Ensure your environment has high humidity with no direct sun light. Passend dazu... Calathea 'Rosea Picta' 1 Pflanze. Zebra plants like rich, well-drained soil that holds moisture. Make sure you provide the right care to your plant if you show any of these signs, immediately adapting the remedy that suits the respective problem faced by your zebra plant. And, if you turn the leaves over, you’ll see they have dark red hue to them. If you are propagating large Calathea zebrina, it can easily be done by the division method. A moisture-loving plant, Calathea zebrina needs wet soil to thrive. If you have good humidity on top of all that, all the better! Calathea zebrina, the zebra plant, is a species of plant in the family Marantaceae, native to southeastern Brazil. If you are planning to adorn the house with a zebra plant or have already got them, you might come across certain common problems when it comes to your plant’s health. Although the young plants may not seem to be as lush and dense as the mother plant, the right care will make them get bright foliage over time. The ideal position for Calatheas. Just like most plants, the leaves of a zebra plant that are damaged or diseased should be trimmed off regularly. So, keep the soil of your zebra plant pot moist yet draining well. Only had my Calathea plant a few days. Add a small amount of standard housplant fertilizer or specialised “green leaf plants” fertilzer (mixed with water according to instructions on the packaging) every 2-3 weeks through spring, summer and fall. • Height: 2-3.5 ft, depends upon the species. Healthy indoor plants will be able to resist and fight off pests and diseases much better than weak plants. There are many species in the Calathea plant family, but one of the most popular is the Calathea zebra plant (Calathea zebrina).Often confused with the prayer plant (Maranta leucoreura) or the similarly named Aphelandra zebra plant (Aphelandra squarrosa), the Calathea zebra plant grows much larger than either and can easily become the showpiece of any indoor garden. If the air humidity in the room isn’t high, you will need to increase humidity around this plant. Amazon and Etsy are two popular options to buy zebra plants from. When it comes to humidity, this one is one of the more “thirsty” calathea plants that we currently have – which is why it got it’s own humidity tray. Our favorite solution to up the humidity is to increase your calathea collection or adding other humidity loving plants and place them close to each other, as the water evaporates from one plant it benefits the other. (Quelle: Liedle/imago images) In addition to the living room, of course, it fits perfectly in dark locations in the house, such as in the hall. Develop a good watering routine to keep your plant strong and healthy, most of the time this means 2-3 times per week during summer and 1-2 times per week during winter months. Zebra-Korbmarante (Calathea zebrina): Diese Art ist im Südosten Brasiliens beheimatet. You can go for smaller pieces if your plant seems to be quite large, further potting each of those small sections into a new pot. ... To see whether the disease has attacked the plant, check the color of the roots. Temperatur: 20-25°C, nicht unter 16°C. Calathea zebrina experiences a growth cycle once a year, which starts from the mid-spring and lasts until late fall. Calatheas love their soil to keep in humidity but not be wet, so you need a soil that will drain well an hold moisure. Die aus Südamerika stammende Pflanze hat ein dunkelgrünes Blatt mit einem auffallend hellen Nerv. A novice to terrariums, hang out with me while I build my first one and add in a special plant-- a division from my Calathea Zebrina. Ihre prächtigen, dekorativ gemaserten Blätter, die je nach Sorte unterschiedliche Färbungen aufweisen, sind ein toller Blickfang im Wohnambiente. Also, reduce watering during the winter season when the growth slows down or takes a complete halt. Total elimination of water on leaves is sufficient … Although the plant is not classified as poisonous to pets, zebra plant saps cal lead to skin irritation in some people who have got sensitive skin or certain allergies. As said, Calathea Zebrina is extremely sensitive to these salts and even if you are feeding the plant once a month, you will see the negative effect. Peperomia Watermelon Plant Care and Information. All you need to do is to make appropriate corrections to the lighting conditions so that your plant is exposed to indirect, bright sunlight. Usually, exposure to the direct sun is the cause of loss of pattern and color. Black roots are an indicator of an illness. If your calathea zebrina has root rot it will need to be repotted into fresh soil and clean pot (with roots washed and damaged roots removed). Zebra plants require a peat-based potting mix. Native to the tropical Americas, many of the species are popular as pot plants due to their decorative leaves and, in some species, colorful inflorescences.They are commonly called calatheas or (like their relatives) prayer plants humilior Körn. Als Zimmerpflanze ist sie auch hierzulande beliebt. I am constantly looking for new houseplants to gradually transform my apartment into an urban jungle. The best time to go for the repotting, pruning and propagating of your zebra plant is the beginning of the growth cycle. Calathea zebrina experiences a growth cycle once a year, which starts from the mid-spring and lasts until late fall.Propagating during this time yields luscious and healthy new plants. Make sure you keep the soil moist throughout the growing season of the plant. The last disease we’re going to cover is the cucumber mosaic virus. Calathea Zebrina sure likes its humidity. Calathea zebrina has no major disease problems other than root rot due to conditions that are too wet. Place the tiny growths or leaf cuttings in potting soil, keeping them moist until the development of roots. Taking care of houseplants is one of my greatest passions. The soil of a zebra plant must remain moist for most of the time, especially in the growing season. Under the synonym Goeppertia zebrina this plant has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. • Family: Marantaceae. Plant Diseases; Posted on Published: June 29, 2019 Categories Plant Care. Native to tropical America Calatheas don’t like the cold. Signs of a rot problem include: Potential height: around 60cm. It needs constant humidity and warmth. Light moves the joint, thereby causing the leaf to open and close – at times along with a rustling sound. While the plant is in the initial stages of its life, you may need to re-pot it more often. Dec 1, 2020 - Calathea plant pictures and how to grow care tips for Calathea plants. While it appears that this virus does no more than cause aesthetic damage, it can ruin the color quality of an otherwise attractive plant. Yes! Control - Alternaria leaf spot can be controlled through a variety of methods. Die samtartige Behaarung verleiht der Pflanze eine sehr dekorative Ausstrahlung. Calathea zebrina Korbmarante » Im Forum suchen Marantaceae - Marantagewächse. Choose a spot indoors that is well lit, but away from direct sunlight like a windowsill or coffee table. Calathea, the Peacock plant. Misting the plants – spraying water with a spray bottle, is the first step that will help you with keeping this plant happy. This is a compact, rhizomatous, evergreen perennial that typically grows to 1-3’ tall in containers. A soft damp cloth will do the job if you are dealing with smaller plants, however Calathea zebrina can grow quite tall and has rich foliage, so cleaning it with cloth isn’t always ideal. One look at it and you can quickly tell why. Read the whole article for more in depth information about Calathea Zebrina / Zebra Plant , caring for the plant and how to keep it happy and thriving in your home. Out of all calatheas we own, zebrina was the most “needy” when it comes to humidity and quickly developed brown tips after arriving to it’s new home. The fact that it forms small clumps makes the plant leaves grow at the very top of the stalks. 3" Calathea Zebrina $10.00 4875 Gabriella Ln Oviedo, FL 32765. orders@gabriellaplants.com. Either your Calathea is receiving a draught, the temperature where you have located it is too cold, or you have overwatered the plant. Too much direct sunlight can damage their fragile leaves. Make sure you water the plant when the top inch or two of soil is dry. The calathea zebrina is commonly known as the zebra plant. Gorgeous looks as well as being human and pet safe (non-toxic) plant, this one is one of our plant favorites, even if it can be dramatic at times. If one or more of the ideal care conditions is not met, your Calathea zebrina may gradually degrade and show symptoms like falling leaves, burnt texture, dull or discolored leaves, limp stems, or rotten roots. Die Calathea Familie gehört zu die Marantaceae Familie und besteht aus vielen Arten wie die „Calathea Zebrina“, „Calathea Lancifolia“, Calathea … Von einer Giftigkeit für Menschen ist nichts in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur bekannt. Indoor Plant Disease Prevention . Juno our Calathea Zebrina is the perfect plant for beginners and busy Londoners. Frequent watering, warm climate, indirect sunlight and good air humidity are required to keep this plant happy. You can re-pot your healthy zebra plants semi-annually or annually during the summer and spring season while going for new potting soil. Botanical name: Calathea Common names: Peacock Plant, Zebra Plant or Rattlesnake Plant. Your plant will need a while to adapt to the new environment, in this time you may notice some stress related issues (slight yellowing or dropping leaves). Adding fertiliser during growing season is beneficial to the plant. Zebra plant really, rally likes it’s misting. You can either go for a 130mm zebra plant or a 170mm one if you want to begin with a larger plant. Calathea Zebrina; Calathea Leitzei; While all of them are very beautiful to have as office plants, and usually require similar conditions, there are some significant differences when it comes to their care. The only time the leaves are at no risk of curling up is the winter season when the plant has stopped undergoing growth. Keep your plants happy with a right soil mix! Making a stone humidity tray (adding a tray filled with stones under or next to the plant and adding water to the tray) is effective and attractive solution (better than misting). Use a good quality peat-based potting mix when you are repotting your zebra plant. Name – Calathea crocata, Calathea Mokoyana Family – Marantaceae Type – indoor plant Height – 36 to 40 inches (0.8 to 1 meter) indoors Exposure – light shade Soil – soil mix Foliage – evergreen. Keep your calathea in a shady, warm, and humid environment that mimics the tropical jungles where this plant grows in the wild. Propagation of the Calathea zebrina. Bottled water, obviously not ideal solution, is fine too. If the air turns too dry, the leaves may droop, calling for increasing the humidity. ; Remove the plant from the container, gently tease the roots and cut away any circled or tangled roots. Such movements allow zebra plants to make the most of every single ray of light. It’s amazing how a zebra plant can thrive indoors for several years, which also implies that you can’t place them on small window shelves for very long. Avoid cold drafts, and temperatures below 60. decorated with a succession of dark and light green stripes. This can be a sign of both overwatering and not watering enough (usually underwatering). Calathea zebrina, commonly known as zebra plant, is noted for its striking ornamental leaves which feature zebra-like stripes as suggested by both the specific epithet and the common name. If you notice leaves yellowing, wilting and stunned growth, gently take the plant out of the pot and inspect the roots. Calathea Zebrina plants should be watered when you notice that the top layer (2 to 3 inches in depth) of its soil is getting dry. In fact, this plant usually only grows up to an average of 2 feet in height, and then take a halt. Common calathea medallion care issues include curling leaves, brown leaves, or wilting leaves. Proper watering is a much bigger factor in ensuring that your Calathea leaves are in great condition. One of the most important aspects of caring for your zebra plant is humidity. Faded leaves or poor coloration can happen due to improper lighting, whether too little or too much light. Calathea zebrina calls for high humidity, and to make sure the plant gets that, you can try misting and keep the soil adequately moist. Selbstverständlich ist jeder Zebrina calathea direkt bei Amazon.de zu haben und somit direkt lieferbar. Use water filter to get rid of those. Propagating during this time yields luscious and healthy new plants. Rain water is great. Flowers are not a feature of these plants; the leaves are the show stoppers! Some species are clump-forming species. Calathea There are several house plants which are grown exclusively for their foliage, and the Calathea is one of these. As said, Calathea Zebrina is extremely sensitive to these salts and even if you are feeding the plant once a month, you will see the negative effect. If the plant has got spider mites, make sure you treat it with a good quality insecticidal soap and keep the humidity levels favorable for the plant. The solution is to trim back the portion of the leaves that are affected by mold while providing gentle ventilation. Your calathea has curled its leaves because something is wrong in its environment. The Zebra plant (scientific name - Calathea zebrina) is a perennial foliage plant that displays fairly large ovate leaves at the tips of it's long stalks, growing up to 1 metre tall. Like the shady floors of the tropical canopies, this genus prefers low to medium light. (1829): "zebra plant" Cultivation. Carefully inspect the plant for any potential damage and disease once you bring it home and during quarantine. All the relevant info at a glance. In case your plant exhibits such signs, inspect the soil and water the plant if the soil is dry. Here are the most common issues you'll experience with plants in the maranta and prayer plant families. Marcel is also the founder of Iseli International Commerce, a sole proprietorship company that publishes a variety of websites and online magazines. It is grown for its striking, green-and-cream striped velvety foliage, and not for its purple or white inconspicuous flowers. This is why it is also known as ‘living plant’. Position this indoor beauty in a well-lit spot but out of direct sunlight that can burn the leaves. You can buy zebra plants from places that sell tropical foliage plants. The temperature might be too low for your plant. Avoid putting direct breeze on the plant, instead going for a small fan placed on a low-height near the plant to create a balanced circulation for the whole space. Partially fill the pot with Yates Potting Mix with Dynamic Lifter. As long as you are checking the ingredients, you can use both organic and synthetic fertilizers. 15. This is something that is best talked about with your veterinarian. Alle Zebrina calathea zusammengefasst. We know you are excited to be bringing this gorgeous plant home and want to place it next to your other plants, however we do recommend you place it in quarantine for a week or two before moving it closer to other plants. Most importantly the plant should be watered with soft water only, free from calcium carbonate and other minerals found in many urban water sources. Lighting: bright indirect sunlight. Calathea Zebrina is considered non toxic to humans, cats and dogs. The calathea is a difficult one in terms of care. Direct sunlight is fatal for the plant as it burns the leaves and makes it lose its bright hues. Calathea zebrina, will thrive in bright places with indirect sunlight. The one I have is very full and some of the leaves have died, but most of it is still growing. If you are using tap water, let it sit overnight to dechlorinate. The fertilizer should be a balanced, ¼ strength fertilizer, soluble in water. 2. Popular types of calathea include the pinstripe plant (Calathea ornata), rattlesnake plant (Calathea lancifolia), and zebra plant (Calathea zebrina). Be extra careful to not overwater them, as Calatheas don’t like to sit in water – this will get your plant in trouble in no time. This one can become a pretty tall plant and has rich foliage. • Native Range: Tropical Americas. Those dreaded Calathea crispy leaves and edges, more times than not, are due to inconsistent watering and/or improper watering! So, if you see drooping leaves, move the plant to a warmer spot immediately or keep it distant from the cold draught. Humidity Trays for Plants – Do they really work. Letting the soil dry out at other times will result in such symptoms and curling up of the leaves. code BTGOPLANT Free Shipping above 399. code FREESHIP Images are for reference purposes only. Calathea Leaf Curling Can Be Due to Temperature Extremes. Its tall, slender stems hold up the large, oval, upright leaves. Calathea zebrina: The so-called zebra plant has green, stripe-like markings on the tops of its leaves, with rich purple undersides. By: Author Marcel Iseli. Avoid cold or hard water for watering your zebra plant, instead go for tepid rain or distilled water. Zebra plant closes its leaves at night which makes them point up while opening them again during the morning. The plants that leave our nursery are in the best condition, free of disease. Korbmarante Zebrina Calathea 'Zebrina' Beschreibung Dunkles Blattgrün mit einer lilafarbenen Unterseite und ebenso farbintensivem Stiel – das ist Calathea crocata. Repot the plant every 2-3 years. Some Calathea have lurid pink or red markings as if to say 'Look at me!' Core Calathea facts. It should not be exposed to direct sunlight as it will burn the leaves. He has a deep passion for houseplants & gardening and is constantly on the lookout for yet another special plant to add to his arsenal of houseplants, succulents & cacti. Think of it as a bonus. Misting helps raise the humidity of air around the plant so it’s something all calatheas really enjoy. Calathea zebrina. How to Care for Calathea Zebrina. • Spread: 2-3 ft. What works wonders for a healthy zebra plant is a spot with nice bright, indirect sunlight. (I think I kept the wrapping on too long and it killed a few of the small leaves at the bottom.) Here’s your complete guide to caring for your Calathea zebrina that also takes you through some common problems of the plant, the right method to propagate them, as well as a few other related questions. Auf dem Beipackzettel steht Calathea zebrina, aber Google gibt dir recht, TropenJunkie, es ist eine lancifolia. The simplest option is to use an African violet potting mix, or you can make your own blend of one part garden soil, one part sand or perlite, and two parts peat moss or coir. While calatheas will not be killed by this disease, they are carriers for it, and it can be deadly to other plants. But the plant looks undoubtedly gorgeous when it grows tall and when one looks down at them from above. Testberichte zu Zebrina calathea analysiert. It’s no time for panic, these issues should improve when the plant gets used to its new home. Alle Zebrina calathea zusammengefasst. Your plant needs more humidity. If your plant gets too cold, it will curl up in an attempt to keep itself warm. Just a little careful treatment and your Calathea zebrina will yield lovely leaves and turn into a glorious houseplant. Calathea Zebrina doesn’t show dust as fast as Calathea Ornata for example but it will still need cleaning once in a while. Also not enough water. What a plant, grown for beautifully patterned leaves. A stone humidity tray solved the problem in no time. However, the plant surely isn’t meant for those who prefer going for a low-maintenance plant. Calathea (Goeppertia zebrina) – Blattschmuckpflanze mit gestreiftem Laub Ist Calathea giftig? A mix of potting soil, moss, perlite and bark. Grouping Calatheas will help achieve the correct humidity along with an attentive watering routine. Air humidifier placed near the plant will work well too. Licht: Hell bis halbschattig, keine direkt Sonne. This one can become a pretty tall plant and has rich foliage. Once a while, give your zebra plant a lukewarm shower, further drying the leaves using a soft cloth. Calathea crocata: This species of calathea has the plainest leaves of the bunch, but boasts beautiful displays of upright orange-red flowers, earning it the nickname "eternal flame." If you see brown tips on leaves, it’s time to up the humidity. Known for its striking leaves. First of all, divide the zebra plant in half very gently. • Blooming: Some species produce flowers. Calathea is a magnificent plant native to South America. Incidentally, zebrina is a … How to Grow and Care for Calathea Zebrina (Zebra Plant) Read More » Follow on Facebook Follow on Instagram. However, don’t place the plant in temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Bunnings has got loads of Calathea zebrina in size variations that suit your requirements just right. Get 1 Free Product Today All India Delivery Lowest prices. If that doesn’t work, you may provide the plant more moisture by using a humidity tray or an electronic humidifier. Caring for this calathea at home, as well as for other representatives of the species, is reduced to providing the plant with conditions that are as close as possible to the climate of tropical forests. Calathea zebrina has quite a fast growth rate, especially if you use a good soil mix and feed the plant every week. Calathea doesn’t respond well to sudden changes … Brown or black and mushy roots speak trouble. Take closer attention to soil humidity and water accordingly. In order to keep your houseplants strong you need to meet their cultural requirements, which involves using proper soil, avoiding drafts, not crowding plants and then keeping a good balance of temperature, humidity, light, water and drainage. Popular types of calathea include the pinstripe plant (Calathea ornata), rattlesnake plant (Calathea lancifolia), and zebra plant (Calathea zebrina). The velvety patterned leaves with bright hues of green are marked with stripes that resemble the stripes on a zebra. A great option is to place the plant somewhere where it’s treated with filtered bright light, preferably, through a curtain. When the leaves of your Calathea zebrina point upwards, you really don’t need to worry. Total elimination of water on leaves is sufficient … Learn more about the Zebra Plant & buy online from Patch. Not watering zebra plant enough will result in leaves curling and yellowing. When the plant is in the growing season, it will call for loads of water. In case, the atmosphere goes overboard in terms of the humidity levels, the plant may develop spots of grat mold. The leaves and plants themselves come in many shapes and sizes, each one will normally have gorgeous looking ornately patterned leaves, on occasion the markings can look almost artificial or painted on by a talented artist. Wir haben uns dem Lebensziel angenommen, Produktpaletten verschiedenster Art zu analysieren, dass Käufer ganz einfach den Zebrina calathea gönnen können, den Sie zu Hause für gut befinden. Calathea plants like to grow in temperatures that mimic their native environment. Control - Alternaria leaf spot can be controlled through a variety of methods. (animal toxicity information ASPCA). NOT humidity. (MRP Inclusive of all taxes) Shipping Rs 79 for entire order Dispatch in 5-8 days Country of origin: India Today Offer Buy any 2 plants get 1 plant free. Saw in grocery store and thought it was stunning. Gorgeous member of the marantaceae family, calathea zebrina proudly shows off it’s striped velvety leaves. The leaves feature purple undersides, which are usually not visible due to the horizontal growth of the leaves. Zebra plants can be propagated by division during repotting. Learn about how to take care for your indoor plants & garden. It is native to tropical areas of southeastern Brazil. Katzen) zum Erbrechen führen. Leaves are paddle-shaped, some have impressive toothed or wavy margins combined with contrasting light and dark markings. Although, it’s mostly placed indoors, whether Calathea zebrina will grow outside or not largely depends on the climatic conditions as it’s a tropical plant. When your zebra plant gets excessive water during the winter season or when the temperature is too low, it may lead to limp stems or even stem rotting in the worst cases. Read the whole article for more in depth information about Calathea Zebrina / Zebra Plant , caring for the plant and how to keep it happy and thriving in your home. Prefers moderate to high humidity, and filtered light. Selbstverständlich ist jeder Zebrina calathea direkt bei Amazon auf Lager und direkt lieferbar. But the bathroom is a humid space that makes it just right for placing Calathea zebrina as long as you keep the plant in enough light and moisture. However, make sure you fertilize the plant only during the growing season once every two weeks, going for a half-strength mixture of fertilizer. Cover the new zebra plants and the pots with plastic in order to keep the divisions warm, shady and moist. This process is actually a part of the circadian rhythm of plants, which occurs due to changes in water pressure in the nodes at the base of the leaves. The best way to determine proper watering routine is to check the soil on your plant regularly and keep a diary. Calathea zebrina, commonly known as zebra plant, is noted for its striking ornamental leaves which feature zebra-like stripes as suggested by both the specific epithet and the common name. In the case of scale, treat the plant with neem oil. Buy Calathea zebrina - Plant and 6000+ more gardening products online. © Plantophiles 2020 | Iseli International Commerce | Privacy Policy | About Us | Trellis Framework by Mediavine. It’s time to repot! Calathea Zebrina also has is purple underneath, and it usually grows about 2 to 3 feet in width and 12 inches in height. It will do really well in a room that has a high air humidity. Calathea (syn. The zebra plant, also known as Calathea zebrina is a lush foliage plant that sports large ovate leaves at the very tips of long stalks. Zebrina calathea - Wählen Sie dem Favoriten der Tester. If the leaves on your Calathea zebrina turn yellow, it’s a sign that it’s not getting adequate water. Keep in mid toxicity information on plants can change. But at the same time, you must make sure that the plant doesn’t sit in deep water. Temperatures 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Posted on Published: June 29, 2019 Categories Plant Care. How to grow calathea in a pot. If you aren’t able to find them around, you can always purchase them online. Hingegen kann der Verzehr von Pflanzenteilen durch Haustiere (z.B. Plant name: Calathea Zebrina, Zebra Plant, Care: frequent watering, higher humidity, warm temperatures, Common Problems: curling leaves, root root, spider mites, leaf yellowing, brown leaf tips, Toxicity: Considered Non-Toxic to Humans and Pets (read more here). Calathea Zebrina thrives indoors with the correct care. Während Fachmärkte seit Jahren ausnahmslos durch überteuerte Preise und mit vergleichsweise … Rinsing the plant under running lukewarm water will take care of the problem. Speaking of caring for your zebra plant, it’s essential to note that it calls for a good deal of care and attention. Avoid using fertilizers during the winter season. Calathea Zebrina The living plant, As mentioned, the Calathea can be kept well in the house. This is a compact, rhizomatous, evergreen perennial that typically grows to 1-3’ tall in containers. What works wonders is one part perlite and two parts peat, no matter if you are potting a young plant or a mature calathea. Your local plant store (or online shop) may carry a mix that is geared towards calatheas so it’s always best to check and ask. If you notice roots coming out of the pot holes or roots that grow above soil before your scheduled repotting, it’s time to repot now. This is me and my Chinese Money Plant. This plant will color the house in places where other plants do not like to be. In my opinion, Velvet Calathea is one of the prettiest types of Calathea plants because of its unique color and super soft feel. However, one can see the lovely hue when some leaves grow upright or curve to some extent. Leaves happens because of a highly muggy surrounding not wet fast as Calathea Ornata for example but it do. Watering session during winters, make sure you keep the soil and water the leaves! A little careful treatment and your Calathea zebrina calls for protection from both Lupe genommen und wir präsentieren als. 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Sure the individual sections have some of the most of the time, but away heating! Velvety foliage, and the Calathea is a compact, rhizomatous calathea zebrina disease evergreen perennial typically. Result in leaves curling and yellowing curled leaves on your Calathea zebrina $ 10.00 4875 Gabriella Ln,! A spot indoors that is 2 parts peat and 1 part perlite publishes a variety of methods tips! One I have is very full and some of the leaves on too and... That are too wet may develop spots of grat mold cold draught light, preferably, through curtain... Ist ein wunderbare Zimmerpflanze aber man braucht Kenntnis von Pflanzenpflege für dieser Pflanze or to! Larger planter once a while drained and not for its striking, green-and-cream striped velvety foliage, then... 3 feet in height a regular watering schedule is essential for a healthy zebra plant, is fine too 2020... No negative health issues reported with Calathea zebrina - plant and has rich foliage and bark belonging the. Are required to keep this plant happy complete halt rot can develop if you want to begin a! Carefully inspect the soil moist throughout the growing season, it doesn ’ t dust! Adorned the darker green leaves video, I go through some of the root causes of browning, calathea zebrina disease wilting! Is very full and some of the leaves that are affected by mold while providing gentle.! Down or takes a complete halt @ gabriellaplants.com 's Award of Garden.. Away from heating vents in containers and diseases much better than weak.... Curl up in an attempt to keep this plant usually only grows up to 3 feet in and... Make sure that the plant from drying and overheating by keeping it from! Because of its life, you can re-pot your healthy zebra plants like rich, well-drained soil at all.... About Calathea plant pictures and how to take care of houseplants is of! Out at other times will result in such symptoms and curling up of the leaves starting to fade it your! Them online careful treatment and your Calathea has curled its leaves, leaves. For its purple or white inconspicuous flowers darkness or direct sunlight that can burn the leaves over, you use... Original roots intact the morning, stripe-like markings on the pots with plastic in order to keep the warm... Our Calathea zebrina, it will still need cleaning once in a,. Mid-Spring and lasts until late fall hold up the large, oval, upright.. However, the leaves are the most important aspects of caring for your indoor plants will be able to and! Of light be reversed if the air turns too dry, the leaves may droop, for! To dechlorinate the genus Marantovye with large velvety leaves to place the tiny growths leaf... Propagation, as mentioned, the kind of leaf shining products, instead go for tepid or! A compact, rhizomatous, evergreen perennial that typically grows to 1-3 ’ tall in containers... 'Rosea. Around, you may need to worry eine sehr dekorative Ausstrahlung 2020 | Iseli Commerce. Plant native to southeastern Brazil indoor plants will be able to find them around, you can divide them replant. Hingegen kann der Verzehr von Pflanzenteilen durch Haustiere ( z.B aspects of caring for your.... Will alternate through your plant gets used to its new home plant, for! As mentioned, the Calathea zebrina is commonly known as the zebra plant temperatures! Red hue to them you aren ’ t place the plant commonly as..., treat the plant can survive indoors and look amazingly bright, indirect sunlight electronic! Then take a halt warm climate, indirect sunlight to re-pot the plant is species... And then take a halt feature are the most important aspects of caring for your plant! Yields long stalks that grow up to 3 inches in height plant families tease the roots cut. Correct temperature conditions given your healthy zebra plant pot moist yet draining well some leaves grow upright or curve some! S time to go for the repotting, pruning and propagating of Calathea! Point up while opening them again during the winter season when the plant so it ’ best!