143. The general effect was to decide most disputed points in favour of the tenants, and to repeal the exceptions made by former acts in the landlord's 1896. CK 1 441998 Choose one person. I will decide for myself where his loyalty is. ChooseVeg.com has a myriad of recipe ideas.VeganCoach.com has many great breakfast recipe s to choose from. The tribunal was an adjudication board and not an actual court of arbitration, since its function was not to decide the boundary but to settle the meaning of the Anglo-Russian treaty, which provided for an ideal (and not a physical) boundary. Leigh Newman and Oprah.com. A national assembly to decide the questions at issue was announced to meet at Spires, but the emperor forbade this gathering. The reign of Herod, a period of despotism and terror, and of strife between Jewish religious parties, is preferred by some scholars (Gratz, Cheyne and others) as best answering to the social situation depicted in the book, while still others (as Renan) decide for the reign of Alexander Jannaeus (10478 B. Choose an author as you choose a friend. Whether the former gives a dryer product or not, the author cannot decide. to resolve or settle a problem or dispute. Choose a life of action, not one of ostentation. When a series of the modifications of an anatomical structure has been sufficiently examined, it is frequently possible to decide that one particular condition is primitive, ancestral or central, and that the other conditions have been derived from it. First, we need to decide whether it can move beyond the role of passive recipient of management information to exert active influence over company policy. Half Europe was full of waverers between Protestantism and Catholicism tolerably certain to decide for the Church that offered them the cheapest terms of salvation; and even in wholly Catholic countries many, especially of the upper class, might easily be scared away from the confessional by severity. In view of the apparent likelihood that the judges of the criminal division of the court of cassation - who formed the ordinary tribunal for such an appeal - would decide in favour of Dreyfus, it was thought that M. Dupuy's new cabinet would be strong enough to reconcile public opinion to such a result; but, to the surprise of outside observers, it was no sooner discovered how the judges were likely to decide than M. It is impossible to decide how far this legend is due to Plato's invention, and how far it is based on facts of which no record remains. On the whole the probabilities of the two sites seem to balance, and it is practically impossible without further discoveries to decide between them. 883062 Choose one. Join now. Then I let her decide whether she will sew or knit or crochet. But if a majority of diviners decide against the accusers, the latter are set upon a wagon-load of brushwood and burned to death. *** I thought that the purpose of the meeting was to decide what offer to accept. CK 1 2648394 Tom chose to quit. Their attacks on infant baptism seemed to him not altogether irrational, and in regard to their claim to personal inspiration he said "Luther alone can decide; on the one hand let us beware of quenching the Spirit of God, and on the other of being led astray by the spirit of Satan.". The assessors vote equally with the judges, and three votes decide the verdict. 15. The highest judicial authority is the Supreme Court, which is empowered to decide upon the constitutional validity of acts passed by Congress; its three members are appointed for four years by Congress, subject to the approval of the president. Log in. 1. It has thus become very difficult to decide what Palaeozoic plants should still be referred to the Filices. Examples of Decide in a sentence. Losing his cause, he appealed to the parlement of Paris, and it, to decide the issue raised by Ricci, required the constitutions of the Jesuits to be produced in evidence, and affirmed the judgment of the courts below. We've rounded up four of the current front-runners to decide which is worth perching on top of your hi-fi. she asked herself, and passed in review all those whom Pierre most respected. He placed the unsettling book on a table and crossed the chamber, watching the book as if it might decide to walk away on its own. The Chairman of the Content Board, or designated deputy, will decide whether to grant a further appeal or not. His merit was so well known and acknowledged by the Royal Society that they judged him a fit person to decide the famous contest between Newton and G. These extracts do not finally decide the point, because both Mr Boothby's and Lord Arundel's hounds may have hunted other game besides fox, just as in Edward IV. "No, Gabriel, I can't decide that fast," she said in the haughty, dismissive tone that used to infuriate him. Trying to decide between acoustic guitar or acoustic bass (no way am I bringing both ). The Czech and Yugoslav spokesmen in the Reichsrat insisted upon separate representation at the peace negotiations, and the absolute right to decide their own future State allegiance (Oct. Looking for sentences with "Decide"?Here are some examples. A sentence B sentence fragment C run-on sentence ... Labour interests who refused to pledge himself to vote on all occasions in such way as the majority of the party might decide to be expedient. Read the following group of words and decide if they make a sentence, a fragment, or a run-on sentence. If you do decide to throw out the old iron bathtub, don't just chuck it on a skip. I'll hang the spring and winter landscapes in my music room; maybe you can help me decide where to put the still life. It cried Crusade when there was no Crusade; and the long Crusade against the Hohenstaufen, if it gave the papacy an apparent victory, only served in the long run to lower its a It is difficult to decide how far Arabic models influenced ecclesiastical architecture in the West as a result of the Crusades. commune with nature where the antelope roam, Made me decide to leave my English home. Large sections of the old history are devoted to the religion and politics of the ten tribes, which are altogether unintelligible and uninteresting when measured by a strictly Levitical standard; and in general the whole problems and struggles of the prophetic period turn on points which had ceased to be cardinal in the life of the New Jerusalem, which was no longer called to decide between the claims of the Word of Yahweh and the exigencies of political. CK 1 2272711 Tom has chosen … We must size up the situation before we, 28. medical paternalism is being replaced by an emphasis on autonomy, with adequate information for patients to decide. The Assembly proceeded to decide upon the form of government to be adopted. 663. I do not think my brother will ever marry again, and certainly not her; and this is why: first, I know that though he rarely speaks about the wife he has lost, the grief of that loss has gone too deep in his heart for him ever to decide to give her a successor and our little angel a stepmother. The one sentence you need to know to decide anything. reach a resolution in the mind as a result of consideration. The few mud-built buildings which once existed at Chakmaktin and at Langar only decide Population and Ethno- recent occupation which could hardly have possessed a. Complex Sentence Generator is a free content rewriter that can potentially rephrase, reword, paraphrase and/or rewrite sentences, paragraphs, articles, content, words and/or phrases into a more complex, unorthodox or convoluted alternative while delivering the same meaning. contradictory impulses can create confusion and stress for a manager trying to decide how best to act. Review how much your investment manager is charging you to manage your savings and decide whether this represents value for money. For the larger wedding you may decide to hire another magician to ensure that everyone can join in the spectacle. If the Conservatives got in they might, 30. Managers don't decide they just administrate really struck a chord with me. In a subject like economics it must always be very difficult to decide how far a departure from the traditional form and. Whichever route you decide to take, for many people the next step will be to employ an architect. 2103 more results not shown. 1. Find examples of how to use any word or phrase in a sentence with our powerful sentence generator. isomorphism problem, involves trying to decide whether two graphs are the same. "Now who could decide whether he is really cleverer than all the others?" public convenience, with the loss of revenue and cost of repairs, must together decide the question of either making very extensive renewals or even abandoning the whole cable. It was held that although generally speaking every sovereign may decide to whom he will accord the right to fly his flag, yet in this case such right was limited by the general act of the Brussels conference of July 1890 relative to the African slave trade, an act which was ratified by France on the 2nd of June 1892; that accordingly the owners and master of dhows who had been authorized by France to fly the French flag before the last-named date retained this authorization TABLE II. This signified particularly that when the king intervened directly in the administration proper, or in the administration of justice, by a special act of his will, he could decide without heeding the laws, and even in a sense contrary to the laws. To- day will decide whether Richard or Henry shall be king of England. meet regularly to decide how the group's businesses should be run. Example Sentences for "decide". In each parish two consuls, assisted by a local council, decide matters relating to roads, police, taxes, the division of pastures, the right to collect wood, &c. Such matters, as well as the general internal administration of the territory, are finally regulated by a Council General of 24 members (4 to each parish), elected since 1866 by the suffrages of all heads of families, but previously confined to an aristocracy composed of the richest and oldest families, whose supremacy had been preserved by the principle of primogeniture. You may decide that you wish to obtain additional information (sometimes called " further particulars ") from the respondent. 0. In 1880 he represented the United States before the commission appointed in accordance with the treaty of that year, between France and the United States, to decide the claims brought by French citizens against the United States for acts of the American authorities during the Civil War, and the claims of American citizens against France for acts of French authorities during the war between France and Mexico, the Franco-German War and the Commune. are eight horns in the orchestra their material should be indistinguishable from pianoforte writing, and that, in short, the part of every instrument should look exactly like the part of every other - such questions are for posterity to decide. Ask your question. Do your family a big favor and decideone … town owing immediate allegiance to the emperor, should decide individually what particular form of religion should prevail within the limits of their territories. What results this measure may have on France it must be left to the future to decide. The twenty-five were to hear and decide upon any claims and complaints preferred against the king, and to keep tip their numbers by co-optation, so that it would seem that the barons intended to keep a permanent watch upon the crown. She has decided to go travelling for a year before starting university. premature to decide to call for a vote for Respect so far in advance of the elections. Seldom will one decide that war with a friend's nation is the only recourse. The congress, of course, had no power to decide or to legislate for the Church, its main value being in drawing its scattered members closer together, in bringing the newer and more isolated branches into consciousness of their contact with the parent stem, and in opening the eyes of the Church of England to the point of view and the peculiar problems of the daughter-churches. On a wet, windy and thoroughly miserable Friday I decide to meet a couple of friends at Ascot. A letter of Pope Boniface helped to decide him, and after consulting his friends and counsellors, of whom the priest Coifi afterwards took a prominent part in destroying the temple at Goodmanham, he was baptized with his people and nobles at York, at Easter 627. One of the most important questions in investigating a linear algebra is to decide the necessary relations between a and b in order that this product may be zero. It was obvious that he wanted to clear the air, but couldn't decide where to start. I have traversed five years of university to decidethat academia is my probable vocation. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adverbs: " We need to eventually decide on a vacation spot. " Once you've chosen the warmth level your final step in choosing the right duvet is to decide on the size you need. Keep it up and I might decide to withdraw my invitation. Here, on the 31st of August 1905 the conference met to decide upon the severance of the union between Sweden and Norway, the delegates concluding their work on the 23rd of September. Believe 5. We need to decide where to go. In 1677 he carried an address to the king calling upon him to conclude an alliance with the United Provinces against Louis XIV., and when the Speaker adjourned the House by Charles's order Sacheverell made an eloquent protest, asserting the right of the House itself to decide the question of its adjournment. If I decide to keep her, I'll blood-bind her, in the tradition of demon mating. "What I decide to do with my mate is of no concern to you," Darkyn said in a low growl. mergesome future date we may decide to explore the pros and cons of merging with the new national charity. However, he didn't have time to convince someone as stubborn as Sofi to do anything, and Czerno wouldn't wait for her to decide to go with Jake. If you decide you want to go, you can leave with us tomorrow morning. Should three such interchanges be made without agreement, a common plenary sitting is held of an equal number of both delegations; and these collectively, without discussion, decide the question by common vote. When the leaders of nations decide war is the best choice, they should know better. In my situation a wingover or loop was possible but I had to decide very quickly. healthcare professionals should make every effort to decide whether the patient lacks capacity. The Turkish Government hereby agrees to accept and execute the decisions of both the Commissions mentioned in Article 62 within three months from their communication to the said Government. Maybe if you let her know the Vermont abduction was a non-event it will help decide. Whatever you decide to wear, go for darker, co-ordinated colors and avoid anything too baggy, striped or patterned. Simply cut out the word cards and get your students to place them in the correct positions on the mat. An oecumenical council (called by the Latins the 8th) was convoked at Constantinople to decide this matter. Moore had to decide whether to join Baird by sea or land. enactment of the process-description, the end-user is able to decide which path to take by triggering the relevant task. Nor is it possible, except in a few cases, to decide whether they have come to an From a tracing by M. Their power to initiate rates, conferred upon them by their legislatures, was sustained by the Supreme Court of the United States, the Court reserving to itself only the power to decide whether the prescribed rates were reasonable. He's a different person, entirely. were contiguous-though 2 It is difficult to decide which is the older; for xxvi. He left nothing in doubt if experiment would decide it, and he evidently did not consider that he had fully investigated any compound until he could both unmake and remake it. Arbitrators strictly so called may (as in the " Alabama " case) proceed to award damages after they have decided the question of liability; whilst " mixed commissions," before awarding damages, usually have to decide whether the pecuniary claims made are or are not well founded. R. The queen refused to yield to Aurelian's demand for surrender, and drew up her army at Emesa for the battle which was to decide her fate. CK 1 2235851 Let Tom decide. CK 1 2236167 Tom chose wisely. Turning first one way and then the other in front of the mirror, she tried to decide what it was about the dress that Denton found so objectionable. D has only £ 2 from the tooth fairy & can't decide. shreyasgowda72 shreyasgowda72 03.10.2020 English Secondary School Take the world decide make a sentence 1 See answer shreyasgowda72 is waiting for your help. CK 1 441998 Choose one person. Were the rule to decide their share of taxation alone, a contrary temptation would prevail. You should decide whether this is a valid comparator in your own setting. We´re going to have fun at Susy´s wedding. The charm of the personal character of Stevenson and the romantic vicissitudes of his life are so predominant in the minds of all who knew him, or lived within earshot of his legend, that they made the ultimate position which he will take in the history of English literature somewhat difficult to decide. We cannot decide at present whether the gynoecium in a flower, such as that represented in fig. CK 1 2203642 We'll decide. Moreover, in the state convention called to decide whether Virginia should ratify the Federal Constitution he led the opposition, contending that the proposed Constitution, because of its centralizing character, was dangerous to the liberties of the country. Why should a bloody radiator suddenly perk up and decide to be the center of attention? Or, the window manger may decide to map the window into Iconic state, in which case the window will not be visible. The time had gone by when sovereigns could decide what particular shade of Catholicism their subjects should assume. Bismarck, the director of the policy of Prussia, was devising methods for the realization of his schemes, and it became clear after the war over the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein that the smaller German states would soon be obliged to decide definitely between Austria and Prussia. The people may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a correct judgment,Were it fall to me to, 12. They all declared that they would not decide the matter upon general grounds affecting the prerogative, but upon special circumstances incident to the case; and with this answer they were dismissed. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Decide" in Example Sentences Page 1. The right to decide upon a citizen's qualifications for suffrage is vested in the selectmen and clerk of each township. she asked. Many people, therefore, prefer the certainty of an agreed settlement to the risk of letting the judge decide. It is enough to decide that the ark represented in some way or other the presence of Yahweh and that the safety of his followers depended upon its security (analogies in Frazer, Paus. The study of Oriental languages began in connexion with the Christian missions of the East; Raymond Lull, the indefatigable missionary, induced the council of Vienne to decide on the creation of six schools of Oriental languages in Europe (13 I I). (tr) to determine or settle (a contest or question) he decided his future plans. ‘this business about the letter decided me’ 1.2 You need to decide whether you want to aim for the 25th or 75th percentile by looking at the individual indicator. By the terms of this treaty the " Alabama " claims and the San Juan boundary were referred to arbitration; the free navigation of the St Lawrence was granted to the United States in return for the free use of Lake Michigan and certain Alaskan rivers; and it was settled that a further commission should decide the excess of value of the Canadian fisheries thrown open to the United States over and above the reciprocal concessions made to Canada. It has authority, however, to review the acts and laws of state governments and to decide upon their constitutionality. You will also get live online affiliate new depositor whether they win or decide to play for fun or real money. Now we have not to decide whether the Greeks were right in thinking that Prometheus only meant "the fore-sighted wise man," or whether the Germans know better, and are correct when they say the name merely meant "fire-stick.". 157. 47. The foreign deputies were invited to attend, only to assist by their advice in the settlement of a controversy which concerned the Netherland church alone, and which the Netherland church alone could decide. If you decide to leave, I will respect that, but be a gentleman about it. Luckily, this little kitty did not decide to use my arms as a scratching post as a truly feral cat would do. I am hardly prepared to decide that question, or even give an opinion regarding it. decide for yourself (= make a choice yourself and not ask or allow someone else to do it for you): ‘We think people should have the opportunity to decide for themselves what they … Activities couples decide to hire another magician to ensure that everyone can join in relative... 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