site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Like "He's a stickler for rules" ... as in "What a pain in the ass". devoutly adverb. @MichaelDurrant Upvoting means that you think the answer is "useful", not that you think it states the one term that fulfills the OP's request. Usually, a Rule Nazi will become petulant if Powershell window does not open in same position where I last closed it, Dance of Venus (and variations) in TikZ/PGF, How to play computer from a particular position on app. Praise where appropriate. Incorrect: 300—325 people Incorrect: 300 - 325 people Correct: 300-325 people. It sounds like with a little more research, this could be an excellent answer. Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. But while we don't have a term for the person, we do have one idiom for the behavior: missing the forest for the trees. A lot of people don’t recognize their personal ability and it’s up to … Ready for 13 standout spelling rules you need to know? ", but then I looked up it: "Marked by arbitrary, often ruthless disregard of individual differences or special circumstances. I've said "civil servants of science" to a couple friends and the meaning has been clear, but it's better suited to the UK than the US, and it requires an "of" to indicate a specific domain of application. Let’s take a look at some of the various approaches for this possessive. Lokua is on the team that won first place. ", New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the whatstheword community. I'll just note (a) that you might think of or refer to someone as a 'stickler for the rules' and tell them to their face not to be one, but you wouldn't usually just say 'you're being a stickler' as a pejorative challenge. That is getting close and I might look a bit more into it to see if it meets what I need. You could also be a stickler about cleanliness or manners. That's a good point that it's more about loyalty than inflexibility. True Blue. The broad term psychologists use to describe the manipulation of mental representations of information is. However, copying 2,000 words from a work of 500,000 words might be fair. In its historical context, I imagine it would be mostly neutral, but as borrowed by English, it's hard to imagine it being used in anything other than a negative way. @KonradViltersten BTW, here's an illustration of how "stickler" is used positively: "a stickler for journalistic integrity". People who do those jobs create stability that is extremely valuable and seldom appreciated. The following is a general discussion of the procedures police must follow while making an arrest. o If you’re not sure about the category of a word, put down a couple of options, and hope that subsequent sentences will help you figure it out. The application is slightly derogatory but not vulgar... the term is used when a referee or a bureaucrat makes a call and, while being correct rule-wise, they miss the point of the system that the said rule is made to support. The current U.S. system of protection for human research subjects is heavily influenced by the Belmont Report, written in 1979 by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research.The Belmont Report outlines the basic ethical principles in research involving human subjects. Preferably one word in length, not a bunch a synonyms for "follow" and "blindly". Rather than following rules the decision maker should follow a desire to seek the best for the people involved. Maybe someone else knows of a good noun that's already well-established. Stickler is also slightly derogatory, but not vulgar. I first thought "Why would someone be pro-lobster? We don't. Actually, as I think about it, the Swedish term doesn't preclude such a person from. complying with the rules. A stickler for rules (note the lack of an article) is dogmatic about following rules even in situations where their purpose isn't served, simply because they're "rules". Describe definition: If you describe a person, object, event , or situation , you say what they are like or... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. It feels like that word has some negative connotations, though. The result of such call or decision may vary from non-essential, insignificant changes up to a totally weird and unintended destruction of the greater good. Also, how localized to Scotland is the understanding of the term (not usage, as it probably is only used there, but the grasp of the concept)? Press J to jump to the feed. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Here are some words to describe the other side of Cancer: Aloof: Cancers can be known to hide under a hard shell, especially when first meeting them in person. Is there a word in your mind that you just cannot remember? The following is a general discussion of the procedures police must follow while making an arrest. Regrettably, however, it’s becoming harder to get people to follow. By itself, a stickler is a referee who breaks up a fight, but this sense is obsolete. ", Yeah, that's the one we came up with. Chivalry, or the chivalric code, is an informal and varying code of conduct developed between 1170 and 1220. My google-fu gave me Jack-in-office but when I wrote that to a friend, they didn't get the point at all. A pedant insists on observing technicalities or esoteric senses of words that are mostly of academic interest, even in situations where practicality or the words' everyday meanings are clearly most relevant. The result of such call or decision may vary from non-essential, insignificant changes up to a totally weird and unintended destruction of the greater good. It literally means a low-level communist bureaucrat, a functionary in the party apparatus. Fairness is the quality of making judgments that are free from discrimination. Following the rules very closely, while missing the point of these rules is called "Following the letter of the law, not the spirit." ... willing to obey all the rules of a particular religion or organization. Other terms which may be of use include the adjectives doctrinaire, fanatical, inflexible, obstinate, and mulish. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Hyphens' main purpose is to glue words together. He takes a blackletter view of the … Conversely, a person who does not follow … In Swedish, we've got a term that loosely translates as paragraph jockey. Incorrect: 300—325 people Incorrect: 300 - 325 people Correct: 300-325 people. The broad term psychologists use to describe the manipulation of mental representations of information is. There are no moral rules or rights - each case is unique and deserves a … imprecise, inaccurate, inauthentic, inexact, loose, unfaithful. Numerically evaluating parameter derivatives of a hypergeometric function. Allow the person to shine in his/her own light. I (native AmE) had never heard the word before, but it might be the phrase closest in meaning to what the question asks for. When an Officer May Make an Arrest. ... ** People using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in this file. Apparatchik is the noun I might reach for, depending on the context. Read on for word lists on task-oriented, relationship-oriented, introverted and extroverted behavior. Examples: Anya is the one who rescued the bird. The word outlook means “attitude” or point of view. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. He takes a blackletter view of the rules. It all depends on the circumstances. "The Man That Got Away" is a great song with a grammatical title. informal to do what is expected or is usual. The kid was always
, and so naturally gravitated towards a profession that enforced rules and laws. However, you can be a stickler about more than just rules. English is a big language, though. Some related words from this thesaurus page are "perfectionist", "nitpicker", and "disciplinarian". It only takes a minute to sign up. I challenge you to ask 10 native speakers on the street what a "martinet" is ;). adhering to the rules. Rule 1. Who and sometimes that refer to people.That and which refer to groups or things.. 2 given to exacting standards of discipline and self-restraint. “There are a million rules for being a girl. A fuss-budget refuses to compromise about small things, but this term doesn't emphasize official or articulated rules; instead it suggests only that the person is fussy about things that are idiosyncratic as well as unimportant. For example, copying 200 words from a work of 300 words wouldn't be fair use. Should I give her aspirin? acting in accordance with the rules. The point of this answer is to clearly spell out what's wrong with all the terms that fail, especially "stickler". Particularly on the internet, it's rather common to run into people who think being technically correct is the best form of correct... or at least worth affecting in order to farm some of that sweet sweet rep/karma/&c. Find another word for describe. Lawful, upright, upstanding, dutiful, punctilious, conscientious. Syntactic Rules English parts of speech often follow ordering patterns in sentences and clauses, such as compound sentences are joined by conjunctions (and, but, or) or that multiple adjectives modifying the same noun follow a particular order according to their class (such as number-size-color, as in "six small green chairs"). Crowned Youth Word of the Year in Germany in 2015 – despite its general use by older speakers as a despairing description of young people – it … The current U.S. system of protection for human research subjects is heavily influenced by the Belmont Report, written in 1979 by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research.The Belmont Report outlines the basic ethical principles in research involving human subjects. We have various words and expressions to mean someone who is a stickler about rules, very disciplined or strict in following them, but, no, as far as I know, English doesn't have a pejorative term for someone who is concerned with the rules to a fault and, hoo boy, does that tell you something about our culture. "A stickler for the rules" might sometimes serve for what you have in mind, but not just "stickler" by itself. The Rule requires appropriate safeguards to protect the privacy of personal health information, and sets limits and conditions on the uses and disclosures that may be made of such information without patient authorization. A common term (in Scotland) for someone who follows the rules ad absurdum (as you eloquently state). Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language Learners Stack Exchange! interpretation of the rules of a game, even if the other players It's not a precise fit for the definition you're looking for—I wish paragraph jockey or jobsworth were common in American English—but I believe there is some useful overlap with apparatchik. Rule 1. Who and sometimes that refer to people.That and which refer to groups or things.. a person obstinate or zealous about such correctness; a pedant. To be more specific, you would call someone a "stickler-for-language" or a "stickler-for-rules" and so on. Style. People with social boundaries make good employees because they follow the rules and respect authority. Although this also has negative connotations and I’ve seen above that’s not what you’re looking for. informal to do something, often something dishonest, that someone wants you to do. I mean, we didn't but do now: I'm guessing the next time this issue comes up, "paragraph jockey" will spring to my lips, so thanks for the contribution to English! He is a rule-bound sort of person, you know. You can also describe them as law-abiding --> respetuoso con las leyes Rules lawyer and rules Nazi are the same, but restricted to games. keeping to the rules. "Ignore all rules" does not stop you from pointing out a rule to someone who has broken it, but do consider that his or her judgement may have been correct, and that they almost certainly thought it was (see also Wikipedia:Assume good faith). What is a simple term for a person who acts up for a photograph? These are all related, but I think stickler is closer to the word you are looking for. Words that break both the "I before E" part and the "except after C" part of the rule include cheiromancies, cleidomancies, eigenfrequencies, obeisancies, oneiromancies.. cie. People who think of themselves as entitled often refuse to follow rules of conduct that others accept. Conversely, a person who does not follow … Open mobile menu But thanks for the word! playing fair. A government is a group of people that have the power to rule in a territory, according to the administrative law. A person’s style is really their way of dressing, and the way they carry themselves. Examples: Anya is the one who rescued the bird. Describe: to give a representation or account of in words. Can I legally refuse entry to a landlord? She belongs to a great organization, which specializes in saving endangered species. obey. You may yet be both. When you derisively call someone a stickler because their holding to a high standard caused you annoyance, without specifying what they're a stickler for, you convey that you are against any kind of high standard or integrity at all, regardless of the matter. It was associated with the medieval Christian institution of knighthood; knights' and gentlemen's behaviours were governed by chivalrous social codes. playing it by the book. The source is an overlooked feature of narcissism. However, adjectives do not simply have to describe an object, they can also be used in order to describe something that is not tangible. Is there a proper translation for the following Chinese term? Looking for a list of words that describe behavior? Why is \@secondoftwo used in this example? A language lawyer or grammar Nazi is someone who is obsessed with following dictionaries' or grammatical authorities' pronouncements on language usage, thinking of language as a system of strict rules rather than a tradition always open to reasonable extensions and variations. However, these are all really just examples of specific types of rules. Conformist : A person who does follow the rules set by the society because he wants to feel a part of the society, he/she wants to be accepted. Like "He's a stickler for rules" ... as in "What a pain in the ass". High school has things that can trip you up, ruin you, people say one thing and mean another, and you have to know all the rules, you have to know what you can and can't do.” ― Elizabeth Scott, The Unwritten Rule Pedant is a nice one, although I've always used it (rightly or wrongly!) Some large groups of words have cie in the spelling. This territory may be a country, a state or province within a country, or a region. You've come to the right place! submit. St N. Lv 7. Yeah, I haven't ever heard the phrase "Jack-in-office" either. ... ____ is a communication system that follows rules of syntax and grammar. doing what one is told. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. "Ignore all rules" is not in itself a valid answer if someone asks you why you broke a rule. the other players do not yield to his or her viewpoint. A good example of this is the use of adjectives to talk about someone’s personality. (Showing how a term is used in a sentence is almost never a bad idea though ) I think that there is a sense that an apparatchik is blindly loyal to an organization, and not necessarily interested in following the letter of the law in general. That might just be my hangup though. @DJMcMayhem My answer was intentionally tongue-in-cheek: it provided a. To my knowledge, there is no word for a person who does this. •Once you have the tree, “read” the rules from the tree. Words are listed in alphabetical order: Whether that's irrational depends on what the stickler is a stickler for. A stickler for X is someone who is intransigent about X, but this does not by itself imply the kind of pusillanimous literality that you suggest. The word guidelines refers to the rules and regulations for a task or for work in general. It's just not how the term fits into the language. Semantics. Paul Grice, a famous scholar, noted that all conversations follow a basic set of rules, which people use to express themselves when speaking. This is a very common expression. I have never heard the phrase "Jack-in-office" before. The word "blackletter" is traditionally the word most associated with someone or something that takes an overly serious (therefore rigid) adherence to rules. There are a million things you have to do to get through each day. In other words, merely calling someone a stickler as if that alone were enough to merit derision, suggests that the speaker is careless, spineless, corrupt, apathetic, a fence-rider, a cheater, a slacker, a rationalizer of petty iniquities, or any of the various synonyms for the flaw opposite the one you described—probably not what you intend. Rule Nazi is only used by some people, and generally only in the context described, in board games or other table top games. An appropriate term for an overly by-the-rules person. If you describe a person as disciplined, it doesn’t mean that they were punished. Here are some words and phrases you can use to describe a person’s appearance. A literalist applies the letter of rules, ignoring their spirit, but this applies to any use of words, not just rules. Detail is nice but brevity and clarity as to the main answer is key too. Why were early 3D games so full of muted colours? The following sections list exceptions to the basic form; many are not exceptions to the augmented forms. List of adjectives, synonyms, and related terms to describe rules. Always look for ways to make the person look good. ... ____ is a communication system that follows rules of syntax and grammar. Semantics. Strict describes someone who sticks to a particular set of rules. 26 synonyms of describe from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 64 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Rather than following rules the decision maker should follow a desire to seek the best for the people involved. Put the person in his/her best light. If your math teacher is strict, it means that she expects her rules to be followed to the letter. Another related but slightly off-the-mark term is petty tyrant. Usually "stickler" is followed by "for", as in "a stickler for detail", "a stickler for accuracy", and it refers to maintaining a high standard regarding the specified kind of thing. Semi-feral cat broke a tooth. We also call these people grammar-nazis. If you just call someone a civil servant or bureaucrat, that suggests what you want, but it focuses on their occupation, not their mentality. words for someone who doesn't follow rules Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us cross a line phrase. Thanks. verb. Another word that is close to what you are explaining is "stickler". In many cases, the term is used when a referee or a bureaucrat makes a call and, while being correct rule-wise, they miss the point of the system that the said rule is made to support. Use the below list to find different terms pertaining to rules. A government is a group of people that have the power to rule in a territory, according to the administrative law.This territory may be a country, a state or province within a country, or a region.. Jobsworths are the unreasonably petty sort who appear to lack initiative and sound judgement, and there's always one nearby. 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