The . The additional requirements are because of the greater importance of model risk; financial institutions could make incorrect decisions or financial errors because they lack solid, well-designed process management. Highlights and Main Points Made by IndividualSpeakers and Participantsa. 2 HIRO includes representatives of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the European Union, the Wellcome Trust, the UK Medical Research Council, and other organizations from Canada, China, India, and South Africa. Unilever’s intent—and that, presumably, of the many private-sector organizations that responded to the Ebola crisis—was not to solve it, but to contribute the “private-sector mindset” to efforts by NGOs and government responders, Marmot explained. The evaluation of activities for effective and efficient model risk analysis. Applying the Company Directors Corporate Governance Framework . The company’s preparedness activities include training farmers in climate-resilient practices and their employees in disaster preparedness, as well as planning to ensure continuity in supply chains and logistics. It defines the principles, rules and processes that enable effective decision-making. This is considered the core phase to test models and classify their solidity. These activities comprise an Incident Management System. “When communities are displaced or impacted by health crises or by pandemics, by disasters, they are not waiting for a handout,” she observed. Usually model retirement is undervalued or underestimated compared to the other phases. There are many barriers to action, Farrar acknowledged, “but we shouldn’t forget the ethics of inaction.”. Typically, local first responders to any emergency manage it on their own unless and until their capacities are exceeded, St. John observed. Any discussion about global health governance must include provisions for research, Farrar insisted. By combining his 8 years of Risk Management experience with SAS Risk & Compliance Solutions he provides consulting services to financial institutions on matters ranging from governance, to risk and regulation. A Corporate Governance Framework is made up of two (2) elements, each with many sub-parts as follows: General Corporate Governance obligations refer to the tapestry of legislation and case law reflected largely in the Act that encompasses the statutory directors’ duties and the relationships between the holders of equity and others. Since the 2014 Ebola outbreak many public- and private-sector leaders have seen a need for improved management of global public health emergencies. Without land, there is nowhere for us to live. Ready to take your reading offline? Although each of these protective efforts is crucial for gov Below are examples of eight elements of good corporate governance: Direction; Providing overall direction for the business, its leaders and employees is a major part of corporate governance. Spyros is the Business Solutions Manager-Risk Practice, for the office of SAS in Southern Europe, Middle East & Africa (SEMEA). Perhaps this research officer could be “multivalent,” she said—capable of facilitating randomized controlled trials for drugs and vaccines, but also able to design and direct the “bare minimum” of clinical research to describe protocols and outcomes during an epidemic. A governance framework enables an organization to more rapidly implement positive change by establishing team structure, focusing on knowledge transfer and enabling people. This phased approach would be based on the magnitude of a given health threat and the appropriate governance of its response. Its shortcomings were apparent during the Ebola crisis, during which the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) effectively mobilized expert epidemiologic capacity, but not the international clinical care teams that were needed to compensate for inadequate core capacities in the affected countries. Governance is generally defined as the institutions, structures, and processes that determine who makes decisions, how and for whom decisions are made, whether, how and what actions are taken and by whom and to what effect (Graham et al., 2003; Lockwood et al., 2010). The current global response system is the weakest component of what is needed to ensure health security, which clearly represents a vital need and a global public good, according to López-Acuña. The list of development opportunities include basic industry educational courses, trade publications, periodic industry wide conferences and symposiums, required reading and a host of other development initiatives. Ben Anyene is leader and founding member of the Health Reform Foundation of Nigeria,4 which works within the contexts of national, state, and local health governance in that country. Flexible, scalable plans for activating an Incident Management System and providing surge capacity must also be put in place, he said. A global alert system cannot ensure global health security until every country attains the IHR-mandated core capacities, López-Acuña insisted. “Most response activities by nonstate actors during a disease outbreak and other health crises are often those of ad hoc and unregulated arrangements with adverse consequences,” he added. What structural organizations will be created, who willtake part in these organizations, and what responsibilities will they assume? This situation is unlikely to change unless politicians, and the business interests that control them, recognize the economic benefits of emergency preparedness, he said. 2.2 Definition and conceptual elements of environmental governance. He suggested two practical considerations worthy of study: the role of the community health worker and the utility of community mobilization and health literacy messages. Management of model risk begins in development. Making strategic decisions and discussing current and future concerns of the company are tactics of this element. Unilever also seeks better alignment with the UN cluster system in anticipation of future health emergencies, said Marmot. The ethics of research approaches should be debated in civil society in order to ensure that the voices of patients and affected populations are heard by the many and often dissociated actors who may implement research protocols during an epidemic, he advised. The IT governance framework highlights the ‘who’ and ‘how’ elements of the operating model. Validation refers to the statistical methodologies used, the input/output information and the performance. Every WHO country office should have a designated, trained incident manager, he proposed—a role that he estimated would require about 100 full- or part-time positions worldwide. Decentralized:Federated governance framework with independent governance framewor… The framework should clarify the role of the governing body – and the role of staff. Five key components of the quality governance framework and proactive quality control activities for each of these categories is summarized below: 1. Previously he held Credit Risk Analyst position at one of the major Greek financial institutions, participating in key components of Credit Risk Management, including development and implementation of Credit Rating Systems using complex statistical packages. Illustrating the point made by Stocking and others that the lack of basic health care constitutes an actual and ongoing health crisis for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), Anyene reported that, each year in Nigeria, more than 50,000 women die in childbirth, and 1 million children under 5 years of age die from preventable diseases. 2. ability, and ability to incorporate at global, regional, and local levels) and therefore could provide a model for a governance framework. To learn more, watch the SAS Risk webinar series, where our experts will present best practices based on real cases and experiences on the SAS approach to regulatory compliance. Governance practices need to support accountability. With regard to the final point around maintenance of public health programs, Goyet speculated that the fear-driven shifting of resources for basic health care to Ebola control may have cost more African lives than it saved. This was his task as an emergency manager in Canada during events that included the repercussions of 9/11 and the anthrax mailings, SARS, Hurricane Katrina, and several natural disasters. To ensure health security, WHO should be leading any health interventions in the name of global public good, López-Acuña stated, and the WHO Director-General, in close consultation with member states and advised by an independent scientific committee (appointed by the United Nations’ Executive Board, not by the WHO secretariat), should make all relevant decisions. How should governance at all levels address and communicate uncertainty in a scientifically appropriate way? Research for improving epidemic response should extend beyond the clinic to examine the entire spectrum, including nonhealth sectors, advised Kumanan. Encircling all elements of the framework is the corporate governance infrastructure. Defines clinical governan… “There will always be great uncertainty during emergencies, and yet decisions need to be made,” Relman of Stanford University observed. Ideally, a multidisciplinary team would convene at an emergency operations center—perhaps within a single room—to manage incident response. It allows you to track every object linked to models (including documentation, codes and data) and identify every phase in the model life cycle (basically, all the elements that contribute to model risk evaluation). Duchin observed that the Incident Management System features several elements of good governance as previously discussed (e.g., flexibility, scal-. 1 See (accessed January 8, 2016). Training—although currently a cause of “siloing”—could also promote greater understanding between the various health communities, he added. considered humanitarian emergencies. As a preface to his discussion of governance for health emergencies and the provision of WHO assistance at the national level, St. John asserted that WHO must retain its global authority but is ripe for fundamental change. “Unilever has a fairly sizable presence in West Africa, particularly in Nigeria,” Marmot noted, explaining, “when the Ebola crisis started to unfold, we, like many others, were slow in our response.” Eventually they turned to their three-tiered approach. Switch between the Original Pages, where you can read the report as it appeared in print, and Text Pages for the web version, where you can highlight and search the text. At the centre depicts the key elements of effective governance which public health organisations are responsible for managing and in the outer circles are the key external governance requirements that apply to these organisations across all their activities. Elias asked what might accelerate this effective change, given the outlined constraints, and López-Acuña suggested greater advocacy and resources for building national core capacities. Just as evidence-based algorithms for clinical care save lives, algorithms for conducting research during a chaotic epidemic response can ensure that information leading to improved practices is collected without compromising care—and, thereby, that even more lives are saved. Some outbreaks can and should be managed by national, regional, and global health sector mechanisms and platforms within the framework of the IHR 2005, López-Acuña said, provided the stipulated core capacities are in place. “An accountability framework that encourages desirable behavior in the valuation, creation, storage, use, archival and deletion of information. Regional structures enable cohesiveness among countries and, in turn, can be linked to create a global entity that nonetheless reflects diversity, he added. Risk management and security risk management are integral components of effective corporate governance. The targets for this plan are informed by the United Nations’ Millenium Development Goals5 and Sustainable Development Goals.6Unilever’s disaster and emergency response strategy is embedded within this more general. a As presented by Goyet on September 2, 2015.SOURCE: Goyet presentation, September 2, 2015. disaster management institutions, but that these need support from above, as well as a common voice at the global level. López-Acuña focused on the issue of global health security and the proposed collaboration by the UN humanitarian agencies and WHO in response to health emergencies with humanitarian impact. (Farrar), A dedicated platform for coordination could ensure interoperability between the United Nations’ (UN’s) humanitarian response and the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) outbreak response systems, with more active engagement of the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) acting as an opportunity for additional coordination in preparedness. With the possible exception of a new independent accountability mechanism, the framework for global health security proposed by López-Acuña strongly resembles the status quo, yet would take a long time to establish, Elias observed. Here, we propose three sets of essential elements required to generate an effective risk governance framework for nanomaterials. (López-Acuña), Research conducted during epidemics could provide critical information during a response and could be augmented through predetermined guidelines and a “real-time learning officer” who would be charged with ensuring protocols are effectively implemented, ensuring records are better kept, and directing fundamental baseline clinical research. Essential elements for a risk governance framework for nanomaterials. This will not change model life cycle phases (development, validation, deployment and audit). Responding to Goyet’s remarks, Kapila of the University of Manchester asserted that the region is not the cumbersome and outmoded level of governance that some have suggested, but instead is increasingly represented in the United Nations and other organizations. A sophisticated quality governance framework is a must for ensuring overall quality. He therefore expressed concern that the systemic constraints López-Acuña described would obstruct the path to truly effective change—the kind of change that could have made a difference in the response to Ebola in West Africa. The private sector is both ubiquitous and a resource, Anyene observed; the various concerns about its involvement in emergency response could be addressed. She described how complicated it can be to understand the optimal way for the private sector to contribute value to a response. in the design of the Global Health Risk Framework and made specific to individual companies through transparent formal agreements, he suggested. b. Board Oversight and ResponsibilitiesThe governance model offers boards a way to articulate the oversight process Finally, he suggested, a structure for efficiently organizing international medical teams responding to both outbreaks and humanitarian emergencies could be established quickly by adapting existing platforms and scaling up. The consequences and lethality of Ebola have increased interest in coordinated global response to infectious threats, many of which could disrupt global health and commerce far more than the recent outbreak. But once you dig in, every explanation of the term combines elements of strategy and execution. However, it is crucial for model performance that the best decision is made and to change the model when it is not efficient enough. we propose three sets of essential elements required to generate an effective risk governance framework for nanomaterials. As previously noted, the United Nations’ response to humanitarian crises is organized according to nine thematic clusters, each led by a UN agency such as UNICEF, WHO, and the World Food Programme (WFP). The most challenging—and potentially rewarding—aspect of conducting this ambitious program of research is its context within the chaos of unfolding epidemics. Over time, it was extended to consulting services and scientific research on business issues. Describe key elements of a project vision and strategy. We have identified eight key elements for efficient model governance based on experience working with customers and elements provided by regulatory guidelines. ...or use these buttons to go back to the previous chapter or skip to the next one. However, disease outbreaks that overwhelm national capacities can create humanitarian crises that require an international response; these events, he argued, ought to be. Information sharing and coordination is often weak between governmental levels in the health sector, as is planning for necessary surge capacity, he said. An independent accountability commission, authorized by the UN Executive Board, should oversee this response, which cannot be appropriately managed through command and control, he concluded. 6 . 6 See (accessed January 8, 2016). “Why shouldn’t we be responding to this health care crisis, rather than waiting for the next big disease outbreak?” he asked. Elias responded to López-Acuña’s conclusions that it is currently impossible to supersede the nation-state paradigm, that WHO should lead any global public good for ensuring health security, and that decisions regarding emergency alert and response should be informed by an independent advisory committee. Duchin observed that the Incident Management System features several elements of good governance as previously discussed (e.g., flexibility, scal-. It is a synergistic view, looking at everything in relation to the models from a single point of view. 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