Read through the sample answer to the past HSC question and identify the SEAL/SEXY/PEEL structure (highlight each section a different colour). Mainly, PEEL paragraph introduces the main topic which you’re going to convey and tells your reader what the paragraph is going to discuss. a topic sentence for the paragraph. ● Encourage your child to use self-marking strategies such as … So, I created quality summaries and flashcards of the HSC PDHPE content studied by the majority of PDHPE students – Health Priorities in Australia, Factors Affecting Performance, Sports Medicine and Improving Performance. This 3. Course HSC PDHPE Faculty PDHPE Teacher Mr Eakin – 12PDH1 Mr French - 12PDH2 Head Teacher Mr Eakin Issue date Term 2, Week 7, 2020 Due date Term 2 Week 9, Friday 26/06/20 Hard Copy AND Email Submitted by 9.10am Focus (Topic) Core 1 Health Priorities in Australia Task Weighting 25% Outcomes H1 describes the nature and justifies the choice of Australia’s health priorities H2 analyses … Next, provide 1 or 2 sentences explaining or elaborating on the topic. completed_matrix_examples.pdf: File Size: 7610 kb: File Type: pdf It’s usually more than enough to go with half the number of total marks. Writing a TEEL Paragraph for Beginners Stand alone paragraphs only. See all articles first and personally get in touch with our state rankers here. The PEEL structure includes: Identifying a Point (which includes syllabus language), Elaborating on that point to show your knowledge, using an Example to provide evidence of your knowledge and the Linking back to the question. In fact, the marking criteria for this question states that you would not get above 5 out of 7 without demonstrating that link. This will be your topic sentence. Follow by fleshing out each point in your plan into a mini paragraph, each of which should follow a PEEL structure (Point, example, explain and link). At the end of each mini paragraph it’s good to link back to the question using words such as ‘thus’, ‘therefore’ or ‘this illustrates how’ to show the marker that your example proves the point you’re trying to make. Follow by fleshing out each point in your plan into a mini paragraph, each of which should follow a PEEL structure (Point, example, explain and link). So, learn ways to convey your thoughts. – It tells us what to do when! The PEEL paragraph approach is a way to help students’ writing process by giving a structure. Web-Scraping for Healthcare Data: How to Pull Data From the Internet? your draft paragraphs for feedback . Writing a teel paragraph for beginners 1. It guides students on how to correctly apply their knowledge and understanding in a paragraph format. A PEEL paragraph presents information in a clearly structured and logical manner. Good examples should make up the bulk of any long response. Using the same paragraph structure can help. Don’t just reword the question. ALARM is a cognitive scaffold for: - writing - learning - deconstructing questions - feedback - reflection. You may need to include similarities and differences, arguments for and against or a final judgement. It ought to reflect in the absolute first paragraph. Write 3 convincing arguments supporting your side. 1. Writing a teel paragraph for beginners 1. When you wish to express your ideas, format them in a way that makes it easy to accept for the audience. They explore ONE topic or idea. Provide a concluding statement addressing the question directly. Proudly powered by Weebly Syllabus Outcomes: – It can be changed and added to so we can still experiment. A PEEL paragraph presents information in a clearly structured and logical manner. Paragraphs start with a topic sentence that introduces the idea for the paragraph. PEEL writing gives a deep perception of your thoughts. Keep in mind that the question wants you to draw links between these two subheadings (the determinants and the groups at risk), not just talk about them separately. Cumberland High School. Supporting Pedagogy And Classroom Engagement. It gives you a structure to follow to help you when you write the perfect analytical paragraph. It is in every case better to communicate it in the very first sentence of your paragraph. PEEL paragraphs are used by History students to develop and support an argument. YEAR 8 PDHPE 2018 Risky Business Due Date: 2018 8O PDHPE Monday 19th March Period 1 8J PDHPE Monday 19th March Period 3 8P PDHPE Monday 19th March Period 4 8T PDHPE Thursday 22nd March Period 1 8R PDHPE Thursday 22nd March Period 3 8S PDHPE Thursday 22nd March Period 4 8G PDHPE Friday 23rd March Period 4 Assessment Name: Risky Business Mark: /30 … End your response with a final summarising statement that shows how you have used your points and examples to come to a conclusion. Students will individually write a PEEL paragraph in response to the question: Examine one significant development Ping experiences throughout the novel, Dragonkeeper. Exc ellent Moderate Limited. For the above question a possible plan could be: Start with an introductory statement (NOT paragraph- keep it short). This may be to solve problems or to recall information, but the focus is on the … A Glossary of NESA Key Words SQ3R Reading 4 Understanding Blooms Taxonomy How to study effectively Learning, your brain and Neuroscience Memorising and Mnemonics Mind maps for note taking and brainstorming PMI Plus, Minus, Interesting Strategy What kind of learner are you? Proudly powered by Weebly Writing a TEEL Paragraph for Beginners Stand alone paragraphs only. YEAR 8 PDHPE 2019 Risky Business Due Date: 2019 8O PDHPE Monday 18th March Period 3 (Wk 8) ... -Argument 3 and examples: 1 paragraph that follows the PEEL structure -Conclusion: 1-2 sentences that summarise the argument and link to adolescents Please note: All speeches need to be handed to the teacher on either palm cards or a4 paper on the due date. Each of the main paragraphs addresses all four (4) of the criteria and includes a short introduction and conclusion (which while not necessary in PDHPE, can be useful) The final paragraph really helps to drive home critical thinking and the logical cohesive nature of the sample answer as it links the whole answer to the question. Your detailed example comes next. Point: In A Doll's House, the author applies music to create a fitting atmosphere and convey the central message to the target audience. It is part of an answer to this question: "How does the advert use language to encourage people to buy the product?" Extended response questions often require 3 or more points to be made, and each point should have its own paragraph each with its own structure. ● Suggest using strategies for question interpretation and planning before beginning to write at home. This should be a checklist for your examples and the order of your points. Having a PEEL paragraph structure is one of the main features of an excellent essay. Question 31 — Sports Medicine (a) To what extent is taping effective in preventing sports injuries? The second part of the question which asks ‘WHY do they put some groups more at risk’ is an ‘explain’ question that wants you to demonstrate a relationship between the determinants and how they increase the risk of cancer for certain groups. When you desiderate to manifest your viewpoint, format them in a way that makes it easy to accept for the audience you are targeting on. Most students are familiar with PEE in their paragraphs but the L is what makes students show their understanding to a higher level.The first slide is a writing mat with the sentence starters. The sentences work together as follows: Point – The first sentence introduces the idea or thing you will discuss. Use an opening paragraph for definitions etc and answer the question briefly. Explore a PEEL paragraph example on Henrik's Doll's House. Groups experiencing health inequities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples The nature and extent of the health inequities Australia is considered one of the healthiest nations in the world, yet there is a large disparity between the life expectancy of Indigenous and non-Indigenous […] Mental health then includes many mental health issues such as Alzheimers and dementia. • Tell the audience what your view is about this statement. Elaborate on your example briefly by explaining the relationship you are trying to draw in more detail. 8 Marks. – TEEL is a great formula for helping us to write a paragraph. Also, a plan may get you marks if you don’t end up finishing your response. Therefore, we are discussing the main point. This powerpoint contains a writing scaffold to help students frame their paragraphs using PEEL. 8. It’s important to use course specific terminology to avoid sounding too casual. Virtual Library last updated 1 October 2020 Website Author: Cathy Costello M. Ed. In a PEEL paragraph, the P stands for “Point,” i.e., the main point of the paragraph. 2. When the reader has wrapped up the main point of the essay, they ought to be ready to dive into the subtleties. Point, Evidence, Explain, Link Use persuasive language especially interesting verbs and adjectives Link all arguments to the 3 dimensions of health (Physical, Mental, Social). So 2–3 examples for a 5 marker, 3 for a six marker and 4 for an 8 marker. – It keeps us focused on the goal. – I helps us to remember to use evidence. Mental health refers to the cognitive aspect of health. ALARM - Developed by Max Woods. Outline what your response will contain and use keywords to highlight areas of the syllabus. Introduction (100-150 words) – Why do you believe it is important for teenagers to have positive and realistic models in social media. 2012 Question 31 (a) Explain the physical preparation needed by an athlete in order to prevent injury. For example: A high saturated fat diet has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer’ shows better understanding than ‘Eating unhealthy food makes you more likely to get breast cancer. Mental health is more the functioning of the brain, while emotional health refers to the a persons mood often connected to their hormones. The mark allocation will help you decide how many examples to include. ● Ask questions about paragraph structures such as PEEL that your child should be using. The marking criteria will require you to address the correct area of the syllabus and ALL relevant subheadings. So, I created quality summaries and flashcards of the HSC PDHPE content studied by the majority of PDHPE students – Health Priorities in Australia, Factors Affecting Performance, Sports Medicine and Improving Performance. -TITLE: Should be catchy and illustrate the author’s opinion -Introduction: 1-2 sentences that introduce the point of view or opinion of the author (what is a risk and types of risks) -Argument 1 and examples: 1 paragraph that follows the PEEL structure -Argument 2 and examples: 1 paragraph that follows the PEEL structure -Argument 3 and examples: 1 paragraph that follows the PEEL structure – TEEL is a great formula for helping us to write a paragraph. Complete o ne paragraph per barrier using PEEL structure. Post written by Zobia Khan (9th in the state PDHPE and 16th in the state Biology), Auto is the new black — Google AutoML, Microsoft Automated ML, AutoKeras and auto-sklearn. Day Quoted speech PD4-1 PD4-2 PD5-1 PD5-9 Stage 4: practise and apply skills and strategies to seek help for themselves and others ACPPS072; Stage 5: predict future challenges and opportunities and the skills required to manage these in a positive way HEALTHY, SAFE AND ACTIVE LIFESTYLES 19-20 Using social media safely First, second, third … Remember PEEL = Point, Explanation, Example, Link. FEEDBACK from Teacher: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ Completion of assessment during allocated class time. This will be your topic sentence. We also developed our ability to use related text in addition to a prescribed text. Point Elaboration Evidence Link PEEL paragraph example 1: Year 8 History - Medieval Europe . This lovely Powerpoint shows how to organise arguments using the TEEL structure; topic, evidence, explanation and link. Project description: In this project students had to create an effective paragraph that forkfuls the criteria for a PEEL paragraph response.Within this we had to compare two characters from different movies and books to represent our chosen emotions including techniques and quotes with supported evidence.The link below takes you to the paragraph and once again thank you for viewing this website. For the above question, we can include 2 examples for each cancer. ALARM is a powerful tool that helps improve literacy and assists students with composing written responses for assessment tasks and exams. Why use TEEL? occupational exposure to carcinogens)Groups at risk: workers employed in areas with asbestos, tobacco etc, Determinant: Family stability, stress and discriminationGroups at risk: ATSI (more likely to smoke -> associated with increased risk of lung cancer). We began by learning how to write an analytical PEEL paragraph before learning how to construct the different sections of an essay. Assessment for learning involves teachers using evidence about students' knowledge, understanding and skills to inform their teaching. Assessment for learning involves teachers using evidence about students' knowledge, understanding and skills to inform their teaching. Use “PEEL” paragraphs to structure your exposition. When structuring extended response answers I usually recommend the S.E.A.L. Supporting Pedagogy And Classroom Engagement. high fat diet linked to breast cancer)Groups at risk: women who are obese or have high BMI, Determinant: Employment (e.g. Here's a key-point summary of the PEEL method. As you write, cross off completed points from your plan to ensure you don’t miss anything. PDHPE This week we have been celebrating our achievements in all PDHPE classes and preparing for the upcoming HSC examinations early next term. This video is designed to help you learn to write PEEL paragraphs. Historical source analysis . Use the SEAL (PEEL, SEEL, SEXY etc) structure for your paragraphs. ● Remind your child to check CANVAS for supports / advice that may be provided. Teacher Signature Mark . Most students are familiar with PEE in their paragraphs but the L is what makes students show their understanding to a higher level.The first slide is a writing mat with the sentence starters. In your answer, provide examples from different sports. – It tells us what to do when! How to Write TEEL Paragraphs. Check your assessment booklet for the PHS Assessment Policy 2 -TITLE: Should be catchy and illustrate the author’s opinion -Introduction: 1-2 sentences that introduce the point of view or opinion of the author (what is a risk and types of risks) -Argument 1 and examples: 1 paragraph that follows the PEEL structure -Argument 2 and examples: 1 paragraph that follows the PEEL structure you've ever written an essay for school, you may have heard of a TEEL paragraph. It refers to the persons ability to use their brain and think. Remember, when you’re writing something, it’s not just you who is reading it - you need to consider the reader and how they are going to be digesting this new information. • Use examples in your discussion. Writing the PEEL paragraph will help you express your thoughts and opinions to the reader. Updated 2019 . The Qualities of a Good Essay. Critical Question 2: What are the priority issues for improving Australia’s health? See more ideas about pe ideas, health and physical education, gcse pe. This may not be necessary depending on the question. 2. structure. Assessment Task Notification RICHMOND RIVER HIGH CAMPUS Task Number 3 Task Name Health Priorities in Australia Course HSC PDHPE Faculty PDHPE Teacher Mr Eakin – 12PDH1 Mr French - 12PDH2 Head Teacher Mr Eakin Issue date Term 2, Week 7, 2020 Due date Term 2 … This sentence immediately shows the marker the 2 dot points of the syllabus that you’ve identified as being relevant and also highlights that you’ve realised the need to draw a link between the two. Let’s understand the PEEL paragraph in a described manner Point. PEEL is a particularly powerful approach because it allows YOU to reach the highest levels of application (good application) and analysis (good analysis) in just one well-developed and argued paragraph point. The first part which asks ‘WHAT are the determinants’ is an ‘identify’ question that requires you to list the determinants of breast and lung cancer. template_maths_v2.docx: File Size: 20 kb: File Type: Download File. This step is crucial. peel_your_paragraphs.docx: File Size: 112 kb: File Type: docx: Download File. Underline the verb and recall how you need to address it. Structuring extended response answers is very important for those of you seeking to achieve a band 5 or 6. It allows you to create a paragraph that is easy and accessible for others to understand. Mar 16, 2015 - Explore Laiken Clear's board "PDHPE" on Pinterest. An easy way to remember how to set out good paragraphs is to the acronym PEEL: Point Explain your point, giving more information. This can be a judgement (for an ‘evaluate’ or ‘assess’ question) or simply a consolidation of the link between two concepts (for an ‘explain’ question). PEEL Paragraphs Paragraphs help you to organise your writing. The PDHPE faculty offers a range of courses for students including: Compulsory Yr 7-10 PDHPE. Use EDA to Find Out Top 5 High-Traffic Subway Stations, Sensible sampling and interpolation for Time Series Data. For example: There are certain determinants that can increase one’s risk of developing breast cancer. Prompt: How did Henrik Ibsen compose for the stage as a means of evaluating the role of male and female characters in his epoch? This product includes blank PEEL Organizers for short responses and multi-paragraph compositions. Virtual Library by Cathy Costello is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Also, it’s good to improve any responses that feel a little rushed if you happen to have time at the end. pdhpe - hsc ** Please also see the growing range of physical and electronic resources available from our school library by searching the Oliver Library Catalogue PDHPE - Useful links: Once you know the points you will use to answer the question, write a brief plan at the top of the page to structure the body of your response. Below are student examples of PEEL paragraphs. PEEL Paragraph Writing Academic Writing A.L.A.R.M. Start your paragraph by clearly stating the point you will be making. Critical Question 2: What are the priority issues for improving Australia’s health? A core part of that approach is the PEEL technique for writing powerful paragraph points. Proudly powered by Weebly Next, identify which dot point the question is targeting. A Glossary of NESA Key Words SQ3R Reading 4 Understanding Blooms Taxonomy How to study effectively Learning, your brain and Neuroscience Memorising and Mnemonics Mind maps for note taking and brainstorming PMI Plus, Minus, Interesting Strategy What kind of learner are you? – It can be changed and added to so we can still experiment. What are the determinants of these cancers and why do they put some groups more at risk than the general population? Practical Topics may include : Gymnastics, Dance, Court games, Field games , Athletics, Fitness, Games for Understanding, Invasion Games, Stick and Racquet games and Innovative activities. Post written by Zobia Khan (9th in the state PDHPE and 16th in the state Biology). Here’s the Core 1 dot point the above question is from (with only the relevant points included): Research and analyse CVD, cancer and one other condition listed by analysing: - The socioeconomic, sociocultural and environmental determinants. What I have enjoyed most about learning in PDHPE is _____ Learning in PDHPE could be improved if: ... Presents information in PEEL structured paragraphs . While incidence of breast and lung cancer remains high for all Australians, environmental, sociocultural and socioeconomic determinants put certain groups at greater risk of developing these diseases. mammograms)Groups at risk: women in rural areas, those of low SES, ATSI background, Determinant: Dietary patterns (e.g. Remember to PEEL each paragraph in your responses. It is a great resource to help children write effective persuasive paragraphs Follow by fleshing out each point in your plan into a mini paragraph, each of which should follow a PEEL structure (Point, example, explain and link). Virtual Library by Cathy Costello is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 … Writing structure tool – PEEL Paragraphs A PEEL paragraph is a great way of explaining your ideas and knowledge in answer to any question. Write in paragraphs . Year 3 and 4 English students can use this to help structure and organise their ideas when writing expositions, arguments and persuasive texts. (7 marks). Gentle Introduction to AutoML from, Promoting Your Event in NYC? Keep in mind that sometimes the verb is not explicitly stated. Online Membership Application - State Library, Mind Maps for note taking and brainstorming, The Aboriginal 8 Ways of Learning Pedagogy, HSC Common Module - Texts and Human Experiences, English Standard Module A - Language, Identity and Culture, Standard Module B: Close Study of Literature, English Advanced Module A: Textual Conversations, Advanced Module B: Critical Study of Literature,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. ● Reinforce with your child a growth mindset in relation to writing. Along with the PEAL acronym writers and instructors have also conjured up the TRI (topic sentence, restate, illustrate) technique as well as the PIE (point, illustrate, explain/evaluate), TAXES (topic sentence, assertion statement, explanation, significance) and many others. These are the best study tool that I have created on this site and can easily be purchased here. Hi My name is Luke Demirgellis.I am in year 8 working at Parramatta Marist high, Australia.My goal is to go well through school and to get great marks which would allow me when i am older to travel the world. Here is an example of a PEE paragraph. – I helps us to remember to use evidence. Cumberland High School. Remember to be as specific as possible. Some questions may even ask you to draw links between different points in the syllabus. Groups experiencing health inequities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples The nature and extent of the health inequities Australia is considered one of the healthiest nations in the world, yet there is a large disparity between the life expectancy of Indigenous and non-Indigenous […] Also provided are Teacher Models, Sample Writing Responses, and a PEEL Digital Anchor Chart. Physical preparation is a vital element of an athlete’s wellbeing. How to use peel in a sentence. Here’s an example of PEEL Paragraph writing Christiana remains neutral in the story. YEAR 9 PDHPE 2020 Men ... Use PEEL Paragraphs – Point, Explain, Example, Link . The PEEL paragraph is a writing approach to help children's writing process by providing structure. Virtual Library last updated 1 October 2020 Website Author: Cathy Costello M. Ed. The HSC PDHPE marking rubric refers to the 4 dot points above the extended response questions: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the health and physical activity concepts relevant to questions This criteria basically means that you show the correct interpretation of the question by doing what the directive term states (compare, analyse, describe) while Often mental health is linked to or includes emotional health, I want to distinguish the two. These are the best study tool that … Finally, make sure to reread both the question and your response after you finish to make sure you haven’t missed anything (unlikely if you broke down the question first!) If you wish to express your ideas, your thoughts and opinions to the readers, writing the PEEL paragraph helps you convey in a perfect manner. The sentences work together as follows: Point – The first sentence introduces the idea or thing you will discuss. As students approach the examinations, here are a few study tips for them to remember: Know your examples and how they link to the content. There are two parts to this question and they need to be answered differently. five_paragraph_essay_planner.pdf: File Size: 129 kb: File Type: pdf It is an approach, a method that facilitates writers to write by following a structure. For an identify, describe or outline question, you could probably skip this step. A labelled map of your local area that shows … Breast cancer and lung cancer are two common cancers in Australia. For example, the advert states: "You won't … Why use TEEL? We were required to submit a paragraph individually and a group essay. If you need help with these, read our article How to Write a Topic Sentence. (b) Explain each barrier, comm ent on why it is a barrier. This will determine a scaffold for your response. The writer suggests that a lot of consumers prefer this product. PEEL Paragraph Writing Academic Writing A.L.A.R.M. Given the above, we can say that PEEL in writing is a strategy used to assist students with not only outlining the paper paragraphs but making it simpler for the audience to follow and understand the main idea. In other words, there should be something extra in this final statement compared to your introduction. 2 Provide an explanation (E). → make sure you get your teacher to read one of. Determinant: Awareness of and access to services (e.g. Students will individually write a PEEL paragraph in response to the question: Examine one significant development Ping experiences throughout the novel, Dragonkeeper. Analyse the effectiveness of the two facilities in your area to enhance a lifetime of physical activity for individuals. Thus it is evident, in the case of breast and lung cancer, that health determinants affect some people more than others and put certain groups within the population at a greater risk of developing the disease. Peel definition is - to strip off an outer layer of. PEEL paragraphs 17-18 Mental health – RUOK? PDF (178.23 KB) This powerpoint contains a writing scaffold to help students frame their paragraphs using PEEL. Proudly powered by Weebly. The writer should remember the fact that he is writing for the audience, not for himself. 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