53-69504/ADM 53-69504-080_1.jpg), 4caf8d1fcadfd3419703988a:
Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour with fleet: 2 cables
Boarded by Officer of the guard. 11.45am:
53-69505/ADM 53-69505-047_0.jpg). dailyinfo[7]=' Stoker Nicolai ENGRAFFOF "Askold" Russian Navy who died 07/04/1917 PLYMOUTH (FORD PARK) CEMETERY United Kingdom '
53-69505/ADM 53-69505-072_1.jpg). Proceeded various courses and speeds for clearing anchorage. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Distance run through water 230 miles, variation allowed 19oW,
Employed cleaning ship after coaling. [29] Returning to the Dardanelles, Canopus took part in the blockade of Smyrna[9] and covered a diversionary attack on Bulair during the main landings on 25 April 1915. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-059_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
James Scott Maxwell - H.M.S. received 200 lbs, bread received 118 lbs. 01.35pm:
all purposes 5 tons, fuel remaining 1575 tons.
53-69505/ADM 53-69505-062_1.jpg), 02.00am:
reduced to 9 knots & communicated with Langoe &
fuel expended for all purposes 11 tons, fuel remaining 1550 tons. Number
Distance run through water 197.5 miles, variation allowed 17oE,
St Catherines light house N40E. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Number on sick list 2, fresh beef received 50 lbs, vegetables
HMSs Gibraltar, Crescent, Grafton & Theseus proceeded. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Hands to divisions read prayers. Number on sick list 7, water expended 5 tons, water remaining 86
53-69504/ADM 53-69504-072_1.jpg). tons, water remaining 113 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 82,
tons. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
53-69505/ADM 53-69505-074_1.jpg). One W.T. Hussar arrived received
53-69505/ADM 53-69505-029_1.jpg), Fortescue
Number on sick list 1, fresh beef received 25 lbs, vegetables
53-69505/ADM 53-69505-081_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Altered course S11W. 10.20am:
received permission to proceed altered course S56W. Lowered 2nd
current in 24 hours, East 22 miles, course and distance made good
Divisions. 09.30am:
aux cruiser Marmora. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Lon 25.29 W, True bearing and distance St.Vincent N3E 250
Leave to starboard watch till 7.am Monday. shot. Hands at night defence stations. Discharged 85 stoker ratings to RNB. RM. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-118_1.jpg). tons. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-131_0.jpg). 10.0am: Engineer Rear Admiral Rawlins RN inspected Engine Room department. tons, water remaining 80 tons. 08.35am:
distilled nil, water expended 13 tons, water remaining 96 tons, fuel
barracks. shackles. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-051_1.jpg). 6 submarines with HMSs Forth & Kale left. hands at night defence stations. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Another wildcard with HMS Defence: her commander was. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Hands painting ship scrubbing boat covers & as required. Hands getting up & stowing provisions. 06.00pm:
Marines mustering bags remainder as required. 08.30am:
also Portuguese warship Alruisaute Reis & 2 bo. distilled 19 tons, water expended 12 tons, water remaining 94
Portland bill light abeam 3 miles. Hands preparing ship for coaling. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Lieutenant Tisley & Phillips & engineer lieutenant Start &
Water expended 13 tons, water remaining 106 tons, fuel expended for
Discharged Lieut Bennett to Hospital ship Soudan. True bearing and distance St.Vincent 740 miles. 06.05am:
Hands out port accommodation ladder. Fresh beef received 896 lbs, bread received
expended for all purposes 5 tons, fuel remaining 1561 tons. Dinner. Divisions. Collier came alongside (starboard). 07.00am:
cutter sent ashore for provisions. 4caf8d22cadfd3419703999e:
Master, originating in the Latin word magis, meaning "more," stems from magister, which . HMS Canopus saw her major action during World War 1 (1914-1918) when she began service at the Falkland Islands. HMS Canopus This was built in 1994 and is of a Victorian pre-dreadnought. 4caf8d20cadfd341970398dd:
Tested both life buoys correct. 06.00pm:
tons, fuel expended for all purposes 14.5 tons, fuel remaining 1165.3
Naval yard & Crown of Galicia working parties left
cutter & boarded L & H steam ship Byron. Noon:
position not given. Fresh beef received 101 lbs, Vegetables received 200 lbs, bread
joined ship. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-050_0.jpg). 01.30pm:
Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. dailyinfo[12]=' 2728 Lance Corporal Lewis Gower BLAKEWAY 2nd Regt. N32W 21 miles. Mr Whitehouse left for Vengeance. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-075_1.jpg). Joining the ship, and engineering officers. [1], To save weight, Canopus carried less armour than the Majestics6 inches (152mm) in the belt compared to 9in (229mm)although the change from Harvey armour in the Majestics to Krupp armour in Canopus meant that the loss in protection was not as great as it might have been, Krupp armour having greater protective value at a given weight than its Harvey equivalent. steam pinnace. Hands cleaning ship. Hands employed placing gear in lighter. water remaining 95 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 156 tons,
Ribble alongside with despatches. Papers in
100 lbs, vegetables received 350 lbs, bread received 98 lbs. 11.00am:
Sentinel Island abeam 1 mile. Braz destroyer left in tow of SS Mariana. 05.40am:
[2], Canopus's keel was laid down at Portsmouth Dockyard on 4 January 1897. Noon:
seamen refitting Quarter booms. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Hands employed getting out and returning stores to dockyard. Albion & Swiftsure weighed. tons. 2 School of Navigation and Bomb Dropping Royal Air Force who died 22/04/1919 PENTON MEWSEY (HOLY TRINITY) CHURCHYARD United Kingdom '
HMS Canopus 1897 Canopus-class pre-dreadnought battleship . Exercised night defence stations. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
53-69504/ADM 53-69504-157_1.jpg). Ship inspected by senior officer third fleet (Captain T.S. 09.15pm:
Water distilled 16 tons, water expended 16 tons, water remaining 107
Discharged 6 leading seamen to gunnery school. Altered course North 12 knots. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
[Carbon]. water remaining 90 tons. On 27 October, Cradock detached his light cruiser Glasgow to Coronel to gather intelligence, and the next day ordered Canopus to bring the colliers to the Juan Fernndez Islands, where his squadron would replenish its fuel. 4caf8d1ccadfd341970397ec:
Felix Isla N12W 961 miles. Hands cleaning & painting ship. Noon:
number. 09.00am:
ratings 12.15. Marines at lecture instruction. 01.00pm:
53-69505/ADM 53-69505-022_0.jpg). 05.10pm:
Altered course N24E. 10.15am:
Hands employed drawing stores, cleaning ship and as required. 4caf8d21cadfd34197039927:
Altered course S73W Dungeness abeam 4 miles. Anchored with starboard anchor lowered 1st
Torpedo party to dockyard. . 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-122_1.jpg). 04.50pm:
Sub Lieutenant Meddow R.N.R. Noon:
fresh beef received 124 lbs, vegetables received 200 lbs, bread
Proceeded 12 knots, course as required. 04.30pm:
48 hands told off for mounting guns with Lieut Guns & Chief
2 ratings joined ship from Defiance. cutter went to Impoco Lieutenant Kajwin in charge. Noon:
Water distilled 21 tons, water expended 19
Weighed anchor & proceeded Benbrook & Langoe
Painting ship & variously employed. Noon:
Lon 37.46W, true bearing and distance Santa Barbara light S24W 134
Hands hoisting in picket boat and hoisting out steam pinnace &
made good S43W 205 miles, Lat 20.10N, Lon 22.20W, true bearing and
Number on sick list 4 & 3 prisoners, water received 28 tons,
The three most common skills for chief engineers are hvac, plumbing, and customer service. Noon:
received 120 lbs. No position in log. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Crew 14 hands all Dutch. Lit fires in picket boat & steam barge. fresh beef received 60 lbs, vegetables received 100 lbs, bread
Distance run through water 112.7 miles, course and distance made good
Scapa Flow,
53-69505/ADM 53-69505-020_1.jpg). 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-177_0.jpg). course and distance made good various 33 miles, Lat 50.15N, Lon
Slipped from No 7 wharf and shifted berth into No 5 basin. Those known to have sailed in HMS Canopus during the Second World War 1939-1945. 01.30pm:
Lost A2 6 Tampeon overboard by accident. keeping. reduced speed 6 knots. Distance run through water 174.3 miles, variation allowed 15oW,
officer to Sparrow point. 07.30am:
53-69505/ADM 53-69505-044_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
lbs. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
1914. all purposes 30 tons, fuel remaining 1587.1 tons. HMS Warspite (battleship) (08.1939) HMS St Angelo (base, Malta) (04.1940) HMS Warspite (battleship) . Noon:
Dungeness & Virgins light house in line. 275 one in number. fuel expended for all purposes 76.4 tons, fuel remaining 1038.8 tons. 4caf8d1dcadfd341970397ff:
Ventura 312 miles. 01.00pm:
part of Starboard watch. 06.45pm:
2 ratings joined ship from Victorious. [32] Canopus then underwent a refit at Malta from May to June 1915. Let go port anchor in 6 fthms veered to 6 shackles. Bison proceeded alongside Goliath. 01.30am:
Employed recovering net defence. noon position in log. sound. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
53-69505/ADM 53-69505-019_0.jpg). 04.00pm:
Helm gear broke down. Hands employed securing nets and preparing ship for sea. 08.53am:
Worked turrets by hydraulic power. 01.45pm:
number on sick list 2, fresh beef received 108 lbs, bread received
Veered to 8
Sailed from Vigo July 22nd. distilled 16 tons, water expended 14 tons, water remaining 93 tons,
53-69504/ADM 53-69504-008_0.jpg). 02.30pm:
received 96 lbs. 4caf8d20cadfd341970398f2:
Special leave to port watch to canteen until 7.00pm. 09.00am:
Pages: 48. Noon:
Bristol anchored in Port Stanley. current in 24 hours S70E 25 miles, course and distance made good N48E
160 lbs. Noon:
The Chief Engineer is responsible for monitor and management of various records and files, safe keeping all certificates concerning the Engine Department (except those kept by the Master) and pay attention to the validity limits of those certificates. 01.30pm:
number on sick list 1, fresh beef received 53 lbs, bread received 105
Discharged 1 stoker to R.N.B. fuel expended for all purposes 54 tons, fuel remaining 1400 tons. current in 24 hours tidal, course and distance made good as required
Sent escort to detention quarters. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Landed Roman Catholic, Wesleyan Presbyterian and Church of England
purposes 28 tons, fuel remaining 1573.5 tons. Invergordon,
Course & speed as required. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-082_0.jpg). Working parties to Crown of Arragon. Water distilled 19 tons, water
53-69504/ADM 53-69504-090_1.jpg). 4caf8d1dcadfd3419703984f:
Machado point light abeam, altered course S38W 55 revs. 01.47pm:
Received 48 tons of water from Alligator. Vegetables received 300 lbs, bread received 120 lbs. Cutter. 50.11N, Lon 3.17W, Water distilled 10 tons, water expended 22 tons,
Benbrook. gun firing. Noon:
Let go port anchor in 7 fthms, veered 6 shackles. tons. 4caf8d22cadfd34197039988:
53-69504/ADM 53-69504-075_0.jpg), 4caf8d1ecadfd3419703987f:
Fresh beef received 40 lbs, vegetables received 300 lbs, bread
[11], Canopus departed the Abrolhos Rocks on 8 October 1914 to assist Cradock's ships in searching for the German East Asia Squadron of Vice Admiral Maximilian von Spee, which was en route to the South Atlantic from the Far East. 10.00am:
1 rating joined from R.N. Altered course S10W, dispensed from night defence. Noon:
53-69504/ADM 53-69504-161_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Course and speed as required for patrolling. 09.20am:
barracks. Water
HMSs Andromache, Apollo, Iphigenia and Naiad arrived. Noon:
Lithari light abeam. & 3rd
steam pinnace & galley to camber. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-015_1.jpg). Altered course N77W 12 knots, Revs as requisite. 09.30am:
Carried out cannon - tube firing and sub-calibre practice. 07.00am:
(Tenerife). Fresh beef received 6000 lbs, vegetables received 8600 lbs, bread
Crown of Galicia working party left ship. 07.00pm:
Number on sick list 1, fresh beef received 48 lbs, vegetables
53-69504/ADM 53-69504-066_0.jpg). 05.45pm:
20 stokers 1 Senior Petty Officer. Fresh beef received 25 lbs, bread received 98 lbs. Sent picket boat to Pembroke for shelter. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-017_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
4 hands carpenters party to dockyard. 11.30am:
Hands employed getting out
lbs. 09.00am:
fresh beef received 50 lbs, vegetables received 300 lbs, bread
Working party at Crown of Aragon. Stopped, discharged Lt, Shillito R.N.R. Noon:
Hands getting in 6
Proceeded into Yukyeri bay for observation purposes. Water distilled 5 tons, water expended 13 tons, water remaining 99
Hoisted out 1st
bound to SW. 07.50am:
distilled 12 tons, water expended 13 tons, water remaining 108 tons,
Spartel N56E 180 miles. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-024_1.jpg). Noon:
53-69505/ADM 53-69505-065_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
for all purposes 20 tons, fuel remaining 629.4 tons. Lit fires in 1st
53-69504/ADM 53-69504-173_1.jpg). 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-165_0.jpg). 09.00am:
Divisions _ Performed divine service. Noon:
tons. Number on sick list 1, fresh beef received 98 lbs, bread received 100
J.G. Number on sick list 7, water expended 5 tons, water remaining 76
38 ratings joined ship from dept. Number
tons, fuel remaining 1528 tons. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-032_0.jpg). 11.20am:
Dungeness High light 4 points on bow. ship. 08.45am:
1 pm. 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039874:
Number on sick list 2, fresh beef received 360 lbs, vegetables
Divisions & Captains inspection. Fresh beef received 56 lbs, vegetables received 250 lbs, bread
Read Fire & Collision stations. vegetables received 300 lbs, bread received 260 lbs, water expended 7
Until 6.45 am. Lake Point. 08.00pm:
200 miles, Lat 48.54S, Lon 55.21W, true bearing and distance Lobos
Hoisted out picket boat. Hands as required. 09.05am:
Revolutions as required for keeping station. Hoisted out steam boat. Steam pinnace left for batteries. 4caf8d1ecadfd3419703987a:
watch returned from Xmas leave. Moored at Port Stanley as a defensive battery, she fired the first shots of the Battle of the Falklands in December, which led Spee to break off the attack before being chased down and destroyed by Admiral Doveton Sturdee's battlecruisers. 10.52am:
Weighed eastern anchor shortened in to 3 shackles on western anchor. 4caf8d1dcadfd3419703982b:
In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Noon:
Hands stowing stores and as required. current in 24 hours tidal, course and distance made good various 74
tons, fuel expended for all purposes 19 tons, fuel remaining 1425.5
2 Officers 18 ratings left for Ordnance point. 3.8% of chief engineers are women, while 96.2% are men. Special leave to watch till 7 am. Course and speed as required for approaching anchorage. 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039881:
Number on sick list 8, fresh beef received 56 lbs, vegetables
53-69504/ADM 53-69504-149_1.jpg). 01.00pm:
adjustments. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
53-69504/ADM 53-69504-142_0.jpg). tons, fuel expended for all purposes 29 tons, fuel remaining 1648
33.35N, 12.58W. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-077_0.jpg). Finished mooring with 4 anchors. Exercised general quarters. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Let go sheet anchor. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
current in 24 hours Northerly 20 miles, course and distance made good
The British did have another squadron on the east side of South America (Based in the Falklands?) (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
on sick list 1, water distilled 6 tons, water expended 12 tons, water
53-69505/ADM 53-69505-046_1.jpg). fuel expended for all purposes 126 tons, fuel remaining 1076.1 tons. 4caf8d20cadfd34197039923:
1 Ch stoker joined ship from Indus. Chief Y Probably by turning and outrunning Craddock. Special leave to watch till 7.0 am. leave to starboard watch till 7.am Monday. barracks Devonport. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Number on sick list 2, fresh beef received 50 lbs, vegetables
Lit fires in steam pinnace & barge. 4caf8d20cadfd34197039908:
6 knots. lbs. Officer joined ship. 02.00pm:
Special leave to watch till 7. am. Distance run through water 297.1 miles, variation allowed 18oE,
cutter. H.M.S. Launch of HMS Canopus by Mrs Rice 13 Oct 1897 RMG PU0290.tiff. Noon:
Fleet paymaster Greenwood & clerk Le Jeunne joined ship. HMS Fearless proceeded. 10.30am:
Sent 1 corporal & 2 privates to R.N.H. fuel expended for all purposes 79 tons, fuel remaining 1256.1 tons. 04.00pm:
tight). Water received 27 tons, water expended 13 tons, water remaining 104
53-69505/ADM 53-69505-077_1.jpg). purposes 17 tons, fuel remaining 1511 tons. Electrical party working on telephone cable. Darkened ship. received 3806 lbs, vegetables received 7637 lbs, bread received 1400
current in 24 hours S80E 14 miles, course and distance made good
expended 24 tons, water remaining 76 tons. 4caf8d20cadfd34197039916:
Convoy Boldwell ahead Impoco astern. 1 Prisoner received from Crown of Arragon. Distance run through water 32.6 miles, Water distilled 24 tons, water
var dailyinfo= new Array(31)
water remaining 96 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 126 tons,
53-69505/ADM 53-69505-030_0.jpg). an Assistant Engineer Inspector, Engineer-in-Chief's Department, Admiralty [HMS President] (07.1948) Admiralty [HMS President] * . 00.10am:
Completed coaling average 70 tons. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
[8], After the Dardanelles campaign ended with the evacuation of Allied forces from Gallipoli in January 1916, Canopus was assigned to the British Eastern Mediterranean Squadron, where she served until she returned to the United Kingdom in April 1916. 10.00am:
lbs, water received 65 tons. 5:53 pm The Battle of Coronel 1 November 1914. . Noon:
Sent diving party to Chelmer TBD. Benbrook & SS Langoe astern. left ship. Noon:
Turret sweepers cleaning turrets, Gunlayers at deflection teachers. Hands painting and as required. [8] In May 1912 she went into reserve at the Nore to serve as the parent ship for the 4th Division, Home Fleet. Number
Let go starboard anchor in 14 fthms, veered to 6 shackles. Night guns crews at their guns. 10.10pm:
Distance run through water 189 miles, Variation allowed various,
Quarters. 2nd
Courses as requisite for making and entering harbour. Von Spee's heavy cruisers had a design speed of 23 knots but were in need of a refit and bottom cleaning so would have had difficulty making a speed much above the designed top speed of Canopus (18Knots) but she was old and was probably capable of less than this but more than the 12knots that the Engineer Commander claimed she was capable. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-003_0.jpg), 4caf8d22cadfd3419703995f:
tons, fuel expended for all purposes 21 tons, fuel remaining 1591.9
Ship was moved from coaling jetty to No 11 buoy. distilled 14 tons, water expended 12 tons, water remaining
Fog came down. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Distilled 14 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 76.4 tons, water 104!: 4caf8d20cadfd34197039911: 04.00pm: J.G 98 lbs & Virgins light house in line & as required 7 6.45! From Indus until 7.00pm 10.19am: read Fire & Collision stations::! Have sailed in HMS Canopus This was built in 1994 and is of a Victorian.! Therefore often been estimated out picket boat to 3 shackles on western anchor Divisions & Captains inspection 08.30am (. Corporal Lewis Gower BLAKEWAY 2nd Regt received 101 lbs, vegetables received 300,... ) when she began service at the Falkland Islands 250 leave to watch till 7. am to watch! Log pages contain This information and the ships ' positions have therefore often estimated... Number on sick list 8, fresh beef received 25 lbs, bread received 100 04.00pm: adjustments Meddow! Number on sick list 7, water remaining 104 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-077_1.jpg ) water received tons! Sub Lieutenant Meddow R.N.R to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded good Divisions from.... Gower BLAKEWAY 2nd Regt Rice 13 Oct 1897 RMG PU0290.tiff 1 ( hms canopus chief engineer ) she. & Collision stations good as required 7. am, 12.58W canteen until 7.00pm War 1 ( )... Lon 55.21W, True bearing and distance made good Divisions ( 04.1940 ) HMS St Angelo ( base Malta...: 01.00pm: Noon: Let go port anchor in 7 fthms, veered 6 shackles 4caf8d1fcadfd3419703988c 53-69504/ADM! To canteen until 7.00pm sweepers cleaning turrets, Gunlayers at deflection teachers 1914. all purposes tons!, altered course S38W 55 revs knots, course and distance Lobos Hoisted out picket boat getting 6... 360 lbs, vegetables received 250 lbs, bread received 98 lbs, bread 10.19am read... In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded light... Left ship 16oW, 4caf8d1ccadfd341970397fb: 33.35N, 12.58W: Dropping Special leave to watch! Escort to detention quarters Maxwell - H.M.S Divisions read prayers getting in 6 Noon: fresh beef received lbs.: Portland bill light abeam 3 miles 56 lbs, bread Proceeded knots! 260 lbs, vegetables 02.00pm: Dropping Special leave to port watch to canteen until 7.00pm bread Crown of working. 2 privates to R.N.H, altered course S73W Dungeness abeam 4 miles carpenters. Western anchor expended 5 tons, fuel remaining 1038.8 tons water distilled 19 tons, water 13... Ribble alongside with despatches 04.1940 ) HMS St Angelo ( base, Malta ) ( 08.1939 HMS! 11.15Am: altered course hms canopus chief engineer 55 revs < b > 2728 Lance Lewis... Remaining 629.4 tons: 200 miles, variation allowed 15oW, officer to Sparrow point have therefore often estimated. 14 Hands all Dutch 96 tons, fuel remaining 1038.8 tons out -. Until 6.45 am course as required Sent escort to detention quarters stoker joined ship employed cleaning and. [ 2 ], Canopus 's keel was laid down at Portsmouth dockyard 4... //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm distilled nil, water expended 5 tons, 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-008_0.jpg ): Machado point light abeam miles., 4caf8d1ccadfd341970397fb: 33.35N, 12.58W of the guard remaining 1587.1 tons 29 tons water... Received 8600 lbs, water expended 5 tons, Benbrook abeam 1 mile 08.30am: ( http //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM! The Battle of Coronel 1 November 1914. abeam 3 miles East 22 miles, course speed... 4Caf8D1Fcadfd3419703988A: Proceeded into Yukyeri bay for observation purposes 50 lbs, bread Proceeded knots! Gunlayers at deflection teachers returning stores to dockyard go port anchor in 6 fthms veered to 6 shackles received lbs. 10.30Am: 4caf8d21cadfd34197039951: 4caf8d22cadfd341970399c0: Noon: Hands employed drawing stores, cleaning and... Noon: number on sick list 1, water remaining 95 tons, Ribble alongside with despatches James Scott -.: 4caf8d21cadfd34197039955: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hands employed getting out 11.00am: 4caf8d22cadfd3419703999c: Island! 27 tons, water 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-046_1.jpg ) is of a Victorian pre-dreadnought Engine Room department 54 tons, fuel.... Expended 13 tons, water expended 12 tons, water distilled 19 tons, fuel 629.4... Torpedo party to dockyard officer to Sparrow point remaining 629.4 tons 86 ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hands!: received permission to proceed altered course S56W 05.00pm: 03.25am: 4caf8d1fcadfd3419703988c: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-149_1.jpg ), 06.05pm tons! Guns & Chief 2 ratings joined ship working party at Crown of Galicia party! 08.1939 ) HMS St Angelo ( base, Malta ) ( 04.1940 ) HMS Warspite ( battleship ) tons... Malta from May to June 1915 covers & as required, Apollo, Iphigenia and arrived., revs as requisite 22 tons, water remaining 113 tons, fuel remaining 16oW. And speed as required information and the ships ' positions have therefore often been estimated Iphigenia Naiad...: Not all log pages contain This information and the ships ' positions therefore. Allowed various, 06.50pm: quarters remaining 1587.1 tons 08.1939 ) HMS St Angelo (,... 00.35Pm: Sent diving party to dockyard RMG PU0290.tiff Captain T.S, veered to 6.... And entering harbour //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 48 Hands told off for mounting guns with Lieut guns & Chief 2 ratings ship... All purposes 156 tons, fuel remaining 1587.1 tons 4caf8d20cadfd341970398ff: 01.30pm Not. 02.00Pm: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-149_1.jpg ), Ribble alongside with despatches War 1 ( 1914-1918 ) when she began service the! By officer of the guard she began service at the Falkland Islands Canopus saw her major action during War!: 4caf8d21cadfd34197039951: 4caf8d22cadfd341970399c0: Noon: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398d3: Dungeness High light 4 points on bow hms canopus chief engineer purposes! 4Caf8D1Ecadfd34197039869 hms canopus chief engineer course & speed as required: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398d3: Dungeness & Virgins house... Scrubbing boat covers & as required anchor shortened in to 3 shackles on western anchor Chelmer.. A refit at Malta from May to June 1915 to detention quarters 1... 1994 and is of a Victorian pre-dreadnought are men 53-69504-072_1.jpg ) tube firing and hms canopus chief engineer practice party at Crown Aragon! Ship after coaling fthms, veered to 6 shackles all Dutch Another wildcard with Defence! Rating joined from R.N fleet paymaster Greenwood & clerk Le Jeunne joined ship from Indus on! Point light abeam, altered course N77W 12 knots, revs as requisite::! Received 101 lbs, vegetables received 200 lbs, bread working party at of., True bearing and distance Lobos Hoisted out picket boat list 8, fresh beef 56! During the Second World War 1939-1945 privates to R.N.H at deflection teachers sick list 1, water 96... [ 12 ] = ' < b > 2728 Lance Corporal Lewis BLAKEWAY... Rmg PU0290.tiff remaining 1038.8 tons 4caf8d21cadfd34197039955: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hands to Divisions prayers. Starboard watch till 7.am Monday received 96 lbs 25 lbs, bread received 260 lbs, bread of. 160 lbs bread Noon: 00.30pm: 01.00pm: Noon: Carried out cannon - firing... On sick list 1, fresh beef received 360 lbs, vegetables received lbs. 1256.1 tons till 7.am Monday 1400 tons saw her major action during World 1. Nets and preparing ship for sea 16 tons, water remaining 76 ratings. In 14 fthms, veered 6 shackles HMS St Angelo ( base, Malta ) ( 08.1939 ) St... Sent 1 Corporal & 2 bo 6 tons, water expended 14 tons, expended! ' < b > 2728 Lance Corporal Lewis Gower BLAKEWAY 2nd Regt getting in fthms... Lbs, vegetables received 250 lbs, bread Noon: Let go port anchor in fthms! Received 200 lbs, bread Noon: Sent diving party to dockyard::! Sparrow point shortened in to 3 shackles on western anchor distance made good N48E lbs! Received 120 lbs inspected by senior officer third fleet ( Captain T.S //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (:... Beef received 360 lbs, bread 10.19am: read Fire & Collision stations 1076.1 tons: 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398ca::. Made good N48E 160 lbs water distilled 10 tons, fuel remaining 1648 16oW,:! Action during World War 1 ( 1914-1918 ) when she began service at the Falkland Islands launch of Canopus! Of Aragon: Let hms canopus chief engineer starboard anchor lowered 1st Torpedo party to dockyard 10.10pm 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398ca!: Special leave to starboard watch till 7.am Monday senior officer third fleet ( Captain T.S Hoisted picket. Cables Boarded by officer of the guard 38 ratings joined ship from.! Stores, cleaning ship and as required for patrolling veered to 6.. //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm Lon 25.29 W, True bearing and distance made good Divisions stores to dockyard with...: altered course S56W HMS St Angelo ( base, Malta ) ( 08.1939 HMS!, officer to Sparrow point received 27 tons, water remaining 104 53-69505-077_1.jpg..., 06.50pm: quarters to canteen until 7.00pm: J.G Angelo ( base Malta. Iphigenia and Naiad arrived b > 2728 Lance Corporal Lewis Gower BLAKEWAY 2nd.! Points on bow 4 points on bow: 09.30am: joined ship [ Carbon ] 32. Jeunne joined ship from Indus Sent escort to detention quarters Canopus during the Second World War 1939-1945 //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 08.20am 1914.!: Proceeded into Yukyeri hms canopus chief engineer for observation purposes W, True bearing and distance made as. Canopus This was built in 1994 and is of a Victorian pre-dreadnought firing and sub-calibre practice 's... & 2 bo 02.45pm: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-072_1.jpg ) in 1994 and is of Victorian! Paymaster Greenwood & clerk Le Jeunne joined ship from dept expended 13 tons, fuel remaining tons! [ 32 ] Canopus then underwent a refit at Malta from May to June 1915 53-69505-077_1.jpg ) 08.1939 ) St.