These are defined in the codex for claritys sake, though its pretty obvious which are which. ), access to the. The incinerator also ends up effectively flatly upgraded, dropping to D1 but going to 2d6 shots, making it more flexible. Well thats where the stratagem comes in , , which lets you pick an enemy unit near to one of your Psykers and give all Swordbearer units (not even just vehicles) +1 to hit against it with their ranged attacks. It does feel like some sort of cast boost is, Theres a lot of change though, especially in the Sanctic powers, which now work quite differently to normal. Fundamentally, some of the stuff here is what makes the army tick and you want it. If youre trying to build competitive lists, these and Dreadknights are your bread and butter. You probably need to be ready to Strategic Reserve the plane if the opponent has big guns, then bring it on and immediately Sanctuary it on turn two but if you do that its kind of OK? On turn two, you can dump two more Dreadknights, Draigo and the rest of the infantry onto the table and go hog wild. While this Tide is dominant for your army: Instead, if you find that the opponent has built up a strong point, use your Dreadknights to hold firm in that position then try to swing the rest of the army to somewhere more vulnerable. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), James "One_Wing" Grover and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Jack Hunter, Matthew "Rockfish" Herrington and Liam "Corrode" Royle, Matthew "Rockfish" Herrington, Jack Hunter, Colin Ward and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Garrett "John Condit" Severson, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and MildNorman, Liam "Corrode" Royle and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, FromTheShire, B Phillip York, Will "Loxi" Angarella, Rocco Gest and Marcille "Marcy" Donato, B Phillip York, FromTheShire and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and MildNorman, The Goonhammer Review of Codex: Thousand Sons (9th Edition), incredibly official Goonhammer store on RedBubble. Grey Knights have lots of abilities that key off either Nemesis weapons (most of their melee options) or Psi weapons (their two special ranged weapons and the upgraded versions on Dreadknights). Finally, you get an extra wound and inch of movement at full health. a bit niche to see routine play with the timing it has, but also very open to players finding some sort of nonsense angle on it. Its not especially subtle, but youre going to hit, in the mid-game, especially with access to the Swordbearer abilities and. ever getting caught in a grinding engagement in any one place, as your forces are likely to be relatively few in number, and although tougher than they used to be, still not really meant for a meat grinder. Even better, unlike a lot of similar objectives theres no rider that your opponent cant be within 3 of the objective when you do it, so when things are on a knife-edge its very tough for them to stop you from squeezing points from this. If you love using a Land Raider or Stormraven with your Grey Knights, access to a 4++ makes them considerably more impactful, and the fact that this gets applied in the Psychic phase and not the Command Phase means you can also use it after either bringing the bearer in from Deep Strike, or more likely the vehicle from Strategic Reserves. Paladins are souped up Terminators, with an extra attack, more special weapons and the unique trick of being able to freely pick two Sanctic powers. In practice, you shouldnt do that they really needed an ability to allow them to target Sanctic powers on other units rather than having to self cast to make this worthwhile. Mortal wounds are already popular in the metagame and likely about to become more so, and with your models all being highly valuable defences against them are very valuable. Hammer of Math: Critical Mechanics in 10th Edition, The Arks of Omen: The Lion Datasheets Review, Goonhammer Miniature Review: Lion ElJonson, Arks of Omen: The Lion The Goonhammer Review, Goonhammer Historicals reviews Never Mind The Billhooks Deluxe Edition, Blood Bowl Lizardmen: From Sprue To Pitch, Eldfall Chronicles Faction Focus: Sand Kingdoms, The Final 9th Edition Dataslate and FAQ update: The Goonhammer Hot Take, This Weekends UTC Events: April 14, 2023. Layering these two effects on top of the other improvements these have received makes a spearhead of a GMDK and three regular ones look like the real deal both in Grey Knights lists and plausibly in soup. There look to be some extremely real soup detachment options in this book, and while you should ensure your army can maximise Tides if youre running Grey Knights solo, dont feel too discouraged from wider experimentation either. Lets dig in. You pick a visible enemy within 12, and then all attacks made against it with Nemesis and Psi weapons are at +1D until your next psychic phase. The most mysterious of the Emperor's servants, the Grey Knights are a unique Chapter of Space Marines. Both neat in the right matchup, but therein lies the problem a lot of stuff here is narrow. : The odd one out that no unit gets as their fixed power and its a fairly mediocre damage dealing spell you probably wont take. If your army is Battle Forged, each detachment can only include models from one BROTHERHOOD, the new sub-factions. In terms of building armies, I am reasonably confident that armies built predominantly around Strike Marines and Dreadknights are at least viable, and that a few point cuts could open up more options. Ignoring wounds is good, Grey Knights definitely have models youre willing to spend a CP to revive, and getting a genuine combat statline on top of all of that is nice, so if these can squeeze into lists theyre potentially very worthwhile. But to post the excerpt mentioned in the title, Angron is fucking terrifying. Its now +1 to Advance and Charge rolls for the Warlord, and if theyre in Engagement Range of an enemy unit any of your other units that charge that unit also get +1. Some of those were crutches required because the base 8th Codex was such trash, and would have been outrageous with good datasheets, but weve swung too far in the other direction and the book needs some of that galaxy brain energy back. WarHammer 40K 7th ed - Adeptus Mechanicus - Skitarii. [1a] [1e] Each member of the chapter undergoes a gruelling and torturous selection process, and even once inducted, their harsh training regime is without equal. Every army in 9th gets some sort of cool upgrade option you can spend points on, and Grey Knights are no exception. Your largest adult son can enjoy one turn of the old-style 3++, which is extremely cool. With Sanctuary to drop a 4+ invulnerable save on them and ways to boost their output despite them not having CORE, they end up way closer to viable than in most places. each turn. Your regular Grand Master, providing you with a re-roll 1s to hit aura for a Brotherhood, and a customisable loadout. . As with other 9th edition Warhammer 40,000 Codexes, Codex Grey Knights is packed with background, history and timelines, descriptions of battles and major conflicts involving the Knights of Titan and plenty of gorgeous images and artwork depicting Mankind's most secretive of warriors. 7-Men's Outdoor Sports Waterproof Smart Dive Computer Watch High Per pressure Pressure Compass Temp. Thats a real shame, and I never enjoy having to write a more negative review I want to get to the end of a book and be excited about the potential with five different lists bouncing around in my head. $5. You get one-shot effects to switch off Overwatch, shoot a unit that arrived from Reinforcements, and trigger a Heroic Intervention from non-characters, and the more unique and potentially very spicy ability to Overwatch on a 4+. Hes an extra 20pts over the Brotherhood Champion, but comes with a better profile, mortal wounds from his Daemon sword (which hes apparently just using now? most of the time in a way that none of the other Warpcraft secondaries do, especially in a book that can go very wide on psychic-capable units, and having an always on option in that category is a gigantic boon to Grey Knights. No longer getting cast boosts particularly stings with some reasonably meaty warp charge values on key powers, and its worth saying up front this codex represents a pretty substantial upheaval to the faction, with quite a few of the tools they relied on in 8th changed or removed. Some of the Brotherhood powers are things you could imagine wanting to multi-cast, but its far from all of them and having to both activate this and give up whatever else you were going to do is a pretty steep opportunity cost, especially with the escalating warp charge. He also provides a RR1s to hit aura for all Grey Knight CORE units (rather than being Brotherhood locked like a regular GM), is a 2-cast Psyker, and has the new version of Chapter Master in place of his old re-roll aura (presumably why the price went down). Theres a lot of change though, especially in the Sanctic powers, which now work quite differently to normal. Warp Shaping (WC4) still changes Tides, now with a rider that you cant switch back to a Tide thats already been used. The psilencer is the only tool that gets a bit of a sidegrade, gaining S and AP at the cost of dropping to D1, but with 12 shots its excellent with, It isnt even only the weapons that got better these now get. To be brutally honest, you kind of wish they didnt. This was Hyperion's first major combat as a Grey Knight and I'm not sure you could come closer to a literal baptism of fire. As per the standard for codex books in 9th edition Warhammer 40k, it contains: Grey Knights lore and background (26 pages) A 'showcase' section of photos of painted Grey knights models (ten pages) Hell yeaahhhhh. This is also strong if you end up bringing Grey Knights in soup and dont want to make one of them your Warlord, as it gives you partial coverage on that trait at a key moment. Especially with Voldus looking a bit less exciting than he used to, Draigo should be a mainstay of Grey Knight armies and because hes the SUPREME GRAND MASTER rather than a regular one, you can take him and the regular flavour, which means you can still load him into a detachment alongside a Dreadknight. Layering these two effects on top of the other improvements these have received makes a spearhead of a GMDK and three regular ones look like the real deal both in Grey Knights lists and plausibly in soup. The other thing the Wardmakers get is some Named Characters both Voldus and Stern now sport this keyword. This section at the end is where I can get a bit more opinionated about what the book means, and highlight any areas of disappointment or serious balance concerns arising. From their hidden moon of Titan, they are trained harder and more strictly than any other Chapter of Space Marines, for they must face the deadliest foes of Mankind in battle time and again, often against seemingly impossible odds. Grey Knights 9th Edition - The Blood of Kittens Network Grey Knights 9th Edition Follow Follow Follow Follow Follow Codex Adeptus Astartes: Grey Knights 9th edition was released on 09-11-2021 Unit points throughout Time Show entries Showing 1 to 10 of 46 entries Previous Next Grey Knight Special Rules Thats mostly because the Ritual of the Damned stratagem sheet was buck wild, overcompensating for how weak the original Codex ones were, and the extremes in both directions have been flattened out. Picking their powers does let them get access to both Armoured Resilience and Ethereal Castigation, which lets them be very flexible on the table, but theyre so expensive and can no longer load up on damage reduction or 3+ invulnerable saves in melee, with no more wounds on their profile than a regular Terminator. Kaldor Draigo 180 This is appallingly devastating to any sort of elite or high value target, and extremely good in combination with Swordbearers Dreadknights in particular. After both players have deployed this allows you to redeploy three CORE units, or pull them into strategic reserves for free. If youre pure, you want someone to cast this. Powers: Warp Shaping, Sanctuary, 5 Strike Marines, 3 swords, 1 stave, 1 psycannon 115, 5 Strike Marines, 3 swords, 1 stave, 1 psilencer 110, 5 Interceptors, 4 halberds, 1 stave 120 Nemesis warding staves no longer give a melee invulnerable save, but if a unit contains any you can now throw up a 5+ invulnerable save (or 4+ for Terminators) against shooting with Zone of Warding (1/2CP for up to 5 or 6+ models respectively). The final standout is the Gem, which was shown on WarCom and gives you one turn of +2 to all your Dominus casts. shenanigans makes these a bit weaker than they once were, and your heavy support slots are now heavily contested by Dreadknights, but if you find yourself needing a few more guns, these still fill that role, especially as psycannons are a bit spicier on base rate now. This one is more niche, but thats not the worst thing in a list that has an exceptional choice front and centre, and Chaos lists with a sizeable contingent of things scoped in to this arentthat uncommon. Like a few other units who were missing it before, these do also now get built in Teleport Strike, so no more spending CP if you want to Deep Strike them. Taken as a whole, this ability is fine but also considerably more skippable than it either used to be in 8th, or in comparison to how strong some other pure army bonuses are in 9th. With only oneits a tough sell (unless this is where GW reveal that Commanding Oratory, which GK get a version of, was always meant to let you use Litanies you dont know). As you might be able to guess from that build up, and some of the comments earlier, Ive found this book a bit disappointing, and think it ends up in the pool with Blood Angels as something of a miss. Relic: Sigil of Exigence Its worth saying that the impact it has on Deep Strike charge maths isnt spectacular by itself, bumping you from a 28% chance to around a 39%. Your options are: Now, before the howling about Convergence no longer boosting Psi damage starts, we should re-assure readers that you can still access a damage boost for these weapons via a psychic power, and while Escalations boost to Smites is gone, all your units get full Smite now anyway an understated but reasonably consequential change so its pretty bearable. Brother-Captains have had their aura tweaked, and now fill the Lieutenant role for Grey Knights, providing a Brotherhood-locked re-roll 1s to wound aura, and also access to the Psychic Locus strat for cast boosts. Not exciting, but plausibly useful. The others arent as exciting, but arent terrible either. This book replaces the previous Thousand Sons Codex and the Thousand Son content from within Psychic Awakening: Ritual of the Damned. That rockets it to being a near-auto take, something thats also true of the heavy psycannon, which jumps to S8 AP-2. Neat stuff. Alongside him, we're taking a fully decked out Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight. If Grey Knights (very strong) synergies with Marines big vehicles break through anywhere its probably on the Stormraven. Hopefully, that leaves your opponent rather short on the kind of killing power they need to take multiple Dreadknights off the table, and you roll through to victory from there. Kaldor Draigo kicks ass, and you want to take him a, . For these, it feels like theres plausibly a play in taking a full squad of ten with four incinerators in a Rhino depending on the matchup, you can either Combat Squad them for a big damage spike from the powers, or keep them together to maximise the value of, . For a two point premium over Strike Marines, you get the same great baseline, but with a 12 move that essentially has FLY, as their power for sneaky shooting shenanigans, and the TELEPORTER keyword that unlocks various strats. And there you have it folks the Grey Knights. At the extremely aggressive price point of 22pts each, you get a Marine with built in deep strike, a storm bolter and a powerful melee weapon (the basic force sword is now S+1 AP-3 D2, so youre laughing) and the ability to either Smite, now in full-fat form, or give their unit melee wound re-rolls with Hammerhand each turn. This gives you a handy aura of +1 to manifest Blessing powers, which includes, . Meanwhile, the 5+ invulnerable save provides a defensive option thats relevant in far more of your games, and one thats genuinely transformational for a bunch of the otherwise boring Marine vehicles and also powerful on a few Forge World choices. This is also strong if you end up bringing Grey Knights in soup and dont want to make one of them your Warlord, as it gives you partial coverage on that trait at a key moment. Fundamentally, some of the stuff here is what makes the army tick and you want it. Tide of Celerity can help you out in a turn where youre planning to make a lot of charges or badly need to seize some objectives. If you love using a Land Raider or Stormraven with your Grey Knights, access to a 4++ makes them considerably more impactful, and the fact that this gets applied in the Psychic phase and, the Command Phase means you can also use it after either bringing the bearer in from Deep Strike, or more likely the vehicle from Strategic Reserves. but it has been noted many times in both 8th & 9th edition codex that grey knights (and death watch -in 8th, changed in 9th) are not applicable for anything in the space marine codex. Youre never going to leave home without Gate, Empyric Amplification and Warp Shaping, and all of the rest are pretty credible ways to use up slots on the rest of your characters. Every army in 9th gets some sort of cool upgrade option you can spend points on, and Grey Knights are no exception. While these stand out, the other five Brotherhoods definitely arent useless, all having at least some interest to them. Like the Grandmaster variant, basic Dreadknights rule theyre slightly down in price, have access to the same improved wargear as the Grand Masters, and crucially have been upgraded with both the CORE keyword and a baseline 4+ invulnerable save from, . The Aegis is considerably less useful on these than some Chapter Tactics out there, and Grey Knight Chaplains arent nearly as exciting as regular Marine ones, which leaves these far weaker than their counterparts in some other chapters. It does feel like some sort of cast boost is conspicuously missing though, and the Sanctic Shard should probably have been left alone.. As some of the finest Psykers in the galaxy its only fitting that Grey Knights get multiple psychic disciplines, with both the Dominus and Sanctic Disciplines returning from 8th. The, strat costs you a mere 1CP, and just straight up gives a Psyker unit RR1s to hit, wound in either the Shooting or Fight phase (and you could of course use it in both, in the right situation). Outdoor Sports Waterproof Smart Dive Computer Watch High Per pressure pressure Compass Temp Dive! Tick and you want someone to grey knights 9th edition tactics this the title, Angron is fucking terrifying you one of... Is extremely cool are which mid-game, especially in the Sanctic powers, which includes, which are which a! Finally, you want someone to cast this the Emperor & # x27 ; s Outdoor Sports Waterproof Dive. 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