You are recreating Young's experiment with red laser light of wavelength lambda = 700 as a source. It sounds the musical note A (440 Hz) when played without fingering. You set your slit spacing at 1.17 mm and place your screen 8.89 m from... Two speakers, one at the origin and the other facing it at x = 1.34 m, are driven by the same oscillator at a frequency of 640 Hz. What distance should one speaker be placed behind the other for the sound to have an amplitude 1.80 times that of each speaker alone? (3 Marks) (2 Marks) 30) Which mode of propagation is adopted in HF antennas? a. Motion of electrons If the handle of a tuning fork were to be handled firmly against a table, would the sound from the tuning fork change? b. LEDs can be used to create lasers that are very compact sinc... You perform a double-slit experiment in order to measure the wavelength of the new laser that you received for your birthday. Block B rests on it and the coefficient of static friction between... Light from a 550 nm source goes through two slits 0.040 mm apart, a screen is 1.5 m from the slits. a. Perpendicular b. Real fields Suppose you observe a series diffraction minima and plot sin ? b. Voltage Pattern If it is desired to have a fringe spacing of 1 mm, what is the requi... You have two vibrating objects in an infinitely large pool. b. 3.3 micro-s c. 3.3 ms d. 3.3 s . Consider the musical note "A above middle C", known as "concert pitch" or "A440." Its input impedance during the removal of all other antennas d. All of the above. The centers of the speakers are located 6.00 \ m apart. The second fork B is filed so that its beat frequency reduces to 2 beats per second. d. Wastage of power in terminating resistor, ANSWER: Maximum radiated power along main axis. a. For what minimum nonzero value of the plate separation d will the transmitted light be b... A radar tower sends out a signal of wavelength \lambda. A. Permittivity What is the amplitude of the particle? a. c. Resistor b. Dough-nut a. Ions b. Resistive If two AC voltages are equal but are 90 degrees out of phase, what is their total voltage? The lecturer with a monotone voice of 440 Hz and you are both 2m away from the long, smooth and tall wall. m vs. for those maxima. Expres... You are standing on a beach and 5 wave crests land on shore in 50 seconds. Question 69. Phase On a very large distant screen, what is the total number of bright fringes (those indi... Two thin parallel slits that are 1.00 x 10-2 mm apart are illuminated by a laser beam of wavelength 580 nm. B. Faraday’s law d. None of the above. Two audio speakers are kept some distance apart and are driven by the same amplifier system. Which means it travels to the distance up to which a naked eye can see. What happens when two waves meet while traveling through the same medium? What frequency of s... Find the beat frequency when a 386 Hz and a 389 Hz tuning fork are struck at the same time. She stands at point P, at an equal distance from each speaker and hears the tone playing lo... Two identical speakers, labeled Speaker 1 and Speaker 2, are playing a tone with a frequency of 175 \ Hz in phase. 80) What is the functioning role of an antenna in receiving mode? What is the impact of having a high loss resistance? Find the minimum order of the violet fringe (\lambda = 400 nm) which overlaps with a red fringe (\lambda = 700 nm). Speaker B is 12 m to the right of speaker A. Part 4: List for questions and answers of Antenna & wave Propagation . Light of 600-nm wavelength interferes constructively when reflected from a soap bubble having refractive index 1.33. 2-1 CHAPTER 2 RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to: 1. How do interference patterns depend on wavelength? The two antennas radiate in phase at a frequency of 5.6 MHz. b. Both speakers are producing the same sound. Go ahead and submit it to our experts to be answered. Find the distance between adjacent bright fringes on a screen 5.0 m from the slits. If you stand 12.0 m in front of the plane of the speakers, centered between them, you hear a sound of maximum intensity. If the amplitude of each wave is 4 mm and the phase difference between the w... Is it necessary to have two waves of equal intensity to study interference pattern? A 1289 Hz sound from the speaker enters a tube at point A. 0° & 180° Assume... An Array of coherent antennas (A) is configured at the corners of squares, every 10 meters from the next. 27.77 ohm A pinoybix mcq, quiz and reviewers. a. Spherical b. They are directly facing each other, are 7.4 m apart, and are each playing a 72.0 Hz tone. c. Both a and b 22) In an electrically small loops, the overall length of the loop is ______ one-tenth of a wavelength. A. The speakers vibrate o. a) OFDM b) DSSS c) ASK d) NRZ-I. d. None of the above. c. Both a and b To what value must the string tension be changed to raise the wave speed to 180 m/s ? In interference of light experiment, coherent light that contains two wavelengths: 614 \ nm (red-orange) and 429 \ nm (indigo-blue), passes through two narrow slits separated by 3.12 \ \mu m, and t... How is the probability that a photon will be detected related to the amplitude of the electric field component of a light wave? a) What does this mean for the distance between ma... Two loudspeakers are placed 4.5 m apart. 3. You are standing 3.00m directly in front of one speaker. a. the phenomenon when waves either add (constructive interference) or subtract (destructive interference) b. the capacity to transfer heat c. the... Two radio-frequency point sources separated by 3.0 m are radiating in phase with lambda = 0.75 m. A detector moves in a circular path around the two sources in a plane containing them. Side lobe 59) What is the far-field position of an electric short dipole? a. Aperture b. Rectangular Sea wave propagation The frequency of the sound waves produced by the loudsp... A violin string has a standard length of 32.8 cm. How far from the central band is the first dark band? The wavelength, \lambda, is the same in all... A phase difference of \pi/3 radians equivalent to a path difference of: a) six wavelengths b) three wavelengths c) one-third of a wavelength d) one-sixth of a wavelength. Interference Wave Propagation. Since radio transmission is Omni directionalin nature, the need to physically align the transmitter and receiver does not arise. Question 70. 46) Which conversion mechanism is performed by parabolic reflector antenna? In Young's double-slit experiment the separation y between the first-order bright fringe and the central bright fringe on a flat screen is 0.0260 m when the light has a wavelength of 480 nm. The figure shows a loudspeaker A and point C, where a listener is positioned. (a) When light waves reflect from media in which the speed of light is slower, their phase (crest or trough) is. b. Converter The information is imposed on the electromagnetic carrier wave as amplitude modulation (AM) or as frequency modulation (FM) or in digital form (pulse modulation). As the signal can tr… The wavelength in air of the sounds is 6 m. Do the sounds interfere constructively or destructively at a point 10 m from both speakers? The two antennas radiate in phase at a frequency of 5.6 MHz. If the combined sound from both speakers is barely audible at your location, which of... Two identical traveling waves, moving in the same direction, are out of phase by 5.0 rad. Take the wavelength to be 680 nm, and assume the same index of refraction... 1. Why? b. Shunt Access the answers to hundreds of Interference (wave propagation) questions that are explained in a way that's easy for you to understand. What is the thickness of the pits on the CD? The observer hears the sound intensity rise and fall with a time of 0.350s between the maximum and minimum intensity and the succeeding mi... Two waves, travelling in the same direction through the same region, have equal frequencies, wavelengths and amplitudes. What other bright fringes are also eliminated? The ratio of intensities between a point A and that of the central fringe is 0.853. The lecturer with a monotone voice of 440 Hz and you are both 2 m away from the long, smooth and tall wall. Two parallel narrow slits are at a distance of 0.840\ \mathrm{mm} apart. c. β + (λ/2) Laser light of wavelength /lambda=546 nm is incident on the slits S1 and S2. c. 180° & 270° d. All of the above. In the double slit experiment with light, we know that the spacing of the interference fringes (which is what we call the bright spots on the screen) depends on the wavelength of the light. The walls of a soap bubble have about the same index of refraction as that of plain water, n = 1.33. The amplitude of vibration is 1.0 cm and the displacement becomes zero 200 times per second. Questions and Answers in Radiation and Wave Propagation Series. The Sound of Waves Questions and Answers. a. 32) If the tower antenna is not grounded, which method of excitation is/are applicable for it? After slightly tightening the string, she hears 1 beat per s... Two small loudspeakers emit sound waves of the same amplitude and frequency in phase with each other. In young's double-slit experiment if S is the size of the source and d is its distance from the plane of the 2 slits, what should be the criterion for interference fringes to be seen? Yes, this can be heard... What is the resultant of two rectangular simple harmonic motions of the same frequency and unequal amplitude, but differing in phase by \frac{\pi}{2}? Sp... Two fire alarms are placed in a building, one 2.3 m north of the other. Two identical travel... Two speakers are driven by the same amplifier and emit sinusoidal waves in phase. frequency. d. 0.1 cm – 1 cm. A detector is positioned a perpendicular distance of 13 m from... Two point sources S_1 and S_2 are placed on the y-axis and the distance between them is 3 m. The two sources are in phase and emit identical sound waves with frequency 860 Hz. A) They alternately reinforce and cancel each other. b. Eventual 4) In which kind of waveform is the phase velocity defined? Neglect mass of the string. c. Neutral molecules The simplest mode of propagation occurs between two point- At which distance L, will the sound be at a maximum? c. Stability 1) What is the wavelength of Super high frequency (SHF) especially used in Radar & satellite communication? … Constructive or destructive? When the top plate is illuminated normally with a light of wavelength 640 nm, the filament lies directly below the tenth order... Two identical loudspeakers separated by distance d emit 180 Hz sound waves along the x-axis. You stand directly in front of one of the speakers, 1.1 m from the speaker. Transmission line region c. Greater than On a very large distant screen, what is the total number of bright fringes (those indi... Two speakers that are 17.0 m apart produce sound waves of frequency 225 Hz in a room where the speed of sound is 340 m/s. What is... Two in-phase loudspeakers are some distance apart. 13) Under which conditions of charge does the radiation occur through wire antenna? MCQ quiz on Antenna and Wave Propagation multiple choice questions and answers on antenna and wave propagation MCQ questions quiz on antenna and wave propagation objectives questions with answer test pdf. Phase 78) How is the effect of selective fading reduced? 13 Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics Snell’sLaw of Reflection 12.11.2018 Chapter 2: Radio Wave Propagation Fundamentals 1 2 i r t surface large compared to the wave length smooth surface (otherwise scattering) three angles: - incidence - reflection - transmission / refraction *full derivation in Arthur Schuster: “An Introduction to the Theory of Optics” What is the total number of bright spots (indicating complete constructive interference) that will occur on... An investigator finds a fiber at a crime scene that he wishes to use as evidence against a suspect. d. Far-field. They are located at points S1 ( at the origin x=0) and S2 ( at x=175 m). a. Towards b. A point on the second nodal line is 50.0 cm from one source and 59 cm from the oth... Two small loudspeakers that are 5.50 m apart are emitting sound in phase. d. None of the above. If the wedge angle is too large, fringes are not observed. 55) Which term is regarded as an inductive field as it is predictable from Biot Savart law & considered to be of prime importance at near field or the distance close to current element? A second player sounds the same note and hears that her instrument is... Sound with a frequency of 1210 Hz leaves a room through a doorway with a width of 1.00 m. At which angles relative to the centerline perpendicular to the doorway will someone outside the room hear... Two sound waves have frequencies of 340 Hz and 370 Hz. The solution appears colored in sunlight. Sound waves, like light waves, can interfere with each other, giving maximum and minimum levels of sound. If the speakers are 9.00 meters apart, and you stand on the line directly between th... a) In a two-slit interference experiment of the Young type, the aperture-to-screen distance is 2 m and the wavelength is 600 nm. d. None of the above, 20) In flared transmission line, the radiation phenomenon increases due to ________ in flaring, a. a. An observer initially hears a maximum at a dis... Two waves identical in speed, frequency, amplitude, and wavelength, but differing in phase by +pi/3 radians interfere in a region in space, where x is in cm and t is in sec. The index of refraction of the film is 1.32 , a... A vibrating 1000 Hz tuning fork produces sound waves that travel at 340 m/s in air. Then we need to employ an amplifier cum transmitter here to amplify the signal and transmit again. d. None of the above. Minimum sound is heard when ACD has a length of 94.2 cm and ABD has a length of 41.0 cm. Low Why is the beat frequency the difference between the two frequencies of the two sound waves (theory behind this)? What is the amplitude of the resultant wave in terms of the common amplitude ym of the two combining waves? A monochromatic x-ray beam shows a first-order diffraction maximum when the grazing angle is 7.6 degrees. Describe constructive and destructive interference. Q1. Points S1 and S2 are close sources of circular water waves each of wavelength 6.0 cm. By low carrier reception Two radio antennas are 150 m apart on a north-south line. There is air both inside and outside the bubble. What is the minimum thickness of film that will give an interference when the light is incident normally on it? c. Current a. D. By double side band system. And, if you really want to know more about me, please visit my "About" Page. how the information is stored on the radio wave. d. All of the above, 48) Sterdian is a measurement unit of __________, a. A screen is placed 95.0 cm away from the slit. d. Phase. 49) According to the geometry, how many sterdians are present in a full sphere? Loudspeaker at point a and b d. None of the speakers are vibrating in phase a! 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