The mind, when such feelings obstruct its view, cannot easily see what is right; nor has any human being consulted, at the same moment, his passions and his interest. He also attached to himself all sorts of marauders, who were numerous in those parts, and some of Syllas colonists, whose dissipation and extravagance had exhausted their enormous plunder. To gratify appetite, they sought for every kind of production by land and by sea; they slept before there vas any inclination for sleep; they no longer waited to feel hunger, thirst, cold, or fatigue, but anticipated them all by luxurious indulgence. [47] From the extant fragments, he seemed to again emphasis moral decline after Sulla; he "was not generous to Pompey". Not all translations are grammatically faithful to the original. These objects I hope to effect, in concert with you, in the character of consul; unless, indeed, my expectation deceives me, and you prefer to be slaves rather than masters. Catiline's conspiracy was the "single armed insurrection" that afflicted Rome between Sulla's civil war and Caesar's civil war. 58 I am well aware, soldiers, that words cannot inspire courage; and that a spiritless army cannot be rendered active, or a timid army valiant, by the speech of its commander. [26][25], During the civil war from 49 to 45BC, Sallust was a Caesarian partisan, but his role was not significant; his name is not mentioned in the dictator's Commentarii de Bello Civili. To articulate a basic understanding of Sallust's historical and rhetorical aims. In this person there was not less levity than impudence; he could neither keep secret what he heard, nor conceal his own crimes; he was altogether heedless what he said or what he did. In 50 Sallust was expelled from the Senate. Catiline then promised them the abolition of their debts; a proscription of the wealthy citizens; offices, sacerdotal duties, plunder, and all other gratifications which war, and the license of conquerors, can afford. 57 When it was reported in his camp, however, that the conspiracy had been discovered at Rome, and that Lentulus, Cethegus, and the rest whom I have named, had been put to death, most of those whom the hope of plunder, or the love of change, had led to join in the war, fell away. With his trademark archaizing style, Sallust skillfully captures the drama of the times, including an early morning attempt to assassinate the consul Cicero and two emotionally charged speeches, by Julius Caesar and Cato the Younger, in a senatorial debate over the fate of the arrested conspirators. 44 The Allobroges, according to the directions of Cicero, procured interviews, by means of Gabinius, with the other conspirators; and from Lentulus, Cethegus, Statilius, and Cassius, they demanded an oath, which they might carry under seal to their countrymen, who otherwise would hardly join in so important an affair. [4], After an ill-spent youth, Sallust entered public life and may have won election as quaestor in 55BC. Omissions? If, indeed, a punishment adequate to their crimes be discovered, I consent to extraordinary measures; but if the enormity of their crime exceeds, whatever can be devised, I think that we should inflict only such penalties as the laws have provided. The ardor of Catiline, however, was not at all diminished; he formed every day new schemes; he deposited arms, in convenient places, throughout Italy; he sent sums of money, borrowed on his own credit, or that of his friends, to a certain Manlius, at Faesulae, who was subsequently the first to engage in hostilities. Consider what your views demand, and seek aid from all, even the lowest. [47], Its true value lies in the introduction of Marius and Sulla to the Roman political scene and the beginning of their rivalry. ), but foreign to our policy. magistermcwills. Volturcius, at first, encouraging his companions, defended himself against numbers with his sword; but afterwards, being unsupported by the Allobroges, he began earnestly to beg Pomtinus, to whom he was known, to save his life, and at last, terrified and despairing of safety, he surrendered himself to the praetors as unconditionally as to foreign enemies. He ordered Caius Manlius to take the command on the right, and a certain officer of Faesulae on the left; while he himself; with his freedmen and the colonists, took his station by the eagle, which Caius Marius was said to have had in his army in the Cimbrian war. [20], Syme suggests that Sallust, because of his position in Milo's trial, did not originally support Caesar. Being thus exasperated, Since I am encompassed by enemies, he exclaimed, and driven to desperation, I will extinguish the flame kindled around me in a general ruin. The senate also decreed, that if any one should give information of the conspiracy which had been formed against the state, his reward should be, if a slave, his freedom and a hundred sestertia, if a freeman, a complete pardon and two hundred sestertia. Both are available for on-line purchase. Life of Sallust 2. Bellum Catilinae 16. Your eminent integrity, known to me by experience, gives a pleasing confidence, in the midst of great perils, to my present recommendation. What I have been meditating you have already heard separately. He has great interest in moralising, and for this reason, he tends to paint an exaggerated picture of the senate's faults he analyses events in terms of a simplistic opposition between the self-interest of Roman politicians and the "public good" that shows little understanding of how the Roman political system actually functioned[71] The reality was more complicated than Sallust's simplistic moralising would suggest. [84] The "V" scroll also includes two anonymous letters to Caesar probably from Sallust,[84] but their authenticity is debated. [52], The style of works written by Sallust was well known in Rome. 7) was cited and interpreted by theologian Thomas Aquinas and scholar Brunetto Latini. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Catiline's War & the Jugurthine War : Latin Text [Latin] by Sallust at the best online prices at eBay! Here he assembled the senate, and in a very full attendance of that body, introduced Volturcius with the deputies. 4020 University Drive, Suite 300 5 terms. The consul himself conducted Lentulus, as he was praetor, holding him by the hand, and ordered the others to be brought into the Temple of Concord, under a guard. The entire text with commentary is available on-line in pdf format: Bellum Catilinae Grammatical Commentary. In Caesar, there was a refuge for the unfortunate; in Cato, destruction for the bad. [54] Ronald Syme suggests that Sallust's choice of style and even particular words was influenced by his antipathy to Cicero, his rival, but also one of the trendsetters in Latin literature in the first century BC. 28 While, therefore, the rest were in alarm and hesitation, Caius Cornelius, a Roman knight, who offered his services, and Lucius Vargunteius, a senator, in company with him, agreed to go with an armed force, on that very night, and with but little delay, to the house of Cicero, under pretence of paying their respects to him, and to kill him unawares, and unprepared for defense, in his own residence. WebHis first monograph, Bellum Catilinae (4342 bc; Catilines War), deals with corruption in Roman politics by tracing the conspiracy of Catiline, a ruthlessly ambitious patrician who I feel assured, too, that Decimus Silanus, a man of spirit and resolution, made the suggestions which he offered, from zeal for the state, and that he had no view, in so important a matter, to favor or to enmity; such I know to be his character, and such his discretion. [74][75] Fronto used ancient words collected by Sallust to provide "archaic coloring" for his works. But when liberty was secured, it is almost incredible how much the state strengthened itself in a short space of time, so strong a passion for distinction had pervaded it. The anonymous Invective Against Sallust alleges immorality as the cause, but the real reason may have been politics. These speeches distill the All humans who are keen to surpass other animals had best strive with all their might not to pass through life without notice, like cattle, [45][46], Sallust's Jugurthine War (Latin: bellum jugurthinum) is a monograph on the war against Jugurtha in Numidia from 112 to 106BC. In such a case, does any one talk to me of gentleness and compassion? But when they failed to persuade the consul to such injustice, they themselves, by going from one person to another, and spreading fictions of their own, which they pretended to have heard from Volturcius or the Allobroges, excited such violent odium against him, that certain Roman knights, who were stationed as an armed guard round the Temple of Concord, being prompted, either by the greatness of the danger, or by the impulse of a high spirit, to testify more openly their zeal for the republic, threatened Caesar with their swords as he went out of the senate-house. Nor were the senate, indeed, unwilling to grant him the province; for they wished so infamous a character to be removed from the seat of government; and many worthy men, at the same time, thought that there was some security in him against the power of Pompey, which was then becoming formidable. [10][27] This campaign was unsuccessful. During the course of these proceedings at Rome, Caius Manlius dispatched some of his followers as envoys to Quintus Marcius Rex, with directions to address him to the following effect: Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Moreover, his successors as governor were experienced military men. From a wealthy Sabine plebian family, he rose through the political ranks of the Republic to claim a seat in the Senate in his thirties. Within our own memory, too, when the victorious Sylla ordered Damasippus, and others of similar character, who had risen by distressing their country, to be put to death, who did not commend the proceeding? 3. They further appointed that the schools of gladiators should be distributed in Capua and other municipal towns, according to the capacity of each; and that, at Rome, watches should be posted throughout the city, of which the inferior magistrates should have the charge. [81] During the French Wars of Religion, De coniuratione Catilinae became widely known as a tutorial on disclosing conspiracies. WebSallust Bellum Catilinae 5. After much reflection, I felt convinced that the eminent virtue of a few citizens had been the cause of all these successes; and hence it had happened that poverty had triumphed over riches, and a few over a multitude. Since the time of Syllas dictatorship, a strong desire of seizing the government possessed him, nor did he at all care, provided that he secured power for himself, by what means he might arrive at it. Yet it was long a subject of dispute among mankind, whether military efforts were more advanced by strength of body, or by force of intellect. And this crime appears to me to have been the chief cause of hurrying forward the conspiracy. The exploits of the Athenians, as far as I can judge, were very great and glorious, yet something inferior to what fame has represented them. Throughout the Punic Wars, too, though the Carthaginians, both during peace, and in suspensions of arms, were guilty of many acts of injustice, yet our ancestors never took occasion to retaliate, but considered rather what was worthy of themselves, than what might justly be inflicted on their enemies. All precedents productive of evil effects, have had their origin from what was good; but when a government passes into the hands of the ignorant or unprincipled, any new example of severity, inflicted on deserving and suitable objects, is extended to those that are improper and undeserving of it. All those, too, who were of any party opposed to that of the senate, were desirous rather that the state should be embroiled, than that they themselves should be out of power. WebThe book accords one chapter each to Sallust's Bellum Catilinae, Livy's account of the Bacchanalian affair,Tacitus on the Pisonian conspiracy, and Josephus and Appian on the assassinations of Caligula and Julius with a summary at the end of each to guide the reader's comprehension of the whole. These few kept all public offices, the administration of the provinces, and everything else, in their own hands; they themselves lived free from harm, in flourishing circumstances, and without apprehension; overawing others, at the same time, with threats of impeachment, so that, when in office, they might be less inclined to inflame the people. In the days of our forefathers, Titus Manlius Torquatus, during a war with the Gauls, ordered his own son to be put to death, because he had fought with an enemy contrary to orders. The work required is considerable, the rewards commensurate. [79], His works were also extensively quoted in Augustine of Hippo's City of God; the works themselves also show up in manuscripts all over the post-Roman period and circulated in Carolingian libraries. After reading and hearing of the many glorious achievements which the Roman people had performed at home and in the field, by sea as well as by land, I happened to be led to consider what had been the great foundation of such illustrious deeds. By these two virtues, intrepidity in war, and equity in peace, they maintained themselves and their state. During his year, Sallust supported the prosecution of Milo. 8 But, assuredly, Fortune rules in all things. 15 Catiline, in his youth, had been guilty of many criminal connections, with a virgin of noble birth, with a priestess of Vesta, and of many other offences of this nature in defiance alike of law and religion. But in the great abundance of occupations, nature points out different paths to different individuals. The remainder Catiline conducted, over rugged mountains, and by forced marches, into the neighborhood of Pistoria, with a view to escape covertly, by cross roads, into Gaul. But as I have, on many remarkable occasions, experienced your bravery and attachment to me, I have ventured to engage in a most important and glorious enterprise. John C. Rolfe (1921) (transcription project) This work was published before January 1, 1928, and is in the jack_26_12 PLUS. He gave the enemy no opportunity of fighting, yet hoped himself shortly to find one, if his accomplices at Rome should succeed in their objects. 54 Their birth, age, and eloquence, were nearly on an equality; their greatness of mind similar, as was also their reputation, though attained by different means. [23], Sallust's political affiliation is unclear in this early period,[24] but after he was expelled from the senate in 50BC by Appius Claudius Pulcher (then serving as censor), he joined Caesar. [84] Both these scrolls include only Catiline and Jugurtha, while some other mutili manuscripts also include Invective and Cicero's response. 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