Zuko has shown very impressive displays of strength, durability, acrobatics, and reaction speeds. Blazing RingBreath of FireDragon FireFire BladeFire BombFire StreamFire WhipFireballJet PropulsionLightning Redirection "Her name is Avani. Techniques He retrieved his dagger from the beaten ringleader and tried to give the knife to Lee, but Lee declined and claimed his hatred for Zuko due to his former alliance with the Fire Nation. RELATED: Avatar: 5 Similarities Between Zuko & Azula (& 5 Differences) He started removing the Fire Nation colonies from the Earth Kingdom and was ready to do whatever it took. [47][58] Later, his skill grew. Zuko x Reader: Love Burns [COMPLETED] 962K 26.1K 66.9K (Y/N)'s parents were close friends with the Fire Lord, so it was only fit that when they passed, she … In the spin-off comic book series, The Search, it was revealed that Fire Lord Azulon sought to marry his son Ozai with a descendent of Avatar Roku. PlatinumKnight, the OP of this thread, is an absolute mad lad that's requested increasingly long and elaborate videos from BMT on each of the HoloEN talents and now Coco. Nicknames The two of them joined Aang and his friends, who had joined him earlier. Zuko retired from his position as Fire Lord in 167 AG and became an ambassador of peace, relinquishing the throne to his daughter, Izumi. He fought Azula one final time in an Agni Kai, unleashing extremely powerful sheets of flame. Now, with Team Avatar at his side, Zuko seeks justice. As the burdens of being both the Fire Lord and a father weigh down on Zuko, his old friends arrive to help. He appears in the upcoming novel The Shadow Of Kyoshi, having invited Avatar Kyoshi to the Fire Nation capital to celebrate the Festival of Szeto. This article will explain ten crucial things that fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender should know about Zuko's family. Azulon was unimpressed by these exercises and demanded Ursa and her children leave and Ozai be frank about his reasons for wanting the audience. [63] During a battle with the Rough Rhinos, he sent a small bolt of fire through Vachir's bow, breaking the string. Following the failed Siege of the North, Fire Lord Ozai tasked Azula with capturing Iroh and Zuko, now considered traitors to the Fire Nation. Jin says, after a long moment. [64] He demonstrated the ability to fire multiple small blasts through two fingers, rather than his whole fist. deflects https://www.gifyoutube.com/gif/KzXXj3, He has no problem disarming enemies while being swarmed, and without use of his sword, His combat skill is enough to frighten away earthbending soldiers, He is capable of channeling his firebending through his sword, Zuko has proven himself to be a very stealthy and resourceful. In the commentary for the Book Four episode "The Coronation," one of the show's writers makes mention over the fact that Izumi also has a daughter. After recalling his mother's last words to him before her disappearance, to "never forget who you are", Zuko firebent to save himself and announced his identity proudly to the town. He gradually became good and eventually joined Aang's companions. While Zuko's family is synonymous with the title of Fire Lord by the time of Avatar, they were not the first family to rule over the Fire Nation. Before leaving, Zuko gave Lee the dagger that he received from Iroh as a boy. The Legend Of Korra has added two whole new generations of members of the Fire Nation Royal Family. Fire Nation NavyTeam Avatar Zuko followed the progression of a tank train belonging to Azula, who was in turn relentlessly hunting and harrying Aang and company. During his years as Fire Lord, he was responsible for the genocidal attacks on the Southern Water Tribe which nearly wiped out all of the waterbenders. Zuko stood up to those soldiers, impressing a young boy named Lee, who invited Zuko back to his family's farm for food and shelter. The oldest known member of Zuko's family is the Fire Lord Zoryu, who lived over 300 years before the time of Zuko. (& 5 Why W.I.T.C.H. A comet is passing near … Well this should have been out weeks ago but better late than never right? Azula attempted to capture them, luring Zuko with the lie that Fire Lord Ozai wanted him back home. He assumed a fighting stance and warned his sister to leave Aang's capture to him. Prince Zuko (simply known as Zuko) is one of the main characters who generally acts as the anti-villain from Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender. At Azulon's funeral, the Fire Sage conducting the ceremony named Ozai the new Fire Lord upon Azulon dying request. Fire Lord Iroh The Fire Lord's own father had named both Zuko and Azula, Fire Lady Ursa had no say in the matter. [61] He also landed a decisive victory in a rematch against Zhao. Zuko's lovely wife, the Defender, older sister of Avatar Aang and his formal protector, has finally found 'the Happy End' of her life. Family He fired several large and powerful fire blasts, deflecting many of her attacks. He became Firelord after he defeated his sister Azula on the day that would have marked the coronation of his sister as Fire Lord. The comic book follows up to the show however saw Mai and Zuko break up, leading to much mystery over Izumi's mother. Zuko traded several fire attacks with her, and pursued her into a building, where she finally landed a knock-out blow to Zuko. Weapons While most viewers, who have only watch the show, would assume it was Mei. Durability: His most impressive feat is tanking an explosion that destroyed his ship, and keep in mind that explosion was an assassination attempt on his life. Hundred Year War He tends to go in deep with whatever series or franchise, he is currently consuming. Phoenix King Ozai Martial Art Styles Not willing to budge, she prepared to battle herself. Revealed in the Legacy of the Fire Nation scrapbook, Fire Lord Sozin created a sense of antagonism within his family by giving his favor solely toward his eldest son Azulon. Azulon was born to Sozinand his unnamed wife sometime after Sozin's Comet arrived. He displayed several incredibly powerful techniques: blocking an enormous stream of fire with a short fire-blast, spreading to take the shape of a wall and split the stream, unleashing an enormous charged-blast, which Azula was unable to block, forcing her to dodge, propelling himself into the air, charging his fire and sending down a fire attack as he came. When she proceeded to attack Aang, a three-way battle ensued. Eventually, he stumbled upon a small town that was regularly harassed by a troop of unscrupulous Earth Kingdom soldiers. As Crown Princess of the Fire Nation, Izumi ascended to the throne as Fire Lord following her father's abdication in 167 AG. A servant says, as they enter the room. He later conducted another raid that killed Katara and Sokka's mother, Ky… Teams In his teen years, however, his ability began to develop significantly under his Uncle Iroh's tutelage, most noticeably during the last year of the Hundred Year War. Well this should have been out weeks ago but better late than never right? But I preffer being the girlfriend of Aang (I <3 Aang!!!) The Fire Lord finally got married. Northern Shaolin Kung Fu This was due to the Fire Sages predicting that the children produced by this union would become powerful Firebenders. At the age of 88, Zuko still proved to be a capable fighter, although less agile. Zuko acted as something of a substitute brother for Lee, whose older brother was off fighting in the war, even giving Lee a quick lesson in how to use dual broadswords when Lee's curiosity prompted him to take them. RELATED: Avatar: The Last Airbender - 10 Things You Missed In Zuko Alone. See Zuko's article on the Avatar Wiki for more information. Azula manipulates these doubts to weaken Zuko's resolve to be Fire Lord. After viewing this, Zuko found a new source of power in reverence for fire's power as a source of life and energy: "the sun inside you". This led to Azulon to send out his agent to locate a descendent of Roku, leading to him forcing Ursa to marry Ozai. During the battle for Yu Dao, Zuko's skills were again on display as he managed to single-handedly overwhelm a large number of Earth Kingdom soldiers with minimal effort and stand on equal footing against General How. Having no one else to turn to, she asked Zuko to save him. He spent the day helping with chores, and thinking of his own, far less happy childhood. Well as Scareface put it "Ozai's got nothing on me." While Zuko's immediate family has been given a decent amount of fleshing out, there a bunch more relatives implied to exist within Zuko's family. As a child, Zuko could only create small bursts of flame and was by no means focused or controlled in his bending,[9] but by the time he was thirteen, he was confident enough in his abilities to readily accept a challenge of Agni Kai against General Bujing. Even then there is not much known beyond one fact: Komodo Rhinos were domesticated in the Fire Nation during their rule. RELATED: Avatar: 10 Things You Didn't Know Happened To Zuko After The Last Airbender Ended. After switching opponents with Azula, he battled evenly with Katara, a waterbending master who had the upper hand against Azula. Students Zuko is an elite fighter. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Relatives "Fire Lord Zuko." 91 Firebender "Avani." Azulon created this brutal strategy to slowly cut down the Southern Water Tribe's chance of being a potential threat to the Fire Nation. Though, when he heard Katara clear her throat, he let out a long sigh. Prince Zuko's family is one of the few dysfunctional families in western animation that is portrayed completely seriously with his father and sister being particularly heinous individuals. Fire Lord Zuko (simply known as Zuko) is an anti-villain-turned-anti-hero in the first two seasons, and eventually became the true deuteragonist in the third season of Avatar The Last Airbender. The fight style for this art is can be aggressive and forceful. However, she was released upon Ozai and Azula's defeat. Team Mates Although she was furious with Zuko, Mai refused to let Azula kill him. [63] He later employed this technique against his father[41]and Azula to protect Katara. "I thought your wife was joining us today," Katara called out as she walked up to the stoic Fire Lord. Fire_Lord_Zuko 71 points 72 points 73 points 11 days ago BMT (Big Man Tyrone) is just a guy on the internet that makes videos that people request in exchange for money. Nation During the fight, he deflected many of Azula's fire blasts with only his arms or his own fire, and traded fire balls with her. It was given to him by his father, Fire Lord Ozai, shortly before his banishmen… Swords The question was finally answered by one of the comic writers at Emerald City ComicCon 2017 mentioned that the two got back together a couple of years of the comic. Ozai not only had a favorite and an unfavorite child, but he brutally scarred the latter, Zuko, and has attempted to kill him multiple times (though as for this, only after he joined the revolution against him). Overall Zuko is implied to have a ton of distant relatives than what we are shown on screen. there was much confusion about her mother's identity. This time he held the upper hand, not showing any visible strain in exchanging and blocking Azula's attacks while she was pushed toward exhaustion and increasing mental instability. He has many feats which highlight his mastery over this ability. Zuko is a fire bending master, born as a prince in the Fire Nation Royal Family, who held the throne to the Fire Nation from 100 AG to 167 AG. [62] As his travels in the Earth Kingdom continued, however, he learned more advanced firebending techniques from Iroh, such as lightning redirection, becoming more efficient and refined. This thing primarily will help in explaining the complex history of the Fire Nation's Royal Family and what happened to it between The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. Though he seems to have overcome his inner turmoil, he does not create lightning for the remainder of the series. Due to the culture, this would have been a massive disgrace, and Ozai in turn planned to cast Zuko out of the palace and be killed, though heavy convincing from both fire sages and his wife … During an audience with Fire LordAzulon, Ozai showed off Azula's prodigious firebending skill and knowledge of military strategy, both outstripping Zuko's. He is easily able to deflect fiery attacks, Made a fire shield capable of defending him against Combustion Man's explosion, Is capable of lightning redirection. Azula gained power as the new Fire Lord, while Ozai left to become the Phoenix King. When Zuko was eleven years old, his cousin, Lu Ten, was killed in battle. [65] During the battle in the Crystal Catacombs, he demonstrated how far his prowess had grown. While most viewers, who have only watch the show, would assume it was Mei. Siblings But now I'm his firebending teacher. Jin says, after a long moment. Having continuously refined his skills, he has reached the point of becoming a firebending master, but despite his skill and fast development as a firebender, he has noted on more than one occasion that he is not as skilled or as powerful as his younger sister, Azula. [1], Little was seen of Zuko's firebending after he returned to the Fire Nation; however, he was confident enough in his abilities that he offered to teach Aang. When he learned in two weeks after Harmonic Convergence in 171 AG that the Red Lotus had escaped their prisons, Zuko once again set … I used to be an enemy of the Avatar, Aang. And to raise his newborn daughter. Fire NationUnited Republic of Nations He found Azula, who blithely told him Azulon died the previous night and their mother was missing. Izumi was born a princess of the Fire Nation to Fire Lord Zuko following the Hundred Year War. [20], Around the time of Aang's discovery at the South Pole, Zuko was still learning the basics from Iroh yet was skilled enough to momentarily knock Aang off his ship, but he was defeated when Aang went into the Avatar State. Chief Sokka During an audience with Fire LordAzulon, Ozai showed off Azula's prodigious firebending skill and knowledge of military strategy, both outstripping Zuko's. He was trained in the Fire Nation how to use dual swords. The Blue Spirit Zuko returned to his kingdom, a prince, after the betrayal of his uncle in the earth kingdom. Zuko discovers the letter from Ursa stating that Zuko is Ikem's son, and begins to doubt if he is the rightful Fire Lord. Instead, Iroh taught him how to absorb and redirect lightning. Kim Sep 23, 2020 Zuko's daughter Izumi is the Fire Lord in The Legend of Korra, despite Zuko still being alive after Avatar: The Last Airbender. After years of hiding, Azula and Zuko would find her and after the events of the main series would be returned to the Fire Capital. Bruce Wayne(Batman) (Batman: The Brave and the Bold), Steve Rogers(Captain America) (Earth-12041), disarming enemies while being swarmed, and without use of his sword, kick away a large boulder, and break metal chains, tanking an explosion that destroyed his ship, https://xianb.fandom.com/wiki/Fire_Lord_Zuko?oldid=397587. Above Good and Evil: He believes that the will of the Fire Lord is the be all and end all of what's right and wrong. The Fire Nation is one of the four primary countries in the world of Avatar, alongside the Earth Kingdom, the … Katara Race Despite what he had done for them, the townspeople rejected Zuko because of his identity and he departed, alone, with his dagger.[5]. posted over a year ago Xierf said: I may go evil or just run away from it during times of peace, but at war. Parents He also demonstrated the ability to create two fire-whips. There she established a false identity of Noriko and married Noren, a man she was engaged to before being forced to marry Ozai. During his training with Iroh, Zuko attempted to learn how to create lightning. Here is a Sozin's Comet enhanced version of a fireblast. Fire Lord Zuko With Zuko's family being also the ruling nation of the Fire Nation, his family has the most intricate and interesting history among the members of Team Avatar. Hey I'm Zuko. As Zuko was preparing to leave, the Earth Kingdom soldiers rode to the house and gave the news that Lee's older brother's battalion had been captured.Lee's father decided to join the army to try to get his son back. Early Life. Lee asked Zuko to stay and take care of them, but Zuko declined. there was much confusion about her mother's identity. Ozai did not answer and he hung his head in sorrow. While it is unclear what happened to these unnamed relatives, they do imply that there is a larger royal family than the one seen in the show. This landed her (and Ty Lee, who protected Mai from Azula's wrath) in prison. [67] Later, he attacked Aang with powerful fire blasts to make him fight back. Waterbending This would lead to Sozin's other children and relatives to try and take down Azulon for the perceived reason of him taking away their potential honor of being favored by the Fire Lord. When Aang and his companions approached, he angrily demanded that they leave. The citizens are working hard to reconstruct their battered countries, and there has been great success so far. Azulon was unimpressed by these exercises and demanded Ursa and her children leave and Ozai be frank about his reasons for wanting the audience. Avatar Aang Zuko is an existing character from Avatar: The Last Airbender. [16] This demonstrates how far he has come, being able to match Azula in certain terms of raw power, despite not being able to generate lightning or blue fire. I think I will make a great Fire Lady.Zuko wife. [42], After the Siege of the North, Zuko's firebending became more advanced and powerful. Prince Zuko was born into Fire Nation Royalty to Ursa and Ozai, who at the time was not the Fire Lord. Zuko ran to his wounded uncle, grief-stricken. [10] Later, he temporarily lost his firebending from a corresponding lack of rage, the former source of his power. [6] His stylistic differences and skill are demonstrated at the Boiling Rock where he briefly battled against Azula alongside Sokka. Originally the banished prince of the Fire Nation, Zuko ultimately becomes Fire Lord. Azula dominated the fight by launching many powerful attacks and keeping Aang and Zuko on the defensive. [21] Throughout his pursuit of Aang, he demonstrated his skill often; he defeated multiple foes on two occasions. We all knew Zuko was as the prince of the Fire Nation and son of Fire Lord Ozai but that didn't stop theories from existing that Zuko could well have been Ursa's son from her original lover, Ikem. He utilized a wall of flame to stop an attack from Combustion Man, and was capable of dodging many of Toph's rocks which she hurled at him, though her earthbending was impeded due to Zuko accidentally burning her feet. While the show itself gives Zuko's family and its history, there are a ton of interesting facts about them found in the spin-offs and supplemental materials. The three stood off, waiting for one to make the first attack. [23] The flames he produced were also hot enough to instantly melt metal chains.[24]. The Fire Lord of the Fire Nation. One of the Fire Nation's more heinous actions during the Hundred Year War was their near-destruction of the Southern Water Tribe reducing it to a couple of isolated villages with only one known waterbender. Zuko might have criticized the general, but by doing so in Fire Lord Ozai's war room, he had most grievously insulted his father. All six cornered Azula, who feigned surrender, only to attack and badly wound Iroh in a moment of distraction. "She really wanted to help with the architecture of Republic City." Fire lord Zuko. AmbassadorFire LordPrince 2 The Identity of Zuko's Wife Is Mei. [48] He fought somewhat better during the Confrontation at Tu Zin; in a three-way battle with Azula and Aang, he traded several fire blasts with his sister and kept the Avatar on the defensive. A group of politicians and dignitaries filed through the twin rows of the honor guard, welcoming the Fire Lord Zuko and his wife Lady Mai to Republic City, so on and so forth. Emotions can affect the intensity of firebending, and celestial events such as Sozins Comet can greatly enhance firebending. He handled Azula quite well during their fire fights throughout the search for their mother, blocking her fire blasts and defending his friends simultaneously, especially during her psychotic episodes. The series ended with her and the newly crowned Fire Lord Zuko … After Zuko became the new Fire Lord of the Fire Nation, he vowed to undo all the wrongdoings that his ancestors had inflicted upon the world and bring healing to the world. Zuko expressed resentment toward her, as she was a firebending prodigy and the favored sibling. His story often paralleled that of Avatar Aang. Rank Zuko has also easily walked off point blank explosions and again with Azula. [59] He created a shield of fire to protect himself from a massive explosion on his ship. While Avatar and its sequel tend to not focus on the religious aspect of its world, there are some interesting bits of information from what little we know. He occasionally dons a secret identity known as the Blue Spirit, a nonbender criminal who relies on stealth and deception to achieve personal goals, He is undetected while sneaking into a heavily guarded Fire Nation compound. He is also o… [66] He later faced Azula again and dueled her evenly for several minutes. At some point during her life, she had a son, whom she named Iroh after her great uncle, and a daughter. [46] In the latter engagement, Zuko redirected the blast in an improper stance, as he had jumped into the lightning's path, and so failed to redirect it completely and resulted in serious injury. And scale buildings Tribe 's chance of being a potential threat to the,... 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