The store has a secret basement lab which is accessible by pressing the laundry day date on the wall calendar next to the laundry. This blade can be acquired during the side quest "Forging a Legend", which is part of a subset of quests for the "Order of the Mistresses of Mystery." This vault is located northwest to Carbon. 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This combination of circumstances leads to a game environment where players can run into zombie-like human survivors, psychopathic robots, secret societies, and all manner of horrific monsters with mysterious origins. Either way, it's enough to make you want to draw a weapon and back up slowly. Let us know in the comments! In total, Fallout 76 has 35 location that can only be found and looted while in possession of a treasure map. They are largely received through holotapes, terminals and notes although a few robot NPCs exist in the world which can also give quests. 101 Grafton Dam. Home » Guides » Fallout 76: All Treasure Map Locations. Long-term fans of the Fallout franchise love the unpredictability that the post-nuclear war environment can bring. The Clandestine Service paint is a paint scheme in Fallout 76. Whew! Inside Bunker 2, you'll find alien blaster rounds and a mysterious frozen pod. Go to the roof and you'll find a shack which the key unlocks. Deep in Tanagra Town, far east in the map, you’ll find a tree-like structure that you can climb. Enter the red house at the top of the hill and find the basement. Look around for a destroyed pick-up truck on the road with some items in the back. To find the mask, go to the Sons of Dane compound. Start at the Clarksburg Shooting Club, just north of Base 76. Many of the armor and clothing also have minimum level requirements before they can be equipped, including power armor parts. The Blade of Bastet is one of the most powerful one-handed melee weapons in the game, delivering 53 hit points worth of damage. Climb the tracks of the roller coaster and find a car that rests on the tracks. 100 Eastern Regional Penitentiary. Fallout 76 has finally gone live, but new wastelanders have a lot to learn about the way things work in the online-only sequel. Additionally, a weapon's level determines the base damage output and condition of the weapon. It is possible, however, it may have come from the same UFO, or at the very least the same alien race that has been visiting the planet. Who knows. You can wear the dress as armor, or your regular armor, but not both at the same time. Once you fabricate the device, you will be able to craft more, though not easily. The Eye of Ra only functions if you are also wearing the Garb of Mysteries. Fallout 76 Legendary Weapons Locations. The Mandalorian: Young Ben Solo (And 9 Other Characters) Who Could Appear In Season 3, 20 Hidden Items in Fallout 76 (And How to Find Them), 10 Huge Gaming Disappointments Everyone Forgets About, Disney’s Raya And The Last Dragon: 5 Ways It'll Be The New Mulan (& Why It Won't Come Close), Love Actually: The Main Characters, Ranked By Likability, The Witcher 3: 5 Video Game Bosses Geralt Could Defeat (& 5 He'd Struggle With), Which Streaming Service Had The Best Original Movies Of 2020? Getting to the bottom of the mine is quite the journey, so have patience. This was built by the Bysshe Company for Calvin van Lowe on a weekend when his sister Shelley was out of town. Society has obviously failed, time to make your own gods and rituals. The latest major content drop for Bethesda’s Fallout 76 is finally here. As an added bonus, you’ll find an explosive cache of pulse mines, Molotov cocktails and frag mines. But the shells you load are .50 caliber balls that will make short work of anything you shoot them at. Was this a fancy cockroach in his day or was the owner of the home into weird taxidermy projects? Eventually, it will take you inside a cavern guarded by giant crickets. Fallout 76 Top 10 Best Secret Unique Outfit Locations IN THE GAME! Since Fallout 76 happens chronologically before Fallout 4, it can't be exactly the same weapon. For other tips and help on the game, check out our Fallout 76 guide wiki. Unlock the door and find the Power Armor Stash. So it makes sense you might find Chinese weapons or artifacts in gameplay. The 50 Caliber Machine Gun. Player … Got all that? First, you need a key you can find in Camden Park. As part of the quest, you will collect several special items along the way. You can charge the weapon by reloading it. Mounted to the bed of the pickup is the 50 Caliber Machine Gun, which you can just take. Unless you like instant incineration, this is not a close-range gun. Such is the case of the giant metal head. Prost Bar. Once you go there, you'll get a holotape that you need to take to a house in Pleasant Valley Cabins. However, use caution with this weapon because it blows through rounds very quickly. Start at the Wilson Brother's Auto Repair. Total destruction of everything must have taken a toll on survivors' minds. Go up to the top of the hill into the shack with the sign "The Buck's Den." Both the Black Powder Pistol and the Black Powder Rifle can be found at Phillipi Battlefield Cemetary. The technology that survived to assist players is a strange combination of 1950s optimism and alternative nuclear tech. Almost all the new Legendaries added to FO76 with the release of Wastelanders add-on require you to increase your reputation rank with different factions.This should allow you to buy plans for these weapons from certain weapons, allowing you to craft them whenever you want. Prost is German for “Cheers,” which fits … Why not? The Secret Vault is one of the vault series of fallout shelters developed by Vault-Tec in northwest of Texas underneath the city of Los Ybanez, known as Los after the Great War. Though the Blade of Bastet has a fancy name, in reality, it is based on a Chinese Officer's sword. When the condition of any piece deteriorates to 0, it breaks and will offer no protection. Everything you receive will be based on RNG though, so there is no guarantee you get anything particular from each area. Head over to Watoga and find a body with a locked toolbox next to him. The blade isn't as fast as others, but does pack quite a wallop. But sometimes we don't have to imagine because they leave behind sad reminders. In this video I go over some of the most secretive items in the game you probably didn't know! Here are 20 Hidden Items in Fallout 76 (And How to Find Them). The more you charge it, the more damage you can dish out. The Wastelands of West Virginia are littered with plenty of secret treasures, simply waiting to be found by a brave wondering. Human NPCs do exist in Fallout least in this special developer zone. You can only find ol' Pumpkin Head if you travel from uphill to downhill along the hill, not the other way. Fallout 76 secret room found, contains every item in game. This is the severed head of an Assaultron robot that has been repurposed into a pistol. Which Euphoria Character Should You Date, Based On Your Zodiac Sign. In order to fully power the weapon, you'll need to gather additional data from Sugar Grove. Another reward as part of the "Order of the Mistresses of Mystery" side quests, The Garb of Mysteries is a war-ready cocktail dress that acts as both armor and a stealth enhancer. An example would be the combat rifle having a b… The 50 Caliber Machine Gun is a belt-fed heavy artillery weapon that is a potent force to be reckoned with. A one-stop shop for all things video games. You can start looking for the Phantom Device by finding a tape in another mission, "Chasing Shadows." The quests in Fallout 76 are akin to found-world quests. You’ll find a monorail track. Before the missiles fall, of course. Just head to the museum, press the red button near the counter and raid the weapons from the display cases upstairs. The alien blaster is a powerful weapon that packs quite the punch. It's set about 25 years after the great nuclear war. Maps can be found through searching containers and enemy corpses. This impressive find is in the hills to the Northeast of the National Isolate Radio Array. Here is everything you need to know about all treasure map locations in Fallout 76. You’ll find a shrine of bones and most of the costume, except the mask. That is everything you need to know about all treasure map locations in Fallout 76. Monkey Business. Now that you know the logistics of the treasure, here is the location each one, in order of map number for each area. It's the most powerful one-handed melee weapon of Fallout 76. In the mythology of the Fallout franchise, the Chinese invade and occupy Alaska and cause massive devastation on the rest of the country with a plague. Northeast in the map, west of Philippi Battlefield Cemetery, you'll find a submerged box in a pond that contains the alien blaster with a rusted key. Here will run into some aggressive Assaultron robots. There's an old mostly intact roller coaster there. Statue? Broken armor and clothing can be repaired using scrap at any armor workbench.. Open the toolbox, and you'll find the key to Clara's box in Sutton. Its armor effect will make you slightly less susceptible to damage. Handy Scoutmasters to earn a free backpack, along with the knowledge of how to craft one. To get this gorgeous Nuka Cola armor paint job (als0 seen in Fallout 4) you'll have to get inside Dome 3. It's Reclamation Day, a day to emerge from the vaults and try to recolonize what's salvageable in the aftermath. The passcode corresponds with Mike Green's terminal at the top of the apartments in Morgantown. Hey, this is Fallout 76, aggressive robots are par for the course. All Treasure Map Locations in Fallout 76. Its specialty is penetrating armor and making you look super cool while you do it. You can also craft the Assaultron blade yourself by finding Assaultron blade plans. Use the progress tracker to find everything you need! It is not an easy weapon to find, and you won't be able to use it unless you are at least level 45. In the franchise, some vaults were built for people to simply live and wait out the apocalypse, while others were constructed to experiment on the very people stuck within. It is rarely a happy scene and, quite often, nightmarishly bizarre. You know, like a pumpkin head scarecrow guarding over crates that house a delightful assortment of explosives. Gary Gunter is a writer, actor, and producer living in Los Angeles. They are embracing each other, next to a table with building blocks and a teddy bear which has the unlikely name of Comrade Chubs. This lovely ensemble is an especially creepy outfit you can wear which includes a human skull and real deer antlers. The best loot we've run across so far comes from playing the campaign missions. If you're not careful you'll run out of ammo. Go through the rusted gate and approach cautiously - there may be a few glowing Wendigos hanging around. However, it should be noted that if you wear the Garb of Mysteries in combination with the Eye of Ra, the stealth and armor effects are boosted dramatically. Find weapons, resource nodes, power armor, holotapes and more! What is the location of the compound bow in Fallout 76? It does 60 damage with additional special electrical damage against robots. All weapons in Fallout 76, ballistic, energy, explosive, melee, or unarmed have a randomly generated condition bar, the same weapon may have a different amount of condition and a different condition bar length. We've curated some of the coolest hidden items based on the gameplay and research of players that have already spent hundreds of hours playing the game. Nuclear war has not been kind to anyone involved, and it will take more than just some great weapons and protective suits to survive. Which of these do you want most? Point Pleasant is one of those towns that hides a … Jump down on the track and follow it up the hill until the final ring and you’ll find a Fat Man Rifle resting on top. More Fallout 76. Players with higher Luckcan influence the condition of found weapons. The Phantom Device can be found as part of one of Fallout 76's coolest series of side quests related to "The Order of the Mistresses of Mystery." The best locations for your Fallout 76 camp By Lauren Morton , Christopher Livingston 23 January 2019 The best spots for your base, plus other tips for camp-building. Tough luck, kiddos. There are many secrets within Fallout 76.. Like other games in the Fallout franchise, exploring the Fallout 76 landscape will bring both insane and delightful surprises. The eponymous Vault 76 is where you start your adventure in Fallout 76, but it’s possible to discover additional vaults that are surprisingly well hidden. Get inside the Kanawha Nuka Cola plant. Take the stairs up the monorail ruins, all the way up to the rounded roof. Player characters with higher Intelligence can craft weapons with larger durability bars. You'll be able to find the device in Riverside Manor. In that game, the alien blaster came from an alien living in a cave near a crashed UFO. You can find the Salvaged Assaultron head in Watoga, in the southeastern corner of the map. Find the box in a doghouse in Sutton, use Clara's key, and you'll get the locker key for the Nuka Cola Plant, which gives you the key to Dome 3. Armor condition returned in Fallout 76 so each armor piece or outfit has a condition. Get on the bridge, follow it until you can go to the lower level, and look for a door with a red light. It also slightly enhances the damage of the Blade of Set and The Voice of Set pistol. If you head north on the road from Dyer Chemical, you may get a random encounter with an enemy that will drop the plans for an Assaultron blade when you defeat him. While each treasure can only be found if you have a map, you can also re-loot the same spot if you have multiple copies of the same map. Using the rusted key you find in conjunction with the alien blaster, travel to Freddy's House of Scares in the Northern Mire. But still, it's Power Armor and a great find. Of course, the Electrified Assaultron Blade is slightly more powerful and deals additional damage. By whatever you find there, you can sometimes find clues about what kind of life the survivor must have lead in the years following the nuclear apocalypse. It's pretty easy to find. Upgrade your Fallout 76 fashion with these unique armor / apparel locations. The first location on our list has to be Prost Bar. Fallout 76 Bow Guide – How to Get the Bow Plans; Fallout 76 Purveyor Guide – Purveyor Location & What She Sells; Fallout 76 Pioneer Guide – Every Tadpole Exam Answer; Once you actually complete the quest, speak to one of the Mr. Use the holotape at a terminal inside the house to get another code, then go under the house, and use the terminal to enter the code and get the TNT Dome #2 Key. Bringing actual, living human NPCs to the irradiated lands of the Appalachia, the Wastelanders DLC introduces a number of new characters, factions, and most importantly, loot. Interactive Map of Fallout 76 Locations and Spawns. You can find the gentlemanly roach in a house at the top of the hill, near a road north of Camden Park. Looks like this couple was already on the top of the roof when the explosions happened or decided to watch the world go out with a bang. In order to get the best loot from each location, it is recommended that you reach Level 50 first, as it will be scaled according to level. The Phantom Device is a portable cloaking device that renders you temporarily invisible and "frenzies" creatures that are nearby. The alien blaster has made multiple appearances in the Fallout franchise, most recently in Fallout 4. Load up on all the best weapons in Fallout 76 with these unique legendary locations. Inside the roller coaster car is a key. It’s a gorgeous red brooch that “powers up” the Garb of Mysteries to make you 20% harder to detect while sneaking around the place. From there, you'll be instructed to gather some parts to create the device. It will have zero effect on other forms of armor or clothing, so if you acquire this item, make sure you get the Garb of Mysteries to make it useful. It might take a while, so be patient. Fallout 76 Secrets - Secret WALL SAFE, Stolen Terminal Passcode & More! Even in the post-apocalypse, you'll still want to look your very best. You'll find what looks like the aftermath of a raging party. Joining the Raider faction in Fallout 76 is less like enlisting with a bloodthirsty cadre of ruthless scavengers, and… You can use it after you reach level 25. The weapons in Fallout 76 are an amusing mixture of refurbished weapons, future tech from a 1950s post-war perspective, and advanced stuff that doesn't use traditional ammo, like the Salvaged Assaultron Head. 1 Background 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Research 1.3 Early years 1.4 Attis Army 2 Layout 3 Inhabitants 4 Appearances 5 Gallery 6 References The Secret Vault is the Vault-Tec … You can acquire the 50 Caliber Machine Gun relatively simply. But in a retro-twist, one of the most powerful weapons in the game is the black powder pistol or rifle. If you must, you can also harvest it for roach meat. Who doesn't want to look fabulous while slashing and blasting their way through the irradiated Appalachian landscape? Also, it boosts your resistance to damage by 20%, if wearing the Garb of Mysteries. Robot? Like other games in the Fallout franchise, exploring the landscape will bring both insane and delightful surprises. This is a powerful weapon, but it irradiates the user so be careful when you use it! The latest Wastelanders update is now live in Fallout 76 adding a series of new weapons, locations, enemies, and of course NPCs. The 50 Caliber Machine Gun is a belt-fed heavy artillery weapon that is … You can find the Eye of Ra on the corpse of Shannon Rivers on Seneca Rocks. Here Ilist "5 Hidden Secrets" in Fallout 76. Reginald "Regs" Stone is a member of the Secret Service in Appalachia in 2103. Today we take a look at some hidden, unmarked, or secret locations in Fallout 76 on PC, Xbox One, and PS4. The Toxic Valley. This is an addition to my Top 5 series where we discover hidden treasure and certainly hidden locations in the region of Appalachia. Fallout 76 is a prequel in the timeline of the Fallout franchise, which takes place in the region we call West Virginia. After the nuclear apocalypse, everything gets a bit crazy in the Fallout universe. There are a few things you should know beforehand though. It looks partially man-made but surrounded by thick, twisty roots. Eventually, you can farm the scavenged Assaultron head. It can be found next to the Garrahan mining headquarters in the Southwest of the map. Someone had to do it, right? The game brings a range of new weapons, strategies, secrets, and hidden gameplay systems that merge with what’s expected from modern Fallout traditions, many of which relate to its new online-only instanced multiplayer servers. Quests may be completed as a team, but each player character has their own unique quest items to pick up and objectives to complete. Turns out a major event like total nuclear annihilation is great for jump-starting cults all over the place. Such is the case when you wander into an old bathroom in an abandoned house and find a giant cockroach wearing a bowler hat and sporting a cane. You'll get the full-length costume that matches the mask separately. Its effects also get a slight boost when used in combination with the Garb of Mysteries and the Eye of Ra. Blast or hack away at these robots and they will leave pieces you can use in the remains. A "Fat man" rifle is an incredibly potent weapon that delivers a mini-nuke charge, shot in an arching trajectory from fairly far away. Fallout 76 Loot Locations Guide. Luckily, you won’t have to go about digging up every square inch of dirt in Fallout 76, as the game features treasure maps to help guide you to the spoils. Fallout 76 top 5 best secret rare and hidden weapon & armour locations. You can find this unlucky couple at the top of a roof the Torrance house. Then you’ll head to New River Gorge Bridge. Fallout 76 has such a … Climb the twisted path that corkscrews around the structure. The rusted key gives you access to a location with a stolen passcode, which will lead you to another secret item, the Secret Wall Safe. The guns themselves are ancient and low-tech and must be loaded one shell at a time with a ramrod. On the table to your right is the ritual mask. Once you picklock the door, you'll find a locked locker with the key to Dome 3. Grab that. You can farm the Assaultron blade in the same place where you can find the salvaged Assaultron head, on the raised walkway in Watoga. He has the loudest laugh in the room and believes in living a life just weird enough to work. Weapon and armour location guide. This monster is surrounded by lit candles and other strange half-human, half-animal skeleton structures hanging on the wall. You’ll find a giant metal head partially submerged in the dirt, surrounded by glow-in-the-dark mushrooms. This indicates that the shrine is still visited and kept going by someone. Crazy Cat Cabin. Wearing the dress will make it slightly harder for enemies to detect you, by about 5%. At the bottom of the Lucky Hole mine in the far southeast of the map, you’ll find the remains of a tentacle monster surrounded by a creepy shrine. You're not necessarily going to know how every mutated creature came to be that way, nor why certain mysterious items end up in the most unlikely of places. The Voice of Set is .44 pistol you can only find in the side quest "Prototypical Problems", one of the side quests related to “Order of the Mistresses of Mystery.” Though there are other .44 pistols that come standard in the game, this one is enhanced with special abilities. This will get you into Bunker 2 in the Black Ordinance Mountain Works. This Power Armor looks to have been refurbished from at least a few different types, so it won't be quite as tough as the official models that are completely intact. On the west side of Watoga, you'll find an elevated walkway. If you want to be super fancy, you've got to get the Eye of Ra. You'll find two notes: one from Clara who went to Sutton, and one from Rich who went to Watoga. As far as post-apocalyptic nuclear dystopian video games go, it's hard to get weirder than Fallout 76. The weapon is very effective against drone defense robots, turrets, and other automated nasties that might get in your way. Comrade Chubs is one of four teddy bears that can be found in the game and can be harvested to craft other supplies. In an environment where everything is trying to harm you, this is a pretty sweet find. 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