Marina Mogilko, business and education creator with 6.8 million YouTube subscribers. 5 proven Instagram DM templates that work. Hi, so i got a polite email twice from the same brand. their background it. a collaboration) anyway? Here come the unprofessional comments and offers from businesses. Gigi Robinson, a creator with about 142,000 followers on TikTok. Personalization is key here. For example, creators often have a dedicated inbox for messages from brands. My pictures are fun vs professional, I rarely theme my content, and quite frankly, I want a more realistic account for my blog. #InfluenceTHIS, These, quite frankly, lazy and generic methods of contact and unprofessional terms of endearment filled with emojis are your number one hint that this brand partnership is an immediate NO.. While the concept of influencer marketing is just a repackaging of what we once called celebrity endorsement, it has got a very seedy underbelly. I personally delete these messages and block the account. So look for the most authentic looking and sounding We think your [insert what you saw on their feed that aligns with your companys mantra] and believe you would be a great fit as a [insert company name] brand ambassador! Consider that you might end up using emails and DMs during outreach. The takeaway? Check out The Ultimate Checklist to Hosting an Instagram Giveaway or Contest! Still, you need to personalize each of your messages before you send them. Instagram Scams Flag #4 Do They Want You To Make A Purchase? You risk losing followers and their trust. Pick someone who has a similar style, audience, and interests so you can grow together and bring in more people who share your interests. Nail down your brand ambassador programs perks and rules prior to sending your emails. In fact, few of them will ever care about your business at all. Address the representative by name, thank them for considering you, and provide the requested information. When in doubt, keep your messages short and sweet. He shared two examples of DMs he sends to brands. - Kristen. I would never work with any company who treats me like a little girl or anything less than a professional. Their lifestyle. 4. My name is Kristen and I work for Dusk. I make a little, I'm building but I have never paid for product. Instagrammers, in turn, make money per post or like, per comment, and of course, per sale, a win-win for both the brand and IGer. Its just the reality of dealing with someone who seeks attention Emails can be longer and more detailed than DMs. You'd get 50% off our products for life. I hate making those because they are mind numbing. That includes matchmaking, fulfillment, Want to learn more? Read one of Kovach's word-for-word email pitches she sends to brands. Customer Service Templates 3. Dear lord. It is a bot and uses the same Avatar as the official Collab.Land and sends a link that looks the same as the one sent . You really need to know what youre dealing with when youre Shouldn't they cover all the expenses? In short, we match your brand with influencers that. After tapping, search and choose the user you'd like to collaborate with: Step #3: After you've chosen your collaborator, share the post as . You should receive free products in exchange for reviews/posts, and most companies will pay you to promote their items. I'm currently working with RMC Mike on his tape with trapaholics. We'dlove to invite you to become a part of our brand ambassador team! If you do well, you can one day become an influencer with a special code. Not sure how to nail influencer outreach or make your messages land? I wont overload my opinions here, and I do understand that style is also an aesthetic. Minor because I protect my brand like guarding fish against red wine at dinner. This isn't a bad thing. you. And so some influencers are already on the defensive when they get a cold email from a brand they dont know. Don't sweat it! 4 steps to respond to collaboration email. Ashley Jones, a micro influencer with 60,000 followers on Instagram. Instagram Collaboration Scams Flag #3 Is Their Message Vague? First off, you dont have to respond to a bad collab offer. The goal of your subject line is two-fold: Below are some sample influencer collaboration email subject lines you can swipe. I'm definitely not sure why you'd need to purchase the product. I watch as IGers pay brands to market their products freely for them. "You get a lot of no's when you first start to pitch brands, but then you sort of fine-tune your approach," Kovach told Insider. When in doubt, keep your collaboration messages short and sweet. They were very professional & contacted me through email. If they specify wanting a DM vs an email request for collabs - take your cue from that. Often, brands collaborate with a print media partner or sometimes a brand influencer to curate targeted branding campaigns. By clicking Sign Up, you also agree to marketing emails from both Insider and Morning Brew; and you accept Insiders. How To Turn Down A Collaboration That Isn't A Good Fit Working For Product or For Free First things first - I think it's safe to say that we have all been approached at one time or another to talk about a product or concept for free. Here is a PDF copy of EVERYTHING . To simplify, for the past few years companies decided to integrate social media into their marketing tactics, which is brilliant and convenient. Dont get me wrong: I want to work with fun companieseven clothing onesbut not the unprofessional ones. As a new small business owner, I found it very helpful and informative. Explain the key benefits the collaboration could bring. Detroit style stuff tho. My name is Kristen and I work for Dusk. The rules to win would be simple, [insert giveaway rules]. Read more about how Jones lands brand deals and sets her rates. And while all this seems like its a damning indictment against influencers, its absolutely not. Of course, you should be getting paid for that work. Influencer Tips. Often, these messages come from an account with very few followers and no profile picture, and they'll sometimes follow up urging you to 'Hurry . We believe you would be a great fit as a Dusk brand ambassador! Just let the brand know that you appreciate their message. Read how 3 influencers are using LinkedIn to make money. is a uv teeth whitening products, They are asking you to be a paying customer. Or do you want to send PR packages to dozens of creators? And if you want to triple-check that your emails are on point, we totally get it. Youre in the right place! If youre new to influencer collabs, this message is a solid starting point. Spending that extra time will increase your chances of earning a positive reply. Getting them to reply to their DM's! It's great that you emphasize self-care through each and every post in your feed. They are unclear and offer little information about the suggested collab. In the book world, I have yet to meet a bad deal. Make sure your prizes and rules are sorted before you hit send.. Join our Uncorked Reading Challenge. Influencers with varying follower size and experience in the industry commonly use these documents to establish new brand relationships. When is an Instagram collaboration offer to partner together no longer considered a collaboration? Now, there is competition, oversaturation, and quite frankly, cheap brands preying on hopeful influencers. Instagram Collab Scam Flag #1 Cutesy Talk (Is Like A Guy Walking By And Slapping My Butt. What is the purpose of your email? Hallo Christine, thanks for the very informative article. Something to do with sales or worse!!? Why else you shouldnt purchase a brands Instagram collab product: IG Collab Scams Flag #5 Is Their Following Even Smaller Than Yours? Start here. Brand deals are a top income source for many influencers. The motivation of an influencer is rarely about growing your business. The brand aligned perfectly with how I see myself Below weshare our easy-to-use pitching templates that can help. Trust me, I do. Dont assume the worst, though! And yes, lets brag about how other influencers agreed. Book people are cool. Need to step up your influencer pitching strategy? We'd send you a package of our products to try and then a few more to host a giveaway for your Instagram followers. Assuming youre personalizing your emails (and you should be! [Insert another sentence or two relating to their feed that adds a human element]! You have a formal contract with the brand. Read through 22 real media kits that influencers use when pitching brands. The Just how short, though? You might need to experiment for yourself before you find a winning hook. Some influencers will send a media kit to every advertiser they work with. Messages that require recipients to scroll are too long. The Ultimate Guide to Influencer Media Kits. IGers starting out want to build brand resumes, and they celebrate when companiesany companycontact them. Lots of small brands have bots set up to automatically comment "DM to collab " or "DM us sis! Heres our recommended order of operations: Influencers typically arent shy about sharing their email addresses. They want your money. Consider also that most emails are opened on mobile devices. Hey there. Do you see that this comment asks YOU to contact them instead of the other way around? Each one of them wanted me to purchase products from them. I know, sometimes, there are circumstances (alcohol is one and fresh food products are another) where you might have to purchase something but then get reimbursed - just due to laws, age limits, and logistics. This can increase your chances of a speedy reply. Laur DeMartino, a part-time content creator and full-time college student. Other social media networks. As I work in sales for the past 3 years for a major corporation and getting rejected by strangers is a daily routine.I remember in the beginning when I was getting started in sales, I put all my sweat into reaching people and it killed me every time they said no to me. Need to step up your influencer pitching strategy? By the way, your cat, Rey, is so adorable! Then, you are dead to me. ), pitching will take time. is all about, there is a lot more to it. Hi Sweetie. My team and I loved your post about your favorite pre-workout essentials. This lack of care shows that you are just another random pick. We believe your followers would love the chance to win a set of our new evening skincare products, Dusk till Dawn!. Hmmmm, OK; so, you wont give me a free product or pay me to promote it now. Fact: will open an email based on the subject line alone. Here's the email template he uses to score NIL deals. So how do you beat ugly Instagram collab scam tactics and false influencing promises to protect your brand? Did anyone watch the Fyre documentary? could potentially become your customer. Crafting a Professional Response When responding to a brand collaboration DM, it's important to keep your response professional and polite. What should you do? This can increase your chances of a speedy reply. Instagram Giveaway Collaboration Pitch Template, 6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach, 3 Easy-to-Use Brand Affiliate Program Outreach Templates, How to Contact TikTok Brand Ambassadors + Outreach Tips, Explaining how you discovered their Instagram content and profile. Win-Win. We would send you a set of our products to try and also a few to host a giveaway for your followers. But like all marketing options, they have had more than their fair share of bad apples that had tarnished the concept of social media influencing for everyone. balcony overlooking a sponsors infinity pool may seem to be what an influencer Influence can come with entitlement and jadedness, Understand that their motivation isnt about growing your business. Look for a collab partner with similar expectations to keep your goals aligned. Does your email sound similar to what other brands are sending out? Influencer or Collaborator Templates 5. No cold emailing required! Youve had a direct message from someone claiming to be an influencer, who can grow your brand, promote you to their many followers if only you give them free dinner, accommodation or clothes. In fact, few Most aren't even legit accounts, and they are pretending to act on behalf of these large brand names. Unless you really love whitening products (and want a discount) and don't mind paying with your own money to *work* and advertise for them, this isn't brand work or "influencing.". First, what happened to the days of professionalism? I get it. In a tactful way, I mentioned that I, like them, run a business. BUT I recently had a brand reach out and ask to collab. As a brand ambassador, you would partner with us on [insert what youd like to utilize your ambassadors for]. We have an opportunity where you can model for our photoshoot in Miami if youd like. Some subject lines are more direct than others and thats okay! You should not have to pay for anything, including shipping. Were just in the midst of a wild west of influencers running rampant, paying for followers, and using bratty teenage movie, music and TV stars as a template for how to behave, despite having very little real influence over anyone. Thats because influencers get pitched all the time. What exactly are you supposed to write in a brand collaboration email? Ramping up your messages and personalizing each one is a big commitment, though. Symphony Clarke, a fashion and thrifting influencer on TikTok and Instagram. Many legit companies will have a contract for you, but sometimes smaller businesses expect a contract with terms of the agreement from you. 1. I understand that influencers and IGers want to make it out there. I provided one social media post on IG and Twitter, and my PayPal burped. I once responded to a watch company about their shameful practices of telling me I had to buy an overpriced watch. But the product purchase requirement still gives me pause.. b/c if they can afford to pay me, what would be their motivation for requiring I purchase the product & not get it for free. shared her starting rates as a nano influencer. Less messages means more efficient collaboration. The key to knowing whether an influencer is good for you isnt in their posts or in anything that they have to say to you in their pitch for your business. Standard Instagram Collaboration Pitch Template, 3. Thats why its so important to level up with a proven pitching strategy. - [insert your name here]. I'd also ask for payment for the post. Jalyn Baiden, an Instagram influncer with about 5,700 followers. Why are mostly women talking to women in such a sexist manner? An oft-cited study from Salesloft notes that personalizing just 20% of an email lifts reply rates by 112% (plus 40% more opens). Response rates during outreach campaigns can vary wildly. Not sure what a "good" collab email looks like? Im reaching out because we saw your thoughtful round-ups on your fave facial cleansers. Confirm your marketing strategy. Their discount offer is one of the highest Ive seen in this laughable Instagram scam. Content creators are suspicious of spam and scams. The brand will never notice. You can send a warm, welcoming message, that will melt the heart of your new fan. My name is Kristen and I work for Dusk. Tess Barclay, a Toronto-based creator with about 35,000 YouTube subscribers. Be sure to review your programs perks and benefits before reaching out. Brands assume that micro-influencers have little experience and are, quite frankly, easy targets. If you work with a shoddy brand, that says a lot about your own brand. Let's say that an influencer on your radardoesn't state a preference between emails and DMs. Step 3: Choose your ideal collab. These Instagram collaboration brands try to lead you on. She shared the 200-word email pitch she uses to reach out to brands. ove to talk with you about the details of our giveaway and products! Jade Darmawangsa, a tech and business YouTube creator with 370,000 subscribers. Wait a week or two after your initial outreach message. Or, you already have the DM in your inbox: Hi Lovely, we just ADORE your gorgeous feed. 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