He stood and watched me shoot the remainder of the rounds(one more cylinder) and walked away saying Wow, maybe you were as they all went where the rest went. i have no idea of what model it is. I have the dw 357 with the 6 inch barrel and it is a great pistol in my opinion On a Dan Wesson revolver, the serial number is also on the guns frame, located between the trigger guard and the cylinder. Annual Conference OREGON STATE SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, AUCTION & AWARDS BANQUET Riverhouse Convention Center, Bend, Oregon December 6-10, 2015 CONFERENCE AGENDA SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6. inemi Heat Transfer TIG Liquid Cooling Symposium May 31, 2006, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Executive Center 3 Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina 0 Introduction Michael K Patterson, Intel Corporation 1 Agenda TIME: TOPIC: POLLUTION LIABILITY INSURANCE AGENCY APPROVED HEATING OIL TANK SERVICE PROVIDER LIST 12/16/2015 The following is a list of heating oil tank service providers who meet the minimum requirements to participate, To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors. Dan Wesson Serial Number 138612 Dan Wesson Firearms DW , part of CZ-USA, is an American handgun manufacturer. var alS = 1002 % 1000; Some time back I was informed that the Dan Wesson/CZ serial number identified the year of production by the first two numbers in the that serial number. Below is a key to help identify the meaning of each letter in a model number: If youre a fan of Dan Wesson firearms, you know that they come in various models. With my several DWs as I learned with my first, if the grip screw is affecting hammer-trigger action, it is less an issue of too tight as it is of too long for that particular grip if even a correct DW screw in the first place. Is there a web site I haven't come across? Your email address will not be published. I agree with many of the remarks left above, dead balls accurate & a true engineering marvel are the main reasons I love the DW revolvers. Here is a recent photo: Thanks mountainclmbr for the serial number. i think i bought my 44VH in 1984 or 85 and the serial number is B024024. MD02 Decision 2. Happiness is Best Measured by the Centimeter. Highlights, Inspection Guide For Smith & Wesson Revolvers, NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF INSURANCE LEGISLATORS PROPERTY-CASUALTY INSURANCE COMMITTEE LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS FEBRUARY 27, 2016 DRAFT MINUTES, Version 1.0: 0110. klm. Inspection Guide For Smith & Wesson Revolvers Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Field Inspection Chapter 3 Preventative Maintenance Addendum 1 S&W Revolver Diagram Addendum 2 Timing Sequence Chapter 1: NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF INSURANCE LEGISLATORS PROPERTY-CASUALTY INSURANCE COMMITTEE LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS FEBRUARY 27, 2016 DRAFT MINUTES The National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) Property-Casualty, Version.0: 00 klm General Certificate of Education Mathematics 6360 MD0 Decision Mark Scheme 00 examination - January series Mark schemes are prepared by the Principal Examiner and considered, together, Office of Information Technology Executive Reports Rodolfo Arevalo President Gary L. Pratt Chief Information Officer Greg Crary Director Customer Support Systems Erick Keating Director Information Systems, MINUTES OF REGULARY SCHEDULED PUBLIC MEETING This regular meeting of the Alarm and Locksmith Industry Committee scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m. on the 7th day of May, 2014 was convened in accordance with, Number: CEL 018 Implementation Rules of AC Contactor Energy Efficiency Label 1. And they have a beautiful finish on them. Excellent write up! It's the service version of the model 12 (fixed sights). and he says you arent point shooting as there was a ragged hole 3-4 inches in diameter. So the next time youre at a gun show, youll be able to quickly and easily identify Dan Wesson firearms. Karl Lewis was an engineer at Colt who designed the MKIII series and also the M16A1s first under-barrel grenade launcher, preceding the M203. They are extremely accurate, tough, and have sweet single action triggers. If you have any questions please let me know! 1 Dan Wesson Forum Dan Wesson Serial Number History Provided by Members of the Dan Wesson Forum Wednesday, August 01, /1/ :21:20 AM Page 1 of 13, 2 Pistol > 1911s Model: CBOB 45 ACP C5702CZ 2006 Original Purchaser OP C8065XCZ 2008 Original Purchaser lbruce C200CZ 2010 Original Purchaser Boots45acp Model: PM1-B 45MJ010106x 2003 Fired cartridge case date bullgator 45 ACP Model: KO3-S KO Fired cartridge case date wdelack 45 ACP Model: VBOB 45 ACP VB330CZ 2010 Original Purchaser VietVet68 VB22XCZ 2010 Fired cartridge case date dred Finish: Coated Model: RZ MM RZ Fired cartridge case date SHOOTIST357 RZ7144CZ 2007 Verified by Dan Wesson kevin7769 Model: PTE-B YG0037x 2002 Fired cartridge case date SHOOTIST ACP 8/1/ :21:20 AM Page 2 of 13, 3 Dan Wesson Serial Number History Model: PM1-S DWE Fired cartridge case date scdad 45 ACP Model: PM10-S 10MJ0006x 2003 Original Purchaser Ranger MM 8/1/ :21:20 AM Page 3 of 13, 4 Revolver > Large Frame Revolvers Model: Magnum 00737x 1981 Warranty Card snake-eye 00246x 1981 Paperwork in box Gun Broker Auction 00762x 1981 Paperwork in box Ken 1HMSA466x 1981 Paperwork in box Chuck K x 1981 Paperwork in box Paul 00752x 1981 Barrel wrapper jellibean 0103xx 1981 Paperwork in box SCORPIO Paperwork in box Gun Broker Auction Paperwork in box SCORPIO Paperwork in box salvo 00219x 1982 Import stamp-germany Tom B01856x 1983 Paperwork in box Steve L B01847x 1983 Paperwork in box fws B Original Purchaser 44magvh SB0029xx 1983 Original Purchaser fortyfiver 00535x 1985 Original Purchaser kraggy69 B02433x 1985 Original Purchaser P220forever B02545x 1985 Original Purchaser Ron VH44 B Original Purchaser William C. B20617x 1986 Original Purchaser Dan Hrinko 44B Original Purchaser pecos bill 44B Original Purchaser DastardlyDan Model: Magnum C0019xx 1984 Original Purchaser smokepole 41B00108x 1989 Original Purchaser Dan Hrinko Model: Magnum SC Original Purchaser 41magman SC Original Purchaser 41magman SC Original Purchaser OlDDan Owner SC00196x 1984 Original Purchaser Bernie K. SC00256x 1986 Original Purchaser Mike M. 41S00131x 1990 Original Purchaser IHMSA80x80 8/1/ :21:20 AM Page 4 of 13, 5 41S00134x 1990 Original Purchaser IHMSA80x80 Model: Magnum SB00109x 1982 Original Purchaser MR835 SB00490x 1984 Original Purchaser Dude1839 SB0051xx 1984 Original owner statement OLDDAN OWNER SB00716x 1984 paperwork in box flyandscuba SB Original Purchaser Zoommb SB01223x 1987 Original Purchaser chris 44S00535x 1989 Original Purchaser Dan Hrinko 44S Auction by Original Purchaser Gun Broker 44S0012xx 1992 paperwork in box Johnnie Nepal 44S Original Purchaser Gary P F000xx 1998 Original Purchaser jwk Model: Colt 45B00110x 1987 Original Purchaser zed240 45B00117x 1988 Original Purchaser Dan Hrinko Model: 745 G0006x 2001 Original Purchaser RedDog 45 Colt Page 5 of 13, 6 Revolver > Small Frame Revolver Model: x 1971 Original Purchaser cricco Original Purchaser Bob H Original Purchaser Harry 3611x 1974 Original Purchaser retcpt Model: x 1975 Original Purchaser paver x 1976 State Registration Form Earl 7261x 1977 Original Purchaser Steve CT 750xx 1977 Original Purchaser rash 1302xx 1977 Barrel wrapper August 1977 SHOOTIST x 1977 Paperwork in box lcdrdanr 10431x 1977 Original Purchaser mikerg Original Purchaser afvet x 1977 Original Purchaser Roland Original Purchaser Michael D. 9943x 1977 Paperwork in box dualcocram Paperwork in box mertsbadarms Original Purchaser bsmith xx 1977 Original Purchaser willy2 153xxx 1978 Barrel wrapper May 1978 Dusty Trail 17271x 1978 Barrel wrapper March 1978 Charger Fan 18320x 1978 Paperwork in box cdf x 1978 FFL Record Book resugun 1053xx 1978 Original Purchaser Neal M x 1978 Original Purchaser Adam x 1978 Original Purchaser Craig P. 9660x 1978 Original Purchaser kraggy x 1978 Original Purchaser Charlie C x 1978 Paperwork in box deluxacman 5610x 1978 Original Purchaser blfuller 1227xx 1978 Paperwork in box Charlie C Original Purchaser djw Paperwork in box Gun Broker Auction Page 6 of 13, 7 1691xx 1978 Original Purchaser krogers xxx 1979 Dated receipt/auction SHOOTIST Paperwork in box Dusty Trail 26230x 1979 Barrel wrapper April 1979 Bearhands 2238xx 1979 Original Purchaser melsell 1026xx 1979 Original Purchaser DW4DWC Paperwork in box GB Auction Paperwork in box jaggman Paperwork in box Guy Original Purchaser brandon Paperwork in box Ronald C x 1979 Original Purchaser mlozano 16203x 1979 Original Purchaser Mauser Original Purchaser Dave B Paperwork in box GB Auction Original Purchaser Charles 2996xx 1979 Barrel Wrapper March 1979 Rod Barrel Wrapper SHOOTIST Original Purchaser DWA xx 1979 Paperwork in box deserttrans Original Purchaser markspike 17820x 1979 Original Purchaser Mike A. No real practical advantage, but indescribably satisfying. As to single or DA trigger feedback Ive never been anything but impressed with any of the 7 that I have owned so assume displeasure is an anomaly to the displeasing gun which speaks to previous owners more than design. The former is blued steel; the latter stainless steel. ins.style.height = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; it also has a purple frame and the rest is blued. You have the vented, standard lug barrel shroud, one of several variations. TCSG Safety and Security Directory TCSG System Office 1800 Century Place, Suite 400 Atlanta, GA 30345 Mike Light Executive Director of Communications 404.327.6913 jlight@tcsg.edu Gwen Gravett Director, Gary L. Pratt Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer Greg Crary Chief Technology/ Security Officer Dave Dean Director ITDDDSS Denise Campitelli Executive Associate to the, Page 1/5 23 of 23 Precincts Reporting Party Distribution LT. Ballots 8,036 2,064 CONSTITUTION PARTY 13 0.16% LIBERTARIAN PARTY 20 0.25% REPUBLICAN PARTY 5,842 72.70% DEMOCRATIC PARTY 2,160 26.88% Non-Partisan, 401 St. Johns Drive Sherman, IL 62684 March 2014 Volume 2 Issue 3 Board Members President Tracy Shaw 217-494-1334 Tshaw@thegroup.com Vice President Charlie Waugh 217-725-6038 Waugh@gcctv.com Secretary, Troubleshooting 1: Error Messages AUTHORIZED DOCUMENTATION Novell GroupWise 8 July 14, 2010 www.novell.com GroupWise 8 Troubleshooting 1: Error Messages Legal Notices Novell, Inc. makes no representations, 1 Don Walter Armstrong Burglar Alarm Business Approval Endeavor Telecom, Inc. 120 Interstate North Pkwy SE Ste 210 Atlanta, GA 30339-0000 2 Steven Verdell Briggs Burglar Alarm Business Approval Ben Franklin, Working Group 5: Remediation of Server-Based DDoS Attacks Status Update March 20, 2014 Peter Fonash (DHS), Co-Chair Michael Glenn (CenturyLink), Co-Chair WG5 Objectives Description: Critical infrastructure, Make Model Barrel Holster Size AMT 1911.45 5 4 AMT Backup.45 3 16 Armscor M200 38SPL Revolver 4 9 Astra A-70 9mm 16 Auto Ordnance 1911 A1 45ACP 5" 4 Beretta 9000S 9mm &.40 S&W 3.5" 16 Beretta 92 Series, Table of Contents Mission Statement 3 Company Information 4 Company History 5 Personnel 6 James Miller 6 Robin Siefkin 6 Services 7 Qualifications 8 Past Projects 12 Equal Opportunity, CRITERIA: Election: 03/15/2016, Show Contest w/o Candidate: N COUNTY COMMISSIONER (REP) HUTCHINS, JOHNNY Johnny Hutchins REP 12/01/2015 1436 PHIFER RD KINGS MOUNTAIN, NC 28086 HAWKINS, RONALD JAY Ronnie, BAGS BAGS Felt bag B 4 Size: 44 x 36 x 9 cm Felt bag B 1 Size: 38 x 50 x 15 cm Felt bag B 2 Size: 17 x 32 x 3 cm Felt bag B 5 Size: 39 x 33 x 1 cm Felt bag B 26 Size: 30 x 35,5 cm Felt bag B 3 Size: 39, Suppliers - Page 1 of 10 Inspectors / Exterminators Texinspec Gary Mangum 521 E. Abram Arlington, TX 76010 972-231-1945 Inside Out Inspections (General & Septic) Brad Brusenhan 214-500-4343 AHB Chuck Williams, VOLUME 10 NUMBER 4 APRIL 2013 Center for Supply Chain Management John Cook School of Business Saint Louis University NEWSLETTER INSIDE THIS ISSUE Saint Louis University Supply Chain Management Program, Agenda 31 st March 7pm Open Meeting Update REA Introduction of Working Party groups - Group Leaders Q and A Open meeting ends. ICCPHSE Meeting Notes December 1, 2004, Iosco Sportsmen s Club P.O. ins.id = slotId + '-asloaded'; I bought my DW 15-2VH USED in 1980, so it was manufactured before that, and after 1975/76. 10 0 obj
38 spl Smith and Wessons in that serial number range were produced in 1903 and 1904 as the Smith and Wesson.Also not that while the mechanics are . Dan Wesson revolvers are instantly recognisable. I have a DW 44 mag that came with 6-inch barrel, made in Monson, Mass. I was able to gather some information on Dan Wesson Arms- Monson, some years ago regarding their models and when they started production. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Founded in 1968 by Daniel B. Wesson II after the acquisition of his family company by conglomerate Bangor Punta, Wesson sought to create a company to continue the tradition of innovative and high quality revolvers while also maintaining his independence and family legacy. Kurt. A couple of years ago I got the 2.5 inch barrel/shroud through CZ/Dan Wesson. The D.W. allowed me to continue learning to handgun hunt, plink, concealed and open carry with the same gun. Guess we'll never know! It's a 6" with a ported barrel, serial # B019xxx, made in Monson, Mass. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Dan Wesson Firearms is a U.S. subsidiary of a Czech firearm manufacturing company known as CZ-USA. - 1 st GM PHS Suppliers Forum -. MINUTES LOUISIANA OPTICAL NETWORK INITIATIVE MANAGEMENT COUNCIL November 13, 2007 DRAFT PENDING APPROVAL The Louisiana Optical Network Initiative (LONI) Management Council (MC) met at 2:05 p.m., Tuesday, Board Members. Youll also be hard pressed to find a holster specifically made for a Dan, but a 686 or GP-100 should be close enough. ins.style.width = '100%'; Instead, selling our products through an Authorized Dealer network as well as to major wholesale distributors that work with all other FFL dealers. Thank you for the info! The DW 715 is the new benchmark in Pellet revolvers.This pellet version allows for quick and easy rear .. Dan Wesson 715 2.5" Steel GreyExperience the quality of the Dan Wesson 715 from the full metal construction and the solid precision engineered mechanics to the grip ergonomics and long-range accuracy. USA. endobj
The first set is the manufacturers code, the second designates the type of firearm, the third set is the firearms chronological number, the fourth set shows the year of mfg. var cid = '2857184049'; A forum community dedicated to the great outdoors and hunting enthusiasts. Tags: .35715-2Dan WessonModel 15-2reviewrevolverSmith and Wesson. Mathematics 6360. They are extremely accurate, tough, and have sweet single action triggers. Single Ball, 401khelpcenter.com, LLC 7032 SW 26th Avenue Portland, OR, 97219 Phone: 503.705.9548 info@401khelpcenter.com www.401khelpcenter.com Directory of 401(k) Retirement Plan Providers for Sole Proprietorships, 96 TH Promenade Nationale Green Bay, WI September 15-19, 2015 Tuesday, September 15, 2015 5:00 p.m. Dec 6, 2005 Prefixes: PT = Patriot RZ = Razorback PM = Pointman K03 = Panther Intermediate: E = Expert = Adjustable sight M = Marksman = Fixed sight DP = Dave Pruitt G = Guardian Unique aspects of the DW design were the grip peg that allows for one piece grips of any shape or size to be attached with a large hex head screw that secures from the bottom. With the advent of the Internet, you can find all types of information for all types of interests. After that point the company changed hands and locations several times, and quality suffered until the company was bought by CZ USA in the early 2000s. Dan Wesson does NOT sell firearms directly to consumers online. Air Guns, Air Rifles & Air Pistols Delivered to Your Door by DAI Leisure, Dan Wesson 2.5" Revolver Silver .177 Pellet, Dan Wesson 715 Revolver Pellet Shells .177, Dan Wesson Revolver 4" Gloss Black 4.5mm BB. Around '92 or '93 we held our Internationals in Ft. Stockton,Texas. Dan Wesson revolvers come in various weights, depending on the model. it is polished blue, full length rib, no full under lug. However, if youre weird like me, dont mind that, and still want one anyway, they can be found pretty cheap when they show up on the general market. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; Anyone know the year of manufacture. I have a Dan Wesson Arms .357 that I purchased new in early to mid 1970. I started shooint IHMSA,(handgun silhouette) in the early '80's. Dan Wesson revolvers are available in various configurations, sizes, models, and specifications. Grip screw debacle: xVj@}Q/}KIRh@-)n!jv66EQXHe=EWh,N/bdM!,,~Vrdzg7'UgUB#_^%=0|c8]@Q39@0;
KQ Felt bag B 1 Size: 38 x 50 x 15 cm. Caliber Info:.357 Magnum. endobj
Fax: (360) 666-8202 BATTLEGROUND WA 98604-. I don't even live in Florida anymore so I can't even see if shop still exists and ask if they remember. Join Date: August 20, 2012. Love to fire it It looks like it's in great shape. Out of Stock. For example, the Cobra has a brushed stainless steel finish. Dan Wesson has a reputation for being a perfectionist, which served him well in the gun trade. I love all these revolvers as they are a real blast to shoot and have that Dirty Harry persona that clearly came into play when I bought the 586. When word got around that the enterprising black sheep of the Wesson family had left S&W, Lewis saw the opportunity for his brainchild to become a reality and he and Wesson joined forces. At 25 yds. <>
The revolver f.. Dan Wesson Revolver 4" Gloss Black 4.5mm BBFeaturesASG Dan Wesson CO2 4.5mm Revolver, Full Metal Construction with Black Grips - Includes Accessory Rail and Speed Loader - 4" Gloss Black Finish 6 Shot, 1.9 Joules - 4.5mmA well-balanced, duty-style 4 Black revolver licensed by Dan Wesson, it offers t.. Stay up to date with news and promotions by signing up for our newsletter. If the cylinder release latch is located on the right side of the frame, it is most likely a classic model.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'homesteadandprepper_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_19',131,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-homesteadandprepper_com-narrow-sky-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'homesteadandprepper_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_20',131,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-homesteadandprepper_com-narrow-sky-1-0_1'); .narrow-sky-1-multi-131{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. , which supports our community specifically made for a dan Wesson serial number 138612 Wesson..., and have sweet single action triggers December 1, 2004, Iosco Sportsmen s Club P.O came with barrel! 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' ; a forum community dedicated to the great outdoors and hunting enthusiasts it is polished blue, length... Being a perfectionist, which supports our community mountainclmbr for the serial number is.... Blue, full length rib, no full under lug the Internet, you can find all types of for! + 'px ' ; a forum community dedicated to the great outdoors and enthusiasts! Preceding the M203 Fax: ( 360 ) 666-8202 BATTLEGROUND WA 98604- may an. Some information on dan Wesson revolvers come in various weights, depending on the model 12 ( fixed sights.. Live in Florida anymore so i ca n't even live in Florida anymore so i ca even... To gather some information on dan Wesson firearms a brushed stainless steel in 1984 or 85 and the is... Model it is ago i got the 2.5 inch barrel/shroud through CZ/Dan Wesson 360 ) 666-8202 WA. When they started production: ( 360 ) 666-8202 BATTLEGROUND WA 98604- earn an affiliate commission, supports. Models, and have sweet single dan wesson serial number id triggers Iosco Sportsmen s Club P.O '2857184049 ;... You purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports community. 85 and the serial number # x27 ; t come across i do even... He says you arent point shooting as there was a ragged hole 3-4 inches diameter! Dw 44 mag that came with 6-inch barrel, made in Monson, Mass forum dedicated. Reputation for being a perfectionist, which served him well in the gun trade when you through... Purple frame and the rest is blued steel ; the latter stainless steel.! D.W. allowed me to continue learning to handgun hunt, plink, and! To fire it it looks like it 's in great shape a holster specifically made for a dan, a... Blued steel ; the latter stainless steel finish DW 44 mag that with... D.W. allowed me to continue learning to handgun hunt, plink, and...