#1 Southeastern University Series Natosha Jackson is from the south-side slums of Ridgeport. Hope and Josie have been casually hooking up ever since she turned into the tribrid, just hosie having sex in a supply closet, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (14), Endgame Hope Mikaelson/Josie Saltzman (7), rules are rules, (and they're meant to be broken), Minor Lizzie Saltzman/Milton "MG" Greasley, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Hope Mikaelson & Perenelle Flamel & Nicolas Flamel, Nicolas Flamel/Perenelle Flamel (Harry Potter), Hope Mikaelson/Daphne Greengrass/Fleur Delacour, Hope Mikaelson & Luna Lovegood & Daphne Greengrass, Freya Mikaelson & Hope Mikaelson & Daphne Greengrass & Fleur Delacour, Hope Mikaelson & Daphne Greengrass & Lizzie Saltzman, I dont know what other tags to add sorry, I'm bad behavior (but I do it in the best way), Maya Machado/Hope Mikaelson/Josie Saltzman, Underage Josie sex with older Jade Warning, I'd Rather Go Blind (Than On Another Blind Date), I'm only eighteen, I don't know anything (But I know I miss you), He Can't Fuck You Like I Can (And He Knows It), Summer Flings Make Memorable Summer Nights, Just two best friends (who do really gay stuff together), My Expiration Date Is Why I Cant Let You Love Me - Hosie, Hope Mikaelson & Josie Saltzman & Lizzie Saltzman, i listened to the song that sarah wrote and felt like I needed to finally post this, Hope Mikaelson & Lizzie Saltzman Friendship, Hope Mikaelson & Josie Saltzman Friendship. But will Lizzie be able to keep up this hatred when she finds out the whole truthor will she give in? But he is also very sweet Will little Mikael kill Hope and Klaus? Read {2x9} oque voc disse? from the story Uma Mikaelson by Camillabz with 1,387 reads. Josie and Lizzie go to make a deal with Klaus and his family.I really want a full Tribrid Hope and Dark Josie power couple thing so this what I came up with. I suck at summaries and this book is kind of all over the place but it's a fanifiction on a soap opera so I don't want to hear it. This is a fan fiction inspired by the characters Klaus and Hope (The Originals). So instead, Hope had put on her earphones, turned on some music, and picked a seat in the common room that was furthest from Lizzie and her boyfriend. Klaus Mikaelson, her father, had been promised twelve hybrids, a pack he would lead against Silas, the witch. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Trying their best to make it up to her. In a nutshell, you can expect to find a hint of mystery, a pinch of drama, a dash of kidnapping, arson and murder, and a whole lot of sexual tension. After being released from the worst prison imaginable, she was tasked with a murder she knew she could never bring herself to carry out. Stiles Stilinski, o humano sarcstico do bando McCall. Klaus inquired, clenching his fists. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Will she stay away for long or never come back like she intended? #lgbt Also, will included alternate scenes I've thought about or scenes I forgot to add. Blue eyes pierced into brown, and it was like time stopped. i only own my oc, #alaricsaltzman Hope was angry, angry that she had to lose someone else. Just chapters pure Hosie smuttiness goodness that grew into a plot that caused a lot of emotional damage. Josie is leaving the Salvatore school for the young and gifted as she wants to discover who she is without the school as its been her whole life, but is that the real reason why she plans on leaving? Forgetting some moments of your life is normal, after all, it is impossible to remember every second of your life. Niklaus Mikaelson has a deep dark secret. Instead of letting her father die she absorbed t. edwardcullen klausmikaelson soulmate +21 more # 2 Rantipole by Mrs.Bilinski 54K 1.9K 17 What if Klaus had not one but two daughters with Hayley? Readers are welcome, plagiarizers are not. Especially the dashing Pirate with a dazzling smile. The King of New Orleans with his Queen by his side. Hope Olivia Lockwood uma Hbrida - Half Dhampir, Half Werewolf, Half Witch - treinada a vida toda para proteger o melhor amigo e amante, Prncipe Real Moroi Niklaus Hendrix Labonair Mikaelson ll, uma estrela em ascenso no internato particular onde estudam. She isn't sure why, but it breaks her heart. Somewhere out there, in a world parallel to their own but not quite right, Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall were still alive. (TO A story of a daughters newfound quest for her family. Landon was to be her Knight in shining armour, her love. There will be some references to The Originals and Legacies. "When your date arrives, I will show them to the table," she said, then she turned and left. ORHope asks Josie to hook up as apart of her revenge sex plan to make Landon jealous after leaving her for another girl, but instead, Hope falls for Josie. Dark Hope Mikaelson Orgasm Delay/Denial Hope is consumed entirely by the darkness. Especially after the mark Hope left in his life. Completed hope theoriginas saltzman +16 more # 15 The Salem Heretic (ON HOLD) by weirdo 111K 2.3K 18 Josie is in a coma and when she wakes up she forgot the last 10 years of her life, including who Hope is. Hope Olivia Lockwood uma Hbrida - Half Dhampir, Half Werewolf, Half Witch - treinada a vida toda para proteger o melhor amigo e amante, Prncipe Real Moroi Niklaus Hendrix Labonair Mikaelson ll, uma estrela em ascenso no internato particular onde estudam. Call her crazy, but she somehow expected everyone to be happier. No entanto, enquanto Hope treina para ser uma guardi, um vnculo misterioso se desenvolve entre os dois amigos. I don't own Legacies or the Vampire Diaries. Until one night in mystic falls changed that. Mikaelson witches arent supposed to be or not supposed to be more powerful witches compared to other bloodlines but first born mikaelson witches are said to insanely powerful to a point where they keep losing control over their power. . . A minha famlia, os originais, foram que ergueram aquela cidade e a tornaram um lar para ns. Nik Mikaelson/Sebastian Salvatore/Hope Mikaelson. ", Or, a self-indulgent No Humanity!Hosie fic. No one in Mystic Falls knows. If Josie was the main character in The Chronicles of Narnia, it would have been seven books of her being so far in the closet without ever finding Narnia. Work Search: Lizzie Saltzman wasn't sure what to do anymore. What was she doing? Hope has a dick and her and Josie are step sistersThey fuck, don't like don't read. After swan diving into the Malivore Pit, expecting to die and reunite with her parents Hope ends up travelling through time and space ending up in the Harry Potter Universe of all things. Vampire Academy AU/The Originals/The Vampire Diaries. Or;Hope is full of dark magic, the reason for the coma were others and the kiss was, in fact, not the answer. Unfortunately, due to her interference, things didn't go according to plan. Mais Recentes | Mais populares | Mais comentadas. " She falls in love with a member of the family. In which the daughter of Elijah Mikaelson and Princess Samira Parvati Agrawal is betrayed by her own and imprisoned for several centuries. I don't own Legacies or the Vampire Diaries. Or will he save them? Yet we are damaged beyond r Y/n Martin, a werewolf/banshee, the first of her kind, leaves with the lacrosse team to Mystic Falls and stays with the Saltzman family at the Salvatore school. Hope may be the first born but she is no where near as powerful as Meadow. Ezra Mikaelson has spent his whole life running. In the coming years though, with the comfortable life Davina built through blood, sweat, tears, and magic, it has come under threat as Inadu's growing presence; which has consumed the youngest Mikaelson and spreads like a cancer through the supernatural world. Her fingertip hovers over the send button as she think it over, and it felt so wrong. Or when she is? It is not good nor bad, not lovely nor painful, but the gray area in between both. Josie Saltzman, the only one that hasn't found her mate, the most selfless person in the world. Also this is a camilla and and Klau What if Hope left Mystic Falls, like she intended to when everyone remembered her? Mature. "My name is Mikael." PS:Estou publicando essa fic na minha lngua Materna. "This should be fun.". They have a little sister. Tudo muda e ela acaba se apaixonando por dois deles (Elijah e Klaus Mikaelson), seres completamente diferentes. Now the Mikaelsons turn to the family they've scorned, pleading for aid. Josie Saltzman tem a sua vida bagunada quando a nica pessoa que pode ajudar Hope Mikaelson. Freddie Gilbert was born into the wrong body. Please consider turning it on! Letting go didn't mean Hope and Josie didn't care or love each other anymore. Part Two of the 'Reborn, Self-Insert, Time Trav A bunch of ideas, I've come up with that I know I may never get around to writing, so I'm putting them out there, in case anyone else wants to write a story with the ide That is until the idea of imprisoning her in a prison world comes to mind. Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Niklaus Mikaelson; um Hbrido Original cruel, competitivo, manipulador, territorial, com sede de poder e mesmo com essa vasta lista de adjetivos, ainda sonha com o seu grande amor do passado: A nica mulher capaz de reconciliar a violncia em seu corao. 15 Apr 2023. No entanto, enquanto Hope treina para ser uma guardi, um vnculo misterioso se desenvolve entre os dois amigos. After a while, a family comes into town, destroying everyones lives except for Alinas. The only family she had was h Lizzie does a spell with intentions of reversing Hope's humanity from ever turning off. Hope remained with her blank expression, blue eyes unmoving from the book she had opened on her lap, her free hand slowly passing a page from it, as if she didnt hear her at all. Her jaw clenched in irritation, and with hackles rising, Hope snapped back. After Rebekah took Hope away when she was less than a year old under klaus, her brother, command, she grew a bond with the littles baby. Well, she didnt say it back yet, but she kept showing it through her small touches and gestures, so Lizzie didnt mind; pros and cons of dating a no humanity tribrid, she supposed. Do they let Hope run wild or do they try to save her one more time? Josie gulps, Im a new hire. Ryan has a girlfriend and a job that he just got back. #5 - danielleroserussell Josie starts a new job working under Rebekah Mikaelson at the Mikalesons famous company , what happens when the Mikaelson heir takes a liking to her? secondly as the title already says, i am going to rewrite this fic. Jo dont do anything stupid, MG warnsIm not going to do anything stupid, Im simply going to find Hope Mikaelson.. Lizzie rolled her eyes for that, but her smirk grew when she felt Hopes hand very slowly and softly caressing the side of her hip, enough for her to feel it, but enough for her to deny it if she pointed it out. If the world is black and white, then love is gray. Freya is unable to locate Hope but they can figure out a way to see what she has been up to.The Mikaelson family and the super squad are about to see just how much of Klaus Mikaelsons daughter their favorite tribrid hero has become. Ok so I transferred my work over from wattpad because why not @anonymous13297.For most of her life, Hope has sat back and watched the world spin around her trying to fit into the picture. The aftermath of Hope's birth is a disaster. This will be in the Legacies Ship Oneshot Collection since I will be making more to add. # 1 Resfeber by Mrs.Bilinski 11.4K 554 22 In which a girl is reborn as Hope Mikaelson near the end of Legacies (When Hope turned into a vampire) and decided to give the the real Hope what she had always deserved. Her voice was knocked down an octave and she could see Josie shudder and flush red. When your date arrives, I am going to rewrite this fic her father, had been promised twelve,. A pack he would lead against Silas, the only family she had to lose someone else love other. Then love is gray bagunada quando a nica pessoa que pode ajudar Hope Mikaelson Orgasm Delay/Denial Hope is entirely. The south-side slums of Ridgeport Stilinski, o humano sarcstico do bando McCall and it so! Klau what if Hope left in his life someone else the family the most selfless person in the Ship. For long or never come back like she intended to when everyone remembered her Hayley were... 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