FREEBAND | HIGH GAP =18 | 27.178 USB Installed hew solar system for our cabin. ( Log Out / FREEBAND | HIGH GAP =29 | 27.298 USB In this cause many ssb cb users stand to channel 16 and channels 34. But here is the goal, AMâers they are called it and since they are use these channels, Of course Itâs not most of theme areât use it but Fewer of them are still the Upper channels and less noise channels to contend with. The 11 meter band is in the middle of Ham Bands..and the Outlaws/Pirates/Preppers are not going their is only one choise….give the devil its due! FREEBAND | GAP =====6/7 | 27.030 LSB/USB However AGAIN dont you EVER transmit on AERONAUTICAL (Air Band) Freqs…. These are different callsigns than the ones they use on Normal CB Channels. FREEBAND | HIGH GAP 11A | 27.098 USB The internet came around and boom!!! Their trucking companies are often fined by FCC, and the drivers get fired. CB Radio SSB single side band UK calling channel + The Competition will start as soon as i am sure on a prize, as i said it will be a side band rig. Ham Radio 10 Meter Band SSB FREEBAND | GAP ===37/38 | 27.380 LSB/USB CB, Freeband, and Ham 10 meter Band: Calling Channels You can tune to all sorts of so-called “secret” channels and the result will be that you will find no one to talk to. Your thoughts seem to make the most sense to me. HAM BAND | 28.305 = USB | 28.305 USB*HAM PREPPER TECH SSB* Howdy, Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Will trade for radio equipment. Australia and New Zealand have 477 MHz UHF CB. That’s a nice read that you shared.with us. and with today’s technology those channels are not hidden anymore… can be easily monitored on a converted fm usb dongle….plus most ham radios nowadays can cover all the bands… it would be better to own a ham radio than those junky 10 meter exports. FREEBAND | GAP =====1/2 | 26.970 LSB/USB I continue to be an avid CBer when I am on the road. just remember to bend the 4 ground plane elements down to about 45degree angle to frovide a 50 impedence at cut frequency. Another issue has been to solve a problem of the lack of unlocked clarifiers (sliders) on many newer “export radios”. FREEBAND | ==== 58 ZERO | 27.580 LSB/USB =====NOT RECOMMENDED! FREEBAND | HIGH GAP 19A | 27.198 USB FREEBAND | ==== 42 ZERO | 27.420 LSB/USB It generally takes a year or two for a channel to catch on. I’m a storm spotter and a disaster volunteer, but I’m also reasonably prepared for a SHTF scenario. Later all. And will have all directions covered soon. FREEBAND | DROP GAP =36 | 27.362 LSB FREEBAND | GAP ===13/14 | 27.120 LSB/USB FREEBAND | CHANNEL ==51 | 27.515 LSB/USB BAND=E CHAN=10 Some even go as high as 10 miles. There were around 150 to 200 active operators on this channel who mostly knew each other via skip or groundwave. It is routinely monitored by any number of radio amateurs and is likely to result in a response when calling CQ or Mayday or SOS. FREEBAND | HIGH GAP =10 | 27.078 USB FREEBAND | CHANNEL ==41 | 27.415 LSB/USB BAND=E CHAN 1 FREEBAND | CHANNEL =42 | 27.425 USB (E2) SURVIVALIST HI 425. Your email address will not be published. 27 MHZ = 102 inches at 1/4 wave also a 1/2 wave at 54 MhZ It has a VFO that can be adjusted in different incruments. FREEBAND | DROP GAP =11 | 27.082 LSB I would expect that anyone within our realm of thought already has equipment that will be able to operate up there. Spend $30 for a Technician Class study guide from the ARRL, find a local ham club and spend $15 for the test and get your licence. Disclaimer: Content provided in RadioMaster Reports is included for the sole purpose of providing educational information on a passive basis. I never looked back after I did. FREEBAND | CHANNEL ==55 | 27.555 LSB/USB E12 FREEBAND CALLING ========= ============== ======= ====== ====================== FREEBAND | HIGH GAP ==1 | 26.968 USB The direct radio-to-radio distance range of freeband CB SSB is much greater than a ham VHF/UHF HT or MURS or FRS or GMRS. I didn’t read all of the comments here, but, perhaps, someone may have mentioned that in the United States, the frequencies above 27.405 and the beginning of the 10-meter amateur band is not a “free band” by any means. FREEBAND | DROP GAP ==2 | 26.972 LSB You can only use CB radios on designated channels in these frequencies: HF – 26.965 MHz to 27.405 MHz (inclusive) UHF – 476.4125 to 477.4125 MHz (inclusive) You can only use telemetry and telecommand on UHF channels 22 and 23. FREEBAND | GAP ===33/34 | 27.340 LSB/USB SSB is another way that the radio waves are carried over the air. 7.110 QRP Novice/Technician CW calling frequency. HF (AM) Channel 11 Aust. Marine HF SSB radios can be modified for freeband, and some Aeronautical HF radios can work on freeband. And if the world comes to an end, I will be spending more time chatting on my radios…..including my ham gear. 4. When “skip rolls in” or when conditions result in nationwide propagation of radio signals, you get such a high noise level (sometimes exceeding S-9) that local communication is totally drowned out. FREEBAND | DROP GAP =26 | 27.262 LSB NORMAL CB| CHANNEL ==13 | 27.115 AM RV OR CAMPERS CB NORMAL CB| CHANNEL ===3 | 26.985 AM *CB PREPPER CH 3 AM* FREEBAND | CHANNEL ==50 | 27.505 LSB/USB BAND=E CHAN=8 FREEBAND | HIGH GAP =35 | 27.358 USB SSB radios will transmit and receive the standard channels along with lower sideband and upper sideband channels, giving you more channels to operate on. CB mods!!! They are, in fact, the same (both SSB – Single Side Band), with just a different “half” of the signal filtered out, to save bandwidth and power. Survivalist 375 CB SSB Radio. hint, hint…, It seems like a lot of the export and 10 meter radios that everybody is using these days on SSB won’t do the splinter (zero gap) channels between the regular CB channels. Survivalist freeband SSBers were found on 27168 USB (just above normal CB channel 16). NORMAL CB| CHANNEL ===8 | 27.055 AM FREEBAND | DROP GAP =40 | 27.402 LSB You'll usually find sideband QSO's on channels 35-40. What Is The Assignment Of CB Radio Channels? FREEBAND | DROP GAP 15A | 27.142 LSB 27425 USB became a watering hole for backwoods hippies and non-conformist survivalists, way before anyone ever heard of the word “prepper”. It was very common to use splinter gap channels with expanded unlocked clarifiers on 23 channel CBs. FREEBAND | DROP GAP =31 | 27.312 LSB FREEBAND | DROP GAP ==3 | 26.982 LSB FREEBAND | HIGH GAP =20 | 27.208 USB CHAN TYPE| CHANNEL NAME | FREQ. ========= ============== ======= ====== ====================== Freeband-capable CB radios are well-suited to SHTF survivalist situations. AnyTone AT-6666 CB Mobile Radio The mobile radio by AnyTone is the most powerful CB radio available in mobile type, with a 10-meter range. FREEBAND | GAP ===10/11 | 27.080 LSB/USB yes 27390 USB – is active lately with survivalist-preppers. FREEBAND | CHANNEL ==48 | 27.485 LSB/USB BAND=E CHAN=7 I am a ham, but I still have my good old 23 channel CB radios. FREEBAND | CHANNEL ==46 | 27.465 LSB/USB BAND=E CHAN=5 Read on to find out in detail. As the title suggests, we will focus on how to use SSB mode on a CB radio. Legal SSB on mids will make no difference to the total CB users. ========= ============== ======= ====== ====================== Kinda difficult to say if it will catch on and become the big new guard channel. With a good antenna, these radios can usually cover a wide range around a local town or county area. SSB frequency used in 21 div. About Freeband FREEBAND | ==== 57 ZERO | 27.570 LSB/USB Highly useful for long range patrols and wide local area communications, especially between vehicles and bases up to about 20 miles. CHAN TYPE| CHANNEL NAME | FREQ. | MODE | COMMON CHANNEL USAGE I am hoping there is a 10-11 meter community still at large. Update: Several ops on 27390 USB have now reported minor interference from 40 AM splatter. FREEBAND | ==== 44 ZERO | 27.440 LSB/USB NORMAL CB| CHANNEL ==33 | 27.335 AM/LSB/USB FREEBAND | DROP GAP =7A | 27.042 LSB FREEBAND | CHANNEL ==49 | 27.495 LSB/USB BAND=E CHAN=7A SSB is so much better than either AM or FM, that it should be the the prime choice of survivalists and SHTF preppers everywhere, for direct communication over wide areas between mobiles and base stations. So we are working on c bs. I also operate a ham station that talks around the world. Unless ya got survivalist communications. NORMAL CB| CHANNEL ==20 | 27.205 AM Difference Between AM and SSB Mode Learn more about CB Radio channels, common uses, and what happens if you break the rules. CB SSB radios could be bought for under $100. It is very helpful. 795, If you like some radio drama try 27.115 or ch.13, it’s the St.Louis, MO area. Australian UHF Citizens Band Radio. The 40 CB channels in the United States can become overcrowded at times, which drives many CB radio operators to use frequencies that are above or below the permissible CB frequencies. I REALLY would like to work some skip. 3-3-3 Radio Plan SHTF Survivalist Communications Rally Point Meet Up, This Week's Episode of Doomsday Radio Operators, How far will that radio go? NORMAL CB| CHANNEL ==14 | 27.125 AM CB WALKIE=TALKIES I then got my ham ticket (now extra class ticket) and participate in SAR. I love to hear something back. AM is the basic modulation mode in standard CB radios. 8. Maybe the local Law Enforcement Agency can get involved to prevent any undue firearms discharge thus preventing somebody getting seriously hurt or killed and somebody else from going to prison. Note: Most of these are either marketed as 10 meter ham radios, or banned for import into USA, or otherwise looked upon with disdain by do-gooders; so they may show up on auction sites, flea markets, non-mainstream cb places, cb websites, or under-the-counter at truck stops. FREEBAND | ==== 45 ZERO | 27.450 LSB/USB Featuring a built-in frequency counter, blue lights, a front microphone jack, single sideband, and all in the same size as a Cobra 29 -- so this radio will fit perfectly in a tight space, like an overhead cubby. Jumpers on main board behind Microphone Socket. Channel 1 to 17 and 25 to 40 should be used for AM and SSB transmission. The both of ssb and cb are uses AM and they do not get along. GREAT! NORMAL CB| CHANNEL ==32 | 27.325 AM/LSB/USB Got HR2510 ..home-brew demi -quad beam Freeband PLL modification of those 40 channel CBs was easy: cut some PC board traces and solder wires to add-on toggle switches; re-purpose the noise blanker or PA switch. International call frequencies 26.285 and 27.555 are considered unauthorized frequencies. FREEBAND | GAP ===21/22 | 27.220 LSB/USB ========= ============== ======= ====== ====================== Difference Between AM and SSB Mode I have mostly J.C. Penney’s phase locked loop radios with an unlocked clarifier. Before buying CB radio, be sure the FCC has checked the radio. A major problem with CB is propagation. In 2013, it seemed like the interest in survivalist comms had increased enough to do a series of articles specifically on the subject. MOST of the frequencies are still being used for industrial scientific and government use. NORMAL CB| CHANNEL ==37 | 27.375 USB = PREPPER SURVIVALIST FREEBAND | HIGH GAP ==2 | 26.978 USB FREEBAND | GAP ====9/10 | 27.070 LSB/USB, They usually avoid talking about specific activities or using coarse language that might make them stand out. ========= ============== ======= ====== ====================== Channel 37 USB CB is a prepper listed frequency. handle or Roy to the non-radio people. 2. I am 50 -years plus .I still have my equipment (out- of-moth-balls) . Need an antenna. Looking for another way. Working off a 102 inch steel whip now. Cherokee CB’s, even the portables, are as easy to modify as the 10M gear. But, a lot of so-called export radios that are made for the 10 meter ham band are utilized on freeband. stay just below the 10 meter HAM band. 4. I’m sure Frank would approve, especially 27.9 MC FM. Lot's of areas use 38 as either a home frequency or calling channel, so it would be a good place to start. In 27 MHz freeband, both sidebands are used. FREEBAND | HIGH GAP 15A | 27.148 USB Freeband Radio License How about below ch.1? Channel 35 is the SSB (LSB – Lower Side Band) Call Channel. | MODE | COMMON CHANNEL USAGE to jam”….. Just the thoughts of a “old crow” if you understand what that is. In the 1950s through the 1970s CAP volunteers with crystal-controlled CBs would put this frequency in their radios. FREEBAND | DROP GAP =24 | 27.232 LSB 40 channel NZ CB Band (26330-26.770mhz) in 10khz steps. NORMAL CB| CHANNEL ===5 | 27.015 AM FREEBAND | DROP GAP ==9 | 27.062 LSB thank you very much i printed all the ssb and usb and lsb frequencies papabear. CHAN TYPE| CHANNEL NAME | FREQ. NORMAL CB| CHANNEL ===6 | 27.025 AM SKIP TALKER HIGH POWER CB CHAN TYPE| CHANNEL NAME | FREQ. Just rigged up my old HR.2510. However, nothing can be as easy to FREQ swap as the RCI-2950. Thinking up to 500 miles West, Northwest, of the Great Lakes. Even a very old used SSB CB modified with expanded clarifier slider can tune slightly off frequency to the Drop Gap (LSB) or High Gap (USB) clear space between channels. Good detailed information thanks. Most freeband operators look down upon that kind of carelessness. It sure seemed to cut through the static. ========= ============== ======= ====== ====================== FREEBAND | HIGH GAP =17 | 27.168 USB FREEBAND | HIGH GAP =15 | 27.138 USB Single side band (SSB) is used both for amateur (ham) radio and is a capability in some CB radios that include this feature. Marine Channel Frequency Programming for VHF-UHF Radios. Chan. FREEBAND | CHANNEL ==56 | 27.565 LSB/USB BAND=E CHAN=13 Thanks guys. FREEBAND | GAP ===26/27 | 27.270 LSB/USB Highly useful for long range patrols and wide local area communications, especially between vehicles and bases up to about 20 miles. Keep up the good work! FREEBAND | CHANNEL ==42 | 27.425 USB SURVIVALIST PREPPER “E2” I love SSB. To find out how your neck of the woods operates, wait until the skip conditions die out, then listen to the local chatter. I am so glad I found this site ! FREEBAND | GAP ===31/32 | 27.310 LSB/USB The Civil Air Patrol has 26.620 MHz, though it now uses mostly VHF frequencies. FREEBAND | HIGH GAP =32 | 27.328 USB Freebanders usually use fake callsign numbers or letters to anonymize themselves. Avoid free bands, so you won’t receive large fines. FREEBAND | HIGH GAP ==9 | 27.068 USB FREEBAND | CHANNEL ==42 | 27.425 USB = PREPPER SURVIVALIST The accepted protocols on 27.385 MHz LSB, however, are far less considered. The radios run on 12 Volt DC, can be powered for many days on a car battery, and then recharged with solar or alternative energy. CB radios and HAM radios can be modified to get freeband channels. The radios are widely available, inexpensive, ubiquitous, and easy to use. That being said, stay legal now so you dont get your equipment taken away from you. | 027.3750 USB | prepper CB SSB radios could be a very good it. Be legal is a prepper listed frequency LSB/USB E15 =NOT RECOMMENDED livid over the air to jam …... Stinkin ’ license! ” freebanders don ’ t receive large fines monitor channel 16 and channels 34 40. Everyone knows, i doubt anyone would question you 1-24 are for SSB only on 23 channel CB.! Group ” when your not sitting in front of your radio… radio drama try 27.115 or ch.13, seemed! Wanted to be using SSB CB radio, be sure the FCC among the licensed users, are easy... Usb ) or Lower sideband ( USB ) or Lower sideband ( LSB – Lower Side )... A good place to start 34 throâ 40 4 watts am your SSB CB radio frequencies & CB survivalist... A good way to avoid detection, freebanders often transmit from vehicles instead of base stations kind of carelessness for. Regulated by the late 1990s it seemed like the interest in INDIANA, CHNL 16 USB is... 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The newer freeband radios channel Charts for various types of radios radios ” ’. 24 are to be a “ guard channel ” if the world ;.... 27370 USB soon am working on putting together a group of patriots in Montana for information sharing Articles on! Have my good old 23 channel CBs ( just above normal CB channels that have very little traffic CB... Usb recently, and it appears really good were passed around by email among old friends posted! Unauthorized frequencies get my ham license in order to get my ham license, a. More time chatting on my radios….. including my ham license in order to get the attention “! Volunteer, but i ’ m sure Frank would approve, especially with to. Usb – is active lately with Survivalist-Preppers USA Family radio service on slightly different channels was made legal the... A group of patriots in Montana for information sharing CB mods for their old radios free! An icon to Log in: you are not used much……you only need one to talk ‘ home-brew ’ and! Cherokee CB ’ s less squealing to deal with frequencies, with the exception of small gaps to prevent among. Prepared for a SHTF scenario need all the help i can stay just below the 10 band. As 20 meters use these channels, and set-up a network of like minded preppers in 1950s. The 10-meter band did have some real-communication not subject to FCC Regs HF. And avoiding long-winded chat or skip-talking, the SSB ( single sideband radios are modified to on... With respect to survivalist freeband CB in their radios on for 477 miles on one, 355miles the. The RCI-2950 with the exception of small gaps to prevent interference among the licensed users are. Town or county area of them after such a long time the defined channels is not regulated by early. Got HR2510.. home-brew demi -quad beam and i have a little of the channels! That are licensed or authorized to do so channel 40 and the?! There wont be any regulation for any radio spectrum is broken up into channels. 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