If you are an Class C Motorhome dealer, this means speedy, expert service for all your Class C Motorhome HWH Hydraulic Leveling . (!r.test(e)&&!a.test(e.substr(0,4)))}},{key:"mobile",value:function(){var e=o();return! ]+)|)/.exec(a)||[];return{browser:b[1]||"",version:b[2]||"0"}},a.browser||(o=a.uaMatch(navigator.userAgent),p={},o.browser&&(p[o.browser]=!0,p.version=o.version),p.chrome?p.webkit=!0:p.webkit&&(p.safari=!0),a.browser=p),e(a,"browser",a.browser,"jQuery.browser is deprecated"),a.boxModel=a.support.boxModel="CSS1Compat"===document.compatMode,e(a,"boxModel",a.boxModel,"jQuery.boxModel is deprecated"),e(a.support,"boxModel",a.support.boxModel,"jQuery.support.boxModel is deprecated"),a.sub=function(){function b(a,c){return new b.fn.init(a,c)}a.extend(!0,b,this),b.superclass=this,b.fn=b.prototype=this(),b.fn.constructor=b,b.sub=this.sub,b.fn.init=function(d,e){var f=a.fn.init.call(this,d,e,c);return f instanceof b?f:b(f)},b.fn.init.prototype=b.fn;var c=b(document);return d("jQuery.sub() is deprecated"),b},a.fn.size=function(){return d("jQuery.fn.size() is deprecated; use the .length property"),this.length};var y=!1;a.swap&&a.each(["height","width","reliableMarginRight"],function(b,c){var d=a.cssHooks[c]&&a.cssHooks[c].get;d&&(a.cssHooks[c].get=function(){var a;return y=!0,a=d.apply(this,arguments),y=!1,a})}),a.swap=function(a,b,c,e){var f,g,h={};y||d("jQuery.swap() is undocumented and deprecated");for(g in b)h[g]=a.style[g],a.style[g]=b[g];f=c.apply(a,e||[]);for(g in b)a.style[g]=h[g];return f},a.ajaxSetup({converters:{"text json":a.parseJSON}});var z=a.fn.data;a.fn.data=function(b){var e,f,g=this[0];return!g||"events"!==b||1!==arguments.length||(e=a.data(g,b),f=a._data(g,b),e!==c&&e!==f||f===c)?z.apply(this,arguments):(d("Use of jQuery.fn.data('events') is deprecated"),f)};var A=/\/(java|ecma)script/i;a.clean||(a.clean=function(b,c,e,f){c=c||document,c=!c.nodeType&&c[0]||c,c=c.ownerDocument||c,d("jQuery.clean() is deprecated");var g,h,i,j,k=[];if(a.merge(k,a.buildFragment(b,c).childNodes),e)for(i=function(a){return!a.type||A.test(a.type)?f?f.push(a.parentNode?a.parentNode.removeChild(a):a):e.appendChild(a):void 0},g=0;null!=(h=k[g]);g++)a.nodeName(h,"script")&&i(h)||(e.appendChild(h),"undefined"!=typeof h.getElementsByTagName&&(j=a.grep(a.merge([],h.getElementsByTagName("script")),i),k.splice.apply(k,[g+1,0].concat(j)),g+=j.length));return k});var B=a.event.add,C=a.event.remove,D=a.event.trigger,E=a.fn.toggle,F=a.fn.live,G=a.fn.die,H=a.fn.load,I="ajaxStart|ajaxStop|ajaxSend|ajaxComplete|ajaxError|ajaxSuccess",J=new RegExp("\\b(?:"+I+")\\b"),K=/(? -Dual Rare opportunity to purchase a high quality, true four season, Canadian made, motor home. "+M,function(){B()})},getInline:function(n,i){if(B(),n.src){var o=t.st.inline,r=e(n.src);if(r.length){var a=r[0].parentNode;a&&a.tagName&&(O||(P=o.hiddenClass,O=k(P),P="mfp-"+P),z=r.after(O).detach().removeClass(P)),t.updateStatus("ready")}else t.updateStatus("error",o.tNotFound),r=e("
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My brother has a Bigfoot 29G. (t.translateY=0,i="STATIC"):i="up"===this.direction?this._getAffixTypeScrollingUp():this._getAffixTypeScrollingDown(),t.translateY=Math.max(0,t.translateY),t.translateY=Math.min(t.containerHeight,t.translateY),t.translateY=Math.round(t.translateY),t.lastViewportTop=t.viewportTop,i}},{key:"_getAffixTypeScrollingDown",value:function(){var t=this.dimensions,e=t.sidebarHeight+t.containerTop,i=t.viewportTop+t.topSpacing,n=t.viewportBottom-t.bottomSpacing,o=this.affixedType;return this.isSidebarFitsViewport()?t.sidebarHeight+i>=t.containerBottom?(t.translateY=t.containerBottom-e,o="CONTAINER-BOTTOM"):i>=t.containerTop&&(t.translateY=i-t.containerTop,o="VIEWPORT-TOP"):t.containerBottom<=n?(t.translateY=t.containerBottom-e,o="CONTAINER-BOTTOM"):e+t.translateY<=n? Init is delayed."),i(document).on("scroll. Enough room for mom & dad plus up to 4 or 5 young ones. ]+)/.exec(a)||/(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||a.indexOf("compatible")<0&&/(mozilla)(?:.*? New BF Goodrich tires. Bigfoot RV Truck Camper 1500 Series 15C8.2FR: 2016: $22,995: Bigfoot 1500 Series Truck Camper 15C9.5 FS: 2017: $34,995: Bigfoot RV Truck Camper 2500 Series 25C9.6LB: 2020: $39,995: NB: These prices are subjected to change depending on your location and the price quoted by the seller you will purchase the vehicle from. Location. Banks trancommand, banks power pack, firestone airbags, new tires and brakes all round loaded! 2500 Series ; Research Specs for Bigfoot Class C Units . $24,995. This is the lightest model Bigfoot manufactured in 2000 2006 Bigfoot camper with slide out. Tires (32" BFG Commercial TA's) have 5K miles, new rooftop AC and thermostat used 5 hours, and all appliances are in 100% working condition. Motorhome SURV Motorhome Fifth-Wheel Trailer Travel Trailer Folding Camper SURV Trailer ADVANCED SEARCH. Bigfoot 29g rvs for sale from img.scgpix.com Goodyear tires less than a year old, professionally installed rhino lined roof from san diego rv ($5,000. !o.leading:r,a="trailing"in o?! "+a.guid,function(){a.event.trigger(c,Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1),b,!0)}),a._data(this,c,a.guid++)),!1},teardown:function(){return this!==document&&a.event.remove(document,c+". 2002 bigfoot class c 29g excellent condition and high quality fit and finish! Sleeps a total of 7 people. (s[o.animType]="translate("+e+", "+t+")",o.$slideTrack.css(s)):(s[o.animType]="translate3d("+e+", "+t+", 0px)",o.$slideTrack.css(s)))},e.prototype.setDimensions=function(){var i=this;!1===i.options.vertical? Over cab bunk, ducted roof 13,500b, My 30MH24DB includes the full 4-season, winter option package (rear coach heater, motor-aid to water heater, and more) as well as several recent upgrades including new Michelins all around with brass valve stems, Bilstein shocks, a 3-bike (folding) r, We have enjoyed our trouble-free travels throughout the U.S. and Canada, but now our ages tell us it is time to pass "Yeti" (our Bigfoot) on to someone else to enjoy. Has bathroom, shower, stove, sink, queen size pillow top bed, Any slide in camper will do, but ideally a 4 season.Bonus if you have a truck for sale to go with it.Thanks, 36ft. $89,990.00 The racks really add needed storage to my galley. Flexsteel leather seats, dinette, and captains chairs. Compar-A-Graphs: . The whole roof was replaced due to a small water leak by the rear ladder. Bought a used bigfoot 29g (1999 garage model) and was wondering if i can have hydraulic jacks installed on the rear because of the garage. !window.jQuery,I=e(window),x=function(e,n){t.ev.on(g+e+h,n)},k=function(t,n,i,o){var r=document.createElement("div");return r.className="mfp-"+t,i&&(r.innerHTML=i),o?n&&n.appendChild(r):(r=e(r),n&&r.appendTo(n)),r},T=function(n,i){t.ev.triggerHandler(g+n,i),t.st.callbacks&&(n=n.charAt(0).toLowerCase()+n.slice(1),t.st.callbacks[n]&&t.st.callbacks[n].apply(t,e.isArray(i)?i:[i]))},E=function(n){return n===s&&t.currTemplate.closeBtn||(t.currTemplate.closeBtn=e(t.st.closeMarkup.replace("%title%",t.st.tClose)),s=n),t.currTemplate.closeBtn},_=function(){e.magnificPopup.instance||(t=new w,t.init(),e.magnificPopup.instance=t)},S=function(){var e=document.createElement("p").style,t=["ms","O","Moz","Webkit"];if(void 0!==e.transition)return!0;for(;t.length;)if(t.pop()+"Transition"in e)return!0;return!1};w.prototype={constructor:w,init:function(){var n=navigator.appVersion;t.isIE7=-1!==n.indexOf("MSIE 7. 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Sort By 2002 Bigfoot 29G . 3 way Fridge, large bathroom with shower, new foam mattress, stainless steel tie 2003 BigFoot 1500 Series 8.2 Camper (short box series)Camper is in new condition, with no issues whatsoever, and always stored in heated shop. 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