9 min read. One of its nicknames is prayer plant, because the curled leaves look like praying hands. Try to eliminate every other possible issue before adding fertilizer to your Calathea excessive nutrition is much more dangerous than a shortfall. Make sure you check the soil first before you water, as it may be another cause that watering wont fix. If you want to leave the plant where it is, misting the leaves will help. Low humidity levels are another reason as to why the Calathea has brown spots. Treating brown spots on Calathea can be difficult, especially if youre not sure what is causing the problem. You should never prune more than 1/4 of the plants leaves as the Calathea does need its leaves to absorb nutrients from the sun. This healthy tissue can still capture energy from photosynthesis; if you take it off, you may slow down your Calatheas growth. Once it begins, root rot can spread quickly and kill a Calathea in a matter of weeks. Your Calathea will be better off if you keep it a few feet back from any nearby windows, or hang a set of sheer curtains to filter and scatter the light as it enters the room. If youve identified that your Calathea is suffering from a pest infestation, treating it quickly is vital to save the plant. Because Calathea loves warm temperatures and high humidity, the plant can be susceptible to Botrytus or gray mold. WebLighting Conditions. This infection appears on the lower sides of foliage as smudges of slight tan, yellow, or brown spots. How to identify Calathea ornata? If those fixes dont work, check light, temperatures and drafts around your plant. That doesnt mean their environment should be so hot that you sweat through your shirt whenever you water your plants the ideal temperature range is 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit. The first step to solving the mystery is to identify the cause. In rare cases, pest infestation is the culprit behind the brown spots. Then, treat with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil to remove the bugs, using repeat applications at recommended intervals until all the pests have been removed. Thats why it is important to ensure Calathea is in an area where the temperatures are 68 to 85 degrees consistently throughout the year. By Madison Moulton All About Gardening 2023 All Rights Reserved. After removing the affected parts, you can treat the plants with an organic solution such as neem oil. To do this, look for any signs of overwatering, underwatering, exposure to direct sunlight, pests, diseases, or nutrient deficiencies. Aglaonemas are often vibrant and colorful, with strikingly patterned leaves. You can also spray the leaves with a misting bottle to provide extra moisture. 8 Steps to Nurse Your Calathea Back to Health, How to Choose the Best Pot and Soil for Your Calathea, When, Why, and How to Remove Brown and Dying Leaves from Your Calathea, Spider Mites & Calatheas: Prevent, Defend, and Cure Your Calathea of Pests, 8 Reasons Why Your Calathea May Have Stopped Growing and What You Can Do About It, Humidity and Calatheas: Everything You Need to Know, Plus Our Favorite Humidifier, Calatheas and Misting: To Mist or Not To Mist, That Is The Question, 13 Ideas for Displaying Your Climbing (or Trailing) Philodendrons, 9 Most Likely Reasons Your Pothos Leaves Are Turning Yellow, 7 Possible Reasons Your Pothos Isnt Vining and Trailing, What Should You Name Your Monstera Deliciosa? Leaf spot disease is caused by a fungal or bacterial pathogen that is typically relevant in wet and hot conditions. But, as a Calathea owner, one of the most common challenges you may face is brown spots appearing on your leaves. Wiping down your Calathea plants leaves weekly is the best way to spot pests and early signs of disease. Check your Calatheas root ball for mushy, slimy, gray, or black spots. Because Calatheas are tropical plants, they need humidity levels that are a little higher than what your homes average humidity typically is. In fact, seeing brown spots on Calathea is an advanced sign of root rot and, at this stage, trying to save the plant can unfortunately often be a waste of time and resources. Natural aging. A humidifier is the best way to achieve this, although grouping your moisture-loving plants close together and setting them on pebble trays can also help. There are several reasons that this can happen. (And dont forget that your container must have a drainage hole!) Use distilled water to hydrate your plant, 11. If the Calathea isnt getting the proper amount of humidity, it can cause its leaves to start to discolor and brown spots appear. If the humidity issue isnt fixed, the leaves will begin to dry out and become crispy, the plants growth will slow, and it can become stressed. Knowing the proper amount of light, water, and humidity can be tricky and will take some time to dial in. 6. Unfortunately, if youve overwatered your plant, this wont always be the case. Return it to its more humid home when the partys over. Sap-sucking bugs leave behind tiny scars when they feed, causing your plant to look mottled and dusty. You can place your Calathea near other plants to increase humidity or use a humidifier to keep the air moist. But there are some mistakes that many gardeners make when growing them both indoors and outdoors. But were here to tell you: dont beat yourself up. 7. Related: Calathea Light Requirements: The Ultimate Guide. A viral infection can cause stunted growth, deformed leaves, and discolored foliage. Since overwatering the Calathea is the leading cause of brown spots on the plants leaves, its safe to assume that you can prevent this problem by simply not overwatering it. Keeping the Calathea out of direct sunlight at all times is the safest route to avoid potential problems. A lack of these minerals or elements can lead to discoloration and brown spotting on the leaves. While there are many things to love about Calatheas, their colors and patterns are certainly top of the list. A stressed Calathea is more susceptible to pest and disease problems. These pesky little critters feed on the plants sap, which can cause discoloration and damage to the leaves. How do you treat brown spots on Calathea? Identifying if your Calathea is overwatered or underwatered can help you prevent and treat brown calathea leaves. Excess moisture in the soil causes the leaves and stems to become mushy due to rot, resulting in the same wilting as with underwatering. If the soil is soggy, you know the plant is overwatered. This substance is a buildup of salt that occurs when you overfeed plants. To avoid brown spots, water your calathea properly and avoid placing it in direct sunlight. Related: Best Calathea Fertilizer for Prayer Plants (+ When to Do It). In this article, gardening expert and houseplant enthusiast Emily Horn examines some of the most common problems that gardeners may see when caring for ghost plants. WebThis particular plant is native to Brazil, where youll find it growing in the shade of big trees in tropical rainforests. Check the soil of your Calatheas pot before adding more water. WebINTRODUCTION: Calathea spp. One of the most common problems with Calathea is white spots on the leaves. Lastly it helps keep down on pest, like spider mite. In most cases, contact occurs when you water the plant from above, since this causes soil to splash up on the leaves. Wipe the blades with isopropyl alcohol or a 10% dilution of bleach. If yours is in a spot that gets brighter light you may get sunburned leaves and youll have to be constantly checking that the soil is damp. Low humidity can also contribute to this problem. 8. Calathea jungle velvet adores well-drained, airy, and moist soil to grow. Its normal for them to fade, wither, and drop off the plant after a while. Calatheas do like moist soil, but not excessively moist soil. Calathea White Star diseases can be fungal or bacterial, and usually stem from too-wet soil or foliage. Move your Calathea to a warmer location out of any draughts from doors or windows and away from registers and other sources of sudden temperature changes. So keep that in mind before you dampen the plants leaves. The main causes of Calathea wilting are insufficient or excessive watering. Nutrient deficiencies can also cause brown spots on Calathea leaves. Flush the minerals You can rinse the salt buildup in your plants by letting water flow through the drainage holes for a minute as you water. Lack of humidity. Be extra careful if you notice brown spots of any size .on leaves or browning closer to the stem. When these chemicals accumulate in the soil, they make it harder for the roots to take up water. Pileas are fairly low maintenance plants, but they can have occasional problems. But when you get it just right, Calatheas are stunning plants that brighten up any space. Spider mites are hard to spot. No matter what tool you choose, you should disinfect it to avoid introducing bacteria into the cuts. On the other hand, stressed leaves can also be a sign of more persistent health issues. After you have removed the soil, examine the Calatheas roots and prune off any that are dead, rotted, or diseased. When a Calathea has outgrown the space in its pot, the roots begin to double back on themselves, circling and twisting into a tight clump that doesnt let in enough water or nutrition to keep the plant healthy. It's also important to avoid getting water on the leaves of the plant, as this can create a moist environment that is ideal for the bacteria to grow. Thinking of adding a Christmas Cactus to your indoor or outdoor gardening space? An especially telling sign is pale or yellow growth concentrated on the side of the plant thats facing away from the nearest window. Any roots showing any of these signs are infected. Salt build-up from overfertilizing can lead to the same issue. Use this list to determine which problem is most likely and change the conditions until your Calathea is strong and happy again. Its important to consider every aspect of your Calatheas care to identify why its leaves are suffering. Wash off any visible bugs, making sure you check the undersides of the leaves where they like to hide out. Uproot the plant and gently tease apart the root mass this will encourage it to spread outward instead of continuing to wrap around the existing knot. Their lush green leaves and striking patterns make them a stunning addition to any indoor garden. Lets take a look at what causes brown spots on Calathea plants, including what you can do to fix the issue. If not, they will quickly reproduce again and may even come back stronger than before. Discoloration isnt always concentrated in one area or across the whole leaf. Apply the same steps in irradicating scale as with mealybug. WebAnthracnose is a common fungal disease that causes Calathea leaf spots. If the brown spots are caused by watering the Calathea too much, you will need to immediately stop watering the plant and allow the soil to dry out before watering again. Make sure you wash your shears with soap and water afterward too. Common nutrient deficiencies that can cause brown leaves include nitrogen and potassium. Scientific Name: Calathea, subspecies of the Marantaceae plant family. To identify if your plant is affected by pests, look for small insects or clusters of waxy substances on the undersides of the leaves. This soil mixture is best for water drainage and doesnt let water stay in the pot. I'm a freelance writer and editor living and working in Chicago. This problem can also spread above the soil line, causing the stems to rot at the base. The colorful and patterned leaves of Calathea plants can be quite sensitive, depending on your chosen variety. This common problem has a number of reasons, and most of them are luckily easy to fix. Furthermore, pruning off the leaves wont stop the problem if the brown spots are associated with the plants growing conditions. CAUSE: Spider mites are minuscule relatives of spiders with four pairs of legs, no antennae and sharp mouths that pierce plant cells and suck out the fluids, leaving behind yellow, orange or white speckles. We are a member of several affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to external sites. Holes on Calathea Leaves. Youll have to take a complete inventory of the plants growing conditions, from the soil in which it sits to the amount of light and water it receives. The ideal relative humidity level for a Calathea plant is between 50-60%. . Carefully inspect the leafs underside, if possible with a magnifying glass, and look for any signs of life. Misting leaves can create extra humidity for plants for those plants that need extra humidity. In fact, you may want to stop feeding the plant all together unless it begins to show signs of a nutrient deficiency. Theres a chance it will perk up on its own in a week or two. Unfortunately, they are not always easy to avoid. First, place sticky traps in the soil around your houseplants to catch as many flying bugs as possible. If you dont want to create your own mixture, you can purchase a commercially available potting mix designed for Calathea. Keep temperatures moderate and move the plant out of the way of drafts to resolve the problem. Then, apply insecticidal soap or horticultural oil to all the leaves as per the instructions on the packaging. If your Calathea is in a low-light area where evaporation is low and soil remains moist, it is likely to attract one of the peskiest indoor pests fungus gnats. This can, however, take several months. Dabbing alcohol on the individual insects can also help with targeted removal if you are finding them tricky to tackle. High light exposure can lead to curling leaves to limit damage. Tip: To learn about growing and caring for bromeliads, click here ! Adding a balanced fertilizer or supplementing with nutrients can help correct the deficiency and get your Calathea back on track. They dig their teeth in and settle down to feed on any water and nutrients that come through the stems, depriving the leaves. If you see the spots on a single leaf, its usually recommended to remove the leaf. A leaf that sheds vapor faster than its taking in water will soon take on a shriveled, brown appearance and a crispy texture. Poor environmental conditions such as low humidity, excess light, and frost can also lead to the same fate. Another potential issue is new leaves that are small or misshapen when they emerge. Calatheas need bright, indirect light for optimal growth. If you mist your Calatheas, use a fine droplet setting and try to avoid letting it sit in a sunbeam immediately afterward. All Rights Reserved, Identifying the Cause of Brown Spots on Calathea Leaves, Preventing Future Brown Spots on Calathea Plants, Why Are My Calathea Leaves Turning Yellow? WebCalathea roseo-picta and C. 'Vandenheckei' are most susceptible to this bacterial pathogen and spots may reach 1 inch wide. Lets take a look at the most common causes. Avoid growing the Calathea in compact soil, 5. Make sure the Calathea is growing in the correct temperature. You might consider starting with a or even -strength dose before scaling it up if the plant seems to need it. There are actually a few common issues that can impact these popular houseplants, depending on how they are grown. Brown spots clustered on the side of the plant that faces a window are probably due to sun scorch. Last updated: February 18, 2023 | Grow lights are also an option if the natural light levels in your home just wont cut it. You may also see yellow or brown lesions scattered across the foliage. Just make sure the light coming through the window is diffused by a sheer curtain or blind. Go to a garden store and buy a test kit to help you figure it out. Although less likely on Calatheas, you also need to keep an eye out for scale insects. To pick the right fertilizer for your Calathea plant, check the soil for nutrient deficiencies. Giving the plant this type of water can lead to leaf damage and even cause brown spots to form. Other signs of high sunlight exposure include curling and brown patches on the leaves close to the light source. If youve identified that your Calathea has a nutrient deficiency, applying a fertilizer that contains the necessary nutrients can help treat the brown spots. If the Pattern in the Leaves Fades or Disappears . In this article, gardening expert Emily Horn walks through the most common causes of droopy leaves and how to fix it! As with most leafy plants, the most likely cause is underwatering. Rusts initial symptoms are small, red-orange spots on the leaves upper surfaces, followed by tiny yellow spots on their lower ones. Leaf color and variegation pattern: Calathea Beauty Star leaves have multiple colors that appear to layer on top of each other. Calathea Misto is native to the tropical Americas. Flush the soil to remove excess minerals. A good general soil mixture for Calathea consists of 50 percent potting soil, 20 percent charcoal, 20 percent orchid bark, and 10 percent perlite. This can stunt any new growth your Calathea tries to send out. The Misto is a great addition to a home collection. They need a consistently warm spot and bright but indirect light keep them out of direct sunshine. This is a perfect spot for it, as it loves bright light but does not want direct sunlight. However, any problems you encounter are usually not impossible to solve. Most often the infection will be noticed on lower or inner branches, and the shape In this article, gardening expert and houseplant enthusiast Madison Moulton walks through the most common calathea problems, and how to fix them! Make sure to thoroughly spray all parts of the plant, especially the undersides of the leaves, with the solution. When conditions are extremely dry, consider misting the Calathea to help keep the leaves moist, while also increasing the humidity level. If the problem is not resolved, youll need to repot as soon as possible to remove infected soil and roots. Temperature plays an important role in the health and wellness of Calatheas, and trying to grow the plant in temps that are too cold can cause brown spots to form. The identifying spots can range in color from black, brown, red, orange, yellow to white, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Insecticidal soap or horticultural oil are effective treatments for dealing with common pests. A telltale sign of underwatered Calathea plants is brown spots. WebNative to Southeast Asia, the plant features large wide leaves in the shades of yellow, green, orange, bronze, and burgundy red. Like an entitled celebrity in a fancy restaurant, your Calathea might throw a fit if you serve it tap water. This is precisely what it sounds like. That means you can place the Calathea in an area where it receives direct morning sun, as long as it is kept out of direct sunlight for the remainder of the day. Aloe Vera is a pretty tolerant and low-maintenance plant. A good general rule of thumb is to water the Calathea once a week during the spring and summer, and ensure the humidity level is at least 50 percent throughout the entire year. That can make the leaves too dark for their patterns to stand out. If your Calathea is not receiving enough nutrients, it can cause brown spots on the leaves. Even through they are considered low maintenance, ghost plants can still encounter their share of problems. It is always best to prevent your Calathea from getting brown spots in the first place. Once you are done pruning, clean and sanitize the pruning shears to avoid spreading pathogens to other plants. Fiddle leaf figs are popular houseplants, but they can also be a bit difficult to care for. Excessive sunlight not only results in brown spots appearing on the leaves, but it also burns and scorches the foliage. Calatheas can be quite fussy, especially if you have a rarer variety that is difficult to keep happy. A number of sap-sucking pests are known to feed on the juicy leaves of Calathea plants. One common problem they have is curling leaves. Calathea leaves generally stand strong and upright, proudly displaying their stunning colors. Fungicides are useful tools that help treat a wide array of problems caused by fungal pathogens. Make sure youve satisfied these requirements before you go looking for more obscure problems with your Calatheas leaves. Calathea also can be sensitive to the fluoride that your community may add to the water. Immediately stop overwatering the Calathea, 8. . Their stunning leaves in a wide range of shapes, colors and beautiful leaf variegation have made them irresistible to collectors around the world. Neem oil is a natural fungicide that can help treat the infection and is safe for humans and pets. Soil: Well-draining, acidic (5.5-6.5 pH) Light: Partial or deep shade. Keep going until youve rinsed the pot with 3-4 times its total volume. You can find more detailed instructions in our article on Calatheas and root rot. Its best to place your Calathea in a spot that receives plenty of natural light but is not exposed to direct sunlight. Too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves and cause them to develop brown spots or scorch marks. Probably the best way to keep brown spots on Calathea at bay is to ensure the plant is getting the proper care. These tiny crawling bugs are usually found on the stems. Regardless of whats attacking your plant, there are a few crucial steps to take: Refer to our article on Calatheas and spider mites for more detailed instructions. This disease can be hard to treat and hard to get rid of, so preventive measures are the best option for protecting the Calathea from these diseases. If youre not sure whether or not this is the cause of the brown spots on Calathea, take a look at the top of the soil. This is different than overwatering, which causes the leaf to become mushy and pale. If the Calathea isnt getting the proper amount of humidity, it can cause its leaves to start to discolor and brown spots appear. This is done by setting the plant under lukewarm running water for several minutes. This will help create a more suitable microclimate for your Calathea. Refer back to our earlier advice on lighting issues, or to our in-depth article on proper illumination for Calatheas. If you suspect overwatering as the cause of your Calatheas brown leaves, start by allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. This will, however, require removing the Calathea from its pot and discarding all the soil. Calathea Mdaillon Marantaces. Calatheas are a houseplant that likes its soil to stay moist but not soggy. Removing any affected leaves and disposing them away from other plants is essential. Both underwatering and lack of humidity can cause the edges of the leaves to dry up and turn brown. However, not all direct sun is the same, and the morning sunlight is not nearly as harsh or harmful. The usual suspects are spider mites, the most common Calathea pests by a landslide, but thrips or aphids can also cause this type of damage. Heres How to Fix It, Why, When & How to Prune Your Monstera Deliciosa, our article on Calatheas and spider mites. The problem is the chemicals that are usually present in municipal drinking water. When you remove the plant from its pot, wash off all the soil and take a look at the roots. The issue of overwatering isnt something to fool around with, since it makes the roots soggy, which leads to root rot. Overwatering. Calatheas prefer indirect sunlight, so make sure yours is placed in an area with bright indirect light and away from direct sunlight. Note that brief bursts of intense cold can be just as bad as a prolonged chill. Youll need to repot as soon as you can, replacing the soil completely to get rid of any fungus around the roots. If your aloe vera plant is drooping or falling over, there could be many different reasons why. High temperatures can also result in curling to prevent loss of moisture in the leaves, and cold drafts can cause the leaves to shrivel. Be sure to wash and disinfect all your tools before use properly. Its soft pink stripes against Lack of light. You can, however, use them in conjunction with other treatment measures to help get rid of brown spots on Calathea. Anthracnose typically affects Calathea plants in early spring or late winter. If root rot has set in, your plant needs immediate and drastic treatment. This can be exacerbated by large water droplets on the leaves that focus the light rays into a small spot, resulting in a hole without other obvious damage. Sun damage and pests infestation are two common causes of holes in Calathea leaves. You can use a soil drench to target fungus gnats, although this can impact growth if not used carefully. However, the most common issue is overwatering. So what might be starving your Calatheas roots of water? Calatheas are accustomed to bright indirect light, not intense direct rays. To rid your home of fungus gnat problems, youll need to try a couple of things. Leave any undamaged portions of the leaves unless you really cant stand how they look after youve removed the brown parts. WebAglaonemas are native to Southeast Asia. Small spots of yellow and brown appearing in random areas are a sure sign of a pest issue. All these preventive measures are done to help reduce stress that can occur when pruning any plant. For the best results, follow the instructions listed on the bottle. This can lead to root rot, which in turn causes discoloration and spotting on the leaves. The best soil is a mixture of 25% Peat Moss, 15% perlite, 10% Vermiculite,10% Worm Castings, 15% orchid bark, 20% Coco Coir, and some charcoal. While aloe vera is somewhat hands-off when it comes to care, there are still some things that can cause drooping leaves. In this article, gardening expert and houseplant enthusiast Madison Moulton walks through the most common problems you are likely to encounter with your Pilea. WebGive your calatheas leaves a gentle stroke and theyll feel soft and velvety. 1. Calathea plants need consistent watering to stay healthy. Bacterial and fungal diseases can cause leaf spot disease on Calathea. As the underwatering continues, the leaves will start to feel dry and crispy, brown spots can form, and the plants health and growth will suffer. The problem gets even worse when the soil remains waterlogged for days on end. If the Calathea is left in these low temps for an extended period of time, the plant will experience stress, leaf dropping, stunted growth, and eventually die. Low light conditions could potentially be the cause when the Calathea has brown spots. One of the most common causes of brown spots on Calathea leaves is pests, such as aphids, mites, and mealybugs. 10. Overwatering isnt just caused by hydrating it too much it can also occur if you grow the Calathea in soil that doesnt promote drainage. Once root rot begins, the plants cannot draw up the nutrients and moisture required to function, causing the leaves to turn yellow as a result of stress. Calatheas can recover from brown spots, although the brown spots wont disappear from the leaf. This is a process Calatheas use to protect themselves when conditions are potentially damaging to them, conserving moisture and reducing exposure until the environment improves. Give your plant filtered or distilled water to sidestep this issue. Sometimes a Calatheas leaves appear mostly healthy, but their normal vivid patterns begin to lose their bold contrast. You may also see yellow or brown lesions scattered across the foliage. If you have been overwatering your Calathea, begin checking the top inch of soil in the pot, and dont water until that top layer of soil dries out. And nutrients that come through the window is diffused by a fungal or,! Common fungal disease that causes Calathea leaf spots to the same steps in irradicating scale with... Around with, since it makes the roots to take up water, clean and sanitize the pruning shears avoid... 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