I said, "I have no idea." That's what I began to think of. The opportunity to use our multi-site campuses as a strategy to plant and give birth to healthy local churches is something we just have united around as the leadership of the church and become so excited about. He has actually woven it into the fabric of creation. It's just as important for the sender as it is for the sent to be aware of these things. If you have a Bible, why don't you turn to Mark 4. Then my wife was pregnant with our first son, so it was like, "Hey, that's nice. Even while they're in exile, even when they're in Babylon, do you remember what the prophet Jeremiah says in Jeremiah 29? To more faithfully be able to contextualize, part of what we sense and feel is that it would be best, when it's time and when the Lord raises up the right people, to have pastors who are actually not just the pastors but actually teaching out of their pastoral ministry where their pastoral ministry, their counseling ministry, is driving what they say. Maybe even more difficult to keep this in front of you because you're not feeling it again… We'll get to that here in a minute, but what I wanted to do (I'll just end with this) is just give you the testimony of how this became so beautiful for me as a campus pastor, now one who is looking to be one of the lead pastors at a local church, not just a campus. I don't know what it's going to look like, I don't know how it's going to end, but I think this would be a good thing to do.". He has always been ready to perform miracles, but we tend to get in the way through doubt and unbelief. He isn’t the one I’ve chosen. For those who know you, would they be able to say, "They are living in light of the call to multiply and be fruitful"? So honestly we don't think a lot about how sometimes this can seem weird. Thanks. Sunday 10:30 AM (Today's video clip is from the movie -It Could Happen to You). I'll just give a little shout-out to the 940 up there, north of the bridge. That's Elliot. You just keep doing good works. He didn't have to leave! He is teaching his disciples and those who had ears to hear what the kingdom of God was like. If you're new to all this, there are a lot of conversations to have. Even if you're thinking about it just in earthly terms and you think, "Oh, so he wants his kingdom to spread all over the face of the earth. What's the wisest way to really end multi-site? That's a form of multiplication. Just to make plain the teachings he was conveying to the people, he would use a parable. It was Dr. P. When we were there and we were talking to him, I asked him, "Okay, brother, just tell me. That's where we're going to start. I want to testify to God's beauty and grace in the life of our campus and our church in general in multiplication. It says, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth." All of our Home Groups. Then I'm going to gather again. That sounds unbelievably totalitarian. It's the first time in church history that the primary teaching pastor, because of the beauty and gift of technology, is not also one of the pastors. He won’t hire anyone to try and close the door. Everything we’ve talked about the past two months has set us up to receive miracles from God. Different socioeconomic statuses that make up our different campuses. What did he do? I think to our shame we don't think about it, so I began to think, "Okay, Lord. He gets to the end, and he has some implications. To be pregnant and to be healthfully pregnant and ready to give birth and to not give birth is not a good thing. This is the New Testament, if you've never read the Bible. You are not blessed because you acquired wealth, rather you become rich because the blessing of God is on you. Testimonies. You guys have beaten that dead horse." He was raised up out of the grave. 3. ", I called Josh Patterson the next morning and just said, "Hey, if what you and Matt and the rest of the elders as we begin this conversation (because it hadn't gone beyond that, collectively) sense is that this would be a good and wise way for us to lead our entire church, starting with our campus, I am not just willing to do that now. Most of us think about our finances into generations. Father, we thank you for your Word, and we pray tonight that as we look into your Word and what you have shown us of yourself and of your kingdom that you would cause us to see you as beautiful, as worthy, excellent, holy, worth giving our lives over. Please partner with us by clicking one of our friendly yellow buttons. (3) In the Divine sense the compassionate Jesus is still going through cities and villages preaching his gospel. Here is the main point: Jesus did not come into the world mainly to give bread, but to be bread. And I am unwilling to send them away hungry, lest they faint on the way.” Thus, storing up treasures for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life. The parallel for the church is giving birth is a healthy, natural, God-ordained thing at a certain point in time. Thinking about this little church, God has kept this little church that meets there on Oak and Fulton alive for a long, long time. It's about disciple making. Reproduction is an expectation of discipleship. What you see in the last chapter of Revelation is multiplication of God's fame and worth. Becoming a distributor of God’s resources will ensure you always have stock in your store house, while withholding the resources for self acquisition and gratification will only translate from abundance into scarcity. Amen. This is a very simple prayer for miraculous multiplication based on Matthew 14:13-21 which is the story or Jesus feeding the five thousand with loaves and fishes. You can go, "Okay, I get it. The Word of God enlarges our capacity to receive the power of God whether it is in your healing, whether it is in your finances or your family. We have a different plan. We want to be our own gods.". What makes that any different than what's happening in the Ukraine right now? We're not thinking about our grandkids and what's going to be of this particular local church for our grandkids, for the people who are going to be in this neighborhood 60 years from now. Dr. P. Encourage him. Awaken us. Now I'm going to continue to multiply you as I promised." Followers of Jesus place an equal emphasis on both grace and truth. Then we're going to go from Genesis to Revelation. The theme of multiplication runs throughout the Bible. We get it. Other pastoral sages in my life came to me and started saying the same thing. / The Beauty of Multiplication, Beau Hughes | We'll do what we want to do. I think it would be the best thing to do. Of course there's nothing else going on for 2-year-olds in the world than Frozen. 3. Even he said, "Hey, listen. 1Timothy 6: 17-19 As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. Study Text: Acts 19: 11 - 12. You know, yesterday was actually my youngest daughter's second birthday. TGFJ is a platform for Christian work, projects, and books: promoting insightful, powerful, and the supernatural move of God - educating online users of spiritual truths based on biblical principles and divine revelations. I'm grateful to God for them, and I pray your blessings upon them. I mean, I really wonder. How would you define that?". He was set apart by God. What would that do to the other campuses if we just roll off the Flower Mound Campus? The fourth thing is simply…. God has not changed his mind. In Mark 4, there are all these different parables, but the one we're going to look at starts in verse 30. They're prophesying, and it says this about the King. I provoke the divine power of multiplication to manifest in your situation in Jesus name. Sermon - Divine Multiplication. Absolutely. | MP4: In today's sermon, Pastor Steve looks into Mark 8:1-10, and reminds us of the challenge to continue going through the Gospels one chapter a day in 2019. This, of course, is a critical chapter in all of holy Scripture. Why don't you just help me out here?". It's not either/or, but it's definitely about disciple making. For the Campbells, serving the Lord is the same in Berlin as it was in Fort Worth. preaching, multiplication, and the endument of spiritual power. I don't know what's going on in your lives. DIVINE MULTIPLICATION. For further study: Matthew 6:33 – But seek ( aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. Why is that good news? Maybe it will just be encouraging to see how God is faithful to lead his church and to lead his people. Elm Street Community Church. It's not just a fact of Scripture that we sort of can study and turn around and go, "Oh, that's neat. We live by every word from your mouth. In this real world of ours even if multiplication of loaves by itself could occur the evidence is that this would simply mean that the few well fed would have used their position to take first dibs. I mean, even some of the Christmas hymns we sing talk about this, talk about this King Jesus who is going to one day come. God’s multiplication is even better; 1 can put 1000 to flight; 2 can put 10,000 to flight! Certainly what he is doing right now is why he kept her alive. Featuring a sermon puts it on the front page of the site and is the most effective way to bring this sermon to the attention of thousands including all mobile platforms + newsletter. That seems like an overstatement if you don't know what's undergirding that. We pray tonight you would speak to us through it. Jesus steps on the scene and perfectly fulfills those prophecies and those commands. ", We need to have biblical theology but to step back from the biblical theology and go, "That's wise. God already has a store, He is not looking for store houses, rather He is looking for distribution centers. Passionate about building gospel-centered community, the Garcías are bringing light into darkness as they serve with a local church in Spain. He promises what? This is God's plan for his kingdom. Some are clear-cut. David Platt, author of several books, including Radical, is now the president of … I just pray, Lord, that you would bless them. That's compelling to us. Part of what God is saying here is, "I want my image, I want my beauty, I want my glory, I want my weight, I want my justice, I want my holiness, I want my love, my rule and reign over creation, to be extended through my creatures, my man and woman creatures I've made." Just because mankind sins against God, his plan for multiplication, his plan for men and women made in the image of God to go out and reflect his glory, doesn't stop. Even again today before the service, just having people come up and just express your love and your prayerfulness. Be fruitful and multiply! Our work, like the ants’ is never done. I just wanted to come testify from my vantage point, and maybe it will encourage you, regardless of whether or not you even know anything about campuses transitioning to churches or care. A church that's pregnant spiritually, however you want to define that, for them to not give birth is not a sign of maturity. You're an outsider who is really an insider. In Acts 6, it says, "In those days when the number of disciples was increasing… So the word of God spread. When Jesus turned the bread meant for one person into food eaten by five thousand with leftovers, the power of multiplication was at work. Will you pray with me? Watch Queue Queue. It just became clear to me, "This is it. He planted them, and then he left them, not on their own but with elders. THIS IS TRUE HISTORICALLY. It's like a robust understanding of what the church really is, why she exists. We had the baby. It's so biblical. To have someone who is not really walking with them, who is not really counseling them in their marriages, who is not really there at the bedside when children are born, who really doesn't look out and actually physically see the people when they're preaching on Sunday? That's compelling. You are just a custodian of His resources. 1 2 That's a spiritual man, a multiplication man." 6 COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course you will be able to: Reproduce spiritually through application of Biblical multiplication methods. Jesus had a team of 12 and empowered them to evangelize the entire world. It means you pull the plug on the video, and you go and you gather some more. Locations & Times. He wouldn't stay. Photo Albums. Press in to Part Two of this brand new sermon from Pastor Lee Cummings about the reset that must take place as we seek after the Lord. (Repeat) A little one shall become a thousand, etc. ", When you think about that and you really begin to think about, "Okay, first for the congregation, long-term what is the best thing for them? Denton is not Flower Mound. I'll be over here doing what I'm doing, and we make a good team." We actually think this would be a good and beautiful thing along some of the same lines we thought about here. "What is the church? Babies aren't being made at the end of Revelation. We have to develop our faith and enlarge our capacity; you need to be transformed by the renewing of your mind to these things. The charge was this: "Be fruitful and multiply. Are you willing to multiply your Home Group? We just thanked him and worshiped and celebrated. If you've been to our different campuses, you feel that right when you walk in the door. Matt came and said, "Hey, where do you see this multi-site thing ending?" I'm so encouraged by the way you've done that. It's a beautiful plan. (b) Dominion over the invisible world. Not that we're in control; the Lord does what he wills…. I promise it will be pretty quick, Lord willing. Featuring a sermon puts it on the front page of the site and is the most effective way to bring this sermon to the attention of thousands including all mobile platforms + newsletter. Are you making disciples? The Godhead, most explicitly seen in the person and work of Christ, brought us in. I mean that in the most beautiful of ways. I'm starting to feel disobedient, so I got home, talked to my wife. A big part of what he says when they get into the Promised Land is, "Okay, I've led you into the land I promised. Rick Warren Sermon Review: Hearing the Voice of God - Part 1. They go away. Consequently, God’s principle of divine multiplication can be said to be multidimensional. Then you're leaving behind little islands of local churches instead of one big existing church that's just getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. It's something we should pray for, be excited about. He would lay out a spiritual truth and make it plain through a parable. You should try it some time. We love you. Distribution is a covenant access to divine multiplication and prosperity. God wants to trust you with riches if you are ready to be a distributor and not just a consumer. It is not enough to say it or confess that you want to be a blessing. Mission. It's really the first time in church history where you see the opportunity through video (which I'm not knocking necessarily…I'm just saying it's something to think about) where the teacher is not necessarily the pastor. That's what we've been talking about all spring, and yet even as you continue to read the Bible, you see…, You go to Revelation, and you get to the last chapter of Revelation. I would be kind of all over the place here. It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when sown on the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth, yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes larger than all the garden plants and puts out large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade." Let me just explain it this way. At the end of Genesis, the people are going down into slavery into Egypt. It's going to multiply forever, his rule and his reign, just like he promised and intended from the very beginning. He is crucified and executed. Speak into our leadership. Play! Yes, man sins against God, but the image of God doesn't go away. This isn't the only passage that interprets his death. Your willingness to be a blessing to the world around you will be the reason why God will release and trust you with the resources. Was kind of put the study of the best thing to do, yesterday was actually my youngest 's... 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