According to Atwater and Carmeli, a study of employees in a variety of jobs in Israeli organizations found ______ A. high-quality leader-member exchanges were directly correlated with creativity B. high-quality leader-member exchanges were negatively correlated with employee feelings of energy C. LMX was directly correlated with creativity D. LMX correlated with employee feelings of energy, which then enhanced their creativity, 30. Leader-member exchange theory also describes the underlying dimensions of these exchanges. Retail. Organ. For example, Liden and Maslyn (1998) reported an uncorrected correlation of r = 0.84 between their global measure of LMX-MDM and LMX-7. Hence, LMX can help unleash more capability in the workplace by generating more positive work attitudes combined with more willingness to contribute to workplace functioning. Stage 3: leadership making, which studies how leader-member relations develop over time from the stranger phase to the mature phase. Kuvaas, B., Buch, R., Dysvik, A., and Haerem, T. (2012). Ans: When they are planning on leaving the job. Duchon, D., Green, S. G., & Taber, T. D. (1986). At the heart of LMX theory is how high-quality LMX relationships develop. Diversity is credited with the dissolution of cultural barriers at a more rapid pace, reductions of brutality complaints and further erosion of the blue wall of silence (Sklansky, 2006). D. The measurement of LMX is questionable. That is, the ELMX item was removed from the LMX second-order cluster because its content was not homogeneous with the content of the other first-order LMX factors (Anderson and Gerbing, 1988). A. transformational leadership theory B. path-goal leadership theory C. situational leadership theory D. leader-member exchange theory, 7. Researchers found that managers engage in different kinds of exchanges with their subordinates. Brief Discussion. Bull. There are, however, good reasons to believe that this limitation is not as serious as some believe it to be. Perform. Journal of Applied Psychology, 71, 5660. Consequently, and like Studies 1 and 2, the abridged model was preferred to the originally proposed measurement model. Interestingly, despite replicating the extent to which the measurement model fit the data, the same could not be said about the reliability coefficients produced using this sample. The leadership-making model is ______. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. The role of feedback quality and organizational cynicism for affective commitment through leader-member exchange. J. Appl. In particular, it is important to recognize that elements of content validity can be summarized by tests of internal consistency and parallelism, which are the primary ways by which structural or factorial validity is assessed. We begin by providing a brief review of the current state of LMX measurement, and then describe three studies through which this general research question is explored. A prescriptive approach to dyadic partnership building (A dyad (from Greek do, "two") in sociology is a noun used to describe a group of two people. Psychol. Behav. Social influence and leader perceptions: Multiplex social network ties and similarity in leadermember exchange. This measure was taken from Jian et al.s (2014) 9-item communication-based measure of LMX. Prescriptively, LMX theory is best understood within the leadership-making model of Graen and Uhl-Bien, who advocated that leaders should create a special relationship with all followers, similar to the relationships described as in-group relationships. The leader-member exchange (LMX) theory is considered to be among the first of the relational approaches to leadership. 80. 57. Byron, K., & Landis, B. Removal of the ELMX factor improved model fit, 2(146) = 324.29, CFI: 0.98, SRMR: 0.05, AIC: 16070.20. A. make all workers in an organization into leaders B. create networks of strong partnerships that will benefit the organization C. link out-group members together in solidarity D. debunk LMX theory so that workplaces become more inclusive, 74. There are three stages of LMX relationships: stranger, acquaintance, and partner. Received: 26 May 2022; Accepted: 22 June 2022;Published: 07 July 2022. J. Manag. A. empowerment moderates the impact of LMX on job outcomes B. citizenship behaviors and LMX are positively correlated C. high-quality leader-member exchanges foster positive job outcomes D. all employees are in the in-group to some degree, 31. Items are scored on a five-point scale with anchors specific to the question. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.68.4.653, Zhou, X. T., and Schriesheim, C. A. Gerbing, D. W. (2016). A. defined roles B. non-negotiating behavior C. innovative ideas D. operation strictly within role, 20. Of note, if the CFA provides evidence for the existence of a second-order unidimensional factor, then the effect sizes produced between each of the different LMX measures and these outcomes variables should be similar (i.e., effect size information should be relatively redundant). Leadersh. Herein another concern arises and that is of generational differences and how they may impact this relationship. Communication Quarterly, 66, 3857. The leader-member exchange patterns of women leaders in industry: A discourse analysis. Finally, future research will benefit from exploring the extent to which the second-order unidimensional model remains valid across time (Boster, 2012) and between groups and levels of analysis (Dyer et al., 2005). The influence of relational maintenance strategies among coworkers. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Abstract and Figures. As predicted, and comparable to study 1, model fit improved noticeably upon removal of the same items that were dropped in study 1, 2(563) = 956.02, CFI: 0.94, SRMR: 0.05, AIC: 33969.32. Results suggest that virtually all measures of LMX included in this investigation are indicators of the same underlying second-order factor, i.e., they are all measuring the same construct. Which theory challenges the assumption that leaders treat followers in a collective way? Q. Chaudhry, A., Vidyarthi, P. R., Liden, R. C., & Wayne, S. J. MGMT 3287. test_prep. Behav. Additionally, subjects reported working in a private-for-profit organization (n = 218, 69.2%), private-not-for-profit organization (e.g., charitable organization; n = 37, 11.7%), as well as in the local (n = 23, 7.3%), state (n = 14, 4.4%), and federal government sectors (n = 13, 4.1%). The prescriptive nature of LMX _____. Inspection of the residual matrix indicated the existence of numerous problematic items across each of the factors (i.e., items that lacked validity). This finding, although important, was not emphasized by the authors. (LMX) research then investigated the nature of these differenti-ated relationships and their organizational implications (dyad-level effect). Leadership, 11(2), 213229. A. tested B. mixed C. scripted D. negotiated, 55. New York: Wiley. doi: 10.1111/j.1754-9434.2007.00004.x, Hu, L. T., and Bentler, P. M. (1999). Academy of Management Proceedings, 86, 16. As such, the same items removed in Studies 1 and 2 were removed. You volunteer regularly with this organization and see Ray almost every day you are volunteering. doi: 10.1086/208993, Graen, G. B., and Uhl-Bien, M. (1995). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. Instead, providing evidence for a broad second-order LMX factor would mean that different conceptualizations of LMX were similar in actuality, and that the noted theoretical discrepancies were an artifact of construct proliferation. Which researcher(s) measured the relationship between LMX and citizenship behaviors? Which is not a strength of LMX? Psychol. If dropping items created different measures of alternate constructs, as is suggested commonly, then homogeneity in effect sizes between measures would be unlikely. It alerts leaders to their biases. From the technical know-how to the free flow of ideas: Exploring the effects of leader, peer, and team communication on employee creativity. Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory is a relationship-based, dyadic theory of leadership. What is the relationship between LMX and employee empowerment? Admittedly, adequate model fit was only attainable upon dropping numerous items from the measurement model. T/F 1. CrossRef Psychol. doi: 10.1111/j.0021-9029.2006.00046.x, Smith, C. A., Organ, D. W., and Near, J. P. (1983). A. tasks B. respect C. reciprocity D. transformational relationships, 52. 67. Moreover, this synthesis extends to situations in which either subordinates or supervisors are surveyed about their exchange relationships. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. In LMX, what is the maximum number of groups this team could be categorized into based on vertical dyadic relationships? List two organizational benefits of having many high-quality leader-member exchanges. The prescriptive nature of LMX. A. mature partnership phase B. acquaintance phase C. scripted partnership phase D. stranger phase, 62. 5 (1 Ratings ) This indicates that treating each of the first-order constructs as distinct provides a better fit to the data when compared to a one-factor model. You do your job at work, show up on time and complete your tasks. Standards create minimums, minimums create status-quo, and status-quo creates mediocrity. To ensure that all subjects were employed in a supervisory role, all subjects were asked to indicate whether they were in a role in which they supervised others. A. the leader and follower have already tested their interactions and found them satisfactory B. the leader and follower are assessing desire for the follower to take on new responsibilities C. the leader and follower are focused on the rules of interaction D. the leader and follower are comfortable depending on each other, 34. The quality of leader-member exchange (LMX): A multilevel analysis of individual-level, organizational-level and societal-level antecedents. Liden, R. C., Wu, J., Cao, A. X., and Wayne, S. J. Graen, G. B., & Uhl-Bien, M. (1995). Ans: Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory focuses on leadership as a process centered on the interactions between leaders and followers. Although useful, it is unclear whether this proliferation in measurement is warranted. Copyright 2022 Manata and Grubb. The dyadic relationship in LMX is _____. Sample items include my supervisor and I interpret each others ideas accurately when discussing work-related matters, and when discussing work-related matters, my supervisor and I can convey a lot to each other even in a short conversation. Scores ranged from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). French, J., & Raven, B. H. (1959). 5. (2016) showed that LMX, LMX-MDM, and other LMX measures correlated strongly (average = 0.87) across myriad investigations. (2007). Sample items include My supervisor is a lot of fun to work with (affect), My supervisor would defend me to others in the organization if I made an honest mistake (loyalty), I do work for my supervisor that goes beyond what is specified in my job description (contribution), and I am impressed with my supervisors knowledge of his/her job (professional respect). The effects of LMX differentiation on team performance: investigating the mediating properties of cohesion. Standard errors are also likely to be inflated because of multicollinearity, which may render false conclusions. Although useful, it is unclear whether this proliferation in measurement is warranted. During the stranger phase of leadership making, ______. Since then, other measures of LMX have been developed to focus on aspects of the leadermember relationship that researchers consider to be absent from existing measurement approaches. doi: 10.1177/001316444700700201, Mowday, R. T., Steers, R. M., and Porter, L. W. (1979). To transform the item content, we used Greguras and Fords (2006) parallel approach. 68. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(3), 542. Which of the following is not a subordinate benefit of high LMX? Model fit improved upon removal of these items, 2(563) = 908.74, CFI: 0.96, SRMR: 0.05, AIC: 31627.49. Technol. Industr. The analyses reported herein present a synthesis of the LMX literature and construct. Thus, these items were removed from the measurement model, and an additional CFA was performed to assess the fit of this abridged model (for a list of retained items, see Table 2). In contrast, a model in which all retained items are made to load on one factor provided a very poor fit to the data, 2(152) = 1205.27, CFI: 0.72, SRMR: 0.11, AIC: 17101.34. Analysis of the second-order measurement model proceeded identically to the analysis and procedure described in study 1. ), Studies in social power (pp. That is, LMX can be conceptualized as the degree to which the supervisor-subordinate relationship is of high relational and social-exchange quality. Thus, if measures of LMX are in fact second-order unidimensional, especially because of the remarkably high correlations among different scales, then treating these measures as distinct will introduce a host of analytical issues. Leadermember exchange (LMX) measurement: evidence for consensus, construct breadth, and discriminant validity, in Building Methodological Bridges, eds D. Ketchen and D. Bergh (Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited), 89135. The following outcome variables were also included in the measurement model for two primary reasons: (1) to provide additional assessments of construct parallelism; and (2) to provide evidence of criterion validity, given their relevance to the LMX construct. What is the LeaderMember Exchange (LMX) Theory?. Although this type of measurement error can be corrected for (Nunnally et al., 1967), this speaks to the general dangers of opting for and implementing 2-item measures. A., Feild, H. S., Giles, W. F., and Walker, H. J. 7, 191205. Leadership-making in self-managing professional work teams: An empirical investigation. Workplace friendships: Origins and consequences for managerial effectiveness. Specifically, the study replicated the findings of Study 1, reaffirming the general notions that (1) LMX scholars have been producing different measures of the same construct and (2) transformational and transactional aspects of the supervisor-subordinate relationship constitute unique constructs. Studies have shown that high LMX has an impact on employee creativity. Factor analysis, in Multivariate Techniques in Human Communication Research, ed. Items are rated on a scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree) and sample items include I am proud to tell others that I am part of this organization and I talk up this organization to my friends as a great organization to work for., This measure was adapted from Smith et al. What is the benefit to the leader of having a high-quality relationship with employees? We suggest, however, that this finding is of decided theoretical importance, and we suggest further that it has important methodological implications. doi: 10.1016/S1048-9843(99)80009-5, Shore, L. M., Tetrick, L. E., Lynch, P., and Barksdale, K. (2006). Such criticisms are tempered by the fact that similar conclusions have been drawn by others that have conducted independent investigations that account for different types of samples and measures (e.g., Joseph et al., 2011; Martin et al., 2016), but we concede that additional measurement work concerning these matters will help strengthen the credibility of the findings reported herein. Ultimately, this will create theoretical confusion and impede scientific progress. doi: 10.1037/h0055617, Campbell, D. T., and Fiske, D. W. (1959). (1947). (eds) (2015). During the early phases of leadership making, a key predictor of relationship quality for both leaders and followers is follower performance. LMX theory can be applied ______. Accessibility StatementFor more information contact us atinfo@libretexts.orgor check out our status page at Nine items are rated on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Stage 2: LMX was applied to organizational effectiveness, such as employee performance. As noted by Bauer and Erdogan (2015), this scale was developed using a more rigorous process than LMX-7, the latter of which emerged and fluctuated as LMX was defined. A. mature partnership phase B. acquaintance phase C. stranger phase D. negotiated phase, 64. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 30, 109-131. Leader-member exchange theory: The past and potential for the future. A. the high-quality LMX dyadic relationships B. when followers are in either the in- or out-groups C. when leaders are open to followers switching in- or out-groups D. when leaders attempt to have all followers in the in-group. 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