6 Free Ways To Check If Someone Was In The Military / Verify Service. However, you need to ask the individual directly for this documentation. St. Louis, MO 63132. Phone: 619-537-1133 Anyone who falsely claims to be a SEAL, Green Beret, Ranger or any other serviceman/woman should be held accountable. Thanks. You can learn how to make a FOIA request in this article. As far as Im aware the only ones recruited in this way were SEAL corpsman in the Vietnam war. from around the world. All Rights Reserved. I had the privilege to be stationed with and work alongside Navy SEALS back in the early to mid 80s. Have honor and not embellish your record with stolen valor. You can easily find this information online, Ive put links to search each in the references box below. Related Article: 15 Best States For Military Retirees and Veterans. If he says, for example, he was in the 30th Separate Brigade and he jumped into Afghanistan in 2005, look it up. Ask him if he knows what riser grease is. He used to years back always write I received training at Navy SEALs BUD training school He would kind of infer that he was a SEAL. See images of our conversation below: Replying to Mr. Long: Neither do i. 15. Thanks to these guys that served. Once you have passed all four of these phases, you graduate as a Special Forces soldier. After 10 days, file an, Veterans complete name while he / she served, Branch of the military he / she claimed to serve in, Date of birth of the person whose information youre requesting, Place of birth of the person whose information youre requesting. The 75th Ranger Regiment "is . Related Article BUD/S Class 234: Where Are They Now? There are currently 2,450 active-duty Navy SEALs, and roughly 7,000 retired SEALs still alive. Additionally, they can also verify if that particular person received an honorable or dishonorable discharge. Members of the U.S. Armed Forces have special tax situations and benefits. Ive done it seven times, and it gets worse afterwards every time; those guys were just there, doing their jobs, just like me. Two minor amplifications. A Special Forces Group has lots of support personnel who aren't Green Berets (18 Series). After filling out and printing your FOIA request, you will then simply send it to the appropriate agency. ), but I wont say what it is as there are only a handful in the UK, and only one in Scotland - suffice to say it involves extremely intricate wood craftsmanship. There really isnt anything else you need to do or check otherwise. If youre looking to find out 100% if someone was a SEAL or not, Don Shipley is your guy. · Does he claim to be a SEAL or in Special Forces? US Army. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Hes about 70 years old and comes into my local a couple of times a week - always drinks a couple of straight vodkas and goes on his way. Wait until the mother fer is dead and check on his headstone. While he never actually served in the US Military, he has a passion for writing about military related topics. I have an acquaintence who claims to have been in the Special Forces. Highly trained and seasoned professionals, they are the most versatile Special Operations (SO) soldiers in the world. Contact Us Online Is there a free military background check available online? Real nice guy, very centered, and I wish more cops were the man he was, but I also realize the cloth he was cut from is very rare. I could never embarrass myself or the Teams by trying to say i was a SEAL. Mail it to the appropriate address on the form. Choose one of three ways to request service records from the National Archives: You will need written consent from the veteran or their next of kin to access their full records. Its essentially a written request in which you describe the information you need, in the format you want it in, in as much detail as possible. Was awarded a Purple Heart and Bronze Star. However, it does have some limitations, which well get into below. The SEAL training pipeline is one of the most demanding in the world of special forces. Yup hes legit. I dont see that Records Center providing a copy of that form to anyone who asks for it. Lastly, if you actually have this information and get the report, its lacking in detail. To join the U.S. military, whether as an officer or a private, requires a background check. My father gets nightmares from his 30 years in the army WW2, Korea and beginning of Vietnam. Out of curiosity, I reached out to Don Shipley about Garys SEAL service (Im a member of his site). I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but theres a good chance hes a phony SEAL. My records are only accessible to the POTUS. any way you can verify if JAMES KRAUSE, age approx. Federal agencies are required by law to disclose any information that is requested by U.S. citizens (or non U.S. citizens) under the FOIA, unless it falls under one of nine exemptions. The U.S. Military generally processes your request, searches for public records, then determines what (if any) information they are able to disclose. Balance Logs A criminal record doesn't necessarily bar you from serving in the Department of Defense (DOD or DoD)'s armed forces though; it depends on the details. He will be able to verify with 100% accuracy the claims, heres where to get in touch with him: https://videos.extremesealexperience.com/Fake-Navy-Seal-Verification. I know they had to have families For starters, unless you know the social security number AND / OR the birth date of the person whose military status youre trying to verify, the search wont work. He can tell you with 100% certainty whether or not the dudes a SEAL. Weve gotten a lot of questions about this. Its such a treacherous course that even active-duty SEALs sometimes use it as part of their deployment workups. 1 Archives Drive How to Join Steps to Join Working With a Recruiter Placement Exam (ASVAB) Processing Stations (MEPS) Eligibility & Requirements Physical Fitness Requirements Hair & Appearance Guidelines After You Join Soldier Prep Quiz Get up to $50K in enlistment bonuses New 2-Year enlistment options get up to $40K in quick ship bonuses Enlistment Bonuses This guy my daughter was dating claimed to be a navy seal. FITH. Additionally, many phony SEALs will spell awards and citations incorrectly. I was in class 68 and graduated with class 69, and named Honor graduate. If the guy claiming to be a SEAL doesnt know the name of the center, or even who Bucklew was, hes likely NOT a SEAL. Someone else who has been in the same unit might be able to tell a fake from a real one 20 years later. Questions like: How do you do a military lookup by name? Sort of like a tin of tartan paint or a tub of elbow grease or telling someone to go ask at supplies for a long stand. Perhaps in the future, the US government will provide a free publicly searchable database of everyone who has served or is currently serving in the US military online. There's usually six or so. 87-10-BDO NDSTC PC FL For example, Class 52 was designated 7102, which stood for the 2nd class of 1971. Ive contacted Mr Shipley regarding my ex and received an email back stating that he was NOT a SEAL as he has always claimed. Not only is it unethical, but in many cases its actually illegal. Do the math. Also note, Special Forces is both a branch and an organization. After training ceased, we converted back to sequential numbers. The FAX number to the center is 314-801-9195. Very neat guy. Once youve done all that, proceed to step 2 below. 5. It costs only $20, and he will also issue you a verification letter that states whether or not the person was ever a SEAL. He took her to Coronado and was yelling at new recruits. 6. If you still have doubts, ask him to sign a SF-180, the form used to obtain a copy of a vet’s basic service records from the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis. The good news about online military background check services is that they provide very detailed, quick, and accurate information. If Don said he wasnt a SEAL, then he wasnt a SEAL. Unfortunately, Shipleys Youtube channel was terminated in February of 2019. 18. Without reliable evidence, you just publicly suggested that Mr. Robert Ray Alexander is likely a lifelong inveterate liar and a fraud. I was a BUD/S instructor at the time in Land Warfare. I cross checked it with another database (the Hall of Valor project) and the only two Robert Alexanders that received any commendations during the Vietnam War were a Robert Minter Alexander (Air Force) and a Robert Bruce Alexander (Marine Corps). That changed when some tard missed a stump and tore his satchel wide open after landing crotch first on one of the taller stumps. St. Louis, MO 63132. Born in 1944. 1. The special comes out of a multi-title deal Gadsby signed All of these options are discussed in thorough detail above. He claims he was based in SEAL Team 2 on the West Coast, 10. He wasnt QUITE out of service yet, but he was attending college classes while posted at a nearby base in North Carolina, getting ready to go into law enforcement and essentially counting down months to discharge. Founded in 1977, the 1 st SFOD-D force has had several titles within . J said (I paraphrase wildly here) Its understandable, there was no glory or glamour in Vietnam, I was there and it was a clusterfuck. If I remember correctly he earned the nickname in BUD/S. The next time you come across someone claiming to be a SEAL, use some of the tips on this page to confirm your suspicions. Commandant (CG-611) Slide For Life Unfortunately, this is also very common in the world of the U.S. Military. However, it does take some time to do a military lookup by name, which makes FOIA requests not the fastest means for proof of military service online. One other thing to note is that occasionally the instructors will bring the bell with the class throughout their training day. Thanks for publishing. 3-2-21, You failed to mention that SEALs were also trained at Little Creek until August 1971. I requested to serve there when i left Iceland Navcomm station Keflavik. Step 3: Enter all pertinent information in the required fields, then click Submit. No such thing. The site is secure. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal government site. Just email him back and tell him youd like a letter of verification. He runs a small one man business (in no way related to matters martial! Short answer, yes AND no. In fact, those odds are 1,000 to 1 in my favor. The 1 st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1 st SFOD-D) is the U.S. Army's elite, Tier 1 special operations unit. The simplest way would be to access the official website of the US Army and search for the soldier by name or specific identification number such as Social Security number, Service number or simply entering their full name. Heres a full list of all of the obstacles on the Navy SEAL O-course in order from start to finish: 1. If the story sounds a little too unbelievable, it likely is. You may request additional documentation by contacting the National Archives. We live in a world where trust is not easily granted. So I knew then that everything else he told me was going to be a line of B.S. Related Article Navy SEAL Weapons and Gear: 24 Rifles, Handguns, Shotguns, and More. 7. They will be able to accurately tell you if someone ever served in the US Army, or is currently serving. We believe . A little investigation showed the guy was a complete liar. You can literally just write or type it out on a sheet of paper, however, it should contain some pertinent info. All BUD/S students wear helmets throughout their training. US Coast Guard Stop 7710 Stolen Valor is a great book, the impetus largely brought about when a retiree was watching a news blurb one evening, and heard some idiot spouting off about something during an interview and claiming combat/special service etc. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. The site is available 24-hours a day. Each branch of the military has its own FOIA department, whereby you can either send it via Snail mail (IE a handwritten or typed letter), or via email. Israeli special forces vet repurposes wartime experience, training for abstract art David Roytman fires bullets through paint to splatter designs on canvas, a creative process he says helps him . He is a 2 time felon i found out after doing a background check and he even lied about hos age. The U.S. Military processes requests in the order they were received. We hired a contractor, Henry Samuel Breiner, Jr.,to renovate our house in September 2018 because he claimed to be a Navy SEAL, he even had a SEAL tattoo on his forearm. Yeah, I was a SEAL. The Chiefs-of-Staff or Commandants for each branch reserve the right to authorize any foreign awards to their units. Dirty Name You have several options, including using the DFAS website, making a FOIA request, or searching the NPRC files. Related Article: 17 Famous Navy SEALs (and 3 Controversial Ones). o If so, ask his class number. My uncle changed his name and his widow played hell just getting the USN part put on his headstone. Take notes. Attn: FOIA/PA Section (ARSF) Rm 2B289 He mentioned being in the service like five times in the two years we knew each other. Class 52 was designated 7102 (the second class of 1971). Spider Wall Be careful who you trust, Rode in a van to the VA yesterday and listened to a guy tell me he was a SEAL in UDT in 1975, Team 3, Class 416, but never went to jump school. You may search the full archive or narrow down a search based on categories like recently added, living recipients, recently departed, or double recipients. If you have evidence someone is a faking their war record for fraudulent purposes, such as receiving VA benefits they are not entitled to, go to Report Stolen Valor.org and click on “Report to Law Enforcement,” and follow the instructions there. In order to contact the NPRC for more information, please call 314-801-0800. Click Here if youre affiliated with a college, university, or educational institution. Quiet, intelligent, and even now that he is not a young man, he exudes an aura of contained power, certainly sufficient to make him the last person that anybody would try to mess with. Just FYI, there are actually also foreign enrollment BUD/S graduates, I dont think those guys are listed in the database. If they tell you about it, they didnt do it. Its a paid membership site that costs just $10 a month, and will give you access to all of his Phony SEAL Of The Week videos, among many others. Earn a promotion to Special Forces officer. Note: The author of this post was never a Navy SEAL, and doesnt claim to be. Unlike many other types of Special Forces operators, Navy SEALS tend to prefer to . U.S. Army Freedom of Information Act Office feeling like a fool.. Hey Amanda, slander). However, most veterans and their next-of-kin can obtain free copies of their DD Form 214 (Report of Separation) and other records several ways:. etc. which would have been accurate in 1990-1991. The Phonies can look at it too. Be prepared for the person to become agitated or offended. Additionally, you will need to know the date(s) that the person was serving in an active duty role. That said, I have no Idea how to identify a DELTA operator. Also something to note, I have seen it said in several places that although the detail of individual missions are not available to the public, that there are no secret special ops types that do not exist on the books, from reading a few fake vets sites this seems to be a favorite story. In general, an FOIA request will cost nothing if the military member served less than 62 years ago. As I mentioned earlier, there are a TON of guys claiming they were (or are) Navy SEALS. He almost made a whole career out of being a Navy SEAL in Vietnam starting out very early in the war. It is important to note that the FOIA does not require agencies to create new records for a request, conduct extra research regarding the inquiry, analyze data, or answer specific questions you have. The next of kin may be any of the following: unremarried surviving spouse, father, mother, son, daughter, sister, or brother. 9301 Chapek Rd. In certain cases, a military ID may be sufficient enough for an employer. (Including the alpha-numeric code). Contact Don Shipley. Required fields are marked *. So I have a question relating to this: Did some British soldiers hook up with the Aussies in Vietnam? Military medical records are stored based on a veteran's branch of service and dates of service. Parallel Bars Sometimes people miss the was NOT and lock in on SEAL but i do my best to keep the 2 separate. Hooyah Logs At some point phase 2 and 3 got switched to put diving as 2nd phase, hence the blue. What is riser grease? Hey Owl, Also claims he played football at Columbia University in 1992-1996. The Defense Language Institute is responsible for the Defense Language Program, and the bulk of the Defense Language Institute's . Rob V., you need to take a minute and think carefully about what you are doing, here. Be prepared to give the person’s name, everything he you know about his claims, his age (or birth date, if possible), branch of service and dates of service. That changed when some tard missed a stump and tore his satchel open. He is a 2 time felon i found out after doing a background check available online a instructor. I have no Idea how to make a FOIA request, you graduate a. Is currently serving how to check if someone was special forces a Navy SEAL O-course in order to contact the for. Literally just write or type it out on a federal government site DELTA.! The war told me was going to be stationed with and work alongside Navy SEALs back in order... Take a minute and think carefully about what you are doing, here going to be training is... Training ceased, we converted back to sequential numbers service and dates of service and of! 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