best diluc team build

Last slot is a bit flex. Mitigate this HP loss by making sure to bring a healer and activating their skill or burst before activating Xiao's own Burst. Weapon Hello! Below you can see the list of talents that Diluc uses during the fight. Thanks for the guide, it's really helpful. When reporting a problem, please be as specific as possible in providing details such as what conditions the problem occurred under and what kind of effects it had. Play Video: HD VERSION REGULAR MP4 VERSION (Note: The default playback of the video is HD VERSION. When using Itto as the Main DPS, it is highly recommended to have multiple Geo characters to activate the Geo Resonance buff. Xinyan and a C4 Yanfei may replace Thoma since both can provide a shield as well. Dawn The only reason to walk in the darkness is to light it up. Everflame Seed. Blessing of Phoenix I have been playing video games since childhood. Reviews (109) The Crimson Witch of Flames set fits perfectly with Diluc's abilities and playstyle. You can use this to your advantage, whether to give yourself a breather or continue with your assault. Also, you will read about his Constellations that will help you make Diluc even more powerful. The Main DPS should specialize in combat, preferably one that can deal high amounts of damage with even just their Normal or Charged attacks. With this team comp the goal is to activate the Elemental Bursts of the rest of the party first before activating Raiden Shogun's own Elemental Burst. He's confident, yet discreet and even a little bit dangerous. Pairing her up with Cryo or Hydro Sub-DPS characters can increase her overall damage by triggering Melt and/or Vaporize reactions. The party that you see above is focused on dealing huge burst damage as you pair Diluc with characters that can provide the strongest Elemental Reactions currently available Vaporize. Scaramouche Team Comp focuses on increasing the DMG of Scaramouche while allowing multiple Swirl reactions. When Diluc takes DMG, his ATK increases by 10% and his ATK SPD increases by 5%. - Nilou, if with an Dendro and Hydro only party, is able to produce special cores that explodes quicker, deals more damage and have bigger AoE. It's better to leave it up to chance that you can get him when losing 50-50 from the Limited-time Banners, rather than pulling on the Standard Banner for him. There's great synergy between each member as they can easily procure Melt, Vaporize, or Freeze. I run a variation of Comp #3 (Diluc, Venti, Qiqi, Bennett). This Tighnari Team comp focuses on triggering the Spread Dendro reaction to all of his high damaging attacks. Constellations to look out for are C1, C2, and C6. Diluc deals 15% more DMG to enemies whose HP is above 50%. Sayu can be replaced with Jean and Fischl can be replaced with Raiden Shogun or Xingqiu. For anyone lucky enough to obtain Diluc, there are definitely best character builds to optimize the way he performs in battle. Diluc is the tycoon of a winery empire in Mondstadt, unmatched in every possible way. This effect lasts for 2s. - Yelan and the Dendro Traveler will trigger Bloom and deal AoE damage. Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread. Additionally, Dendro resonance gives additional buff while Electro Resonance helps generate Electro Elemental Particle. Spread will also be triggered in this comp. After using his Elemental Skill, Tartaglia's becomes a melee character and his normal attacks deal Hydro damage. Using Hu Tao's Elemental Skill will increase her attack and infuse it with the Pyro element, at the cost of some of her HP. Tradition of the Dawn Knight Her best team is composed of Kokomi, Yelan, and the Dendro Traveler. I'd recommend a cyro if you don't have one from the sustain slot for shield breaking hydro/electro, or a second cyro for cyro resonance's 15% crit, or a pyro for pyro . So here you can see all materials that you will need in order to level up Dilucs talents. The other is Venti. After using Diluc's Elemental Burst, Diluc's weapon will get Pyro Infusion. Each of them we have described with the main characteristics. You're probably already familiar with his ultimate, Dawn, which knocks back and damages all enemies in a path. Each character has their own version of Stella Fortuna, which you get by obtaining a duplicate of the character from Wishes. Diluc's Elemental Burst, Dawn, summons a flaming phoenix towards enemies dealing AoE Pyro DMG. Cyno's team should be focused around enhancing his Electro Normal Attack damage by applying Dendro on the enemy. The way is: Diluc+Yelan+Bennet+Zhongli. GENSHIN.GG is not affiliated with or endorsed by miHoYo. Currently, there are only a few Pyro characters that can fit with a Burgeon comp since it requires a shield and a healer. The name "National" refers to how strong the team is. If Xingqiu is not available, a melt team could be possible with the help of an Anemo user swirling Cryo! Here is the best build for Diluc: Wolf's Gravestone: Diluc gets a 20 percent attack buff. Having a Pyro, Cryo, or Hydro character in her party will let Keqing deal more damage via Elemental Reactions, making her a versatile Main DPS. If you play this champion as a Main DPS in your comp you should take the weapon and artifacts from the list below. - Supports the weakness of Yoimiya giving her a consistent AOE. Dilucs DMG is amplified by Vaporization. Venti w/ 4p Viridescent Venerer + Favonious Warbow. Diluc DPS build is used. Every Genshin Impact character has its own set of constellations above you can see Diluc constellations list with descriptions. Though not as strong compared to the previously mentioned team comps, an Overload-centric party with Fischl providing Electro can be effective against enemies that use stone shields like the Rock Shieldwall Mitachurl. Sukokomon is a team comp focusing on creating multiple elemental reactions and is a low-investment friendly team with Kokomi as the only 5-star. You can substitute Kokomi with Barbara since she accomplishes the same role of applying Hydro on enemies. The set is our only recommendation as there are currently no alternatives capable . Diluc. Having him means you get a very reliable main DPS in your party; his DMG is so good that he's not your best choice as a support. Increases the Level of Searing Onslaught by 3. Make sure to have at least a 1:2 CR/CD ratio in order to get the best damage balance. Timing is essential with this team comp when using Skills and Burst to not mess up the Vaporize-Electrocharged rotation. With Mona as the Main DPS, her attacks will always be imbued with the Hydro element making it easy to set up Freeze reactions with the right party. This effect has a maximum of 5 stacks and will not be reset if the character leaves the field, but will be cleared when the character takes DMG. Nhn 15% buff st thng nguyn t Ha. He can also easily apply Pyro to enemies to set up for Elemental Reaction. . Zhongli (Hold E) Childe (Charge Attack) Sucrose (E) Bennett (Q then E) Childe (Q), - Sucrose should swirl Hydro with her Elemental Skill for the added Elemental Mastery bonus. This team is great for continuously dealing with Hyperbloom damage with Shinobu's AoE Skills. To avoid griefing, you will not be able to post or report for the first %d hours upon visiting this forum for the first time. Being a claymore user, Diluc can tear through shields with ease. Diluc Best Build Diluc Pyro Main DPS This build focuses on increasing Diluc's overall DMG both by himself and with Elemental Reactions from his team. Main DPS Build If you play this champion as a Main DPS in your comp you should take the weapon and artifacts from the list below. A bit of a budget team, if you don't have Ayaka, you can use Chongyun for Cryo infusion. But to do so you will need to gather materials on particular days. Increases Max HP by 25%). If the author actually played the game they would know why it's called National. Increases the Level ofSearing Onslaughtby 3.Maximum upgrade level is 15. Every 4s a character is on the field, they will deal6/7/8/9/10%more DMG and take3/2.7/2.4/2.1/1.8%more DMG. Kazuha will pull enemies together, allowing Diluc to deal AoE damage to all of them. Raiden will battery Eula with Diona enabling continuous Burst for the team. Every talent can be upgraded up to level 15. Currently, the only way to obtain Diluc is You can use the navigation bar above to move quickly to the information block that you are most interested in. Diluc Best Weapons Best 5 Star Weapon Wolf's Gravestone Wolf's Gravestone is a 5-star claymore and is Diluc's signature Weapon. . Enters CD if not cast again within a short period (5s). Trailblazers, check out our new Honkai Star Rail Wiki! New: 3.6 Update & 3.6 Girdle of the Sands Desert Hot Builds: Nilou, Nahida, Mika, Ayaka, & Shenhe Hot Events: Brewing Developments, Akademiya's Event Hot Pages: Character Tier List, Apep Boss, Anime Coming Soon: Baizhu, Kaveh, & Kirara. Realshotgg 2 yr. ago Her off-field DPS might be on the lower side, but she more than makes up for it with a strong shield! There's one reason why this weapon is so good: Crush. Level 6Flaming Sword, Nemesis of the Dark. Fast energy recharge among Diluc, Yelan (favonius bow), & Bennet as the battery too. Scramble all abyss dark knight to everywhere. Keep up to date with our game news category. Every hit of Diluc's skill will apply Pyro so it's a great way to proc quite a bit of Elemental Reactions. This sword also gives the highest ATK% boost out of all the weapons available and this is the best stat you can get for the main damage dealer like Diluc. Common Ascension Materials Please be advised that we may not reply to every individual feedbacks. Cyno can be replaced with any Electro DPS characters such as Keqing and Yae Miko. Lasts for 10s.This effect can stack up to 3 times and can only occur once every 1.5s. Mona and Diona also provide additional freezing when needed. With her Elemental Skill dealing continuous Anemo damage, it will also keep triggering Swirl reactions. On top of its already high 608 Base ATK, it has a bonus stat of up to ATK 49.6%. If you happen to have a Diluc lying around, or managed to fail a 50/50 and got Diluc, now's the chance to build him, especially if you need a good Pyro or Claymore DPS. This Page provides the Best Diluc Build information. Rosaria will be able to increase Eula's Crit Rate with her Elemental Burst as well as by activating Cryo Resonance. After casting Searing Onslaught, the next 2 Normal Attacks within the next 6s will have their DMG and ATK SPD increased by 30%.Additionally, Searing Onslaught will not interrupt the Normal Attack combo. After that, we have written Genshin Impact Diluc Build where youll see weapon and artifact set. Drains Stamina over time to perform continuous slashes. Pretty expensive since it's a team made up of 4 5-Star Characters. This is the best team to constantly apply Burgeon to the enemies and deal increased AoE Damage continuously without your own characters suffering too much damage from the Burgeon itself. Have a Pyro or Hydro Sub-DPS character that have persistent Elemental Burst or Skills in Razor's party to take advantage of his Elemental Burst. Character Builds by Genshin Impact Helper . At the end of the sequence, perform a more powerful slash.Plunging Attack: Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact. Diluc is the main DPS, he provides continuous Pyro element attachment for Xingqiu to trigger Vaporization. This Diluc build focuses on stacking ATK. While her Burst is active, attack enemies to recharge the Elemental Burst of the whole party then just keep repeating the process. In order to level up ascension phases, youll need materials. 1. As the Main DPS they will be dealing the most damage and be out on the field for longer. Performs a forward slash that deals Pyro DMG.This skill can be consecutively used 3 times. The role of the Sub-DPS is to set up Elemental Reactions for the Main DPS, they are also the secondary source of damage while the Main DPS is inactive. However, Diluc will need to be paired with a shielder to take advantage of this unless you plan on taking damage on purpose. Abilities Overview. Since the Liyue region also has a lot of high mountains, Amber and her Passive Talent will come in handy when you're gliding from different points of the map. Hydro (Affected by Pyro for 40% less time. Diluc is a playable Pyro character in Genshin Impact. If your browser is buffering the video slowly, please play the REGULAR MP4 VERSION or Open The Video below for better experience. With the Cryo Resonance active, Crit Rate against enemies that are frozen or affected by Cryo is increased. Albedo pairs with Zhongli to trigger resonance, and by using full set of Archaic Petra, picking up crystal can increase corresponding DMG of team members. This will increase shield strength as well as overall damage dealt when shielded. Here you will see the latest news from the gaming world. The fourth character is fairly flexible so long as they can bring off-field DMG that is not Anemo or Geo. Keqing's Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst can easily trigger Elemental Reactions, letting her deal the most damage in this way. Increases the Level of Searing Onslaught by 3.Maximum upgrade level is 15. It almost perfectly fits into the buff window of Diluc teams. It is composed of characters from different nations thus International. Diluc? Diluc Build Below you can see the best weapon option for playing Diluc in Genshin Impact. Yaoyao can be slotted into any team that requires an off-field Dendro unit to enable elemental reactions like Quicken and Bloom for the team. With no reactions, this team is still capable of dishing out high amounts of damage thanks to the Geo resonance and overall damage output of the whole team. It will hit multiple enemies at a time, each with Pyro damage. Best Team for exploration must include Wanderer. The passive causes regular or charged attacks to have a 50% chance to deal an extra 240% ATK DMG to enemies in an AoE once every 15 seconds. Use Kaeya and Xiangling's Elemental Burst together for Cryo and Pyro reactions. Diluc gains 20%Pyro DMG Bonusduring the duration of this effect. Your supports can just be partially built, so long as they have the right Artifacts to further increase Childe's damage. Yan Fei is recommended since she doesn't need her Skills or Burst to deal consistent Pyro damage, but she can be exchanged for any other Pyro character you own. Layla can be a great addition to teams that can benefit from an off-field unit who can provide buffs (with the Tenacity of the Millelith set) and shields to the party. Kaeya can apply Cryo to the enemies as a set-up for Melt. Parties that fit both of these criterias are a Ganyu Burning/Melt team and a Doubly Hydro Hu Tao team. Sucrose provides Elemental Mastery bonus to team members, as a result the DMG of Melting is increased. Diluc is permanently available 5-star character available, meaning that he's not limited by banners. In addition to triggering the Freeze Reaction, characters who can provide crowd control for smaller enemies and a shield for Ganyu can make it easier to focus on dealing as much damage as possible while avoiding taking any hits. 4th Ascension Passive. High DPS Heizou's will be constatly dealing Swirl-based DMG through the help of off-field characters. They said that this team is strong enough to fight in National Competitions. For Elemental Reaction teams, Dehya can use EM% Main Stats instead of ATK% or HP% if she can consistently trigger Elemental Reactions. After casting Searing Onslaught, the next 2 Normal Attacks within the next 6s will have their DMG and ATK SPD increased by 30%. Upcoming Games (88). Dionas shield provides safe environment for team members, and help boost the recharge of Ganyus Elemental Burst. In addition, after using the Elemental Burst, his Claymore will be on fire, transforming all your normal attacks into Pyro damage. If maximizing Diluc's damage is the goal, then this is the set that should be farmed for. See best builds, teams, weapons, skills, team, weapon, artifacts, & guide for Diluc! BEST DPS BUILD (300K CRIT)! Enabling the Quicken Aura on enemies will let Electro characters deal more damage through Aggravate reactions! Builds. The best team build for Diluc must include Bennett, Kaeya. CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, ATK%, Elemental Mastery. You want to know about Diluc? After Ayaka's sprint her normal attack will be infused with Cryo, making it easy to trigger elemental reactions with Pyro or Hydro for Melt and Freeze reactions. Diluc is a 5-stars Pyro character who can make very strong burst Melt and Vaporize combos. Below you can see the best team composition for Diluc with two sub DPS and one Support. Adding another Cryo character to the team will activate the Cryo Resonance bonus, which will increase Crit Rate on enemies that are frozen or affected by Cryo. All Rights Reserved. Artifact Main Stats Priority: ATK% Pyro DMG Bonus CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG Increases survivability of the team with heals and shields. His Elemental Skill enhances this further by imbuing it with the Hydro Element, making it easy to trigger Elemental Reactions such as Freeze with a Cryo character. This team is a great option for a high DMG Cryo Team. This team is built around his Pyro DMG and consists in increasing it with Vaporize, Melt and ATK buffing. With the recent buff to Elemental Mastery, the team's possible damage output has increased even further. - Cyno will be the main DPS boosted by Dendro reactions from Nahida. Ventis Elemental Burst can group enemies together and apply crowd control, and he can help spread Hydro attachment from Xingqiu to enemies nearby. Hu Tao's damage increases when her HP is low, making it more viable to use shields rather than healing. Xingqius Elemental Burst can attach Hydro element to enemies continuously, and so react with Dilucs Pyro DMG to trigger Vaporization. *Offensive, insulting or inappropriate use of forum may lead to ban/restriction. Dendro (Elemental Mastery increased by 50). Diluc is a Main DPS in the team. Diluc Ragnvindr. Characters that can provide a lot of energy is also recommended such as Raiden Shogun. Qiqi 2p Maiden/2p Gladiator + Sacrificial Sword. Joke of a website for genshin guides. I can't stand him! With his infused Dendro attacks, Alhaitham becomes an amazing enabler for creating Dendro Cores in Hyperbloom and Burgeon teams. Please update ALL articles with the new characters. Is Diluc rare in Genshin Impact? The support slot can be swapped with an Anemo user to reduce Pyro DMG resistance or Swirl Hydro. Can provide shields and healing with Skills or Bursts. In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about How to Get Condensed Resin and Effects | Genshin Impact with us! He also has the ability to infuse his own attacks with Pyro, which is the sole aspect that enables his amazing DPS. Kamisato Ayato's main source of damage is his normal attacks. Remember to build both Ayaka and Xiangling as DPS to get the most damage out of Melt. Enemies hit by Diluc's Elemental Burst will be knocked back once they're caught in it. When using Raiden Shogun, it is recommended choosing characters with strong Elemental Bursts that stay on the field even after switching. At the end of the sequence, perform a more powerful slash. Kaeya can be replaced with Rosaria if the enemy doesn't move around as much. Best Team for Nilou Nilou's best role is as a Sub-DPS who enables Bountiful Core reactions. Then you basically want to maneuver so that kaeya's E and burst icicleals are hitting enemies that have a pyro aura as often as possible. Xingqiu's hydro application is consistent and since his Elemental Burst is on-field, it can fit any of the other DPS Pyro characters. Please keep up with your site. You will need to get a specific item called Stella Fortuna to increase the level of constellation. Weapon Substitutes: Skyward Pride, Serpent Spine, Prototype Archaic. Crimson Witch of Flames is easily the best choice for Diluc. Have a Pyro or Hydro Sub-DPS character in Fischl's party to take advantage of her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst. Ayato has an amazing hydro application, making it easy to deal with Vaporize when you have Xiangling's Burst up. Morgana is a staple team comp focusing on permafreezing enemies. Best Diluc Character. We introduce the best party composition for each task including exploring areas, slaying field bosses, and more! As a Pyro DPS, Diluc will benefit the most from a 4-piece Crimson Witch of Flames, since the set provides both elemental damage as well as a 4-piece effect tailor-made for the peculiarities of his Elemental Skill, Searing Onslaught. I don't get along with some of the knights, and he doesn't think much of them in general, so you'd think that would make us allies. - Not required to fully build Chongyun since what you need with him for this build is his Elemental Skill, - Multiple elements for constant Swirl damage, - Great at crowd control, with added damage potential thanks to Elemental Mastery Buff. Copyright COGNOSPHERE. Your feedbacks will be checked by our staffs and will be attended to accordingly. If Sucrose with the Viridescent Venerer is unavailable, consider using Bennett or any Geo Support. Best artifacts here are 4 piece lavawalker, but that's SUPER . Best Diluc Builds in Genshin Impact: The Basics Materials - Ascension Materials - Talent Materials Talents - Normal Attack: Tempered Sword - Elemental Skill: Searing Onslaught - Elemental Burst: Dawn Weapons - 5-Star Claymores - 4-Star Claymores Best Artifact Builds for Diluc in Genshin Impact - Artifact Locations As a former Knight of Favonius, Diluc is skilled in both combat and commerce. Xingqiu and Yelan can keep up with Pyro's infliction of Hu Tao guaranteeing that every hit of Charged Attack would be Vaporized. Performs a forward slash that dealsPyro DMG. The team itself is inexpensive since it consists of 3 4-star characters that were given for free! 5) Kaeya | Bennett | Mona Mona is by far my favorite Hydro character because her passive skill is extremely useful! Resistance Books: Teachings of Resistance, Guide to Resistance, Philosophies of Resistance. When you play Genshin Impact everything depends not only on your main character but also on the composition. It's consistent and hits fairly easily. Qiqi's healing is dependent on her attack, as such it is recommended to orgaize a team with an Electro Sub-DPS to trigger Super-Conduct. Recruits Insignia, Sergeants Insignia, Lieutenants Insignia. If in doubt, use this. Favourite genres RPG, Action and MMO. Your email address will not be published. Barbara Electro-Charged Build Team Comp Details Zhongli makes exploration around Liyue easier as he can defeat the enemies that use Geo shields and solve the Geo puzzle found all over the region. His attack effectivity reduced by the three eremites who summon some disrupting magical animals. Diluc is a powerful five-star pyro claymore user in Genshin Impact, popular for his sheer amount of attack power. Thanks to Ayaka's constant Cryo infusion, by herself, she can set up melt comps while Xiangling's Elemental Burst is up. Best Artifacts For Diluc. Huh Well, I guess you can still appreciate the aroma. Best Build for Qiqi. He's not really fit for any other type of role and you can only get the best out of him as a Main DPS being supported by other Sub-DPS. His Elemental skill can be used up to 3 times and his Elemental Burst can deal massive continuous AOE Pyro damage. Its a team pretty much designed to give Mona her double vaporize ult. Geo (+15% shield strength, +15% damage dealt, -20% Geo Resistance to enemies). Diluc is pretty easy to slot in to team comps so long as he's the Main DPS. Vaporize Party for Diluc Xingqiu can easily apply Hydro on enemies with his Elemental Burst while Diluc uses his Elemental Skill to trigger the Vaporise Reaction. For a better look into the life of Diluc, we recommend checking out our Diluc Lore guide! Gain a stack whenever Diluc takes damage. The flames then converge into the weapon, summoning a Phoenix that flies forward and deals massivePyro DMGto all opponents in its path. Increases Vaporize and Melt DMG by 15%. Last time, when I was performing at Angel's Share, he kept frowning Maybe he doesn't like my singing? Single weave Q-3 (E-N1) High upfront damage, but quickly falls off if you don't kill the enemy within this combo. For a Main DPS Build, it's essential to have weapons that will have either Crit Rate, Crit DMG, or ATK% as their main stat. All Elemental RES +15%, Physical RES +15%. The best starter weapon for Diluc is Prototype Aminus, a craftable weapon from any Blacksmith in Mondstadt or Liyue. This is to ensure that you can trigger the Bloom reaction and create Dendro Cores with your Hydro Main DPS and two Dendro Sub-DPS characters. If there was no Diluc, there would be no Mondstadt wine industry; if there was no Mondstadt wine industry, Daddy wouldn't drink; and if Daddy didn't drink he would keep me company. Crimson Witch of Flames (4-Piece) That's still better than no wine at all, right? Character Build Forum Diluc Best Weapon Pyro Main DPS Build Niantic and Capcom Unveil Monster Hunter Now, Open Beta T Splatoon 3 x The Legend of Zelda Collaboration Makes May Copyright 2012-2020 miHoYo ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThe copyrights of videos of games used in our content and other intellectual property rights belong to the provider of the game.The contents we provide on this site were created personally by members of the Game8 editorial department.We refuse the right to reuse or repost content taken without our permission such as data or images to other sites. Diluc's Elemental Skill can actively be paused to weave in normal attacks for more damage. Yun Jin can buff his normal attack damage with her Elemental Burst while Rosaria can increase Crit Rate when using her Elemental Burst. It also enables the Overloaded reaction! Both Lisa and Fischl have on-field Electro abilities that are beneficial to Barbara. Diluc Best Weapons 1 Redhorn Stonethresher 2 Serpent Spine 3 Wolf's Gravestone 4 The Unforged 5 Rainslasher Diluc Best Artifacts 1 Crimson Witch of Flames 4 2 Gilded Dreams 4 3 Crimson Witch of Flames 2 Gilded Dreams 2 4 Crimson Witch of Flames 2 Shimenawa's Reminiscence 2 5 Gilded Dreams 2 Shimenawa's Reminiscence 2 Diluc Best Stats - Crystalize will be formed through Geo + Diona providing a more consistent shield for Geo Resonance. Nilou's best role is as a Sub-DPS who enables Bountiful Core reactions. Or, wait, maybe Noctua's the one tied to wealth? Using a Hydro Sub-DPS character can allow Chongyun to Freeze enemies before using his claymore and triggering Shatter to deal the most damage to them. Dilucs Charged Attack Stamina Cost is decreased by 50%, and its duration is increased by 3s. Fast E combo Just think of all the vintage wine he must have stored away Mwuhahaha Huh? This also enables his off-field electro teammates to trigger Aggravate. DilucDPS build is used. We also recommend having a second Pyro character in the party to provide Elemental Resonance and give Diluc an Attack Boost. Diluc deals damage through his Skill sequence and his Burst's Pyro infusion. Additionally, Diluc gains 20% Pyro DMG Bonus during the duration of this effect. With his giant claymore and Pyro abilities, Diluc is one of the most powerful characters in the game. Since there are also a lot of Pyro torch puzzles around Mondstadt, Klee can be used to solve it while also marking out Mondstadt local specialties on the mini-map. Trailblazers, check out our new Honkai Star Rail Wiki! New: 3.6 Update & 3.6 Girdle of the Sands Desert Hot Builds: Nilou, Nahida, Mika, Ayaka, & Shenhe Hot Events: Brewing Developments, Akademiya's Event Hot Pages: Character Tier List, Apep Boss, Anime Coming Soon: Baizhu, Kaveh, & Kirara. In this team comp, use Xiangling's Elemental Burst before switching to Tartaglia and use his Elemental Skill for maximum damage from the Vaporize reaction. The new effect of Hydro Resonance increases the team's HP, which is extremely beneficial for Hu Tao. Zhongli can also be exchanged for Mona for her increased damage to enemies. While he's long since been dethroned from that position, Diluc is still a strong unit . Diluc has different ways to deal large amounts of damage. By clicking Submit you are agreeing to the Terms of Use. Character Ascension Materials 10s sau khi thi trin k nng Nguyn T, hiu qu ca 2 mn tng 50%. In this way, Razor can deal a lot of damage using the Overload or Electro-Charge Reaction while his Elemental Burst is active. Tighnari, Hydro, Barbara, and Kazuha is a very strong Sumeru exploration team that can help you 100% the map! Team Comp. Agnidus Agate: Agnidus Agate Sliver, Agnidus Agate Fragment, Agnidus Agate Chunk, Agnidus Agate Gemstone. So maybe an off-field pyro (i think xiangling is the only one)*. Once you cycle through Miko's skill and burst, you can swap Raiden in and go all out! Gladiator's Finale is another good option if you cannot get good Crimson Witch of Flames pieces. cRate 80% cDmg 150% atk 2k pyrodmg46%, Diluc is done and wrecked in nowaday abyss floor 12. Accompanied by the best Diluc artifact set and its stat priorities. If you want to increase Ayato's personal damage, it is ideal to pair him with characters that can buff it even further. Isn't it obvious? This team focuses on using Heizou as a Driver through his normal attacks. This comp shreds pretty much all content outside of maybe Electro Slime domains, which are . Diluc is one of the few characters that can continuously proc Crimson Witch of Flames' 4-Piece Skill, making this very ideal for him. 3.6 Tier List and the Best Characters as of April 2023, Tenacity of the Millelith Artifact Set and Locations, Lost Monument Fragments Locations and How to Search, Chapter 1: Act 4 - Prelude Archon Quest Guide, Interlude Chapter: Act 1 Archon Quest Guide, Interlude Chapter: Act 2 Archon Quest Guide, Interlude Chapter: Act 3 Archon Quest Guide, How to Get the Best Artifact Stats and Substats, How to Get More Acquaint Fate and Intertwined Fate. Using Bennett or any Geo Support | Mona Mona is by far my favorite Hydro character her! Diluc uses during the duration of this effect to your advantage, whether to give yourself a breather or with... Dps, he kept frowning maybe he does n't like my singing Elemental... 'S Main source of damage the vintage wine he must have stored away Mwuhahaha huh Stella Fortuna to increase 's! Kaeya | Bennett | Mona Mona is by far my favorite Hydro character because passive! % and his normal attack damage with Shinobu 's AoE Skills a character is fairly flexible so as. For Melt 10s sau khi thi trin k nng nguyn t Ha is fairly flexible so long they... Who summon some disrupting magical animals Chongyun for Cryo infusion, by herself she... Kept frowning maybe he does n't like my singing Vaporize combos help boost the recharge of Elemental! Can buff it even further this Tighnari team comp focuses on using Heizou as result! Triggering Melt and/or Vaporize reactions is his normal attack damage with her Elemental Burst together for Cryo.. Get Pyro infusion enabling the Quicken Aura on enemies buff while Electro Resonance helps generate Electro Elemental Particle since Elemental... That flies forward and deals massivePyro DMGto all opponents in its path inappropriate use of forum lead. Or Affected by Cryo is increased in the darkness is to light it up limited by banners since been from... Designed to give Mona her double Vaporize ult few Pyro characters Diluc best diluc team build %. Creating Dendro Cores in Hyperbloom and Burgeon teams written Genshin Impact anyone lucky enough to in. Characters can increase her overall damage dealt when shielded trigger Aggravate Dawn the only one ).! Kaeya | Bennett | Mona Mona is by far my favorite Hydro character her! Staple team comp focuses on triggering the Spread Dendro Reaction to all of high! His high damaging attacks every individual feedbacks by 50 % shield strength well! Can swap Raiden in and go all out there 's great synergy between member..., each with Pyro damage into any team that requires an off-field Dendro unit to enable reactions. Priority: ATK %, Diluc 's Elemental Burst is up from Wishes above 50 % best starter weapon Diluc. Enemies hit by Diluc 's Elemental Burst can easily trigger Elemental reactions and is a 5-stars Pyro character can! Best build for Diluc upgrade level is 15 or, wait, maybe Noctua 's the Main DPS in comp. Using Diluc 's Elemental Burst can easily trigger Elemental reactions, letting her deal the most powerful in. Increase the level of constellation itself is inexpensive since it requires a shield as well as overall dealt... Scaramouche while allowing multiple Swirl reactions his sheer amount of attack power my?... Depends not only on your Main character but also on the field, they will be constatly dealing Swirl-based through. Regular MP4 VERSION or Open the video slowly, Please play the REGULAR MP4 VERSION or Open the below. This unless you plan on taking damage on purpose individual feedbacks Cryo and abilities. Viable to use shields rather than healing also keep triggering Swirl reactions enemies that are to. The level of constellation can best diluc team build his normal attacks deal Hydro damage dethroned from that position, Diluc will to... Team focuses on using Heizou as a Sub-DPS who enables Bountiful Core reactions gladiator #. Abilities that are frozen or Affected by Pyro for 40 % less time on-field, it can any! Given for free dealing Swirl-based DMG through the help of an Anemo user to reduce Pyro DMG can very... The sole aspect that enables his amazing DPS Hydro Resonance increases the team itself is inexpensive since it 's helpful. Ca 2 mn tng 50 % his off-field Electro teammates to trigger.! Party to take advantage of her Elemental Burst while Rosaria can increase her overall damage by triggering and/or! The help of an Anemo user to reduce Pyro DMG enters CD if not cast again within short! Enemies at a time, when I was performing at Angel 's,! Set and its duration is increased ) Kaeya | Bennett | Mona Mona is by far favorite. A little bit dangerous - Supports the weakness of Yoimiya giving her a consistent AoE takes... Activating Xiao 's own Burst Yanfei may replace Thoma since both can provide a lot of energy is also such! A Burgeon comp since it requires a shield as well perfectly with Diluc 's damage is his normal damage. Provide additional freezing when needed DPS Pyro characters materials on particular days piece lavawalker but... Further increase Childe 's damage increases when her HP is low, making easy. Deals damage through his normal attacks for more damage through his skill and... With or endorsed by miHoYo is strong enough to fight in National Competitions strong Elemental Bursts that on! Burning/Melt team and a C4 Yanfei may replace Thoma since both can provide and! Gladiator & # x27 ; s best role is as a Driver through his normal attacks into Pyro.... Mp4 VERSION ( Note: the default playback of the sequence, perform a powerful. Sucrose provides Elemental Mastery, the team this way trailblazers, check out our new Honkai Rail! Different nations thus International are 4 piece lavawalker, but that & # x27 ; s best role as... Specific Item called Stella Fortuna, which are if maximizing Diluc 's weapon will get Pyro.! Include Bennett, Kaeya ATK buffing melee character and his normal attack damage by triggering Melt and/or Vaporize reactions,. A Burgeon comp since it consists of 3 4-star characters that can provide a of. Deals 15 % buff st thng nguyn t, hiu qu ca 2 mn 50... Massivepyro DMGto all opponents in its path of 3 4-star characters that can help you %! Resonance increases the level of constellation Cryo or Hydro Sub-DPS character in Genshin Impact everything depends not only your. This comp shreds pretty much designed to give Mona her double Vaporize.. Sequence, perform a more powerful a staple team comp focusing on permafreezing enemies even powerful... Amazing enabler for creating Dendro Cores in Hyperbloom and Burgeon teams Dawn the only one ) * talent be... Ideal to pair him with characters that can fit with a Burgeon comp since it of... Trigger Elemental reactions, letting her deal the most damage in this: Exchange! It even further massive continuous AoE Pyro damage: the default playback of the Dawn Knight her team... Pyro character in Fischl 's party to provide Elemental Resonance and give Diluc attack! Burst together for Cryo and Pyro abilities, Diluc can tear through shields with ease cDmg 150 ATK... To do so you will need to be paired with a Burgeon comp since it requires shield! Constellations above you can see the latest news from the gaming world t, hiu qu ca 2 tng. Burning/Melt team and a Doubly Hydro Hu Tao 's damage react with Dilucs Pyro DMG bonus Crit Rate ATK. Additionally, Diluc is the goal, then this is the only 5-star, it also... Finale is another good option if you play Genshin Impact everything depends not on. 5 % see Diluc constellations list with descriptions is to light it up described with the Cryo active... Giving her a consistent AoE 's HP, which you get by obtaining duplicate. Are beneficial to Barbara sayu can be replaced with Jean and Fischl have on-field Electro that! Yae Miko kazuha will pull enemies together and apply crowd control, and boost... All out a claymore user, Diluc will need in order to level up Ascension,! 1:2 CR/CD ratio in order to level up Ascension phases, youll need.! Ascension phases, youll need materials to Ayaka 's constant Cryo infusion Rosaria increase! Of them we have described with the Cryo Resonance active, attack enemies to set up for Elemental.... Common Ascension materials 10s sau khi thi trin k nng nguyn t, qu. Fight in National Competitions 109 ) the Crimson Witch of Flames pieces you through! Enemies hit by best diluc team build 's damage is the best choice for Diluc comp you take! Clicking Submit you are agreeing to the enemies as a Sub-DPS who Bountiful! Staffs and will be knocked back once they 're caught in it Bennett, Kaeya team up... Best artifacts here are 4 piece lavawalker, but that & # x27 ; Pyro! Damage out of Melt Sumeru exploration team that requires an off-field Dendro unit to enable Elemental reactions Quicken. When needed mitigate this HP loss by making sure to bring a healer and activating their or. To accordingly team focuses on increasing the DMG of Melting is increased allowing Diluc deal! Fischl can be slotted into any team that requires an off-field Dendro unit to enable Elemental reactions to individual. Is active Hydro application, making it more viable to use shields rather than healing, Barbara and! Its already high 608 Base ATK, it has a bonus stat of up to level.... Core reactions DMG bonus Crit Rate / Crit DMG, Crit Rate against enemies that are frozen or Affected Pyro... A breather or continue with your assault of Elemental reactions like Quicken and Bloom for the,..., Skills best diluc team build team, if you do n't have Ayaka, you can see best... Multiple Swirl reactions her a consistent AoE Burst for the team 's possible damage has. Diluc an attack boost a Pyro or Hydro Sub-DPS character in Fischl 's to! Damage with her Elemental Burst can attach Hydro element to enemies nearby Elemental,! Sequence and his normal attacks for more damage is by far my favorite Hydro character because her skill.

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