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"[7], Ken Denmead of Wired listed the module as one of the "Top 10 D&D Modules I Found in Storage This Weekend". The wound beains to tremble, and youfeel the earth aive way. These maps were prepared to run C1: The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. Forrest County is located in the U.S. state of Mississippi.As of the 2020 census, the population was 78,158. You fall as the worldaoes black. The only way I can think of to permanently relieve this problem and save the characters life is to amputate the affected limb before the liquid light can spread beyond it. No right answers, just a prep thought. These ebooks were created from the original electronic layout files, and therefore are fully text searchable. Even if it is a stand-alone adventure, killing a character or two will significantly damage the partys overall prospects, so its good to be aware of the places where things are likely to go horribly wrong. Falling into the liquid light and then being killed by that is also an option, if you dont like being killed by the oni. Its an interesting relic of a different time. 11 Now you might be thinking, oh hey, this room is guarded by a pretty serious trapit must be to protect something, right? The key in the dome's diorama will open it. 2nd-printing PDF version. Read more, 115 Just make sure you dont lock anyone on the wrong side of the trap, because then they wont be able to get through into Area 3, and they cant escape through Area 1 either without being able to fly or something of that sort. Surviving means escaping as quickly as possible. Diorama E: This scene shows the creation of the Olman people. #182, #184, #193, #199, #204, #207, #209, #210, #212, #214, #221, #223, #225, #227, #233, #244,
Ive been feeling for a while now that I gave rather short shrift to the Tomb of Pelota, so now theres a supplementary guide talking about how to run the official version, and also giving a modified version that I think will be more satisfying to play. z -:t Vl ":r: 1w 10u. bat-monster. Granted, you could try to space out the damage throughout the rest, but the long rest mechanic doesnt really work well that way. Year Published. And, of course, the doppelganger will not be able to fake being the killed party member without everyone at the table knowing about that too. This was probably the first meaningful expansion of Greyhawk by anyone other than Gary Gygax or Rob Kuntz. Almost all of those illustrations are included here, each one overlaid with the number of the encounter area it depicts. Like the original convention tournament competition of thirty-two years ago, this adventure for the latest version of the DuNGEONS & DRAGONSgame challenges a g roup of 7th-level characters to escape a death trap in a form that is reminiscent of a Mesoamerican pyramid. on August 14, 2019, There are no reviews yet. The illustrations are accurate and add an extra dimension to the adventure. Every DM should marry a statistician, and my lovely wife helped me calculate that you can apply disadvantage to Passive Perception by subtracting 4 or so from the original number. Grid and no-grid options of each map are provided. If youre integrating the shrine into a larger campaign, I would suggest just making the various inscriptions written in Common, or a local language like Chultan. Maple Valley Schools. The Olman are a Mesoamerican analogue society drawing heavily from the Aztecs but also theres some Mayan and Incan iconography sprinkled throughout. Bell of Lost Souls Staff Writer and DM, J.R. covers RPGs of all stripes and on occasion eats sandwiches. After Origins '79, unsold copies were put up for sale at the Dungeon Shoppe in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Aside from picking up details about the Olman, which, to me at least, could be reward enough if there were just a little bit more. I recently uploaded maps for C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan to DMs Guild. So thats two character killers in one room. C1: The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. It was released with a monochrome brown cover in late 1979 or early 1980, then re-released with a full-color cover in 1981. of 46. The map in the POD version is nigh unreadable. You never should have abandoned the ship and struck out into the marshes_ Now, a larae aroup ofsavaae warriors from the local area are hot on your trail. The corridor slopes sliahtly downward before turnin9 to the left. Grid and no-grid options of each map are provided. The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan is an old school module that does a whole bunch of work in just a few pages. See also the other "Collector's Edition" module,
During the adventure's convention premiere, TSR sold an original limited print run of the adventure. The printing is a little blurry, and also the illustration booklet images are not as good as the ones in the "Tomb of horros" which I also own. Room 19 of "Shrine" contains a figurine of a spaceship called the "II-Nedraw." Names, trademarks, and images copyright theirrespective owner. The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan by Harold Johnson and Jeff R. Leason AN ADVENTURE FOR CHARACTER LEVELS 5-7 This module was originally used for the Official ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rM tournament at Origins '79, and is th e first1n another new series of modules from TSR, the COMPETITION SERIES. When the dust settles, you see a rectanaular chamber of rouah-hewn stone blocks stretchina before you. Niches are set into the walls to xour left and riaht, each at the perfect heiahtfor a human to view its contents. The "C" in the name stood for competition, and the adventure featured a scoring system and guidelines for tournament play. The characters must penetrate this Mayan-style temple, which is full of tricks and traps. Enjoy it, share it, and use it for your creations. Xipe himself is a slightly-nerfed oni, but hes still a pretty serious opponent. But, at least for a while you have them convinced that death is imminent, and they have a very limited time to solve this multi-part puzzle, each part of which is pretty specific in the way that it has to be solved. Is your group up for the challenge ofTamoachan? Ceilings are 15 feet (3 squares) high unless otherwise noted. ISBN (only) on back cover bottom left. 77 one Complementary Copy, one DM Copy, four Staff Copies. [4] He added, "the room descriptions portray this very well and the accompanying booklet of black and white illustrations enhance the atmosphere even more. Subscribe to get the free product of the week! A separate booklet of artwork was included in the module, containing illustrations of what the player characters would see in specific encounters,[7] including work by Otus, Jeff Dee, Greg Fleming, David S. LaForce and David C. Sutherland III. 9MB Reference sheets contain a combat matrix for the three characters included, and a monster index with the statistics of all the creatures in the shrine. When will we see C6 The Official RPGA Tournament Handbook? If you ever saw any of The Mummy series movies with Brendan Fraser, where the mummies break out of the walls in the creepy Egyptian temples, then you have a pretty good idea of how zombies showed up in my Hidden Shrine. Adventurers can get out with a Knock spell or by chipping away the bar that locks the slab in upward position. The design of the temple draws heavily on Mayan and Aztec/Toltec mythology and society. The original was titled Lost Tamoachan: The Hidden Shrine of Lubaatum . The maps have a sort of big shade of gray over them, making them quite difficult to read. The rest of the world would have to wait for the mass-market release that might have come as soon as late 1979. In , TSR published the module named "The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan" with the module code "C1". /gs_flipbook/flip.php?xml=/demo_xml/17031.xml&w=500&h=324, Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased, not sure as of the actual listing date of this but.. you neglected to put under "Future History" that it was updated for 5e in the Tales From the Yawning Portal book. If you find it too railroading, feel free to create a starting situation of your own. was titled Lost Tamoachan: The Hidden Shrine of Lubaatum. If you want to run the other dungeons in TYP you will need the hardcover. The module was the first to introduce players to the Olman culture of the World of Greyhawk, a society loosely based on Aztec, Mayan, and other sources. 4MB Wizards released a very limited-edition 4e conversion of "Shrine" as a DM's reward for the Encounters Program: It's simply called "Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan" (2011). So finally they free the couatl, which must be a neutral-evil couatl instead of the normal lawful-good variety. Another feature of the original Hidden Shrine that's repeated here is a built-in guide to the pronunciation and meaning of many ofthe names that were taken or derived from Aztec and Mesoamerican culture. As a collector I would like to have both versions available for download. Detailed street map and route planner provided by Google. These early modules werent exactly known for having a great plotthese are more just a collection of encounters that your characters can have that relate to a central theme. The air is roilina with dust kicked up from the collapse of the earth; it is humid and smells putrid, chokinB you. "[5], Jim Bambra reviewed The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan for the British RPG magazine White Dwarf, and gave the module an 8 out of 10 overall. If youre planning on using these characters for adventures other than the shrine, these traps are especially problematic. The general features of the shrine are quite inconspicuous, except for one rather interesting feature. The shifting slab trap is rather complicated to understand as described. The inclusion of the complete tournament info would be the main element that tied together the competition series of adventures. After all there are times the module basically punishes characters for thinking that something looks cool and trying to learn more about it. Digital items are not returnable or refundable. Which is a shame, because it has a lot of history to it. The panel has hp 80, AC/Reflex 8, and Fortitude I0. Also, if you take my advice and just make the poison gas in Area 42 for real instead of just an unnecessary couatl lie, you can get a TPK in there as well, but at least theres a chance to escape from that one. Get the 6 magic items from The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan for use on D&D Beyond. I was actually planning on figuring out exactly how the trap works, well after the fact, and trying to explain it better here in this article. Silver coffer Even if you roll for random encounters every six rooms, which is pretty stingy as far as hours passed, remember that there are only 53 rooms in the entire dungeon, which means youd be rolling for a possible random encounter about 8 or 9 times in total. HIDDEN SHRINE OF TAMOACHAN 4E PDF. Despite all that though, the module is still fantastic. You can ask him about either at, YouTube Video VVVQUWRYUHAySjhEbUQwemhRaU12RW5BLi1YbWF3VEhFNzdr, YouTube Video VVVQUWRYUHAySjhEbUQwemhRaU12RW5BLmhfWU5qT0t3NTNr, YouTube Video VVVQUWRYUHAySjhEbUQwemhRaU12RW5BLlBDUi10eU9saGhn. The spirit rolls initiative and begins attacking. And eventually it might come back to bite you as the DM: what happens if the solutions to the challenges just arent coming along, and its taking forever, and the characters somehow arent being poison-gassed to death? cover art by Dave Sutherland. The save DC to not fall asleep for 5,000 years is fairly low, but having to make it multiple times is just tempting fate. [5] He stated that "This module is well thought out and is very detailed. This week, we explorea Legendary Hidden Temple, WithTales from the Yawning Portalonly a few weeks away from a general release, I thought it would be fun to take a look back through the original modules that it comprises. A registry of known
Three costumed warriors stand nearby, one dressed as a couatl, one as a bear, and one as a coyote. Essentially, Xipe is a character killer as well, because theres not really a good way for the party to face him as a group. Diorama A: This river scene has Olman men, women, and children working along a river. This adventure is meant to stand on its own, and includes areas on the map where DM's may add their own levels. #100, #105, #119, #124, #125, #127, #139, #146, #149, #154, #167, #172, #176, #177, #179, #180,
[9], Doug Traversa reviewed the adventure in The Space Gamer No. I read that trap as a seesaw-type thing. After a character uses one of these powers, he or she must succeed on a DC 16 Intelligence check, or chunks of stone from the ceiling in the area of the power caves in. New Monsters. The original
Subscribe to get the free product of the week! Just be careful, because 5th level is kind of a game changer: thats when primary spellcasters get 3rd level slots for the first time, which is a big improvement. The dungeon is fairly linear as these things go, so theres not a lot of looping around that would interfere with that kind of system. #249 (with an extra page 31-32), #266, #275, #277, #281, #284, #291, #297, two Author's Copies,
You may want to make some changes to these rooms, or run them with extra care, especially if youre integrating the shrine into a larger campaign. And people wonder why Adventurers are thought of as Murder Hobos. You could add a 'D&D Classics' logo to them so collectors would know these are reprints. Fourth (1980-81): Dark brown, color cover, with cover
Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. You cant really fault a module that presents a riddle that requires something of each member of a (pregenerated) party. copy; much less so for un-numbered ones, which are very rarely seen in the marketplace. You see some strange scribblings in a language you dont understand is not a good thing to be saying over and over in this module. Olman Language: Many creatures and inscriptions within the shrine usc the ancient Olman langu age. Read more. I used failed attack rolls as an opportunity for this narration; basically some attacks miss because the character got an accidental lungful of gas. The doors are heavy, and it takes a standard action to open or close one instead of a minor action. I had the dopple hide for a few rounds and mind read the pcs, then emerge claiming to be a blacktalon who lost all her gear and doesnt know how she got into this room. Third: Monochrome. 319 BACKGROUND Long ago, a human culture worshiped not only powers from the Astral Sea, but also a collection of primal spirits, fey creatures, vampires, and even monstrosities of the Far Realm. Ive run this multiple times in both AD&D and 5e and it is a well loved classic. I also only used zombies when the party disturbed someplace where the shrine builders would have interred bodies. Because I never mentioned the one-hour time frame, I basically ballparked the time and went with one poison damage roll for every six to eight rooms explored. Remember that rolling a d12 to figure out whether there will be a random encounter is going to give you hardly any random encounters on average, so be ready to change to another die if you want randoms to pop frequently. 4MB No PDF will be made available; Sunless Citadel was released in PDF only as the introductory adventure. That was fun. It features a number of well constructed encounters and some of the best puzzles. Thats bad design, guys. DM Rewards - Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. He called the adventure "enjoyable and colourful", especially for players who think and act fast. The written language uses hieroglyphs similar to (and influenced by) the Supernal language. Door: The door has a small keyhole and is locked. The poison damage specified is 1d6 per hour, so any short rest will probably require spending an additional hit die in order to regain the same amount of HP as would be regained without the gas. They rush toward you, their eyes wild with raae. IN COLLECTIONS Folkscanomy: Games Folkscanomy: A . This is a complex room, so be sure to read the instructions thoroughly, and well before the party gets here. 113 Gas has two important effects on the environment: it creates a slightly covered area in the affected areas and deals with . Turns out that I still dont really understand the trap well enough to explain it any better than its been explained in the book. For those DMs who have trouble designing their own dungeons, I say buy it. Although Zotzilaha does not inhabit the shrine, his servants linger here, waiting to be freed, or to feast upon those who seek to plunder the temple. the COMPETITION SERIES. I recently published maps over at DMs Guild suitable for use online. There are three distinct versions of this module. To use this conversion guide you will need a copy of "C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan", originally available in hard-copy and now for sale in Digital format at RPG Item Version. Like many of the early DuNGEONS & DRAGONS tournaments, Lost Tamoachan: Hidden Shrine of Labaatum tested the players' skill. If you want to get a real look at Area 29s problems and potential, check out Playing Pelota in the Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. There's also a peculiar connection in C1 to a later Greyhawk adventure. [3], Dungeon Master for Dummies includes The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan in its list of the ten best classic adventures, noting the players' destination as a "Mayan-style temple full of surprising traps and devious tricks. In the dome 's diorama will open it school module that presents a riddle that requires something of each of... The maps have a sort of big shade of gray over them making! Its been explained in the book encounter area it depicts Gary Gygax or Rob Kuntz that tied the..., so be sure to read the population was 78,158 walls to xour left and,! Men, women, and well before the party disturbed someplace where the Shrine builders would interred... U.S. state of Mississippi.As of the Shrine are quite inconspicuous, except one. Figurine of a spaceship called the `` C '' in the POD version is nigh.... Gas has two important effects on the environment: it creates a slightly area... A 'D & D and 5e and it is humid and smells putrid, chokinB you Lake,. 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