Remember that the best revenge you can give to your previous partner is not to say things to hurt them. Why waste the tears? To be honest though, bad people usually dont regret their actions. If you keep getting calls and texts from your ex, theyre probably hurting and missing you. The guide below is packed with dozens of ideas for things to say to make them feel guilty. Sometimes people act like theyre fine after a relationship ends, even though theyre really hurting inside. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { Plus, hell be jealous that you have found someone that can please you in bed and make you happy. Dont be needy or pathetic just to get his attention. It can also make it clear you want nothing to do with them moving forward. Happened during a bit of a emotionally tumultuous time with mom (college applications and stuff). Sometimes you want to say something that you know will affect your ex on a deeper level. You can express this feeling so she can see how much damage she caused. Here are some things you can say to your ex that will get them to shut up quickly: The best way to make your ex feel bad about breaking up with you is to show them that youve moved on. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Telling your ex that they weren't the one is simple yet deliberate. Do you feel like he kind of takes you for granted? When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. Perhaps, your ex was a jerk and didnt like to take you out to do fun stuff. Knowing that you got away from an unpleasant situation will make her feel remorseful about mistreating you. I didn't love you. But they dont laugh either. When said in anger during or after a breakup, both of these statements can have a deep and painful impact on your ex. This type of statement will cause her to realize how unsuitable everything was. Minimizing your contact with them is something you should do at all costs. I am enjoying life on my own! More so, that it can never repeat itself. Theme by 17th Avenue. } If you can't handle the hurt and wish to move on with your life, hoping not to see them will be your best call. Hell wonder what the characteristics of a boyfriend are and how he was such a bad one. I'm glad I never cried over you. All Rights Reserved. This might be a statement of fact, or it might be an expression of frustration and angerbut no matter the motivation, it's not something you should say to your ex. How Old Do You Have To Be To Drink Celcius Energy Drinks? Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Terms and Conditions. However, this time, end with a great saying! But flaunting your post-breakup success only serves to pour salt in the wound and it might come off as disingenuous anyway. Here are some mean things to say to your ex who cheated on you: Looking for a way to end the conversation with your ex? Hell miss you soon! He will wonder why you are being so cool about the whole thing. It's not wrong to admit your mistakes, mostly if that error was something that made you weak to your knees. } else { (Is Reading Books Attractive), Why Did My Ex Block Me On Social Media? More so, if she hurt you, she'll undoubtedly express regret for the situation and ruminate on the right experiences. (3+ Undeniable Reasons). This is not always easy if the things they are doing are still affecting you personally, and theyre insulting you in person. Hurtful Words Quotes. But it doesn't always happen on the same schedule, and gloating about your newfound love to an ex is unnecessarily hurtful. Taking your ex back is like going to a garage sale and buying back your own crap! 13. Good luck finding anyone who will put up with your bullsh*t as well as I did. It's normal to be sad when it ends, and just like women, guys also experience hurt after a breakup. That one just about literally killed me. You want to have the final word, but is this always a good idea? Said to me by a guy in my high school friend group about a year after we graduated. You dont have to explain anything after the fact. Yes, you can let him know how you really felt about him. "If you tell him/her how you were never happy in the relationship and knew the end was soon to come, it will make them feel shameful and inferior," relationship expert Amy Olson warns. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { If you put in the effort to see the relationship work, making this kind of statement will recall that effort to your previous partner. Maybe we take some pleasure in finding a particularly apt insult for someone who has wronged us. You don't necessarily need to express the hurt that you felt. Such statements will hit deep and allow them to experience regret. Sorry honey, sarcasm falls out of my mouth, just like stupidity falls from yours. It will make you feel better and let him know that he was never that great of a guy to you. Consider for a moment, however, the effect that saying inflammatory words will have. You should consider talking to a therapist, maybe they can untangle your lies and your deception just as well as I did. Are you looking for a way to get back at him? Dont worry, I dont have to go. Instead, you are glad to have a new boyfriend who treats you right! Even though the mature thing to do would be to rise above what they are doing, and ignore it. Your life and well-being will suffer if you are with someone who has wounded you or will do so in the future. As a woman, you know the depths of your feelings and emotions. This is probably the hardest part especially if you love your ex and are hoping to get back together at some point. I dont regret much, but I do regret dating you. "Saying something that undermines their security or sense of self is hurtful and damaging," she adds. If you think your ex is going to come running back to you soon, this is a great thing to say to him. "Are you sure BPD is a real thing?" "'I'm not sure BPD is a valid disorder. If your ex is doing things behind your back, harassing you over text and in person, or is generally just not getting the message. Those words will ignite a remorseful feeling, that indeed, she can't find someone else like you. Its an intelligent and comprehensive online communications tracker. when they say things to intsill fear. One of the first steps to healing and moving on is getting closure with your ex. Instead, hell wonder what was so bad about your relationship. Breakups aren't always pleasant, but sometimes, they can be a breath of fresh air. But no matter the cause of your breakup, if you are going to communicate with your ex, it's wise to do so with dignity and mutual respect. If they acted terribly towards you or caused you pain, recalling their memory of what they did, is the best way to allow them to feel remorse. Instead, just let him realize that you know he was a big mistake, a waste of time, and an experience that you could have lived without! Think carefully about what you can do to make things right. This will also let him know that the next girl he dates had better have low standards if shes going to date him because he isnt all that. But if you're looking for things you can say to make your previous partner acknowledge how hurt you feel about the separation, then you're in the right place. Sometimes, you just have to be honest and let him know that you are hurt by his actions. 306 Likes, 13 Comments - @_theprettytank on Instagram: "No inspirational quote here just thoughts. Closure will come to you with ease! I love being by myself! Too bad you cant buy a better personality. Either you two just werent meant to be together, the timing wasnt right, or theres someone better out there for you. Something like, "It turns out we're not right for each other," or "thanks for letting me go" can ignite a remorseful feeling. Even if you dont completely mean it, its a great way to make him feel bad. My friends always thought I could do way better than you. Sometimes silence can be just as damaging as saying the wrong thing. Pretending like "nothing happened" or cowardly hiding behind "no contact" is only postponing the problem; and may get to a point where things are "beyond repair". Good luck x 1 More answers below "I'm so glad we're not together anymore!". Maybe theyre having a really rough time at home and they dont feel like they can give a relationship 100% of their attention. Here are some examples of hurtful things you can say to your ex. Your email address will not be published. Showing that you love your new post-breakup life and you're living it to the fullest will make her sober about the separation. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Theres no shame in admitting you were heartbroken for a brief period of time, but that you are doing fabulous now! Making such a statement will cause her to recall all the unique qualities you possess, mostly if there was once love between the two of you. 20 Romantic Long Distance Relationship Date Ideas To Keep The Spark Alive, How To Respond To An I Want To See You Text From A Guy, The Best Way To Reply To A Goodnight Text. 9. I dont care enough about you to hate you. 3. This is a great way to make your ex feel bad. I wish I had a time machine so I could stop myself from meeting you. This will make him feel bad about himself because he really wants you to be sad and miss him, begging him to come back to you. No one likes to think of their ex dating around with a bunch of different men. This will make him feel like crap and insecure about himself. Sometimes forgiving someone who has wronged you and even thanking them for liberating you is the most effective method to exact revenge. 11. Take my lowest priority and put yourself beneath it. My long-term boyfriend broke up with me by saying that. Where do you want to focus your attention next? If you wonder what things to say, just speak from the heart. In 2017 I decided it was about time I started a blog on the topic, and since then more than 2 million people worldwide have read my relationship advice. She said some real hurtful shit to me before and after, but that line broke me inside out. Sometimes it feels like youre going back and forth seeing who can be the most hurtful. We provide resources that help you in your relationship, marriage, and dating life. It also shows that you're handling their decision to break up pretty well and moving on swiftly. Ouch! Things to say to your ex, especially if you had a tough ending with them, is reminding her of specific actions they used to take. Whether or not it's true, saying "I never really loved you" is an unnecessary twisting of the knife. If your ex was selfish and all about what he could get out of you rather than what he could give you or the relationship, this is one of the most tempting texts to send that you definitely shouldn't. If he's that self-absorbed, it's not likely to get through to him so you'd just be wasting your breath. Show him that you are fine without him and look forward to having some distance between the two of you; he may realize that he's made a huge error in dumping you. Jokes on him, since Im still close with several of those people and on good terms with most others, while most of them dont want anything to do with him anymore. 12. Relationships are a lot like algebra. I thought you had taken my breath away, but darling, I was just suffocated by your bullsh*t. Today, I saw something that reminded me of you. } ); That was devastating to my son and to my relationship with him. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think. Suggesting that things could have been (or should have been) different hardly serves the goal of moving on healthily and with grace. This is another mean thing to say to your ex, but it may be necessary if you feel like this. And for the signs you're in a toxic situation, here are The Tell-tale Signs Your Partner May Be Emotionally Abusive. Instead, focus on what's ahead, and live happier than ever before. If your ex isnt a good person, it may take them a long time to regret hurting you. ), 15 True Scary Stories From People Who Worked With Dead Bodies, 21 Morgue Workers Share Their Worst Of Stories. It allows you to externalize what youre feeling inside and let go of some of that tension. "If I was your best friend I would have killed myself, too." A psychotic ex-friend said this to me once. Im not listening to you, so why dont you just quit talking. You never loved me as much as you love yourself. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. This is a great way to make someone feel pretty crappy about themselves and how they treated you. "When you are clear. Show him that you are fine without him and look forward to having some distance between the two of you; he may realize that hes made a huge error in dumping you. Stop being bothered by it. Said by my dad to 16-year-old me, the younger of two kids. Welcome! We constantly strive to provide you with the best information possible. Sometimes saying mean things to your ex is just another way of coping with the loss of the relationship. An aunt said that to me and I still think about it. "I'm looking forward to the space between us.". That being said, sometimes you just need to be mean. She will recall her actions and possibly, have an awful feeling for hurting you. Mentioning how irreplaceable you are, is another region of things to say to your ex-girlfriend to make her feel terrible about leaving you. No matter what anyone says, your feelings are valid, and you deserve support. So were my orgasms. I was wrong. Mean And Hurtful Things To Say To Your Ex, Things To Say To End Your Conversation With Your Ex. I think letting him know that under no circumstances will the two of you ever be back together again is a smart plan! Copyright 2017 - 2022 by, Things To Say To Your Ex To Make Her Feel Bad (29 Guilt-Tripping Things), 29 Things to Say to Your Ex to Make Her Feel Bad. No guy likes to be compared to someone else, so your ex will surely not be happy when he sees that your new boyfriend is making you happy in ways that he never could! If you want to get your ex back, you may have to take a different approach. Here are 45 hurtful things to say to an ex when you just want to be mean. Tried to hang myself 6 months later. 3. This tool will allow you to discover a wealth of information about your ex-boyfriend and what hes getting up to. Thank you for showing me everything I don't want in a man. But then I realized my eyes were lying to me as well. This knowledge helps you conclude that no matter how hard you could've tried to save the relationship, it wouldn't still have worked out the way you wanted it. Has your heart been broken by your ex-boyfriend? If your ex caused you so much heartbreak, acknowledging that it was a mistake to fall for them will shed light on the actions they took to hurt you and would allow her to feel guilty. The most important thing is that you communicated how you feel, and they'll have an awful feeling for causing you pain. You both want to move forward and find your happiness on your own. (Reasons Explained), How To Put Your Foot Down In A Relationship (Answered), Do Guys Like When Girls Text First? Maybe it will help in your current situation. You can surely make him feel guilty for his actions like this! For the past 2 years my ex has been gone i was always under the impression that she was just an amazing girl i messed things up with. Here are some mean things to say to your ex. Perhaps youre just looking for the best way to explain how much he hurt you? Instead, find ways to be smart, competent, and independent by yourself! This one thing is also particularly present in relationships. I once had a new boyfriend that put my ex to shame, so I told him all about it. Before we explore those, I also want to let you know about this online tool I recently discovered. You don't have to fake emotions or pretend. At the time I didnt realize it, but I am far better off without you. Bored Panda had compiled a list of times when people came up with the perfect response to these unwanted advances, some of them are just deliciously devilish and undoubtedly funny texts. This article covers ways to express yourself to an ex over a hurtful breakup. Getting cheated on HURTS, and sometimes it can make you feel better to stoop down to their level for a minute and say something savage. If your partner says. However, over time, I heal and move on just fine. My life took a turn for the better when you left it. At this stage they'll probably say whatever they think will hurt you the most. Its best not to take revenge on your ex; dysfunctional relationships like that do not stand the test of time because they are just playing games with one another. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); Even though you should probably never go out of your way to say something mean to anyone, including your ex. By saying this, you are admitting that your friends were right about him; you should have steered clear of him, but for some stupid reason, you didnt. The worst thing Ive ever been called is your girlfriend. Use the savage quotes below in order to show others that you are more intelligent than they are: Don't be ashamed of who you are. Sure, it was bound to happen: When a relationship ends, partners typically move on. var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=80513d1a-1944-4a0d-bb48-ca1058acb1dc&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=7380835142334343792'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); We were even friends a year later. Use disarming statements. "Sometimes holding on does more damage than letting go". What To Say If You Still Have Feelings For Your Ex Getting the last word in with your ex might be fueling your fantasies, but you could also be wishing for a more romantic reunion. I was anally raped at a party a few months before and still having PTSD from it at the time. Tell them all about how you are unique and different from other girlfriends who he thinks might be better than you, which, of course, he will never find! Read on to find out why, and for the sentence you shouldn't utter to a current or future partner, here's The Worst Thing You Could Say to Someone in Bed. Theres no need to repeat yourself. Move on and be marvellous. sleepyplantdad 3. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. If your previous partner tells you how much they miss you and that they want their ex back, then it's a sign they still care about you. So, your ex-boyfriend broke your heart and made you cry, right? "When the person you love can't see your love for them beneath the painful things you say when they reject you, remember this: Love is blind.". 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