for thegentle breeze in the room, for any character floating amongst the scepter), but both are cursed, and if they are removed frommany-hued columns will begin drifting northeastwards or the Tomb the possessor of either will be visited by a randomnorthwestwards (towards locations A or B). THIS IS A ONE WAYLarge Sack: This bag contains 50 pieces each of copper, silver, DOOR WHICH CANNOT BE PREVENTED FROM CLOSINGelectrum, gold and platinum. There is a large desk and stool,very foot of the stairway is a silver-inlaid mace which will begin 2 workbenches, and 2 mummy preparation tables. The By passing through the illusionary black sphere the party willgem must be found and the character so doing will need to wipe have crawled along the small tunnel until reaching the end, onlyit free of a magical substance before it can be seen or used. All characters still north of the doorway at the will reverse sex again, but the individual will be teleported as conclusion of the 5 count will fall and begin sliding downwards arch 10A does. and contains 6 healing 13 Dex save to reduce the number of spikes by 1. A spear will shoot **** an Illusion covering a crawlway to 13 out, and the door opener (s) or any others standing before it are subject to be struck. (A very faint evil can be defected 2 in 6 per The gate is heavily bound with iron bands and there are several round of detection.) Consult the table below to determinevoice tones which might give helpful hints or mislead players. a 3rd level it a clone, a simulacrum, a soulless body of some sort.spell bestows 3 energy factors. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like Tomb of Horrors 5e now. )depression in each of the 3 remaining hands, while the broken Damage is 1d6 piercing per dart, with a Dexterity save DC 16one has no such concavity. Players giving loosed to torment prisoners. Inside the western room there is only dust. Each playermakes a Strength save to avoid taking damage. passageway. The 3rd vat contains a ACERERAK? She Although it is marked secret, it is very evident; the marking ishas the stats listed at the end of this document. Those falling their save contain no life force the demi-lich drained the soul and devoured it before beingdestroyed. Tome of Beasts 2 brings you more than 400 new monsters including: Angelic enforcers and avalanche screamers. Various broken and looted chests, urns, with a bluish color over the green and any character drawn and coffers are scattered about. This block cannot be moved or forced back. The pseudo-crypt is filled with rotting and decayed rolls or strewn about. LOOK TO THE FOURTH TO FIND YOUR GAIN. 14. In Polygon's review of the updated Tomb of Horrors, Charlie Hall wrote that "the Tomb of Horrors as published in this new edition is excellently annotated. Theresimple as a commune spell will reveal that the demi-lich has not are 4 rotting sofas, several throne-like chairs, vases, and urnsbeen destroyed. THE WONDROUS FOYER29. Each of these items is obviouslymust be placed upon each such individual. Zindar. The other partsAn Adventure for 4-6 Characters of 11th-15th level. This gold must be pried out to open the urn. It is most probable that theskeleton in black chain mail (badly rusted and torn) points to party will proceed to area 16.area B. Opalescent Blue Altar: This block of strange material glows 16. THE PORTAL OF SCINTILLATING VIOLET MASTER28. THE PORTAL OF magic is wish connected. Count to 10 as usual. IT IS YOUR DEATH WHICH YOU gelatinous cube (that when killed produces 2 exact copies that HAVE FOUND. have half the normal hp. will not need sacrifice aught but a loop of magical metal youre well along your march.3. with the other half of thespells upon him which give the listed stats for the False lich. OBVIOUSLY THE PLACE IS attempt until success).BEGINNING TO COLLAPSE, but take your time detailing therumblings, tremors, grinding noises, falling hunks of ceiling, and 20. At the center ofthe cavern is a beautiful grotto in which dwells the siren. After this bolt streaks forth, the altar turns a fiery and no forcing or knock spells will open it. Devil Face: About 24' above the floor is a mosaic of a green DOOR OF ELECTRIC BLUE devil which appears to be exactly the same as that first encountered in the enhance hall to the Tomb. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. emerald, and a 100.000 g.p. THE CRYPT OF ACERERAK THE DEMI-LICH GATHERING, THEY WILL BE UNHAPPY! This imposing chamber has a silvered ceiling, just as the foyer has, so it is bright. GARGOYLE LAIR headWhen any door leading to this room is opened, it frees a mutated4-armed gargoyle from temporal stasis. There is a mosaic path leading to the altar, and to either side great wooden pews face the worship area. Hidden in a secret compartmentof the collar is a slip of parchment with the following written onit in magical runes which require a read magic spell tounderstand: Look low and high for gold, to hear a tale untold.The archway at the end, and on your way youll wend. Beneaththe runes is the initial A. Those which succeed still contain the characters soul,and this is evidenced by a faint inner light (and visible as a tinyfigure within the gem if viewed with true seeing, true sight or a Page !12 of !13Special Monsters Siren (Friendly)4 Armed Gargoyle (Large) AC 12 HP 27 (5d8+5)AC 17 (natural Armor) Spd 30 ft., Swim 60ft.HP 120 (12d10+36) Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 22, Wis 12, Cha 16Spd 30 ft., fly 60 ft. Determine at random, if need be, whichA. encountered within the Tomb, the party might be allowed toThese bits of information are available as clues, and characterscan make of them what they wish: Ancient Burial Places; Page !1 of !13encamp close to the entrance without fear of random encounters, implements (daggers, swords, etc.) If any character stands within 1 of the entrancewayscaled hands grasp the bars of its small window) which can be upon the path, the base stones will glow yellow on the left, Page !3 of !13orange on the right, and the keystone 7' above will glow blue. Upon the 4th step is a large, area take 2d10 poison damage with a DC 20 con save for halfcylindrical key of bronze (the SECOND KEY) for all to behold. 1-15 2 BarlguraThe starting information for the module depends upon whetheryou are using the Tomb as an insertion into your own campaign, 16-30 2 Shadow Demonas a section of THE WORLD OF GREYHAWK, or simply as aone-shot exercise for your players. Upon the throne all hits will be taken by the shield first, as it always interposes rest a crown and a scepter, both of which will give off an itself. Careful inspection will discover a small hole then depart. touched, the dust swirls into the air and forms a man-like shape. Hordes of sinister adversaries, restless dead, and other horrific monstrosities to gleefully challenge your players' expectations. Return to the Tomb of Horrors (1998), by Bruce R. Cordell, is the third adventure in the Tomes series. If they fail, they It is not possible to gain both the large and the small sacks. A hard pull will swing prying, battering, etc. Here's the full trainwreck of us running through the Tomb of Horrors with Level 20 characters. The eastern room is another matter. Like this book? Examination of the thronefor. The walls are of ivory with gold inlaid. COMPLEX OF SECRET DOORS hidden his lair, that even those who avoid the pitfalls will not be10. The Chamber of Hopelessness: Any creature unfortunate 33, and the crown and scepter flash back to the throne. value) a lich-like figure with a crown on its of about 7' diameter and 4' depth which contain murky liquids,head will be slowly rising (and throwing up its hands in apparent The 1st holds 3' of dirty water. LABORATORY AND MUMMY PREPARATION ROOM The highest hill on the Plains of luz20. You should have no trouble moving players along . Written by of the legend can be furnished by the Dungeon Master from theGary Gygax. It says: ACERERAK CONGRATULATES YOU ON2 it is 2'+ a bit out into the corridor, at 3 it is 4'+, at 4 it is 6'+, at YOUR POWERS OF OBSERVATION. . THE AGITATED CHAMBERthis doesnt make them suspicious enough to take another runthrough to check things out, put the module away for use when The secret door to this place is a normal sort, so it can be foundyou have a different group (or the same ones) inquiring about without undue difficulty (DC 14 Perception or investigation). In the south are 3 vatscouch (50,000 g.p. If it is struck by the golden mace it will by anything, and if the parts are joined together they form onemake a roaring bellow (magic mouth spell), and the weapon will solid key, hereafter called the FIRST KEY. A creature but nights good color is for those of great valor.standing in the path of the block at count 9 must make a If shades of red stand for blood the wiseDexterity(acrobatics) check with a DC of 17 to escape. GREAT HALL OF SPHERES7. will be teleported instantly to be spat out of the devils mouth at 6, nude, while all non-living materials with him or her go to areaA. There are 2 jewels set into the eye sockets (50,000g.p. The most likely place that will be found, however, is the22. CHAMBER OF THREE clouded and veiled with a haze which nothing can enable the CHESTS onlookers to see through. Port Nyanzaru: Annotated | Non-Annotated. The following levitation effects and enables the wearer to see within the spells will affect these items, and only the following spells: heat hall as if he or she were in normal daylight, but outside this metal (or a rod of cancellation) will cause 1 to fall to pieces, place the wearer is blind! A wooden railing divides the room, and been reached, they will certainly expect the pit, and will be likelysouth of it is the altar, a tiered dais with a wooden chair (nicely to ignore it. STONE GATE weapons, and equip themselves with every sort of device16. of damagea holy word pronounced against it will inflict 20 h.p. 26. They are made of solid toothed two-handed sword raised to strike; that to the northwestmithril, 3' thick, and impregnated with great magicks in order to a huge, spike-ended mace; to the southeast the sculpture readiesmake them absolutely spell and magic proof. lasts 1 minute.Claws. reveal that there is a pair of oaken doors at the end of theIt will require a full turn for searching each 10' of this cliff area. Page !8 of !1325. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. each, and the front pair have gas traps a inward, and the party will have standard chances of falling incloud of gas will fill the whole chapel in 2 rounds after opening (Perception/Investigate DC 16) when the characters leading thethe pew bottom, and all in the place will lose 2-8 points of way step on the cover. Could the demi-lich actually have been of good alignment? An adventure for characters level 10-14. THE FACE OF THE GREAT 1. pull downGREEN DEVIL 2. pivots centrally 3. pull inward and up at bottomThe other fork of the path leads right up to an evil-appearing 4. slides updevil face set in mosaic at the corridors end. peridot, a actually a 1 g.p. CHAMBER OF THREE CHESTS fail. soon as any entrance is cleared and entered, go to the KEY.Please read and review all of the material herein, and becomethoroughly familiar with it. The catch hasbales, doors, chests, birds, bats, spiders and all manner of things an easily detectable poison needle trap (DC 12 perception), andshown on the walls. Yellow Musk Zombie. If the threshold is crossed by any In 1 week the mass will reform as a glowing orange gem creature, 1 set will fly off the wall and attack the individual so doing. until she is freed. Melee Weapon Attack. Search. If the roof is prodded with any force, or if the doorsSearch must be done from a distance with a long spear or 10' are opened, the roof of the tunnel will collapse and inflict 25pole. In the words of its creator, "This is a . This trio will so colors of the floor and pillars of the hall is the stark attack until they are destroyed or the one who violated their area blackness of the huge dais atop which rests an obsidian is dead. Worse still, if the the FIRST KEY will cause double that amount of damage to anythreshold is crossed a 2nd time, still another pair of blades and a so foolish as to insert it! DM's eyes only. THE PILLARED THRONE DC 30 Cha save, turning them and all their possessions to aROOM fetid powder which cannot be brought back to life no matter what (wishes being the exception) as their soul is ripped toThere are scores of massive columns in the huge chamber, and pieces. Chameleon hydras and shriekbats. Prior to alignment restoration, no spells other than those absolutely snuff them out. Why? Tomb ofHorrors (1978) Editing and Production: Dave Cook, Jeff R. Cartography: Todd Gamble Design: Gary Gygax Leason , Lawrence Schick Illustrations: Dennis Cramer, Todd Lockwood White Plume Mountain (1979) Illustrations: Etol Otus, jeffDee, Gregory The Forge ofFury (2000) Jun 1, 2005. The walls of the chamber are copper(untarnished and gleaming) panels set between rare woods inlaid Fire of any sort, magical or otherwise, turns the blood to a poisonwith ivory. Zorbo. Iron Chests: Each of these massive iron boxes is set into the JELLY AGAINST THE ARCHED DOOR). Yuan-ti Nightmare Speaker. Each is about 4' long, 2' wide, and 3' high. The south 15' of the stone and has triple locks set with poison needle traps. These levers will move horizontally or vertically, pattern are described below. A close look at characters (maximum which can be in the line of fire) will take 3its open and outstretched hands, however, will detect that a large hits each if they are exposed to the path of these missiles.gem (a 100 g.p. The stats for thisGargoyle are listed at the end of this document, and are not thesame as the MM gargoyle. A booming voice from the acid which will cause 2d4 acid damage the round after it comeswhole of the chamber will demand: in substantial (Immersed arm, splashed on, etc.) . Con save. Only ugly weeds, thorns, and briars 96-98 1 Goristrogrow upon the steep sides and bald lop of the 60' high mound.There are black rocks upon the top of the hill, and if these are 99-100 1 Balor, 2 on 100viewed from a height of about 200' or so above the mound, itwill be seen that the whole is shaped like a human skull, with the Key to the Tombpiles of rock appearing as eye holes, nose hole, and the jaggedteeth of a grinning deaths head. Each is 97 base 10 g.p. Pushing them simultaneously down opens the entire GOLD held high above PALE BLUE at shoulderfloor to a 100' deep pit with no exit. When the door is touched, this their strength exceeds 20 and they make a DC 25 Strength gleaming grows bright. This one hides a ring pull which will raise a small Acererak. THE FALSE TREASUREtouch the key or allow it within 2' of their person under any ROOMcircumstances. Embed Tomb of Annihilation to websites for free. January 8, 2021. By the time the 3rd door and pit havestrength for 48 hours!) Throw it on in the background, fall asleep . I. It's a Sith legend. Over the centuries which followed, the lich dwelled plug of stone and enable the party to enter a small chute with hordes of ghastly servants in the gloomy stone halls of the which takes them 10' down to the corridor to the west. keystone, RUSSET; lower right, CITRON. this was originally gonna go at the end of last video but I decided to keep it as its own thing. value all items from characters teleported nude each, no matter how they are tested in the dungeon. +5 hit, reach 5 ft. one target.Giants Skeleton (Large) Hit: 1d4+2 slashing damage.AC 15HP 76 (9d10+27)Spd. character or characters state they will grab them simultaneously, use dice to see which is touched a fraction of a second sooner.The tapestries, which appear to feature weed-grown rocks and The other disappears along with the siren forever. 40 ft.Str 18, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 8, Cha 5All the same traits as the Skeleton MM pg. These sacks are: height. EXCEPTION: An iron bar willstop the block, but only if the bar is placed on the floor where it Go back to the tormentor or through the arch,will wedge the block. Product History. TO YOUR SOUTH WHERE CERTAIN BUT QUICK DEATH AWAITS WHICHEVER YOU CHOOSE, A 4th levels of cure wounds applied to the valve will staunch the KNOW THAT I, ACERERAK THE ETERNAL, flow of blood, as will a heal. One of my players is off touring Europe, and this was a way to get some dice rolling rather than take five weeks off. The Tomb of Horrors is known to be one of the deadliest dungeons ever r. Watch these 4 nimrods navigate the Tomb of Horrors out of the 5e Yawning Portal book. base value, 1 unused potion of diminuation, and a +2 to become a huge red ochre jellyweapon.) remove the guard which prevents the door from being opened.The slot (C above) is of sufficient size to accept a coin or a flat Once accomplished, the secret door can be opened easily fromgem. in the middle or this depression another keyhole! CHAPEL OF EVIL level and varied class. .) MAGICAL SECRET DOOR below. Mentally studied from the entrance to this point, the individual with suchnote such characters actions, and when the 10 count is finished, perseverance will be rewarded by suddenly understanding that acompute where each character is. Thus, a base 30 ft movement rate means that the character B. As the acid will harmobviously stagger it (roll dice and shake your head). The crown is begemmed and worth 25,000 g.p. Linen wrappings are inwill hit. Asbut if you do so opt, do not inform the players of this. SCARLET held waist high BUFF at feet (none) PALE GREEN at feet INDIGO held high above8. The best manner to handle it is to high. The ceiling is silver, formed so as to reflect and gas which is dangerously fatal, and all characters in the foyermultiply light within the place. Vision extends only 15 feet. if 4-5 on d6 is rolled, or 2d4 base 10 g.p, gems 5-6 1d6 potions of extra-healingif 6 is rolled. All that now remains of Acererak areside, causes a covered pit to come into phase in the area it is the dust of his bones and his skull resting in the far recesses ofshown. 20x20' room to the north and rolls 1d6 spaces (10'-60') south then west Everything it rolls over is squashed to aThe mists are silvery and shot through with delicate streamers of pulp. LABORATORY ANDeyes, so it is a DC 15 Perception check for any character to MUMMY PREPARATIONnotice the south door. Thisprocess repeats through all 6 of the diamond teeth, and if theskull is still intact and still molested, it will pronounce a curseupon the remaining characters which will teleport themrandomly in a 500 mile radius, each cursed to some fate similarto a) always be hit by any opponent attacking or b) never makinga saving throw or c) always losing all treasure without gainingany experience from it. Surviving weapons and shields return to their former aura of magic. (All of these benches have hinged seats. If the FIRST KEY is inserted herein, the individual doing so is blownB. Remember low probing, or probing with short characters tread upon its surface. The thing wields 2 (non-magical) scimitars, and itmouth spell to speak the following words: attacks thrice/round at +7 for 3d6+4 slashing damage per hit. Describe the detect it, save the gem of seeing. Next it was published as person comes within 3' of the portal: lower left, OLIVE; When the door is closed and re-opened, another spear will fire. gems, a scroll of 7 where the ones which were discharged came from. Once triggered, the pit remains open4d10 damage and poisons for 1 hour. If the door to the south is opened from this side, all ofthe swords and shields swoop from the walls to attack, but they polymorph creates 3d4 wights which attackwill cease as soon as the character(s) retreats into the chamber tothe north. The eastern chest holds 10,000 gems open a thick door. The 5E conversion is so much easier than the original that pretty much any combination can make it through, just as long as the players are careful. (DC 16 any magic which detects secret doors, or even traps. Hit: 3d6+4 slashing damage.False LichAC 13HP 36 (4d10+16)Spd 30 ft.Str 18, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 8, Cha, 6All the same traits as ZombiesAnti-magic preparation: The first 12 levels of harmful spells caston this creature have no effect.CR 1Multiattack. By. Theseany. All living matter which goes through the arch will be teleported to 3, while non-living When the party enters the crawlway hidden by the sphere matter is teleported simultaneously to 33, i.e. With level 20 characters green at feet ( none ) PALE green at feet INDIGO held high above BLUE! Or mislead players other half of thespells upon him which give the listed stats for the False the... Is not possible to gain both the large and the small sacks just as the acid will stagger! 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