I too was adjacent to the junior HS. Thanks for commenting, Anthony. Evans mom, Irene Johnson Meddy Elsner was my grandma Ruth Johnson Launs cousin .. Later, there was some kind of dedication ceremony that my grandparents flew out to from Chicago. The two-minute recording opens with Latrelles speech in progress. Thanks, Knight. Debris was also strewn across the grounds of Terra Bella Elementary School, adjacent to the junior high, and Pacoima Congregational Church, next door to the school. I dont know if the kids there ever heal completely. Ill refer to to this site which Im sure she will find interesting. One of the guys started pointing to the sky to the northwest and we saw the DC7 plummeting to earth. An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Hi, Alan When we were finally allowed to leave the P.E. After my capture, I was taken into an office and told to wait. Im wondering if I had him as a teacher. It was horrible . I felt sick and light headed. At some point at Madison Jr. HS (1967-1969), I was responsible for managing those loudspeaker announcements we use to have to sit through in homeroom. A year or so later I had Helen Snipper as teacher of a drama class at Pacoima Jr. High. My Great Uncle Mike aka Mike Galasso was in this. My sister and I would love to find Evans sister Cindy, but were not sure what happened to her after they moved to Oxnard. Thanks for commenting. My major was in Human Resource Development. Hundreds of mothers in the neighborhood were also running toward the school, all of them screaming as we all descended on the horrible sight. The crash sent the transport plunging on a path o. The post Changes Everything appeared first on The Nation. She gave me Carols email as she lives in Simi as does my sister and she seemed like someone I would like to get to know better. One teacher held a boys intestines from spilling out, as the boy screamed in agony, I dont want to die, I dont want to die. Teachers were everywhere, trying to comfort the injured. At 11:18 a.m., while the aircraft were performing their test operations over the San Fernando Valley, one of the F-89s collided with the Douglas DC-7B. I still have all of my Beachy class photos. I really liked him a lot. They were frantically climbing over the fence to get into the gym field to help. I just wanted to bring you up to date on this very historic and important audio you are allowing us to use for the disaster drill this summer. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. How odd and frightening that you too forgot your coat on the gym field that awful day. We were taught to shield our eyes from the blast (as if wed have enough time), then the blast then the concussion and we would be safe under our plywood desks if we dropped-and-covered quickly and properly. Hi Shirley thanks for your account of that day. Heres why thats wrong. The noise of the crash was so much louder than It sounded in the recording, but my husband, who was in the graduating class at San Fernando Jr. High, and did not hear the plane crash, said, when he heard the recording, Wow.. When they finally let us out of school with instruction to go home, we all went over to the Jr. high school to look. My prayer to God is that everyone touched by this tragic event be touched by God in a special way to bring total healing. I feel so bad for the co pilot..when he said in his last radio message Told you we should of brought chutes, Good- by everybody That kills meMy God I hope he did not suffer. I was walking out the school gate when I heard and then saw the DC 7 crashing. Sometimes people there go from one video to another suggestion, and that will help reach out to many people who were not even searching it up in the first place. I was 14 and will never forget it. The pilot, Roland Earl Owen, 35, of Palmdale, went down with the jet in La Tuna Canyon; the radar operator, Curtiss A. Adams, 27, parachuted to safety. We lived down the stree and my mother had 4 of us in different schools, ,it was o ly when officials let us go home that my mother knew what happened.just wanted to share tbis. We shared memories and that aroused my curiosity. I was an eyewitness to the carnage. Your recording sounds like a graduation, but wanted to try and sort out the other report of an awards ceremony, and special assembly in the auditorium of the school. Yes, it is haunting. No hiding under the desk for you; you wanted to know what was going on. It seems many of the commenters here have vivid recollections of that day. I wonder what ever happened to Roy Reasoner? And yes, you have my permission to use the audio in your classes. I heard a high pitched beeping sound behind me and turned around to see my dad, in a military jeep, making his way through the crowd. Richard noted he was in the Valley Hospital and, as I recall, I was too. I remember seeing the tape 1/4-inch on 4-inch reel when I used to rifle through my dads tape collection as a nosy kid. I looked up and there were gigantic waves of flames in the field directly next to my classroom. Hi, Deb thanks for commenting. My pastor, Apostle William T. Broadous, of Calvary Baptist Church of Pacoima had his pelvis crushed by falling debris that day and has since undergone several major surgeries. Sadly, I think they vanished in seventh grade Ive been looking for them ever since. Thank God for that. Thanks for commenting, Kevin, and I hope your mom finds the site interesting. There was a small courtyard between our building and the building next to us. 1 February 1957; Page 11; San Bernardino Sun, Volume 63, Number 132, 1 February 1957 Page 11. . In 1957 a mid air collision over Pacoima Junior High killed 5 crew members, 3 children and injured 78. I will let you know how it turns out and thank you again for permitting us to use it. Archie Raymond Twitchell (November 28, 1906 - January 31, 1957) was a pilot for over three decades between the 1920s and the 1950s. 55 years later and we who were there are drawn back to the memory. HE CARRIED HIS GUITAR WHERE EVER HE WENT. Rusty was popular with the ladies. http://angiejim.homestead.com/thenandnow.html, I wrote a comment on 9March when my son told me about Russ Buchanans website. I hadnt heard the story about the clothes-hanging lady but I know pieces of the plane fell over a wide area. I wanted to let you know that we had our disaster drill 2 weeks ago and the recording really caught people off guard. I cannot imagine what a horrifying experience that mustve been for anyone who was near the school at the time, and thank you for giving the people who were there a chance to discuss their memories, and perhaps find a way to deal with what must certainly be terrible memories of that day. He came to the School right after the crash. And thank you very much for your take on that sad day. To be honest even after sheeding tears i still cant stop whenever i think about these kids. They were very good and practiced all the time. It was years later when I read the article about Ronnie and it may have been one of the saddest stories. Jan. 31, 1957 was a tragic day in the northern San Fernando Valley. Its all over.. Thanks Terry Brown. On January 31, 1957, the DC-7B, earmarked for delivery to Continental Airlines, took off from the Santa Monica Airport at 10:15 AM on its first functional test flight with a crew of four Douglas personnel aboard. I remember when i was 12 and the dreams i had and how im now getting to fullfill them if i get accepted into university.I know maybe for you alot of other replays here are more interesting than mine since they seem to be from people who are from around your area or the tragic accidents. My husband was there that day and suffered burns and shrapnal (sp?) This comment is for Allen Hester. Thanks for sharing the audio. It includes important response assets such as Hospital Emergency Response Teams (HERT), Emergency Medical Cashes, hospital communication methods (to help avoid moving the disaster from the scene to nearby hospitals that are already overwhelmed). My sister and I lost touch with Cindy, his sister, in the late sixties. Missing that day was pop star Ritchie Valens. \f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
He was in the 7th grade, but not on the gym field. Sister Pam here. The post The Surprisingly Durable Myth of Donald Trump, Anti-Imperialist appeared first on The Nation. She checks the comments here from time to time and I know shell be glad to see these boys are still remembered. Eight people on the ground in Pacoima, California are killed following the mid-air collision between a Douglas DC-7 airliner and a Northrop F-89 Scorpion fighter jet. Ill never forget what I saw. My mom opened her house up for families to make phone calls to their relatives. My mom was pretty sore that my dad hadnt called her. No one involved with the family could offer any insight as to what she had experienced. He had red hair and freckles, and a great sense of humor. I have accrued over 2500 hours of flight and still an active civilian pilot. Thank you so much for commenting and for the nice words about the rest of the blog. I was able to clean it up and add some extra effects. I knew Evan well. The Eight Victims of the Mid-Air Collision and Crash in Pacoima Jan. 31, 1957 Jan. 5, 2013-- On Thursday, Jan. 31, 1957, at about 10:15 a.m. on a clear, sunny morning in Southern California, a Douglas DC-7B airplane, built by the Douglas Aircraft Company, took off from Santa Monica Airport on its first test flight.The aircraft was intended for delivery to Continental Airlines, and had already . I had chills up my spine when I heard your recording, like it was yesterday. I realized I was only 3 years old. There was a tree planted to honor each of the boys that were killed. I was in 9th grade at Pacoima Junior High School, when the plane crash occurred.. A perimeter was established, and we all stood outside the barriers, for several hours, watching ambulances and police and news trucks come and go. An interesting bit of info regarding the parachuting radioman from the fighter jet: the heat in his cockpit was so intense that sparks ignited a few spots on his parachute. You reminded me that my sister, who happened to be at the P.E. It seemed to take a long time to come down. Is the beginning of her speech on the tape too, or is what you posted what you have? I dont recall your Dad, but may well have had him as a teacher. We didnt know if it was an airplane, a rocket, or the long expected A-Bomb that we had been practicing drop and cover for through our school years. I will look into the Smithsonian, as you suggested, and other non-profit outfits. The bus trip that day went to Roger Jessups Farm. killing all 128 aboard on both of . The journey back to the morning of Jan. 31, 1957, began with a phone call from retired nurse Mary Lewandowski, who wondered how to find out what had happened to the two boys she'd spent four. I had never flown on anything so this was to be my first flight. Such a sad day for so many! At 11:18 a.m., one moved into a wide turn 25,000 feet above the San Fernando Valley. So maybe your dad did distribute copies to all the other Jr. High Schools. Yeah, I do believe I would have been a wee bit nervous about flying in a type of plane that seems to keep crashing into other planes. Ive heard from many that the school staff handled the situation exceptionally well. My heart goes out to any and all who experienced this disaster. We were unable to find an existing triage system to use. Most Fire and Police Departments, and EMS agencies have adopted post incident stress debriefing or counseling programs (late 1970s). One more way the Buchanan family was connected to that grisly day. Once I approve a comment, it is there for good unless the commenter requests that I remove it. Though you were born many years after the Pacoima tragedy and live half a world away, the depth of your concern for the victims shows there is hope for our species yet. [10][11] The program described when and how both planes took off from their respective airfields, and included discussion of how the Pacoima Junior High School was having the 7th-grade students outside for exercise. Douglas DC-7B, Continental Airlines. Your lifetime discomfort with flying seems to be a common thread among many who were personally affected by the crash including your chum, Richie Valens. Small wonder, it sounds like it was a mini-Armageddon. They were among The scenario was an airplane crash out of John Wayne Airport. Russ What does the school look like now? I was young and that is all I know. Yours is one of the more terrifying accounts of that day. Ive always wondered for the past 55 years if there was anyone else here who remembered that day. Yeah, haunting is right. Ill shoot you an email. still later my father showed up to take me home from school in the middle of the afternoon and told me what had happened. A large plane in flames was heading straight down and the impact was quite loud to us. Our department decided to host a mass causality drill. http://www.joangushin.net/ThenAndNow.html. It was so scary. I had no idea where he was and if he was ok. After what seemed like hours, we found each other. We used to visit him at the hospital while he was recovering and suffering through painful skin grafts. According to my sister, my mother and I were at the church next to the school when the plane exploded and sent an engine through the roof of the church. The most incredible image of all was the open window in the cockpit area with smoke coming out of it and what appeared to be the pilot with his head partially out. Well over half a century after the tragedy, you remember your easel and paints, your dad being in the dog house for not calling and about a million other details. He grabbed a jeep and took off for Terra Bella. We watched the helicopters for the rest of the afternoon, flying back and fourth with stretchers on each side carrying the dead and injured (they looked like the helicopters from M.A.S.H.). Im not sure, but I think my sister knew Ronnie. Terry Brown. My sister saw the plane coming and hollered to her class Drop! as we had been taught to do for impending disasters. Im glad everything went well with your studies. One of the most interesting and enlightening comments yet. {\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}
I myself am from europe and didnt no anything about this incident before my little exam/school related nightmare, and if there was not written anything about it on the internet i would never ever have known anything about what happened in in 1957, i dont even know where carlifonia is on a map, so i think your story is really reaching out to people. Our bungalow classroom backed up to the fence division. So no, I have no lasting fears of flying. We got in the car and drove to the Pacoima Junior High. I was visiting with a new friend a couple of weeks ago and found out that we grew up in the same area. Little did I know that a plane had crashed at the school my brother was attending. Please contact me here if you have any information on Cindy. When I connected Richards name with the picture I remember him. EveRuth ing was out of control..we ran out of building aND witnessed a devastating scene. Yeah. Steve Phillips The conventional wisdom says that Lee is the long-shot candidate in the blockbuster race. I was amazed to run across your recording of the sounds of that tragic day. An incredible bonding experience that lasted 50 years or more after graduation from high school. Your Dad was one of my favorite teachers! In other words, if a comment disappears, it is due to some technological hiccup, not yours truly. The police and ambulances finally arrived in droves, driving on sidewalks and front lawns to reach the school because the roads were clogged with frantic parents. there were bits and pieces of the airplane everywhere, not big pieces, just millions of little pieces of airplane everywhere. Thanks for writing and for your nice words about Evan. and Garber, so our vantage points were probably quite similar. I was 5 years old. The loss of life could have been so much worse. Copilot Archie R. Twitchell, 50, of Northridge transmitted the last radio message from the crippled plane: Uncontrollable, uncontrollable midair collision. We are going in. Weve had it, boys. As a five-year-old kid, all I can recall of that day is seeing what appeared to be shiny bits of tin foil falling from the sky parts of the DC-7 that had broken off after its crippling mid-air collision. I know its a little late to join the conversation but I felt compelled to share my memories of this horrific event. Russ, I just tried again and was able to play the clip with no trouble. I thought it was actually a high school and it was a football field, but that was the perspective of a 5 year old. (LogOut/ Not to mention, the lifelong fear of flying that many witnesses have to this day. Say goodbye to everybody were going in. The navigator of the F-89 had parachuted safely to the ground immediately after his jets near head-on collision with the larger aircraft. I looked up toward my right and saw a big airplane (I was in the second grade, about 7 years old) on fire. I was one of the students who was on the gym field and ran from the falling plane. Debris was also strewn across the grounds of Terra Bella Elementary School, adjacent to the junior high, and Pacoima Congregational Church, next door to the school. Yeah, I liked Pacoima too a true melting pot, and we all got along pretty darned well, cholas, cholos and paddies, alike. We would inevitably degenerate into everythings wild, which signaled the end was near. Some of the people profiled are famous, but most are not. The full story by Cecilia Rasmussen is online: L.A. Then and Now The day fiery disaster fell from the sky. I heard the planes crash, I watched the smoke rise, I ran inside our classroom with all the other kids wondering what we had just seen. I checked google maps and found that my cousin lived about 17 miles away from the crash. Stubborn bastard haha. My brother, Richard Bliven, was in the school yard when the plane crashed. Id never heard of him before. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. To the cousin of Ronnie Brann. I wasnt sure if I had invented that memory or not, but yours and other comments lead me to believe I did see exactly that. Thanks for your comment. Certainly less frightening, but just as capable of creating lasting, disturbing impressions the sight of two aircraft plummeting to their doom and the human cost implied, would be enough to sear into anyones brain. I remember Mr. Marto was a pretty cool teacher for the most part. By then, I was really hanging on to the fence. Russ, I was just looking through the blog again for familiar names (I wrote my memories earliert). Yeah, Ill bet it seemed longer. We were on the playground and looked up. I remember seeing the pilot also. Do not know which branch. Thanks again for posting as I commented once before. I lived over on Hadden Ave a little south of PJH. The impact tossed me through the air and I landed in a hot smoking oil slick. Terrified, I couldnt even budge. Richard Berger was badly burned, but on our graduation day played piano beautifully, telling me his learning to play was therapeutic. My Mom rushed across the street to get me, a little irritated with me it seemed. I recognized her right away. We heard the crash and our windows shook. Hi Kevin I went to Pacoima Jr. High in the mid-70s and remember some of my neighbors in Arleta speaking about it. Russ Ive read this from your website and only now listened to the recording My God.. Outside, we could see the carnage. I lived on Daventry street and attended Telfair Avenue School. I saw it all and it has haunted me all my life. Little fellow well, I suppose we all were little back then, but he was littler. And when released from the auditorium, what we saw. Prior to the plane crash, my row was drawing/painting on easels next to the windows. Another memory I have is of the television coverage. My brother Marvin and sister Delores were at the school and my sister was in the auditorium at the time of the crash. Scared the crap out of everyone. Hi Maya I am 73 yrs old now and live in Tulsa,Okla. So many readers of this blog got here through their searches about Valens as you did. Investigators were later able to determine that the two aircraft most likely converged at a point over an area northeast of the Hansen Dam spillway. I was able to talk to her about it a couple more times. In my mind he was waving frantically for us to get out of the way. As you are probably aware, many credit your father for managing to avoid nearby buildings and preventing a much larger calamity. Thanks for the opportunity. I believe there was a connection between the two houses of worship during the 60s civil rights struggle. Yeah, I know what you mean about the copilots goodbye. I was told to leave and I started to run home. Appreciate any comments. Ah, the good old days. The California Fire Service has an organization known as FIRESCOPE which was tasked with developing and implementing the fire service Incident Command System (ICS). That sound haunted me for many, many years. It is perfect as the scenario is an air crash. I looked across to the other building and saw a teacher named Mr. Snyder. I remember that I left my classroom and ran around the building and into the field. Yes, many people were profoundly affected by this tragedy. If there is anyone else, please call me. He told me that hes not sure he wants to listen to the tape, but Ill bet he will. And i am also very shocked how people were not more clever at that time that they tested planes over areas that were populated, i mean its not like the technology was better before and yet they didnt seem to think further and let such things happend. As it turned out, my brothers class was safe. Our conversation focused on the plane crash. I felt comfortable enough with her at that point to poke around a little. Thanks for your terrific account of that day moment, really. My kids were watching La Bamba with me and I told them what had happened and my youngest son James (whos very sensitive cried about it). And about those exams: STOP WORRYING. I just checked and your comment is there. Terry Brown (916) 364 0440. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Rebecca Grant Polish activist Justyna Wydrzyska is the first woman in Europe to be convicted of intent to aid an abortion. If you were an 8th grader when this happened, you must be in your 70s now. It was designed for folks that were interested in Vocational Instruction and Vocational Course Development. If my dad thought he was in trouble for being AWOL at work, my mother was about to finish his day. Today I fly, I am a pilot, but I remember. Mike Russell, I posted my query a few years back, and Id like to post again in case there are new people following this thread now. And that Richie Valens died in a plane crash is so ironic and disturbing that it still gives me chills. Pacoima Jr High School Airplane Crash of 1957 - YouTube 0:00 / 2:15 Pacoima Jr High School Airplane Crash of 1957 Psycho Circus 325 subscribers Subscribe 92 Share 6.1K views 2 years. I then went to Mary Immaculate at Laurel Canyon and Van Nuys Blvd 9/1957 for 2nd grade as it just opened. I remember being in the car with my panicked Mom on the way to the school. or aiff. RB, Russ, thanks for sharing. I had found a picture of Pam B. and 3 friends at HER Pacoima Jr High grad day, June of 1959 and brought it to the reunion with me. He was a captain in the US Army Air Force. Days later we were allowed back into class because a large piece of metal flew through and embedded in to the wall. 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