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Learn more, Image provided by: Library of Congress, Washington, DC, I ITHE WASHIffGTOfl VV TIMES THTJESDAY TllURSDAY1RCU MAECE 1 1906 9DEPOSED OFFICERS OFFICERSWANT OFFICERSWANTINJUNCTIONWANT WANTINJUNCTION INJUNCTION INJUNCTIONNavaJ4JSTayal Brigade Case Is Car Carried Cari Carjied ¬i ried ied Into Court CourtVUESTIQN CourtQUESTION CourtQUESTIONQUESTION HARRIES RIGHT RIGHTRequest RIGHTRcguest RIGHTf RIGHTRc9uestfRequest for or Restraining Order Proba ProbaW7 Probably ProbabIyW7 Based on Recent Opinion of ofGeneral ofGeneral ofenera1General Hoyt HoytActing HoytFollowing oyt oytFollowingFollowing olose on the eel8lon eel8lonActing of ofActingActing Attorney General Hoyt Ho t that the therecent thorecent therecentrecent order of General Harries dis disbanding disbanding df s sbandthg ¬banding the naval reserve was unlaw unlawful unlawful uiilawfu1 ¬ful came came this morning another sensa sensational son88tional senational ¬tional mote mo = e on the part of two of the thedeposed thedeposed thedeposeddeposed officers officersRestraining officersRestraining officersRestrainingRestraining Order Asked AskedRandolph AskedRandolph AskedRandolphRandolph B Brummett B mmett and William H HLantz HLantz HLantzLantz in their own behalf and for oth other other 0thor ¬er members of the organization applied appliedtoto the Supreme Court of the District Districtfor Districtfor Districtforfor an order restraining General Harries Harriesinin his official capacity as brigadier gen general genral general ¬eral ral commanding the District of Co Columbia Columbia Columbla ¬lumbia Militia and Naval aal Battalion and andLoyd andLoyd andLoydLoyd M L t Brett his adjutant general generalfrom generalfrom generalfromfrom carrying car lng Into effect the order dis disbanding disbanding disbanding ¬banding the naval battalion battalionThe battalionThe battalionTheThe court IB also asked to enjoin the thedefendants thedefendants thedefendantsdefendants from preventing the com complainants comlainants comjlainants ¬plainants lainants from exercising their functions functionsand funcUonsand functions4ndand performing their duties as members membersofof the naval battalion The reorganiza reorganization ¬tion or orattempt attempt to reorganize the naval navalbattalion JU81battalion4 battalion i lit sought to be prevented by bythe b bthe bythethe petitioners petitionersBrummett petitionersBrummett petitionersl3rummettBrummett was commissioned April 10 1039u3 10lhi339u3 903 by the President of the United UnitedStates UnitedStates UnitedStatosStates as an officer of the naval bat battalions battajons battaliona ¬talions and to receive all the emolu emoluments emoluments emolument ¬ments rewards and honors as a such suchofficer suchofficer euchofficerofficer He was as duly assigned as execu executive executive executive ¬tive officer with the rank of lieutenant lieutenantcommander lieutenantcommander lieutenantcommandercommander Lantz received his com commission commission cornIthesion ¬mission September 20 1902 and was as assigned assined assi4ned ¬signed as chief chit > t engineer of the naval navalbattalion navalbattalion navalbattalionbattalion with the rank of lieutenant lieutenantBoth lieutenantBoth lieutenant8othBoth officers continued to exercise the theduties thedutlls thebb duties and privileges of their positions positionsuntil positionsuntil positionsff until January 24 1906 when the order orderdisbanding orderdIsbanding orderdisbandingdisbanding the battalion was issued issuedBrigadier luuedBrigadier issuedBrigadierBrigadier General Harries acting actingthrough actingthrouh actingrr through Adjutant General Brett on the thedate thedate thedatedate mentioned issued an order known knownusus < general ordtr No No2 2 purporting to todisband todisband todisbanddisband and disorganise the naval bat battalion battalion battahion ¬talion of the District and to discharge dischargethe di charse charsethethe complainants among other commis commissioned commlioned commiszdoned ¬sioned officers from the service of the thebattalion thebattalion thebattalionbattalion and also from the National NationalGuard NationalGuard NationaLGuardGuard of the District DistrictLack DistrictLackof DistrictLackLack Lackof of Authority Caimed ClaimedThe CaimedTbe CaimedTheThe complainants contend that the theorder therder thecrderorder of disbandment issued by Gen General General Geeera ¬eral era Haaries wa was without authority In Inlaw Inlaw inlawlaw and was not due to a lack of use usefulness Utlefulne usetulnese ¬fulness fulne II of th the battaHon but TVM ss Issued Issuedfor ss issuedfor ued uedfotfor the sole purpose of depriving cer ceriun e cerI riun 1 un officers including includtn the petitioners peUtloMnlof l f their membership They also say saythat sa sathat saythatthat General Harries acted in th the mat ntatT I I1rT 1r T r with a view of surrounding himself himselfwith hlm himselfwith elr elrwithwith personal favorites favoritesInIn proof of this they say that no noaction noaction noactionaction looking to disbandment dt baDd men t until untilthey untiJthey unilltheythey the complainants had refused to toresign topslgn tozesignresign their respective offices offi at the theIllest re request yequest ¬quest of the commanding officer J B BArcher Hreher BrcherArcher jr and John Lewis Smith are arenamed arenamed arenamednamed as a counsel eoun 1 for the complain complainants complalnl1t compainThe ¬ants antsThe l1t > l lTheThe decision of o the Acting AcUn Attorney AttorneyGeneral AttorneyGeneral AttorneyGeneralGeneral was the th result of a letter sent sentto sentto senttoto the President of the United States Statesby Statesbby b y the three men whose hose resignations resignationswerewere pre demanded prior to the disbanding disbandingofof the Naval Battalion Surgeon Sune n S Clif Clifford Cliff Cliflord ¬ford f rd Cox Lieut R B Brummet and andKngineer andEngineer andEngineerEngineer William H Lantz believed believedthat bPlienodhat believedThat Ithat they were still entitled to the rank rankthat rank1hat rankthatthat their th ir commissions indicated and andwhen andwhpn andwhenwhen the battaHon was abolished by byGeneral byenHal bycneralGeneral Harries they appealed the mat mattor mattr matrtor r to the President To satisfy him himsolf himSflf himslfsolf that the action a tion of the command wmmandinging flg general was legal the President Presidentnskcd Presidentaekednskcd 1 ked the opinion of the Attorney Gen Genoral Genpral Generaloral regarding the legality of the action actioninvolved actionjnvolved actioninvolvedinvolved in the disorganization of the theiiattulion thehattaJion theIitta1ioniiattulion The decision that was re returned returred ¬turned 1 by the Acting Actin Attorney General Generalnave Generalgae Generalgavenave the matter an aspect that had not notanticipated notlen1 len > en anticipated What the action of oftho ofthe ofuthe u President will be after the decision decisionisis i unknown at present presentMisquoted pr nt ntlIiiquoted1 Misquoted Says Harries HarriesGeneral HarriesGpnend HarriesConeralGeneral Harries said Sl d this morning morningThe morningThe morningiheThe letter from the Acting Attorney AttorneyGeneral Attorntycncral AttorneytcneralGeneral which was alleged to have con contl conIlmned conlrnnedtl Ilmned > mned my action in the disbanding of ofthe oCthe ofthethe Naval Battalion has been misquot misquotAsd < i As far as I know the decision was wasthat was111at washatthat hat if inefficiency or a minimum at attendance attlndance atttndauce ¬tendance below the standard set t by the theNational thea theNationalNational a tional Guard existed disorganization disorganizationwaswas the proper step to take I disband disbanded ¬t ed d the Naval Militia on account of in inrfliriency Indlldency inefficiencyefficiency There were men in the bat battalion battalion battahoe ¬talion who were engaged as public publicservants pUblicprvants publicervantsservants who were incapable In their theiroffices theiroffices theirofficesoffices The public was not getting a abr aJust ajuatJust return for the money Invested InvestedDrbr Dr S Clifford Cox said today The Thetours Thenurse Thenursetours nurse which my brother officers and I Itook Itook Itoktook was wa the only one left open to us usWe usWe usWeWe believed that we had the same samerights samerights aamerightsrights as other citizens Until the final flnalaction finalartion finalaetioflaction that of disbanding the com command command cornmand ¬mand was taken by General Harries Harrieswe Harrlewewe did not murmur in spite of the theavalanche theavalanciLeavalanche of criticism criti < ism that was poured pouredupon pouredupon poureduponupon us by those In command We Wewaited Wewaited Wewalteduntllwaited walteduntll until our positions were threat threatened threatenedened aukl R then appealed to the Presi President Presldnt President ¬dent fQr redress The decision of the theAttorney theAttorney theAttorneyAttorney General followed followedVe followedWeWe hold that General Harries had hadno badno Iadnono right to disorganize the battalion battalionfor batthihfort for f1 Inefllciewy ine icleny In the general eneral ortjJrs ortjJrsIssued or orrs orrsIssued J rs rsissuedIssued by him he embodies an order orderpromulgated orderpromulgKted orderpromultedpromulgated by the President It says saysWhenever saysWluoever saysVheneverWhenever in the opinion of the com commanding commanding coinmanding ¬manding scncrul of the mUlti t of th thDistrict the theDistrict theDstrictDistrict Of Columbia an officer of the thenid theiLtdnid 5 iid xpllUia hts oevtire bEL me incapacitated incapacitatedforfor the performance of duty for any anyr anynason an anrasonr nason ason the commanding general will willsubmit winsubmit wi wisubmitsubmit the name of such officer to the theSecretary thetretary theSeretarySecretary of War with the view vie of his hisIxtne his11n1 hishyingIxtne ordered before a board of exami examination fxamln examttuition ¬nation n itlon to be appointed by the said saidI saidornmand1n aldommandIDII omnuutdinr general eneral which board boardshall bOILrdshal boardshalshal examine said Id officer as to his hisphysical hlaI hisphysicalI physical mental and military quaint qualifications qualIftcatiolUL quaintcat ¬cations cationsThe catiolULTh cat ions ionsTheThe Th ord order r further provides said saidI saidDr saidIrI Dr r Cox that If the ofticer fails taU to topass topass topasspass a satisfactory examination his hisname hi hisiamename 1 ifflt shall > > be submitted by b the com commanding commanding cornnianding ¬manding general gfn ral to the t Secretary of ofWar ofar ofWarWar ar with the recommendation N > that it itbo Itbt Itbtbt submitted to the President PresidentThat PresidentThat ideDt ideDtThatThat is i the redress red that ought to toliave tohavE tohavehavE b be8lf erf taken by General Harries HarriesWe HarrlpsVe HarriesWeWe Ve should then have had an oppor opportunity opportunity opportunity ¬tunity to prove that the charges har es made madeagainst madeagafn madeagainstagainst agafn t our ur inefficiency jnp lncy were wf wereThe false falseThe taS4IbeThe finding of the needle In the hay haystack l1ayst haysaek ¬stack st < ltk was wa an easy task ta k compared to lo locating 10aUnlt hoeating ¬eating the derision d > lslon from Acting AUn Attor Attornoy Attornnoy n fle General Hoyt HoytT11ere HoytFlirtcThere were hut two copies of the de decision dedslon docIion ¬cision in existence exi tencf one in possession of ofGeneral ofGeneral ofGeneralGeneral Harries and the other in the thehands thehands thehandshands of Attorney John Lewis Smith Smithwho Smithwho Smithwhowho represents r < Lieutenant Commander CommanderBrummet CommanderBIUmmet CommanderBrummetBrummet and Chief Engineer En nter Lantz in intheir Inr inhe1rtheir r efforts to have ha e A restraining re tralnlng order orderJs ordfrfOUNl orderJeueJs fOUNl Jeue > u d General Harries refused to make makethe mRkthe makethethe contents of the letter ett > r public on the thegrounds thegrounds thegroundsgrounds that it would he violating vlolattn the thecohfldence theonfidenca thecoftildeneacohfldence < of the th President and Attor Attorney Attorney Attorney ¬ney Smith held that to make the letter letterpublic letterpubU letterpubliepublic might in some way compromise compromiseththe th Interests of his clients clientsGeneral clientsGeneral clientsGeneralGeneral Harries returned the decision decisionoft of the Acting Attorney General with its itsaccompanying ItsaccompanYin itsaccompanyingaccompanying papers to the White WhiteHouse WhiteHouse VhlteHouseHouse this afternoon It was announced announcedthere announcedthere announcedtherethere that In view of the injunction injunctionproceedings injunctionproceedings i iproceedingsproceedings that the President would wouldt wouldtake jtake t o no action In the case at this time timeand timeand timeandand that General Harries indorsement indorsementonon the papers would not be made public IJUVENilE COURT CUTMeasure COURTSEEMS COURTSEEMSSEEMS ASSU ASSURED ASSUREDMeasure RED REDMeasureMeasure Favorably Report Reporteded to House HouseALREADY HouseALREADYI IAALREADY A L REA D Y PASSED SENATE SENATEWiley SENATEVileWiley Wile Bill for the Removal of Snow Snowand Snowand Snowandand Ice Also Ac Accepted Accepted Accepted ¬cepted ceptedThe ceptedTheThe bill to create cre te a a juvenile court courtfor courtfor courtforfor the District and the AVIley Ile bill for forthe forthe forthethe romoxml of snow and ice from side sidewalks sidewalks sidewftlks ¬walks were favorably fa reported to t the theHouse theHou theHouseHouse Hou today toda by b the House District Com Committee Committee Committee ¬mittee mitteeThe mittee1he mitteeTheThe juvenile court bill has already alreadypassed nlread nlreadpassed alreadyptissedpassed the Senate and there seems to l be beno beno > c cnono doubt that it j will 111 be enacted Into Intolaw Intolaw Intolawlaw of the House on the next District Districtday Districtday Districtdayday The committee reports and recom recommends rccommens recommends ¬mends mens that the bill go 0 into effect by byJuly byJub byJulyJuly 1 nextProvisions of Bill BillIt BiUIt BillItIt provides for a Judge at a salary salaryofof 3000 a year ear and for an uptodate uptodatesystem uptodatesystem uptodatesystemsystem of probation officers The Wiley Wileybill Wileybill VUeybillbill for the removal of snow and ice iceprovides Iceprovides iceprovidesprovides that the tenant or occupant occupantofof any building or lot fronting on any anypaved anypaved anypavedpaved sidewalks within the tire limits limitsof limitsof limitsofof the District shall have the snow or orice orice oriceice removed from the sidewalks within withinfour v1thlnfour withinfourfour hours after the snow has ceased ceasedtoto fall or after the th Ice has formed It Itallows Itallows Itallowsallows the sprinkling of ice with ashes ashesoror similar substances Failure to com comply compb cornply ¬ply with the law is punishable punlsh ble by a aline atine alineline of 5 or imprisonment in the work workhouse workhouse workhouse ¬house for live days daysAutomobile dasAutomobile daysAutomobileAutomobile Bills Referred ReferredThe ReferredThe ReferredTheThe Sims bill and the Commissioners Commissionersbill Comml sloners slonersbillbill to punish the violation of the auto automobile automobile automobile ¬mobile speed regulations were referred referredtoto the subcommittee on the judiciary judiciaryforfor a fuller report to the whole com committee committei cornmittee ¬mittee The Commissioners bill provides providesaa 5600 iOO fine or one year imprisonment for forviolating forviolating forviolatingviolating the peed I ed regulations which whichar whicharear are the severest se rest penalties In the country countryfor countryfor countryforfor such s h offenses The bill authorizing authorizingthethe Commissioners to prescribe as a apenalty apen apenaltypenalty pen lty for violation of police regula regulations regulaUons regulations ¬tions made by b them a a fine of 5100 100 or orimprisonment orImprisonment orimprisonmentimprisonment for one year was laid laidon laidon laidonon the table and nd Indefinitely Ind nnitely postponed postponedThe postponedTheThe Senate bill providing for moor incorporation Inoorporatlo moorporatiedin ¬poration poratiedin in the t District with the excep excepi exception exeeptioni tion of banks of circulation or discount discountland diacountand discountandland and railroads was favorably reported reportedI reportfdwith reportedtithI with an amendment limiting the capi capitalisation capltaltzaUon capitalization ¬talisation of such concerns to WOTOO WOTOOand 6GO00and W1V0andand their indebtedness to 5250009 5250009RIXEY SOorfRIXEY 3250OCrlRIXEYRIXEY INTRODUCES BILL BILLTO BILLTOITO PROTECT WILD FOWL FOWLMrMr Ir Rixey of Virginia Introduced In Inthe Inthe intheIthe House today a bill to protect wild wildwater wildwater Id Idwaterwater fowl OH the Potoma potomtlver SSver and andIts andIts anditsIts tributaries tributariesThe tributariesTheThe measure provides tl that t it shall b bunlawful be beunlawful beunlawfulunlawful to shoot wild water fowl on onthe onthe onthethe Potomac and Its tributaries navi navigable navigabl nan nangable ¬gable for vessels of twenty 1wn1 tons from fromany froman fromanyany an bout prop propeU propelled lld by power other than thansails thansails thansailssails and rowboats It shall also be beunlawful beunlawful hueunlawfulunlawful to shoot any an such fowl with withany wltbany withanyany gun of larger bore than number numbereight numbereight numbereighteight It shall be unlawful to shoot shootany shootany shootanyany wild water fowl of any sort on onthe onthe onthethe Potomac river rlvf > r and its tributaries tributariesbefore tributariesbeforebefore daybreak and after dark darkThe darkThe darkTheThe penalty for violating the act Is Isa Isa isaa fine of 50HUGHES PROBABLE PROBABLECHIEF PROBABLECHIEHNQUISITORCEFJPSITQR CEFJPSITQRWanted CHIEF CHIEHNQUISITORas INijUiSITOR INijUiSITORTantellWanted as Counsel in Rail Eaiiroad Railloall Rail1OaIroad Investigation InvestigationJJ G CARLISLE MENTIONED MENTIONEDPlansPlans Being Completed by Commission Commissiontoto Follow Out TillmanGil TillmanGillespie TillmanGillespie TillinanGillespielespie Resolution ResolutionTheThe Interstate Commerce Commission Commls CommissionIs lon lonIsis out on a still m hunt for a special specialcounsel rccIai rccIaiCounselcounsel to assist in conducting the th rail railroad railroad ¬iroad investigation Inve t1gaUon imposed upon by bythe bythe bythethe TillmanGillespie TillmanGillet pie joint resolution resolutionCharles rooolut resolututuCharles ICharles E Hughes of New ew lurk Is Isthe Isthe jthe man the commission would auld like liJrh1e to tohave tohaveShave and it Is said that he has been beententaii4 i boontentatI n11 11tentatLtentaii4 tentatL > ly offered oft red the position Should Shouldhehe decline either Judge Calhoun of ofChIcago 1 1ChIcagoChicago formerly a member m mber of the thecommission tliicommission I Icommissioncommission and recently rec ntJy special comrola comrolasloner comr cornrotsabnersloner slont > r to Venezuela for the State De Department Deportment Dopartrnent ¬partment or John G Carlisle former formerSecretary formerSecretary formerSecretaTySecretary of the Treasury may be se selected solected ¬lected A man of national reputation reputationwillwill 111 be chosen and Congress will be beasked beaskedasked to foot the bill billTo billTo billTo ITo Be Chief Inquisitor InquisitorTheThe counsel will be chosen within a aweak aweok aweek Iweak lIe will be chief Inquisitor in the theinvestigation theinvestigation i iInvesttinvestigation Investt 1ltlon whijh will be b the most mostimportant mostumportant i ilmportantimportant and farreaching that the theGovernment theGoversrnea I IGoerRmGovernment GoerRm n has ever attempted I If Is Isthe Isthe isthethe desire of the commission to secure secureaa man who will perform for the com commission commlMlon cornmission ¬mission the kind of work that Hughes Hughesdid Hughesdid Hughesdiddid for the Armstrong insurance com committee committee cornmiflee ¬mittee of New York The members of ofthe ofthe ofthethe Interstate Commerce Commission Commissionprobably Commi5ll10nprobabh Commissionprobablyprobably know more about railroads railroadsthan railroadsthan railroadsthanthan the th New York committee did about aboutinsurance aboutInsuranee aboutinsuranceinsurance but nevertheless they feel the theneed the11Eed theneedneed of the services of a lawyer la wer espe especially especially capecially ¬cially skilled in drawing out testimony tfrom from reluctant witnesses witnessesThe wltnesaesThe witnessesTheThe commission is Itire already d considering consideringplans cOIUillderingplans coitakieringplansplans for the investigation Two modes modeshave modeshave modeshavehave suggested 8U st themselves One is to tolake totake o otaketake up e each ch commodity cominodltycosl coal l o vl n oil oilmentioned oilmentioned Il Ilmentionedmentioned In n the resolution in Its rela relation relation reintion ¬tion to the railroads The Th other Is to totake totak1 totaketake up the Grand Trunk line sepa separately separattl separately ¬rately rattl and 00 examine them as to their theirdealing theirdesUnb theirdealingdealing in these commodities Inns Inasmuch Inum Innsranch ¬much m h us the latter method would save savemuch 8emueh stvemuchmuch repetition and possibly Ibly prevent preventthe preventthe preventthethe recalling reeallb < < of some witnesses 1tn a num number numor aiimbar ¬bar or of times it will 111 in all probability probabilitybe probabilitbebe adopted adoptedLarge adoptedLarge adoptedLargeLarge Appropriation Needed NeededWhichever NeededVblch NeededWhicheverWhichever Vblch Yer method is J chosen a large largeappropriation largeappropriationappropriation must be secured cured for the theconduct theconduet theconductconduct of the investigation In order orderto Crderto crdcrtoto prevent the keeping of a separate separateaccount segrateaccountaccount of the t expenditures the com commission comml cornmission ¬mission ml slon will ask Congress Con refs simply to tf In Increase Inereaae Increase ¬crease the general appropriation This Thisincrease ThisIncreale ThisIncreaseincrease will probably be in the neigh neighborhood neIghborbood neIghborhood ¬borhood of M 0000 lO available aV1 lable immediate immediately ¬ly and another 730000 i O ooo OO available during duringthe duringthe duringthethe next fUcal v ar r It is I roughly esti estimated estimated ostimated ¬mated that th t the i investigation will con continue continue conUntie ¬tinue a year nnd > nd a half halfThe halfThe halfTheThe first move of the commission and andits andits anditsits special counsel will be to ask the therailroads therailroads therailroadsrailroads to submit their lists of stock stockholders stockholders stockholders ¬holders In the last annual report a astatement astatement astatementstatement was made in regard to the theamount theamount theamountamount of stock owned but the comDress Goods Remnants RemnantsOneOne lot of Dress Goods Remnants in black and a good assort assortment assortment assortment ¬ment of this seasons favored s sades ades Including Allwool Albatross AlbatrossNuns AlbatrossNuns AlbatrosNunsNuns Veiling Batiste Heavyweight Thibet Cashmere Figured and andPlain andPlain andPlainPlain Satinstripe Challis Shepherd Checks Voiles Fancy Suitings Suitingsetcetc also Plain and Fancy Fanc Silkfinish Mohairs Desirable lengths lengthsfor 2 f 5 r rforfor waists and skirts Regular Soc qualities Remnant price priceRemnants priceRemnants Jv JvRemnants CRemnants of highclass Dress Fabrics including 45inch Silk and andWool andVaol aridWoolWool Crepe de Patis 45inch Silk Crepe de Paris with selfcolored selfcoloredfigures selfcoloredfigures selfcoloredfiguresfigures 46inch Silk and Wool VOJ Eolienne 52inch Allwool Broadcloth Broadcloth50inch Broadcloth50inch Broadcloth50inch50inch Mixed Suitings 50inch Panama 50inch Mohair 52inch 52inchCheviots 52inchCheviots 52inchCheviotsCheviots 46inch Henrietta 46inch Shadow Check Mohairs 44inch 44inchShepherd 44inchShepherd 44InchShepherdShepherd Check Panama in black cream and a good assortment of ofstreet ofstreet ofstreetstreet shades Qualities sold regularly r at 75c to S 150 I 50 a yard yardRemnant 49 Aftr AftrRemnant cRemnant price iTraveling Goods GoodsFlattop2 Flattop Canvascovered Trunks Trunkswith Trunkswith Thinkswithwith brass lock and trimmings Two Twooutside Twooutside Twooutsideoutside straps iron bot botReduced bottom hottorntom Slightly lamagca 4 9 8Reduced from 5750 750 to toOne toOne toOnejOne Heavy Duckcovered Trunk Trunkwith Trunkwith Trunkwithwith black malleable maUe ble Iron trimmings trimmingsTwo trimmingsTwo trimmingsTwoTwo trays Linen lined linedfrom lined1aJ linedSizefrom Size 1aJ 5WW Inches h to toOne toOne Reduced I S 798 798One 7 8j One Theatrical The trlca1 Trunk full metal metalcovered metalcove metalcoveredcovered cove angel brass top and bot bottom bottom hottorn ¬tom Full riveted extra large bolts boltsTwo boltsTwo boltsTwoTwo trays Re Reduced Rec Reduced ¬duced c from from H49S 1Q 1 098 098Lot Qg QgLot 98LotLot of Waterproof Dress Dre s Suit SuitCases SuitCases SuitCasesCases 21in size strongly stronglymade stron stronglymade ly lymAdemade Steel frame Regular 89C 89CLfi QQC Q QC QCL136 L value for forLinen forI J 7 7LinenI Linen Remnants RemnantsAboutAbout SO 0 dos dozen n Halfbleached Cot Cotton Cotton Cotton ¬ton Honeycomb HOIu > comb Towels size 16x36 16x36laches 16xtjIDehes 1x36ineheslaches Soft finish and thoroughly thoroughlyabsorbent thorcagblyabsorbent thorcigblyabsorbentabsorbent Finished with neat neatred i r rred Cred border and fringed at the theends theenchl theends 5ends Remnant price each J15 5 pieces of Cotton Glass Toweling Towelingfullfull uS IS inches wide 1d In clear neat neatnlakls neatplald8 neatplaidsplaids of red and blue Fast sel selvage selvage ad advage ¬vage on both sides Instead j jof i 3f 3fof Cof Sc remnant price per peryard 2LL 2LLyard 4 4TT TTRemnantyard yardRemnant yardRemnantRemnant lot of o Sponge or Dish DishClothe DishClothsO DishClotheClothe ClothsO SO 0 inches square The honey honeycomb honeycomb ¬comb weave Such as are usually usuallysold usuallysold usuallysoldsold at ic As A long Ion as asthis O 1 1h CI this each eachFive eachFive h remnant lot lasts 3 3 f 2 2C 2Five rw rweachFive small pieces of o German Table TableDamask TableDamask TableDamaskDamask halfbleached and strictly strictlyallall pure linen All we have left of this thisparticular thispartlcular thisparticularparticular number hence the th f f r rremnant cremnant price Friday per peryard J MV MVyard 9yard yardTwo a rdDomestics DomesticsTwoTwo bales of Unbleached UnbleachedCotton 3 CCotton in 1 to 10yard 10yardlengths lGyardlengths 10yardlengths 3lengths Remnant price priceShort priceShort 4 4ShortShort lengths of Dress Ginghams Ginghamscolors Ginghamscolors Ginghamscolorscolors blue pink gray gra and oxblopd oxblopdIn oxblood oxbloodInIn stripes and checks good goodday goodassortmentassortment lOc qbahity IIt Fr Frda 6aCday da 4 4IRemnants of yard wide widesoft widesoft ide idesottI soft finished Cambric 1 to to10yard to10yard C Ci10yard price i lengths l Remnant Remnantprice RemnantI 64 64IINeckwear NeckwearOddOdd Tot ot of Plouen Lace Collars Collarswith CoUarswith Collarswithwith aid without tabs re iA iAmainders t fr frmalndersmalnders of lines sold at ISo ISoand 9c 9cand 1 111 111and 0and 25c Sc Remnant t price priceOddments priceOddments AVf AVfOddmentsOddments of regular 25c 5c Ready Readymade Rea Readymade y ymademade Veils in a a good as f p r rsortment Csortment of fashionable col colors 1SC I I J Jorsors Remnant price priceLot priceLot priceLotLot of Collar and Cuff Sets of P f Chemstitched mull Regular 12c 12ycalues 12cvalues 5 v vvaluesvalues alues for forChiffon forChiffon forChiffonChiffon Ruching for the neck In a abig alig abigbig variety of colors and ef n > Csets left from big selling Per Perlength P Perlength r rlength 3length tomorrow tomorrowRibbons tomorrowRibbonsRibbons RibbonsBunchesBunches of Allsilk Baby Rib Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons ¬bons In leading colors 2 to 4 4yards j r rbunchyards In each Frida Friday per perbunch perbunch Iebunch at atRemnants atRemnants atRemnantsRemnants o of Allsilk Ribbons In Ingood Ingood Ingoodgood shades sold off the thepiece thepiece I Cpiece lece at 6c and Sc a yard yardRemnant Jordmnant yardRemnant 2Remnant mnant price priceRemnants priceRemnants 2 2RemnantsRemnants of Allsilk Ribbonsin all colors sold off the p 3 Qr Qrpiecepiece at lOc and l I2lc c a yard yardfor yardor 5f for or mJ mJHemnants 4 4nemnantsHemnants of Allsilk Taffeta andSatin Taffeta Ribbons in all o 1 f Cshades sold as high f as 39c a ayard ayard 8yard t for forChildrens 2 2ChildrensChildrens Goods10 0 Childrens Coats made of serge sergeand sergeand sergeandand cloth In blue castor andbrown Peter Thompson style with withemblem withemblem withemblememblem on sleeves 2 to 5 5year sfr sfryearyear ear sizes sold up to 375 UX 9 8cFriday for forGirls S J JGirlsIGirls Novelty Noelt Worsted Dresseslined waists neatly trimmed trimmedwith s e rwith braid sizes 4 to 14 14Jears 14years rO rOyears 6 9 Cyears were 125 Now NowSmalL NowSmall vl s sSmallSmall lot of Muslin Drawers hem hemstitched hemstitched hemstitched ¬stitched tucks and hem broken brokensizes rr rrsizessizes 19c value Remnant Remnantprice 8e X Xpriceprice priceSmaIl priceSmall V VSmallSmall lot of Childrens Flannel andCambric Skirts Percale DressesAnrons Flannelette Skirts Skirtswith t r i 1 rwith bands Hoods and andLeggins andLeggins 12 CLeggins Remnant prIce pricefrfrIt 1t 1tLL I ALEXANDRIA ALEXMTDRIANEWS NEWS NOTES NOTESJ JWASHINGTON W ASHINGTO TIMES BimEAI BimEAIALEXANDRIA DUnBArALEXANDRIA BIIIIgAVALISXANDRIAALEXANDRIA VA MARCH 1 1Thomas 1Thom3l 1ThomanThomas Lindsay Llnasa a former Alexan Alexandrian Alexandrlftn Alexandrion ¬drian died at Staunton last evening eveningIlls eveningHis eveningIllsIlls remains will be brought to this city citywhore citywh citywhorewhore wh re the funeral will take place from fromhis Cromhis fromhIhis hI late home in South Lee street Mr MrLindsay MrIindM MrLindsayLindsay Is survived 5urviv 1 by three children childrenallall grown grownFUNERAL grownFUNERAL grownFUNERALFUNERAL OF OFFL F L DIXON DIXONThe DIXONTh DIXONTheThe Th funeral of the late Francis L LDlxon I IDixon IDixonDixon took place place from rom his late home homeGibbons 207 207Gibbons 07 07GibbonsGibbons street this thi afternoon and was waslargely waslargely waslargelylargely attended by steamboat men here hereThe hereThe hereTheThe Re Mr Scull of the Free Metho Methodist Methothat lethodiat ¬dist Church conducted the funeral ser services serIces services ¬vices Ices and interment was In the Metho Methodist Methothat Jethodist ¬dist Protestant Cemetery CemeteryPOLICEMAN CemeteryPOLICEMAN CemeteryPOLICEMANPOLICEMAN SPRAINS ANKLE ANKLEWhile ANKLEV1111e ANKLEWhileWhile on duty yesterday morning Po Policeman Policeman Pollceman ¬liceman Stewart St wart Jones stepped on a apiece apiece apiecepiece of ice and slipped > d badly spraining spraininghis spntlnlnlhlhis hl ankle ankleIN ankleIN ankleININ CORPORATION COURT COURTInIn the corporation court Judge Louis LouisCC Barley Barle presiding yesterday Thomas ThomasII W Y Robinson August Oehlert and andThomas andThomas andThomasThomas A Fisher were appointed ap appraisers appraisers ¬praisers of the estate of the late lateThomas lateThomasiThomas Spinks Catherine K Wash Washmission Washmission Yashmlsalonmission desires deal rea to have figures to show showpresent sbowpres showpresentpres present l1t holding holdingThe holdlngiThe holdingsTheThe attitude of the railroads anro < < ds toward towardthe towardthe towardthethe investigation will 11l probably be shown shownfirst shownfirst hownfirstfirst in response to this request These Thesexealously Thesexealoush Thesezealouslyzealously guarded gnar ed facts may ma be produced producedunder producedunder producedunderunder the stress slr stI of public demand for forinformation torintormaUon forinformationinformation but should they the be with withheld withheld withheld ¬held the question of the authority ot ofthe otthe otthethe commission to compel response will willcome willcome willcomecome up upNo upNo upNoNo power to compel com 1 the giving of tes testimony testimony teatimony ¬timony Is conferred upon the commis commission oommlsion commisslon ¬sion ion by 1 the TJllmanGnlesple TmmanG JespJe resolution resolutionbut resolutionbut resolutionbutbut such Ja given it by the organic law lawgoverning lawgoerning lawgoverninggoverning the commission It Is likely likelytherefor Jtkelytherefore likelythereforetherefore In n order to provide for any anyemergency anycmfrgenc anyemergencyemergency that the commission will willof wlUor wiftofof Its own accord accor issue a formal order orderfor orderfor i iforfor the t he investigation investigationScrutiny InvestigationScrutiny investIgationScrutinyScrutiny of Stockholders StockholdersCloseClose scrutiny will be made de of ia t tue e list listof listot listofof stockholders st > Ckhok1era and an attempt will be bemade bemade bemademade to ascertain in each ir stance who whoisis the beneficiary bf > neftclat holder holderTho holderrho holderThoTho rtrst hearings open to the publle publlewill publiewillwill 111 probably be held in Washington Washingtontrltnfn WaahJngtonwltnln Washingtonwithinwithin the next few weeks weeksLater weeksIAtr weeksLatPLater the commission will sit in invarious Inarlol Invarlodsvarious arlol 8 parts of the country affected by bythe bythe bythethe investigation investigationSIOUX In Investigationswux stlgatlon stlgatlonSIOUXSIOUX CHIEFS HAVE TALK TALKWITH TALKWITH TALKWITHWITH PRESIDENT ON CASH CASHiStanding CASHStanding I IStandinJlStanding Soldier and Turning Hawk Hawktwo Hawktwo hawktwotwo Sioux chiefs Mtl ts called upon President PresidentRoosevelt PresidentROOtJeveU PresidentRooseveltRoosevelt this tbl morning in company with withRepresentative witkRepreeentathe withRepresentativeRepresentative Martin of South Dakota DakotaThey DakotaThey DakotaTheyThey came to talk with ith the President Presidentabout Presidentabout Presidentaboutabout the division of the tribal funds fundsnow fundsnow fundsnownow held to their credit in the Treas Treasury Treasury Tressury ¬ury The chiefs are In favor of dividing dividingthe dlddlnJthe dividingthisthe funds among the Individual mem members members memhers ¬bers of the tribe tribeThe tribeTh tribeTheThe Th Sioux are progressing 1ro e8StnJ ran raodlY diy in inthe Inthe inthethe arts of civilization s said ld Mr Ir Mar Martin Martin Iar IarUn ¬tin They Thf > are building roads irrigatingditches schoolhouses and generally Im Improving Jmnroint irauroving ¬proving themselves themselvesBREWERS themelvetlBREWERS themselvesBREWERSAIDBREWERS BREWERSAID AID LAW TO TOCLOSE TOCLOSE TOCLOSECLOSE 93 SPEAKEASIES SPEAKEASIESBUFFALO SPEAKEASIESlTFF ES ESBUFFALOBUFFALO lTFF AIO K NY Y March 1 1In In pur pursuance pursuante persiance ¬suance of an agreement with Mayor MayorAdam MayorAdam Iaor IaorAdamAdam the brewers brew rs here have compelled compelledthethe closing of ninetythree saloons saloonswhere saloonswherewhere violations of the law have oc occurred occurred occurred ¬curredington qualified as guardian of her herthree herthree herthreethree infant children childrenANDREW childrenANDREW childrenANDREWANDREW SULLIVAN DRIVER DRIVERThe DRIVERThe DRIVERTheThe board of fire wardens has elected electedAndrew electedlndrew electedAndrewAndrew Sullivan driver of the hose hosewagon IlOS0wagon hosewagonwagon of the Reliance Fire Engine Com Company Compuny bm bmpany ¬pany No No5 5 vice Ice Julian Ballenger Bnllen er who whowas whoWOK whowaswas recently elected driver Of 0 the en engine engine engino ¬gine of that company companySMALL companSMALL companySMALLSMALL FIRE ON ROOF ROOFAA fire in the roof of a frame building buildinginin Wilkes street near Henry street was wasextinguished wa waextinguished wasextinguishedextinguished before much damage had hadbeen hadbeen hadbeenbeen done doneCOUNTRY doneCOUNTRY loneCOUNTRYCOUNTRY SOCIAL TONIGHT TONIGHTMount TONIGHTlount TONIGHTMountMount Vernon Council Daughters of ofAmerica orAmerka ofAmericaAmerica will give Ive a country social at atthe atthe atthethe Odd Fellows Hall in North Colum Columbus ColumbUR Columbus ¬bus street this evening evenlneW cvenlnVW V C T U MEETS TWICE TWICEThe TWICEThe TWICETheThe Allison Womens Christian Teln Telnperancl Teitiperanceperance Union will meet at the Chi ChUdrens CMIdrezisdrens Home corner of Duke and Royal Royalstreets Ro Royalstreets ol olstreetsstreets this afternoon Tonight prayer prayermeeting prayermeeting prayermeetingmeeting will be held at at the Childrens ChildrensHome CblldronsHome ChildronsHomeHome HomeCC E WATKINS WATKqiSDIES WATKqiSDIESCharles DIES DIESCharles DIESCharlesCharles E Watkins atklns an Alexandria Alexandriabaker Alexandriabalcer Alexandriabakerbaker died at his home on North St StAsaph Stsapll StAsaphAsaph < sapll street this morning morningALUMNI morningALUMNIALUMNI OF ROANOKE ROANOKEFORM ROAN OKE OKEFORMORGANIZATIONFORM FORMORGANIZATION FORMORGANIZATIONThe ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATIONTheThe alumni of Roanoke College re residing re61dlng reaiding ¬siding in Washington met last night nightat nl ht htatat the residence of the Rev John T THuddle THuddle THuddleHuddle pastor of St Pauls English EnglishLutheran EnglishLutheran EnglishLutheranLutheran Church and formed a perma permanent permaneat ¬nent organization organizationThe organizationThQThe following were chosen officers officersPresident officersPresdent officersPresdentPresdent the Rev J T Huddle vice vicepresident vicepresident ice iceprpresident pr ldent Dr A W M McWhorton sec secretary secretary seeretary ¬retary and treasurer tre surer H B Hanger HangerAmong Ha HangerAmong ger gerAmongAmong those who were present at atthe atthe atthethe formation of the h8 association ociaUon were wereJJ I A Morehead F L Day Ph D I and andProf andProf andProfProf McWhorter both of George GeorgeWashington GeorgeVashlnston GeorgeWashingtonWashington University the Rev Rc J L LFrantz LFruntz LFrantzFrantz of St Marks Lutheran Church Churchthe Churchthe Churchthethe Rev Re Messrs Moser and Willets WilletsMessrs WilletsMessrs VUletsIessrsMessrs Hanger Lynn Groseclose Ro Rodeffer Rodeffer Hoderferdeffer and W P Hudde HuddeBETHESDANS HuddeBETHESDANS HuddeBETHESDANSBETHESDANS MAY VISIT VISITANNAPOLIS VISITANNAPOLIS VISITANNAPOLiSANNAPOLIS TO PROTEST PROTESTTheThe executive committee of the Bethes Bethesdada Citizens C1ti na Association A of Montgomery Montgomerycounty Montgomerycounty Iontsom ry rycountcounty count Md Id consisting C 1llli tlnJ of H Bradley BradleyDavidson BradleyDtlVk1SOfl BradleyDavidsonDavidson Dr Lewis WHison nl8on Offutt OffuttWilson OffuttW1JsOl1 OffuttVilsonWilson Colwell Gettings Hleskell HleskellBsgley HleskellBagley IlieskellBagleyBagley McGee and Chitty met last lastnight lastnight lastnightnight at the residence of Mr Davidson Davidsontoto protest against the passage ptls age of the thetreasurer thetreasurer thetreasurertreasurer bill for Montgomery county in inits Initg initsits present form orni and urged that the theoffice theo1 theofficeoffice o1 lce be b an elective one The bill b l now nowbefore nowbefore nowbeforebefore the Legislature k lsJRture provides that thatthe tbatthe thatthethe clerk shall act as treasurer treasurerThe treasurerThe treasurerTheThe executive committee directed Mr MrHleskell 1lr1lleskell MrllleskehlHleskell to write the governor to appoint appointaa day for the association to meet m t him himto himto himtoto protest against the appointment of ofM ofrM 3 r Austin as justice of 0 the peace of the theBethcsda theBethrsd8 theBethesdaBethesda district dstrictCARRIE dstrlctCARRIE districtCARRIECARRIE GCLORE G CLORE PETITIONS PETITIONSFOR PETITIONSFOR PETITIONSFORFOR LIMITED DIVORCE DIVORCECarrieCarrie G Clore ta3 petitioned the Su Supreme Supreme Supreme ¬preme Court of tbe District to grant granther granther grantherher a limited divorce from rein Joseph A AClore AChore ACloreClore on the ground of alleged cruelty crueltyShe crueltyShe crueltySheShe also asks the court to restrain her herhusband herhusband herhusbandhusband from leaving the District dur during durIng during ¬ing the pendency of the th proceedings proceedingsCampbell proceedingsCampbell proceedingsCampbellCampbell Carrlngrton is named as coun counsel counsel eounset ¬sel for the petitionerIt Pays to Deal at Goldenbergs GoldenbergstTheThe Dependable Store StoreSeventh StoreSeventhSeventh and K Streets StreetsW SfreetsWoniensW Woniens mens Suits Skirts Wraps Wrapsand Wrapsgg I Remnants and andSmalland Furs I UFS Small Lots11 Womens omens Springweight Jackets Jacketsinin shorthip flyfront styles includ including includIng includlag ¬ing tan coverts and andblack andblack andblackblack cheviots sizes J4 fc f r38 8 40 42 J only were 600 600and 600and 2 U 9 8 H Handand 700 OO A S X U2 Long Black Winter Win tor Coats one oneis oneIs oneisis broadcloth the other is a chev cheviot cheytot chcvlot ¬tot both size 32 3 worth worthlC0 fljs f ftS1 to 1200 ro Reduced Reducedtp 4 > 1 1J7U I S U 9 8 K Kto I2 Misses Dark Red Broadcloth BroadclothWinter BroadclothWinter BroadclothWinterWinter Coats all handsomely handsomelytrlm handsomelytrlmmed trim trimmed trimmed ¬med with self tailored tailoredstraps tailoredst tailoredstrapsstraps st raps sizes 16 and 18 18years < fj f f fyearsyears left from a line linethat linethat 7 U 9 f 8that sold for 2000 M 7 J1 Womans Long Bluck Broadcloth BroadclothWinter BroadclothWinterWinter inter Coat fur shawl collar anddeep cuffs of fur hand handsomely handsomely ¬somely some lined sizes 34 34Reduced 34Reduced T 7 9 8Reduced from 2250 50 to3 1 Womens Winter Suits of NavyBlue Cheviot long tightfitting coat coateffects coateffects coateffectseffects velvet co7ar and andcuffs andcutts andcuffscuffs sizes 34 38 and 42 42Left 42LeftLeft sold for from 25 a lino lin In that thatsold thatsold thatsold 9 9 81 Dark Plumcolor Broadcloth Suit Suitlong Suitlong Suitlonglong tightfitting coat style st le trimmed trimmedwith trImmedwith trImmedwithwith self cloth straps strapssize < f f n nsizesize 34 Was 2500 now nowreduced nowreduced K 8 U 9 8 M Mreducedreduced to U U1 Black Broadcloth Eton Suit coat coatvery coatven coatveryvery handsomely trim trimmed trimmcd ¬med circular skirt size 7 9 834 Reduced from 20 to3 Womens Imported Tan Covert CovertCloth COtrtCloth CoyprtClothCloth Coats doublebreasted front frontFormer fr fr6ntfitted nt ntfittedfitted back backprice Former FormerReduced Formerpriceprice to 11800 11800to Reduced Reducedto 698 6 e 9 84 Brown Allwool Panama Cloth ClothSkirts ClothSkirts ClothSkirtsSkirts very handsomely handsomelyitilted Cj f ff ffkiltedkilted JO 41 and 42 In Inlong Inlong 4 > 3 UX UXlong 9 8long Were Tere 8 and 10 102Womens U2 Womens Dark Gray Cloth Rain RainCoats RainCoats RainCoatsCoats made In plain plaintailormade plaintailormade plaintailormadetailormade effect sizes t34 and S3 t Left from a aH375 4fl AJ 7 jH375 13Th line Un UnI S D5 I Womens Dark Oxford Gray Rain RainCoats RainCoats RainCoatsCoats collar and cuffs inlaid with withbraid withbraId withbraidbraid sizes 36 38 ana40 Were 1000 Now Nowreduced Nowreduchdto 5 0reduced reduc reduchdto d to q 01 Alice Blue Chiffon BroadclothEvening Coat handsomely han somety trimmedin self color and lined with ith richpeau de cygne to tomattel r rmutchmattel mu tch Size 38 For Forme i imer 16 7Smer me price 38501 Imported White 1 ite Evening Coatelaborately elaborntol trimmed trimmedand trimmedand trimmedandand Size handsomely 40 Formerly lined 5 < > 2 f 9 3 f < 7 7 75 5 m S50 Reduced to A i J J I J2 Womens omens Long Tourist Coats otwinter weight covertful length box front < > f f fbelted back Sizes 40 and anii 4 > 3 t 9 98 8 X XonlyH only Were 15 15Genuine 15i + J S J1 Genuine Jap Mink Fu Fur NeckStfes St es both sides alike alikefirished rj frfirished with 4 natural naturaltails 4J 2 UX 9 98 8tails on ends Were 750 7 vJ2 Genuine Far Eastern EasternMink Easternlnk EasternMinkMink lnk Neck Stoles trim trimmed trimmedWere med with wih 1500 150 rich fur tails tailsWere taUsWere q < 7 a aa I 5 50 03 Genuine Genult Isabella Isabela Fox Pelerineslarge fiat effect efect lined linedwith lned linedwithwith 1th satin ducaesse ducaesseWere duchesseVere i 9 U 5 0Were 1598 and ad 171 Siberian Slbcra Squirrel Fur Neck Stolelarge size flat collar collarand colar colarand collarand 1eckand long ends Val Value Valueue to 2000 0 Reduced Reducedto 1 0 9 98 81 Genuine Russian Mink Pelerine Pelerineruns Pelerinoruns Pelerlnerunsruns dark rich shade brown brow trim trimmed trimmed trimmed ¬med with wih ten natural naturalmink naturl naturlmink naturalminkmink tails tais brocade brocadesilk fl > t M tf tfsilksilk sik lined lned Value 50 0 0Reduced vp 2 5 IIII 00Reduced to onehalf onehal < J 8 vr vrfrom2 G nuln numb Plain NearSeal Coatsfne finct < QuaU quality 24 inches long satinducb duchesse 36 from lnd and sse 40 O 42 42 to lned lined Reduced Reducedfrom Sizes 2 2 7 75 53 Plain Plan Electric Electio Seal Coats high highstorm highstorm highstormstorm collar colar and plain reveres rcere Lined Linedwith Linedwih Linedwithwith wih guaranteed garanteed sat Q f f g ff ffinin Sizes 38 3 40 and 12 I U 9 98 X 842 Formerly Formery 25 2 I 4972 Plain Persian Lamb Lmb Coats guar guaranteed guaranteed guaranteed ¬anteed Leipzig dye 24inch length lengthlined lrgth lrgthlned lengthlinedlined lned with white whie and andblack andblack andblackblack brocade silk sik C f f rr f fsizessizes 100 10 38 a and 42 42 Were 3 H JX 9 U 7 75 5 STREASURY DEPARTMENT MRTIEUTAppointments DEPARTMENTCHANGES DEPAIITMENTIIANGESANMOUNEDCHANGES IIANGESANMOUNED IIANGESANMOUNEDAppointments ANNOUNGED ANNOUNGEDAppointmentsAppointments and Promotions Promotons Made in inVarious inVarous inVariousVarious Varous Bureaus Under the Classi Classified Classifed Classifled ¬fled fed Service ServiceThe Serice SericeThe ServiceTheThe following folowing changes in the classi classltied classited classiliedtied ted service serice of the Treasury Teasur Department Departmentareare announced announcedAppointments announcedAppointments announcedAppointmentsAppointments on certification certfcaton by fhe fheCivil IheChU he heCivilCivil Service Commission office ofce of the theSecretary theSecretary theSecretarySecretary SecretaryMiss SecretaryMiss SecretaryMissMiss Maude lamer Haer Indian Indi1n Territory Terrior630 6 Cornelius Cornelus L L Smith Arkansas Arknsas t5 550 550Office 1500111ccOffice of the Auditor Audior for the Postoffice PostofficeDepartment Postofce PostofceDcpartmentIke PostofliceDepartmentIkeDepartment DcpartmentIke Ike B Hunt Tennessee TennesseeWt Tennesee TennesseeWilliamWt 1 William VUlom H OHara Wisconsin Wisconsinp0 Vlsonsin VlsonsinJohn1090 John A Dysland Dyslnd Wisconsin VlcoDsln JtJSO JtJSOApyolntments St Stt h0It Appointments by b transfer trasfer frorr fror other otherdepartments otherdepartments otherdepartmentsdepartments office of the Secretary Secretj Anthony Anthon3 W 1 Lewis LwIs Alabama Aabma f6 660 bytransfer from Navy Department DepartmentOffice Department DepartmentOfficeOffice Ofceor of Internal Revenue RevenueMiss Miss CoraFrank Frnk Washington Vlshlngton 000 0 by transfer transferfrom transferfrrm transferrPmfrom rPm Internal Interal Revenue district Mary Mar ¬land landOffice Ian land0111ccIanUfiIce Office of At Treasurer United Unied States StatesJames StatesJames StatesJamesJames for ffr from R R Interior Facer FacE Idaho Idao Department 6GO 6 by trans transfer trns trnsffr transfor ¬Office Of e of Comptroller Comptoler of the Treasury TeasuoMiss lRS Louise Dennington New York iDenningon1000 0 by transfer trnsfer from Interior Depart Department Department Departmont ¬ment mentPromotions mentPromotonsmce montPromotionsOfficePromotions Promotonsmce PromotionsOffice Office of the SecretaryDonald B MacLeod MacLod Maryland Marland 1800 18J to52000 0 Charles Chales A Jaquette Jaquete Pennsylva Pennsylvania Pennsylv ¬nia 1000 1J to 1800 18 Louis Luis G Graesie GraesieIowa GraesleIowa GraealeIowaIowa 51200 12 1200 to 51600 1600 6 Arthur ArhurV W McCord McCordKentucky McCor McCordKentuckyKentucky 1000 10 to 51200 2 Joseph Fought FoughtPennsylvania FoughtPennsylvania FoughtPennsylvaniaPennsylvania 5Sea Cc to 720 7ffiOffice 720Office rOffice of th Supervising Architect ArchitectJohn ArchitectJohn ArchitectJohnJohn Auschutz Auschut Missouri lssouri 5720 720 2 to SS40 SS40Saunders 340Saunders 340 340SaundersSaunders 5739 5739Office S7 720 Mllltr UlE r North Norh Carolina Carolna 5SOO 60 660 to toS7Office Ofce of o Treasurer Treurer United Unied States StatesFrank StatesFrank StatesFrankFrank J Brown Brow Iowa 51200 to 51400 51400Wiley S40 3400WileyWiley Vley G Brown Texas S2 51000 0 to 51200 51200William 12 1200WilliamWilliam VUlam J Weber Illinois 900 Q to 51000 51000James 10 1000 1000JamesJames Iame F Macoughtry West Wes Virginia5700 700 to t 5900 9 Annie Anie C Hart Hat Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaSS PennsYlvaIa VirgnIa VirgnIatSS 1 600 0 to 5700 70 700 William Wiiam H H Kelleher Keleher Mich Michigan Michigan UchIgn ¬igan Ign 51000 10 to 51200 S2i Herman Henn L I Slat Slmcoe Simcoe Slatcoecoe Illinois IJnols 5000 000 to 51000 0 George Geore C Wi Winane WInans WInunsnuns Oklahoma Oklaoma 5S40 840 0 to 5000 1100 Henry C CBreuninger CBreuninger CBreuningerBreuninger District of Columbia Columbia 5720 5720to 320toto 5840 Sf 840 John F Skinner District of Co Columbia Columbi Celunubla ¬lumbia lumbi WO h to 5720 5720Office 12 720 720OfficeOffice Ofce of the th Auditor Audior for the Navy Na NaDeprtmentRber NavhrDepartmentRobertDepartment DeprtmentRber DepartmentRobert Robert C Willis Tmls North NorthCarolina NorthCarolna NorthCarolinaCarolina Carolna 5800 8 500 to S900 S900Office 5900Office 9Office Ofce of the Auditor for Interior De Department Deprtment Dopartment ¬partment prtment George G HendrJckson HendrJcksonMaryland Iendrlck hendricksonMaryland < n nIarlandMaryland Iarland 51300 Sl to 51400 51400Office 10 1400 1400OfficeOffice Ofce of Auditor Audior for the Postofflce Postotce De Department DertmentFrl DcpartmentFrod ¬partment partmentFrod rtmentFrl Frd A Wright Massachu Massachusetts Ma Massachusetta achu achusets ¬setts sets 1800 1 to 1400 40 H H Mancha ManchaMlchisran ManchaMichiganMichigan Mlhl n J1CG Sf to 51200 2 George Geore B Fur Furman Fr Frma FurmanSman ma manS Now NpW York 500 0 to 51000 1I James E EByrne EByrne EByrneByrne District Ditrict of Columbia 6 650 20 to 5SOO 5SOOHugh 9 500 500HughHugh Waton Watson Illinois Ilnois 51000 Ho to 31300 31300John 31200John 12John Webster We tfr Illinois Ilnois 5900 SO to 51000 51000Robert 10 1000 1000RobertRobert J Dickey Dlcke Kentucky Kentuck 5720 720 to 5900 5900Annie 3900Annie 9Annie ML lf f McMahon rclahon District of Colum Columbia Columba Columbin ¬bin ba S S6 3660 0 to 5720 720 John B Schonimer Schormer Wis Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin ¬consin 5900 0 900 to 51000 51000PURE 10 10PURE 1000PUREPURE FOOD LEGISLATION LEGISLATIONCHANCES LEGISLTION LEGISLTIONCHANCES LEGISLATIONCHANCESCHANCES ARE IMPROVED IMPROVEDTheThe prospect prosJt of pure food legislation legislationis legislaton legislatonIsis regarded regrd as greatly geat improved by byreason byresn byreasonreason resn of the reported desirj of the theHouso theBouso theHouseHouse Committee Commitee on Interstate Interstte Com Commerce Commerce Cornmerce ¬merce to avoid so far as possible posslbl con conflict cn cnl11ct confilet ¬filet with the measure that has already alreadypassed alreadypsse alreadypassedpassed psse the Senate SenateThe SenateThe SenateTheThe Heyburn Hevburn bill bi which after afer a good gooddeal god goddel gooddealdeal del of modification mo Ifcton passed pasd the Senate Senatewas Senatewts Senatewaswas wts not in its general theory theor greatly greatlydifferent sreaty sreatydiferent reathydifferentdifferent diferent from the Hepburn Hepbur bill billChairman bl billChairmanChairman Chalran Hepburn Hcpbur and some of his hisassociates hi hiassiate hisassociatesassociates assiate have been working workng night and andday ad adday anddayday for nearly a week in the te effort erort to toreach toroch toreachreach roch a basis of successful agreement agreementwith agreementwithageement ageementwitwith wit the Senate S6nte and It is reported rpored today todaythat todaythat todaythatthat their teir labors are ae likely lkely to contribute contributelargely cntribute cntributelagely contributelargelylargely lagely to securing seuring legislation legislatonMICHALEK WINS CONTEST CONTESTFOR CONTES CONTESTFORFOR SEAT IN HOUSE HOUSETheThe House Committee Commitee on Election ElectionNo Electon ElectonNo1No No1 1 today decided deIded in the contest contestagainst contcstagainst contestagainstagainst Representative Representtve MIehaIek lchalek of ofChicago ofChicg ofChicagoChicago Chicg the right rght to whose seat was wasquestioned wasquestoned wasquestionedquestioned questoned on the ground gund that he was wasnot wasnot wasnotnot a citizen cizen of the United States Sttcs in infavor Infaor liifavorfavor of Mr 1r Mlchalek MlchalekThe llchalek MichalekTheThe action acton of the committee was wasunanimous wasunanlm wasunanimousunanimous unanlm us and the motion to report reportinin Mlchaleks MIchaleks favor was made by Rep Representative RepresentUe Representative ¬resentative resentUe James of Kentucky a Dem Democrat Democrt Remocrat ¬ocrat ocrt Mr r Michalek Is a Republican RepublicanCHILDS Republcan RepublcanCILDSCLOTHES RepubiicancflLDsCHILDS CILDSCLOTHES CLOTHES AFIRE AFIREMOTHER AFIREMOTHER AFIREMOTHERMOTHER AND TOT BURNED BURNEDThe BURNEDTeThe Te dress dres of sixyearold Minnie 1lnnle An Anderson Anderson Anderson ¬derson caught caught fire fre from a stove in her herhome htr htrhome herhomehome 239 Harrison street Anacostla Anacostlayesterday AnacosUayesterday Anaeostlayesterdayyesterday yesterday afternoon and the child chid was wasso wasSO wassoso badly burned that she is now in a aserious a aserIous aseriousserious condition conditon It I is feared she in inhaled Inhaled inhaled ¬haled the flames Hearing the th little littlegirl nUll nUllgirl lIttlegirlgirl screaming Mrs Anderson Anderon ran n Ii Iifrom 11 Infromfrom the yard ard and tore the blazing blazingdress blazingdress blazingdressdress from the little ltte one and beat ova ovathe QU QUthe outhethe flames wltn wit her hands hand As < 8 a a result resultshe rfsuI resultsheshe was wa painfully painfuly burned bured aboit abt the thepalms thepalms thepalmspalms and fingers fingersU finger fingerU fingersUU AND I FRAT WON WONFROM WONFROM WONFROMFROM ALEXANDRIA ALEXANDRIATheThe U and I FraternIty raterniy basketball basketballteam basketbal basketballteamteam defeated del ated the Alexandria Alexandria Athcttc AthcttcClub Ath AthctieClub ctic cticClubClub last lat night nlsht at Armory Aror Hall by 23 2 297 297The 7 7TheThe goal Joal throwing thr wln of Miles and the thefloor th thefloorfloor for work of Ilexes Re e for the Fraternity Fraternitywere Fraterniy Fraterniywerewere features fetures The lineup lineupU UneuplU l 1 I F Position Posion A A A C cFurmaJo CFurmageFurmago FurmaJo Right RiJh1 Forward Forard Tomlin Toml1Miles Mies Left Lef Forward Gray Gry GrayRegesCenterReges Re RegesCenter es Center Dobson DobsonCopeland Dobsn DobsnCopeland DobsonCopelandCopeland Right Ri h Guard GuardBigga GuardBiggaJones Biggs BiggsJones BlggsJonesJones W TLeft TLft Guard Guad Duffy DufNorthwood NorthwoodGoals Northwod NorthwodGoasles NorthwoodGoalsMilesGoals Goasles GoalsMiles Miles 8 Rees 4 Furmage FurmaJl 2 2Dobson 2Dobson 2DobsonDobson 1 Biggs BIS s 1 L Free throws throwsReges thros throwsRogerRees 1 BIffgs 3 3THOMAS 3THOMAS 3THOMASTHOMAS SOMERVILLE SOMERVILLECOMPANY SOMERVILLECOMPANY SOMERViLLECOMPANYINCORPORATEDCOMPANY COMPANYINCORPORATED COMPANYINCORPORATEDThe INCORPORATED INCORPORATEDTheThe firm frm of Thomas Somervilles SomervHes Son Sonwhich S Scnp Scnpwhich n nwhichwhich has conducted con due to an iron and brass brassfoundry bras brasfoundry brassfoundryfoundry for for many man years yer o Thirteenth Thirteenthstreet Thirtenth Thirtenthstreet ThirteenthStreetstreet near Pennsylvania cnsylvaia avenue avenue has hasbeen hagben hasbeenbeen ben Incorporated incorprated under the name nae of 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