, D&D: 15 Best Magic Items For Wizards In 5e, Ranked, 15 Best Feats For Wizards In D&D 5e, Ranked, 10 Ways DMs Can Make Their D&D Games More Immersive, REVIEW: Boom! You may then choose to use either your roll or the DM's roll. Okay, so given all that, and given this unfinished statblock, what do you advise that I do to give my players the kind of fight I'm hoping for? Despite this ontological difference, your patron has shown extensive knowledge of your world and the physical laws that govern it. You understand that your entire reality is pencil marks on a paper and that every action is determined by a roll of some dice. Odd Howard was a great wizard who sought to become a god, but in his hubris he overreached himself; the worlds he created were incomplete and unstable, and ultimately collapsed in on themselves, trapping him beyond time and space. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a successful save. You can see and hear through the targets senses for up to 1 minute, ending early if you dismiss it (no action required) or are incapacitated. Home Plane Your patron is a powerful elemental being; either a pure elemental or another resident of one of the Elemental Planes with great influence. When you take this action, you can spend 100 gp to have one target make the check with disadvantage. Your patron gives you a secure place to store your valuables. Your Strength score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. I am attempting to gather all lore on Karsus(pre-boulder) that I can, however I am a 5e player so my knowledge of older books/resources are limited, i found a wiki article on him but not much else, this was originally inspired by this video. You cannot do this again until 24 hours have passed since you regained your 9th level spell slot. You're not quite sure what he is planning for your future (and for his past), but one is certain - he needs you alive. Sometimes, a gambler with an exceptionally powerful will might come into direct contact with this force, and surrender their soul in exchange for a lifetime of impossibly good luck. This spell can only be a spell that deals damage, if the damage Is thunder or electricity damage. [12][13], Shouldering a responsibility for preserving his civilization, Karsus finished creating a spell, Karsus's avatar that he had been developing for years. Karsus himself believed the spell was even capable of allowing its user to become a god of their choosing, replacing a current god with themselves the moment the spell was completed, but in truth the spell could only "steal" the power of a god, which was not permanent. Karsus believed that with the power of a deity at his disposal, he could destroy the phaerimm and unite his people. You are unable to be surprised and have advantage on initiative rolls. LG NG CG LN N CN LE NE CE As a reaction to a creature within 60 feet of yourself that can hear you making an attack roll or ability check, you can expend a dread die to force it to make a Wisdom saving throw. 3. Due to the implants nature, you cant lose your Book of Shadows, but youre unable to cast the cantrips from your implant if you have an Intelligence score of 9 or lower. In addition to manifesting beholder-like powers, the personality of a beholder's warlock might also warp to become more like that of their patron, making them more xenophobic, covetous, and utterly hateful. The origins of Krampus are shrouded in mystery, with stories of the creature stretching back hundreds or even thousands of years, if not more. Class: 41st-level arcanist (mentalist) Hit Points: 74. If the cat has any legendary or lair actions, you can't use them. It lures children away from their homes and drives all that come into contact with it to madness. Whatever this creature's purpose, it has gifted you some measure of its imperceptible power. Like many powerful D&D wizards, Azalin is a lich. Karsus died under violent circumstances, and was restored to life by the Raven Queen. Ideals encompass everything from your life goals to your core belief system. Starting at 6th level, you can subtly influence the minds of those you speak with, to make your words more impactful. Whenever you cast this spell and choose a target that is incapacitated, it automatically fails its saving throw against the spell. It remains for l minute or its summoner dies, or until 1ts summoner dismisses it as an action. Aside from being one of the most prolific creators of D&D magic items ever, Laeral is also fully capable of overpowering most other spellcasters in the setting. You should exercise caution with ability: using it too often will easily inspire the wrath of the DM, who will be inclined to force your player to destroy you and select a new, less capable, champion. You can choose to do so after you make the roll but before you know the outcome. Karthus creates a blast of magic, dealing 45 / 62.5 / 80 / 97.5 / 115 (+35% of ability power) magic damage. This is Karsus, and you wanted a Storm of spells. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. This benefit can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and all expended uses are restored when you finish a long rest. You no longer exist. When you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to roll a d6. You can attempt to cast any other spell from the wizard spell list of the same level or lower instead of the spell you initially cast. You have made a pact with a being that you share a significant fondness with. You can learn a spell from any class list that has a costly component as part of your Spellcasting and Mystic Arcanum feature. Once per turn when you deal damage to a creature with a spell, you can spend any amount of those dice to deal extra damage to one of the creatures you hit. The Artificial Intelligence lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. You get the following benefits depending on the elemental nature of your patron. The wearer can move through creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, but takes 1d10 force damage if it ends its turn inside a creature or an object. At first level you choose one of the four prime elements from which your patron is made, this choice affects future class features as well. At 6th level, you can re-roll an ability check, saving throw, or attack roll. To these mortals she sends a special boon - a raven-shaped shadow whose appearance is a sign of her favor. While using this spell, a number of times equal to your charisma modifier, you can choose to cast a spell on the creature of which you scry on, or the area around it, as if the creature were within reach of you. This effect ends immediately if you or your companions do anything harmful to it, if you become incapacitated, or if your concentration is broken (as if concentrating on a spell). Once you use this feature, you cant do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a warlock spell slot to do it again. When you revert to your normal form, you return to the number of hit points you had before you transformed. The wearer also gains expertise in a skill it is proficient in, which means its proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check it makes with the skill. These additional effects last until the target dies, you die, you are incapacitated, or you move the Hex to a new target. In addition, you also gain the following benefits: You've struck an eldritch bargain with a titanic corporation, and their CEO has bequeathed you sinister powers and occasional discounts. idk if you are still running this one shot of if you have the stat block anymore, but here is what I would do. When your enemies look into your eyes they see only death. Avatar There are even some Valkyries, Shamans and Shinigami who could be powerful enough to form pacts with mortals. You automatically stand up, and your hit points are restored to be half of your maximum. Folly of excessive arrogance and ambition, endless hubris You can use spells such as stone shape on clouds to alter their density and change their shapes, but can also create weapons out of them as if they were stone. He's also one of Krynn's most influential individuals. This spell is a warlock spell for you, and it doesn't count against the number of warlock spells you know. This resistance does not affect damage from magical or silver weapons. Your future self has forgotten the fine details of some things, and outright refuses to tell you about things you 'can't know yet,' but nonetheless offers compelling insight and guidance. Updated 17th of January by Isaac Williams: The player characters are the main characters of D&D, but that doesn't prevent a very powerful supporting cast. Your patron will undoubtedly outlive you. Furthermore, due to their iconic place in fantasy tropes, wizards often play major roles in the fiction of many settings. Creatures with advantage against the spell save now have disadvantage. Starting at 14th level you can channel the soul of your patron to manifest in a physical form. Magic in 5e is capped at the 9th level. Additionally, you gain resistance to radiant damage, as your body now refracts light away from you. Once you use this feature, you cant use it again until you finish a long rest. Page 124, Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook 5th edition. However, Vecna still uses the trappings and abilities of a wizard just far beyond what almost anyone else can match. Starting at 10th level, creatures that are frightened by you have disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saves. In addition, you now have the Construct type. When you reach 10th level, you learn to alter your spellcasting in a number of ways, both to hide it from your foes (or audience) and to expand your magical repertoire. Additionally, when you use your Cat Form feature, you can also turn into panthers, lions, and tigers. While frightened in this way, the target has a movement speed of 0 and is incapacitated, attacks against it have advantage, and it has disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws. By 6th level, you regain all of your expended dread dice when you finish a short or long rest. Starting at 1st level, you may take the hide action as a bonus action. Starting at 14th level, creatures that are frightened by you gain vulnerability to Psychic damage (or have their immunity removed, if immune). In addition, you are immune to being charmed or frightened. By 14th level, you are more machine than man. On a failure, the spell fails. Entering into a pact with a Celestial grants the Warlock a touch of the holy light that touches every corner of the multiverse. As an action, you gain all the benefits listed in the Sacrificial Boon table for up to 10 minutes (as if concentrating on a spell). His body was a mere shell, a temporary vessel for the unthinkable might of a deity's soul. Niv-Mizzet is one of Magic: the Gathering's most powerful dragons, and an incredible spellcaster on top of that. You are proficient with the battlefist. Your spiritual guide has taught you to harness the power within your own spirit. On a failed save, you plant a sliver of your consciousness inside the targets mind, which it is unaware of, that lasts for up to 30 days or until you harmlessly remove it as an action. You can now communicate with all felines, such as panthers and lions, as well as cats. This vastly increases their magical power. He's from Magic: the Gathering's Ravnica setting. The Mortem allow you to choose from an extended list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. Consequently, failure isn't generally an option for you and your traveling companions. The harbinger of oblivion, Karthus is an undying spirit whose haunting songs are a prelude to the horror of his nightmarish appearance. A container loses this property when you are no longer touching it. Instead, his soul was bound to the Material Plane. In some cases, that connection becomes so powerful that it changes who the Warlock is at their core. In addition, you gain one spell of 1st-level or higher from any spell list that requires a spell attack roll, such as ray of sickness or scorching ray. Additionally, you may use your Intelligence instead of your Charisma as your spellcasting modifier for warlock spells. At levels 9, 12, and 15, when you learn when you learn new eldritch invocations, you may choose to gain a new component instead. This cannot make instantaneous spells last 1 minute. He is best known for his plot to usurp Mystryl and become the god of magic in her place. The shadow raven that keeps them company is a physical connection to the god of death. When choosing targets, this targets 3 additional creatures of your choice. At the end of a short or long rest, you gain the effect of a sanctuary spell that lasts until the start of your next long rest (the spell can end early as normal). On a failed save, a creature takes 10d10 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone and stunned until the beginning of your next turn, while literal stars orbit its head. These smaller beams deal half damage on a hit (rounded up). You automatically revert if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die. A Celestial grants the warlock a touch of the multiverse in addition you!, the effect on a successful save weighs 1,000 pounds addition, you also take fire. Your head becomes clearer and will impart knowledge you may use this twice... 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