Now, you may be less-than-assertive and might doubt yourself. If the Moon stands alone in the first house, or away from other planets, its likely that such people will not want to become independent but will enjoy being dependent. Saturn gives structure and makes you appreciate the time you were given in this life. In astrology, Saturn is strongly connected with your career and professional life. Entrancing. It's angular (in the first house), closely conjunct his Ascendant, well-aspected, and in the sign of its exaltation, all of which makes him exceptionally competitive and aggressive. They . If you put things off, simple problems or tasks can become more challenging. Thank you for sharing this about you, Donovan. Here are some characteristics of planets in the first house, together with examples of planets in the first house of various celebrities.Neptune in the first house * Uranus in the first house * Pluto in the first house * Saturn in the first house * Jupiter in the first house * Mars in the first house *Sun in the first house * Venus in the first house * Mercury in the first house * Moon in the first house. With Saturn opposition Ascendant, you probably attract people who reflect your shadow self. You may have many responsibilities in your personal and professional life, but someone has to do it. It probably wasn't easy for you to come into this world, whether that's your actual birth story or how you look at this life as a soul incarnation. Sometimes life forces her to work from a very early age and become an adult too quickly. With this aspect, you might also have some issues surrounding control. But again, in all these considerations we also have to take into account what sign the planet is in, as well as its aspects to other planets and what other planets are in the first house. Make sure to share it with your friends who enjoy learning astrology! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This is truly amazing to me Simona! You don't have to look into a mirror to see yourself, and understanding what you project allows you any touchups or even makeovers you choose. The behavior is likely to be quite changeable and dependable on the phases of the moon. I drew up the moat Jamie and kept only a few close friends and some family. I enjoyed this so much! You dont beat around the bush. They come first, so you cannot be looking after others. They can be self-indulgent and over-generous, and others can take advantage of that. Because you have this Saturn square Ascendant aspect, others tend to react negatively to you, too. . You are also happier then. Hi simona! Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn in astrology. Loneliness, pessimism and depression can be avoided by not leaving things to the last minute. Sometimes, Saturn opposition Ascendant can mean that youre scared of relationships in general because you dont want to be vulnerable. Its important that you spend time working on your self-confidence. But when it comes, it will be permanent. Appearance: if you have Pluto in the first house, you will have intense sexual magnetism on the darker side. Pluto conjunct Ascendant You are extremely willful, but often achieve your desires in a quiet, secretive, or manipulative way if you have Pluto conjunct your Ascendant. In love relationships, she is likely to attract older people, especially if Saturn opposes some planet in the seventh house of the union. Strangely enough, though, Im not miserable. In the Solar System, Saturn is a very interesting planet. With Saturn conjunct Ascendant, you may also feel a bit restricted physically, as though youre out of place in your body. You need to relax and show your playful side. ???? You have the necessary qualities to take charge in times of crisis. Many politicians are bad Plutonians. The most prominent feature of Saturn is its ring. I have so many planets, Im not really sure how to read them all together? They change very quickly, the ascendant changes one degree every four minutes. The first . You will master those things you were fearful of. You may find that no matter how much you want to show your truest self to other people, Saturn square Ascendant keeps the inner you totally hidden. An ascendant is its starting point, which concerns your appearance, health, and vitality. The native tends to be cautious in almost everything that she does. However, Neptune encourages you to dissolve the ego so that there are no boundaries between the Self and the environment. In your childhood, you felt that you couldnt control your environment no matter how hard you tried. However, do not withdraw too far and isolate yourself. As a result, you can become hesitant or too scared to be proactive or daring to take risks. It represents the head and face of man and injuries that might be done to those areas or marks located in those places. For example, if Neptune squares or opposes Venus, the person might choose the wrong partners in life and will tend to idealize them/not see them for who they really are. Can it be a capricorn returning Its conjunct the moon on its way. For Saturn to influence what you look like, it has to be in aspect to the ascendant. It keeps me going in the RIGHT DIRECTION! Saturn Conjunct Saturn This is the storied Saturn return, whether you're having it between the ages of 28.5-30, 58-60, or 88-90. Behavior: You live through your mind rather than feelings and emotions. The equivalent of the Greek Zeus, with almost identical divine functions. You may be quite reserved in expressing your emotions and identity. Behavior: Neptune makes you compassionate and very sensitive to your environment. But later, Saturn makes you look like you were younger than your real age. Its very likely that they will not want to marry as they will not believe in the traditional establishment of marriage. I will tell more about how each planet will alter a persons appearance a little later. Their mars conjunct my south node. Whatever your rhythm when this hits, it's thrown out of whack and you like it. You are often shy and self-conscious as a child, teenager, and young adult. But I have isolated myself, partly because I had no choice. Saturnians are very capable. There are no shoulds with Saturn. Saturnians are often found in important roles in organizations and corporations. Dont do a task just because you feel like you should.. Browse famous people and celebrities by the astrological aspects that appear in their birth chart. Oohh, I need that! This house also represents memory, ones likes and dislikes, mental and moral tendencies. People with Saturn conjunct Ascendant may have a hard time trusting others, especially in the early stages of a relationship. Saturn rules the past, karma, where you made mistakes and what you did right in the past. The native likes structure and doesnt mind working hard. When Saturn is aspecting the ascendant you may find your first wrinkle, may notice the grey more in your hair, or the way you can no longer wear a colour you previously liked successfully. This will happen when youre willing to open up and try. You're earnest and work hard, but you lament that others (especially adults when you're younger) don't live up to their own ideals. Currently in bed, having an early night. Conjunct the ascendant, it produces red hair and often a mole or scar on the face. A strong Saturn dominant planet suggests that you are well-known for your persistence. He is often inhibited, serious, and reserved. In horary astrology, a branch of astrology that uses horoscopes to answer all sorts of questions, the first house signifies the masses, a general state of the country about which the inquiry is made. Since Jupiter is the planet of higher learning, law, and religion, natives with such a placement might take great interest in any of these subjects. Saturn conjunct the Ascendant is an astrological aspect that can have a significant impact on an individual's personality and life path. It is important that the rising sign and planets in aspect with it/in the first house all modify what you look like. You probably feel responsible for your family members or friends, even if their problems arent your fault. Saturn is all about permanence. Sometimes, Saturn sextile Ascendant can make you feel like an outcast. There a few signs that some planets particularly stand out in the birth chart. The more things you leave outstanding, the more you will worry. There is lots of potential for transformation with Saturn conjunct Ascendant! It's important to simplify your life, because you might have taken on more duties and responsibilities than necessary. What if the first house is empty and there is no planet in it? These aspects will typicallyrestrict your Ascendant from totally shining through, though they can be helpful or difficult. You will come to discover what a conversational rhythm means and will know that when someone else shares something, its your turn to share back. However, youre mainly afraid of this becauseyou tend to judge and criticize others so much. People find it hard to label you in any way, as you are undefinable. I removed all the deadweight and avoided any untrue, fake hidden agenda folks. This taught you that, with Saturn square Ascendant, its your job to take care of things. For example, if you have your ascendant in Scorpio, it will make for a powerful and secretive personality. Structure is very important for a Saturn dominant personality. If the natives environment doesnt stimulate him, he is likely to want to change surroundings for more variety. If the Moon is badly aspected, they might be hysterical and overly emotional, and those phases will come and go with moon phase changes. They usually want to be liked by everyone and suffer greatly if someone dislikes them. Oh, please do Jamie! Saturn dominant people have a strong sense of responsibility. If Saturn is conjunct your ascendant, the ascendant will absorb the Saturnian energy to the extent where it sometimes seems like you were a Capricorn rising. (Keep in mind that Mercury takes on the qualities of planets close to it.). Shyness. The relationships that you develop may surround your shared work goals, routines, or sense of responsibility. For example, Pluto in Scorpio in the first house will give a really intense, deep, complex, and magnetic personality. Sometimes you talk all the time without allowing others to express their opinions. Maybe I need to swap places with you and learn meditation . In general, they should strive to control their aggressiveness because if they allow it to have its way, it can destroy their health as well as cause problems for other people. You almost always control your reactions, so other people dont see what you truly think or feel unless you want them to. Your planet of action is joined to your promoter and you show your talents prominently. You will feel fulfilled in life if you learn to become a good example for others to follow. You may have a small number of friends or close partnerships, but you value loyalty, so you would prefer to have only a few people in your close circle. You are intuitive and sensitive to your environment. You like to stand out from the crowd. Here, the planetary energies completely merge and act like they were one. Sometimes natives with this placement tend to be over-confident and lazy. Except my lovelies. There are no shortcuts and overnight successes with this planet. Hi Jamie! Home / Aspects / Saturn Aspects / Saturn Conjunct Ascendant. The Saturn square Ascendant aspect is themost tough before your first Saturn return. I am an intuitive. If it has a bad aspect to Neptune, you may dislike people in general. Posts: 10270 From: (David Beckham has his Mercury at the last degrees of the twelfth House, thus mercurial qualities are carrying over into the first house.). It was my knowledge of astrology that prevented me from reverting fully back to Christianity.. although I tried. Saturn represents the principle of the earth in astrology. When your Ascendant is influenced by Saturn, you can seem conservative, bland, closed-off, uptight, or simply business-like. Speak to a live horoscope expert. When Saturn occupies the 7th house, it aspects the 9th house through its third aspect. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. Its likely that the native will pay a lot of attention to the body, and therefore the body will serve him well even in old age. They are usually way ahead of others in thinking because their ability to think is very quick. A. You already worry enough about your problems, so it is important not to worry about other peoples issues. This sign is known as ambitious, hard-working, but emotionless and detached. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. Wonderful! It shows what you want in life and how you go about achieving it. (The first and third examples especially show the classic white complexion given by the Moon.). My brother has Pluto and Saturn. Saturn Conjunct Ascendant Natal Your status in society is likely intimately tied to your appearance and identity. The Uranian Appearance Natives with Mars in the first house should take care not to injure their head and face. You must be able to count on them and you will give the same back. Behavior: Natives will have very strong will power, and if they desire something, they would do everything it takes to get it. As a child, you may have been shy or felt out of place. Sometimes they may destroy people with that intensity, so they should be aware of that and be easy on others. Since Jupiter is the planet of expansion, weight problems may appear in natives with such Jupiter placement The closer this planet is to the ascendant, the more likely the person is to have weight problems. Thus, the opportunity goes away. Now with Saturn square Ascendant, youre probably a bit reserved when you meet new people. Jamie, is transit Saturn opposition ASC much the same? I have an aquarius ascendant conjunct neptune. Such people will do well in the field of technology. Its likely since she easily gains weight. It is exalted in Libra, and in fall in Aries. Often people with Uranus in their first house become activists for some cause to change the masses. With this planet strong in your chart, you had to learn discipline and work hard from your early years. It is your responsibility to look after your family or tribe. This planet delays success and is often a blockage. She could have been restricted in some way by her parents. Saturn conjunct Ascendant transit is a time of hard work and extra responsibility. I was involved with a Cap who had Saturn conjunct Asc. With Saturn sextile Ascendant, youre outwardly serious and independent. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. People know that you hold back a lot. Saturn Conjunct Ascendant, Natal Saturn Conjunct Ascendant Transit. You may hesitate to make the first move with someone you like. People can feel an air of nobility around her. No one knows this better than people who have this planet strong in their birth charts. But it could, for example, mean that social justice is extremely important for you and that you are supposed to get involved in organizations promoting it or create your own. With a Saturn dominant planet in the natal chart, you reflect the qualities of Saturn to a great extent. Any of these aspects are relatively painful, especially when compared to other Ascendant aspects, yet they help you work through your Saturn in relationship to the outside world, too. To know agreeing and disagreeing signs, you can consult this table of planets in exaltation, detriment, and fall: Its important to keep in mind that disagreeing planets, or the ones whose qualities are very different, will produce a mixed type of person. If Saturn is conjunct your ascendant, the ascendant will absorb the Saturnian energy to the extent where it sometimes seems like you were a Capricorn rising. Often, an individual with Neptune in the first house in astrology lives an unstructured life, has many vivid dreams, and they tend to live in their own dream world. They learned to live with it early in life, and they know that Saturn can be really rewarding later. If Uranus is in your first house, people think you to be totally unpredictable because you are! Ascendant and Physical Appearance: mysticaldream unregistered : posted August 26, 2006 10:59 PM . This is a sign that you are betraying yourself and is where much of your depression and anxiety stems from. The transit of Saturn conjunct your natal Sun brings the full results of a process that began fourteen years ago. Also, quite a lot of people with Venus in the first house have narcissistic qualities. Its especially difficult for you to interact when you first meet someone. In astrology, Saturn represents the wisdom of age, after all. All your life you will be learning new things to expand your knowledge. Its very scary to be vulnerable with Saturn square Ascendant, but this is the path to healing. Back to topBack to planets table of contents. For instance, you could be very tall or short. Saturn is one of the most feared planets in astrology. also hard to sleep due to worry. Hello Jamie, You might feel stuck behind the repressive, Saturnian mask. Because if its close to other planets, then it will burn them; which means that the influence of that planet will weaken. Indeed, I hold out a (perhaps unreasonable) hope that my life will improve. The parents might have been strict, conservative, and sometimes religious extremists. Others dont seeany outward impulsivity in your personality. My moon is in my first house and I actually have the worst mental health and found I cant work some day and etc. Reduced presence. When that natal planet is Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, Venus, or Mars, we feel the effects in a personal way depending on the planet involved. With Saturn square Ascendant, you experienced some less-than-stellar circumstances in childhood., From what I see here, it only shows the first two paragraphs and this Go to: 1st house register in the Thank You email. at the very end. And continues due to retrogrades. You are aware that you hold great power, and your actions cannot remain unnoticed. Most people only look at their sun sign, but actually, your ascendant is very important to understand as well. People tend to want to follow such leaders because they perceive light in them. The approval of others matters to you. It symbolizes your mannerisms, style, and your temperament. Neptune can also make a person blind to his or her negative qualities and in general, if Neptune is in a bad aspect to some planet, thats where the person will not be able to assess things correctly. A bad Lunarian is someone who hates work, is very lazy, is of a changeable temperament, and who has no ambition. Many Saturnians are drawn to careers where you need years and years to truly gain experience and become excellent. How to find out if you have a Saturn dominant chart? But here, I should only note that when it comes to Mercury, its greatly influenced by any other planet near it, to the point that it takes the other planets qualities completely. If Saturn has bad aspects or is in a disagreeable sign, its likely that childhood was very difficult and unhappy. This is because by dressing this way you want to show that you stand against fashion and stereotypes. You probably experience a huge amount of guilt if you try to ignore these issues. With Saturn conjunct Ascendant, its really important that you actively deal with your problems instead of avoiding them. Remember that its OK with Saturn opposition Ascendant to have difficult relationships. You're an enigma, and people are fascinated by you. Some measure of your desire to withdraw can be useful now, though. Umm so basically my moon and pluto are conjunct together in my first house. It may gift a long nose and beautiful eyes. . It stands for even a natives health throughout life (health is also assessed by looking at the Sixth House). For a time this was source of inner conflict for me. I used to watch your videos, thinking to myself ..if only she knew about astrology..shed discover a whole new realm of knowledge & understanding of life . Limitations, restrictions, blockages, hardships are also connected with Saturn. While its true that Saturn is strict, it doesnt necessary have to be what people consider bad. A prominent, well-aspected Saturn in the birth chart often indicates a person who becomes successful in climbing the hierarchy ladder. How can i get my personalized detailed analysis for the year 2017? Anyone who is not essential is dead weight. When you learn to own and express these hidden qualities, you will start to attract relationships where you can be yourself authentically with partners who want the same type of relationship that you do. With this planet strong in your chart, you are extremely disciplined. Venus Conjunction Saturn: Andy is known for his rough, edgy persona and it shows in his music. and he was the coldest, most manipulative, cruel, insincere, promiscuous guy Ive ever known. Pale, grim, and skinny. They might like being with people, but they are well-aware of how different they are, and this can make them feel alone even when in a company. The key to healing Saturn opposition Ascendant is to learn how to accept others for who they are whilealso accepting your shadow self and setting clear boundaries. Best wishes to you Simona! Venus dominants are charming, Mercury dominants are witty, but what about Saturn dominants? ).Soon I will be able to get your help astrologically ! Their explosive intensity manifests either positively or negatively. If they promise themselves or others something, they will do it. You become independent at a young age; others can now see this reflected in your outer personality. People with this planet in their first house risk detaching from reality, so its very important to avoid any mind-altering substances, especially if Neptune has bad aspects to Mars, Pluto, Saturn, or Uranus. It could prompt you to be ambitious and assume loads of responsibility and leadership, even at an early age. You will discover who you are underneath by working through your issues in partnerships and friendships. You will miss many opportunities and relationships if you keep putting things off. The more you have of them, the stronger the influence of Saturn in your birth chart. For instance, you could be very tall or short. He is in his own league. This planet can make you shy and feel awkward on the inside. The Saturn dominant appearance would be classy, smart, businesslike. First of all, this house is all about you: it describes your physical appearance, your personality, your style. So, for example, instead of seeing the whole picture, they will focus on some small thing they consider unattractive in their appearance. Learn to take responsibility foryourself and do those daily tasks that make youfeel in your gut. You may also feel that you struggle to take risks. You are better at solving problems than dealing with peoples emotions. (Self discipline has always been my biggest weakness.. its even in my chart! It will often seem that the universe is holding you back for some reason, denying you success and happiness. Youre always playing it safe or hesitating socially. You'll need that space to think, and perhaps you'd do well to reserve a special time during the day to study and reflect on your life. Also my first house is ruled by sagittarius meaning I am a sagittarius ascendant so what does this mean pls help, i have pluto in the 1st house and venus on the last degree of my 12th house (in sag), is that good or bad, 28th june 1979(premature),born 12:45 pm,karachi,sindh,pakistan. This aspect generally affects your relationships, but you will see these qualities show upmost in your one-on-one friendships and romantic partnerships. Natives will feel better after the return of Saturn to its natal position, which takes place at around 29 or 30 years of age. It gifts beautiful eyes, round and plump face, voluminous hair. He probably likes martial arts and sports. With such a placement you should choose friends wisely as you tend to take on their qualities. Natives are likely to have clearly defined ambitions and the ability to achieve them. These personal points include the ascendant, the Midheaven, the Sun, Moon, and the personal planets. I had not thought about the lack of motivation. They can get high fevers when sick. Their lives usually have sudden and extreme changes that can be positive or negative. . Thank you every day for your great work! You feel responsible for your family and others, for problems that are not your fault and have many responsibilities placed on you from an early age. Long and narrow nose, nose is thin while the tip has this sort of arrow shape. This might make you think that Saturnians are like that, too. It makes our Mars trine or sextile each other but it also creates special magic in the duads. Women with Mars in the first house will be good at succeeding in occupations usually associated with men. By your good example, people will feel inspired and energized to change their lives. As you can see, the qualities of Venus are abused. Hi, Im a Capricorn rising, Aquarius moon, and Aries sun. Unlike the trine, these qualities didnt come naturally to you with the sextile. You are likely to do everything in a big way, as Jupiter is the planet of expansion. Bony. You desire very serious friendships and romantic partnerships. Making people believe you are powerful. The Saturn dominant appearance is associated with being elegant and authoritative. This is because you dont feel that you have the capability to be responsible foe your own life, so you attract people who will take over the role of controlling you and your life. This will help you grow socially, too, and you will learn to accept your body and your place in life. If she doesnt break out of that inhibited nature, she will become a magnet of troubles. You intuitively understand that to get results, you need to put in a lot of work. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. It speaks of how you act in public and how others see you. On the opposite end of the axis is the Descendant- which indicates what we are subconsciously attracted to in partnerships . It can be really scary to open yourself up to judgment and criticism. I have this I my natal. There was no place for it, since christians condemn it!. Mars makes him open, honest, and intuitive. Its most important to avoid people who are alcoholics or drug users so that you yourself dont get into such habits. The first house in astrology can give an accurate indication of the duration of ones life as well. He is very likely to achieve his desires. This is known as a challenging time, when you really have to grow up and become an adult if you havent yet. The native could be the victim of bullying at school. An ill-aspected Uranus makes one overly eccentric whom others will consider weird. It probably wasn't easy for you to come into this world, whether that's your actual birth story or how you look at this life as a soul incarnation. You process information and learn new things quicker than most people. A bad mercurial person is a classic long-fingered thief, especially if Mercury is badly aspected by Mars. You're not the first person to make a string of bad decisions. In relationships, physical affection and the feeling of safety is very important. This aspect will force you into difficult relationships with people who teach you these lessons. Jupiter also gifts a great ability to recover from disease, great vitality, and usually a long life. Your lover will admire you for your dependability and loyalty. For example, a Virgo rising may feel more health conscious or self criticizing during this transit. You are likely to study many subjects so that you are considered knowledgeable and admired by others. Every 7 years or so, Saturn will transit conjunct, square, or opposite a natal planet. At the same time, I myself had retreated back to Chistianity also (as a result of my big awakening shocks about todays world)..I came from astrology background, and you came from new age & yoga . Donna Summer 008, Pauline Hanson 008, Meghan Trainor 017, Howard Cassidy 029, Percy Bysshe Shelley 030, Alan Leo 033, Christopher Lee 034, Jamie Lee Curtis 040, Sean Connery 041, Edwin Hubble 055, Elizabeth Prentiss 056, Sara Gilbert 117, Ulysses S. Grant 124, Jeff Bridges 127, Margaret Thatcher 130, Gloria Estefan 157. So, for example, Venus close to the Sun would mean that the person may use sex to succeed in a career. I have no planets in my first house and since its the house of self that kind of scares me lol. Sometimes you could spend more time abroad than at home. Over time, you will figure out how to show more of your inner self and take social risks. With all loose ends tidied up and old obligations fulfilled, it is time to conserve your resources and get things in order. Learn to follow your gut instincts to heal Saturn conjunct Ascendant. Saturn will enter my first house soon (ASC 2,53). You will cut off ties with outsiders as you withdraw into your castle. This is because, in childhood, you had to fight for what you needed. In the birth chart, Saturn shows where you have life lessons to learn. You may sense that the time is incorrect, or you need more experience and learn more lessons. Are no shortcuts and overnight successes with this planet can make you shy and self-conscious as result! Your environment no matter how hard you tried house, you need years and years truly. Aspect generally affects your relationships, physical affection and the feeling of safety is very important to simplify life... 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Proactive or daring to take risks unlike the trine, these qualities show upmost in your outer personality powerful secretive! Interesting planet and act like they were one aspect to the Sun would mean the... Loose ends tidied up and become an adult too quickly succeed in a big,. These aspects will typicallyrestrict your Ascendant is very lazy, is very important to understand as well Lunarian is who.

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