"From our first contact with Roger James during a Discovery weekend, through the design and construction process, and during the first year in our new home, we have been thoroughly satisfied with all our interactions with Liberty Homes staff. Search all the available listings of Compass Pointe homes for sale in Leland NC. Second floor has BR/Bonus with full bath. } 2023 North Carolina Regional MLS LLC This home is located in the Pointe Village neighborhood of Compass Pointe, a gated golf cart friendly neighborhood with resort-style amenities. $789,000 . With emphasis on Energy Efficiency, it is has radiant barrier roof decking, New Construction by Horizon Homes! Learn more. Come build your dream home in the Hammocks Cove neighborhood in Compass Pointe. It is truly beautiful, scratch resistant and easy to maintain.The stunning gourmet kitchen is light and airy with neutral colored cabinets. } Updated January 2023: By searching, you agree to the Terms of Use, andPrivacy Policy. 36 acre lot is embellished with terraced decking and a wooden privacy fence, both sure to offer a great place for entertaining or just relaxing in seclusion. Average Household Size* 2.4. speed: 750, Every effort will be made to keep substituted materials consistent with the original aesthetic planned for this home. Contact our Discovery Center at 888.717.6468 to schedule an in person [] Craftsman Trim Package. Total Population. 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Instantly search and view photos of all homes for sale in Compass Pointe, Navassa, NC now. Photos are representative, and are not of this home. Our Homeowners are saying. Dining Room has double barn doors and can function as a Study. No guarantee, warranty or representation of any kind is made regarding the completeness or accuracy of descriptions or measurements (including square footage measurements and property condition), such should be independently verified, and Compass expressly disclaims any liability in connection therewith. $($area_list_arrows).insertAfter('#listings .mb-4.grid'); Our new collection has been such a success with our Catherine's Cove community in Ogden that we are expanding it to Compass Pointe! dots:false, Our top-rated real estate agents in Compass Pointe are local experts and are ready to answer your questions about properties, neighborhoods, schools, and the newest listings for sale in Compass Pointe. Use filters to narrow your search by price, square feet, beds, and baths to find homes that fit your criteria. Find your dream home in Compass Pointe using the tools above. slidesToScroll: 2 The all-brick Sabal II plan has GR, 3 BR, 2 BA and dining room, kitchen and screened lanai on the first floor. The living room is spacious and features aTrey ceiling, crown molding, custom cabinetry, fireplace and offers an abundance of natural light. ft. open floor plan with bedroom, full bath and floored attic space on 2nd floor. 2612 sq. Very convenient to all Leland has to offer with a low-maintenance lifestyle. Located in amenity rich Compass Pointe, a resort lifestyle community located just minutes from downtown Wilmington, NC. This home is located in the Pointe Village neighborhood of Compass Pointe, a gated golf cart friendly neighborhood with resort-style amenities. Homes in Compass Pointe are built by the area's finest builders that have been hand-selected to participate in our Preferred Builder Program. dots: false, Opt-in to premiere Compass Pointe Golf Club to utilize 18-hole course, putting green, driving range & short practice space. $('.agent-test-nav-next').prepend(''); 2545 Croquet Dr, Wilmington, NC 28412. $fa_nav = '
'; You'll have all the room you need as the party continues into the large back yard, fenced for your privacy. We offer an everyday "resort-style" way of life and pride ourselves on offering a vibrant, active family lifestyle . New Construction by Horizon Homes! The foyer, dining room and family room all feature Hickory hardwood flooring. //testimonial excerpt if($('.fa-custom-slider').length){ The Bailey by Windsor Homes is in the Pointe Village section of Compass Pointe. Come build your dream home in the Timber Ridge Section of Compass Pointe and see what the resort lifestyle is all about. The Sabal Pointe plan has GR, 3 BR, 2 BA and dining room, kitchen and screened lanai on the first floor. autoplaySpeed:5000 It's no mystery why it's been awarded, ''Best of the Best Ideal Living'' for four years in a row. Each office is independently owned and operated. 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Shiplap in Breakfast Nook, on Island and fireplace wall. What are some of the most popular neighborhoods in Compass Pointe? prevArrow:$('.fa-prev'), Buy . Extensive shelving in attic 3 season L, A truly immaculate home located in the resort style living gated golf community of Compass Pointe. 1 of 53. 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Browse 38 homes for sale in and around Maple Pointe, photos & virtual tours. settings: { settings: { $('.popular-links-tab a').prepend(''); slidesToScroll: 2 Please switch to a supported browser or download one of our Mobile Apps. 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Master shower is a zero entry All downstairs' closets are cedar lined Sound system downstairs Upstairs audio system is negotiable Attic - Walk-in. }); The Keys at 17th Street. Photos are of a similar home and for illustration purposes only. //custom area page This nearly new 3BR/2.5BA home backs up to green space galore. Ft of heated living space with 3 bedrooms & 2.5 Bathrooms on the 1st floor in addition to a bonus room & full bonus bathroom on the 2nd floor. Zero entry all downstairs ' closets are cedar lined Sound system downstairs Upstairs audio system is negotiable -! `` unslick '' //social links //new testimonials Hear from our Fans.. are you a Broker bath floored..., on Island and fireplace wall Village neighborhood of Compass Pointe homes for sale in and around Maple Pointe a... Light and airy with neutral colored cabinets. truly beautiful, scratch resistant and easy to stunning... 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Portland Parking Zone Map, Articles C