It is recommended to check your surroundings and ensure that there are no enemies in the vicinity, as it can be significantly more difficult to attempt to control both missile and aircraft at the same time. Advanced laser guided missiles can operate even when the laser illumination is stopped and will continue its flight path on inertial guidance. A. On the second row are the weapons: Offensive Armament (standard guns), Secondary Weapons (bombs, rockets, torpedoes, gun pods), and then the ammunition load of guns (Offensive 7.62mm in this instance); the precise options vary from plane to plane, the I-15bis just has one set of machine guns, other fighters can have weapons of two or three different calibres with separate upgrade options, most bombers also have turrets. Thanks for the help! 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. War Thunder will soon feature customizable aircraft weapon setups, including asymmetrical loadouts. Flying the Phantom FGR. Or was that mechanic removed in a patch between then and now? Some more advanced helicopters have the additional option of locking the stabilized sight to a moving target, thus allowing semi-autonomous guidance of the missile. The new weapon selector is very nice imho. I personally just use bombs on ships instead since they work too. Powered by Invision Community. If you press "2" you shoot your secondary gun. When you select the plane in the mission or under modifications at the menu screen, there will be a drop down menu for Secondary Weapons, where you can select, bombs, rockets, torpedoes or additional guns depending on the plane. The Ballistic Computer is a system found on some modern aircraft and helicopters used to aid the player in the delivery of unguided air-to-ground munitions. Ammunition unlocks are what I like to unlock first, "Offensive 7mm" in the above screenshots. Alright sorted, to choose what missile I want, I press the 'Switch secondary weapons' key, and then to be able to fire that missile, I need to exit the selected weapon mode. Have fun~. Flying the Phantom FGR. 20mm [LMB], 7.92mm [RMB], & 37mm [SHIFT+LMB] on the Hs 129 B-2). Your email address will not be published. My question is this: am I dumb and completely misunderstood what happened in the videos I saw or am I dumb and I did it the wrong way? Press J to jump to the feed. There is a setting, but you'll have to play around with the key bindings to what you're comfortable with, of course. The Weaponry options are less Olympian in their ideals; Improved Air-to-Air Combat Effectiveness isnt such a catchy motto, even when translated into Latin (Google Translate suggested Aris amplio-ad-caeli certamen efficaciam, and struggled with some of my alternative ideas like MOAR DAKKA). Some planes and AGMs however have IR or thermal imaging and can be used at night and have better targeting quality. To see precise details, hover the mouse over an upgrade: In this example cleaning and tuning the radiator increases maximum speed by 3mph and climb rate by 0.2m/s; its unlikely youll notice a massive difference in a fight, especially in Arcade battles, dont be too worried about upgraded opponents having an insurmountable advantage, but every little helps. The last two times I've done this I was not allowed to return to battle. I'll try it again next time i have a good opportunity. 250lb bombs on the British Blenheim, 250kg bombs on the Soviet Su-2). So outside the mode you have e.g. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Great War to today. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. I found that to be a pretty good way of doing air superiority, but it falls apart as soon as you try to carry rockets, bombs, and whatnot. In War Thunder, television-guided missiles refer to a class of missile guided by "optical contrast seekers". Now there are no planes for me to shoot at and 20mm air targets are useless against pretty much any ground vehicle with a roof. I unlocked the Sparrow missiles. Generally, they are very effective againsts ships, but slowing down and lowering your altitude makes you an easy target. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. 1kg = 2.2lb, so as a very rough rule of thumb you can multiply or divide by 2 to get a general idea of comparative bomb loads, or type a phrase like 500lb in kg into Google and its handy-dandy converter will give you a more precise figure. Active radar homing (ARH) missiles have a radar emitter built in so that they don't have to rely on target illumination by the aircraft that fired it, making them fire-and-forget weapons. Its like 496 i think to spawn the plane w/o rockets and then like 1080 or something to spawn another one. There's also "Switch Radar Search on/off" which I think you also need to key-bind. Changing those in game alters the intended selection process. Is there a way to shoot each separately but not have to go into the weapon selection menu and switch weapons, it takes a long time. Like, a way to switch between Aim7 and Aim9 whilst still being able to press SPACE for bombs and Left Click for guns? How easy to press shortcuts: 91%. Now I've seen videos of older builds of the game where you could land on an airfield, wait for rearm/repair and then leave the plane and be able to spawn back in it without using spawn points/backups in order to change your weapon load out. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it to come in near future though. What I've used for a while is binding rocket/bomb salvos to their usual buttons I use, then binding firing/dropping individual ones to "zoom+normal-button". Though I think a part of my frustration was that I assumed that they set them like this automatically as a new default so I reset my controls and I didn't save my previous settings like a retard and now I'm scrambling to remember how I had certain settings and am finding out (again) how horrid default settings actually are (like ffs why is RMB tracking cam and not zoom, and why are many important controls like NV, rangefinder, or brakes not default?). This reduces my options to: A. Just remember to press the new buttons in order to fire and not your old controls!!!!! With the exception of self-guiding missiles, all helicopter-launched air-to-ground missiles are guided by the cursor (much like aircraft SACLOS missiles). In the subsequent minor updates after the Wind of Change major update release, were planning to introduce customizable weapon loadouts for War Thunder aircraft within the allowable weight and types of weapons for the given vehicle. The weapons on your planes in hanger are part of the current MM process for team member selection. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. Aerodynamics, physics, engineering. reliability or accuracy, useful but not terribly exciting. MateoAztec, February 2, 2014 in Arcade Battle Discussion. And the warning about unbound actions is kind of redundant now that this is a thing, wish there was a way to disable it. I discover that I need to assign a key to the 'Switch secondary weapons' option to be able to choose which one I fire. #5 Dec 11, 2013 @ 11:54am Thanks, at the price of complete embarrassment I now know more than I did 5 minutes ago. During the first stage of the flight, the missile has to either rely on inertial guidance, act like a SARH missile, or be course-corrected by Datalink from the aircraft. and our Hi, there, folks. and still allow battle to be selected after rearming plane by using the battle button already present in the lower right corner. I'm PS4 if that has any impact on performance. Video Card: Intel Iris Pro 5200 (Mac), or analog from AMD/Nvidia for Mac. ZiS-30) or for casemates (ex. Some weapons have ammunition optimised for air or ground targets, useful if you know youll mostly be dogfighting or strafing; most have a tracer option thats very pretty but generally not so damaging, or conversely a stealth option with no tracers, damaging but makes it more difficult to visually adjust your fire. The default keybinds for manual missile guidance will prevent you from manoeuvring your aircraft with the keyboard at the same time. Now the IMPORTANT PART: Switch Primary Weapons - this control will cycle through any combination of your cannons and machine guns and display your selected weapons with a >> symbol next to your ammo count display (you can select your main cannon, secondary machine guns or both at the same time, just play around with it for 10 seconds and you will get what I mean) Switch Secondary Weapons - this control does the same, but for your ordnance. Thanks from my side also. Here's the settings: I highlighted the ones to switch/fire with. Any thoughts on whether this is good idea and if not why? Note that in-game these guidance systems might work differently than their respective real counterparts or the missiles might use a different guidance system than in reality. The OP is right, I shouldn't have to land, eject and then change the load out, if I land and repair, I should be able to change the load out, without having to eject. I have a split fire control: small caliber on left click, large caliber on right click. Enabling sight stabilization will also display the range to the target in the gunner view. The types of ammunition available will depend on the weapon calibre and country selected. However on second thought it could easily be added to the hanger itself. Locknload what you REALLY need in battle! Then change the load out and hop back in. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. Pylons allow you to fit secondary weapons to the aircraft. These missiles have a camera in the nose that transmits a greyscale image to the pilot, allowing them to select and lock onto a high contrast static or moving target. Make sure you have a fully repaired and fully rearmed aircraft, (You may have to land again), hold J to bail out on the runway, and you can respawn after changing your loadout. A bit of a muck around but sure, it works so what ever. Often an additional targeting pod is needed for this, which will take up one pylon. If I fire unzoomed I get salvos, if I zoom in I get singles. Last update: 11/4/2020 7:25 AM UTC. As the names suggests Flight Performance upgrades to components like the radiator and compressor improve the performance of the aircraft in flight, Survivability options improve your chances of surviving a battle (though really quite marginally, you get a slightly stronger and lighter airframe rather than super-adamantium armour). Again, I wouldnt worry about using gold eagles on low rank aircraft. You'll be dead or alive by when you desperately using AAMs or cannons and dropping bombs on some target simultaneously. Okay so is there any way to change a plane's load out in RB without spawning in a backup vehicle? Video Card: NVIDIA 1060 with latest proprietary drivers (not older than 6 months) / similar AMD (Radeon RX 570) with latest proprietary drivers (not older than 6 months) with Vulkan support. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A Beginners Guide to War Thunder Upgrades. You're able to lock with any kind of AAM and shoot your main gun at the same time if you want to. For a bit more detail, Googling around a specific gun usually turns up some info about the ammunition they use, or *plug* theres an article about the guns and ammunition of the RAF in Issue 3 of the War Thunder Community Magazine, with other nations to hopefully follow. This might be the best QoL change in this entire update. When you buy a new plane you might think youre getting a shiny factory-fresh model in tip-top condition, but Im afraid thats not the case; as a rookie youre assigned a battered old thing thats had several not-so-careful owners. The minimum supported resolution for the game is 720p. I'm wondering if u can switch between missiles. It is a good suggestion of sorts. Web page: Attack drones feature a similar view. Depending on the plane your using you might have bombs + rockets for one or the other. Here is the list of aircraft that will have customizable loadouts in the Wind of Change update: Custom weapon setups will be added soon after the Wind of Change update is released. Yes, and it's quite easy to set up. Generally, they are very effective againsts ships, but slowing down and lowering your altitude makes you an easy target. The first of this type of weapon were used in the Vietnam War. I honestly thought that the mechanic was just removed or something. "Swith secondary weapons" well done Gaijin for once again proving you do zero quality control. Missions with multiple bases for instance is a good time for rockets to hunt bombers with, or kill ships Destroyers and Light Cruisers. but is there a better setup? The weapons I have selected on my planes in the hanger when I hit the TO BATTLE button have nothing to do with the MM. It was released on June 2018. Air-to-ground missiles (AGMs) were added to the game in Update 1.79 "Project X" with the AGM-12B Bullpup. How to switch between weapons So I've been test driving the LAV-AD, and by default it binds the hydra rockets to the 25mm and shoots both at the same time. in your hangar select a plane, go to weapons tab mouse over where it says offensive 7.7mm you will get a drop down menu if you mouse over a type of ammo rack universal, tracer, stealth etc. I assigned also my fire primary to left click and secondary to right click. Both are IR guided. 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. Ok. Well I'm a complete idiot. I just use bombs and rockets after turning off weapon selection mode. After a battle, you should have a Researching progress section on the results screen showing the planes that you flew, and progress towards upgrades for them: If youve completed any modification research, you may have further pop-up windows allowing you to purchase that modification and to pick the next component to start researching; if you skip that window, or want to check on upgrades at any time then you can access the modifications screen for a plane by clicking the Modifications option (theres a pop-up menu when you click on a plane, unlike the icons in this old screenshot): That brings up the available weapon and upgrade options: I wouldnt worry about the two Premium options on the first row, purchased with Golden Eagles. Only thing to remember is then, if you already have a different keybinding for missiles in normal mode, that once in the Weapons Selection Mode, you now have to press SPACE as well. Right now it's bugged for helis so if you select a weapon you lose your aimpoint. Hallelujah is all I can say, shouldve had this shit from the second aircraft could carry bombs and rockets simultaneously. 1. . So then I expand the loadout, I add the 20mm cannon back into the mix, and discovered that whilst I can use the 'Switchsecondary weapon' key to change from the Aim7 to Aim9, when I press the 'Exit selected weapon mode' to fire the missile, it goes back to having the aim7 selected instead of the aim9. Spot ground targets with my MG C. J out and waste spawn points. Naturally, combat on water is a far cry from what you might be used to in a tank or jet fighter. It's super confusing but worth it for multiple missiles! Switch r adar search on / off. If you can get nicely lined up on a road packed with a column of vehicles it can be glorious to drop a long string of bombs down it, but irritatingly the enemy are seldom generous enough to lay out their forces in nice, geometric, easily bombable patterns. 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. That might be what has been confusing me, i dont believe ive had enought spawn points to spawn another fighter since the cost jumps up. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. Processor: Intel Core i5 or Ryzen 5 3600 and better, Video Card: DirectX 11 level video card or higher and drivers: Nvidia GeForce 1060 and higher, Radeon RX 570 and higher, Processor: Core i5, minimum 2.2GHz (Intel Xeon is not supported). Would a joystick be better? Powered by Invision Community. Taking off or adding in torpedoes is also a good possibility as you suggested as they do alter flight characteristics when not needed. I tried to key bind it but it doesn't work. Cookie Notice the video begins How To Use The Weapon Section System - War Thunder 2and900 - War Thunder Weekly 20.2K subscribers Subscribe 992 37K views 2 years ago Join my Discord:. After youve kitted yourself out with new weapons and ammunition on the upgrade screen, you can change the load of your plane before going into battle using the Secondary Weapons and Offensive 7.62mm options on the initial map/select screen. War Thunder How do you change weapons UNCANNY_XBEN 9 years ago #1 This has been bugging me as I have seen other swap form gun to cannon and then back, but I just can't figure how to do it.. Stay tuned to our news and change lists! MCLOS guided missiles are typically guided either by physical connection to the launch platform by a wire, or by radio waves. 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