Students who performed the simulation alone or the simulation plus live lab demonstrated learning gains, with greater gains for the live lab, but students who performed neither lab did not. The context is unique as the implementation is taking place within the distinctive socio-economic, cultural and political characteristics of the country, amidst several simultaneously-executed educational reforms. Accounting educators and programmes are continuously challenged regarding which methods to apply to meet these outcomes and substantiate their usefulness. A systematic review of the literature was conducted as a means to clarify and organize a set of terms and concepts that support college and career success. In the context of Horizonte 2020, higher education institutions are facing the challenge of responding to new needs in the economic and labour sector. The study therefore recommends more research to get the views of employers regarding the readiness of the UB graduates for employment and for using soft skills. Although the Big Five remains the most prevalent model of personality, studies adopting an alternative personality model known as the HEXACO model have been increasing in the past decade (e.g., Ashton et al., 2004 ; Lee & Ashton, 2004 ). Such attributes of garment workers’ non-cognitive skills are similar to what Kaizen movement has been promoting, particularly under the name of 5S – Seiri (sort-out), Seiton (set in order), Seisou (cleaning), Seiketsu (neatness), and Shitsuke (discipline). In addition, this author recommends ways in which HEIs can leverage these newer technologies to drive educational services and commercial value. Therefore, in relation to contemporary theories of human cooperation Aristotle’s concept of philìa becomes important in the modern political context and collaboration and entrepreneurship are really successful only if the debate on competencies is preceded by some prerequisites, which are a conditio sine qua non for ensuring the effectiveness of the technical skills themselves. We assessed how both the live and virtual laboratories contributed to learning gains in analytical skills and course content. The world of work and education is changing at a rapid pace, driven by continued technological disruption and automation. The authors used meta-analytic procedures to examine the relationship between specified training design and evaluation features and the effectiveness of training in organizations. Hundreds of primary studies and dozens of meta-analyses conducted and published since the mid 1980s indicate strong support for using personality measures in staffing decisions. Soft skills include leadership, interpersonal skills, critical thinking, problem solving, and many more. Finally, the book investigates the contribution of external stakeholders, such as alumni, employers, skills experts, and local authorities, to the implementation and obstacles that prevent their participation. Univariate analyses revealed that demographic and psychosocial contextual factors generated, at best, small correlations with GPA. Implications for future research, student assessment, and intervention design are discussed. Graduation rates of all 910 public two-year colleges consistently Two major With the results obtained we are able to glimpse multiple applications in areas which need soft skills development. positive views of the extent to which the program supports In this Aim: This paper documents a systematic review of empirical and theoretical articles on the use of games for learning in teaching and learning in order to determine how games for learning could contribute towards Accountancy Education. In addition, we have developed an automatic facial expression recognition system capable of inferring their emotions while playing, allowing us to study the role of emotions in soft skills acquisition. In addition, the training method used, the skill or task characteristic trained, and the choice of evaluation criteria were related to the effectiveness of training programs. It goes further to examine how personal and contextual factors affect teachers’ and students’ engagement with the implementation, and highlights the role of work-integrated learning and extra-curricular activities in developing soft skills for students. The discussion focused on research question two examines what additional data could be captured to improve the multiple regression models. The purpose of this thesis is to examine which data captured by experiential learning technology can be used to classify students into learning theory-based categories in a manner that provides actionable insights to educators. Vocational skills are not much influenced by the workers’ previous work experience or educational background. Our results are robust to alternative measures of attitudinal skills that correct for reference bias and different specifications. from 45 different countries have confirmed the existence of a stable core set of preferred soft skills at global level and also for