You are lucky to have a great support system. And I scraped up my foot on the edge of the step. Navigate to the Order Now form and fill in your details for an instant quote. level expertise in advanced practice competencies and What brings you in? Things were only hard like that for a few months. When was your last dose of pain medication? Educate on mild stretches for upper back and neck. Does your maternal grandmother have health conditions? top 25% of students perform at the level of a proficient Your role in this simulation is that of a healthcare provider who will take Ms. Jones' health history, a key component of her admission process. Only when Im in a rush and have to hurry up them. so that the average score on the index is a 80%. ", Tina describes how busy she is with school and work, have you ever taken special education courses, reports family is tight knit and gets along well, close group of friends from middle and high school as well as from church, spends time with friends a few times a month though less so with her recent schedule, attending baptist church regularly since childhood, reports smoking marijuana for 5 or 6 years, denies anyone has asked her to stop drinking, do you use take medications that are not prescribed to you, have you been in a relationship in the past, feeling stressed about studying and the future, upcoming graduation from college and needing to find a job, going to church Our simulations are designed for your program goals and course objectives - select your program level below to learn more. Educate on when to seek further or emergent care including feelings of self-harm or hopelessness. The opportunities listed below are those identified by nursing experts to be of particular importance to this We suggest taking out your textbook to remind yourself of what doing a cardiovascular assessment entails. Psychiatric: States that her mood has been "off" and she does not feel like herself. student and patient, ####### 1 Symptoms Followed UpFollowed Up. Question She claims that the accident was at low speed. my breathing's been getting bad when I move around too much. . Neurologic: Denies loss of sensation, numbness, tingling, tremors, weakness, paralysis, fainting, blackouts, or seizures. Since that incident she notes that she has had 10 episodes of wheezing and has shortness of breath approximately every four hours. I would be worried about that as well. Angel12 months ago thank you so much! I will explain the details of this assignment and your objectives, just as a preceptor would in real life. You should prepare prior to seeing Ms. Jones. In comparable programs, the Complete la idea con una nueva oracin usando los pronombres apropiados. Shadow Health's extensive suite of healthcare simulation products for nursing and allied health care fields provide an effective and scalable path to experiential and patient-centered learning. This has been really good for me to remember to think of my patients as people with families and lives as well as medical problems.Citation: Stead, L. F., Bergson, G., & Lancaster, T. (2008). You even benefit from summaries made a couple of years ago. She is a good historian. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation As you continue has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Posted on May 20, 2022 This article is entitled "Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health." Study it to gain knowledge concerning shadow health assessments and insights into how you can get expert Tina Jones shadow health assessment assignment help., Copyright 2023 Shadow Health Assessments | Powered by Shadow Health Assessments. Point-to-point movements smooth and accurate for finger-to-nose and heel-to-shin. A deep reflection should explain what about the experience was found to be meaningful and how it can help one become a better nurse. Shadow Health Tina Jones Comprehensive Assessment -Objective Data Collection (Exam Elaboration)Email me at to get the full d. Tina was the passenger and she was wearing a seatbelt. Tina Jones Respiratory Completed Shadow Health 4Tina Jones Respiratory health assessment and promotion (NURS 4520), M2 A9; Interventions or Educational programs, Advanced health aeassessment for therapeutic nursing, Heent Shadow Health Tina Jones Advance Assessment Transcript, Tina Jones Objective Heent Completed Shadow Health 3, Tina Jones Subjective Heent Completed Shadow Health 2, Heent Shadow Health Tina Jones Advance Assessment Education and Empathy, Health Assessment chapter 8: Standard precautions, Introductory Biology: Cell And Developmental Biology (BIOMG 1350), Nursing Process IV: Medical-Surgical Nursing (NUR 411), Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (CHEM 233), Managing Engaging Learning Environments (D095), Advanced Care of the Adult/Older Adult (N566), Fundamental Human Form and Function (ES 207), Nutrition and Exercise Physiology (NEP 1034), Art History I OR ART102 Art History II (ART101), Entrepreneurship 1 (proctored course) (BUS 3303), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), Chapter 3 - Summary Give Me Liberty! Did you have any alcoholic drinks before the injury? I made sure to clean it and just keep it bandaged. How often do you wake up at night to urinate? Mike T, 2023 Shadow Health - Tina Jones, Health History With Complete Solution updated. 54 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. . . Respiratory Lungs clear on auscultation. Shadow Health - Tina Jones HEENT.pdf - | Course Hero Oklahoma Panhandle State University NURS NURS 3214-20113 Shadow Health - Tina Jones HEENT.pdf - Shadow Health - Tina Jones HEENT.pdf - School Oklahoma Panhandle State University Course Title NURS 3214-20113 Uploaded By bthnynn Pages 1 Ratings 78% (27) This preview shows page 1 out of 1 page. Vernica escribi una composicin descriptiva de un lugar que recuerda de su infancia. Do you wheeze during an asthma exacerbation? is the flds still active 2021 Hes a little big, maybe. Tina describes her sleep hygiene and routine. Vital Signs BP 125/85, P 70 bpm, R 16 breaths, T 99.1 F. Patient narrative: Tina has been having disturbed sleep 4- 5 nights a week. She has asthma too, but she almost never has attacks. I usually get the headaches at night from reading squinting I guess and so I take one or two and go to bed. There are multiple essential questions for each of these topics: Daniel Danny Rivera is an 8-year-old boy who comes to the clinic with a cough. Gathering this information can contextualize a patients current complaint and how their familys health history might be influencing it. HEENT pupils round reactive to light. Pro Tip: Inquiring into the patients relevant history can reveal past diagnoses and previous conditions or concerns. ), Yeah, when my asthma gets bad my chest feels pretty tight, like I cant take in air. Tina Jones Health History shadow health answer key - Shadow Health Assessments Subjective Data Collection: 98 of 100 (98.0%) Hover To Reveal Hover over the Patient Data items below to reveal important information, including Pro Tips and Example Questions. Getting Started: View this tutorial for guidance on getting started with the Focused Exam: Chest Pain Assignment. Description: Tina describes her perceived asthma triggers. Any abnormal or excess hair? Sensation intact to bilateral upper and lower extremities; sense of extremity position intact. Review of Systems: General: Denies changes in weight, weakness, fever, chills, and night sweats. Cross), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Give Me Liberty! - $15.95 Add to Cart. During a full attack, I would wheeze a lot, like I couldnt breathe at all, but until the past couple days, I would usually just wheeze a little when I had breathing problems. Well, I had to come back to get my foot checked out even though I used the ointment. [AUDIO COMING SOON]. It seems you are having an asthma exacerbation OLDCARTS helped guide me through the 7 dimensions of her complaints. documentation or time spent. She occasionally takes 650 mg of over the counter Tylenol with relief of the pain. be done to improve the shortness of breath. . Denies increased tearing or itching. Make sure to follow the Proventil instructions as prescribed. Tell me more about any sugars you consume. Ask Ms. Jones to call the office in two days to discuss symptoms. Nose/Sinuses: Denies rhinorrhea. Karen. Do you have a family history of headaches? Have you noticed any swelling in your legs? How many puffs of your inhaler are you prescribed? No past suicide attempts. feels like when I lie down to go to bed it gets worse. Physician advice for smoking cessation. Shadow Health - Tina Jones HEENT.pdf. General: Ms. Jones is a pleasant 28 year old obese african aerican woman seated on a bench at the clinic in no distress. Have you ever taken medication for your diabetes? (Clarified to Did you use home remedies for your foot?. 2023 Shadow Health - Tina Jones, Health History With Compl - At what age were you diagnosed with diabetes? Mucous membranes. You will determine if Danny is in distress, explore the underlying cause of his cough, and look for related symptoms in other body systems. Getting Started: View this tutorial for guidance on getting started with the Neurological Assignment. Email us: How do I begin? Browse Study Resource | Subjects. Hello. (Clarified to if I use home remedies for my foot.). Question How often do you have breathing problems? Any temperature change around the scrape? The tongue is symmetric with not abnormal findings while the bilateral upper and lower extremity DTRs equal and 2+ bilaterally. We suggest taking out your textbook to remind yourself of what doing an HEENT exam entails. Do you remember what you were prescribed for diabetes? Is transportation a barrier to your healthcare? 01:46 PM EST. Navigate to the Order Now form and fill in your details for an instant quote. [AUDIO COMING SOON]. Hi. Type 2 diabetes, like me, and high cholesterol and blood pressure. How did you cope with your fathers death? Well, he passed away. Neck with full range of motion against resistance; 5 strength against resistance. It sounds like you work hard to manage your time effectively, too. It only bled right after I scraped it. can you describe where you sleep reports sleeping alone in a quiet room how do you feel when you're stressed reports feeling nervous and worrying about the future with racing thoughts are you taking any new medications confirms medications have you been taking OTC meds to help you sleep Description: Tina describes the symptoms that have been bothering her. It is important to follow up regularly with your asthma specialist. If any changes are needed, request a revision to be done. Tips for success: You should prepare prior to entering Ms. Jones room. My asthma woke me up. and keeping the wound clean. Do you have relatives with addiction problems? Skin rash on feet. HPI: Ms. Jones presents to the clinic complaining of a headache and neck stiffness that started 2 days after she was in a minor fender bender. This reflection describes the experience. She seems to be doing okay though. I was going down the back steps, and I tripped. Head: Head is normocephalic and atraumatic Eyes: the eyes are bilateral with equal hair distribution. Information about the patients existing health conditions, a timeline of diagnosis, symptoms, and allergies can indicate where you should follow-up for further care and treatment. No, I was stone-cold sober. As soon as you complete payment for your order we assign a suitable writer capable of handling your assignment immediately. Tina presents with continued shortness of breath and wheezing. 4.7 (114 reviews) 23 test answers. Do you have any problems with your breasts? Family History: Denies any history of known sleep disorders or psychiatric disorders. Well. Dudas que l vaya al correo para mandar la carta? patient. Walden University. She reports that the pain isnt severe, but that her daughter was concerned and brought her in. Yo siempre _________ (divertirse) porque alli en el pueblo no __________ (haber) mucho trfico y el aire no _____________ (estar) contaminado. She endorses decreased feelings of sleepiness over the past month. And my skins breaking out, but thats how it is. Um. [AUDIO COMING SOON]. Asked about foot wound. Extraocular movements intact bilaterally. Tina Jones Respiratory Shadowhealth - Shadow Health Assessments Tina Jones Respiratory Shadowhealth Experience Overview Patient: Tina Jones Digital Clinical Experience Score 100% This score measures your performance on the Student Performance Index in relation to other students in comparable academic programs. She reports stressors relating to the death of her father and balancing work and school demands, and finances. Social Hx Married, currently retired after raising her family and working as a homemaker her whole life. Although Ms. Jones can answer over 100,000 questions, you should only need to ask a fraction of these to obtain a complete health history. What started your recent asthma problems? Social History: She states that she has some stress related to her upcoming examinations and her impending job search upon graduation. There are essential sections of patient information that your interview will need to uncover. (Clarified to Do you have skin abnormalities?. Romberg normal, gait normal. Maybe as much as every four hours? Grandpa Jones had colon cancer, and that caused all kinds of problems for him. HPI: Tina Jones comes to the clinic with the chief complaint of headaches and neck stiffness. This study source was downloaded by 100000824189183 from CourseHero on 09-07-2021 07:53:41 GMT -05: Here are some questions to ask yourself: c.) Did you meet your goal and achieve a score you were happy with? No scleroicteris. Full range of motion in her shoulders, elbows, hands, hips, knees and ankles without pain tenderness or swelling. When was the last time you took your diabetes medication on a regular basis? Breast and pelvic exams done by previous primary care physician. At first, it seemed like it was healing up fine and it didnt give me a lot of pain. As you reflect on your practice, thinking about things that have gone well will help you to understand how you can make this happen more often. ). What health issues does your sister have? Discuss need to maintain regular sleep and wake schedule and sleep hygiene techniques including limiting caffeine after 2pm, limiting fluids after dinner, limiting screen time or stimulating activities after 8pm, and to get out of bed if awaken in the middle of the night. Have you noticed an increase in appetite? We accept a variety of payment methods such as VISA, PayPal, MasterCard, American Express, Amex, Discover, Maestro among others. Let me learn a little Our rates are unbeatable! a.) And my skins breaking out, but thats how it is. Exam Action. It was last year I guess a little over a year ago. ), I take three 200 mg pills at a time. 8733 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. Tips for Success: Unlike the Conversation Concept Lab, there are no prompts during your interview, so you should prepare prior to entering Ms. Jones room. Contact us and let us help you Contents Email us: How many alcoholic drinks do you have in one sitting? Gustafsson, C., and Fagerberg, I. This score may not be your final grade if your instructor chooses to include additional components, such as documentation or time spent. Do you have problems affording the glucometer? umsu membership. Do you have any problems with your nails? She denies tension or memory loss. Hello. My asthma doesnt usually wake me up, but it has the past couple nights. She describes these episodes as thumping in her chest with a heart rate that is way faster than usual. Have you had any family members with cancer? , Medical history pertaining to the respiratory system, Social history pertaining to the respiratory system, Targeted review of systems related to the respiratory system, Family history related to the respiratory system, Medical history pertaining to the cardiovascular system, Social history pertaining to the cardiovascular system, Targeted review of systems related to the cardiovascular system, Family history related to the cardiovascular system, Medical history pertaining to the gastrointestinal system, Social history pertaining to the gastrointestinal system, Targeted review of systems related to the gastrointestinal system, Family history related to the gastrointestinal system, Medical history pertaining to the musculoskeletal system, Social history pertaining to the musculoskeletal system, Targeted review of systems related to the musculoskeletal system, Family history related to the musculoskeletal system, Medical history pertaining to the neurologic system, Social history pertaining to the neurologic system, Targeted review of systems related to the neurologic system, Family history related to the neurologic system, Medical history pertaining to mental health, Social History Education, Work, Housing, and Support Network, Social History Relationship and Sexual History, Social History related to the respiratory system, Targeted review of systems related to the chief complaint, Family History related to the chief complaint, Targeted review of systems related to the Chief Complaint, Ask questions about each relevant topic of a patient interview to collect patient data, Listen to the patients responses for cues that prompt. 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