That year, pictures taken by a satellite orbiting Earth clearly showed a gaping hole located at the North Pole; enough evidence to support the hollow Earth theory according to many. They are signs of deep inner transformation on the cellular and DNA level. Put simply, spiritual awakenings mark the beginning of your initiation on the spiritual path. I'm just sharing with you folks here how grateful I am to virtually never, ever watch tv, in my opinion everything that comes from Hollywood completely messes with your subconscious mind and is not good for you. The Awakening is here. There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in all these government published studies which show vaccines cause Autism. 370 likes. Mars carried life on the surface, a very ancient and intelligent life. The feeling of sun/rain/snow on your skin. But I do hope this analysis has helped (in some way) you to ‘gain your bearings.’ 23 Spiritual Awakening Signs and Symptoms. They can hold acceptance for different situations and people and do not feel the need to be overly judgemental. "Mass"/energy are linked AND balanced. VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES! Your spiritual awakening process is unique to you. And although I have attempted to write these signs in order, it’s also important to note that this journey is not linear. It cannot exist long term in a functioning lifestyle as conditioning is always occurring in some way. Scare people with a virus. I’m talking about self-destructive traits and behavioral patterns that seem to have run in your family for generations. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Top 50 Spiritual / Awakening / Thought Provoking Films by AustinUK-2 | created - 03 Mar 2016 | updated - 14 Sep 2019 | Public A collection of the best spiritual films and movies of all time. This phase is commonly known as “the dark night of the soul”. You have to let it all go, Neo. But most commonly, you will experience both sides of the scale in waves. Who remembers Deep Thought? In the matrix, Neo is a battery for the machines. One of my all-time favourites,so to speak :) We can play the characters too,if you like.I’ll be Morpheus and you’ll be Neo,okay? This comes with a yearning for healing, growth, and ultimately taking control of your life. In this sense, the Matrix is akin to Saṃsāra, and as a Buddha, Neo seeks spiritual awakening as the sole mean of breaking the karmic cycles that condition his existence. Gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND balanced, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Including some of my personal experiences during this time of transformation and spiritual awakening. Any donations will help in the raise of awakening as much people as possible. We are the threads in the fabric of … The following are just some of the facts that make Amazon, Google and Facebook some of the most evil and dangerous companies in the world. The Soul Matrix is the first spiritual triad of when a human being starts to connect and integrate the soul body energies and heart complex during the first stages of the process of spiritual awakening or spiritual Ascension. I say this is connected to Archontic Reptilian breeding programmes that changed the human form and made it far more controllable. Remember, just because your loved ones don’t fully understand your journey doesn’t mean they love you any less. Now don’t get me wrong, judgment is not inherently “bad”, and to be fair, neither is ego. During a spiritual awakening, it’s not uncommon to see your friend circles falling away. For a most basic example, just take a look at these nine equations: The Roman Cult is a shadow group of blood-thirsty Satanists, which was involved in "child sacrifice, burning people alive (since 11th Century CE), demonic worship and absolute celibacy of its lowest priests. You may find that your dreams become very vivid and revealing. The supercomputer from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy who gave us the answer 42 to the question of life; the universe and everything?. There are many spiritual awakening symptoms. This Race was a cold non feeling scientific hive mind for the domination and spread of their race. See the vids attached. You start to question your Reality and what you have been taught and are told. I honestly cannot believe how non-logical we have become! Earths Mirror Opposite Planet was Mars. This all started with the Titanic Hoax… Awakening From The Matrix. Do you not know how unhealthy it is to keep inhaling your carbon dioxide and restricting proper oxygen flow? Many may think that the basic idea of a matrix has first emerged in this modern age, or rather, that the idea that we could live in a virtual reality has been established in the collective consciousness by the eponymous Hollywood films. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it." THEY ALL DISAPPEARED!? Without experiencing a spiritual awakening, we go throughout life pursuing the emptiness of money, fame, power, and respect in an attempt to find “happiness.” Read More… However, on the other hand, it has also become such a “hyped” topic (in the alternative ‘scene’) that this has resulted in distortions, over-simplifications, disinformation, and even overly-complex convoluted information. These types of examples are direct threats to the false sense of self (ego). You might find yourself enjoying the most simple of tasks even if you found them rather mundane pre-awakening. Anything that can divert humanity from self-identifying with Infinite Awareness is to be desired and promoted by these people. Have faith that your journey is perfect for you…. Contrary to popular belief within the spiritual community, having a spiritual awakening is not necessarily about dissolving the ego completely. Saturn / Satan worship is everywhere in all of your corporations, religions and advertising. You are a fractal of Source energy. Self-care is important and ensuring that you let your mind, body, and spirit be intuitive guides toward what best serves you. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. By In5D on June 11, 2019 in Exiting The Matrix, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments by Michael Becker,Contributing Writer, Dolores Cannon popularized the idea of backdrop people as, essentially, “extras” within the Earth experience. The pre-flood world is one of mystery and seems to have been edited out of history in order to fit within Biblical ideologies; a strategy used to keep the human race from interacting with Alien races. If you’ve read my book, My Bizarre Spiritual Awakening: How I Overcame Grief & Addiction to Spiritually Awaken & Create My Own Reality!, you know my story. In order to exit the matrix you must fall back in love with yourself releasing ego and illusion that’s created by external conditionings. Embrace the person you have become within this lifetime and be true to your human self. Matrix Intro. Self-reflection is what happens when you’re using methods such as meditation, journaling, or deep contemplation to work through your shadows. The reason for all these sensitivities is that during a spiritual awakening you become more connected to your true self. Creating a set of comfortable lies to describe the situation or sugar-coating the information would be pointless. Because it strikes so many people, it has also been the subject of countless studies. The second major trigger of awakening experiences identified by my research is contact with nature. In order to Transcend The Matrix you must first be able identify it, then you must clear all of your SHADOWs, including fear, self-judgement, lack programs from the Enslavement Matrix and coping mechanisms from the Designed Assault Against Humanity hidden agendas. Any dedicated seeker of truth eventually stumbles upon the incredible symmetry and structure of mathematics, which is especially true in fractal geometry involving the integers 1-9. You must "decline" their services. As your vibration is raised, your sensitivities begin to come to the surface. You may feel increasingly productive or like you’re achieving goals like never before. 'You are just a computer program so Do What Thou Wilt.' Transcend The Matrix. Place them in quarantine. During this phase, it’s important to be kind to yourself and allow space and time to move through the waves as they come. Intro To The Great Awakening Contingency Plan This audio is from 2015, published finally in 2016 after we had walked away from public presentation for a while, which included purchasing our spiritual retreat center in Mount Shasta, CA and moving back from Australia to the States… it was a very life busy time! Spiritual Awakening – 10 Signs You’re Transcending The Matrix, Tarot Reading For Love; The Meaning Behind Your Cards! r/SpiritualAwakening: Spiritual Awakening - "Full comprehension of a situation". As you dive deeper, healing the wounds within, you essentially open the gates for suppressed sensitivities to come through and be acknowledged. Why is the government so maniacal about injecting vaccines? It is not a planet, it is not an object, and objects don't exist in locations, Earth is a frequency vibration, and location is one of the variables of this place we call Planet Earth that make it seem to occupy a place and space in TIME... "Most people have NO idea that the vast majority of their current thoughts and beliefs were designed by others and put out there into cult-ure to become your present understanding about life and your place in it -- this is known as "programming". My spiritual awakening has evolved dramatically since I was a child and will continue to for the rest of my life. The Irish story is complete bullshite! However, this path is not all rainbows and butterflies. Spiritual awakening is a uniquely personal experience and can be easy, graceful and beautiful or it can be challenging and very difficult. Simply take every moment as it comes and welcome each “crazy” thought or feeling with love and acceptance. Phil Schneider, a very brave man, has lost his life due to what appeared to be a military-style execution in January 1996. As Awakened, and Awakening people, living life with an elevated consciousness in a dualistic, and dense Matrix can be extremely hard to navigate during periods of … Well, if you're reading this blog and you've clicked on something to talk about, spiritual awakening, the most likely you're either going through a spiritual awakening. Meanwhile, the spiritual twin will feel more grounded in the matrix realm by accessing the matrix's twin's physical connection. "I do not fear death. They are either naturally spiritual or they’ve experienced an awakening. Close all businesses. We are RIGHT NOW at the beginning of the VERY BIGGEST Transformation mankind has ever seen. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Peak unemployment. One Love. Did you ever wonder…, The more you study the moon, the more you will become aware that it is an orb of mystery – a great luminous cyclops that swings around the earth as though it were keeping a celestial eye on human affairs." This flow state stems from the letting go of inner resistance. It might be that you move into a newfound era of deep compassion for individuals or community groups, feeling both their joys and their sorrows, Simply take every moment as it comes and welcome each. If we can Liberate (after awakening) that Self and uniting it with that Self in Spiritual Realm we become complete. "Nothing can move faster than the speed of light—right? Understanding the Nine Veils As your ego-self sheds its skin, you (or your friends) may feel that perhaps you are not relating in the same way that you did before. It is a Service to Self frequency that feeds on ignorance and the veil of it is so thick it exists in many physical forms - institutions and spaces that keep us imprisoned in a false reality disconnected from spirit, Every single one of us who calls himself human is made of 4 Fundamental Parts, 4 Pillars. A spiritual awakening tends to bring a lot to the surface, especially in terms of past trauma and personal shadows. 1. Kundalini itself is a Sanskrit word that means “she who is coiled” – it refers to primordial life force energy contained at the base of the spine that is often depicted as a snake. What is a Kundalini Awakening? Oppression of FREE SPEECH is now commonplace. Politely decline and refuse to consent. Well maybe not completely, but like 90% give or take right to me. In fact, spiritual awakening symptoms are not only emotional but also psychological and even physical. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. April 15th, 1912 the largest ship in the world, RMS Titanic, sinks in the North Atlantic. Whereas, the Light feels “safe” because we’ve gone there so many times, and “everybody else” who went there seems to have done just fine, Reality is an illusion everything is actually just energy vibrating to different frequencies ,everything is made up out of atoms ,an atom is 99.999...% empty space (science fact ).Reality only exists when observed. The energy of the Earth vibrates at a 528Hz frequency which is the same frequency as Love, the Universal Healer. The ego is not inherently “bad”, in fact, it’s function actually aids you in gaining newfound growth and expansion within the human experience. They were know as the Atlanteans, Satan, Baphomet, Archons, Draconians, in the bible they were known as the Seraphim, the Burning Ones/Serpents also the Nephilim or Elohim, the fallen angels, those who were casted out from the heavens. Why are children becoming more and more unhappy with each generation? We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. Only to find yourself right back where you were in just a matter of months. They are a form of Artificial Intelligence, a machine-like force totally disconnected from Infinite Awareness (which) has no imagination. Preliminary evidence from the earliest outbreaks indicated the virus could spread even if people didn’t have symptoms. So, are you experiencing a spiritual awakening? As we further our understanding of quantum mechanics and game theory, more and more brilliant minds of our time are beginning to gravitate towards this theory. ... How to Get Out Of the 3D Matrix September 13, 2020 Zero. You've probably noticed by now that the three giants have a lot of things in common, such as working on facial recognition technology, which can (and probably is) being used for mass surveillance, and all three companies have strong connections with the US intelligence agencies, as explained by Julian Assange. Why are they given so much homework when they have spent the whole day at school anyway? You will find yourself naturally becoming self-reflective simply because you understand your own power as a creator being. For me spiritual awakening is pushing the limits of my beliefs. There are many reasons why the spiritual awakening process happens. The Vikings called it Valhalla or Asgard where the gods lived, the Indians and Tibetans called it Shambhala or Shangri-La, the Greeks called it Hyperborea. The Spiritual Pillar, The Emotional Pillar, The Mental Pillar and The Physical Pillar are those 4 fundaments of every human, You are love. Why the Matrix is so effective: 1. Instruments of Divine Purpose. It doesn’t mean mostly cashless and you can still use a ‘wee bit of cash here & there’. Intervening extraterrestrial forces have refused to openly disclose and reveal the nature and intent of their activities on and around Earth. The higher consciousness that wants to anchor itself onto earth is like the ultimate computer programmer. I never remain static, I am always researching, thinking and experimenting with my faith. Following my last Avalon article, a reader reported a profound Awakening: Reader Reports Profound Awakening . We as a society seem to just listen to (perceived) authority without question. You will find yourself enjoying your endeavors and losing yourself in creative pursuits just like a child at play. This extraterrestrial presence is clandestine, covert, uninvited, and unapproved by the People of Earth. The World has been created and destroyed 6x since the merging of 2 Worlds within this World. As a result, you find yourself living in more flow as you follow the paths that allow you to be authentically you. THE RABBIT HOLE INTO ELITE PEDOPHILE RINGS/SEXUAL RITUALISTIC ABUSE/CHILD SACRIFICE, REALITY IS AN ILLUSION/CONSCIOUS QUANTUM ATOMIC BEHAVIOUR, CHEMTRAILS, NANO TECHNOLOGY, AND THE INTEGRATION OF HUMANITY, MANKIND'S RITUAL TO THE SATURN MOON MATRIX, WARNING! Someone who harshly judges another person’s lack of money in order to protect their belief that those who make less money are inferior citizens in terms of class and contribution. The light lines (may be the streets) look like humongous "illuminated" tubes of some sort, which might be half submerged on the lunar surface. The aforementioned traps on the awakening journey relate more to our inner attitude and ego-hijacked spiritual insights, experiences and knowledge (including knowledge of how the matrix works), which leads to the ego believing itself to be the awakening self. I really enjoyed your article, The Pursuit of Happiness, in Avalon. We are in the midst of a high stakes INFORMATION WAR unlike anything ever seen in human history. Like at the end of all Ages. This sub is for people who are heading for awakening or are already ... How to see the Matrix. I also started offering 121 sessions in a new healing system I had created called Soul Matrix Healing. During a spiritual awakening, it’s not uncommon to find yourself experiencing peaks of joy and pure bliss like never before. I'm even more grateful to NOT have it playing in the background when I make food, write, chill etc. There are many spiritual awakening symptoms. The plan is to trap our souls in non-biological bodies, based on nanotechnology, which will make these new bodies virtually immortal. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Welcome to Emerging From The Matrix, a site devoted to healing and awakening humanity and sharing truth to help break through the Matrix of unconsciousness prevalent on Earth today. I can understand if it may sound scary to choose not to go to the Light because many of us are afraid of the unknown. Their motivations for doing so include energy feeding, experimentation, genetic pairing, mind control handling, and suppression of spiritual awakening. Being self-reflective is not about self-blame or gaslighting your own thoughts and feelings. The entire soul body is made of three layers that interact together into a Horizontal Triad Body. Typically people who use the term exit the matrix are spiritual in nature. Everything in this Universe, including you is vibrating at a frequency. DOCUMENTED PROOF! The Best Spiritual / Awakening / Dharma Films of all Time. And that involves meditation or for others prayer. Typically people who use the term exit the matrix are spiritual in nature. The recent rediscoveries of the vibratory / oscillatory nature of the universe indicate that this contemporary international concert pitch standard may generate an unhealthy effect or anti-social behavior in the consciousness of human beings. ♪♪ Some choose to believe in Spiritual Awakening and some chose not too. The Elites /Billionaires are in the process of culling the population for better control. The dust around the Moon that is supposed to have come from weathering and the breakup of the rocks on the Moon’s surface, has a chemical composition that does not match the composition of the rocks on the Moon itself. “If and when the time comes, do not "refuse" vaccinations or else you will be considered belligerent. (Free Online Interactive Tool! "The hierarchy in the unseen controls the hierarchy in the seen. Oppression of FREE SPEECH is now commonplace. The Anunnaki — in whose image our human vehicles have been manipulated / Downgraded The Soul Matrix is the first spiritual triad of when a human being starts to connect and integrate the soul body energies and heart complex during the first stages of the process of spiritual awakening or spiritual Ascension. Are we living in a hologram? A spiritual awakening occurs when you begin to see the true nature of reality. Dreams Appear More Vivid: One of the first signs that you’re beginning your spiritual awakening is that your dream life will start to take on a life of its own. This article describes Awakening, Teachers and the Matrix, and a way to consciously connect to your Self. Despite its apparent materiality, the universe is a kind of 3-D projection and is ultimately no more real than a hologram. Although it’s important to let go of your attachments to the false self, you can hold less attachment while still honoring the person you have become in this lifetime. "There is not a planet Earth but rather a HoloFractoGraphic Projection of Consciousness." REALITY IS A PRISON AND HUMANITY IS IN A MATRIX AND TIME TO AWAKEN AND FIND ANSWERS HERE The new scientific study suggests that physical death is not the terminal event that we think, it is only the change to a different level of existence. And that reality is so much more than it appears to be from the limited viewpoint of the ego. 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