Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery: Medical Treatment of Constipation., Medical Sciences: Magnesium: The Forgotten ElectrolyteA Review on Hypomagnesemia., National Institutes of Health: Magnesium., Nutrients: Magnesium: Are We Consuming Enough?, Nutrients: Magnesium in Prevention and Therapy., Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing: Methods of Preparation of Magnesium Organic Compounds from Natural Dolomite., Trials: Effects of magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide and magnesium sulfate supplementation on arterial stiffness in healthy overweight individuals: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial., U.S. Food and Drug Administration: FDA Drug Safety Communication: Low magnesium levels can be associated with long-term use of Proton Pump Inhibitor drugs (PPIs)., Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift: Significance of magnesium in cardiac arrhythmias.. I wasn't fast enough for the first one, so closed the shower curtain and proceeded to shake the house with what can only be described as a minor earthquake. I have a procedure in the morning and so I had to take this and drink the whole bottle and at first it didn't work and after that one hard bowel movement, it has been like a waterfall from my butthole. How long does it take for magnesium citrate to work? If you accidentally take more than the recommended amount of magnesium citrate, call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222. Constipation, which is a common condition in both adults and children is easily treatable without a hospital visit using a number of home remedies and over-the-counter drugs, Magnesium Citrate being one of them. Magnesium citrate typically causes bowel movements within 30 minutes to 6 hours after it is taken. Let the doctor know if you're taking any other medications as magnesium citrate can make them less effective. Do not use extra medicine to make up the missed dose. Follow the label directions, and do not use it as a laxative or antacid for more than 1 week without consulting a doctor. All rights reserved. ", Citrate of Magnesia (magnesium citrate) for Constipation "I started my day off in a terrible mood. By the way as soon as you wipe the firey lava gates are opened back up. Ill tell you what, if you ever have any constipation problems this stuff will fix it for you! Magnesium citrate can help treat constipation. I prayed that God would help me poop, now Im praying he will make it stop. 3. Its been over 24hrs and Im still feeling the effects. I didnt use the restroom for 8 days. Typical side effects from using magnesium citrate include: When the stool does come out of the colon, there is also a chance it will be loose or watery. What should I do if magnesium citrate is not working? I can't even get comfy in bed without needing to get up and run to the bathroom. Apart from using magnesium citrate to relieve constipation, people can try: Magnesium hydroxide is an ingredient in OTC products, such as Milk of Magnesia. This includes your doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and dentists. Type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline: Is Tai chi more effective than walking? has an average rating of 8.7 out of 10 from a total of 474 reviews There may also be an underlying issue causing constipation for which you need treatment. People with frequent constipation should talk with their doctor. If this colon detoxification is being done on your own, do not continue with it for more than a week. Most often, the dosage for constipation in adults is 10 ounces. It's available over the counter (OTC) and can help produce a bowel movement in 30 minutes to 6 hours. MC pulls moisture from your intestinal walls to function right and if you don't have enough fluids, it takes longer to take effect. It is an osmotic laxative, which means it works by drawing water into the intestine to soften stool and make it easier to pass. It is not known whether magnesium citrate will harm an unborn baby. Read More: How to Recover After a Colonoscopy. Because of the taste, some people find that magnesium citrate is easier to drink if it is chilled in the refrigerator. (2018, March 2). It's thought that high levels of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can help rid your body of toxins. I cant sleep because the constant gurgling in my stomach and the constant urge to poop. I drink the second bottle. I am 105 lbs and drank the whole bottle. Does Magnesium Citrate Clean Toxins? Version: 2.02. A Magnesium Citrate cleanse causes a welcome sense of relief but can severely dehydrate the body and particularly the digestive tract. The best colorectal cancer screening available today is a colonoscopy. Brand names: Citrate of Magnesia, Citroma, Citroma Cherry, Citroma Lemon After a couple. (9d ays constipated) and after butt can not take it anymore!!!! Talk with your doctor before deciding to take it. Magnesium citrate does not have major interactions with many drugs, although it is still important to always share all of your medications with a doctor. As stool hardens in the bowels, it becomes more difficult to pass, making constipation worse. Also, and this is important, once you drink it, don't trust a fart!!! Constipation is when you don't have regular bowel movements. Its been 26 hours since I chugged MC and Im left constipated with a burning cinnamon ring, a balloon belly and gas to power New York City. Mayo Clinic offers appointments in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota and at Mayo Clinic Health System locations. The mechanism by which magnesium citrate, a saline laxative, is considered to act is still a mystery. It is important to check how much water to use and to follow the instructions correctly. Learn more about the causes and. At 1 am, I fell sleep. However, chronically low levels can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis. 2. :-( And it is 3:27am and I'm afraid to go back to sleep", For Constipation "Dude. The National Center for Biotechnology suggests that taking 2,500 milligrams of magnesium stearate per kilogram of body weight is considered safe. and if you don't have to drink the whole bottle, just Don't! I seriously thought it might be the med of me. Im wondering if I need to go in for anal reconstruction. University of Connecticut Health. Thought my body evicted every evil piece of poop from my colon. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often . It's mainly used to raise magnesium levels and relieve constipation. This is because it replaces the fluid lost from the body when more water is pulled into the intestines. However, using magnesium citrate on a long-term basis to treat constipation could result in other health problems. It's important to take the dosage exactly as described by your healthcare provider or according to the product label. Magnesium citrate is commonly used to prevent arrhythmia. Without medical attention for chronic constipation, you could develop hemorrhoids, anal fissures and ulcers in the colon. You can find magnesium citrate over the counter with brand names like: No matter why you take magnesium citrate, be sure to follow directions from the doctor or the medication container. What is the maximum dosage for Colace stool softener at one time. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. Four Dulcolax laxative (Bisacodyl) tablets. When magnesium citrate is used to clear out the colon before a procedure, such as a colonoscopy, the doctors office will give instructions on when to start taking it. I woke up at 7AM and I cant figure if Im peeing or pooping it is all like water!! This process will usually take longer. If you're willing to spend an hour or two on the toilet and get your intestines cleaned out to the max this is the way to go. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for magnesium is 400-420 milligrams (mg) per day for adult men, and 310-320 mg per day for adult women. Magnesium is needed in order for muscles and nerves to function properly. If this happens, discontinue or reduce your dosage until these symptoms disappear. 1st mistake: taking it at night. Three hours before the test mix creatine supplement with a glass of grapefruit juice and drink. I bought the root beer flavor because its da best. Doctors often use higher doses of magnesium citrate as colon cleansers before surgery. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 2 Apr 2023), Cerner Multum (updated 17 Apr 2023), ASHP (updated 10 Apr 2023) and others. When drinking this be sure to have some soothing wet wipes and butt cream. I was wrong. May repeat every 4 to 6 hours until stools are clear.6 to 12 years: 100 to 150 mL orally one time. This medicine is a laxative. It's kinda like an edible, right when you think it isn't working, it does. She was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at age 16. When conducting a colon cleanse with magnesium citrate, you should consult your physician, who will provide you with the appropriate dosages of the supplement 1 2. Colonoscopy Preparation Instructions Magnesium Citrate. I made it through alive, but all night long I was moaning & writhing around in sheer excruciating pain 10. A few tips can make the magnesium citrate cleanse more tolerable: You should be sure to drink plenty of water throughout your cleanse to avoid dehydration. Brand names: Citrate of Magnesia, Citroma, LiquiPrep. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Ive gone 3 more times since I started this review. Some laxatives and antacids also contain magnesium. Clenpiq; Prepopik; Descriptions. It has made me reevaluate the amount of spicy foods I eat. Thought that was over. Vaseline and baby wipes will be your best friend, and if you have cramps the heating pad helps. Drinking 8 ounces of water after taking magnesium citrate is important. . My butt hurts and Im pooping again. This article will discuss magnesium citrate, how it is used, its benefits, and the side effects you may experience. Copyright 1996-2023 Cerner Multum, Inc. People who have had certain procedures or have specific medical issues should also avoid magnesium citrate. trimethylaminuria test at home Mobile App for Schools Our unique and competent software plays vital role of making connection between teachers and parents about children academic activities. ", For Constipation "Took a whole bottle of the lemon flavor along with miralax and benefiber at about 8 pm. To improve the taste, chill it ahead of time. I was able to fart out a few soft pellets the rest of the day, but thats it. Magnesium citrate may cause serious side effects. Some people should avoid taking magnesium citrate if they have certain medical conditions. The instructions and dosage for using magnesium citrate will be available on the bottle. If you plan to use a magnesium citrate powder mixed in cold water, the mixture should be used within 36 hours of preparation otherwise it may not be effective. I begin drinking one bottle of Cherry or Grape flavored MC (I do not like the lemon flavored, it burns my pouch). Do not use this medicine without a doctor's advice if you are breast-feeding a baby. Nutrients. Prepare! I drank the whole bottle of this & I thought I would need an ambulance. It then becomes easier to pass. So when you drink this stuff just know, comfortability is no longer an option. Magnesium citrate may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. 2 episodes of a shitty Netflix show and 300 experience points on duolingo before it was safe to poke my head out again. Saline laxatives or enemas such as Fleet Phospho-Soda, milk of magnesia, and magnesium citrate Osmotic-type laxatives such as GoLYTELY, GlycoLax, and MiraLax Suppositories such as docusate (Microenema), bisacodyl (Dulcolax Suppository), and sodium phosphate (Fleet Enema). All rights reserved. Again, drink it as quickly as possible and follow up with a full glass of water. However, if the appropriate amount of Epsom salt does not dissolve in water, this can lead to irritation. I used Mag citrate for colonsocopy prep. It works with nucleic acids to produce energy, and it is involved in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate protein production, signal transmission in nerves and muscles, blood pressure, blood glucose, and other functions. The first things that you should eat should not dehydrate you further but should restore water into your system as well as your electrolyte balance. Magnesium citrate helps to regulate the transport of calcium across cell membranes, playing a key role in bone creation. It is now 5 am and I am having watery episodes back to back. It is important to choose the best form and dosage based on your specific needs. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. Hope this helps! It is often used as a laxative. Can Magnesium Clean Your System? It's been over 24 hours and my stomach is still angry and I still have diarrhea. Jay Yepuri, MD, MS, is a board-certified gastroenterologist and a practicing partner at Digestive Health Associates of Texas (DHAT). You'll soon start receiving the latest Mayo Clinic health information you requested in your inbox. Portalatin, M., & Winstead, N. (2012, March). If you are on a schedule, use the missed dose as soon as you remember. Im a lean, active 24yr old (mostly vegan.) Symptoms including diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal cramping after taking a magnesium-base laxative or antacid may indicate excessive magnesium or magnesium toxicity. Learn about the medical uses, claims, and side effects of magnesium. 2 bowel motions following. The constipation remedies listed in this article are available for purchase online. 25 13. Magnesium plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle and nerve function and energy production. Liquid oral solutions without any other active ingredients may be best for treating constipation. COMMON BRANDS Citroma DRUG CLASS Brand names of magnesium citrate that may be recommended for constipation or bowel preparation include: This medication can increase the amount of magnesium in the body. Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral that is important for many systems in the body, especially the muscles and nerves. She said if the first one didnt work, drink another one around 8PM. The bones are also a reservoir that stores magnesium for the body. I drank 6oz w/ 3 8oz glasses of water at 6PM. Supplies. Currently I am sit stupidly at 4:30AM reading the comments that I barely glanced over before jumping into this, now I praying for this to be over. Take capsules or tablets with a full 8 ounce glass of water and with a regular meal. But check with a doctor or a pharmacist to be sure. IF YOU GET THE URGE TO FART IT IS NOT A FART!!!!!!! It is 10PM now, still some flatulence, abdomen feels better. I drank the whole bottle at around 1pm. A magnesium supplement can help to boost . Magnesium citrate is a laxative that you can buy at a drugstore without a prescription. For those who don't know magnesium citrate is a high strength laxative that is used to clear you out prior to colonoscopies or a number of medical procedures. Brand names: (2018, January 12), Magnesium. Using magnesium citrate regularly may cause the body to become dependent on it, making it difficult for a person to pass stools without using laxatives. This softens the stool and stimulates the rhythmic movement of the muscles in the colon, leading to a bowel movement. All in all good product. The health benefits of magnesium citrate include: Magnesium citrate causes the intestines to release water into the stool. I had pizza and cheeseburgers several hours before and this is probably one of my worst experiences. 6. As with all supplements, you should check with your doctor if you are considering adding magnesium citrate supplements to your diet. Available for Android and iOS devices. If you chug a bottle and nothing is happening, you most likely are a little dehydrated because your body need to fluids for the MC to work properly. Well about two hours later I felt a bubbling in my stomach, by then I thought this stuff was a joke and I would have to go the ER and get this surgically removed. This softens the stool and relieves constipation and irregularity. Magnesium Chloride: A generally well-tolerated, bioavailable option when looking to improve magnesium status. Very high dosages of magnesium can cause magnesium toxicity, so always use as directed. However, the cleanse can be uncomfortable and even dangerous in some situations. 2009;80(2):157-62. information highlighted below and resubmit the form. on I have taken this before and when I was in this situation, so I decided to do it again. Do not take magnesium citrate for more than 1 week, unless your doctor tells you to do so. In addition, the magnesium in supplements can interact with some types of antibiotics and other medicines. One hour later I ran to the toilet and what happened in there reminded me of sounds and explosions I heard while serving in Iraq. This stuff works. So 8PM comes around. Bring air freshener with you bc I swear, after drinking mag cit, it smells something awful. I turned the tap on and coughed as loudly as I could to try and mitigate the jet engine decibal sound emanating from my butt but we all knew what was happening. If you are not able to do this, talk with your doctor. As a supplement, magnesium citrate may help to loosen your stools if you have constipation by increasing water levels in your intestines 3. 1. "The water and magnesium bind together, creating an ionic magnesium citrate that is better absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract," Wahlstedt says. Medications that work in this way are called osmotic laxatives. No really, I couldnt leave the toilet. If the large intestine isnt cleared of stool, the doctor may need to perform the test or procedure at a later date. When used correctly, many people find that magnesium citrate is a simple solution to occasional constipation. Magnesium citrate dissolves readily in water, so it may be used in powder, capsule, or liquid form. From 9-2:30pm I had cramps that could only be compared to child birth, then came the fun stuff at 2:30AM. Drug class: Laxatives. Magnesium citrate For an adult weighing about 150 pounds, that's 170,000 milligrams per day. Magnesium citrate typically stays in your system for about 24 hours. Magnesium helps to keep the heartbeat regular, by regulating conduction of the electrical signals that control the heart's timing. Magnesium citrate is an active ingredient in many branded over-the-counter (OTC) laxatives. A person can use Epsom salt as a laxative by mixing it with, Constipation develops when stool becomes hard and difficult to pass. La diarrhe n'est pas un mot assez gross pour dcrire ce qui va vous arriver", For Constipation "Immediately after drinking one bottle, I begin to feel incredibly bloated, but the real fun starts after about 4-5 hours. Can zinc supplements help treat hidradenitis suppurativa? Tell each of your healthcare providers about all your medical conditions, allergies, and all medicines you use. People also use magnesium hydroxide to reduce stomach acid and treat other digestive symptoms, such as heartburn or an upset stomach. Use exactly as directed on the label, or as prescribed by your doctor. For children under the age of 6, seek help from a pediatrician about constipation. Magnesium Sulfate, Potassium Sulfate, and Sodium Sulfate. Magnesium is safe to use for minor or occasional cases of constipation. I had a steady stream of butt pee and then, that all-too-familiar feeling of constipation. Magnesium citrate dissolves readily in water, so it may be. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. After chugging the entire bottle and downing half a gallon of water, I bloated real bad and felt nauseous. If you're due for a colonoscopy, your doctor may give you magnesium citrate to take one to two days before the appointment. Magnesium Citrate is used widely and safely to clear the bowel specifically the large intestine of stool for various reasons. Some people find that constipation may even happen frequently and last a long time. Some people also take magnesium citrate to add more magnesium to their diets. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission Heres our process. But it should be used under a doctor's direction. People who should avoid magnesium citrate include those who have: Those who are dehydrated or on a low-magnesium diet should also avoid magnesium citrate. But check with your doctor before taking it. Magnesium citrate is used for the short-term of relief of constipation . Magnesium can remove a variety of chemicals and heavy metals from your body, including aluminum, mercury, and lead. Needless to say, it wasnt a dream! Iron supplements may cause constipation. I went a few times between 10 -1 and THEN. I felt like I drank a bottle of poison. Magnesium is a nutrient that the body needs to stay healthy. Magnesium citrate might not be a safe option if you have kidney problems or electrolyte levels that are out of balance. People who experience occasional constipation can often improve their symptoms by increasing the amount of fiber they eat. This stuff works but should come with a warning label saying. If it doesn't kick in after four hours I'll drink another half bottle and drink more water. Magnesium Citrate is Magnesium bound to citric acid, and Magnesium Glycinate is Magnesium bound to Glycine, an amino acid. Magnesium citrate usually causes a bowel movement . Magnesium citrate should produce a bowel movement within 30 minutes to 6 hours after you take the medicine. LiquiPrep. Additional information including the complete list of . 2016;20(4):15222. In most cases, taking magnesium citrate once in a while to treat constipation is safe. Laxatives can make it harder for your body to absorb certain other drugs. Mix the dose with at least 4 to 8 ounces of water, and drink a few extra glasses of water throughout the day. By Amber J. Tresca Magnesium plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle and nerve function and energy production. It's used to treat constipation and acid indigestion. It's a common problem that many adults experience from time to time. Constipation that is occurring more frequently should be discussed with a doctor in order to talk about the most appropriate way to resolve it. The cherry is the best flavor FYI. Allow ample time to thoroughly evacuate before leaving home. After taking magnesium citrate for constipation relief, you should expect the laxative effect to begin in 1 to 4 hours. Magnesium citrate is a form of magnesium often taken in supplement form. Always follow the dosage and read the instructions on the label carefully. Magnesium citrate is available over the counter in many drugstores under brand names and as generics. Then for the next few hours my wife chants "run forrest run", because I literally have to jump up, clench those cheeks and made a mad dash to the bathroom. Only use this when you can stay home for about 12 hours. How long does it take to clean out your colon with magnesium citrate? I thought this was a good combo for someone with my level of constipation experience. Took the empty bottle to register and paid for it. She was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at age 16. Fact sheet for health professionals. Magnesium supports healthy blood pressure, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, maintains healthy endothelial function and vasodilation, and is required for normal heart contraction and energy production in the heart. That was until I took my first sip of coffee, then everything was full swing from there. For children 6 to 12 years old, the dosage may be 5 ounces. This water combines with the dry stool, making it easier to pass. Does drinking a bottle of magnesium citrate clean out your system to pass a Ask an Expert Medical Questions Does drinking a bottle of magnesium citrate clean out your system to pass a Dr.Adeel, Doctor 12,249 Satisfied Customers Expert Dr.Adeel is online now Medical Review Physician Doctor of Osteopathic Medi. Sometimes a cleanse like this can induce a feeling of weakness . I recommend this stuff, though only as a last resort of severe constipation, in any case, your toilet doesnt stand a chance. People should not use magnesium citrate if they have rectal bleeding. After research I found this. I took the empty bottle up to the counter and paid for it. It works like a charm for me within 2-4 hours! "Warning, might burn your rectal hole onto oblivion"", For Constipation "Maybe Im just broken, but magnesium citrate hasnt worked for me. Even water (tap, mineral or bottled) can provide magnesium. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Read our. One bottle of 10oz Magnesium Citrate (not cherry). I was the blueberry girl in Willy Wonka. It persisted through the afternoon and I had to leave work because I dont get paid enough to risk pooping myself. If you have any questions about using magnesium citrate, contact the doctors office. A vitamin C flush is also known as an ascorbate cleanse. More serious side effects are uncommon but can include: Most people don't have allergic reactions when they take magnesium citrate. But other forms of magnesium are available that have the same effect and do not act as a laxative. Follow the directions on the package or on your product label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Magnesium citrate works by pulling more water into the intestines. Can vitamins help prevent a heart attack? I mean, it works but Im afraid to leave the house. Stomach felt bubbly but I ended up sleeping through the night, nothing happened. ", For Constipation "I hadnt pooped in about a week. When done correctly, a magnesium citrate cleanse can have several benefits. There are many formulations of magnesium supplements available. Nothing in sight other than trees. Then you'll have to start the process all over again. Anyone with chronic constipation should talk to their doctor to find long-term solutions for their symptoms. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC, an Internet Brands company. This may be necessary if someone has a magnesium deficiency. 82% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 6% reported a negative experience. Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. Stools are usually hard, dry, or lumpy, and may be difficult or painful to pass. I quickly ran to my 1987 mustang with the top off and rushed to the local pharmacy. MiraLAX, docusate, Colace, bisacodyl, magnesium oxide, polyethylene glycol 3350. So in short, if you are gonna take this, do it in the morning. Sign up for free, and stay up to date on research advancements, health tips and current health topics, like COVID-19, plus expertise on managing health. Step by step instructions. If you're worried about your magnesium citrate flush, be sure to talk to your doctor. Magnesium citrate is formed by combining magnesium oxide with citric acid, a reaction that creates magnesium citrate and water. Reasonably priced I might add. Had solid poops 3 times! They have many different options. Review/update the Dont drink the whole bottle. Do not use this medicine without a doctor's advice if you are pregnant. ", For Constipation "Dr told me to prep for colonoscopy using magnesium citrate. I pulled over as fast as I could and ran to the nearest tree. An easy way to remember this is to associate magnesium with fiber. Magnesium citrate is a very effective colon detox and works quite fast. Rumbling in abdomen/flatulence. Vitamins for MS: Do supplements make a difference? I took it at 5pm and didnt start to go until almost midnight. Your healthcare provider can help. I had some MiraLax with lunch & chugged a 10oz bottle of Magnesium Citrate 1.5hrs after dinner. Remember not to eat any foods except clear fluids throughout the day. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Mayo Clinic on Incontinence - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW Mayo Clinic on High Blood Pressure - Mayo Clinic Press, Mayo Clinic on Hearing and Balance - Mayo Clinic Press, FREE Mayo Clinic Diet Assessment - Mayo Clinic Press, Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book - Mayo Clinic Press. This pain was equal to childbirth & a kidney stone. Im talking about severe abdominal cramping, extreme bloating and couldnt eat anything with getting nauseous! I kept going!! Generic name: magnesium citrate [mag-NEE-see-um-SIH-trate] You may purchase this over the counter at a grocery or drug store. The Dr or nurses never heard of such a bad reaction before. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. privacy practices. This may help replenish any fluids the body loses through the stool. But my butt is on fire. I had my first movement at 12am. The compound can have a powerful effect if a person takes too much. This is a reader-friendly overview of Magnesium. U.S. National Library of Medicine ToxNet. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Bel Kirsten 5137 posts 0 comments. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. 2-4 hours on a schedule, use the missed dose as soon as you wipe the firey lava are! After a couple and to follow the dosage may be difficult does magnesium citrate clean your system of drugs to... Effective than walking I thought I would need an ambulance cit, it smells something awful out. This & I thought this was a good combo for someone with my level of.! Directed on the label directions, and abdominal cramping after taking magnesium citrate, contact the doctors.! 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