first few miles of the South Fork of the Flathead often have log jams. The South Fork of the Flathead River is a different beast. Im no expert but the 2nd week of August will be brutally low for the upper reaches I cant gather a guess at the flow but if I did I would say 650cfs? It is located in one of the largest If you go in over Youngs Creek Pass start as early as Nice for a quick float from Teakettle. As a gateway to the Canadian Rockies and Glacier National Park, Kalispell, GPI, is owned by the Flathead Airport Authority. Full transparency: I own a packraft rental company. Trail is 2 miles east of trailhead. | Gratuity not included. The South Fork drainage is the largest stronghold of these native Char in the Lower 48 states. Meadow Creek Trail Head parking lot. Not all locations fish well every month but there is always something peaking on any given week. While bull trout numbers in other fisheries are low where they must compete with non native trout species, they are still healthy and robust in the South Fork. With over two decades of transportation experience and river guiding knowledge, we are dedicated to safely transferring your vehicle from put-in to takeout while you are on the river. By the time we hit the rapids before the Mid Creek Takeout the river was at about 3000 cfs and they were easy class ii+ iii- but are worth looking at to find the best line. Each flight leg is about $400 (so $800 per aircraft). It's important to keep in mind that the river changes annually and there may be log jams and new rapids in places where there weren't before. Closed to angling June 1 through September 30 within a 150-yard radius of the Big Creek stream mouth unless posted at a greater distance. The highest peak is 9,356-foot (2,852 m) Holland Peak, situated in the southern quarter of the range in Missoula County. Choose from over 20 fabled blue ribbon rivers that we target. The South Fork of the Flathead is known in the fly fishing world as the mecca for dry-fly cutthroat trout fishing. The South Fork is formed from the junction of Danaher Creek and Youngs Creek and runs for 45 miles due north, fed by dozens of small tributaries, where it exits the wilderness near Spotted Bear Ranger Station. North Fork RoadReconstruction from the end of the resurfacing section for 5.1 miles to the Canadian Border (MP 50.0 to 55.15) to provide an 18-foot wide roadway;Proposed Traffic Control During Construction: Construction caused delays to the public traffic are forecasted at a maximum of 30 minutes per passage through the project. If you don't get out here, you need to have a helmet and be ready for class VI rapids. This remote river drains much of the "Bob" and is home to the largest genetically pure native trout population in Montana. Time of year matters for water levels, the It is also very remote. and the canyons make for some great pictures. Give Us A Call. This is just the start of your day in the wilderness that will include a variety of activities from adventure to relaxation. Recreational opportunities. There are two sections to the South Fork, above Hungry Horse Reservoir and below the reservoir. Our route required fifteen miles of backpacking to get to our put-in on the river. Cast for native trout along grassy meadows bursting with wildflowers. The South Fork is also one of the few places in Montana where the threatened bull trout may be directly targeted by anglers. Looking to avoid the very expensive shuttle. Spring creeks offer the ultimate challenge in the fly fishing world. Packrafters move at a different pace than hikers, horsepackers, or the (typically guided) trips on big rafts. Glacier Raft Company They run the North, Middle and some main-stem. paddle). Other options includeexploring and learning about the ecology, history and majestic landscapes of the Bob, as you make memories that last a lifetime. These lunkers act like an anadromous species, migrating upstream every July from Hungry Horse Reservoir. Find out when to come, what equipment to bring, browse blog articles, and more. The Young's Gorge is definitely an expert only area with that high of flows. The trail from Pyramid Pass is about 2 miles longer but it gets us up onto Youngs Creek faster. I also had 3 renters get fined $80/person in the Bob because they didnt have life jackets in their boats. The Flathead River (Salish: lqetk ntxetk, ntxe, Kutenai: kananmituk), in the northwestern part of the U.S. state of Montana, originates in the Canadian Rockies to the north of Glacier National Park and flows southwest into Flathead Lake, then after a journey of 158 miles (254 km), empties into the Clark Fork.The river is part of the Columbia River drainage basin, as the Clark . Shuttle Services Sometimes paying a small fee is just easier than figuring out the logistics of multiple vehicles, hitchhiking, etc. Targeted bull trout fishing. Flathead River Shuttle 406-890-2600. Trail 110 begins approximately two miles from Holland Lake (take TR 415 to TR 42 from the trailhead). Rates and terms for some of our standard trips. If you are hoping to delay this river becoming a permit river, I would suggest: 1. Fires are a major considerationthey can happen at any time, but are likely at the end of July and throughout August- smokey air and trail closures being the main problems resulting from them. Come see for yourself why the South Fork of the Flathead is a legendary wilderness fishing trip! In Flathead Lake, where they achieve trophy sizes of up to 25 pounds, the Bull Trout life cycle has been studied extensively. Trail in over Lodge Pole (Young's Pass) was relatively clear. Polson Park The lake enters the river channel. you paddle hard. Personally I think because of the rise of the packraft the river will be permitted in the next 10 years or the fishing will suffer, but that is life. Are you doing a trip this year, if so what are the dates? Wild Horse is a luxury transportation service for those with distinguishing tastes. The hybrid trout threaten the genetically pure westslope cutthroat trout downstream in the South Fork Flathead River drainage. It is very scenic. Lake Lookout and Salmon Lake. To access the road section above the reservoir, you still have several hours of dirt road just to get there. The logistics of fishing the Flathead river from a boat are not easy. Please check out the link here for check station locations. If you are planning an over-night stay along the river, we will store your vehicle at no extra charge. Upper South Fork Flathead River drainage, in Upper Youngs Creek. It is also very remote. The turn comes quick and is easy to miss. Most of the parties on the river were rafting. the scenery is unbelievable from the shallow parts of the river where you see the beautiful rocks on the bottom to the tops of the mountains. 406-888-5454, Shore Thing Shuttles Mainstem above Flathead Lake. possible because it gets hot on the south side of the pass and there isnt It's pristine. Bass: Open entire year, 5 daily and in possession, no size limit. For overnight floats its a must. The Glacier Park International Airport is situated on over 1,500 acres of land. floating the White River but the water was so low (July 20. Site cast to trophy trout cruising the shallows of several productive lakes. I also caught four bull trout with the largest being 32 inches. Let us answer all of your questions and help you choose exceptional lodges in Chile, Argentina, Alaska and the Bahamas. I had two groups of packrafters come out this week and provide some useful information. I have done it three times now and have had numerous customers do it and listened to their feedback on different routes. Started the Busted Oar Lock to share interesting stories and discoveries from the road. But taking at the Apex of the first rapid should set up for success.". Flathead River Shuttle Services Western Montana Shuttle Services The Swan River has no reliable shuttle services that we know of. The Bob Marshall Wilderness in northwest Montana is one of those rare places where people can truly experience the outdoors in its purest form and encounter nature on its own terms. We put on Youngs at Babcock at 6000 cfs at the gauge and that was perfect for that Creek. Sonja - Lower River. Our half day scenic float was Amazing. Or you can go East to Coram and the Glacier Grill. later you go the more youll have to portage. The White River trip was supposed to involve floating the White River but the water was so low (July 20th on a dry year) that we ended up just hiking to the confluence with the Flathead. The South Fork Flathead attracts lots of fishermen with small inflatables, and some with big rafts. Its a beautiful stretch but at 320 cfs it was a little gravelly and slow at times. The FWP biologists have also reported a significant increase in evidence of caught and released fish during their recent South Fork surveys. 16-18 miles of hiking over Youngs Creek Pass to the first float-able stretches July 13-19 This technical match the hatch fishing produces big results. It forms the western border for Glacier National Park and is incredibly beautiful. Were trying to decide if we should start at Pyramid Pass or Lodgepole Creek. The first two days of your trip will be spent travelling on horseback to get to the upper reaches of the river. 2023 | The Trail Head | All Rights Reserved.221 E. Front Street | Missoula, MT 59802. Montana is home to some of the most productive wild trout rivers on the planet. splashy rapids right at the take-out point so you might miss it if you arent South Fork of the Flathead River Bridge, Spanning the Flathead River at Milepost 142.2 on U.S. 2, Hungry Horse, Flathead County, MT. Its an ideal 2-4 day float trip without any designated camping sites. Hit me up with a PM and lets put something together. Transportation officials preparing to rebuild Hungry Horse bridge, improve highway through Bad Rock Canyon By Dillon Tabish July 30, 2016 The U.S. Highway 2 bridge over the South Fork Flathead . We saw a bald eagle perched in a tree and Emily our guide said he'd been sitting there about 3 days! The focal point of these unique fisheries are the South Fork of the Flathead River and its tributaries. I would call the Seeley Lake Ranger District and get their take. Weather in the Northern Rockies can be fickle and it is always a good idea to come prepared regardless of the season. I also had 3 renters get fined $80/person in the Bob because they didn't have life jackets in their boats. 2 rapids the last day flipped people. There's a nice recovery pool right after so your raft won't wash down stream ahead of you. A short section below the Hungry Horse Dam makes up the final stretch before the confluence. The fishing is good. for huckberries on the way down. Check out Dave Chenaults flow guide and maybe try to contact him: This was originally posted almost three years ago, but Im bumping and updating it in light of record-setting low flows which will seriously effect packrafting this summer and fall. You can rent a cabin in Polebridge, grab some food at the mercantile and have a nice float without needing to camp in grizzly bear country. Enjoy lightly fished streams and trophy lakes on one our exclusive ranch leases. isnt a bone crusher, but you might lose your sunglasses and anything else that This summary might be more than you want to know, but hopefully it will be informative if you are actually planning on doing the trip. Many of the cutthroat also run out of the massive Hungry Horse Reservoir to the north producing surprisingly sizable fish mostly in the 12-18" range with a few over 20". Essex Bridge 5 miles down, the bridge is a nicer launch site than bear creek and is more passable in low flows. rained on for one-half day. Get away from it all on our extensive network of private access waters. Trip Highlights. Please note: both groups ran the river when it was between the 8000-10,000 cfs range as measured at the. Be prepared to portage.but that is one plus Bear Creek The first road access where you can launch a boat. I know there are companies that will shuttle your vehicle around for you. Plan for your Montana fishing trip. Experience some of the lower 48's most remote fisheries. Youre pretty much walking into a small 1870s Wilderness access You will need to hike or horse pack a good 25+ miles regardless of trailhead choice here. The rapids towards the end of the float (before Meadow Creek Gorge) definitely have some powerful hydraulics but nothing exceptionally technical. A Hungry Horse/South Fork Flathead Bull Trout Catch Card must be in possession when fishing for bull trout. Hike/ trail ride through Bob Marshall Wilderness. Ready to float? Youngs Creek Pass off of Lodgepole Trail Head(just north of Ovando, MT) and the Aug 1-7 . The entire main Flathead was clear of log Jams. Build lasting relationships with your best clients or reward your key employees with one of our custom built corporate fishing retreats. Aug 2-8, June 22-28 Take out at Meadows Creek again, and get someone to shuttle me to the airport in Kallispell. Look For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Benji Lilly caught the strikingly pale stocked trout Canada has seen a staggering rise in the A step-by-step guide for Texas-rigging plastic baits. Packers There are several operations here. It Ben Romans East of Hungry Horse Reservoir and South Fork Flathead River lies the drainage basin of the Middle Fork River. The South Fork is also one of the few places in Montana where the threatened bull trout may be directly targeted by anglers. BenGarr mentioned that there might be a lot of trees down on the trail from Lodgepole. There is no restaurant in Hungry Horse that has all three of the magic The gorge section of Youngs Creek can be a bit Includes rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, and grayling. Closed to angline June 1 through September 30 within a 150-yard radius of the Bear Creek Stream mouth. On the South Fork of the Flathead, where the fishery is catch and release only, the popularity of fishing for bulls is on the rise. 3. Just did a short weekend trip on the S Fork. ready. you dont see til youre almost there you can probably skirt it to the right if I was a little worried about the 33 mile horseback ride, but it was scenic and fun. Options include all inclusive fishing lodges, convenient hotel packages and unique river front vacation cabins and homes. For pricing on lodging packages visit each individual package for rates, inclusions and exclusions. Buses and Shuttles in Missoula Beargrass Adventures 406.218.8886 Missoula, MT Nearby Partner Montana Adventure Shuttle, LLC 406.493.2345 Local Business Mountain Line 406.721.3333 1221 Shakespeare Local Business Other Buses and Shuttles in Missoula Beach Transportation 825 Mount Avenue 406.549.6121 I felt that it had mellowed out even at 3000-4000 than compared with previous years floating around the same levels. The South Fork drainage is the largest stronghold of these native Char in the Lower 48 states. There will be another sign shortly, but the river increases in speed and Once out of the wilderness area, the Middle Fork Flathead parallels US Highway 2 on the southern boundary of Glacier. Lodge packages include all meals and guided fishing so you can sit back, relax and enjoy a great fly fishing vacation, Enjoy great fishing and keep your costs in check with one of our hotel packages. the fence which is pretty cool. Northern pike: extended season for northern pike from December 1 through February 28, artificial lures only. Talk to the rangers and get a tour. We take care of all the gear and you just sit back and relax after arriving in camp. Mid Creek Takout This is where you will takeout from the Wilderness float. Sportsmans Bridge Obvious access site. The year 2018 was the last report. The wilderness trips are done by packing horses into the wilderness or by flying into the runway at Schafer Meadows and floating out from that point. -Bryan G. Explore the largest wilderness complex in the lower 48 on these all inclusive fly fishing adventures to the Bob Marshall Wilderness. Get on the river right at this point. Flathead River. All bull trout must be released immediately. Have a great trip. You'll need to carry your inspection papers with you. Rome2rio makes travelling from Kalispell Airport (FCA) to Bigfork easy. You can also get to Young's creek via Pyramid Pass, but from a hiking perspective it is supposed to be harder. These lunkers act like an anadromous species, migrating upstream every July from Hungry Horse Reservoir. Flathead River Montana - The drainage is one of America's coolest river systems. I'm sure it has mellowed a bit with flows around 2400. Mark Fuller and Hilary Hutcheson are the premier guides for Flathead River fly fishing trips. We caught more fish than I can count. There are only a few commercial Outfitting Permits on the river, and we are one of them. There is one dedicated outfitter in the region that is focused specifically on fishing and they run the best guides in the region. It runs out of the Bob Marshall Wilderness, offering options for both wilderness trips and road access trips. of people doing the whole South Fork trip in 4 days, but I would recommend at least 6 Flooding is a coast-to-coast threat to some part of the United States and its territories nearly every day of the year. Blackfoot Tommy Boyle (406) 370.5845 Blackfoot River Shuttle (406) 244.5593 Bitterroot About 65-70 miles total. We floated the last 4 miles of Youngs Creek. Find out when to come, what equipment to bring, browse blog articles, and more, "My dad and I did the trip to the Bob and it was one of the best I've ever been on. I have a six day solo trip planned from 7/5 thru 7/10 following your exact path. Quick South Fork of the Flathead update from a large group that got out Friday July 8th: Young's Gorge was still pretty spicey and not recommended for beginners. The designated river includes the North Fork, Middle Fork and South Fork above Hungry Horse Reservoir and features recreation, scenery, historic sites, unique fisheries and wildlife such as grizzly bears and wolves. To access the road section above the reservoir, you still have several hours of dirt road just to get there. Flathead River. Ford 14 miles down makes this a good day trip option. Inside its perimeter, a variety of wildlife, including grizzly bears, roam without modern intrusions, and hundreds of miles of clean, cold creeks and rivershome to one of the strongest wild cutthroat populations in the statesnake between mountain crevices and through sweeping valleys. Published Aug 22, 2012 11:34 PM EDT. So if you are tired of the static, stress and noise in your busy daily life and would prefer to hear the soft clomping of your horse while you experience the peaceful sounds and smells of whispering pines at 3 Miles an hour, the speed of a trail horse, then join us on a wilderness pack trip vacation or for a wilderness fair chase hunt. My buddy and I made it to Babcock Creek in a day, but it was truely brutal. Rich Osthoff's book Fly Fishing the Rocky Mountain Backcountry has a great chapter in it about the South Fork of the Flathead. The Bob Marshall is one of the most beautiful and beloved wilderness areas in all the US. Here are a few tips specifically for this trip: Regarding shuttling- after publishing this blog, I found out that there is indeed a shuttle service that there are a couple shuttle services that run vehicles around the Bob. July 8-July 14 All that One near Blackbear Creek- stay on the inside of the river and not where the current takes you on the outside to avoid a couple large boulders. Hi all, Four of us have a drop in trip planned for the South Fork of the Flathead River this July. NOTE - we recommend guests stay in Spotted Bear for the night before the trip and the night after. your eyes peeled for huckleberries on the way). Big Montana Angler holds a federal permit to guide our guests on these legendary waters, Fish over 20 legendary Montana rivers across multiple valleys or get off the beaten path on our exclusive private access ranch leases. $285. Invasive Muscles are a part of life now in Montana and raft inspections are now mandatory for all rafts entering the Bob. Contact Us Where shall your adventure begin? Canada Border A fair number of folks put-in here and run the entire 60 miles down to Blankenship Bridge at the confluence with the main-stem. To the southeast, The Continental Divide, marks the border of the range. The Information related to travelling to Montana: which airports to fly into, major towns, etc. Legal fishing season for bull trout usually closes on July 31. I seriously doubt the FS will get that totally cut out any time soon considering they have hundreds of miles of horrible blowdown to deal with from last years storms. Several productive lakes boat are not easy Gorge ) definitely have some powerful hydraulics but nothing technical. Wilderness trips and road access where you can launch a boat fly fishing world the. Year, if so what are the dates to portage.but that is dedicated! The hybrid trout threaten the genetically pure westslope cutthroat trout fishing home to some our... Paying a small fee is just the start of your day in the 48... Ranger District and get someone to shuttle me to the southeast, the Bridge a. Start at Pyramid Pass is about $ 400 ( so $ 800 per )! 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