A Fire Nation colonel radioed back to the airfield, "Marshal, are the planes in the air? As he moved and tried to get up, a hand grabbed his throat and tightened slightly. ", "You are the Faceless, my old comrade. . A breaking news segment flared on the Tribal News station. What did you think of the trailer for Legend of the White Dragon? It was considered the ultimate honor that a firebender could defeat the progenitors of firebending. "Men," she gave her last order to what was left of the Dragons and Royal Procession, "I'm going to clear out the entire beach, hold them off until I do.". He was now the Crown-Prince. It was only thanks to Avatar Korra that this bomb did not expand and instead opened a portal to the Spirit World. ", Qon woke up tied to a bed. After Zorin gave his eulogy, Crown-Prince Lirin stepped forward. "Careful there, you might reopen those wounds. Legend of the White Dragon follows the titular White Dragon, played by Frank. We need to hit all three islands at once.". There was only anger left. They have not fired artillery either since we have jammed the radio signal. The moment about the black tea was meant to emphasize that. Lirin sat alone at his balcony as night carried on. A new era was coming, and nothing would be the same. Every single firebender was slaughtering far more men than any Earth Kingdom soldier could hope to, but there were too many. Written by the Author Lruska. We see David Ramsey's Mayor Trevon Sterns talking to the press about Reed being alive, and says they will not rest until Reed is held accountable for his actions. We have found that attaching a special telescope has increased accuracy significantly. The cause of the war was now cemented, and criticism of the Earth Kingdom for guaranteeing the very issue they started a war over was further argued as news reporters debated what the future held where the Fire Lord would be the Avatar. The news reports began talking in earnest and apart from approved scripts about what it really meant for the world that Avatar Lirin would become the Fire Lord and that he would lead the invasion of the continent. ", "Heavy losses all around. Soon, only the benders were left to try and hold back the assault. "Yes, the game is not going well. Rishu was rare in the Fire Nation for not wearing the iconic red robes. Proud to be her people. "If you dont amputate this womans leg right now, she will lose her baby. " Active, Genres : Stating that if they really meant it, they should have supported peace talks when Avatar Lirin first came to them. ", "Your highness," an attendant approached, "Fire Lord Zorin wishes to speak with you.". Nearly three hundred men fired their new weapons into the marching invaders. . For hundreds of years, the Targaryens sat the Iron Throne of Westeros while Before he could speak, a quick bolt of lightning struck him, making him unconscious. Among her qualities was not only her respect for the old ways but her desire to see her nation grow. Last Harbor had two major beaches capable of marching troops on the south and west of the islands. She called the project manager over, who came along with her force to defend the island. Apparently, he failed. Chapter 23: Young Master, Wagner Hamibo, Chapter "Get them ready to scramble their fighters on a moment's notice. The Snowbold But I promise you this, I will break free of these chains and no longer stand idly by when my people are in danger. In the dark history of the Fire Nation, the title of Dragon was given to those who could slay a dragon alone. An aboleth loosening his mental grip on a humanoid ( Enslave) to ignore the effects of a Feeblemind. Chapter 3: Initial Stage of the Corporal Foundation, Chapter Previous ", "Adequately frightened now that he has been informed of the situation. We think they are targeting the leaders. She now had less then a hundred men and the enemy had at least a thousand. Ursa took a third of her force, consisting of most of her Imperial Firebenders and half of the Dust Dragons along with a third of the riflemen, marksmen and gunners to defend the narrower beachhead. The battle begin will begin soon and I will need every man I have.". We then start to see more of the cast and locations, and you can watch the full trailer in the video above. He sipped the warm drink, visibly uncomfortable, "Ugh, black tea? She turned to the officers around her, "Notify the men, the enemy is coming in force for Zira, Cove and Last Harbor. Next And the first wave just passed Fire Fountain City. Island Report was reporting the news but also working to rally the people to defense of the homeland. But with so many others vying for power, the competition would be fierce, and the battles even more brutal. This page was last edited on 15 April 2023, at 05:46. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legend of the White Dragon, https://en.everybodywiki.com/Legend of the White Dragon?action=history, https://en.everybodywiki.com/index.php?title=Legend_of_the_White_Dragon&oldid=3287128. As Lirin stood in front of his father, the older man beckoned his son to sit across from him as he prepared tea. how? "Your majesty, we have a thousand prototypes that have been tested in controlled environments, but these rifles have never been field tested. Chapter Okay but. The Tribal News discusses the odds of the Fire Nation counter-attacking while the Republic City News begins insisting that peace negotiations begin before the conflict gets worse. "What shall we do in response, master?" As valiant as their loyalty was, it wasn't enough. Anyone that would like to contribute a group morphed picture to it, please PM it to the Head Wizard and he will edit it in. When it went out of control, the power of the weapon was so devastating that it became a bomb. We have prepared over the years, and while our followers have changed, our goal hasn't over the millennia. We just saw them answer his call. We don't need to see senseless violence today. The Island Report begins a new rallying cry, of justice and vengeance for the beloved princess that the entire nation had waited to serve. Suddenly, smaller worlds connected with the main world and beings of different races appeared, each with their own unique powers. "In the past, the Red Lotus had made attempts to destroy the Avatar, recognizing her as the ultimate symbol of authority. Finally, a radio call came in, "Sir, we found the princess. She was born to a path that was set before her. However, he genuinely loved his daughter. We need to get back to the fleet before they bomb us as well!". As he rushed forward to the boats, he heard the ring of the enemy weapon and the crash of metal. "Commander, how is our prisoner? That would explain why his force in the west didn't carry out his orders to strike in a pincer on the southern beach defenders. It attracted some monsters, but they were easily subdued by Luan and Ingrid. The heaven's are omnipotent. Being blamed for the destruction and collateral lives lost, his identity was outed after the battle thus making him a fugitive from the law. They created all things good and evil. Ursa had given the order for no quarter after an intercepted radio message from the Earth Kingdom indicated they would kill any Fire Nation soldiers, even if they surrendered. ", The Imperial Firebenders and Dust Dragons nodded, but the officers of the other soldiers hesitated, "Your majesty, if we rush to far forward, we could get hit by our own artillery! He was such a victim. A group of Fire Nation soldiers waited for the arrival. The only thing they were certain of was that Lirin was now the Crown Prince and that they would avenge her death. As such, the two royals, Zorin and Lirin wore black robes as the Crown-Princess body was cremated in the pyre. "Patch it through to me. "Yes, sir." However, the potential for other bombs to be created and for portals to be the aftermath quickly brought unity among the nations to not pursue such science. Faceless, a curse so rare in this world that it was legendary when the victims were found. Doubts gnawed at her, but she persisted, channeling her flame inward. He was transported back four months before the awakening, and now had the chance to correct his past mistakes. Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion. ", "He's going to war with the Earth Kingdom. in the website that this novel is originaly published it has 321 chaps, i don't know if im allowed to say what website but i think you might know it if your into novels, the website also has an app that you can download. Qon wondered if she was actually considering his offer, "Senseless violence? The idea was that his larger force would break through whatever paltry defense played in the west, and then they would conduct a pincer to break the defenders. since he already destroyed Hogwarts Lirin was at just as much a loss as them about what to say. Lirin walked forward and hugged her. He hadn't been to his father's personal quarters since long before he was announced as the Avatar. The cries of suffering men would have been enough to drive anyone insane, if they spent enough time to listen. Ashtagor.". Koram and the Faceless have been around a long time. She was the heir to the throne and one who deserved it. Prev Chapter Next Chapter. All rights reserved, read rise of the white dragon novel online, Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King's Wife. ", "Not yet, the second fleet apparently hasn't attacked Capital City yet and they don't know where it is. What is the status of the battle elsewhere? The blue dragon sped through the dawn sky. Princess Ursa had earned her title by training with the Sun Warriors, she had mastered the original path of firebending and studied ancient techniques that could even enhance bending briefly. There was a bleeding hole in his right thigh as he grunted from the shock. My sister swore that for every man lost at Last Harbor, a city will fall. Mira cried more, "The last thing I did was fight with her! Lirin paused, realizing the pain his father was feeling. "We will have peace when there is no Earth King to plot our downfall! Chapter The trailer ends as the White Dragon soars down through the roof and into a building, looking powered up and ready for war. "Mom, your food is so good that even the monsters couldn't resist," Cristina said with a smile. Marksmen from far away picked off officers as they tried to force the soldiers to push forward to their deaths. Who would be insane enough to charge an attacking force with less men? WebRise of the White Dragon Chapter 45 - 45: Blood Forest Prev Chapter Next Chapter After seeing the crack he and Ingrid had approached, Luan frowned briefly. Chapter Convinced that fate had sentenced me to a life not of my choosing. The only saving grace was that the bombers had taken off before and obliterated everything on the island and fleet nearby. Book He knew that the Fire Nation couldn't adequately defend both the south and west beaches with the men they had. 2022 WEBNOVELFULL.NET. Liaise with the Marshal for the best positions for them to cover and hit their commanders.". Whether they had armor or not did little to protect them from steel ripping through them. The men were relieved to not charge into death. Ursa earned the title of White Dragon for her pure devotion and loyalty. The flash took her breath and life away. The news of Ursa's death spread throughout the Fire Nation, and soon the world. ", "They are about to get their field test. "Yes, ma'am!" WebA discreet black car with tinted windows drove quietly down the street. ", "How many men do you have to defend and how many for the fighters and bombers?". "Lirin," Zorin took a serious tone as he addressed his son, "With Ursa gone, you know what that means?". As more of her men were whittled down, she called on the old powers she was taught. "Ursa was the same. Chapter 17: Luans Father was Behind All This? The sand hardened into a plate and rushed to the water. Coming to front, they now served as a shield for the infantry to move forward. Get the bombers in the air as well to hit their fleet too. In the next instant, everyone looked in the direction of the roar, and their mouths wide open because the one who roared was actually a small colored dragon. The riflemen and gunners who were in fixed positions nodded. But for all that hatred, there will be his most ardent supporters. "General Ursa, it is an honor to meet you. Written by ", "Yes, sir." He breath deeply as he walked past the two Imperial Firebenders and entered his father's personal chambers. I would like to increase the security around my children.". As the attacker and the larger force, he had the discretion to attack as he pleased. Qon looked to the general beside him, "Tell the men to prepare for attack. Breaking news came out of Republic City as the Council of Air Nomad Clans called for negotiations between the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom. Artillery rained down and now the mysterious ranged weapons from before started shooting again. They wanted to make her proud of them. An officer rushed into Ursa's makeshift office. - Amplify the charm of the character with a new interpretation design arrangement unique to the plastic model. No one is celebrating victory though. "I'm being pulled!" He struggled to raise the arm and decided to keep running, his doctor could heal him once he escaped. We must reach out across the land, and spread our message of truth, that the Avatar is the single greatest threat to our survival. "Surrender, Ursa. For the Fire Nation, they lost one of three major airfields and the crown princess was dead. Chapter 14: Did You still not Recognize Me? But now, you have guaranteed it. The Dragon Commander approached and took off his helm. And, they can utterly annihilate everything. Ursa was Zorin's first child and the one he loved the most. ", "Negative, colonel. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/ Teenage Mutant Ninja, Legend of the White Dragon Debuts Epic First Trailer (Exclusive), Power Rangers: Once & Always Clip Proves Zack's Still Got It, New Power Rangers Lightning Collection Pre-Orders: Turbo Red, Lightspeed Rescue Blue, and More, Power Rangers: Once & Always Sets Global Release Times for Netflix, The Mandalorian & Star Trek: Picard Game-Changer Eps + The Marvels Trailer Breakdown, Power Rangers: Once & Always Explains the Secret Behind Its New Power Coins, Power Rangers: Once & Always Sneak-Peek Clip Released: Watch, Zelina Vega Recruits Becky G for WWE's New LWO at WrestleMania, Power Rangers Star Amy Jo Johnson Is Writing a New Comic Book Series. The roar was louder as the people felt anger at the injustice they suffered because other people were afraid. ", "Affirmative, colonel. ", "A regrettable but necessary loss of life to prevent the Avatar from attaining political power that would be unheard of in this world. Main plot groups are groups that have formed as a part of the Main Plot. ", "Very well, the bombers will be there in three minutes. ", Qon was unsettled by the look of hatred. "I have a thousand soldiers who can be committed to defense and another thousand who include pilots, mechanics and support staff for the planes themselves. They had armor or not did little to protect them from steel ripping through.. Had armor or not did little to protect them from steel ripping through them who it... Came along with her force to defend and How many men do have. There will be his most ardent supporters moment 's notice to see Nation... Goal has n't attacked Capital City yet and they do n't know where is... Opened a portal to the Spirit world was announced as the people to defense of the islands nothing be. Get the bombers in the air as well! `` an attacking with... Get up, a radio call came in, `` Ugh, black tea was to! 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